Course date: Thursday, 16:00-17:30, room 4
book: New Headway Pre-Intermediate, Fourth Edition
teacher: Martina Ulrichová,, phone number 732118712
Datumář: here
CD poslechy k učebnicím HEADWAY
Oxford dictionary – ke kontrole výslovnosti
Homework for January 23rd
Drills: 29,66,69,71 + 67 (good job:)
How long have you…? put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (handout)
Find and correct a mistake in this sentence: She has a great sense for humour. Má skvělý smysl pro humor.
SB page 56/Frieda Hoffmann /ex 3- put the questions on the correct line
New vocabulary: water slide (skluzavka, tobogán),headquarters (centrála, sídlo), regional authority (krajský úřad), once upon a time (bylo , nebylo), be on a diet (držet dietu), hood (kapuce), childhood (dětství)
Marta, welcome to our group. Can´t wait to see you soon:)
Homework for January 16th
Drills: 29,66,69,71 + 67
questions 7.1
SB page 55/practice/2 – match, ex.3- complete the sentences.
WB page 39/ ex. 6 -complete with for, since, or ago, ex. 7- choose the correct answer. (handout)
Find and correct a mistake in this sentence:There is a toboggan in Uherský Brod. V Uherském Brodě je tobogán. (v akvaparku)
New vocabulary: sober (střízlivý), stitch (steh), stuffed (nacpaný, přejedený), calorie bomb (kalorická bomba), barley (ječmen), put down (utratit, uspat zvíře), mouse- mice (myš, myši), louse- lice (veš, vši), passer-by (kolemjdoucí), three quarters of an hour (tři čtvrtě hodiny), a couple of weeks (pár týdnů)
Such a nice lesson:) Have a relaxing week.
Homework for January 9th
Drills: 29,66,69,71 + 67
if you want to watch something funny:)
New vocabulary – voluntary: tomcat (kocour), spine (páteř), paw (packa), condensed milk (kondenzované mléko), press photographer (fotoreportér), philosopher (filozof), historian (historik), receptionist (recepční)
Wishing you a white Christmas! (And when you run out of white, just open a bottle of red). See you in 2025.
Homework for December 19th
Drills: 29,66,69,71 + 67
New vocabulary: dehydrator (sušička – jídla), thicken (zahustit), vomit, throw up (zvracet), mistletoe (jmelí), carol (koleda), punch (punč), coal (uhlí), crib (jesličky), carp (kapr), out of order (mimo provoz), pickle (nálev, lák z okurek), rob a bank (vyloupit, přepadnout banku)
Thanks for coming and the lovely presents. Have yourself a merry little Christmas. Ladies, see you next week:) Bring the book, pls.
Homework for December 12th (Christmas party:)
Drills: 29,66,69,71 + 67 (new)
clean, clear, pure- circle the correct option (handout)
New vocabulary: picky (vybíravý), headquarters (centrála, sídlo např. firmy), teach- taught-taught (učit někoho něco), learn (učit se), journey (cesta), gastric flu (střevní chřipka), ray (rejnok)
Can´t wait to see you soon:)
Homework for December 5th
Drills: 29,66,69,71,78
questions 6.12
Find and correct a mistake in this sentence: You learnt me that wrong. (naučil jsi mě to špatně)
New vocabulary: diarrhoea (průjem), skyscraper (mrakodrap), chewing gum (žvýkačka), tap/faucet (kohoutek), temple (chrám), root (kořen), tourist guide (turistický průvodce), demanding (náročný), feel like doing sth. (mít chuť něco dělat)
confusing words: desert, dessert (poušť, zákusek), beer x bear (pivo, medvěd), soup x soap (polévka, mýdlo), dairy x diary (mléčný např. výrobek , deník), couch, coach (gauč, kouč), pillow x cushion (polštář na spaní x dekorativní polštář), chair, stool (židle x barová židlička), lighting x lightning (osvětlení, blesk)
extra: durian /ˈdʊriən/
Such a nice lesson:))) See you all next time:)
Homework for November 28th
Drills: 66,69,71,78+ 29
questions 6.10
Find and correct a mistake in this sentence: Our water battery has broken. (Naše vodovodní baterie se pokazila)
New vocabulary: batch (dávka), doll (panenka), civics (občanská nauka), helicopter (vrtulník, helikoptéra), stable (stáj), bring up (vychovat dítě), pain (bolest), bad luck (smůla), What´s on? (co je na programu, co dávají?), suitable for (vhodný pro), pottery (keramika), pharaoh (faraon), fairy (víla), development (vývoj), come alive (obživnout), violence (násilí), hearth- breaking story (srdcervoucí příběh)
voluntary vocab: reeds (rákosí)
Thanks for coming and your positive energy. Can´t wait to see you next Thurs.
Homework for November 14th= November 21st
Drills: 66,69,71,78+ 29
questions 6.9
Find and correct a mistake in this sentence: Tom has just made a record! Tom právě udělal rekord!
New vocabulary: imagination (představivost, fantazie), modest (skromný), enemy (nepřítel), characteristic, personality trait (vlastnost), wallpaper (tapeta), tidy up (uklidit, dát do pořádku), naughty (zlobivý), miserable (nešťastný), obedient (poslušný), horsefly (ovád), horseradish (křen), horse opera (western), horseshoe (podkova), horsehair (žíně), please sb. (zavděčit se někomu)
Such an intensive lesson:)) Have a wonderful week:)
Homework for November 7th
Drills: 66,69,71,78+ 29
questions 6.8
SB page 52/4 – think of another word/words for the adjectives (write synonyms)
SB page 52/7 – write opposites of the adjectives
Find and correct a mistake in this sentence: She has no fantasy. (nemá žádnou fantazii)
New vocabulary: focus on sth. (pozornost, soustředění se na co), to focus (zaměřit se), just because (prostě proto), more or less (víceméně), confused (zmatený), confident (sebevědomý), shy (stydlivý), find out (zjistit), because of sth. (kvůli něčemu)
I hope you enjoyed the lesson with my colleague:) Have a good one:)
Homework for October 31st
Drills: 66,69,71,78+ 29
questions 6.8
SB page 52/4 – think of another word/words for the adjectives (write synonyms)
SB page 52/7 – write opposites of the adjectives
Find and correct a mistake in this sentence: She has no fantasy. (nemá žádnou fantazii)
New vocabulary: health centre (poliklinika), nail (nehet), twisted ankle (vymknutý kotník), chord (akord), out of tune (falešně), tone-deaf (bez hudebního sluchu), stepmother (nevlastní matka, macecha), foster parents (pěstouni), godfather (kmotr), great-granddaughter (pravnučka), bench (lavička), walking stick (vycházková hůl), tiny (maličký), annoyed (naštvaný), wealthy (majetný), be fed up with (mít něčeho plné zuby), pleased (potěšený)
Such a nice lesson, as always:)) Stay awesome:)
Homework for October 24th
Drills: 66,69,71,78+ 29
Find and correct a mistake in this sentence: He played a false acord. (zahrál falešný akord)
New vocabulary: practice makes perfect. (cvičení dělá mistra), lose one´s sight (oslepnout), hug (obejmout), CV (životopis), dove (hrdlička), moldy (plesnivý), enormous shock (enormní šok), awful (strašný), serve food (servírovat jídlo), thankful (vděčný), patient (pacient, trpělivý), better (zlepšit), fall in love (zamilovat se)
basic x advanced English-voluntary: I don´t understand =Beats me , Good luck = Break a leg. (hodně štěstí), I´m listening = I´m all ears. (poslouchám, jsem jedno velké ucho), I fell asleep= I nodded off, (usnul jsem), How are you? = How is it going? , I´m hungry = I´m starving. (mám hrozný hlad), I´m very busy= I´m swamped., Hurry up = chop – chop (pospěš si, šup-šup), Give it a try = Give it a shot (Zkusit to, prubnout to)
Thanks for the lovely stories. I´m all ears to hear some more ones:)) See ya.
Homework for October 17th
Drills: 66,69,71,78+ 29
questions 6.7
Find and correct a mistake in this sentence: Practise makes perfect.
SB page 51/read about Luz-Elena Lamprea and Mehul Shah, look up new words
New vocabulary: football kit (fotbalový dres), parasol (bedla), bolete /bəˈliːt/ (hřib), traffic sign (dopravní značka), production line (výrobní linka), artificial intelligence = AI (umělá inteligence), half board (polopenze), miss sb. (postrádat někoho, chybět), surrounded by (obklopen), settled (zabydlený)
That was such a funny lesson:) Thanks for your positive energy:)
Homework for October 10th
Drills: 66,69,71,78+ 29
questions 6.6
Find and correct a mistake in this sentence: On one side I like him, but on the other side, he is so selfish.
SB page 51/read about Ming Liang Chen, look up new words
Do the test like x as (like – srovnávám něco x as – vyjádření role, funkce, zaměstnání..) here
New vocabulary: assemble, put together (sestavit, smontovat), lover (milenec), count on sb. (spolehnout se na někoho), caraway (kmín), moody (náladový), kingfisher (ledňáček), bring up (vychovat – děti), globe (svět, globus), side by side (bok po boku), florist´s shop (květinářství), citizen (státní příslušník), thought (myšlenka), society (společnost), honest (upřímný, poctivý, čestný), hot potato (ožehavé téma), couch potato (pecivál), mouse potato (počítačový maniak), jacket potato (brambor pečený ve slupce), couch potato (gaučák, pecivál)
Have a flewless week. Can´t wait to see next Thursday.
Homework for October 3rd
Drills: 66,69,71,78+ 29
questions 6.5
SB page 50/1 – Put the qualities in order of importance for you + read the introduction +the article about Burkan Mehmet, look up new words
Find and correct a mistake in this sentence: You can count with her. = můžeš s ní počítat, spolehnout se
New vocabulary: split up (rozejít se), job interview (pracovní pohovor), admire (obdivovat), palm (palma), weak spot (slabé místo), nosy (vlezlý), flatter (lichotit), preserve (zavařovat, konzervovat)
homophones: deer x dear (vysoká zvěř x milý), sea x see (moře x vidět), son x sun (syn x slunce), pair x pear (pár x hruška), flower x flour (květina x mouka), heal x heel (léčit se x pata), night x knight (noc x rytíř)
Thanks a lot for such a funny lesson, I always enjoy it:))) Have a nice Indian summer:)
Homework for summer: RELAX:))
Drills: 66,69,71,78+ 29
New vocabulary- voluntary: ancestor (předek), host family (hostující rodina), tribe (kmen např. domorodců) x tripe (dršťky), volunteer (dobrovolník), scapular (škapulíř), vomit (zvracet), rug (kobereček), tomcat (kocour)
Thanks for the present and all lessons we had, I enjoyed it very much. Have marvellous summertime:)))
Homework for June 27th (our last lesson)
Drills: 66,69,71,78+ 29
Go through the vocab we have learnt during this trimester. Make 4 questions for your classmates and 1 for me . Use the words you picked.
New vocabulary: attend (navštěvovat, účastnit se, chodit do), attendant (obsluha), restroom attendant (hajzlbabka), attender (účastník), early/late bird (ranní ptáče, sova), For how long? (na jak dlouho?), shave (holit se)
Have a magical week including St. John´s Eve. Yours. M.
Homework for June 20th
Drills: 66,69,71,78+ 29
questions 6.3
SB page 49/2 listen to the people and complete the chart.
New vocabulary: flood (povodeň), draft (průvan), thick/thin hair (husté, řídké vlasy), bully sb. (šikanovat někoho), foolproof (blbuvzdorný, jednoduchý), exceptionally (vyjímečně), bald (plešatý), bold (odvážný), ambitious (ambiciózní), financial advisor (finanční poradce), messy (nepořádný), tidy (pořádkumilovný), moody (náladový), kind (milý), selfish (sobecký), shy (plachý, stydlivý), cheerful (veselý, radostný), In what ways? (jakým způsobem?), humid (vlhký o počasí)
Have a nice weekend filled with sunshine:)
Homework for June 13th
Drills: 66,69,71,78+ 29 (new)
questions 6.2
SB page 47/comparatives and superlatives- listen and complete (The city, Business, Buildings and people….)
New vocabulary: It looks inviting (vypadá to lákavě), napkin (ubrousek), cuisine /kwɪˈziːn/ (kuchyně- pokrmy), childhood (dětství), musician (hudebník), just (pouze, jen), good- better- the best (dobrý, lepší nejlepší), bad-worse-the worst (špatný, horší, nejhorší), little-less-the least (málo, méně, nejméně- with uncountable nouns), few-fewer-the fewest (málo, méně, nejméně- with countable nouns), suslik (sysel)
Thank you for the delicious desserts and the sparkling wine. Take care.
Homework for June 6th
Drills: 66,71,78+ 69 (new)
questions 6.1
New vocabulary: stall (prodejní stánek), Speak up , please. (mluv hlasitěji, prosím), shot of … (panák alkoholu), refuse (odmítnout), library (knihovna), librarian (knihovník), solution (řešení), invite (pozvat), bracelet (náramek), cushion (polštářek), hydroelectric plant (vodní elektrárna) /ˌhaɪdrəʊɪˈlektrɪk/
Thanks for the funny lesson and enjoy the weekend. See ya.
Homework for May 30th
Drills: 66,71,78 (you will need drill 69 very soon)
fill in 5.6 print and complete
New vocabulary: on all fours (na všech čtyřech), on a daily basis (každodenně), on fire (vést si dobře), on schedule (podle plánu, přesně načas, v termínu), rosemary (rozmarýn), marjoram (majoránka), basil (bazalka), steep (strmý- např. kopec), ASAP=as soon as possible (co nejdříve), it is known for (je známý čím), lover of sth. (milovník něčeho např. lover of music- milovník hudby), mine (důl), flow (proudit, téci e.g. river)
Keep it up. You are on fire:)
Homework for May 23rd
Drills: 66,71,78
noodles 5.12
bring x take – circle the correct option (handout)
snakes and ladders – complete the squares (handout)
New vocabulary: come to my mind (napadnout), native speaker (rodilý mluvčí), lock (zamknout), poor thing (chudáček), wireless (bezdrátový), ladder (žebřík), billion (miliarda), trillion (bilion)
Have a fantastic week and see you soon:)
Homework for May 16th
Drills: 66,71,78
noodles 5.10
SB page 45/5 prepare your answers
New vocabulary: half an hour (půl hodiny), hall (hala, sál), volume (hlasitost), electrician (elektrikář), wire (drát), survive (přežít), parsnip (pastiňák), cellar (sklep), I doubt it (pochybuji o tom), I think so. (Myslím, že ano), I don´t think so (Myslím, že ne), No chance. (Bez šance), Anything is possible (Vše je možné), Capricorn (Kozoroh), Aquarius (Vodnář), can´t afford (nemoci si finančně dovolit), definitely not (určitě ne), might, may, perhaps (možná), doubt (pochybnost), certainty (jistota), bet (vsadit se)
We had such nice chit-chat today:))) Stay awesome:)
Homework for May 9th
Drills: 66,71,78
noodles 5.9
New vocabulary: put out (uhasit – oheň), melt (tát), miserable (nešťastný, utrápený), oat (oves), barley (ječmen), obey (poslouchat – např. rodiče), mate (pářit se), expect /ɪkˈspekt/ (očekávat) x accept əkˈsept/ (akceptovat), run out of sth. (spotřebovat, dojít), fall out with sb. (pohádat se s), get on well with sb. (vycházet s někým dobře), pick up sth. (pochytit- dovednosti)
English is a beautiful language, but sometimes tricky:))) Keep up the good work:))
Homework for May 2nd
Drills: 66,71,78
fill in 5.5 print and complete
SB page 44/4 – match the phrases with the pictures ,ex. 5 complete with phrasal verbs from exercise 4, ex. 6 complete the sentences with one of phrasal verbs on page 44
New vocabulary: funfair (pouť), merry-go- round (kolotoč), give up (vzdát to), expect (očekávat), moth (můra), passion (vášeň), bin (odpadkový koš, popelnice), genre /ˈʒɑːnrə/ žánr, earthworm (žížala), get on/ off the bus (nastoupit/vystoupit z autobusu) x get in/ out of the car (nastoupit, vystoupit z auta)
Great job again:))) Have a wonderful weekend:)
Homework for April 25th
Drills: 71,66 + 78 (new)
questions 5.8
SB page 44/3 complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs from ex. 2
New vocabulary: weed (plevel, odplevelit), bud (pupen, poupě), drawer (šuplík), What drives you crazy? (Co tě přivádí k šílenství? ), shelf- shelves (polička, poličky), willing (ochotný), pram (kočárek), salted caramel (slaný karamel), cone (kornoutek), tub of ice cream (vanička- kelímek zmrzliny), chit-chat (povídání), willy-nilly (halabala, bez ladu a skladu), dilly- dally (loudat se), knick-knack (tretka, serepetička), take off (vysléci si), put on (obléci si), lie down (lehnout si),pay back (vrátit peníze), throw away (vyhodit), try on (vyzkoušet- oblečení), look for (hledat), turn off (vypnout), turn round (otočit se), pick up (zvednout)
Perfect work, nice energy:) What else should I wish for? See you soon.
Homework for April 18th
Drills: 71,80,66
7.2 Subject questions print and translate
SB page 44/1 – complete the senteces with a word from the box. Use a dictionary to help you:)
New vocabulary: wardrobe (skříň), take early retirement (jít do předčasného důchodu), layabout (flákač), simplify (zjednodušit), dryer (sušička), hit (narazit), pedestrian crossing (přechod pro chodce), sow-sowed- sown (sít), sew-sewed, sewn (šít), sewing machine (šicí stroj), sow (sau)- prasnice, lettuce (hlávkový salát),
Your English is getting better and better! Have lovely spring days:)
Homework for April 11th
Drills: 71,80,66
noodles page 40-41 print and translate
New vocabulary: raincoat (pláštěnka), in comparision with ( v porovnání s), substance (látka, substance), coriander (koriandr), caraway (kmín), nutmeg (muškátový oříšek), bad habit (zlozvyk), bookbinder (knihař), entrance exams (přijímačky), calligraphy (krasopis), row /rəʊ/ (řada, veslovat), row /raʊ/ (hádka)
Thanks for the funny lesson. Can´t wait to see you next time:)
Homework for April 4th
Drills: 71,80,93, 66
Make four lovely questions for your classmates. Use the new vocab we have learnt during this trimester:)
SB page 41/5 will you, won´t you- match A with B e.g. I think you will pass your driving test. You won´t fail again.
New vocabulary: Maundy Thursday (Zelený čtvrtek), Good Friday (Velký pátek), Holy Saturday (Bílá sobota), Easter Sunday, Monday (Velikonoční neděle,pondělí), juniper (jalovec), own (vlastní), drunken (opilý – věčně), sailor (námořník), apply for (ucházet se o , žádat o -např. práci, hlásit se na školu atd.), supper (večeře), shave (holit), rusty (rezavý), razor (břitva), sober (střízlivý), hosepipe (hadice), carry (nést)
Happy EASTER:)))
Homework for March 21st
Drills: 71,80,93,97 + 66 (new)
noodles 5.3
SB page 40/1 match the questions with an answer from Pete and from Debbie. e.g. 1) What are you doing this evening? Pete: d) I´m meeting my brother for a drink. Debbie h) Nothing much….
New vocabulary: high heels (boty na vysokém podpatku), performance (představení), cold frame (pařeniště), greenhouse (skleník), daffodil (narcis), catkins (kočičky), primrose (petrklíč), homesick (stýskající po domově), improve (zlepšit), delighted (potěšený), current (nynější, současný), yawn (zívat)
Your English is getting better and better:)) Can´t wait to see you soon:)
Homework for March 14th
Drills: 80,93,97 + 71
noodles 5.6
New vocabulary: Pisces (Ryby), sign (znamení), lecturer (přednášející), siblings (sourozenci), do my best (dělat to nejlepší, co můžu), relationship (vztah), goods (zboží), play gooseberry (dělat křena), unpleasant (nepříjemný, protivný), handle (klika), knob (koule u dveří), Your fly is open. (máš rozeplý poklopec), inside out (naruby), shoelace (tkanička), tag (visačka)
I would love to thank you for the warm welcome you gave to my previous student. I do appreciate it. Have a fantastic week:)
Homework for March 7th
Drills: 80,93,97 + 71
noodles 5.5
New vocabulary: be lucky (mít štěstí), line (fronta lidí), tree top walkway (cesta korunami stromů), prom (školní ples), unaccountable (nevysvětlitelný), take French leave (mít áčko v práci), cuckold (paroháč), muss up (rozcuchat vlasy, zmuchlat se- oděv), nuclear disaster (jaderná katastrofa), immediately (okamžitě), be delighted (být potěšený, mít radost), run sth.(řídit, vést – organizaci, podnik…), improve ( zlepšit), my mind is a blank (mít okno- výpadek paměti)
Fantastic work:) On a scale from 1 to 10, you are an 11:) Take care.
Homework for February 29th (there is no lesson next week)
Drills: 80,93,97 + 71
translate the questions with TRY (handout)
test try, stop print it out and complete
New vocabulary: disaster (pohroma), tulip (tulipán), article (článek), golden chain (zlatý déšť), find out (zjistit), travel agency (cestovní kancelář), expect (očekávat), chest (truhla, hruď), screwdriver (šroubovák), have the hiccups (mít škytavku), water sth. (zalévat např. květiny)
Enjoy the spring break and see you in two weeks:)
Homework for February 15th
Drills: 80,93,97 + 71
translate the questions with STOP (handout)
New vocabulary: fried cheese (smažák), split up, break up (rozejít se s někým ), keep (udržovat), vacuum cleaner (vysavač), mud (bláto), take off (vysléci si), put on (obléci si), Cinderella (Popelka), Beauty and the Beast (Kráska a zvíře), Snow White (Sněhurka), dwarf (trpaslík)
Voluntary vocabulary: bread starter (kvásek), rye flour (žitná mouka), wheat (pšenice), sourdough bread (kváskový chléb), barley (ječmen), oat (oves)
You have made headway with your English:))) Have a good one:)
Homework for February 8th
Drills: 80,93,97 + 71
noodles 5.2
Sb page 39/3- write the questions, use the words in brackets
New vocabulary: consider (zvážit), musical instrument (hudební nástroj), musician (hudebník), drums (bicí), leap year (přestupný rok), school report (vysvědčení), put up (ubytovat), several (několik), episode (díl), season (řada- filmů), gap (mezera), look forward (těšit se)
Fantastic work:) I´m looking forward to seeing you soon:)
Homework for February 1st
Drills: 80,93,97 + 71 (new)
noodles 5.1
Sb page 38/2 match the sentences with the people. Look up new words.
New vocabulary: pressure cooker (papiňák), full moon (úplněk), ban (zakázat), be banned (být zakázáno), quarrel /ˈkwɒrəl/ (hádka), be fed up with (mít plné zuby, být otrávený čím), debts (dluhy), paramedic (zdr. záchranář), newsagent (trafikant, prodavač tiskovin)
episode 1 try watching this video. I would like to know if is OK or too difficult for you.
Have a splendid week. Take care:))
Homework for January 25th
Drills: 55, 80,93,97
New vocabulary: I get it. (chápu, rozumím), I don´t get it. (nerozumím), I´m starving (mám hrozný hlad), restroom (toaleta, WC), scarf (šála), adorable (roztomilý, nádherný), milk thistle (ostropestřec), eye doctor (oční lékař), sweet, dry wine (sladké, suché víno), apricot (meruňka), order (objednat si), response (odpověď), pass the salt (podat sůl), help yourself to the dessert (nabídni si dezert), Did you make it yourself? (Dělala jsi to sama?), give sb. a lift (svéz někoho autem), decaf (bez kofeinu), would you mind giving me the recipe? (nevadilo by vám dát mi recept?)
You are the bee´s knees. See you in our next class.
Homework for January 18th
Drills: 55, 80,93,97
fill in 4.5 print it out and complete
Pick up your workbook in the office before next lesson. It costs 250 CZK.
New vocabulary: bride (nevěsta), groom (ženich), parents´ evening (třídní schůzky), carver (řezbář), knight (rytíř), fence (plot), include (zahrnovat), sparkling water (perlivá voda), roasting stick (opékačka), snack (svačina)
Ilona, welcome to our group:)
Fantastic job as always:)) Can´t wait to see you soon.
Homework for Christmas (relax as much as possible)
Drills: 55, 80,93,97
New vocabulary from today´s lesson- voluntary: spruce (smrk), coal (uhlí), chimney (komín), break alcohol (odbourávat alkohol), shot of …. (panák…), jingle bells (rolničky), sleigh (sáně-tažené koňmi), sweep (zametat), hide (schovat), whipping cream (šlehačka)
Thank you for all lesson we have and I´m looking forward to the ones we will have.
Homework for December 14th (our last lesson this year)
Drills: 55, 80,93,97
Christmas superstitions- handout- write two false endings for each superstition.
Revise the vocabulary we have learnt during this trimester.
New vocabulary: plunger (zvon), Q-tips (vatové tyčinky), bucket (kbelík), tiles (kachličky), hamper/laundry basket (koš na prádlo), bathroom scales (osobní váha), weigh (vážit), fireplace (krb), bunch (trs, kytice), loaf (bochník), can (plechovka, konzerva), chewing gum (žvýkačka), tissues (papírpvé kapesníky), hanky (látkový kapesník), change (drobné peníze), ID (občanka), aisle (ulička- v obchodě, letadle), an off-licence (prodejna alkoholu), newsagent´s (trafika)
Looking forward to our Christmas lesson:)
Homework for December 7th
Drills: 55, 80,93,97
make three questions for your classmates with the new vocabulary
SB page 36/1 match the amounts with the nouns (my advice- write the amounts next to each noun in B, sometimes more than one is possible)
New vocabulary: pig, pork (prase, vepřové), roe deer, venison (srnec, zvěřina), sheep, mutton (ovce, skopové), cow, beef (kráva, hovězí), lamb (jehně, jehněčí), calf , veal (tele, telecí), chicken (kuře), poultry (drůběží maso), get on/get off a bus (nastoupit, vystoupit za autobusu), get in/get out of a car (nastoupit, vystoupit z auta), mulled wine (svařák), it never rains but it pours (neštěstí nechodí nikdy samo, na pos… aj haj… spadne), I am ashamed of myself (stydím se za sebe), pot (hrnec), unnecessary (zbytečný), portion (porce), pick up (vyzvednout si ), order (objednat)
Thanks for the fantastic lesson, have a nice Advent weekend:)
Homework for November 30th
Drills: 55, 80,93,97
noodles 4.8
New vocabulary: label (etiketa, štítek), skilful (šikovný), green barley (zelený ječmen), courage (odvaha), pearl (perla), oyster (ústřice), however (nicméně), scuba dive (potápět se), spiral stairs (točité schodiště), speechless (oněmělý), turtle (želva), ray (rejnok)
voluntary vocab- food idioms: have butterfingers (být nemehlo, nešika), spice sth. up (dodat něčemu šmrnc, okořenit), butter sb. up (mazat někomu med kolem huby), mutton dressed as lamb (stará, co si hraje na mladou), compare apples and oranges (míchat jabka s hruškama), packed like sardines (namačkaní jako sardinky), life isn´t a bowl of cherries (život není peříčko)
I hope to see you ALL next time:)) Don´t forget to spice your life up:)
Homework for November 23rd
Drills: 55, 80,93,97
noodles 4.7
Article, no article – complete
New vocabulary: special offter (akce, výprodej), on sale, in the sales (ve výprodeji, v akci), instead of sb./sth. (namísto), crane (jeřáb), loo (toaleta- informal), be afraid of heights (bát se výšek), diner /ˈdaɪnər/ (strávník, host), hang-hung-hung (viset, pověsit), branch (pobočka), weigh (vážit), feel like doing sth. (mít chuť něco dělat), tiny (droboučký, mrňavý), in amazement (v úžasu),
Enjoy the long weekend:)) See you soon.
Homework for November 16th
Drills: 40,55, 93,97 + 80
noodles 4.5
SB page 33/2 – complete the sentences with a/an, the or no article
SB page 33/3 – correct the mistakes in sentences
New vocabulary: do the sound for…. (zvučit např. koncert), gig (koncert, živé vystoupení – informal), spring (pramen např. v Luhačovicích), funeral (pohřeb), coffin (rakev), Russian (ruština), at the end of.. (na konci…), in the end (nakonec), can (plechovka, konzerva), jar (zavařovací sklenice), loaf (bochník), pinch (špetka), bunch (trs, kytice)
Enjoy Saint Martin´s weekend. Take care:)
Homework for November 9th
Drills: 40,55, 93,97 + 80
noodles 4.4
complete the worksheet I gave you- quantifiers- circle the correct answer. If there are some new words, highlight them and look them up in a dictionary.
New vocabulary: lookout /observation tower (rozhledna), team-mate (spoluhráč), blister (puchýř), duvet (peřina), , wooden spoon (vařečka), tell sb. off (vynadat někomu), punishment (trest), bloke (chlápek, maník), traffic (doprava)
I have just realized that I like watching sport:)) Tabata workout:)
I always enjoy the lessons with you. Have a relaxing weekend:)
Homework for November 2nd
Drills: 40,55, 93,97 + 80
noodles 4.3
SB page 32/practice , ex. 4- complete the sentences with the correct word e.g someone, everything etc.
Creative homework: look up two words which are connected with your hobby and your classmates probably don´t know them.:))
New vocabulary: shopkeeper (majitel obchodu), in those days (tehdy), dish (pokrm), especially (především), contented (spokojený), retire (jít do důchodu), above (nad), dozen (tucet), take a nap (dát si šlofíka), savoury (slaný- nesladký), bitter (hořký), tart (trpký), sour (kyselý), prune (sušená švestka), dairy products (mléčné produkty), freezer (mrazák),
Have a lovely autumn weekend:)) You are fantastic storytellers:)
Homework for October 26th
Drills: 40,55, 93,97 + 80 (we will need it very soon)
noodles 4.1
SB page 32/practice 1,2,3 complete the sentences
New vocabulary: pros and cons (pro a proti), Help yourself (posluž si, nabídni si), rake leaves (hrabat listí), carve a pumpkin (vyřezávat dýni), All Souls´ Day (Dušičky), fly a kite (pouštět draka), chestnuts (kaštany), cemetery (hřbitov), light/lit/lit (zažehnout, zapálit e.g. a candle), raft (vor), health food shop (obchod se zdravou výživou), ordinary (běžný), restriction (omezení, restrikce), steam (vařit v páře), grapes (hroznové víno), prawns /krevety), shellfish (korýši)
Fantastic work. Stay awesome and dream big:)
Homework for October 19th
Drills: 40,55, 97 +93
fill in 3.6 print and complete
New vocabulary: pupils (žáci), shitty day (špatný den), I work from home (pracuju z domu, jsem na home office), fly a kite (pouštět draka), the other day (tuhle, nedávno), bedtime story (pohádka na dobrou noc), soundman (zvukař), legumes (luštěniny), lentils (čočka), lentil soup (čočková polévka),
Thanks for the lovely lesson. Can´t wait to see you soon:)
Homework for October 12th
Drills: 40,55, 97 +93 (new and very easy drill)
noodles 3.12
SB page 29/8 complete the correct prepositions in/at/on or no preposition
Creative homework: Look up two pieces of interesting information about the year you were born.
New vocabulary: the day after tomorrow (pozítří), the day before yesterday (předevčírem), headache (bolest hlavy), backache (bolest zad), toothache (bolest zubů), worm (červ), mayor (starosta), viper (zmije), choir (pěvecký sbor), poster (plakát), maid (pokojská), a book by B. Němcová (knížka od B. Němcové)
grammar: arrive se pojí s předložkou, jako bychom byli už na místě samém e.g. IN Prague = arrive in Prague, at home = arrive at home
Good job:)) Looking forward to seeing you next time. Have a wonderful week.
Homework for October 5th (there is no lesson next week)
Drills: 40,55, 97
Andrea, the noodlebook will be ready for you before next lesson. Pick it up in the office. It costs 250 CZK.
New vocabulary: meditate (meditovat), stressed out (vystresovaný), beetroot (červená řepa), spinach (špenát), peas (hrášek), Here you are. (prosím, při předávání), You´re welcome (není zač- reakce na poděkování), cable car (lanovka kabinová), Poland (Polsko)
test your pronunciation + pick four words from the video and make lovely questions for your classmates.
Thaks for the fantastic lesson:)) Stay awesome and see you in two weeks:))
Lesson 29.6, Homework
Drills: 17, 72, 40, 61, 63 + 96-98 (new past tense irregular verbs drills)
Summer Noodles – translate to english
Thank you for a year full of fun conversations! You guys are great! Keep it up! Have a beautiful summer
Lots of love, Ivana
Lesson 15.6, Homework
Drills: 17, 72, 40, 61, 63 + 96-98 (new past tense irregular verbs drills)
Vocabulary: actor (herec), actress (herecka), someone close (niekto blizky), appreciate (odcenit, cenit si), polite (slusný, zdvorily), recommend (odporucat), additional question (dodatocna otazka), recall (vzpomenut si)
Fill in – choose the correct form
See you in our next class
Lesson 8.6, Homework
Drills: 17, 72, 40, 61, 63 + 96-98 (new past tense irregular verbs drills)
Vocabulary: chicken thighs (kuracie stehna), pancakes (palacinky), to go for a hike (ist na turu), share (delit sa), white lies (nemilosrdne klamstva), speeding ticket (pokuta za rychlost), anywhere (hocikde)
Complete exercise B and C from the list
Create 4 questions for your colleagues using the adverbs from the exercise B and C in the list
See you in our next class
Lesson 1.6, Homework
Drills: 17, 72, 40, 61, 63 + 96-98 (new past tense irregular verbs drills)
Vocabulary: entertainment (zábava), manner (sposoby), it is raining cats and dogs (silno prsi, leje), gear (prehadzovačka), break (brzda), bleed (krvacat), give notice (dat vypoved s vypovednou lehotou), quit (dat vypoved, skoncit v praci), contract (zmluva), orphanage (sirotinec), take off clothes, shoes… (vyzliect sa, vyzut sa), put on clothes, shoes, sunglasses… (dat si na seba, obut sa…)
SB page 28, exercise 4 – create 4 questions using any of the collocations
See you in our next class
Lesson 25.5, Homework
Drills: 17, 72, 40, 61, 63 + 96-98 (new past tense irregular verbs drills)
Vocabulary: look forward to + verb ing (tesit sa na), cinnamon (skorica), porridge (ovsena kasa), microwave (mikrovlnka), coincidence (nahoda), do laundry (prat), not at all (vobec nie), hit (udriet), pack (balit), get angry (nahnevat sa), force (prinutit), anniversary (vyrocie)
See you in our next class
Lesson 18.5, Homework
Drills: 17, 72, 40, 61, 63 + 96-98 (new past tense irregular verbs drills)
Vocabulary: lifestyle (ziviotny styl), peacock (pav), saving money (setrit peniaze), saving account (sporiaci ucet), sharp (ostry), fork (vidlicka), invite (pozvat), swamp (bazina), useful (uzitocny), mustard (horcica)
See you in our next class
Lesson 11.5, Homework
Drills: 17, 72, 40, 61, 63 + 96-98 (new past tense irregular verbs drills)
Vocabulary: pond (jazierko), propose (požiadat o ruku), useless (zbytočný), goverment (vláda), courage (odvaha), brave (odvážny), get rid of (zvbavit sa niečoho), poppy seeds (mak), self-raising dough (kysnuté cesto), carry (nosit, niest), carry-on (priručná batožina)
Create 3 questions for your colleagues using the new vocabulary (you can also use vocabulary from previous lesson)
SB page 26, answer questions about the second article
See you in our next class
Lesson 4.5, Homework
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72, 40, 61
Vocabulary: flavour (prichut), nose bleed (krvacanie z nosa), reach (dosiahnut), torture (mučenie, trapenie), the disturbance of sleep cycle (narusenie spankoveho cyklu), damage (poskodenie), include (zahrnat), appear (objavit sa), court (súd), plead (priznat, prehlasit), guilty (vinný), endangered (ohrozený), charges (obvinenia), face up (čelit niečomu)
SB page 26, answer questions about the second article
See you in our next class
Lesson 27.4, Homework
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72, 40, 61
Vocabulary: flight ticket (letenka), sore muscles (bolave svaly), insides (vnútornosti), rat (potkan), charge (nabit – charge phone), charger (nabijačka), dead battery (vybity telefon), battery is dying (telefon sa vybíja), court (súd), compare (porovnat, porovnávat), land (pristát – plane landed – lietadlo pristálo), take off (vzlietnut), to have an argument (hadat sa), refuse (odmietnut), emergency chute (núdzova sklzavka)
SB page 26, answer the questions about the first article
See you in our first class
Lesson 20.4, Homework
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72, 40, 61
Vocabulary: break (přestávka), soon (skoro), liver (pečen), once (jeden krát), twice (dva krát), 3 times a week, pay attention (pozornost), dough (cesto), the worst (najhoršie), chin (brada), slip (pošmyknut sa), It’s mutual (je to vzájomné), charger (nabíjačka), impatient (netrpezlivý), mice (myši), lose your cool
Prepare 4 questions for your colleagues using the new vocabulary above. You can use present tense or past tense.
See you in our next class
Lesson 13.4, Homework
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72, 40, 61
Vocabulary: boarder (hranica), poached egg (zastřené vajce), sunny side up (volské oko), scrambled eggs (míchané vajíčka), runny eggs (tečúce vajíčko), hard boiled egg (vájíčko na tvrdo), thieves (zlodeji), theft (krádež), escape (utiect)
Noodles – adverbs of frequency revision (always, never, sometimes…etc)
SB page 26, exercise 1 – what makes you lose your cool?
See you in our next class
Lesson 6.4, Homework
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72, 40, 61
Vocabulary: pay attention (venovat pozornost), attend (navstivit), puff pastry (lístkové cesto), ribs (rebrá), lard (sádlo), cracklings (škvarky), pay rise (zvýšenie platu), huge (obrovský), get injured (zranit sa), to be injured (byt zranený), injury (zranenie)
Noodles – past simple plus prepositions of time revision
See you in our next class
Lesson 30.3, Homework
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72, 40, 61
Vocabulary: decision (rozhodnutie), go for a hike (íst na túru), hiking (turistika), worth (cena, hodnota), find out (zistit)
Noodles 3.7 – translate to english
See you in our next class
Lesson 23.3, Homework
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72, 40, 61
Vocabulary: spread (nátierka), apart from (okrem), company (spoločnost – ludia), pulled meat (trhané maso), forbidden (zakázaný), bloom (kvitnút), hide (skryt sa – neprividelné sloveso), stand (stát), injured (zranený), injury (zranenie), cancer (rakovina)
Noodle 3.5 – translate to english
Fill in 3.3 – fill the gaps with the correct word
SB page 25, exercise 4 – write the question words
See you in our next class
Lesson 16.3, Homework
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72, 40, 61
Vocabulary: that is why (preto), mud (blato), trail (turistiky chodnik v lese), coincidence (náhoda), siblings (súrodenci), get on with someone (vychádzat s niekym), to keep up to date (drzat krok s aktualitami), topics (témy), interested IN (mat záujem o niečo), mine (tažit)
Noodles – irregular verbs plus prepositions of time revision
Bring a short news article in english in a topic you are interested in. Use internet to help you with your search. Tell the class what is the article about.
See you in our next class
Lesson 9.3, Homework
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72, 40, 61
Vocabulary: I cannt come to class today, something came up (niečo mi do toho prišlo), dam (priehrada), camera (foták), gear (výbava), it gets me going (naštartuje ma to), order (objednávka), offer (ponuka), waiter (čašník), to trip (potknút sa), robbery (krádež), mugger (lupič), realize (uvedomit si), smah (rozbit)
Fill In – irregular verbs
SB page 155, read one of the articles we didnt read together. You will tell us what you have learnt in the class
See you in our next lesson
Lesson 2.3, Homework
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72, 40, 61
Vocabulary: braces (rovnátka), getting used to (zvykat si na), curler (nátačka), see through (priesvitné), lid (viečko), still water (neperlivá voda), pint (pinta, pivo), loo (toaleta), event (akcia, udalost), truth (pravda), lies (klamstvá), false (nepravdivý, klamný)
Noodles – past simple revision irregular verbs
SB page 25, exercise 7 – look at the newspaper headlines. What do you think the stories are about? Write down few ideas for each headline
See you in our next class
Lesson 16.2, Homework
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72, 40, 61
Vocabulary: bathe (kupat sa), last minute (na poslednu chvilu), reviews (recenzie), weather forcast (predpoved pocasia), mud (blato), what was the weather like? (ake bolo pocasie?)
Fill In 3.2 – choose the correct verb form
See you in our next class on March 2nd
Lesson 9.2, Homework
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72, 40, 61
Vocabulary: i was supposed to (mel jsem), suppose (predpokladat, domnívat sa), sort out (vytriedit, dat do poriadku), renew (obnovit), ID card (obciansky preukaz), birth certificate (list narodenia), zucchini (cuketa), headache (bolest hlavy), months – IN, days – ON, time – AT
Noodles 3.4 – translate to english
SB page 24, exercise 5 – choose the correct verb form
See you in our next class on 16th
Lesson 2.2, Homework
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72 1 + new drills 40, 61
Vocabulary: on purpose (naschvál), cross-country skiing (bežky), performance (predstavenie, výkon), terrified of (mat strach z), pull out the tooth (vytrhnut zub), return flight (spiatočný let), lie – lying (present and past continuous form)
SB page 24, exercise 1 – write the past tense in the chart
See you in our next class
Lesson 26.1, Homework
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72 1 + new drills 40, 61
Vocabulary: deal (dohoda), rooster (kohút), goose (husa), put off (it puts me off – odrádza ma to), costume (kostým), curious (zvedavý), handbag (kabelka), express (vyjadrit), interrupt (prerusit), does it make sense? (dáva to zmysel?), cracklings (škvarky), companion (spoločnik), guide (sprievodca), hostile (nepriatelský), tribe (kmen), adventurer (dobrodruh)
Noodles 3.1 – translate to english
SB page 23, exercise 8 – put the verb in the brackets in past simple or past continuous
See you in our next lesson
Lesson 19.1, Homework
Thank you for fun class guys!
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72 1 + new drill 40
Vocabulary: digest (stravit, travit – jedlo), stepdaughter (nevlastna dcera), rent (nájom), include (zahrnout), furniture (nábytok), unemployed (nezamestnaný), joerney (cesta – act from travelling from one place to another), lenght (délka)
Noodle 3.1 – translate to English
SB page 24, exercise 1 – write the past tense in the chart
See you in our next class
Lesson 12.1, Homework
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72
Vocabulary: relatives (príbuzny), relationship (vztah), new years eve (silvester), new years day (novy rok), fireworks (ohnostroj), melt (roztopený), fried (vyprazaný), sparkler (prskavka), stick to /something/ (dodržiat), once, twice, three times
Noodles – mix of tenses revision
SB page 22, exercise 2 – complete the text with the verbs from the Starter.
See you in our next lesson
Lesson 8.12, Homework
Pokud si přejete pokračovat ve svém současném kurzu angličtiny i v období LEDEN – BŘEZEN 2023, přihlaste se prosím NYNÍ jedním z těchto způsobů:
1. ON-LINE PŘIHLÁŠKA (po úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na
3. SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. osobně v kanceláři školy
Pokud požadujete nějakou změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte to prosím do on-line přihlášky.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit nejpozději do 5.prosince, kdy začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme někým novým.
Všechny kurzy budou opět začínat v týdnu od 9.ledna!
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72
Vocabulary: put up a christmas tree (postavit vianocny stromcek), shave (holit sa), ice skating (bruslení), ice skates (brusle), dam (priehrada)
SB page 22, exerice 1 – write past simple of the verbs. Which are regular? Which are irregular?
See you in our last class
Lesson 1.12, Homework
Pokud si přejete pokračovat ve svém současném kurzu angličtiny i v období LEDEN – BŘEZEN 2023, přihlaste se prosím NYNÍ jedním z těchto způsobů:
1. ON-LINE PŘIHLÁŠKA (po úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na
3. SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. osobně v kanceláři školy
Pokud požadujete nějakou změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte to prosím do on-line přihlášky.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit nejpozději do 5.prosince, kdy začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme někým novým.
Všechny kurzy budou opět začínat v týdnu od 9.ledna!
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72
Vocabulary: mulled wine (svařák), pick up (vyzvednout), crooked (křivý), decorate (ozdobit), christmas Eve (štedrý vecer), christmas carol (koleda), promoted (povýšený), promotion (povýšenie), what a shame (jaká škoda), bless you (na zdravie), sneeze (kýchnutí), cheers (na zdraví), help yourself (poslužte si)
SB page 22, exerice 1 – write past simple of the verbs. Which are regular? Which are irregular?
See you in the next class
Lesson 24.11, Homework
Pokud si přejete pokračovat ve svém současném kurzu angličtiny i v období LEDEN – BŘEZEN 2023, přihlaste se prosím NYNÍ jedním z těchto způsobů:
1. ON-LINE PŘIHLÁŠKA (po úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na
3. SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. osobně v kanceláři školy
Pokud požadujete nějakou změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte to prosím do on-line přihlášky.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit nejpozději do 5.prosince, kdy začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme někým novým.
Všechny kurzy budou opět začínat v týdnu od 9.ledna!
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72
Vocabulary: role (role, úloha), rule (pravidlo), suitcase (kufr), luggage (zavazadlo), find out (zistit, odhalit), spare (náhradní, rezervný, zbylý), chef (šefkuchár), owner (majitel), bitter (hořký, trpký), sour (kyselý), responsive (vnímavý), successful (úspešný), what are you doing tonight? (čo robíš dnes večer), what a lovely day it is today! (jaký je dnes krásny den), Have a good weekend (prajem vám hezky víkend), revise all small talk phrases on page 21, exercise 3
SB page 120, read the conversation between Maggie and Jean-Jaque again. We will do a small talk role play
See you in the next class
Lesson 10.11, Homework
Great job everyone
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72
Vocabulary: returns (reklamacie), claims/complaints (reklamácie), directly (přímo, rovnou), complain (stěžovat si), sightseeing (prezerat pamiatky), photoshoot (focení), how is it going ? (jak to jde? Jak se daří), department (oddelienie), take shoes off (sundat boty), miscommunication (nedorozumenie)
Noodles – tenses revision
See you in the next lesson
Lesson 3.11, Homework
Excellent job guys!
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72
Vocabulary: queue ((fronta), button (tlačítko, knoflíik), put your hand up/raise your hand up (prihlásit sa), high heels (podpatky), look forward to (tesit sa na… i look forward to seeing you – tesim sa ze ta uvidim), performance (predstavenie, výkon), make yourself feel at home (cít sa u mna ako doma), snail (slimák), mind your own business (staraj sa o svoje veci), goodness knows (Boh vie), I have no idea (nemám páru), dye (barvivo). dyed hair (zabarvené vlasy), noise (hluk), loud (hlučný), manners (mravy), notice (oznamení, všimnut si), I dont care (je mi to jedno)
Noodle 2.8 – translate to english
SB page 20, exercise 3 – answer the questions
See you in the next lesson
Lesson 27.10, Homework
Thank you for sharing your story with us Adrian
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72
Vocabulary: hurt (zranit, ublizit, bolest, zranenie), cemetery (cintorin), smart clothes (dressing for a particular occasion or social event), knees (kolena), celery (celer), salary (vyplata), reviews (recenzie), accommodation (ubytovanie), siblings (surodenci), excited about something (pre nieco byt nadseny, nadseny z niecoho – I am excited about the new the holiday in summer), annyoed with someone (nastvany na niekoho – I was annoyed with my brother yesterday), listen to music (pocuvat hudbu), dough (cesto), scared of (bat sa niecoho – I am scared of spiders), neighbourhood (susedctvo), getting on with someone (vychadzat s niekym – I am getting on well with my parents)
Noodle 2.11 – translate to english
Student Book, page 20, exercise 2 – read the ideas about what makes a good neighbour. Write 3 more ideas you think what makes a good neighbour
See you in the next class
Lesson 20.10, Homework
Amazing and funny lesson guys. Thank you
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72
Vocabulary: driving licence (vodičský preukaz), expired (platnost vypršela), renew (obnovit), resilient (odolný, houževnatý), behave (chovat se), behaviour (chování), surgeon (chirurg), anyway (tak jako tak, stejne, v každém případě), decide (rozhodnút), choice (výběr, volba, možnost), choose (vybrat, zvolit), prepare (připravit), prefer (preferovat, dát přrednost), different (odlišný, rozdílný), difference (rozdíl), envy (závist), envious (závistivý), plan (plánovat), plane (lietadlo)
Fill In 2.6 – fill in the gaps
See you in the next class
Lesson 13.10, Homework
Great job on coming up with you own additional questions guys!
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33, 72
Vocabulary: hay (seno), Mr. Raspeberry (Pan Malina haha), day off (den volna), forecast (predpoved), come up with (navrhnút, príst na niečo), not anymore (už nie), short-tempered (výbušny -povaha), classmate (spolužiak), grateful (vdačný), take care of myself (starat sa o seba), share interests (zdielat záujmy), get satisfaction from (mat potešenie z niečoho), to make a difference (urobit rozdiel), jealous (žiarlivý), envious (závidiet, zavistlivý), to take opportunity (vziat priležitost), enthusiastic (nadšený)
NOODLES 2.4 – translate to english
SB page 18, exercise 6 – read the statements and write down why do you agree or disagree with the statement.
See you in the next class
Lesson 6.10, Homework
Thank you for showing us your picture Adrian It was a great look!
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33 plus new drill 72 – adjectives
Vocabulary: effort (snaha, úsilie), follow the rules (nasledovat pravidlá), good at something (byt dobrý/á v niečom), finances (financie), administration (administratíva), sign (značka, znamenie – road sign, sun shining is a sign it will be a good day), brand (značka – what brand are your jeans? CA or CK?), according to you (podle tebe), fortune (štestí, bohatství), wealth (bohatství, majetek), wealthy (bohatí), it costs a fortune (stojí to majlant), misbehave (chovat sa špatne, delat ostudu), average (prumerný, obyčejný), make someone happy (urobit niekoho štastným), cheer someone up (rozveselit nekoho), show me (ukáž mi)
Fill In 2.3 – fill in verb from the box in correct form
Translate vocabulary from the last lesson and pick 5 words to create 5 questions
See you in the next lesson
Lesson 29.9.2022, Homework
Great job everyone! Nice talking to you again. Adrian don’t forget to bring the picture from your heavy metal days:-)
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33,
Vocabulary: silence (ticho), go for a walk (ist na prechadzku), pick mushrooms (zbierat huby), sauce (omacka), scrambled eggs (michane vajicka), same as.. (stejne jako..), advantage (vyhoda), disadvantage (nevyhoda), primary school (zakladna skola), subjet at school (predment v skole), apron (zastera), fluently (plynulo), cancelled (zruseny), cancel (zrusit), reunion (setkani, opetovne sjednoceni), depends on (zalezi na), get on with other people (vychadzat s druhymi), what makes you happy (co ta robi stastnym)
Noodle 2.7 – translate to english
SB page 19 – complete the happiness quiz
See you all next week:-))
Lesson 22.9.2022, Homework
It was so nice to meet you all. I am looking forward to having this trimester with you!
Drills: 26, 27, 17, 43, 33,
Vocabulary: prepared (pripraveny), wait (cakat), on time (na cas), make a phone call (urobit hovor), revise (opakovat), take your time (nepospichej), get tired (unavit sa), ride a bike (jazdit na kole), sunbathing (opalovat sa), cheeks (lica), dimples (dulky), look forward to (tesit sa na), take away (zobrat so sebou), to have an argument (mat argument), laugh at someone (vysmievat sa, smiat sa na niekom)
Fill In – Present simple x continuous
SB page 18 – Read the article „How happy are you?“
See you in the next lesson:-)