ASP14 – Thursdays @ 16:00 – 17:30
Teacher: Mirka Murray (
Student’s book: Cambridge English First Masterclass
16/01/2025 – Homework
- revise drills 70, 84 (future tenses)
- SB page 12+ 13 ex. 1, 2 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : WHOLESALE = velkoobchod / velkoobchodni
It was great to see you both today 🙂
09/01/2025 – Homework
- revise drills 70, 84 (future tenses)
- SB page 12+ 13 ex. 1, 2 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : PLUMBER = instalater, ACHIEVE = docilit / dosahnout
I hope to see Honza in our next lesson 🙂
12/12/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 70, 84 (future tenses)
- SB page 12+ 13 ex. 1, 2 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
I look forward to seeing you again on the 9th of January 🙂
05/12/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 70, 84 (future tenses)
- complete fill-in 1.2. vocabulary from page 12
- SB page 12+ 13 ex. 1, 2 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Next lesson is the last one this trimester so I hope to see you all 🙂
28/11/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 70, 84 (future tenses)
- complete fill-in 1.2. vocabulary from page 12
- SB page 12+ 13 ex. 1, 2 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : STAFF = personal, STUFF = veci, MORTGAGE = hypoteka, LOAN = pujcka, WILD BOAR = divoke prase, BOAST = chlubit se, MODESTY = skromnost
Well done today 🙂 I look forward to seeing you again on Thursday.
21/11/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 41, 59, 65 (modal verbs)
- SB page 10+11 – study new vocabulary (I will test you again)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Have a great rest of the week 🙂
14/11/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 41, 59, 65 (modal verbs)
- SB page 10+11 – study new vocabulary (I will test you)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : WEED = plevel / trava (marihuana), THANKLESS TASK = nevdecny ukol
It was fantastic to have you all here 🙂
07/11/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 41, 59, 65 (modal verbs)
- SB page 10+11 – study new vocabulary (I will test you)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : DESPERATE = zoufaly
I hope to see Honza & Matej in our next lesson too 🙂
31/10/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 41, 59, 65 (modal verbs)
- SB page 10+11 ex. 1, 2, 3 (reading) – read the article again and complete these exercises
- SB page 10+11 – study new vocabulary (I will test you)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : FLUFFY = hunaty, KITTEN = kotatko, PUPPY = stenatko, REVENGE = pomsta
- complete fill-in 1.1. vocabulary from page 9+10+11
Next time, we will hopefully check the homework 😉
24/10/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 41, 59, 65 (modal verbs)
- SB page 10+11 ex. 1, 2, 3 (reading) – read the article again and complete these exercises
- SB page 10+11 – study new vocabulary (I will test you)
- complete fill-in 1.1. vocabulary from page 9+10+11
Well done today 🙂
17/10/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 41, 59, 65 (modal verbs)
- bring the new student’s book ‚Cambridge English First Result‘ from Oxford University press to our next lesson (or at least unit 1 printed out)
- SB page 10+11 ex. 1, 2, 3 (reading)
I hope we will all have the same student’s book next time 😀
10/10/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 41, 59, 65 (modal verbs)
- bring the new student’s book ‚Cambridge English First Result‘ from Oxford University press to our next lesson (or at least unit 1 printed out)
- SB page 10+11 ex. 1, 2, 3 (reading)
I apologize again for my late arrival today. Next time I will know not to drive through Uherske Hradiste 🙂
03/10/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 45, 46, 55
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SEAL = zacelit / zapecetit, HEART RATE = srdecni tep, SWAP = prohodit / vymenit
- bring the new student’s book ‚Cambridge English First Result‘ from Oxford University press to our next lesson (or at least unit 1 printed out)
It was lovely to see you today 🙂 I hope Matej can make it to our next lesson.
26/09/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 45, 46, 55
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
I hope to see also Honza and Polda in our next lesson 🙂
27/06/2024 – Homework
- revise all your drills
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : AIRCON = klimatizace, CABIN FEVER = ponorkova nemoc, MUSTARD = horcice
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Have a fantastic summer and I hope to see you all again in September
20/06/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 48 (passives)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Next lesson is the last one before summer so I hope to see you all here
13/06/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 48 (passives)
- complete fill-in exercise 2.3. passives
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Great chat today 🙂 See you again on Thursday.
06/06/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 48 (passives)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
I hope to see Matej in our next lesson 🙂
30/05/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 48 (passives)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
It was fantastic to finally have all of you here again 🙂
23/05/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 57, 72
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- SB page 152 ex. 1, 2 (review)
Only Matej came to our lesson today. I hope to see more of you next time 🙂
16/05/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 57, 72
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SWAP = prohodit / vymenit, EDIBLE = jedle, REPLACE = nahradit
- SB page 152 ex. 1, 2 (review)
I hope to see Anita & Matej in our next lesson 🙂
09/05/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 57, 72
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BEG = zebrat, BEGGAR = zebrak
- complete fill-in exercise 12.5 vocabulary from page 149
Have a wonderful, sunny weekend and I will look forward to seeing you again on Thursday 🙂
02/05/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 57, 72
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BEG = zebrat, BEGGAR = zebrak
- complete fill-in exercise 12.5 vocabulary from page 149
I hope to see Honza next time 🙂
25/04/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 57, 72
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : MERGE = spojit
- complete fill-in exercise 12.4. articles
We will finish checking the homework in our next lesson 🙂
18/04/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 33, 40, 49
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- complete fill-in exercise 12.4. articles
Have a great rest of the week 🙂
11/04/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 33, 40, 49
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
I hope to see Honza in our next week’s lesson 🙂
04/04/2024 – Homework
- revise all your drills
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : REVIEW = recenze, SLEEPY = ospaly, BE ASLEEP = spat
Well done today gentlemen 🙂
28/03/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 54, 56 (modal verbs of probability)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SUBSIDIZE = dotovat, DOABLE = proveditelne, OBSERVE = sledovat, WORKSHOP = dilna
- complete fill-in exercise 12.3. probability and possibility
Great lesson again 🙂 Enjoy your Easter holiday weekend.
21/03/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 54, 56 (modal verbs of probability)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : MAKE AMENDS = napravit
- complete fill-in exercise 12.2. crime vocabulary
We will continue checking our homework in our next lesson 😀
14/03/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 54, 56 (modal verbs of probability)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : DRY CLEANING = chemicke cisteni, GIVE A LIFT = svezt, SHRINK = zcvrknout se
- complete fill-in exercise 12.2. crime vocabulary
Have a fantastic holiday Lubo 🙂 I hope to see everyone else in our next lesson.
07/03/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 54, 56 (modal verbs of probability)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TOOTH / TEETH = zub / zuby, CAVITY = zubni kaz, ROUGH = drsny, FRAUD = podvod, ACQUAINTANCE = znamy
- SB page 144 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (grammar)
I hope to see Jan in our next lesson 🙂
29/02/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 54, 56 (modal verbs of probability)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SMELL = citit, PRAM = kocarek, THINK UP = vymyslet, MANSLAUGHTER = zabiti, PRISON SENTENCE = trest odneti svobody
- SB page 143 – read the article again and study new vocabulary (I will test you)
- SB page 144 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (grammar)
It was great to see you all again today gentlemen 🙂
15/02/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 54, 56 (modal verbs of probability)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TRIM = zastrihnout
- SB page 143 – read the article again and study new vocabulary (I will test you)
- SB page 144 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (grammar)
Don’t forget that next week is spring holiday, so I will see you again 29.2. !!
08/02/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 45, 46, 68 (conditionals)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : RAFFLE = tombola, GROOM = zenich, BRIDE = nevesta
- SB page 143 – read the article again and study new vocabulary (I will test you)
- complete fill-in exercise 12.1. vocabulary from reading on page 143
Very interesting conversation with you today, gentlemen. We will finish checking your homework in our next lesson 😉
01/02/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 45, 46, 68 (conditionals)
- SB page 143 – read the article again and study new vocabulary (I will test you)
- complete fill-in exercise 12.1. vocabulary from reading on page 143
Well done today gentlemen 🙂
25/01/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 45, 46, 68 (conditionals)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : CRUTCHES = berle, FRENCH STICKS = francouzske hole, KERB = obrubnik, TEAR = trhat, TAKE UP = zacit (se sportem ci jinym konickem)
- SB page 142+143 ex. 4, 5 (reading & use of English)
I hope to see Honza in our next week’s lesson 🙂
18/01/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 45, 46, 68 (conditionals)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : PIER = molo, INERTIA = setrvacnost
- SB page 142+143 ex. 2, 3, 4, 5 (reading & use of English)
Nice work today 🙂 We will continue with the reading in our next lesson.
11/01/2024 – Homework
- revise drills 45, 46, 68 (conditionals)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : INTEREST RATE = urokova sazba, STOCK MARKET = trh cennych papiru, SHARES = akcie
- SB page 142+143 ex. 2, 3, 4, 5 (reading & use of English)
It was great to have you all here gentlemen 🙂 See you again on Thursday.
04/01/2024 – Homework
- revise all your drills
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : MARKET = trh, COD = treska, INCLINATION = sklon, LENTILS = cocka, HORSERADISH = kren, FAILURE = selhani / neuspech
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
The first lesson of the new trimester is 11/01/2024 🙂
07/12/2023 – Homework
- revise all your drills
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : MULLED WINE = svarak, UPBRINGING = vychova, SHOVEL = lopata, PLASTER = naplast, HINT = indicie, ORCA = kosatka
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Have a great time during the holiday season and I will see you again 04/01/2024 at 16:00 🙂
30/11/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 72 (-ed & -ing adjectives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : RIBS = zebra, TEAR = trhat, BUCKET LIST = seznam veci co chci udelat nez zemru
- SB page 140 ex. 1, 2, 3 (review)
I look forward to seeing you all in our next lesson 🙂
23/11/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 72 (-ed & -ing adjectives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : CONNECTING FLIGHT = navazujici let, PRAISE = chvalit, HEADLINE = titulek
- SB page 140 ex. 1, 2, 3 (review)
I hope to see Honza in our next lesson too 🙂
16/11/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 72 (-ed & -ing adjectives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : DURABLE = odolny
- SB page 138+139 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (writing)
Thank you for your email Lubo 🙂 I hope to see you all in our next lesson.
09/11/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 72 (-ed & -ing adjectives)
- complete fill-in 1.4. -ed & -ing adjectives
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : INJUSTICE = nespravedlnost
- SB page 138+139 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (writing)
- complete the ‚language exercise‘ on the paper you got from me last time
Have a great weekend everyone 🙂
02/11/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 72 (-ed & -ing adjectives)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- SB page 138+139 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (writing)
It was great to see you all again today 🙂
26/10/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 41, 65 (should / have to)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : QUEUE = fronta, OBLIGATORY / COMPULSORY = povinny, BE FED UP WITH SOMETHING = mit neceho plne zuby
Well done with the listening today 🙂
19/10/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 41, 65 (should / have to)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : STILL = palirna, TENDON = slacha, PHYSIOTHERAPY = rehabilitace, APPOINTMENT = objednana schuzka (napr. u doktora), BOAST = chlubit se, EARTHQUAKE = zemetreseni
I hope to see you in our next lesson Vendula 🙂
12/10/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 26, 40, 55, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TRADE FAIR = veletrh, LEAK = unik / unikat, BUCKET = kyblik
It was great to finally have all of you here 🙂 See you again on Thursday.
05/10/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 26, 40, 55, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- SB page 137 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (vocabulary)
- complete fill-in exercise 11.6. positive or negative words from page 137
Well done today! I hope to see Honza in our next lesson as well 🙂
21/09/2023 – Homework
- revise drill 45, 46, 68 (first, second and third conditional)
- SB page 137 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (vocabulary)
It was great to see you today 🙂 Don’t forget there is no lesson next week. Our next lesson is 5.10.
29/06/2023 – Homework
- revise all drills
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Have a fantastic summer gentlemen 🙂 I hope to see you all in September!
22/06/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 57 (question tags)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : HALF-BOARD = polopenze, FULL-BOARD = plna penze, GOOSE / GEESE = husa / husy
Nice work today gentlemen 🙂 Next week is the last lesson of this trimester so I hope to see you all here.
15/06/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 57 (question tags)
- SB page 135 ex. 9
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Only Polda came to our lesson today so we had a nice chat 🙂 I hope to see more of you here next time.
08/06/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 57 (question tags)
- SB page 135 ex. 9
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : RENOWNED = vyhlaseny, MOULD = forma, ROLLER COASTER = horska draha
I hope to finally see Radek in our next week’s lesson 🙂
01/06/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 57 (question tags)
- SB page 135 ex. 9
- complete fill-in exercise 11.5. confusing verbs
Have a great end of the week 🙂
25/05/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 57 (question tags)
- complete fill-in exercise 11.3. conditionals
Have a fantastic, sunny weekend, gentlemen 🙂
18/05/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 57 (question tags)
- complete fill-in exercise 11.4. say / speak / talk / tell
I hope to see Radek in our next lesson 🙂
11/05/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 45, 46, 68 (conditionals)
- SB page 134 ex. 1, 2, 3 (speaking)
Nice work today gentlemen 🙂
04/05/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 45, 46, 68 (conditionals)
- SB page 134 ex. 1, 2, 3 (speaking)
It was great to have you all here again today 🙂
27/04/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 45, 46, 68 (conditionals)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : GREAT-GRANDMOTHER = starenka, GREAT-GRANDFATHER = starecek
- SB page 132 ex. 13, 14, 15 (grammar)
Well done with the conditionals today 🙂 Enjoy the long weekend.
20/04/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 45, 46, 68 (conditionals)
- complete fill-in exercise 11.2. conditionals 0-3
- SB page 173 – study grammar information about conditionals
- SB page 132 ex. 11, 12 (grammar)
It was great to see you all today 🙂
13/04/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 45, 46, 68 (conditionals)
- SB page 173 – study grammar information about conditionals
- SB page 132 ex. 7, 8, 9, 10 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : HIGH TIDE = priliv, LOW TIDE = odliv
I hope to see Matej in our next lesson 🙂
06/04/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 45, 46, 68 (conditionals)
- SB page 173 – study grammar information about conditionals
- SB page 132 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : COMFORT EATING = uklidnujici jezeni, GUST OF WIND = poryv vetru, COBBLES = dlazebni kostky, THREAT = hrozba
Enjoy your Easter holiday 🙂 I look forward to hearing about your trips.
30/03/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 45, 46, 68 (conditionals)
- SB page 173 – study grammar information about conditionals
- SB page 132 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : HAIL = kroupy, WHEELBARROW = kolecka, CLUMSY = nesikovny, STUBBORN = palicaty
It was great to have you all here today gentlemen 🙂
23/03/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 48 (passives)
- revise vocabulary from previous 15 lessons (you will explain them in English)
- complete fill-in exercise 11.1. vocabulary from reading
Did you go for a bike trip instead of your English lesson today Radek? 😉 I hope to see you next time.
16/03/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 48 (passives)
- revise vocabulary from previous 15 lessons (you will explain them in English)
- SB page 130+131 ex. 1, 2, 3 (reading & use of English)
It was great to have you all here at the same time 🙂
09/03/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 48 (passives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TEMPLATE = šablona, DOUBT = pochybovat / pochyby, ANNUALLY = každoročně / ročně, CARTILAGE = chrupavka, LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT = láska na první pohled
I had such a great laugh with you today guys 😀 I look forward to our next lesson already!
02/03/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 48 (passives)
- SB page 128 ex. 1, 2 (review)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : HUMBLE = pokorny
Nice work with the listening today gentlemen 🙂
23/02/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 48 (passives)
- complete fill-in exercise 10.6. vocabulary from page 127
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
It was great to see you all again after the spring holiday 🙂
07/02/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 48 (passives)
- complete fill-in exercise 10.6. vocabulary from page 127
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : CHALK = krida, CRAMPS = krece, QUARK = tvaroh, INSIST ON = trvat na
Next week is spring holiday so I will see you all 23/02
02/02/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 48 (passives)
- complete fill-in exercise 10.6. vocabulary from page 127
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : PLOT = dej (v knize / filmu), ODDS = sance / pravdepodobnost / sazkovy kurz, IN PARTICULAR = obzvlast, BED BUG = stenice
The next lesson is on Tuesday 7.2. at 17:35. Don’t forget to come 😉
26/01/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 48 (passives)
- SB page 127 ex. 6, 7 (writing)
- complete fill-in exercise 10.5. evaluative adjectives
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : MOGULS = snehove muldy, PUNCTUAL = dochvilny, MAKE AN APPPOINTMENT = objednat se
It was fantastic to have you all here at the same time 🙂
19/01/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 49 (present perfect simple vs. continuous)
- SB page 126+127 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (writing)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BURGLE = vyloupit (dum/byt/chatu), BURGLER = lupic
Have a great weekend 🙂
12/01/2023 – Homework
- revise drills 49 (present perfect simple vs. continuous)
- complete fill-in exercise 10.4. compound adjectives
- SB page 126 ex. 1, 2, 3 (writing)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
It was great to see you after our little break gentlemen 🙂 Next time hopefully with Radek too.
15/12/2022 – Homework
- revise drills 49 (present perfect simple vs. continuous)
- complete fill-in exercise 10.4. compound adjectives
- SB page 126 ex. 1, 2, 3 (writing)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
I had a chatty lesson with Matej today, you can keep your homework for the first lesson of new trimester 😉 Enjoy the holiday season & I will see you all again 12.01.2023
08/12/2022 – Homework
- revise drills 49 (present perfect simple vs. continuous)
- complete fill-in exercise 10.4. compound adjectives
- SB page 126 ex. 1, 2, 3 (writing)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : RADISH = ředkev, HORSERADISH = křen, BEETROOT = červená řepa, SUGAR BEET = cukrová řepa
Next lesson is the last one of this trimester, so I hope to see you here 🙂
01/12/2022 – Homework
- revise drills 49 (present perfect simple vs. continuous)
- complete fill-in exercise 10.3. compound adjectives (from page 125)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : PILE = hromada, MULLED WINE = svarak, DOUGH = testo, SHARED CUSTODY = sdilena pece, STURDY = festovni, WEAR OUT = opotrebovat
- revise vocabulary from previous 7 lessons (you will explain it in English next time)
I hope to see Matej in our next lesson 🙂
24/11/2022 – Homework
- revise drills 49 (present perfect simple vs. continuous)
- SB page 125 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (vocabulary)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : FERRIS WHEEL = ruske kolo, GO-KARTS = motokary, SWEATSUIT / TRACKSUIT = teplakovka
- revise vocabulary from previous 7 lessons (you will explain it in English next time)
It was fantastic to have you all here today gentlemen 🙂
10/11/2022 – Homework
- revise drills 49 (present perfect simple vs. continuous)
- complete fill-in exercise 10.2. adjective suffixes
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ATTEMPT = pokus, STICKY = lepivy, WORTHWHILE = stoji za namahu
- revise vocabulary from previous 7 lessons (you will explain it in English next time)
Next Thursday is a public holiday so I will see you again 24.11.
03/11/2022 – Homework
- revise drills 49 (present perfect simple vs. continuous)
- SB page 123 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (vocabulary)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BEETROOT = cervena repa, OVERTAKE = predjet
- revise vocabulary from previous 6 lessons (I will test you)
Nice work with the grammar today gentlemen 🙂
27/10/2022 – Homework
- revise drills 49 (present perfect simple vs. continuous)
- SB page 118+119 – read the article about flying and study new vocabulary
- SB page 121 ex. 1, 2 (reading & use of English)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : DECENT = radny / poradny, STEERING WHEEL = volant, STEER = ridit
Today’s lesson only with Matej and Honza. I hope to see you all in our next lesson 🙂
20/10/2022 – Homework
- revise drills 49 (present perfect simple vs. continuous)
- SB page 118+119 – read the article about flying and study new vocabulary (you will explain it in English in our next lesson)
- SB page 172 – read grammar information of unit 10
- SB page 120 ex. 5, 6, 7 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TRAILER = privesny vozik, SIX-PACK = brisaky, PROMOTION = povyseni, REGRET = litovat neceho, CABIN FEVER = ponorkova nemoc
I hope to see you next time Matej 🙂
13/10/2022 – Homework
- revise drills 26, 40, 55, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- complete fill-in exercise 10.1. vocabulary from reading
- SB page 118+119 – read the article about flying and study new vocabulary (I will test you)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : DRAW = remiza, UNDERESTIMATE = podcenit, ROOF = strecha, MOSS = mech
It was great to have you all here again 🙂
06/10/2022 – Homework
- revise drills 26, 40, 55, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- complete fill-in exercise 3.4. grammar – past tenses 2
- SB page 118+119 ex. 5 (reading and use of English)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SPARE = nahradni, PREJUDICE = predsudek, WASP = vosa, HORNET = srsen, BEE = vcela, BUMBLE BEE = cmelak
I hope to see Radek and Honza as well next time 🙂
29/09/2022 – Homework
- revise drills 26, 40, 55, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- complete fill-in exercise 3.3. past tense MIX
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : LETTER = dopis, ABROAD = v zahranici, ADJUST = prizpusobit
I look forward to seeing you in our next lesson 🙂
22/09/2022 – Homework
- revise drills 26, 40, 55, 77
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BOTHER = otravovat, SLIPPERY = kluzky
I was happy to see you again today gentlemen 🙂
29/06/2022 – Homework
- revise all drills
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
It was lovely to see you all today gentlemen 🙂 Have a fantastic summer and I will be looking forward to seeing you again in September.
16/06/2022 – Homework
- drills 72 (-ed / -ing adjectives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SPINE = pater, EVOKE = vyvolavat (pocity), SCAR = jizva, GET RID OF = zbavit se
Enjoy the sunny weekend gentlemen 🙂
09/06/2022 – Homework
- drills 72 (-ed / -ing adjectives)
- complete fill-in exercise 8.3. vocabulary from listening
- watch this video and prepare to talk about it
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : NIECE = neter, NEPHEW = synovec, CARDIGAN = svetrik / pletena vesta
Well done with the listening today 🙂
02/06/2022 – Homework
- drills 72 (-ed / -ing adjectives)
- watch this video and prepare to talk about it
Have a fantastic weekend gentlemen 🙂
26/05/2022 – Homework
- drills 72 (-ed / -ing adjectives)
- watch this video and prepare to talk about it
Well done today gentlemen 🙂 See you all next time.
19/05/2022 – Homework
- drills 72 (-ed / -ing adjectives)
- SB page 116 ex. 1, 2, 3 (review)
Today’s lesson was only with Polda. I hope to see more of you next time 🙂
12/05/2022 – Homework
- drills 72 (-ed / -ing adjectives)
- SB page 116 ex. 1, 2, 3 (review)
Enjoy the fantastic weather gentlemen 🙂 See you in our next lesson.
05/05/2022 – Homework
- drills 72 (-ed / -ing adjectives)
- SB page 115 ex. 6, 7 (writing)
I hope to finally see David next time 🙂
28/04/2022 – Homework
- drills 72 (-ed / -ing adjectives)
- SB page 114 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (writing)
Have a great weekend 🙂
21/04/2022 – Homework
- drills 72 (-ed / -ing adjectives)
- SB page 114 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (writing)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : CONIFEROUS = jehlicnaty, DECIDUOUS = listnaty, GUST OF WIND = poryv vetru
Nice work today gentlemen 🙂
14/04/2022 – Homework
- drills 72 (-ed / -ing adjectives)
- SB page 113 ex. 3, 4, 5
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : CEMETERY = hrbitov, SOFT SCOOP ICE CREAM = tocena zmrzlina, QUARK = tvaroh
Have a great Easter weekend gentlemen 🙂
07/04/2022 – Homework
- drills 72 (-ed / -ing adjectives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BACHELOR = svobodny mladenec, DEMOLISH = zbourat, PRAWNS = krevety, STOCK = vyvar, COMMON SENSE = selsky rozum
Nice work today gentlemen 🙂
31/03/2022 – Homework
- drills 28, 29, 72 (adjectives)
- complete fill-in exercise 9.6. verbs + dependent prepositions
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TARMAC = asfalt, GRAVEL = sterk, SEASON = serie (serialu), EPISODE = epizoda (serialu)
I look forward to seeing you again on Thursday 🙂
24/03/2022 – Homework
- drills 48 (passives)
- SB page 110+111 ex. 5, 6, 7, 8 (vocabulary)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TRIM = pristrihnout, ATTITUDE = postoj / pristup
I hope to see Radek & David next time too 🙂
17/03/2022 – Homework
- drills 48 (passives)
- SB page 110+111 ex. 5, 6, 7 (vocabulary)
- complete fill-in exercise 9.5. dependent prepositions
Well done today gentlemen 🙂
10/03/2022 – Homework
- drills 57 (question tags)
- SB page 110 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (vocabulary)
- complete fill-in exercise 9.3. relative clauses
Today’s lesson was purely conversation with Polda & David so the homework stays the same 😉
03/03/2022 – Homework
- drills 57 (question tags)
- SB page 110 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (vocabulary)
- complete fill-in exercise 9.3. relative clauses
It was great to see you all today, gentlemen 🙂
24/02/2022 – Homework
- drills 57 (question tags)
- SB page 109 ex. 7, 8, 9 (grammar)
- complete fill-in exercise 9.2. word building
Thank you for your email David 🙂 See you next time.
17/02/2022 – Homework
- drills 45, 46 (first & second conditional)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- SB page 108 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (grammar)
I hope to see Radek and David next time 🙂
03/02/2022 – Homework
- drills 45, 46 (first & second conditional)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : STRAIN = zatez, CARTILAGE = chrupavka, BATCH = sarze, CRAFTSMAN = remeslnik, COINCIDENCE = nahoda
- complete fill-in 9.1. vocabulary from reading
Next week is spring holiday so I will see you again 17.2. (Don’t forget that Radek, Honza, David and Karolina also have lesson 15.2. at 16:00)
27/01/2022 – Homework
- drills 45, 46 (first & second conditional)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : FUNDING = dotace (napr. pro vyvoj), SUBSIDY = dotace (napr. jako kompenzace), CROWDED = plny lidi, PLUG = spunt / utesnit, EXTINGUISH = hasit
- SB page 107 ex. 3, 4, 5, 6 (reading and use of English)
Well done today 🙂 See you again on Thursday.
20/01/2022 – Homework
- drills 45, 46 (first & second conditional)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : POSH = nobl, HIRE = najmout / zamestnat, FOOD SUPPLEMENT = doplnek stravy, MAKE AN APPOINTMENT = objednat se, GET ON / GET OFF = nastoupit / vystoupit
- SB page 106 ex. 1, 2 (reading and use of English)
It was great to see you today gentlemen 🙂
13/01/2022 – Homework
- drills 45, 46 (first & second conditional)
I hope to see Honza in our next lesson as well 🙂
06/01/2022 – Homework
- drills 45, 46 (first & second conditional)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
- SB page 104 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (review)
I look forward to seeing you next time 🙂
16/12/2021 – Homework
- drills 45, 46 (first & second conditional)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
- SB page 98+99 ex. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (vocabulary)
Have a fantastic holiday season I will see you again 6.1.2022 at 16:00
25/11/2021 – Homework
- drills 45, 46 (first & second conditional)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : RELAY = stafeta, SIGN UP = prihlasit se, KNEE = koleno, HEADTORCH = celovka, A FINE = pokuta, DEVIDE = rozdelit, STUBBORN = tvrdohlavy
- SB page 96 ex. 11, 12, 13 (grammar)
- SB page 98+99 ex. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (vocabulary)
18/11/2021 – Homework
- drills 45, 46 (first & second conditional)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SHELTER = pristresek, QUOTATION = citace, MEMORABLE = zapamatovatelny
- SB page 96 ex. 11, 12, 13 (grammar)
- SB page 98 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (vocabulary)
11/11/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 67, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : NIECE = neter, NEPHEW = synovec
- SB page 96 ex. 11, 12, 13 (grammar)
- SB page 100 ex. 3 (reading & use of English)
04/11/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 67, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- SB page 169+170 – study grammar ‚reporting speech‘
- SB page 95 ex. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (grammar)
21/10/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 67, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : UPBRINGING, INLAND, COMMON SENSE
- SB page 169+170 – study grammar ‚reporting speech‘
14/10/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 67, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : CRAMPS, ALTITUDE GAIN
- SB page 169+170 – study grammar ‚reporting speech‘
07/10/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 67, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SHED, TARMAC
30/09/2021 – Homework
23/09/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 67, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- bring „Cambridge English First Masterlass“ book next time
01/07/2021 – Have a fantastic summer I hope we will all meet again in September.
24/06/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 67, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : AUDIENCE, WISE, WISDOM, CLAP
Next lesson is the last of this school year so I hope to see you both gentlemen 🙂
17/06/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 67, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Thank you for your message Radek, I hope to see you in our next lesson 🙂
10/06/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 67, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- complete fill-in exercise 7.5. collocations
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : POSSESSED
It was so lovely to finally see you gentlemen 🙂 I hope next Thursday Honza will join us too.
03/06/2021 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 67, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- complete fill-in exercise 7.5. collocations
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BARGAIN, FORGERY, FAME
Don’t forfget our next lesson is at school! See you on Thursday 😉
27/05/2021 – Homework
- drills 48 (passives)
- complete fill-in exercise 7.3. sports vocabulary
- SB page 88 ex. 1, 2, 3 (reading & use of English)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TARMAC
It was lovely speaking to you today gentlemen 🙂
20/05/2021 – Homework
- drills 48 (passives)
- SB page 86 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (vocabulary)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : MID-LIFE CRISIS, VARIED
Thank you for your email Lubos 🙂 I hope to speak to you in our next lesson.
13/05/2021 – Homework
- drills 48 (passives)
- SB page 85 ex. 12, 13 (grammar)
- SB page 86 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (vocabulary)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TAIL WIND, HEAD WIND, SIDE WIND, X-RAY, BET
It was great talking to you again 🙂
06/05/2021 – Homework
- drills 48 (passives)
- complete fill-in exercise 2.4. present tenses active x passive
- SB page 85 ex. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BACKLASH, MERGE
Enjoy the sunny weekend gentlemen 🙂
29/04/2021 – Homework
- drills 49 (present perfect simple vs. continuous)
- SB page 167+168 – study grammar of unit 7 – passive verbs
- SB page 84 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (grammar)
- complete fill-in exercise 5.6. phrasal verbs with „look“
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BACKLASH, MERGE
It was fantastic to speak to you all today 🙂
22/04/2021 – Homework
- drills 49 (present perfect simple vs. continuous)
- SB page 82+83 ex. 3, 4 (reading & use of English)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : POLE, VARNISH, CLUTCH, TAKE TURNS
Enjoy the weekend gentlemen 🙂
15/04/2021 – Homework
- drills 49 (present perfect simple vs. continuous)
- SB page 82+83 ex. 3, 4 (reading & use of English)
- complete fill-in exercise 3.6. question tags
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : PRIORITIZE, IN ADVANCE
I hope to speak to you both next Thursday, gentlemen 🙂
08/04/2021 – Homework
- drills 57 (question tags)
- SB page 80 ex. 1, 2, 3 (review)
- watch this video & prepare to talk about it :
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : FLAT TYRE / PUNCTURE
Farewell Alda 🙂 I hope to see you again in the future.
01/04/2021 – Homework
- drills 57 (question tags)
- SB page 78 ex. 1, 2, 3 (writing)
- complete fill-in exercise 6.5. collocation from page 76
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Thank you for your email Honza & Alda. I hope to see you all in our next lesson 🙂
25/03/2021 – Homework
- drills 57 (question tags)
- SB page 78 ex. 1, 2, 3 (writing)
- complete fill-in exercise 6.5. collocation from page 76
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TO SOME EXTENT
What’s going on Honza? We haven’t spoken in a long time 🙁
18/03/2021 – Homework
- drills 71, 76 (verb patterns)
- SB page 74+75 – read the article again & study new vocabulary (I will test you in our next lesson)
- SB page 77 ex. 9, 10, 11, 12 (vocabulary)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TRIAL PERIOD, MINOR CRIME
I hope to speak to you in our next lesson Honza 🙂
04/03/2021 – Homework
- drills 71, 76 (verb patterns)
- revise vocabulary from 10 previous lessons (I will test you)
- SB page 76+77 ex. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (vocabulary)
Thank you for the email Honza Next week is spring holiday so I will speak to you again 18.03.
25/02/2021 – Homework
- drills 71, 76 (verb patterns)
- revise vocabulary from 10 previous lessons (I will test you)
- SB page 76+77 ex. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (vocabulary)
- complete fill-in exercise 6.4. vocabulary from reading
Keep working on those verb patterns 😉
18/02/2021 – Homework
- drills 71, 76 (verb patterns)
- revise vocabulary from 10 previous lessons (I will test you)
- SB page 74+75 ex. 2 (reading & use of English)
- SB page 166 – study grammar of unit 6
- complete fill-in exercise 6.3. gerunds & infinitives with change of meaning
Don’t forget to study verb patterns 😉
11/02/2021 – Homework
- drills 71 (verb patterns)
- SB page 166 – study grammar of unit 6
- SB page 71 ex. 7, 8, 9 (grammar)
- complete fill-in exercise 6.2. gerunds and infinitives
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : DEFROST, HEADTORCH, DETEST, SCRIPT WRITER
It was fantastic to finally speak to all of you again 🙂
04/02/2021 – Homework
- drills 82, 83 (used to, be used to, get used to)
- SB page 166 – study grammar of unit 6
- SB page 71 ex. 1, 2, 3 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : PLOT
- revise vocabulary also from previous 10 lessons (I will test you in our next lesson)
Enjoy your weekend gentlemen 😉
28 /01/2021 – Homework
- drills 82, 83 (used to, be used to, get used to)
- SB page 69 ex. 1 (introduction)
- watch this video & prepare to talk about it
- revise vocabulary also from privous 10 lessons (I will test you in our next lesson)
I hope to see Radek again next Thursday 🙂
21/01/2021 – Homework
- revise drills 84 (future forms)
- SB page 68 ex. 1, 2, 3 (review)
- complete fill-in exercise 5.5. confusing words
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : HIRE, PLUMBING, REQUEST
Well done today, gentlemen 🙂
14/01/2021 – Homework
- revise drills 84 (future forms)
- SB page 67 ex. 6, 7 (writing)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : FAINT / PASS OUT, SLEDGING, BOB SLEDGING, EXAGGERATE, PNEUMONIA, CRAVING
I hope to see you next Thursday Radek 🙂
07/01/2021 – Homework
- revise drills 84 (future forms)
- complete fill-in exercise 5.4. extreme adjectives
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : RESPONSIBLE, LOSS, CONSTITUTION, CABIN FEVER
I will see you again on Thursday in the first lesson of this trimester 🙂
22/12/2020 – Homework
- revise drills 84 (future forms)
- complete fill-in exercise 5.4. extreme adjectives
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TELL SOMEONE OFF, DESCALE FISH, SKIN A RABBIT, WILD BOAR, INEDIBLE
Don’t forget about our substitution lesson 07.01.2021 at 16:00 🙂 And enjoy the holidays 😉
17/12/2020 – Homework
- revise drills 70, 84 (future forms)
- SB page 64 ex. 3, 4, 5, 6 (vocabulary)
- complete fill-in exercise 5.3. negative adjectives
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BACKPIPE, CHICKPEAS, LADLE
Don’t forget about our substitution lesson 22.12. at 16:00 🙂
10/12/2020 – Homework
- practise drills 70 (future forms)
- SB page 62 ex. 3 (reading & use of English)
- SB page 64 ex. 1, 2, 3 (vocabulary)
- complete fill-in exercise 5.2. phrasal verbs from page 61
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TRAILER
Well done today gentlemen 🙂 I will speak to you again on Thursday.
03/12/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 26, 40, 67, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- SB page 61 ex. 3 (vocabulary)
- SB page 62 ex. 1, 2, 3 (reading & use of English)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : LONG-TERM, SWING, DIVERSE
- watch this video and prepare to talk about it
It was lovely talking to you again today 🙂 Enjoy your weekend!
26/11/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 26, 40, 67, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- SB page 61 ex. 1, 2, 3 (vocabulary)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : NEPHEW, NIECE, TIRE SOMEONE OUT
- watch this video and prepare to talk about it
Thank you for your email Honza 🙂 I hope to speak to you and everyone else again in our next lesson.
19/11/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 26, 40, 67, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- SB page 61 ex. 1, 2, 3 (vocabulary)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TENANT, LANDLORD, WAREHOUSE, BE FED UP WITH / HAVE ENOUGH OF
- watch this video and prepare to talk about it
Thank you for your email Alda, I hope to speak to you next Thursday 🙂
12/11/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 26, 40, 67, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- SB page 60 ex. 4 (grammar)
- complete fill-in exercise 3.3. grammar past tenses
- watch this video and prepare to talk about it
Don’t forget to do ALL your homework for our next lesson, gentlemen 😉
05/11/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 26, 40, 67, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- SB page 60 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (grammar)
- watch this video and prepare to talk about it
- study vocabulary from today’s lesson : CAR BOOT
Thank you Alda & Radek for joining me online today 🙂 I hope to see Honza & Ales next time too 😉
08/10/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 45, 46, 68 (first, second & third conditional)
- SB page 58+59 ex. 2 (reading and use of English)
- study vocabulary from today’s lesson : OATS, TURNIP, POLLINATE, POLLEN
It was fantastic to have you all here gentlemen 🙂
01/10/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 45, 46, 68 (first, second & third conditional)
- SB page 58+59 ex. 1, 2 (reading and use of English)
- study vocabulary from today’s lesson : INDIAN SUMMER, BRIBE, CORRUPTION, CORRUPT, MAKE AN APPOINTMENT
Thank you for your message Honza, I hope to see you in our next lesson 🙂
24/09/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 45, 46, 68 (first, second & third conditional)
- if you don’t already have one – please buy Cambridge English First Masterclass book (first published in 2014)
I hope to have all of you here on Thursday gentlemen 🙂
28/07/2020 – Have a fantastic rest of the summer and don’t forget to sign up to the next trimester after you receive the email from Rene 😉
16/07/2020 – the last lesson of this trimester is on Tuesday 28.07. at 12:45. It’s not necessary to bring your books / notebooks. We will just have a nice chat 🙂 I look forward to seeing you!
09/07/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 82 (used to, get used to, be used to)
- SB page 52 ex. 1, 2, 3 (reading & use of English)
- have a look at my victory interview 😀
I look forward to seeing you again on Thursday gentlemen 🙂
02/07/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 82 (used to, get used to, be used to)
- SB page 52 ex. 1, 2, 3 (reading & use of English)
Enjoy your weekend gentlemen & I’ll see you again on Thursday 🙂
30/06/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 82 (used to, get used to, be used to)
- SB page 51 ex. 3 (vocabulary)
Our next lesson is on Thursday at 16:00 🙂
25/06/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 82 (used to, get used to, be used to)
- SB page 51 ex. 1, 2 (vocabulary)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : VIEW TOWER
See you gentlemen on Tuesday at 12:45 🙂
18/06/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 82 (used to, get used to, be used to)
- SB page 51 ex. 1, 2 (vocabulary)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : FANCY, CONCRETE, HANDS-ON
Nice chat again today 😉 See you again on Thursday!
11/06/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 82 (used to, get used to, be used to)
It was lovely to have you all here again 🙂 See you again on Thursday!
04/06/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 84 (future tenses advanced)
- SB page 49 ex. 7, 8 (grammar)
Have a fantastic weekend & see you again on Thursday!
02/06/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 84 (future tenses advanced)
- SB page 164 – study grammar of unit 4 (the future)
- SB page 49 ex. 7, 8 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TRAILER
See you again on Thursday!
28/05/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 84 (future tenses advanced)
- SB page 164 – study grammar of unit 4 (the future)
- SB page 49 ex. 7, 8 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TURNOVER, WARRANTY, STUDY (room)
See you on Tuesday at 12:45 🙂
26/05/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 84 (future tenses advanced)
- SB page 164 – study grammar of unit 4 (the future)
- SB page 49 ex. 7, 8 (grammar)
See you again on Thursday 🙂
21/05/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 84 (future tenses advanced)
- SB page 164 – study grammar of unit 4 (the future)
- SB page 49 ex. 7, 8 (grammar)
See you again on Tuesday at 12:45 and Thursday at 16:00! 😉
19/05/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 70 (future forms)
- SB page 164 – study grammar of unit 4 (the future)
- SB page 49 ex. 4, 5, 6 (grammar)
- complete exercises on the second page of paper ‚Anxiety & depression‘
See you again on Thursday 🙂
14/05/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 70 (future forms)
- SB page 164 – study grammar of unit 4 (the future)
- SB page 49 ex. 4, 5, 6 (grammar)
- read the article & complete exercises on the paper ‚Anxiety & depression‘ which you got today
Well done with the grammar today 🙂 See you on Tuesday at 12:45 and Thursday at 16:00!
07/05/2020 – Homework
- practise drill 70 (future forms)
- SB page 48 ex. 1, 2, 3 (grammar)
It was fantastic to see you again today 🙂 Have a great long weekend and I’ll be looking forward to seeing you again next Thursday!
12/03/2020 – Homework
- practise drills 70 (future forms)
- SB page 48 ex. 1, 2, 3 (grammar)
It was nice to see you again today, gentlemen 🙂
27/02/2020 – Homework
- practise drills 82 (used to / be used to / get used to)
- SB page 47 ex. 2, 3, 4 (reading & use of English)
Next week is spring holiday so I’ll see you again 12.03.! Have a great time till then 😉
20/02/2020 – Homework
- practise drills 82 (used to / be used to / get used to)
- SB page 46+47 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (reading & use of English)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TOAD, MAMMAL, SNOWDROP
Thank you for your email Jana 🙂 I hope to see you and also Honza next Thursday!
13/02/2020 – Homework
- practise drills 45, 46, 68 (first, second & third conditional)
- SB page 44 ex. 1, 2, 3 (review)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TOES, THORN
Keep practising the drills please 🙂
06/02/2020 – Homework
- practise drills 45, 46, 68 (first, second & third conditional)
- SB page 42+43 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (writing)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : UNDERESTIMATE
It was great to finally have all of you here today 🙂 Enjoy your weekend & see you again on Thursday!
30/01/2020 – Homework
- practise drills 45, 46, 68 (first, second & third conditional)
- SB page 42+43 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (writing)
I hope to see you next Thursday Petra 🙂
23/01/2020 – Homework
- practise drills 45, 46, 68 (first, second & third conditional)
- SB page 38+39 ex. 1, 2 (reading & use of English)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TRAFFIC LANE, SPINE
It was lovely to meet you today Honza 🙂 Have a great weekend everyone & I’ll be looking forward to seeing you again on Thursday!
16/01/2020 – Homework
- practise drills 26, 40, 55, 67 (mix of past tenses)
It was fantastic to meet you today Jana and to see you again Petra. I’m looking forward to seeing Ales next Thursday 🙂
12/12/2019 – Homework
- practise all your drills
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : FART, BLAND
I hope you have a fantastic holiday season & I’ll be looking forward to seeing you again on the 16th of January 😉
05/12/2019 – Homework
- practise drills 79, 80 (quantifiers)
- SB page 36 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : STALL, LISTED BUILDING
Next Thursday is the last lesson of the trimester so I’ll be looking forward to seeing you 😉
28/11/2019 – Homework
- practise drills 79, 80 (quantifiers)
- SB page 163 – study grammar ‚countable and uncountable nouns‘
- SB page 36 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : STEAM
Thank you for your email Petra 🙂 I hope to see you next Thursday!
21/11/2019 – Homework
- practise drills 79, 80 (quantifiers)
- SB page 163 – study grammar ‚countable and uncountable nouns‘
- SB page 36 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : APPLICATION, POUR BEER
Have a fantastic weekend 😉
14/11/2019 – Homework
- practise drills 79, 80 (quantifiers)
- SB page 37 ex. 3, 4, 5 (vocabulary)
- SB page 163 – study grammar ‚countable and uncountable nouns‘
I hope to see you next Thursday Jana 🙂
07/11/2019 – Homework
- practise drills 82 (used to / get used to / be used to)
- SB page 35 ex. 3, 4, 5 (grammar)
- SB page 37 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (vocabulary)
It was lovely to see you today 🙂 Enjoy your weekend!
31/10/2019 – Homework
- practise drills 82 (used to / get used to / be used to)
- SB page 162 – revise grammar ‚describing habitual actions‘
- SB page 35 ex. 3, 4, 5 (grammar)
Well done today 🙂 Keep practising those drills.
24/10/2019 – Homework
- practise drills 82 (used to / get used to / be used to)
- SB page 162 – revise grammar ‚describing habitual actions‘
- SB page 35 ex. 3, 4, 5 (grammar)
Enjoy your long weekend & I’ll see you again on Thursday 😉
17/10/2019 – Homework
- practise drills 49, 67 (present perfect simple x continuous + past simple)
- SB page 35 ex. 1, 2 (grammar)
- complete fill-in exercise 2.2. habits + typical behaviour
It was great seeing you all again today 🙂 Enjoy your weekend!
10/10/2019 – Homework
- practise drills 49, 67 (present perfect simple x continuous + past simple)
- SB page 35 ex. 1, 2 (grammar)
Enjoy the beautiful sunny weekend 😉
03/10/2019 – Homework
- practise drills 45, 46, 68 (conditionals)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : MAINLAND, BAY
- buy / print out unit 3 in the student’s book ‚Cambridge English First Masterlass‘
I’m glad I had Petra & Jana here too today 🙂 See you all next Thursday!
26/09/2019 – Homework
- practise drills 45, 46, 68 (conditionals)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : COMPARE, WISDOM, WISE, MOUNTAIN RIDGE
- buy / print out unit 3 in the student’s book ‚Cambridge English First Masterlass‘
It was fantastic to see / meet you today I look forward to next Thursday. Mirka
Vážení studenti ONLY4, jelikož se pomalu blíží letní prázdniny, dovolujeme si Vám představit naši nabídku na LÉTO 2019:
- TÝDENNÍ INTENZIVNÍ KURZY (sleva 500,-Kč pro současné studenty)
- LETNÍ KONVERZAČNÍ KURZY s Helen (pouze pro úrovně Intermediate a vyšší)
- PŘEKLENOVACÍ KURZY (informace a přihlášky obdržíte od svých lektorů v červnu 2019)
Věříme, že Vám naše kurzy zpříjemní letní období
27/06/2019 – Homework
- revise all of your drills
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
We will not have any summer lessons together, so I hope to see you all in September! Enjoy your summer
20/06/2019 – Homework
- drills 28, 29 (comparatives & superlatives)
- SB page 31 ex. 4, 5 (listening)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : UNDRESS, TAKE OFF (clothes), FREEZER, SUBSTITUTE, BORING
Don’t forget that you have 2 lessons next week! Monday @ 16:00 with Gregor (classroom 10) & Thursday @ 16:00 with me (classroom 8)
13/06/2019 – Homework
- drills 45, 46, 68 (conditionals)
- SB page 25 ex. 1, 2, 3 (reading & use of English)
Have a fantastic rest of the week 😉
06/06/2019 – Homework
- drills 45, 46, 68 (conditionals)
- SB page 25 ex. 1, 2, 3 (reading & use of English)
- fill-in exercise 3.2. grammar
I hope to see you next Thursday, Veronika 🙂
30/05/2019 – Homework
- drills 41, 59, 65 (should / modal verbs / have to)
- SB page 25 ex. 1, 2, 3 (reading & use of English)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : DRAIN, FILL UP
Don’t forget to practice your lesson vocabulary & drills! See you next Thursday 🙂
23/05/2019 – Homework
- drills 41, 59, 65 (should / modal verbs / have to)
- SB page 24 ex. 5, 6, 7 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : THREAD, BREWERY
Enjoy your holiday Petra & Ales 🙂 Veronika & Jana, I’ll see you both again on Thursday!
16/05/2019 – Homework
- drills 41, 59, 65 (should / modal verbs / have to)
- SB page 160 – study grammar ‚ability‘
- SB page 24 ex. 5, 6, 7 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : GOALS, INDEPENDENTLY, SLEEPWALKING, DUVET, BLANKET
Have a great weekend & don’t forget to study your vocabulary 😉
09/05/2019 – Homework
- drills 41, 59, 65 (should / modal verbs / have to)
- SB page 160 – study grammar ‚ability‘
- SB page 24 ex. 5, 6, 7 (grammar)
- complete fill-in exercise 3.1. phrasal verbs with ‚turn‘ page 22
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : VIVID, CLAWS
I hope to see you in our next lesson Jana 🙂
25/04/2019 – Homework
- drills 41, 59, 65 (should / modal verbs / have to)
- SB page 22 ex. 4 (reading & use of English)
- SB page 24 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : MEADOW, SQUIRREL, STORK, HERON, MINCED MEAT, CYCLEPATH, ZODIAC
Don’t forget that there is no lesson next week! I will see you again on the 9th of May!
18/04/2019 – Homework
- revise drills 47, 48 (passives)
- SB page 22 ex. 3, 4 (reading & use of English)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (you will explain it in English next week)
Enjoy the long Easter weekend & I’ll see you again on Thursday
11/04/2019 – Homework
- revise drills 47, 48 (passives)
- SB page 21 – prepare your answers to ex. 1
- SB page 22 ex. 1, 2 (reading & use of English)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BLACKMAIL, BRUISE, SEASON TICKET, TORTOISE
It was lovely to welcome you to our group Jana 🙂 See you all next Thursday!
04/04/2019 – Homework
- revise all your drills
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Next Thursday is the first lesson of a new trimester & you’ll get to meet your new classmate, so I hope you can all make it!
28/03/2019 – Homework
- drills 44, 45, 46, 68 (time clauses / first / second / third conditional)
- SB page 20 ex. 1, 2, 3 (review)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : NAUGHTY, I CAN’T BE BOTHERED
Thank you for your messages Ales & Renata 🙂 I hope to see you both next Thursday!
Rádi bychom Vás informovali, že pokud jste s výukou v Only4 spokojeni a přejete si pokračovat ve svém kurzu angličtiny i v období DUBEN – ČERVEN 2019, můžete se již nyní přednostně přihlásit jedním z těchto způsobů:
1. ON-LINE PŘIHLÁŠKA (po úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na
3. Telefonicky nebo SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. Osobně v kanceláři školy
Veškeré požadavky na změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte prosím do přihlášky či konzultujte v kanceláři školy.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit nejpozději do 18. března, kdy začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme někým novým.
Všechny kurzy budou začínat v týdnu od 8. dubna.
21/03/2019 – Homework
- drills 45, 46, 68 (first / second / third conditional)
- SB page 20 ex. 1, 2, 3 (review)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BAD CONSCIENCE, PURE BREED
Enjoy the sunny weekend & I’ll see you again on Thursday!
14/03/2019 – Homework
- drills 45, 46, 68 (first / second / third conditional)
- SB page 18+19 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (writing)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : GO-CARTING, SWEAT, SUN LOUNGER, SUNBED
I hope to see Renata here next Thursday 🙂
07/03/2019 – Homework
- drills 33, 41, 65
- SB page 18+19 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (writing)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : PRAM, GLACIER, CATWALK, INTESTINE, SORE THROAT
It was fantastic to have you all here today 🙂 See you next Thursday!
21/02/2019 – Homework
- drills 33, 41, 65
- complete fill-in exercise 4.5. parts of the body and seeing verbs
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : WOOD BURNER, SALIVA, SALIVATE, SNIFF, STUFFED ANIMAL / TOY, CHECK UP, MAN FLU
I will see you again on 7th March. Next Thursday is a spring holiday!!!
14/02/2019 – Homework
- drills 33, 41, 65
- SB page 16 ex. 1, 2, 3 (vocabulary)
- revise vocabulary from the last 15 lessons from this page (you will explain it in English next week)
It was great having you all here again 🙂 See you next Thursday!
07/02/2019 – Homework
- drills 33, 41, 65
- SB page 16 ex. 1, 2, 3 (vocabulary)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BATHROBE, DEPOSIT, PURE BREED
Have a fantastic weekend 😉
31/01/2019 – Homework
- drills 33, 41, 65
- SB page 15 ex. 1, 2, 3 (reading & use of English)
- complete fill-in 4.1. adverbs from page 14
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : MORTGAGE, WHIRLPOOL, JACUZZI
It was great to finally have all of you here at the same time 🙂
24/01/2019 – Homework
- drills 33, 41, 65
- SB page 14 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (grammar)
- complete fill-in 2.1. moods & attitudes
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : RELAY, FAINT / PASS OUT
Veronika, I hope you can make it next Thursday 😉
17/01/2019 – Homework
- drills 49, 55, 67
- SB page 14 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ALTITUDE, STEEP, HITCH-HIKING
Have a great rest of the week & I look forward to seeing all of you next Thursday 😉
10/01/2019 – Homework
- drills 49, 55, 67
- SB page 14 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (grammar)
I hope to see Petra & our new student Renata next Thursday!
13/12/2018 – Homework
- revise all your drills
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Have a fantastic holiday season and I will be looking forward to seeing you on the 10th of January!
06/12/2018 – Homework
- drills 49, 67
- watch this video & prepare to talk about it
- SB page 12 ex. 3, 4 (reading & use of English)
I hope you can all be here next Thursday as it will be the last lesson of the trimester!
Rádi bychom Vás informovali, že pokud jste s výukou v Only4 spokojeni a přejete si pokračovat ve svém kurzu angličtiny i v období LEDEN – BŘEZEN 2019, můžete se již nyní přednostně přihlásit jedním z těchto způsobů:
1. ON-LINE PŘIHLÁŠKA (po úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na
3. Telefonicky nebo SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. Osobně v kanceláři školy
Veškeré požadavky na změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte prosím do přihlášky či konzultujte v kanceláři školy.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit nejpozději do 3. prosince, kdy začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme někým novým.
Nový trimestr začíná v týdnu od 7. ledna 2019.
29/11/2018 – Homework
- drills 49, 67
- watch this video & prepare to talk about it
- SB page 12 + 13 ex. 1, 2 (reading & use of English)
Thank you for your message, Petra 🙂 I hope to see you in our next week’s lesson!
22/11/2018 – Homework
- drills 49, 67
- translate the rest of the questions on paper ‚should, would, could‘
- SB page 12 + 13 ex. 1, 2 (reading & use of English)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : RAKE, FRINGE
I hope to see you next Thursday Eva 🙂
15/11/2018 – Homework
- drills 41, 65 (should / have to)
- translate the rest of the questions on paper ‚should, would, could‘ which you got today
- SB page 12 + 13 ex. 1, 2 (reading & use of English)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : HALF BROTHER / SISTER, STEP BROTHER / SISTER
Well done today 🙂 Have a great weekend!
08/11/2018 – Homework
- drills 41, 65 (should / have to)
- SB page 11 ex. 5 (grammar)
- SB page 159 – study modal verbs ‚obligation‘
- complete fill-in exercise 4.3. modal verbs of obligation
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : INFECTIOUS, GAME, PHEASANT, WILD BOAR, PNEUMONIA, SCALE, DRESS UP / DOWN
Have a fantastic rest of the week & I’ll be looking forward to seeing you again on Thursday 🙂
01/11/2018 – Homework
- drills 41, 65 (should / have to)
- SB page 11 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (grammar)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : INVOLVE, TAKE PLACE, SUPERNATURAL, SQUIRREL
Thank you for your email, Ales 🙂 I hope to see you next Thursday!
25/10/2018 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 67, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- complete fill-in exercise 3.4. past tenses 2
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : RAVEN, ALTITUDE, SIGN UP, TENDON, RELAY
- watch this video on TED and prepare to talk about it :
I hope to see you next Thursday Eva 😉
18/10/2018 – Homework
- drills 26, 40, 49, 67, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- complete fill-in exercise 3.3. past tenses
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BEAK
- watch this video on TED and prepare to talk about it :
Good job today with the conditionals 🙂 Have a great weekend!
11/10/2018 – Homework
- drill 45, 46, 68 (first, second & third conditional)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : HIGH HEELS, FUNFAIR, TRIM, WEED, CARVED PUMPKIN, PRIEST, DEAL / HANDLE, BRUISE
- buy Cambridge English First Masterclass student’s book
- complete fill-in exercise 9.2 conditionals
I hope to see you next week Eva 🙂
04/10/2018 – Homework
- drill 45, 46, 68 (first, second & third conditional)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : STALL
- buy Cambridge English First Masterclass student’s book
Have a fantastic weekend & I’ll be looking forward to seeing you again on Thursday!
27/09/2018 – Homework
- drill 45, 46, 68 (first, second & third conditional)
- translate questions 1.12. questions (mix of tenses)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : FREE-DIVING, SCUBA DIVING, SKYDIVING
It was great to meet you today Veronika & Ales 🙂 I am looking forward to meeting Petra & Eva too!
Welcome to ASP14 🙂
level: upper-intermediate
Course books:
Drily s výslovností do mobilu.
Informace o mobilní aplikaci i s ukázkovým videem najdete na WWW.ONLY4DRIL.CZ
PŘIHLAŠOVÁNÍ NA TRIMESTR září-prosinec je 20.-26.8.
Trimester: 12.4. – 28.6.2018 (12 lessons)
Lesson 12 (28.6.)
Thanks for the lovely refreshments and mainly for doing the dishes afterwards. I appreciate it. 🙂
And another thing I appreciate is your hard work even if you didn’t always have the time to prepare for what you needed. The result always shows when you think about things yourselves. You’ve come a long way! 🙂
During summer, do drill, keep reviewing vocab
-you can ‚test‘ yourselves:
-Also do some listening and don’t forget to imitate a few sentences now and then:
a) choose according to your taste:
b) or:
c) or sth educative like:
d) or your own topic about beauty, diets, interesting places, windsurfing, stars/scientists…interviews, internet series, films… 😉
Just have fun doing that. 🙂
Have lovely summer months! Lucy
Lesson 11 (21.6.)
– keep learning the words with their typical prepositions
– translate practising ‚USED TO‘:
Bývalo tu Zlaté Jablko před 20ti lety?
Kde bývala ve Zlíně knihovna? Co je tam teď?
Kolik stával v obchodě litr mléka, když jste byli děti?
Jaké vědomostní soutěže (Quiz Shows) jste dřív sledovali?
Jaký mobil/TV/auto… jste mívali a proč jste to vyměnili?
Nosívali jste si do školy vždy všechny pomůcky do matematiky?
– listening and imitation (It’s fast + new vocab), play it with subtitules = ‚cc‘ sign (closed captions) on the screen (right bottom): = make notes on the different kinds of sleeping positions and briefly what characterize them.
See you in our special last lesson. 😉
Lesson 10 (14.6.)
– learn expressions with their prepositions + also choose 3 of them and prepare questions for your classmates
– listen and imitate („How have you changed?“ – minutes 4:08 – 5:16): = prepare some examples about you and use a structure ‚USED TO‘ too;
You performed a wonderful conversation, everybody! 🙂 L.
Lesson 9 (7.6.)
– keep learning the words and their prepositions (from 31.5.)
– short listening and imitating (REASONABLE REQUESTS) = find minutes 27:36 – 28:33: – Are they reasonable requests (rozumné požadavky)? Have you ever asked somebody to do these? Or have you ever been asked? Can you think of more requests (which/that) you ask other people around you/in different places? Be ready for this discussion, please.
Lesson 8 (31.5.)
– learn: invest (into sth), depict = znázornit, vykreslit, greed = chamtivost, throughout = skrz, napříč, fade = vytrácet se, blednout;
– learn the vocab and prepositions from the lesson + choose 3 and prepare 3 questions for your classmates;
– listening (CAPSULE HOTELS)= find minutes 12:07-14:15 (At first try to listen to it without reading to find out how much you understand. Then read if you need to and make notes.) Feel free to find images on the internet. 😉
If you are interested in any of the summer offers, let me know next lesson. Have a nice week. 🙂 L.
Lesson 7 (24.5.)
– learn: engagement, be engaged, groom, bride, newlyweds (novomanželé), bridesmaids, maid of honor, best man, glamorous (okouzlující, úchvatný), (go down the) aisle (jít uličkou), emerge (=appear), gaze (zírat), catch a glimpse of (letmo spatřit, zahlédnout), Duke (vévoda), Duchess (vévodkyně), low-key wedding (decentní, nehonosná svatba), opt for (=choose sth), at ease (=relaxed), giggle (hihňat se),
– complete the gaps in the text called ‚The Story of Gold‘ HERE;
Milí studenti, jelikož se pomalu blíží letní prázdniny, dovoluji si zmínit naši nabídku angličtiny na LÉTO 2018 pro vás nebo vaše známé. Jsou to zárověň i odkazy.
- TÝDENNÍ INTENZIVNÍ KURZY (současní studenti automaticky obdrží slevu 500,-)
- LETNÍ KONVERZAČNÍ KURZY (pouze pro úrovně Intermediate a vyšší)
- DĚTSKÉ TÝDENNÍ INTENZIVNÍ KURZY pro děti ve věku od 10 do 18 let, které jim v posledních dvou týdnech prázdnin pomůžou vyladit formu před nástupem do školy (současní studenti automaticky obdrží slevu 500,-)
Rezervujte si místa již nyní, kapacita je omezená. Základní informace nebo doporučení vám v případě zájmu podám, bližší informace a přihlášky najdete na našem webu nebo v kanceláři školy.
Lesson 6 (17.5.)
– keep learning vocabulary
– write me 10-15 sentences on a spare piece of paper about YOUR WORST TRAVEL ON THE BUS OR TRAIN/ ACCIDENT ON YOUR JOURNEY/ FUNNY EXPERIENCE ON YOUR JOURNEY/ BEST ACCOMMODATION ON YOUR HOLIDAY (= choose one of the topics)
– if you have time, read the text I gave you;
– Royal weddings (If the subtitles don’t show, switch them on – ‚cc‘ sign – at the the right bottom of the video screen):
– also:
Or do your own research. 😉 See you.
Lesson 5 (10.5.)
– learn: knight, Middle Ages, armour/armor, noble man, warrior, apprentice, sword, surround, purity, oath, obey, defenceless/defenseless;
– learn the expressions with ‚GET‘ and make 3 questions using 3 of the expressions;
– next lesson’s topic = TOURISM. …Wherever you go, there are rules or restrictions. Listen to the first topic (= 16 Hiking the Inca Trail 0min-1:50min) Make notes. :
I’ll take care of questions. 😉 L.
Lesson 4 (4.5.)
– listen, imitate some of the sentences and be prepared to retell the story (‚My life as a knight‘) briefly:
+ look up some key words (they are in the story) such as : rytíř, zbroj/brnění, poslíček, panoš, středověk, bojovat, meč, šlechtic, učeň, válčení, slib; It’ll be easier for you to understand.
Have a spectacular week! L.
Lesson 3 (26.4.)
– prepositions – exercise: HERE;
– read and be prepared to talk about HONOR, APPRECIATION, RECOGNITION, SHOWING RESPECT, MEMORIALS…= prepare 3 questions related to this topic;
Have an awesome week! L.
Lesson 2 (19.4.)
noodles 12.5. KEY: HERE;
– keep learning vocab
– fill in 12.5 HERE;
– listen, imitate: – TIP: You can imitate the example sentences in order to practise the prepositions at the same time 😉
Have a gorgeous week. L.
Lesson 1 (12.4.)
– I gave you a worksheet about ‚The secret of my success‘ read it and think of answers;
– noodles 12.5: HERE – translate using appropriate structure of HAVE, MAKE, LET
– listen, especially the conversation between the man and the woman, repeat something:
Have a great time, weekend… See you sooner or later. 😉
Trimester: 11.1. – 5.4.2018 (12 lessons)
Lesson 12 (5.4.)
– keep learning unit 12 vocab
– SB 144/1, 3;
– listen and DO at least 2x/week this time: (Pause it more often if you wish);
See you next week with more practice. L.
Lesson 11 (29.3.)
– the drill
– learn today’s words: false teeth, broad idea, pull into (zajet), undo (oddělat), fill up (naplnit), pour (nalét, lét), without a moment’s hesitation, attention-grabbing (poutající), to feature (obsahovat; vyznačovat se), reveal (odhalit, odkrýt), smash hit (velký hit), commitment (závazek; oddanost), applicable (příslušný, použitelný), give it a try (zkus to);
+ translate noodles 12.9 HERE, then check HERE (question 11: applicable to!, and can you find a mistake in question 12…?)
– SB 152/2, 3, 4;
Happy Easter! L.
Lesson 10 (22.3.)
– drill (have sth done)
– translate the rest of noodles 12.10: HERE; (U těch pár posledních ot. zkuste vytvořit ‚složené přídavné jméno‘ sami.)
– SB 148/1, 3;
– SB 175/5, (4) – study those and then translate these questions:
1 Byl jsi nucen si čistit zuby 3x denně?
2 Byla jsi nucena pomáhat mladšímu sourozenci s DÚ?
3 Byl tvůj starší sourozenec nucen ti pomáhat s DÚ?
4 Jsou tvé děti nuceni do něktrerých cvičení v tělesné výchově?
Rádi bychom Vás informovali, že pokud jste s výukou v Only4 spokojeni a přejete si pokračovat ve svém kurzu angličtiny i v období DUBEN – ČERVEN 2018, můžete se již nyní přednostně přihlásit jedním z těchto způsobů:
1. ON-LINE PŘIHLÁŠKA (po úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na
3. Telefonicky nebo SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. Osobně v kanceláři školy
Veškeré požadavky na změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte prosím do přihlášky či konzultujte v kanceláři školy.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit nejpozději do 19. března, kdy začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme někým novým.
Všechny kurzy budou začínat od 10. dubna.
Lesson 9 (15.3.)
They make me clean my room.
ALE passive form (BE + 3rd FORM) of ‚make‘:
I was made to clean my room.
– drill: HERE;
– keep learning vocab from SB 142-143;
– learn today’s: eye-catching, labour-saving, thirst-quenching, record-breaking, time-consuming, heart warming, mouth-watering, meat-eating;
– SB 149/2
See you again soon. L.
Lesson 8 (8.3)
– keep learning vocab from SB 142-143 and learn today’s from SB 150;
– SB 175/5;
– SB 151/4, 6 (these exercises are related to p.150);
– SB 149/1 = match (dictionary might help 😉 )
Lesson 7 (1.3.)
– Learn vocab from SB 142-143: self-important (domýšlivý), animal rights (práva zvířet), cruelty (krutost), charge (obvinění- press charges against sb = ), dissuade (odradit), eye-catching, attract attention (přitahovat pozornost), to object (namítat), long-standing (dlouholetý), onlooker (přihlížející), obsession (posedlost, obsese), make front page news (dostat se na titulní stranu), have a dislike for sb (= don’t like sb), become a target, raise awarnes (vzbudit zájem), bring sth to someone’s attention, cause a scandal, earn yourself a nickname (vysloužit si přezdívku);
– SB 150/1 = read, translate and order the paragraphs;
Lesson 6 (15.2.)
– SB 142-143/1, 2, 3, 4;
– We’ll discuss SB 145/5 so you can prepare your answers
Excellent questions, everybody! 🙂
See you in two weeks. L.
Lesson 5 (8.2.)
– make 2 questions using ‚LET‘ and 2 questions using ‚MAKE‘ (=přinutit);
– SB 144/GRAMMAR part ex 2 (complete following the instructions);
– SB 145/3 – be prepared to say what work has been done on the house in picture B if you compare it with the “ in picture A (= using HAVE sth DONE);
Have a relaxing weekend. L.
Lesson 4 (1.2.)
– drills (conditionals for one more short test)
– translate the rest of questions on ‚LET and MAKE‘;
– make 3 questions using ‚HAVE sth DONE‘ (each question in a different tense);
Practice is still needed but I must tell each of you: ‚You did a wonderful job!‘ I believe the following homework won’t be difficult either. 😉 L.
Dovolujeme si Vás informovat o otevření Týdenních intenzivních kurzů , které budou probíhat v naší škole během jarních prázdnin ( 19.2.-23.2. 2018)
Naši současní studenti z kurzů obdrží automaticky slevu 500,-Kč.
Přihlášku a detailní informace o kurzech získáte na našich webových stránkách nebo v kanceláři školy.
Pokud si nejste jisti, zda je pro Vás tento kurz vhodný, ráda Vám poradím.
Lesson 3 (25.1.)
– next time there will be a short test on conditionals (all of them);
– translate the rest of questions 14.2 (PET);
– SB 175/Causatives 4 and 6 = study ‚MAKE‘ and LET‘;
Lesson 2 (18.1.)
– drills;
– SB 140/4,5;
– SB 141/1, 2, 3,4;
You expressed your opinions and told your stories very well, Veroniko and Petro! 🙂
See ya all. L.
Lesson 1 (11.1.)
– conditionals: drills 45, 46, 68;
– SB 140/1, 2, 3;
– prepare for a conversation:
b) SB 141/1, 2, 3, 4;
It was nice seeing you again. Have a nice week, everybody. L.
Trimester: 5.10. – 21.12.2017 (12 lessons)
Lesson 12 (21.12.)
– drills,
– choose anything you like:
Good job this trimester! I knew you could do it! Still, when you hear/see ‚if‘ or ‚would‘ pay attention to the fact how they’re used.
May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and good will. Merry Christmas!
Lesson 11 (14.12.)
– drills,
– Translate and also think of the answers: HERE;
Lesson 10 (7.12.)
– current drills
– unit 11 vocab
– SB 174/ Study ‚mixed conditionals‘ then do ex 5 on p.133;
– topic: ‚CHEESE‘ + a listening/reading:
Rádi bychom Vás informovali, že pokud jste s výukou v Only4 spokojeni a přejete si pokračovat ve svém kurzu angličtiny i v období LEDEN – BŘEZEN 2018, můžete se již nyní přednostně přihlásit jedním z těchto způsobů:
- ON-LINE PŘIHLÁŠKA (po úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na Váš e-mail)
- E-mailem na
- Telefonicky nebo SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
- Osobně v kanceláři školy
Veškeré požadavky na změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte prosím do přihlášky či konzultujte v kanceláři školy.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit nejpozději do 4. prosince, kdy začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme někým novým.
Nový trimestr začíná v týdnu od 8. ledna 2018
Lesson 9 (30.11.)
– drills 45, 46, 68;
– unit 11 vocab
– SB 133/1, 2, 4 (all written form, please);
– listen to/read:
Catch you later.
Lesson 8 (23.11.)
– current drills;
– keep learning unit 11 vocabulary;
– 3rd conditional translation:
Kdo by byl býval tvůj svědek (na svatbě), kdyby ti tehdejší odmítl.
Bývala bys přišla minulou lekci, kdyby tvůj manžel nebyl na služební cestě?
Bývali byste si koupili jiné auto, kdybyste tehdy měli víc peněz?
Kdybys býval spal o hodinu déle v sobotu, stihl bys udělat stejný kus práce?
– topic for the next lesson: a) pets in inappropriate places
b) listen to/read:
You did a great job in the lesson. Be confident.
Lesson 7 (16.11.)
– current drills;
– learn vocab from listening 25 + SB 130-131: literate (gramotný), gismo = electrical device, without question = without doubt, aid = help, take turns (střídat se), hand-eye co-ordination, sense of empowerment (pocit moci), be confident about, make friends, downside x upside, considerable (značný), to alter (pozměnit), stare at (zírat na), attain a goal (dosáhnout cíle), omit (vynechat), be concerned about (be worried about), hinder (překážet, bránit), verbal skills, solve a problem (vyřešit problém), deal with a problem (řešit problém);
– fill in 11.3 HERE;
– study grammar of the 3rd conditional in SB 174 Type 3;
Well done for the conditionals. 🙂 Enjoy your weekend.
Lesson 6 (9.11.)
– current drills;
– keep learning vocab + learn vocab from the listening 25;
– in a written form prepare 4 questions using conditionals (2 x 1st condit., 2 x 2nd condit.);
– SB 130-131 the text + /2, (3), 4; Be ready to retell me the text;
Nice conversation and practice using noodles, dear students. 🙂 Have a nice weekend.
Lesson 5 (2.11.)
– SB 137/ the text -KEY: 1 place, 2 of, 3 to, 4 in, 5 so, 6 have, 7 if, 8 than, 9 a, 10 been, 11 to, 12 as;
– KEY to noodles 11.9: HERE;
– drills: 45, 46, mix-of-grammar;
– vocab: display of, take place in, a team of, compete in, compared to, talk back, capable of, in order to, such as; layer, remove, engagement ring, wedding ring, venomous, nail polish, nail file, clippers, bright colour, anaesthesia;
– noodles 11.5: HERE;
– We’ll do listening 25 next lesson;
Lesson 4 (26.10.)
– drills;
– 1st conditional exercise:
– SB 137/complete the text;
– translate noodles: HERE;
– Conversation: make 3 questions for your colleagues using 2nd conditionals;
– reading, listening and a video:
Enjoy 😉
Lesson 3 (19.10.)
– drill (mix-of grammar), also if you have 45,46 = conditionals 1 and 2;
– learn these irregular verbs: bít, mlátit; porazit: BEAT- beat-beaten, krvácet: BLEED-bled-bled, prasknout, puknout; propuknout: BURST-burst-burst, snít: DREAM-dreamt-dreamt, FORBID-forbade-forbidden, položit, klást: LAY-laid-laid, zaslechnout: OVERHEAR-overheard-overheard, přestat, zanechat: QUIT-quit-quit, hledat: SEEK-sought-sought, trhat: TEAR-tore-torn;
– practise the irregular forms: HERE;
– Translate to practise 1st and 2nd conditionals:
Co budeš dělat o víkendu, pokud bude hezké/hnusné počasí?
Kdybys mohl vyměnit jednu část těla, kterou bys vyměnil?
Kdyby u vás hořelo, jaká by byla první věc, kterou bys vynesl?
Pokud večer zjistíš, že v ledničce není dost jídla, půjdeš ješte nakoupit?
Kdybys zítra mohl jít na 1 den kdekoliv na světě, kam by to bylo?
Pokud v sobotu upečeš buchtu, zbude ke snídani i na pondělí?
Well done for your example sentences on conditionals (prepared at home or made in the lesson) 🙂
Lesson 2 (12.10.)
SB 136/1 KEY: a) ban on, b) responsible for, c) spend on;
/2 KEY: a) on, b) with, c) to, d) for, e) for, f) similar to, g) with
– the drill (mix-of-grammar)
– Learn prepositions from SB 136 + translate these using correct prepositions:
Hlásil by ses rád o práci ve velké mezinárodní firmě?
Komu bys zavolal, kdyby bylo něco špatně s tvým počítačem?
Na jaké elektronické zřízení se v práci nejvíce spoléháš?
Je před Vánocemi silná poptávka po nějakých výrobcích?
Měl by být v kinech zákaz mluvení nahlas?
– Study grammar in SB 174/Conditionals – only ‚General rules, Type 0, Type 1 and Type 2‘ + try to make 2 sentences of each of these 3 types
– listen to (/read) a piece of news and be prepared to discuss it:
I’m looking forward to your opinions on the video. See you.
Lesson 1 (5.10.)
– gadgets = SB 135 (speaking, listening);
– mix of grammar drill – download and practise: HERE;
– sb 136/1, 2 = complete with a correct preposition;
– find out the irregular forms of these verbs: BEAT, BLEED, BURST, DREAM, FORBID, LAY, OVERHEAR, QUIT, SEEK, TEAR;
It was lovely seeing you and Petra sends regards to everybody. 😉 See you soon too, Petra. L.
Trimester: 13.4. – 29.6.2017 (12 lessons)
29.6. Lesson 12
– KEY to noodles 11.1: HERE;
– Thank you for all your hard work, everybody! 🙂 I can see some progress every trimester. Please don’t give up if something takes longer than you expect for you to remember/learn to use. If you don’t have time to learn everyday or don’t have an opportunity… no wonder. Let me encourage you and upload a few short stories (A4 format) where you can observe grammar, remind yourselves some older vocab and even learn new ones (from easier to more difficult): HERE; HERE; HERE; HERE; HERE; HERE; HERE; HERE;
– Do you feel like practising grammar? Help yourselves:
– listening?:
– practice for the FCE exam?:
I believe everybody can choose something. 😉 All these things are voluntary but don’t forget: ‚practice makes perfect‘.
I’m proud you’ve come so far. Have a gorgeous summer. I’m looking forward to seeing you in September. 🙂 L.
If you or somebody you know is looking for a day camp for the kids, I´d like to recommend the 7th year of our Příměstský tábor s angličtinou pro děti od 6 do 14 let. Now is the best time to apply.
Program for summer 2017:
- TÝDENNÍ INTENZIVNÍ KURZY (sleva 500,-Kč pro naše současné studenty)
- LETNÍ KONVERZAČNÍ KURZY s Helen (for intermediate level and + , which you are. )
- PŘEKLENOVACÍ LEKCE (matter of discussion in the lesson)
22.6. Lesson 11
– noodles 11.1: HERE;
– prepare for a conversation: HERE;
15.6. Lesson 10
– SB 128/1, 2, 3, 4;
– preparation for a conversation: SB 129/1, 2, 3
– voluntary: writing = task in SB 127;
Have a fabulous week!
8.6. Lesson 9
Nicely done homework, everybody! Have a wonderful weekend.
– SB 125/2, 3 (For the text on p.124);
– fill in 10.5: HERE; (Follow the task + make more changes to some words given)
and check it with a KEY: HERE;
– SB 126-127/1, 2, 3, 4;
1.6. Lesson 8
Well done for the translation of noodles, Petra and Aleš!
– We did the noodles, SB 125 and also 123 + talked about fear
– words and expressions tolearn: SB 123/1, 2 + fear for (strach o), panick with fear (panikařit strachem), be scared to death (být vystrašený k smrti), be frightened (být vyděšený);
– a fill in 10.6: HERE;
– SB 124/read the box ‚noun suffixes‘, complete ex 1;
– KEY to noodles 10.10 for Veronika and Eva: HERE;
Enjoy your weekend, the weather and don’t forget to learn a bit of English. L.
25.5. Lesson 7
Welcome to the second half of the trimester, everybody 🙂
– Those who mentioned, click on the link ‚letní konverzační kurzy‘ above. You can enroll via application. The dates are set to Mondays from 16:00 and 17:35.
– drills
– SB 125/2, 3;
– noodles 10.10 practising expressions with ‚MIND‘: HERE;
18.5. Lesson 6
– drills,
– the questions on worksheet I handed out;
– the ‚fill in‘ 10. I handed out (or downloadable again: HERE)
– SB 125/ VOCABULARY 1 + find out the meanings;
Great work in the lesson, everybody! 🙂
11.5. Lesson 5
– drills,
– SB 120/2, + choose a favourite word from ex 1 and use it in 2 statements or questions which we can discuss next lesson.
– SB 122/1, 2;
– next time there’ll be SB 118-119 vocab test;
4.5. Lesson 4
– ČÍM….TÍM… (= the + comparatives):
The more he eats, the hungrier he is.
The sooner we leave, the earlier we get there.
The more he insisted he was innocent, the less they seemed to believe him.
– SB 121/4 (Čím… tím…) – Complete with your own ideas;
– SB 120/1 = VOCABULARY part;
– keep learning words from SB 118-119;
Hope you enjoyed the event, Veronika and Eva. Have a nice weekend, everybody.
27.4. Lesson 3:
ADJECTIVES (jaký/jaká/jaké?): e.g. quick, beautiful –>
She is a beautiful singer.
*quick – quicker – the quickest
*beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful
ADVERBS (jak?): e,g, quickly, beautifully –>
She sings beautifully.
*quickly – more quickly – most quickly
*beautifully – more beautifully – most beautifully
BUT if the word is both an ADJECTIVE and an ADVERB, the forms are the same. E.g.
fast = rychlý i rychle (He is a fast driver. x He drives fast.)
*fast – faster – (the) fastest (rychlý – rychlejší – nejrychlejší x rychle – rychleji – nejrychleji)
more such words: hard, deep
irregular: well, badly, far, much/many, little
(With the 3rd grade there is usually NO ‚the‘)
– old drills 28/29
– make comparative and superlative forms of adverbs: HERE;
– noodles: HERE;
– SB 120/2, 3 (the pictures are on p121)
Enjoy your long weekend. 🙂
20.4. Lesson 2
– learn words from SB 118-119: HERE;
+ translate noodles using some of the words: HERE;
– If you’re not comfortable using comparative and superlative adjectives, study: SB 172 + ‚than‘, ‚as…as‘ and ‚subject and object pronouns‘ on p173; I’ll bring drill 28;
– SB 173/ adverbs!
– SB 120/1 a, b +There’ll be a discussion;
Have a fabulous week!
13.4. Lesson 1
– adjectives (from drill 72)+ prepositions: FRIGHTENED (OF), AMAZED (BY), ANNOYED (WITH sb), INTERESTED (IN), BORED (WITH sth), SHOCKED (BY), EXCITED (ABOUT), TIRED (OF sth), WORRIED (ABOUT);
– SB 118-119/2, 4 (3= Veronika); read the text, be prepared to retell it to me; Do you know the film mentioned? Do you know any geniuses? /films/documentary about them?
Enjoy your Easter break 🙂
Trimester: 12.1. – 6.4.2017(12 lessons)
6.4. Lesson 12
– KEY to noodles 9.10 for Eva: HERE; (question 9: What….IF you found out….WERE/WAS too tight around your waist?)
– KEY to SB 116 for everybody: EX1: a) -minded, b) tanned, c) broken-, d) -headed, e) bad-, f) self-, g) bold-;
EX2: a) arm, b) foot, c) brains, d) leg, e) tongue, f) hand, g) face, h) eye;
EX 3: 1 amazing, 2 terrifying, 3 horrifying, 4 worried, 5 exhausting, 6 concerned, 7 convinced, 8 tired, 9 thrilled;
See you next week.
– drills,
– today’s words: break a record, Fool’s Day, prank sb, make a fool of sb, play a joke on sb, tell a joke, laugh at sb, laughter, burst into laughter, twist/sprain an ankle (vyvrtnout si kotník), pull/strain a muscle (natáhnout si sval);
– fill in 9.6: HERE;
– SB 117/2, 3;
31.3. Lesson 11
You did a great job in the lesson! I’m looking forward to the next one 🙂
– drills;
– learn body parts and idioms from SB 113 + translate noodles 9.10: HERE;
– SB 116/1, 2, 3 (review);
– prepare for a conversation: HERE;
23.3. Lesson 10
Amazing effort, guys!
– drill: HERE;
– learn today’s words; prepare 2 questions for your colleagues;
– SB 113/1 = label the body parts in the pictures, /2 = Have you heard any of the expressions? Try and complete them.
– SB 112/2;
Rádi bychom Vás informovali, že pokud jste s výukou v Only4 spokojeni a přejete si pokračovat ve svém kurzu angličtiny i v období DUBEN – ČERVEN 2017, můžete se již nyní přednostně přihlásit jedním z těchto způsobů:
- ON-LINE PŘIHLÁŠKA (po úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na Váš e-mail)
- E-mailem na
- Telefonicky nebo SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
- Osobně v kanceláři školy
Veškeré požadavky na změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte prosím do přihlášky či konzultujte v kanceláři školy.
– Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit nejpozději do 20. března.
– Nový trimestr začíná v týdnu od 10. dubna.
16.3. Lesson 9
– drills 72, relative clauses;
– fill ins 9.1, 6.2;
– listening in SB p.110;
– drills;
– SB 112/ (1), 2;
– watch this video:
(If it doesn´t pop up on the screen, scroll down and find: Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend) and be prepared to talk about it: Who is Kelly Mcgonigal?, What was her original opinion of stress? What changed her mind? What should be our attidude towards stress? Whas is the role of oxytocin? What is her advice at the very end?
Thank you. Have a marvelous week. 🙂
9.3. Lesson 8
-ed adjectives (bored, amazed…) = feelings (e.g. I am/feel amazed.)
-ing adjectives (boring, amazing…) = description of people/things (e.g. That person is boring. The view was amazing.) = drill 72
– older drill 72 and new drill: HERE;
– fill in 9.1: HERE;
– fill in 6.2 (INT): HERE;
– We’ll do listening in SB 110, if you have CD 2, listen to it.
2.3. Lesson 7
– keep learning vocab from SB 111/2;
– start learning the 2nd half of vocab (SB 107) from INHOSPITABLE to PASS sb sth (in homework of lesson 5); + choose 3 of the words and use them in questions for conversation;
– prepare for speaking: SB 110/4;
– continue practising relative pronouns ( before I finish a ‚drill‘;
23.2. Lesson 6
Well done. Don’t give up.
– learn words from SB 107: ‚feel compelled – tiny‚, then choose 2 and practise them in questions (= prepare for a conversation);
– more words to learn (= talking about places): bare (holý), cluttered (plný nepotřebných věcí), cosy (útulný), dimly-lit (mdle osvětlený), open-plan (=having a few or no walls inside),
– choose an exercise to practise relative pronouns or clauses:
– a bit more grammar: HERE;
Get well soon, Aleš.
9.2. Lesson 5
– If you are interested read all the paragraphs in ‚Against the odds‘, and, Veroniko, also answer questions in ex 4 on p106;
– words: feel compelled (= feel forced), ponder (uvažovat), bravery (statečnost), endure (vydržet, snést), endurance (výdrž, vytrvalost, odolnost), package holiday, risk-free, increasingly (stále víc), attempt (pokus), record holder (držitel rekordu), rush hour (dopravní špička), countless (nespočet), deadly (smrtelný, smrtící), tiny, inhospitable (nehostinný), drive sb on, furious, at the age of, even (stejný, rovnoměrný), major (hlavní, významný), lead-led-led (vést), adventurer (dobrodruh), live up to sb’s expectations (splnit, naplnit, žít v souladu dle něčích očekávání), unsurprisingly (dle očekávání), single-minded (cílevědomý), be determined (odhodlaný), sheer fun (čirá, naprostá zábava), addictive, in comparison (with), take risks, pass sb sth (podat, přihrát);
– SB 109/3;
– study a bit of grammar:
– SB 111/1, 2, 5;
See you in two week’s time (23.2.). Take care.
2.2. Lesson 4
– Learn today’s words and make questions using the 2 words you chose in the lesson;
– SB 106/1 (Is that so?)
– SB 107 – all of you read the the lines 1-15 of ‚Against all odds‘ text. Then, Petro, read about the performance artist Kanchana Ketkeaw; Aleš, read about Lynne Cox; Evo, read about the British explorer and Veroniko, read the last paragraph. You all will tell each other the content of your paragraph next lesson.
– KEY to noodles 9.5: HERE;
Enjoy the weather conditions and stay safe.
Dovolujeme si Vás informovat o otevření Týdenních intenzivních kurzů , které budou probíhat v naší škole během jarních prázdnin ( 13.2.-17.2. 2017)
– Naši současní studenti obdrží automaticky slevu 500,-Kč.
– Přihlášku a detailní informace o kurzech získáte na našich webových stránkách nebo v kanceláři školy.
– Pokud si nejste jisti, zda je pro Vás tento kurz vhodný, rád/ráda Vám poradím.
26.1. Lesson 3
– A note for you, Evi: non-defining relative clauses: ‚The river Nile, which is over 6,500 kilometres long, is Egypt’s main source of water.‘ – We don’t need to define which river Nile, there is only one. That’s why there are commas and the information is extra.
– noodles 9.5 (First M): HERE;
– SB 108/VOCABULARY 1, 2, 3, 4;
– SB 109/2;
– download more examples on NON-DEFINING relative clauses (some of them need more context to be understood well): HERE;
19.1. Lesson 2
– Translate and complete with your own ideas:
Trávíš čas s lidmi, kteří…………………………………….?
Znáš mnoho lidí, kteří……………………………………..?
Chtěl bys žít v zemi, kde…………………………………..?
Je bungalov dům, který(/ve kterém)……………..?
Máš příbuzného, jehož……………………………………..?
– find somebody from The Guinness book of records to talk about;
– SB 172/Non-defining relative clauses;
– if time, go back to listening in SB 105;
12.1.2017 Lesson 1
– Study grammar of DEFINING relative clauses and pronouns (‚who, which, that…‘): SB 171;
– noodles: 6.11: HERE;
– SB 105/3;
– Note down number of each ‚drill‘ you have at home (on the phone);
– Bring the COMPLETED text about ‚chopsticks‘ again. Thank you.
Welcome back 🙂
Trimester: 22.9. – 15.12.2016 (12 lessons)
15.12. Lesson 12
– Do anything which can help you keep your level of English (keep reviewing drills which you have, vocabulary, English films/books;
– complete the short text I gave you: HERE;
– voluntary writing (report): SB 102/2 or 103/5;
– Veronika, you have extra FCE exercises…
Have yourself a very Merry Christmas! May you all reap the fruits of your hard work!
8.12. Lesson 11
– review unit 8 grammar (drills 54, 56) and vocab,
– then do a unit 8 TEST – 1st part: HERE (Veronika and Aleš, you don’t need to do ex 1+2 since we did them in the lesson), 2nd part: HERE;
Rádi bychom Vás informovali, že pokud jste s výukou v Only4 spokojeni a přejete si pokračovat ve svém kurzu angličtiny i v období LEDEN – BŘEZEN 2017, můžete se již nyní přihlásit:
1. ON-LINE PŘIHLÁŠKA (po úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na
3. Telefonicky nebo SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. Osobně v kanceláři školy
-Veškeré požadavky na změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte prosím do přihlášky či konzultujte v kanceláři školy.
–Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit nejpozději do 5. prosince, kdy začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Všechny kurzy budou začínat v týdnu od 9. ledna.
1.12. Lesson 10
– drills;
– unit 8 vocab for a test;
– SB 160/study the writing guide 1-6 and ‚phrase bank‘;
– download an exercise and complete with true ideas for you: HERE;
You’re awesome. I’m looking forward to the next lesson. 🙂
24.11. Lesson 9
– drills;
– unit 8 vocabulary, word pairs;
– SB 104/1, 2, 3, 4;
– Translate these questions using a word ‚APPEAL (to sb)‘:
Jaký televizní program, který se líbí/přitahuje puberťáky, znáš?
Jaký druh dovolené/odpočinku by se ti právě teď líbil?
Líbilo by se ti mít přístup … ? = Complete with your own idea.
GREAT JOB! But learn vocab more…
10.11. Lesson 8
– drills;
– keep learning unit 8 vocabulary including those from today; TASTEFUL:
a tasteful selection of music
Their house is very tasteful, but it doesn’t have any soul.
The room is filled with tasteful furnishings and original artworks.
My uncle wore a flannel suit, a spotless white shirt and a tasteful but sombre tie.
– SB 100/4, 5, 6;
– complete a ‚fill in‘ 8.4: HERE;
See you in 2 weeks.
3.11. Lesson 7
– keep learning vocab from SB 94-95 and choose 3 and make 3 questions for your colleagues using them;
– learn today’s word pairs: HERE;
– SB 101/4;
– translate these questions using word pairs:
1 Přijde ti obtížné jen čekat, i když víš, že se nedá nic jiného dělat?
2 Čím se živíš?
3 Musíš často říkat svému synovi, aby si uklidil své věci?
4 Změnil bys své dobře placené zaměstnání, kdyby ti už lezlo krkem?
5 Je pravda, že Praha je víceméně 500km od Olomouce?
6 Řekl bys své kolegyni, že má naruby svetr?
– SB 100/the box + ex 1 and ex3
Welcome to the second half of trimester 🙂 and continue doing a great job.
27.10. Lesson 6
– drills 54, 56;
– SB 94-95;
– drills 54, 56;
– learn vocab from SB 94-95: Intensify, Be distracted, Sensory, Input, Diner, Pitch-black, Lose out (prodělat, utrpět ztrátu), Lack of, Blacked-out, Preconception, Abruptly, Spill-spilt-spilt, Be driven, Venture, Renowned (For), Dull, Entitle, Glass-topped, Be topped with, Edible, Final touch, Enhance, Seek-sought-sought, Appeal;
– SB 97/4;
– SB 101/word pairs, 1, 2, 3;
20.10. Lesson 5
– drills 54, 56; SB 97/3, 5;
– SB 98/2 + pictures, /6;
– drills;
– prepare 2-3 questions about UNUSUAL food, dining, restaurants…
– SB 94-95;
– learn: cramped (stísněný), dear (expensive);
– workbook (=WB) 53/1, 2;
You did a wonderful job! Not only today. – It must’ve been the preparation at home 🙂
13.10. Lesson 4
– drills 54, 56; fill in;
– SB 98/1, 2;
– drills 54, 56;
– SB 97/prepare replies to sentences in ex3, prepare what what so say about the pictures in ex 5;
– SB 98/2 vocabulary stays from the last HW;
You did well today, especially with the listening and retelling it. 🙂
6.10. Lesson 3
– drills 55, 45, 46;
– noodles 8.1 (FCE R);
– SB 96/grammar (modals of probability); drills 54, 56; fill in;
– drill 56, (54) = they practise the modals of probability;
– finish the fill in from the lesson (If you lose it, download it again: HERE);
– SB 98/1 = prepare for a conversation; We’ll also do listening 19 (ex2) – You can listen to it at home but don’t complete anything in the SB
– Also translate vocab in ‚speaking‘ part ex 2 to prepare for more conversation (still SB 98 and pictures p99);
Good job today! L.
29.9. Lesson 2
– drills 45, 46, 70;
– vocab (the list);
– SB 96 – the pictures; SB 93 – the pictures;
– drills
– download and translate noodles 8.1 (FCE R): HERE; Then check with a KEY: HERE;
– SB 96/GRAMMAR ex 1 = do your best and also studying p.170 – speculation part can help you.
Have a nice weekend 🙂
Lesson 1
– summer, holiday;
– SB 96 vocab + noodles 8.4. (FCE R);
– learn new words from a list (translation and how to explain them in English): HERE;
– Student’s Book (=SB) page 93/exercise 2 and 3;
Trimester: 14.4. – 30.6.2016
Lesson 12
Have a gorgeous summer. 🙂 Don’t forget to keep reviewing drills and vocabulary U1-U7.
If you find some interesting topic at , enjoy it. See you in September. L.
Lesson 11
– drills 58, future (HERE and HERE) , passives;
– noodles 7.10 (FCE R): HERE and check with a KEY: HERE;
Nice work, dear students. It was also great having you all here today. 🙂
Lesson 10
– KEY to noodles 7.9 (FCE R): HERE;
– fill in 7.4 (FCE R): HERE;
– SB 89/1, 2;
– next time short test on unit 7 vocabulary and phrasal verbs up to p.88;
You did a good job! Have a great weekend.
Lesson 9
– phrasal verbs -> KEY to SB 88/1: a) get out of, b) get up to, c) get through, d) get at, e) get down, f) get in, g) get on;
– the drills;
– translate noodles: HERE;
– phrasal verbs and more from SB p88 = translate noodles 7.9 (FCE R): HERE;
2.6.2016 Good homework, Aleš. I think you’ll be happy with your results 🙂
Lesson 8
– KEY to the text in SB p88: 1D, 2D, 3C, 4 B, 5B, 6C, 7A, 8C, 9A, 10C, 11A, 12D;
– drills
– SB 85/2;
– SB 88/1;
– translate these questions:
Je možné si koupit štěstí (radost)?
Který produkt z těch, co kupuješ, se musí předvařit?
Které léky se berou po osmi hodinách?
Říká se o Praze, že byla založena Libuší?
Je známo o Číňanech, že vynalezli střelný prach?
26.5.2016 Great work, ladies!
In lesson 7:
Main point = present passive BELIEVE, THINK, SAY, and how to continue:
Říká se o Petrovi, že je nejlepší fotbalista? Is Peter said to be the best footballer?
Říká se o Petrovi, že byl nejlepší fotbalista? Is Peter said to have been the best football player?
– the drills;
– keep learning phrasal verbs from SB 86/2;
– Translate these questions: HERE + make 2 own ones.
– SB 85/7;
– SB 88 – complete the text with words from ex3;
Have a wonderful weekend. 🙂
Lesson 6
– drills;
– learn phrasal verbs from SB 86/2;
– exercise on passives: HERE;
– SB p170/’passive with know, believe, think, etc.‘, p.171/’passive infinitive and -ing‘;
Have a great weekend. L.
Lesson 5
– the drill
– SB 86/2 complete, learn words from the listening 16;
– noodles 7.8 (FCE R): HERE;
– SB 85/3;
You can make it. 🙂 L.
Lesson 4
– drills
– keep learning vocabulary unit 7;
– fill in 7.2 (FCE R): HERE;
– listening 16, but don’t complete anything in SB p.86;
I COULD see a progress since last week. 🙂 Keep practising so that you are even better. L.
Lesson 3
– drills 47/48 (basic passives);
– keep learning vocabulary from SB 82-84;
– We’ll do listening 16 (SB 86) next time.
– translate using passive forms: HERE;
Do your best. Take care. L.
In lesson 2:
– drills 47/48
– noodles a) your questions using last lesson’s words
b) noodles 7.3 (FCE R)
– SB 84/Grammar part a) the texts,
b) gr. of passive voice: infinitive and gerund forms
– drills 47 or 48;
– passives -sentence transformation: HERE;
– SB 86/SPEAKING PART: ex 1, 2 (ads on p87);
– next time, there will be a short test on vocab from SB 82-84;
In lesson 1:
– drills 47/48, future;
– noodles 1-1.1 (P); vocab (SB 82-83);
– SB 84/VOCAB ex2 (‚get‘), noodles 7.3 (FCE R);
– drill 47 or 48;
– learn words from the lesson: in return, protrude, faithful, multiply (7 by 7), hay fever, get dark, achieve + choose 4 words and make 4 questions for your classmates;
– Translate noodles 7.3 (FCE R) using a verb ‚GET‘: HERE; then check with a KEY: HERE;
– SB 84/ GRAMMAR ex 1 (the 2 texts);
– there will be a test on unit 6 vocabulary (only those underlined in SB);
All the best in another trimester!
Trimester: 14.1. – 7.4.2016
In lesson 12:
– drills 47/48,
– speaking SB 81/2;
– SB 76-77 review of vocabulary;
– SB 82-83/1, 2 (reading + vocab);
– drill 47 or 48 (passive forms);
– learn vocab from SB 82-83: range (rozsah), at my fingertips (po ruce), method of signaling, distress signal (nouzový signál), otherwise (opačně), stand out (vyčnívat), to blind (oslepit), caution (upozornění), be spotted (být viděn), to rescue (zachránit), a rescuer (záchranář), to mistake (zmýlit se), fire/gunfire (výstřel), vital information (nezbytné informace), to fold (složit, přehnout), flyable (schopný letu), sufficiently (dostatečně), convey a message (sdělit zprávu), attempt (pokusit se; pokus), clockwise (po směru hodinových ručiček), anti-clockwise (proti směru h.r.), for obvious reasons (ze zřejmých důvodů);
– check your answers in ex3 (SB 83): 1B, 2A, 3A, 4D, 5D, 6A, 7C, 8B, 9C, 10A, 11D, 12C, 13B, 14B, 15D;
– noodles 1-1.1(P) = download and translate : HERE;
In lesson 11:
– modals: exercise, board game;
– SB 80/1, 2, 4, 5;
– SB 81/1;
– a bit of grammar (for present tense only): I NEEDN’T GO YET. = I DON’T NEED TO GO YET.
– keep learning vocab + idioms from unit 6 = for a short test;
– write 6 sentences using a word SINCE in the meaning of ‚because‘ (I’ll collect your practice);
– more conversation: SB 81/2;
– SB 82-83/1, 2, 3, 4;
Find and review older drills practising grammar you need. See you. L.
Milí studenti ONLY4,
14. – 20. 3. máte možnost se přednostně přihlásit do dalšího kurzu AJ s garancí místa ve vašem současném kurzu.
Přihlášení můžete provést přes přihlášku na webu (ON-LINE PŘIHLÁŠKA ), e-mailem, SMS, telefonicky (+420 603 545 030) či osobně v kanceláři školy.
Veškeré požadavky na změnu (skupiny, termínu, úrovně, lektora) uvádějte prosím do přihlášky či konzultuje v kanceláři školy.
In lesson 10:
– idioms: SB 77/2, questions;
– SB 80/3,
– ‚Report‘ a) a copy, b) SB 160;
– learn today’s words: congested/ packed out/ overcrowded, extortionate/overpriced/unaffordable, dilapidated/in need of renovation/run-down/in a terrible condition, dull/dreary/uninteresting, warts and all (bez přikrášlování, se vším všudy), fairly, greatly, reluctantly, to furnish;
– SB 80/1, 2, 4, 5;
– modals: HERE;
– voluntary: write a report in 140-190 words: SB 102/2 = ‚The director of your language school…‘
(A TIP: Reports are the most impersonal kind of writing and it is usually best to avoid expressing personal opinions or feelings, except, perhaps, in the conclusion. Instead of I think that … or I found that… for example, you can use the impersonal “It” construction and a passive, eg It seems that… It was found that …)
Enjoy your Easter holiday.
In lesson 9:
– drills; fill in 6.5 – KEY: HERE;
– ‚Ability Bluff‘ speaking activity; sentence transformation (modals);
– SB 77/1;
– noodles 6.10;
– SB 77/2;
– do the page with ‚writing‘ I gave you = p66 (Eva, Dana, expect an email with a scan);
– be prepared to say positive and negative things about some place and speak about it = the copy p66/1b
In lesson 8:
– questions: ‚could, managed to, as though…‘;
– infinitive of purpose (in order to, in order that, so that); ‚Why bother?‘ activity;
– fill in 6.4 (FCE R) – KEY for Dana: HERE;
– review unit 6 vocabulary;
– fill in 6.5 (FCE R): HERE;
– SB 77/1;
Well done for your work, preparation! 🙂 L.
Lesson 7 with Veronika
– COULD X MANAGED TO questions;
– SB 76/1, 2, 3;
– fill in 6.4 (FCE R): HERE;
– bring your questions using COULD and MANAGED TO;
– Veronika, prepare some questions for your classmates using ‚AS IF/AS THOUGH and IN CASE‘.
– Think about answers to these questions: Why work hard?, Why save money?, Why be nice to people?, Why be optimistic?, Why stop at red lights?, Why have children?, Why wear clothes?, Why bother…?(as in ‚make an effort‘ or ‚worry‘ or ‚annoy‘ -> help: – Write down your notes.
Have a fabulous weekend! L.
In lesson 6:
– drill 65, 59;
– SB 74/1, listening = ex2;
– older HW: SB 73/6 – KEY: 1 can, 2 don’t have to, 3 can, 4 should, 5 shouldn’t, 6 should, 7 don’t have to, 8 can, 9 must;
– SB 74/2 – check = KEY: 1B, 2A, 3B, 4C, 5B, 6C, 7A;
– SB 74/3 – be prepared to talk about your worst travel experience;
– Make your own 2 questions using COULD and 2qs using MANAGED TO (in the past tense). Write them on a spare piece of paper. Thank you.
– SB 76/1, 2, 3;
I’m looking forward to seeing you next week. Kind regards. L.
In lesson 5:
– drill 65, 59;
– prepositions review;
– noodles 4.2 (INT);
– SB 73;
– drill 59;
– learn today’s vocab: attract sb’s attention, in my direction, grab hold of sth, steady, have an impact on, make a difference, take measures, re-use, endangered species;
– do an exercise on ‚COULD X MANAGED TO‘:
– SB – We’ll do listening 14 next lesson. If you have a CD you can listen to it and try to understand what it’s about, but don’t complete anything on p74;
Have a great weekend and do your homework. L.
In lesson 4:
– drill 50;
– noodles 6.2 (FCE R); vocab review;
– SB 72/Grammar 1, 2, 3;
– noodles 4.2 (INT): HERE;
– SB p73/4 (+p169/Ability 3), 5, 6;
– learn prepositions: at the ticket office/stop/station/airport, get on x off the bus/train/plane/boat/motorbike, get in x out of the car/canoe, on the plane/train…, in the car;
In lesson 3:
– drills 67, 58;
– fill in 6.1 (FCE R);
– SB 70-71 – we finished the text + did ex 4;
– SB 75 discussion;
– learn today’s vocab: HERE;
– noodles 6.2 (FCE R): HERE and check with a KEY: HERE;
– SB 72/Grammar part: ex1, 2, read the notes on problems in ex 3 and prepare your advice;
– don’t forget about your workbooks and practise anything you need (listening/gapped texts… -up to Unit 6);
I take your effort into account 🙂
Because of a spring break next week, our next lesson is scheduled on the 11th February.
In lesson 2:
– review of idioms (SB 65);
– SB 72/3;
– SB 70/1, 2, 3;
– learn vocab from SB 70-71: HERE;
– read and translate the rest of the text = SB 71 lines 38-63 + answer the questions in ex4;
(TIP: an expression ‚be on the cards‘ means ‚be probable to happen);
– complete fill in 6.1 (FCE R): HERE;
– Be prepared to talk about advertisements/pictures in SB p75=ex1 and 4;
Have a relaxing weekend. L.
In lesson 1:
– ‚New Year’s Eve‘, fireworks in the square;
– drills 67, 45, 46, 47;
– review of vocab from SB 72, noodles 6.4 (FCE R);
– drill 67, 60;
– review idioms from SB 65;
– next time short test on words from SB 72/1, 2;
– SB 70/1, 2 – Read and translate the text, ex 3;
Great to see you again! Next time hopefully with Aleš and Dana, too. Right? 🙂
Trimester: 24.9. – 10.12.2015 (12 lessons)
In lesson 12:
– noodles 6.1 (FCE R) – selection;
– unusual means of transport – guessing;
– SB 72/1, 2;
– ‚christmas‘ noodles;
Well done for your hard work. I know it wasn’t easy towards the end of the trimester as you were busy or perhaps feeling ill, therefore it is necessary to practise some things more. We’ll look at them in January. By then you can relax with a book or a short story. 🙂
For those who feel, there are a few exercises to choose from and complete:
– writing part especially for Veronika: HERE;
3.12.2015 Great conversation!
In lesson 11:
– idioms;
– SB 69;
– vocab to learn: make a change, make a trip, overtake, take care OF, put sb off, ON the plane/train/boat, IN the car;
– noodles 6.1 (FCE R): HERE; + KEY: HERE;
– think of and write down some unusual means of transport;
– SB 72/’Vocab part‘ ex1 + 2;
In lesson 10:
– drill ‚tell x say‘;
– idioms;
– SB 68/6;
– drills;
– idioms – download questions: HERE;
– SB 68, then check with a KEY: HERE;
– complete a U5 TEST: HERE;
– Veronika, Eva, make a story using the 5 cards you chose in the lesson (-on a spare piece of paper, thank you).
– SB 69/1, 2, 3 – prepare for a conversation;
Have an enjoyable weekend!
Milí studenti ONLY4,
23. – 30. 11. máte možnost se přednostně přihlásit do dalšího kurzu AJ s garancí místa ve vašem současném kurzu.
Přihlášení můžete provést přes přihlášku na webu, e-mailem, SMS, telefonicky či osobně v kanceláři školy.
Veškeré požadavky na změnu (skupiny, termínu, úrovně, lektora) uvádějte prosím do přihlášky či konzultuje v kanceláři školy.
Těšíme se na vás v roce 2016
In lesson 9:
– drill 58, tell x say;
– reporting a conversation;
– SB 65 (idioms) + worksheet;
– drill 58, tell x say;
– learn vocab and idioms from SB p65 (-KEY to ex1: a2, b7, c8, d6, e1, f4, g5, h3);
– noodles 5.10 (FCE R): HERE + KEY: HERE;
– on a piece of paper, write about a conversation with a family member/friend/boss or yourself (if you speak to yourself 😉 ) Don’t use direct speech, use reported.
-complete and check an exercise:
– if you haven’t, translate and check the noodles 5.11 from last HW;
I’m looking forward to seeing you next week. By then, don’t talk about me behind my back. 😉
In lesson 8:
– drill 58; vocab review;
– SB 66, ‚TELL X SAY‘ expressions;
– drill 58, ‚tell x say‘ expressions: HERE;
– vocab from SB 66 (67) noodles 5.11 (FCE R): HERE then check your translation: HERE;
– work out the meaning of idioms: HERE – ex1 in SB 65 will help you. T hen complete ex2;
Lesson 7 with Veronika
– We did drill 58, reported speech practice, telling stories (past tense practice), lot of conversation and how to write an essay;
HOMEWORK stays from 29.10.
– the drills;
– short test on vocab from SB 64/the box + ex1 next time;
– learn today’s vocab = text on p.65
– SB 66/2 + read and translate the essay;
Veronika, write an essay (140-190words). Choose 1 of the following: a) ‚Should cars be banned from town and city centres?‘ b) ‚Do children spend too much time watching television?‘
You can study expressions I gave you (examples on drill cards: HERE).
Wishing you a relaxing weekend, everyone. 🙂 Yours, Lucy
In lesson 6:
– drill 60, 58;
– fill in 5.5 (FCE R) – KEY: HERE;
– reading: SB 64/3, 4;
– the drills;
– test on vocab from SB 64/the box + ex1 next time;
– learn today’s vocab = text on p.65
– SB 66/2 + read and translate the essay;
Let’s practise a bit harder in the 2nd half of trimester.
In lesson 5:
– drills 60, 58;
– SB 61/7;
– SB 64/1, 2 (negative prefixes);
– drill 60;
– learn vocab from SB 64/1, 2 + complete a ‚fill in‘ 5.5 (FCE R): HERE;
– SB 64/3, 4, 5 (the text);
You are doing fine 🙂 Have a great weekend! L.
In lesson 4:
– drill 60, 58;
– SB 60/2; noodles 5.6 (FCE R)
– SB 61/3, 4, 5;
– drill 60;
– check your translation of noodles 5.6 – KEY: HERE;
– SB 61/6, 7;
– SB 64/1, 2,
In lesson 3:
– drills 46, 45, 40, 70;
– vocab review; KEY to fill in 5.3 (FCE R): HERE;
– KEY to noodles 5.5 (FCE R): HERE;
– indirect questions, drill 60;
– SB p60/GRAMMAR ex1;
– the drills
– noodles 5.6 (FCE R): HERE;
– SB 61/3, 4, 5 and prepare for a discussion => ex6;
In lesson 2:
– drills 45, 46, 43;
– questions (infinitive of purpose);
– a few words + prepositions;
– SB 60/Vocab ex1, 2
– drills 45, 46, 40;
– keep learning vocab from SB 60/1, 3 – mainly the prepositions;
– finish ‚fill in‘ 5.3 (FCE R): HERE;
– noodles 5.5 (FCE R): HERE;
– SB 60/Grammar ex 1 + SB 168;
In lesson 1:
– speaking: summer, hols;
– review 1st and 2nd conditionals, drill 45, 46 and past tenses, drill 40;
– learn these verbs + prepositions: angry/annoyed with sb, shout/ scream at sb, be mad with sb (UK)/ at sb (US)
– translate the questions I gave you in the lesson (for Dana: HERE)
– SB 60/1, 2, 3 – work with a dictionary if you’re not sure of prepositions;
Here are some tips for you. (I basically keep telling you similar things.) Hopefully not boring… At least these tips are in nice understandable English. Oh, but don’t take everything literally 😉
Rules for excellent English speakers:
rule #1
rule #2
rule 3
rule 4
rule 5
rule 6
rule 7
VIDEOS – Short interviews:
2) -CHOOSE from the English natives first