A very nice conversation lesson – we refreshed new vocabulary (beach), practised describing pictures and pair work, and more conversation.
New vocabulary: lotion, mill, tread, deckchair, tide, shutters, blinds, bucket, stripes, louvre(d).
Thanks a lot Lucas and Patrik. Enjoy your summer, recharge your batteries and hope to see you again in September 🙂
The lesson with Kate went like this:
warm-up speaking, drills, short test, beach vocabulary and more practice and speaking.
New vocabulary: treadmill, switch, spontaneous, draft, cutlery.
Next time – 5th August – we can practice the following:
1) warm-up questions with new vocabulary
2) refresh ´beach´ vocabulary
3) prepare the following: swimming + phrasal_verbs_travel + quiz_travel
See you on Monday 5th August 🙂
1.7.2024, Lesson 12
We started with questions, continued with vocabulary and HW check and more conversation.
1) Prepare 3 questions with question tags for your colleagues + question tags drill 57, have sthg done drill 92
2) Refresh new vocabulary
3) Refresh exclamations + prepare the following materials beach_voc, beach_opinions
4) Prepare the following reading + please everybody read page 38 – 42 prepare 2 questions from your page
(Tom p.38, Vlad p.39, Patrik p.40 – 41, Lucas p.42), we will check previous reading too, the recording is here: Chapter 7, Chapter_8
Page_38_39, Page_40_41, Page_42_43
5) Study new vocabulary and use it in the warm-up questions: to brew (tea/coffee), stuffy air (dusno), (electric) kettle (konvice na ohřívání vody), marmalade, full English breakfast, black pudding (jelito), baked beans, tea room (čajovna).
Have a good summer, have fun not only with English and see you on 22nd July with Kate 🙂
24.6.2024, Lesson 11
Our programme was as usually – questions, drills, short test, HW check.
1) Prepare 3 questions with question tags for your colleagues + question tags drill 57, have sthg done drill 92
2) Refresh tea vocabulary for a short test
3) Refresh exclamations + prepare the following coffee X tea material
You can also watch this video to learn more about the English food:
4) Prepare the following reading + please everybody read page 38 – 42 prepare 2 questions from your page
(Tom p.38, Vlad p.39, Patrik p.40 – 41, Lucas p.42), we will check previous reading too, the recording is here: Chapter 7, Chapter_8
Page_38_39, Page_40_41, Page_42_43
5) Study new tea vocabulary and use it in the warm-up questions: droop (exelids), chipped off/ broken off/ snapped (odlomený), jam jar, icy road
Very good work, hopefully we´ll see Tom too 🙂
See you on Monday, our last lesson 🙂
17.6.2024, Lesson 10
We started with questions, practised drill, checked HW, had a little vocab test, spoke about the book.
1) Prepare 3 questions with question tags for your colleagues + question tags drill 57, have sthg done drill 92
2) Refresh coffee vocabulary for a short test
3) Refresh exclamations + prepare the following tea_vocabulary + tea_reading
4) Prepare the following reading + please everybody read page 38 – 42 prepare 2 questions from your page
(Tom p.38, Vlad p.39, Patrik p.40 – 41, Lucas p.42), we will check previous reading too, the recording is here: Chapter 7, Chapter_8
Page_38_39, Page_40_41, Page_42_43
5) Study new vocabulary and use it in the warm-up questions: beak (zobák), grind-ground-ground, instant (okamžik, okamžitý), instantly (okamžitě), eye lid (oční víčko).
Nice work Lucas and Patrik 🙂
See you on Monday :), K.
10.6.2024, Lesson 9
As ususal we warmed up with qs-tag questions, continued with drill, HW check, vocabulary practice and more speaking.
1) Prepare 3 questions with question tags for your colleagues + question tags drill 57, have sthg done drill 92
2) Refresh gardening vocabulary (especially garden tools) for a short test
3) Refresh this exclamations + prepare the following material about coffee
4) Prepare the following reading + please everybody read page 33 – 37 prepare 2 questions from your page
(Tom p.33 – 34, Vlad p.35, Patrik p.36, Lucas p.37), we will check previous reading too, the recording is here: Chapter 7, Chapter_8
Page_32_33, Page_34_35, Page_36_37
5) Study new vocabulary and use it in the warm-up questions: adverse/ side effect, blessing, loose tea (sypaný čaj), tea bag, grumpy, upset, argue/ quarrel/ discuss, layman (laik), lay first aidLittle Red Riding Hood (Červená Karkulka), nuisance.
Good job gentlemen, as usual 🙂
3.6.2024, Lesson 8
We started with question tag questions, continued with HW check, practised more speaking and vocabulary.
1) Prepare 3 questions with question tags for your colleagues + question tags drill 57, have sthg done drill 92
2) Refresh gardening vocabulary (especially garden tools)
3) Prepare this handout (exclamations)
4) Prepare the following reading + please everybody read page 33 – 37 prepare 2 questions from your page
(Tom p.33 – 34, Vlad p.35, Patrik p.36, Lucas p.37), we will check previous reading too, the recording is here: Chapter 7, Chapter_8
Page_32_33, Page_34_35, Page_36_37
5) Study new vocabulary and use it in the warm-up questions: ashes (popel), resuscitate, strike – struck – struck (uhodit, udeřit), dilapidated (zchátralý), yawn (zívat), prehistory (pravěk), conduction (conductive) vodivost (vodivý), carnivorous (masožravec), herbivorous (býložravec).
A quite nice conversation today 🙂 Next time more of everything …
27.5.2024, Lesson 7
As usual we warmed up, went on with drills, checked HW, practised vocabulary.
1) Prepare 3 questions with question tags for your colleagues + question tags drill 57, have sthg done drill 92
2) Refresh hair and gardening vocabulary, study garden_tools
3) Prepare this copy (emphatic auxiliary)
4) Prepare the following reading + please everybody read page 28 – 32 prepare 2 questions from your page
(Tom p.29, Vlad p.30, Patrik p.31, Lucas p.32), we will check previous reading too, the recording is here: Chapter 7, Chapter_8
Page_28_29, Page_30_31, Page_32_33
5) Study new vocabulary and use it in the warm-up questions: canvas (plátno), internship (praxe ve firmě), niche (výklenek, sthg.not very common) + voc from previous lessons.
Only Tom was missing, hopefully he will join the chatty club next time 🙂
20.5.2024, Lesson 6
After warm-up questions we practised drills (57, 92), we had a short vocabulary test, more speaking and HW check.
1) Prepare 3 questions with question tags for your colleagues + question tags drill 57, have sthg done drill 92
2) Refresh hair and gardening vocabulary, study garden_tools
3) Prepare the following material indefinite_pronouns + indef_pronouns_quiz
4) Prepare the following reading + please everybody read page 24 – 27 prepare 2 questions from your page
(Tom p.24, Vlad p.25, Patrik p.26, Lucas p.27), we will check previous reading too, the recording is here: Chapter 7
Page_24_25, Page_26_27 – I´m really sorry I forgot to download the pages for you here 🙁
5) Study new vocabulary and use it in the questions for others: bucket (vědro, kýbl), Venice (Benátky), flaw (chyba, kaz), drawback (zádrhel, nedostatek), embarrassed (cítit se trapně, nepatřičně), a fan (vějíř, větrák), sweat – sweat/sweated – sweat/sweated (potit se), swear – swore – sworn (přísahat).
Great job Vlad and Patrik, it was a pleasure 🙂
Please, think of an interesting topic for next time …
13.5.2024, Lesson 5
We started with questions as usual, practised new vocabulary, drills, grammar.
1) Prepare 3 questions with question tags for your colleagues + question tags drill 57.
2) Refresh hair and gardening vocabulary for a short test + garden_tools
3) Prepare the following material whatever_quiz
4) Prepare the following reading + please everybody read page 24 – 27 prepare 2 questions from your page
(Tom p.24, Vlad p.25, Patrik p.26, Lucas p.27), we will check previous reading too, the recording is here: Chapter 7
5) Study new vocabulary and use it in the questions for others: chapel, church, Church (církev), baptize (křtít), baptism/christening (křest), monastery (klášter), monk (mnich), nun (jeptiška), fan (vějíř).
Quite intense lesson, but Sherlock is still on our waiting list. Next time for sure 🙂
6.5.2024, Lesson 4
After questions warm-up we practised vocabulary (haircut), had a little grammar test, continued with HW check (have sthg.done), and more speaking.
1) Prepare 3 questions with question tags for your colleagues
2) State verbs – drill 85, question tags drill 57.
3) Prepare the following materials: refresh hair vocabulary + have_and_get (last exercise)
4) Study new vocabulary of gardening + garden_exercises
5) Prepare the following reading + please everybody read page 24 – 27 prepare 2 questions from your page
(Tom p.24, Vlad p.25, Patrik p.26, Lucas p.27), we will check previous reading too, the recording is here: Chapter 7
6) Study new vocabulary and use it in the questions for others: draught, full of age, dam, chain, fade, worn-out, length, back-up, plait, in the last resort, to resort to, electric sockets, water-proof, to reproof.
Well done, great job 🙂 Next time we´ll work more on the reading of Sherlock Holmes…
29.4.2024, Lesson 3
Today we started with question tag questions, state verbs test, continued with haircut HW, more practice, and gardening vocabulary.
1) Prepare 3 questions with question tags for your colleagues
2) State verbs – drill 85, refresh for a short test
3) Prepare the following materials: hair_worksheet, refresh hair vocabulary + have_and_get
4) Study new vocabulary of gardening
5) Prepare the following reading + please everybody read page 24 – 27 prepare 2 questions from your page
(Tom p.24, Vlad p.25, Patrik p.26, Lucas p.27), we will check previous reading too, the recording is here: Chapter 7
6) Study new vocabulary and use it in the questions for others: fall asleep, oversleep, on a flat terrain/ground, flatland (nížina), hedge, bush, anniversary, internship/ practical training (praxe), out of a scatch (z ničeno), misunderstand, sightseeing holiday x relaxing holiday, consciousness/ awareness (vědomí), unconsciousness (nevědomí), subconsciousness (podvědomí), moustache, beard, mustard.
A lot of interesting topics today! Thanks Vlad and Patrik 🙂 Next time with more colleagues …
22.4.2024, Lesson 2
After our usual warm-up, we continued with HW check, vocabulary practice, speaking.
1) Prepare 3 questions with question tags for your colleagues
2) State verbs – drill 85
3) Prepare the following materials: haircut, gardening
4) Prepare the following reading + please everybody read page 19 – 23 prepare 2 questions from your page Page_20_21, Page_22_23
(Tom p.19, Vlad p.20, Patrik p.22, Lucas p.23), we will check previous reading too
The recording is here: Chapter 6
5) Study new vocabulary: hairdo (účes), convenient, inconvenience (U), throw (organize) a party, spindle (vřeteno), treat sb. badly/well.
Well done! Next time we´ll practice more speaking about haircuts and gardening 🙂
15.4.2024, Lesson 1
We started again as usual – with questions, HW check – question tags, state verbs, more reading questions.
1) Prepare 3 questions with question tags for your colleagues
2) State verbs – drill 85 + task_2 – finish the page
3) Prepare the following reading + please everybody read page 15 – 18 + prepare 2 questions from your page Page_16_17, Page_18_19,
(Tom p.15, Vlad p.16, Patrik p.17, Lucas p.18)
You can refresh the reading with the recordings here:
4) Study new vocabulary: lawn mower, entrance exams, money box (piggy bank), view tower, mashed potatoes, potato purée, coniferous tree / needle-leaf tree.
Perfect attendance 🙂 Thanks a lot for your work.
8.4. 2024, Lesson 12
Only one student showed up – so we practised a lot of speaking, collocations, questions. We decided to wait for all the others to check the homework 🙂
New vocabulary: to season (ochutit), to spice up (okořenit).
Interesting conversation Patrik 🙂
Hope to see all the others next Monday when the new course starts …
25.3. 2024, Lesson 11
We warmed up as usual, practised state verbs, vocabulary, more speaking.
1) Questions for your colleagues 🙂
2) State verbs – drill 85 + task_1, task_2, fill-in question tags
3) Prepare the following reading + please everybody read page 10 – 14 + prepare 2 questions from each page
(Tom p.10, Vlad p.11, Patrik p.12 – 13, Lucas p.14) page_10_11, page_12_13, page_14_15
4) Refresh new vocab: barrel, organic (farming), recommend, moor, butler, yew tree, ivy.
Nice lesson with good fun as usual 🙂
Next Moday there is no lesson – Easter Monday! See you on 8th April.
Happy Easter 🙂
18.3. 2024, Lesson 10
After the questions, we practised vocabulary, grammar – state verbs and more conversation about the book reading.
1) Questions for your colleagues 🙂
2) State verbs – drill 85 + fill-in question tags
3) Prepare the following reading + please everybody read page 5 – 9 + prepare 2 questions from each page
(Tom p.5, Vlad p.7, Patrik p.8, Lucas p.9) page_6_7, page_8_9
4) Refresh new vocab: valley, bellow/under zero, except for, (sun) tanned, enrich, agriculture
Good job gentlemen, hopefully Tom will join us next time 🙂
11.3. 2024, Lesson 9
We started with questions as usual, refreshed vocabulary, continued with grammar and more speaking practice.
1) Questions for your colleagues 🙂
2) State verbs – translation questions – we will practice them again + drill 85
3) Prepare the following reading + please everybody read page 1 – 4 + prepare 2 questions from each page
(Tom p.1, Vlad p.2, Patrik p.3, Lucas p.4)
book_info, title, page_1, page_2_3, page_4_5
4) Refresh new vocab: Greece, Greek (it´s Greek to me), destiny.
Great practice Patrik and Tom 🙂
Don´t forget about the inscription to new courses!
4.3. 2024, Lesson 8
After our usual warm up we practised vocabulary, had a short test, checked HW and went on with more speaking.
1) Questions for your colleagues 🙂
2) State verbs – translation questions
3) Prepare the following reading + 2 questions from each page (Tom p.1, Vlad p.2, Patrik p.3, Lucas p.4)
book_info, title, page_1, page_2_3, page_4_5
4) Refresh vocab from the Olympics + new vocabulary: mouse x mice, behave, raise/ bring up, heir, good deed, destiny, concise (stručný).
Patrik, please, don´t forget about the difference between stocks and shares 🙂 Thanks a lot.
Perfect attendance and work 🙂
26.2. 2024, Lesson 7
Questions as usual, after that vocabulary practice – test and money vocabulary from the quiz, drills, more speaking and conversation about banks …
1) Questions for your colleagues 🙂
2) Drills – adjectives (28, 29), -ed/-ing adjectives (72) + translation questions
3) Prepare the following materials: Olympics_voc + this copy
4) Refresh vocabulary from the money quiz + new vocabulary: the Alps, sensible (rozumný), viable, stock market / stock exchange, inherit x disinherit, estrange (odcizit se), cardboard (lepenka).
Nice conversation as usual 🙂 See you in March …
12.2. 2024, Lesson 6
After a usual warm-up with questions we continued with drills, HW check and more speaking.
1) Questions for your colleagues 🙂
2) Drills – adjectives (28, 29), -ed/-ing adjectives (72)
3) Prepare the following materials:
4) Refresh vocabulary from the money quiz + new vocabulary: plane/air ticket, betray (zradit), wooden spoon, dirty/filthy, excited/thrilled, thriller, fabric (látka).
See you on 26th February 🙂
5.2. 2024, Lesson 5
We started with questions, practised drills, continued with HW check (quiz, banks voc), and opinions about business.
1) Questions for your colleagues as usual 🙂
2) Drills – adjectives (28, 29), -ed/-ing adjectives (72)
3) Prepare the following materials: money_quiz + opinions + reading
4) Refresh vocabulary from the business quiz + banks + study new vocabulary: wooden spoon (vařečka), ladle (naběračka), persuade, amount, end up (skončit nějak), bully (šikanovat), to do the laundry, money laundering, abbreviation (zkratka), to run business.
Well done, nice work gentlemen 🙂
See you next Monday … K.
29.1. 2024, Lesson 4
After speaking and questions we checked HW (adjectives), quiz (business and finance), and practised more speaking.
1) Questions for your colleagues as usual 🙂
2) Drills – adjectives (28, 29), -ed/-ing adjectives (72)
3) Prepare the following materials: banks + opinions + reading
4) Refresh vocabulary from the business quiz + study new vocabulary: bother, torture, suffer (from), guarantee/ warranty, raw, rare/ medium/well done (steak).
Good job Vlad and Patrik. I hope that next time we continue with our discussion about business and art and other interesting topics 🙂
See you on Monday. K.
22.1. 2024, Lesson 3
We started with speaking (questions), we practised comparatives and ed/ing adjectives, and the … the … comparatives, and also new vocabulary.
1) Questions for your colleagues with new vocabulary 🙂
2) Drills – adjectives (28, 29), -ed/-ing adjectives (72) + this copy
3) Prepare this quiz
4) Refresh vocabulary ´winter´ + study new vocabulary: spinach, cross-country skiing, bake x roast, stir-fry, fold, (tumble) drier/dryer, alloy (slitina), copper, tin, altitude, latitude, longitude, elevation (převýšení).
Well done gentlemen 🙂
Patrik, please, don´t forget about the poem 🙂
See you on Monday … K.
15.1. 2024, Lesson 2
After a little chat we checked HW – questions with adjectives, practised conversation, checked crosswords (winter vocabulary), practised vocabulary.
1) Questions for your colleagues using new vocabulary 🙂
2) Drills – adjectives (28, 29), -ed/-ing adjectives (72) + this fill-in
3) Refresh vocabulary ´winter´
Study new vocabulary: dumpling, closet/wardrobe, plant-based (food), syllable, iron, elements (chemické prvky), mistletoe, holly, mountain, shoveling, mittens, intake x output (of calories).
See you on Monday 🙂
8.1. 2024, Lesson 1
We started with warm-up chatting, continued with vocabulary practice, drills, and more speaking.
1) Drills 45, 46 (1st and 2nd conditional)
2) Copy to fill in correct form of adjectives (comparative, superlative)
3) Crossword – winter – fill in
New vocabulary: beanie, python, mock test, New Year´s Eve, New Year´s Day, air freshener, fragrance, Middle Age, medieval, volume (svazek knihy).
It was a good start with full attendance 🙂 I enjoyed a lot working with you.
4.12. 2023, Lesson 12
Our last lesson of this year went as usual – practice of questions, vocabulary, HW check and more speaking (also about Christmas).
There is no speacial homework – just relax and have fun and if you can practice English by watching films, videos, listening, or reading.
I wish to you and your families a great holiday season.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 🙂
Hope to see you all on 8th January.
27.11. 2023, Lesson 11
Only one student showed up, we practised a lot of speaking.
1) Questions …. + drills (62, 70, 48)
2) Refresh vocabulary about different ages + prepare the following text
3) New vocabulary: snack bar X chocolate bar, pillory, to get by, to relish, atrocities, to worship, flagellation.
Well done Patrik, it was a very interesting conversation lesson 🙂
20.11. 2023, Lesson 10
We practised vocabulary and questions, continued with HW check, grammar and more speaking.
1) Questions …. + drills (62, 70, 48)
2) Refresh vocabulary about different ages + prepare the following text
3) Watch videos on Thanksgiving:
4) New vocabulary: to fast x to starve, poet, writer, author, keep up with, poetry, fiction, literature, nature, pursue a career.
An interesting conversation with many topics. We´ll have more next Monday too 🙂
13.11. 2023, Lesson 9
As usual we started with questions, a vocabulary test continued, drills, and HW check.
1) Questions ….
2) Drills (62, 70, 48 – Passive 2)
3) Refresh vocabulary about different ages + prepare the second half of the text + fill_in
4) New vocabulary: feed – fed – fed, pursue a career, vocation, differences, to prevent, wisdom, assumption, convinced, gouge (předražit).
Only Vlad is the missing piece in our group 🙂 Well done gentlemen!
6.11. 2023, Lesson 8
After practising questions we continued with new vocabulary, HW check (listening) and copy about different ages.
1) Questions for others
2) Refresh crime vocabulary from crime and punishment copy + web pages for a short test + drills (62, 70, 48 – Passive 2)
3) Refresh vocabulary about different ages + prepare this text
4) New vocabulary: vocation, treatment (léčba), employee, approximate(ly), locker (uzamykatelná skříňka).
I enjoyed a lot the lesson with you 🙂
See you next Monday, K.
30.10. 2023, Lesson 7
After a warm up conversation, we went on with vocabulary practice and explanation, and HW check.
1) Questions for others as usual…
2) Refresh crime vocabulary from crime and punishment copy + web pages for a short test + drills (62, 70, 48 – Passive 2)
3) Prepare an interesting piece of crime news (local, historical, recent …) to tell the others
4) Practice listening with Halloween (and a bit of crime) topic with this link:
5) Prepare the following material about different ages
6) New vocabulary: yawn, ointment, culprit, embezzlement, extortion, acquit.
Well done 🙂 See you next week.
23.10. 2023, Lesson 6
As usual we started chatting, discussed questions, crime news, practised vocabulary and checked HW.
1) Questions for others as usual…
2) Refresh crime vocabulary from crime and punishment copy + from the web page for a short test + drills (62, 70, 48 – Passive 2)
Check the following pages for crime vocabulary again (there is an explanation but you can also try some exercises)
3) Prepare an interesting piece of crime news (local, historical, recent …) to tell the others
4) Practice listening with Halloween (and a bit of crime) topic with this link:
5) New vocabulary: vertigo (závrať), misunderstand, standard of living, stranger – foreigner – alien, frugal, vicious circle, cut off.
A nice lesson and chat. Enjoy probably the last warm days and see you next Monday. We can refresh some Halloween vocabulary too 🙂
16.10. 2023, Lesson 5
We started with questions, continued with vocabulary test, drills, HW check.
1) Questions for others as usual
2) Refresh crime vocabulary for a little test + drills (62, 70, 48 – Passive 2)
3) Prepare an interesting piece of crime news (local, historical, recent …) to tell the others
4) Prepare these materials: English questionnaire, crime_exercises, crime+punishment (fill in the text),
5) New vocabulary: manage to do sthg. (zvládnout, stihnout něco), small talk, windscreen wiper, fence, fee, a fine, jury, run out of (spotřebovat něco), get divorced.
Check the following pages for crime vocabulary (there is an explanation but you can also try some exercises)
Good and intensive work 🙂 I´m looking forward to the crime news 🙂
9.10. 2023, Lesson 4
We practised speaking with questions, new vocabulary, checked HW (key 1-J, 2-M, 3-K, 4-E, 5-F, 6-B, 7-L, 8-C, 9-O, 10-D, 11-A, 12-G, 13-N, 14-I, 15-H).
1) Prepare questions + refresh crime vocabulary for a little test + drills (62, 70, 47)
2) Prepare an interesting piece of crime news (local, historical, recent …) to tell the others
3) Prepare following materials: English questionnaire, crime_exercises, crime+punishment (fill in the text),
4) New vocabulary: hereby, burgle/rob, trespass, adhere to/abide/keep the law, violate/break the law, tort (přestupek), overall (kombinéza), anniversary, participant, relay (štafeta), valuable, psychopath, assassin.
Well done! This topic is really interesting, hope we can work on it more 🙂
Have a good weekend and see you. K.
2.10. 2023, Lesson 3
We warmed up with questions, checked HW – verb forms, refreshed future tenses, practised drills (62, 70), checked new vocabulary – crime and chatted about that topic.
1) Prepare questions as usual + refresh crime vocabulary from last lesson for a little test!
2) Refresh drills (62 – Past Perfect, 70 – Future, 47 – Passive 1)
3) Prepare following materials: English questionnaire, crime_exercises, crime+punishment (match the word to a definition + fill in the text),
4) New vocabulary: Indian summer, felony (serious crime) X petty crime, to confiscate, to be about to do sthg., endanger.
Good job gentlemen 🙂 Continue like this next time as well 🙂
25.9. 2023, Lesson 2
We started with questions as usual, continued with vocabulary practice and HW check – revision quiz and verb forms.
1) Prepare revision_of_verb_forms + crime_voc + crime_quiz + crime_opinions
2) Refresh irregular verbs
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues 🙂
4) New vocabulary: sidewalk/pavement, roundabout, crosswalk/pedestrian crossing, to be indicted from a crime, to judge, to be convicted, to be sentenced.
Enjoy nice autumn days and see you on Monday 🙂
18.9. 2023, Lesson 1
Our first lesson started with a good practice and a lot of speaking – espacially about summer activities and holidays.
We refreshed vocabulary, irregular verbs and did speaking activities.
1) Prepare the following review_test and revision_of_verb_forms
2) Refresh irregular verbs again
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues 🙂
4) New vocabulary: make sb´s dream come true, fulfil a dream, to be listed/to be on a list, gullible/ trusting, treason (zrada), ascribe sthg. to sb. (připisovat něco někomu), give up sthg. X give up on sthg./sb., spill out, flood in, upfront, upcoming. Lower Austria (Dolní Rakousko).
It was a good start with a lot of speaking. Next time we practise more grammar too. Hopefully Tom will join us too.
Have a good weekend and see you on Monday 🙂
3.7.2023 Lesson 12
Last lesson of our course! Nice and chatty. We practised conversation questions, vocabulary, had a little test, checked HW (reading) and chatted more.
New vocabulary: lynx, combustion engine, skewer, threat – threaten – threatened, thread (nit, vlákno), knit – knitting (pletení).
It was fun with all of you during the whole course, I enjoyed working with you a lot.
Enjoy your summer, relax, and when you have a chance – practice your English 🙂
Hope to see you in September.
26.6.2023 Lesson 11
We practised speaking, started with questions as usual, refreshed vocabulary and wrote a little test, checked HW and discussed our ´to do´lists and summer lessons.
1) Questions for your colleagues
2) Refresh vocabulary from last lesson and from HW – climate change (for a test) + prepare this quiz
3) Prepare the following opinions + reading + environment vocabulary
4) New vocabulary: invoice, nurture/ raise/ bring up a child, see sb. off (vyprovodit někoho např. na nádraží), nutrition, belief, ethical, pig slaughter, endangered/ threatened animals, to neuter/sterilise an animal, a rack, a hook, a hanger.
Next Monday is our last lesson. Think over your summer programme.
See you 🙂
19.6.2023 Lesson 10
We started with warm-up speaking, practised vocabulary, had a little test, continued with HW.
1) Questions for your colleagues
2) Refresh vocabulary from last lesson and from HW (for a test) + prepare this quiz
3) Prepare the following opinions + climate_change_voc + reading
4) New vocabulary: fertile, bay/inlet, prairie, syllable (slabika) x syllabus (studijní plán)
5) Your ´to-do´list – for a day/ month/ in your life … – what you need to do …
Please, think over your plan for summer (September) lessons. Next time is one before our last lesson and it´s high time to make your decision.
See you on Monday as usual 🙂
12.6.2023 Lesson 9
We worked as usual – questions, vocabulary, HW check, test, more speaking …
1) Questions for your colleagues
2) Refresh vocabulary + continents (for a test) + prepare this quiz
3) Prepare the following opinions + vocabulary
4) New vocabulary: close/ immediate family, extended family, bonfire, barbecue, eat out, consider doing something, martial arts, stapler, hole puncher, combustion engine, storey/story (podlaží)
5) Your ´to-do´list – for a day/ month/ in your life … – what you need to do …
A nice lesson as usual 🙂
See you next Monday, K.
5.6.2023 Lesson 8
The lesson was led by my colleague Kate in usual way – warm-up, speaking, vocabulary, test, HW check …
1) Questions for your colleagues
2) Refresh Planet Earth vocabulary + continents (for a test) + prepare this quiz
3) Prepare this text + quiz + opinions
4) New vocabulary: prefer sthg to sthg, keychain, desert X dessert, civics, revolve, axis, valley.
Kate liked a lot your speaking activities 🙂 See you on Monday as usual.
29.5.2023 Lesson 7
We started with questions, had a little test, checked HW, practised vocabulary.
1) Questions for your colleagues
2) Refresh collocations with ´take´ + desert vocabulary (for a test)
3) Prepare this vocabulary + maps + text
4) New vocabulary: above the sea level, munch, curd/cottage cheese/quark, superficial, superstitious, longitude, take a day off, quadbike + find out about the Bata statues in Zlín 🙂 (and Patrik about the bust at school)
Good job! More about geography next time …
22.5.2023 Lesson 6
Questions at the beginning, HW check – Oman, get collocations + test, and more speaking …
1) Questions for your colleagues
2) Refresh collocations with ´get´ + new vocabulary (for a test)
3) Prepare this copy + vocabulary + opinions
4) New vocabulary: altitude, latitude, parallel, elevation (převýšení), application, applicant, poppyhead.
Interesting chat as usual 🙂
15.5.2023 Lesson 5
We started as usual, practised new vocabulary and grammar, discussed art.
1) Questions for your colleagues
2) Refresh collocations with ´get´ + new vocabulary – art (for a test)
3) Prepare this copy + these questions
4) New vocabulary: incense, cashmere, go smoothly/well, seem to be, scarf, veil, craft, poppy seeds, distinguish.
Well done 🙂
See you next Monday.
8.5.2023 Lesson 4
We warmed up with questions, refreshed vocabulary, checked HW, practised new drill 36 – infinitive of purpose.
1) Questions for your colleagues
2) Refresh phrasal verbs with ´get´ + new vocabulary – art (for a test)
3) Prepare opinions about art + get collocations
4) New vocabulary: pest, puddle, family in-law, pesticide, sink x scuba dive, canvas, doodle, sculpture, statue.
Try to remember recent interesting doodle on google.
See you next Monday as usual 🙂
26.4.2023 Lesson 3
We started with questions, practised phrasal verbs with ´get, continued with discussions about Youtube, HW check.
1) Questions for your colleagues
2) Refresh phrasal verbs with ´get´ + new vocabulary (for a test)
3) Prepare art vocabulary + opinions
4) New vocabulary: data, answer the phone, fortune-teller, seer, prophet, thums up x down, breath x breathe, committee, commission, exchange office, coniferous, needles (jehličí) needle-leaf x leaves x needleleaf (adj), leafy, desiduous, browse.
Thanks a lot for coming on Wednesday. Our next lesson is on Monday 8th May as usual (17,35). Enjoy 1th of May 🙂
24.4.2023 Lesson 2
We started with questions, continued with vocabulary and HW check.
1) Questions for your colleagues
2) Refresh phrasal verbs with ´get´ + new vocabulary (for a test)
3) Refresh drill 44 (time clauses) + opinions
4) New vocabulary: rib, suffocate, suffocation, reward (n, v), life expectancy, subtitles, appeal, appealing.
Good job 🙂 I hope to see you on Wednesday 26th April …
17.4.2023 Lesson 1
Today you worked with my colleague Kate with usual system – questions, vocabulary practice, phrasal verbs, HW check – reading, drill …
1) Questions for your colleagues
2) Refresh phrasal verbs with ´get´ + new vocabulary (for a test)
3) Refresh drill 44 (time clauses) + youtube + opinions
4) New vocabulary: get on well, stepsister, live up to, keep the wolf from the door, crucify, ressurect, pour out, Lenten period, hades, entomb, seal.
Next Monday we´ll see as usual and we need to make a plan for dates instead of 1st and 8th May. Please, think it over.
Thanks a lot 🙂
3.4.2023 Lesson 12
The questions started our lesson, we discussed various topics, practised vocabulary + had a test, checked HW.
1) Prepare questions for your colleagues
2) Refresh phrasal verbs with ´get´ + new vocabulary (for a test) + body_opinion
3) Refresh drill 44 (time clauses) + prepare text about Easter eggs reading
4) New vocabulary: profiterole, coffee roastery, sundae, flash, prolong.
Good work Lucas and Patrik 🙂
27.3.2023 Lesson 11
We started with questions as always, continued with vocabulary review (body+face) and a test. After that wec checked weather HW.
1) Prepare questions for your colleagues
2) Refresh vocabulary of weather (for a test) + weather_quiz +body_opinion
3) Refresh drill 44 (time clauses) + phrasal verb get
4) New vocabulary: cinnamon, confectionery, café, eclair, above, digest.
Don´t forget about the special homework – 1. větrník (the sweet), 2. average salary in the Czech Republic, 3. minimum salary in the Czech Republic
See you on Monday 🙂
20.3.2023 Lesson 10
We warmed up with questions, refreshed vocabulary, continued with new topics.
1) Prepare 4 questions for your colleagues as usual
2) Refresh vocabulary of body (there will be a test), + weather vocabulary + clues
for those who want to practice listening, check this page
3) Refresh drill 44 (time clauses) + phrasal verb get
4) New vocabulary: suspicious, counsellor, average, on average, labour, skill, craft, belly.
Perfect work when all the students are present 🙂 Thank you.
6.3.2023 Lesson 9
After conversation with questions we had a vocabulary test, checked HW and practised speaking about disasters.
1) Prepare 4 questions for your colleagues and use any new words
2) Refresh vocabulary of disasters (there will be a test), + weather vocabulary + clues
3) Refresh drill 44 (time clauses) + task1 + task2
4) New vocabulary: crowd funding, contribution, donation, to trim (a hedge), a hedgehog, graze (odřenina), spare/extra, loan, mortgage, heavy traffic, rush hour.
Next time there is no lesson, but holiday 🙂 We´ll see on 20th March.
27.2.2023 Lesson 8
Today questions at the beginning, vocabulary test, HW check – time clauses, more vocabulary work and conversation.
1) Prepare 4 questions for your colleagues and use any new words
2) Refresh vocabulary of disasters + reading reading1, reading2, reading3
3) Next time voc test (colds) + refresh drill 44 (time clauses) + for volunteers task1 + task2
4) New vocabulary: inconvenient, broadcast, live stream, rinse, graze, deep sleep, sound sleep + refresh vocabulary of colds (the test is coming soon 🙂
A lesson full of practice … I enjoyed the pronunciation part a lot. Next time we´ll continue 🙂
20.2.2023 Lesson 7
We started with questions as usual, checked HW, practised speaking.
1) Prepare 4 questions for your colleagues and use any new words
2) Prepare the following materials disasters + reading reading1, reading2, reading3
3) Refresh drill 44 (time clauses) +this new exercise
4) New vocabulary: pay off, pay back, predict, predictable, foundation, payment, make ends meet (vycházet s penězi) + vocabulary colds, health + refresh vocabulary of money (we will have a little test).
Well done 🙂 Have a good weekend and see you on Monday.
13.2.2023 Lesson 6
After a warm-up we continued with HW check (money text, listening task), we practised vocabulary, grammar (time clauses), and also speaking about Valentine.
1) Prepare 4 questions for your colleagues
2) Prepare the following materials colds + quiz
3) Refresh drill 44 (time clauses) +this exercise
4) New vocabulary: steep (slope), timer, hang out with somebody, make friends, make fortune, give sb. a lift (ride), self-service check-out desk + vocabulary from previous lessons.
Better and better 🙂 Next time hopefully with Lucas too. See you on Monday.
6.2.2023 Lesson 5
We started with questions, we checked HW (money vocabulary + quiz, 2nd conditional key), continued chatting.
1) Prepare 4 questions as usual
2) Prepare the following materials text-money + listening (mp3 recordings in Br.E., Am.E.)
3) Refresh drills 45 + 46 translation
4) New vocabulary: slope, damaged, used-up, ski resort, withdrawal, insufferable, unbearable, yacht, VAT (value added tax), owe, own, oat + money vocabulary …
Nice lesson with a lot of work and all students 🙂 Next Monday 13th February we´ll continue …
30.1.2023 Lesson 4
After a warm-up conversation we continued with vocabulary practice (banks, phrasal verbs), drill 45, translation (1st conditional key), and more speaking about banks.
1) Prepare 4 questions as usual
2) Prepare the following materials money, quiz + justify your opinion discuss-banks + listening (mp3 recordings in Br.E., Am.E.)
3) Refresh 2nd conditional fill-in (drill 46)
4) New vocabulary: get rid of something, access + vocab from previous lessons.
Just one student showed up, it was a pleasure Lucas 🙂
Hopefully your colleagues will join you next time.
23.1.2023 Lesson 3
We started with questions as usual, continued with phrasal verbs test, HW check – superstitions, 1st conditional, banks vocabulary.
1) Prepare 4 questions using new vocabulary
2) Prepare the following materials money, quiz + justify your opinion discuss-banks
3) Refresh 1st conditional translation (drill 45)
4) New vocabulary: banks + superstition copy, poisonous, rabies, bucket list, to do list, (hydro) power plant, bookcase, fish scale, concerning/regarding, (+ phrasal verbs again).
Good job, nice conversation, looking forward to next Monday 🙂
16.1.2023 Lesson 2
After warming up we continued with our HW check – resolutions, phrasal verbs, superstitions.
1) Prepare 4 questions using new vocabulary
2) Prepare the following materials: task
3) Match the picture + the supertition task4 + refresh 1st conditional translation (drill 45)
4) New vocabulary: freak out, hit the roof, cruel, lose weight X weight loss, to make your dream come true, stick to something, trial, charge money for something, + refresh new phrasal verbs for a little test.
All 4 of you are back 🙂
9.1.2023 Lesson 1
After the holiday we restarted again – speaking, sharing opinions and ideas.
As usual we practised questions, vocabulary, grammar.
1) Prepare 4 questions
2) Prepare the following materials: task1, task2, task3
3) Match the picture + the supertition task4 + refresh 1st conditional (drill 45)
4) New vocabulary: within, thick x thin hair, fringe, trimming, to store sthg., cupboard, cabinet, wardrobe, shelf.
It was good to see you Lucas and Patrik 🙂 Hopefully your colleagues will join you next lesson.
Have a good week, Katerina.
Check the school instagram and win a 3-months course!
Pokud si přejete pokračovat ve svém současném kurzu angličtiny i v období LEDEN – BŘEZEN 2023, přihlaste se prosím NYNÍ jedním z těchto způsobů:
1. ON-LINE PŘIHLÁŠKA (po úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na
3. SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. osobně v kanceláři školy
Pokud požadujete nějakou změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte to prosím do on-line přihlášky.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit nejpozději do 5.prosince, kdy začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme někým novým.
Všechny kurzy budou opět začínat v týdnu od 9.ledna!
12.12.2022 Lesson 12
We started with 4 questions as usual, continued with HW check – quiz, (we did not check the noodles – next time :).We practised a lot of speaking not only about jobs and working. We finished the lesson with Christmas vocabulary.
1) Prepare 4 questions as usual
2) Prepare the following noodles
3) New vocabulary: refill, superior (nadřízený), cupboard – wardrobe – cabinet – locker, shelf, fee x fine, GP (general practitioner – obvodní lékař)
Have wonderful Christmas with your dearest ones, enjoy your time, relax, and watch films in English 🙂
See you again in the second week in January.
5.12.2022 Lesson 11
After usual warm-up we continued with HW check, speaking and vocabulary practice.
1) Prepare 4 questions (use any new vocabulary or what we practised in previous lessons)
2) Prepare the following quiz + noodles
3) Find out about the most and least stressful jobs 🙂
4) New vocabulary: part time X full time job, dustman, wage, unenviable, employ, (un) employed, employer, employee, demand, offer, supply, exceed, quit (a job), among.
It was a nice lesson full of interesting questions and topics. Next time is our last lesson of this year!
Check the instadram competition to win a free course. Hope to see you all on Monday 🙂
28.11.2022 Lesson 10
We started with chatting, questions, HW check key, more speaking and vocabulary practice.
1) Prepare 4 questions (use any new vocabulary or what we practised in previous lessons)
2) Prepare the following materials reading + grammar
3) Try the following quiz + check your answer listening to this link:
4) New vocabulary: firefighter, commute, hire, fix a sink, put out/extinguish, cabbage, fairy-tale, wine cellar.
Well done Tom, you were the only and brave one. 🙂
See you next Monday, K.
21.11.2022 Lesson 9
We started as usual with questions, continued with drills, quiz, chart, speaking about jobs – vocab.
1) Prepare 4 questions (use any new vocabulary or what we practised in previous lessons)
2) Prepare the following materials HW + this exercise
3) Finish this listening practice mp3 + complete these questions
4) New vocabulary: to grate, Sagittarius, journey, cashier, plumber, window shopping.
Well done Lucas and Patrik. Hope to see your colleagues as well next Monday 🙂
14.11.2022 Lesson 8
The lesson was substituted by my colleague Kate.
1) Prepare 4 questions (use any new vocabulary or what we practised in previous lessons)
2) Refresh verb patterns drills 71 (76)
3) Finish this listening practice mp3 + complete these questions + practice vocabulary of space
4) New vocabulary: practice makes perfect, put up (accommodate).
Kate liked working with you 🙂 Next time hopefully also with Vlad.
See you on Monday, K.
7.11.2022 Lesson 7
We started with questions as usual and continued with HW check key, drills, quiz and more speaking about space.
1) Prepare 4 questions (use any new vocabulary or what we practised in previous lessons)
2) Prepare the following fill-in (verb patterns) + drill 71 (76)
3) Finish this listening practice mp3 + complete these questions + practice vocabulary of space
4) New vocabulary: hint, clue, escape, riddle, anticipate, review, wide – width, long – length, high – height, deep – depth, hearing, sight, touch, taste, smell, negligible, on the contrary, quite the opposite.
Good job Vlad and Patrik 🙂
Next time you´ll work with Kate.
31.10.2022 Lesson 6
The questions was a good start, we continued with noodles (mobile phones), vocabulary, reading check, and more speaking.
1) Prepare 4 questions (use any new vocabulary or what we practised in previous lessons)
2) Prepare the following fill-in (verb patterns) + drill 71 (76) + this quiz
3) Do this listening practice mp3 + complete these questions + vocabulary + text
4) New vocabulary: quarrel, ray, cordless, wireless, suffocate, fur, to sack / to fire/ to dismiss sb., exercise + the new vocabulary from the copies…
All present 🙂 Great!
See you next Monday, K.
24.10.2022 Lesson 5
As ususal we started with conversation questions, continued with HW check key1, key2, and key3 (from previous lesson).
1) Prepare 4 questions (use any new vocabulary or what we practised in previous lessons)
2) Prepare the following exercise + reading1 + reading2
3) Do this listening practice mp3 + complete these qusetions
4) New vocabulary: to be supposed to, multiplied, to be aware of something, lecture, cell phone, stationery, the Vltava River, moldavite, unwanted, computer literacy, figure out, make up x think up, uterus, cell, sperm, competition (konkurence).
It was a good fun to work with you… Next Monday we´ll continue. Enjoy a little holiday.
17.10.2022 Lesson 4
The lesson was substituted by my colleague Kate. HW check key.
1) Prepare 4 questions (use any new vocabulary or what we practised in previous lessons)
2) Prepare the following questions + fill-in
3) New vocabulary: familiar, path, skyscraper, lantern parade, Me neither x Me too,
water the plants, filthy (the filthiest), dump, well, dam, complain,
complaint, amenities, harvest, crossroad/intersection, roundabout, crosswalk
My colleague enjoyed working with you a lot 🙂
See you next Monday as usual…
10.10.2022 Lesson 3
We started with practice of questions, continued with vocabulary practice (crossword), drills, HW check key and more speaking.
1) Prepare 4 questions (use any new vocabulary or what we practised in previous lessons)
2) Refresh questions from last lesson + directions in town
3) Prepare the following fill-in + speaking1 + speaking2
4) Study new vocabulary: sidewalk/pavement, neighbourhood, periphery x suburbs x outskirts, multi-storey, car park/lot, alley, guarantee/warranty, sledging, fast food chain store.
Good job gentlemen 🙂 even when you are 3 the conversation goes well on.
Have a good week and weekend. Next lesson is 17th Oct as usual.
3.10.2022 Lesson 2
After getting to know each other we practised questions, speaking, grammar (past tenses – drills 26, 40), vocabulary – places.
1) Prepare 4 questions (present, past, future, + any of your choice)
2) Refresh drills 26, 40 (irregular verbs)
3) Prepare the following questions
4) Study new vocabulary: to be focused on/ interested in/ keen on, hiking, pastry, injured/wounded/hurt.
Great attendance and speaking practice 🙂 I hope to see you all next Monday.
19.9.2022 Lesson 1
Today only one student came. We started practising speaking, asking questions, grammar – drills 17, 26, irregular verbs, explaining new vocabulary.
1) Prepare 4 questions using vocabulary from last lesson
2) Refresh drills 17, 26 (irregular verbs)
3) Prepare the following translation + questions
4) Study new vocabulary: lawn mower, cycling path, kneel – knelt-knelt
See you on 3rd October.
4.7.2022 Lesson 12
We practised questions in the beginning, drills (45, 46), checked HW key, spoke about fashion, checked translation key and had a good time 🙂
There is no homework as it was our last lesson.
Have a great summer, relax, speak English and hopefully we´ll see again 🙂
27.6.2022 Lesson 10 + 30 minutes (finished lesson 11)
We started with questions as usual, practised drills (conditionals), checked HW key, practised new vocabular and speaking topic – fast food.
1) Prepare 4 questions using vocabulary from last lesson (fast food)
2) Refresh drills 45, 46 (1st + 2nd conditional) + this fill-in
3) Prepare the following translation + questions
Finish the listening exercise from last lesson, this link will help you:
4) New vocabulary from last lesson: view tower, branch, minced meat, meatloaf, elder flower, convenient, diabetes, drive-thru, nutritious, overweight, tasty, unhealthy.
Next time is our last lesson, hope to see you ´llall 🙂
20.6.2022 Lesson 9 + 30 minutes
As always warm-up questions, HW check key1, key2, key3 and a lot of speaking and vocabulary practice too.
1) Prepare 4 questions using vocabulary from last lesson (quiz)
2) Refresh drills 39, 40, 62, 67 + 47, 48 (passive), 45, 46 (1st + 2nd conditional) + this translation
3) Prepare the following fill-in + listening exercise + this link will help you:
4) New vocabulary from last lesson: parkour, remind, remark, vivid, merch (merchandise = zboží).
Nice attendance and good work, it was a pleasure 🙂 Hope we´ll continue like this next time too…
See you next Monday + think over the summer lessons.
13.6.2022 Lesson 8 + 30 minutes
This time as usual – practice of questions, HW check key, refreshed 2nd conditional, checked school vocabulary quiz, played a board game, practised crime vocabulary.
1) Prepare 4 questions using vocabulary from last lesson (quiz)
2) Refresh drills 39, 40, 62, 67 + 47, 48 (passive), 45, 46 (1st + 2nd conditional) + this exercise (2nd conditional)
3) Prepare this exercise + translation
4) New vocabulary from last lesson: archery, treatment (spa), cathedral, archbishop, ferry (boat), apply for a job, pass a test/exam, stamp, regularly + vocabulary from the quiz
Have a good week and see you all on Monday 🙂
p.s. Don´t forget to think over the summer lessons…
6.6.2022 Lesson 7
Today there was only one student but we did a lot of things – practised everything – vocabulary, conversation, drills, speaking.
1) Prepare 4 questions using vocabulary from last lesson.
2) Refresh drills 39, 40, 62, 67 + 47, 48 (passive) + this translation (1st conditional)
3) Prepare this quiz
4) New vocabulary from last lesson: grades, school report, on the spot, border, bow, arrow
Hope to see more of you on Monday. 🙂
30.5.2022 Lesson 6
Lesson was taught by my colleague Kate. There was speaking and grammar practice, drills …
1) Prepare 4 questions using vocabulary from last lesson.
2) Refresh drills 39, 40, 62, 67 + 47, 48 (passive) + this translation (1st conditional)
3) New vocabulary from last lesson: grades, school report, on the spot, border, bow, arrow
We´ll see on Monday as usual. 🙂
16.5.2022 Lesson 5 + 30 minutes
We warmed up as usual, practised vocabulary from previous lesson, drills, checked HW.
1) Prepare 4 questions using vocabulary from last lesson.
2) Refresh drills 39, 40, 62, 67 + 47, 48 (passive) + this exercise (1st conditional)
3) Check this translation
4) Refresh vocabulary from last lesson: pile, dam, elevation, still life, utility room x utilities + crime vocabulary.
Good job 🙂 I´ll let you know about the substitution next Monday 23rd.
Have a nice weekend, K.
9.5.2022 Lesson 4 + 30 minutes
After warm-up questions we checked HW key, checked the HW – new vocabulary, reading, listening practice (apartments and houses).
1) Prepare 4 questions using vocabulary from last lesson (apartments and houses).
2) Refresh drills 39, 40, 62, 67 + 47, 48 (passive) + prepare this exercise
3) Check this translation
4) Refresh vocabulary from last lesson: (inflamation, bronchus X bronchi, ceremony, brewery, husband + wife, fiancé + fiancée, groom + bride, bridesmaid,
pickled, art-oriented, commute.)
Nice lesson with full attendance. I hope that next time we´ll repeat that 🙂
We are going to have a longer lesson again.
2.5.2022 Lesson 3
As usual we started with warm-up questions, contiued with drills, refreshed a bit of grammar – passives, and the topic of apartments and houses.
1) Prepare 4 questions using vocabulary of your choice
2) Prepare + refresh drills 39, 40, 62, 67 + this exercise (passive)
3) Listen to recording + answer the questions
The video can help but it is not the same
4) Study new vocabulary: Labour Day, Munich, curator, vacations, vacancy, kimchi, fermented, soil, full/half board.
5) Don´t forget about the reading homework reading, 10_things
Good job gentlemen 🙂 See you next Monday, again half an hour longer…
25.4.2022 Lesson 2
The lesson was substituted by my colleague, the programme was following – warm -up questions, drills, HW check key, vocabulary practice, speaking about horoscopes.
1) Prepare 4 questions using vocabulary of your choice
2) Prepare + refresh drills 39, 40, 62, 67 + this exercise (passive)
3) Watch this video + answer the questions
4) Study new vocabulary: reliable, determined, determine, seek, stubbornness, thrifty,
affectionate, suppressed by shyness, undertake, outcome, deeds, a sixth
sense, accomplish
We´ll see next Monday as usual 🙂
11.4.2022 Lesson 1
We started with speaking practice, HW check, practice of grammar, new vocabulary, speaking.
1) Prepare 4 questions using vocabulary of your choice
2) Prepare + refresh drills 39, 40, 62, 67 + this exercise
3) Refresh vocabulary of weather from last lesson
4) Prepare the following handout
Have a nice Easter and enjoy lesson with other Kate 🙂
See you on 2nd May. K.
Textbook: New Headway Intermediate 4th edition
Teacher: Kateřina Rozsypalová
Pokud si přejete pokračovat ve svém současném kurzu angličtiny i
v období *DUBEN – ČERVEN 2022*, *přihlaste se prosím NYNÍ jedním
z těchto způsobů:*
<> (po
úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na
Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na
3. SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. osobně v kanceláři školy
Pokud požadujete nějakou změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte
to prosím do on-line přihlášky.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit *nejpozději do 21.března, *kdy
začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme
někým novým.
Všechny kurzy budou opět začínat v týdnu od *11.dubna!*
4.4.2022 Lesson 11 (+12, 30 minutes)
After practice of questions we worked on grammar (Past Simple and Present Perfect key), drills – 33, 39, 67 and more speaking.
1) Prepare 4 questions using vocabulary you chose
2) Prepare this exercise + refresh drills 39, 40, 62, 67.
3) Prepare the fill-in + read these weather1, weather2, weather3
Study new vocabulary: lowlands, itinerary, coffee x café, shelter, vote, pretext, tent.
Nice lesson 🙂 Hopefully Markétka joins us next time (the lesson is going to be 30 minutes longer!).
28.3.2022 Lesson 10
As usual we practised questions, checked HW key, discussed new topic, vocabulary.
1) Prepare 4 questions using vocabulary you chose last time
2) Watch the video again
3) Refresh grammar (Present Perfect X Past Simple) exercise
A very interesting topic, nice conversation, next time we will continue more …
21.3.2022 Lesson 9
We started with questions and conversation as usual, checked HW key, checked grammar HW and also enjoyed live music 🙂
1) Prepare 4 questions as usual.
2) Translate these questions
3) Watch the following video:
We will discuss your opinions on it 🙂
Enjoy your weekend and see you on Monday.
Please, think over some possible dates to substitute our lesson.
14.3.2022 Lesson 8
We practised speaking, checked HW key, practised grammar – Present Simple, discussed text on music.
1) Prepare 4 questions as usual.
2) Translate the following questions + refresh questions about music
3) Read materials with film vocabulary – 1, 2, 3 + preare this handout
Study new vocabulary: heal, heat, listen to, treat, rare, manufactured group, deal with.
Well done Vlad and Lucas 🙂 Next time we can speak about music again and sing as well …
Enjoy your weekend and see you on Monday.
28.2.2022 Lesson 7
We had a good chat with questions in the beginning, checked the HW key, talked about the text.
1) Prepare 4 questions as usual.
3) Translate the following noodles
4) Study new vocabulary: Taurus, Scorpio, it isn´t my cup of tea, plot, Czechia, nowadays, the Olympic Games.
Good job 🙂 I´m curious about your tastes in music.
21.2.2022 Lesson 6
We started with questions as usual, continued with love idioms, HW check (video), practice of adverbs of frequency KEY, noodles (17), anf vocabulary practice.
1) Prepare questions for your colleagues – 1x Present Simple, 1x Past Simple, 1x Present Perfect, 1x Future + use new words of your choice
2) Prepare this translation – topic ´sport´ + this text1 and text2
3) Try the Winter Olympics Quiz –
4) Study new vocabulary – from previous lesson + take over, get on with (well), tie the knot.
A very nice and active lesson, thanks a lot gentlemen 🙂
We´ll continue next Monday. K.
14.2.2022 Lesson 5
Our leson started with speaking – questions, continued with HW check key, we discussed the text, learned new idioms about love.
1) Prepare questions for your colleagues – 1x Present Simple, 1x Past Simple, 1x Present Perfect, 1x Future – using the vocabulary you choose + this tiny homework
2) Watch this video, do the tasks and remember any interesting facts.
3) Prepare this material, these pictures 1, 2 can help you
4) Study new vocabulary: accommodate, a coach (bus), sight/ monument, a visa, overseas, crowded.
Thanks for your work Markétko and Lucas. Well done 🙂
Hopefully Vlad and Oto will join us too next Monday.
31.1.2022 Lesson 4
As usual after a warm-up we practised questions and conversation about travelling, we checked HW – translation key. We practised also explaining of vocabulary from previous lessons. We did not have enough time to check the second translation and reading, so this stays as HW for next lesson.
1) Prepare questions for your colleagues – 1x Present Simple, 1x Past Simple, 1x Present Perfect, 1x Future – using the vocabulary you choose
2) Translation noodle 2
3) Prepare this material: text1, text2
4) Refresh vocabulary from last lesson: final/mid-term report, even (dokonce i), venue, guinea pig, to delay, suburbs, envy, envious, thick, the Alps, alpine hiking, cancelled, connecting flight.
Good work and conversation but we missed Oto too…
Next week there is spring holiday also for our course, so we´ll see on 14th of February. Enjoy yourselves 🙂
K. 2.4
24.1.2022 Lesson 3
We started practice with questions in different tenses, fill- in key, continued with drills (26, 33, 45, 46, 72), vocabulary and plans for the course.
1) Prepare questions for your colleagues – 1x Present Simple, 1x Past Simple, 1x Present Perfect, 1x Future – topic ´travelling´
2) Translation noodle 1, noodle 2
3) Prepare this material: travel_voc, text1, text2
4) Refresh vocabulary from last lesson: chilly, frosty, snowy, to apply for sthg., workshop, leftovers, fond out, oat, oat flakes, porridge.
It was good to work with all group, good atmosphere 🙂
Hope to see you all on Monday.
17.1.2022 Lesson 2
We warmed up with 1st conditional questions, continued with drills (26, 45, 46, 72 ), and HW check – revise and check.
1) Please prepare this fill-in
2) Don´t forget abou questions: for your colleagues – 2x Present Simple, 2 x Past Simple, 2 x Present Perfect, 2 x Future (+ 1st conditional from last time)
3) Prepare the copy – Grammar – revise and check
4) Refresh vocabulary from last lesson: formula (vzorec), depressed X depressing, depressive, envy, run out of/ be out of (sugar, milk …), blue Monday.
Good job Vlad and Oto J Next time we will discuss what are your plans and motivations for studying English, think it over please.
10.1.2022 Lesson 1
We started the course with introducing each other, practice of grammar and speaking (questions), drills – 26, 28, 35, 64 and more conversation.
1) Prepare questions for your colleagues – 2x Present Simple, 2 x Past Simple, 2 x Present Perfect, 2 x Future.
2) Translate 3 questions – First Conditional
3) Prepare the copy – Grammar – revise and check
4) Refresh vocabulary of shopping with this – u6 everyday english
Thanks very much for your work. It was a nice start of a new course J
6.12.2021 Lesson 12
Our last lesson started with a chat, continued with irregular verbs practice, we checked HW – modal verbs and continued with phrasal verbs and conversation.
Relax and enjoy Christmas with your dearest ones 🙂
And watch films or series in English …
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2022
29.11.2021 Lesson 11
We practised speaking in the beginning as usual, continued with irregular verbs (test, questions), grammar, listening.
There isn´t much change in the homework as only one person was present.
1) Modal verbs p.89/3 + noodle 11.3. fill-in
2) Irregular verbs as usual + 4 questions
3) Vocabulary p.92/exe 1,2 – phrasal verbs
4) New vocabulary: air gun + vocabulary from previous lessons.
Well done Markétka 🙂 Hope to see you all next lesson.
22.11.2021 Lesson 10
We warmed up with irregular verbs and questions, continued with grammar of modal verbs and listening.
1) Modal verbs p.89/ 1,3 + noodle 11.6.
2) Irregular verbs as usual + 4 questions
3) Vocabulary p.92/exe 1,2 – phrasal verbs
4) New vocabulary: blind, hammock + vocabulary from p. 88 (ransack, tidy up, come round, work out).
It was good to meet all of you 🙂 If you decide as a group for an online lesson next time, please let me know in time and don´t forget to have a Skype account.
See you next Monday, Katerina.
15.11.2021 Lesson 9
As a part of warm-up speaking we practised questions in a card game, irregular verbs followed, grammar, HW check and vocabulary practice.
1) Modal verbs – noodle 11.1. (questions+answers)
2) Irregular verbs + 4 questions
3) Vocabulary p.92/exe 1,2 – phrasal verbs
4) New vocabulary: telephone booth, hoodie, ride (rode, ridden), heat up a meal, kidding, to kidnap sb. + vocabulary from previous lessons.
A very nice speaking practice 🙂 I hope that Iva can join us next time too.
Enjoy free Wednesday and see you on Monday.
8.11.2021 Lesson 8
We started with warm-up speaking and questions, vocabulary practice, irregular verbs, and continued with speaking and grammar of Unit 11.
1) Grammar – 87/3 + noodle 11.1.(prepare both questions and answers), you can study the explanation on p. 145/11.1.
2) Irregular verbs as usual … + 4 questions for your colleagues
3) New vocabulary: cycling (bike) path, hiking (path) trail, potion, vehicle, means of transport, priest, owl, cemetery, graveyard, purse, wallet, purchase, parallel (lines) + vocabulary from previous lessons.
Good job ladies 🙂 I enjoyed our lesson a lot.
See you next Monday, K.
1.11.2021 Lesson 7
A very nice lesson full of practice – questions, speaking, grammar – irregular verbs, modal verbs, vocabulary of Halloween … quiz, traditions.
1) Refresh all irregular verbs and again prepare 4 questions for your colleagues using Past Simple or Present Perfect.
2) Refresh highlighted vocabulary from the text on p.90-91 + noodle 11.9.
3) SB p.86 – starter (prepare) + p.87/3 – write the sentences according the model
4) Study new vocabulary: niece, baptism, baptize, certainty, Vienna, All Saints´Day + Halloween vocabulary like: cauldron, nocturnal, pale, wizard, fairy, eggplant, courgette, werewolf, broom, tomb, apple bobbing, trick or treat … + vocab from previous lessons
We did quite a lot of work and I enjoyed it a lot. So, let´s repeat it next Monday too 🙂
25.10.2021 Lesson 6
We warmed up with speaking and different questions, practised vocabulary, checked the text and did some listening.
1) Study the second column of the irregular verbs + prepare 4 questions for your colleagues using Past Simple or Present Perfect.
2) Study new highlighted vocabulary from the text on p.90-91.
3) Prepare the translation 11.9. in noodlebook questions to the text about Sherlock Holmes.
4) Study new vocabulary: reply, get over sthg., freeze, frost, protect against, furniture, stubborn, indecisive, chain, keep up with, deny, clue, intruder + vocabulary from previous lessons.
Good job Vlad, it was a nice talking practice. Hopefully your colleagues will join you next Monday 🙂
18.10.2021 Lesson 5
We started with speaking, continued with practice of noodles 3.11., irregular verbs, HW in the book, listening and vocabulary.
1) Study the second column of the irregular verbs + prepare 4 questions for your colleagues using Past Simple or Present Perfect.
2) Study new highlighted vocabulary from the text on p.90-91.
3) Prepare the translation 11.9. in noodlebook questions to the text about Sherlock Holmes.
4) Study new vocabulary: quarantine, lecture, a stand (stánek), take place (konat se), pipe (dýmka), magnifying glass (lupa) + vocabulary from previous lessons.
Well done Markéta, even alone you did a good job, I enjoyed our lesson a lot. 🙂
Hope to see your fellow students next week.
11.10.2021 Lesson 4
As usual we warmed up with speaking, review of noodles, we checked HW 3.11.key, and refreshed irregular verbs and vocabulary from previous lessons.
1) Refresh the noodles 3.11., next time we will start with them.
2) Study the second column of the irregular verbs + prepare 4 questions for your colleagues using Past Simple or Present Perfect.
3) Read the text on p.90-91 + prepare all exercises.
4) Study new vocabulary: stove (kamna), casual/informal x formal (clothes), exile, to drill, grave.
Thanks for good work Markéta and Vlad, and get ready for next Monday 🙂
4.10.2021 Lesson 3
At the beginning of our lesson we practised speaking (questions, likes and dislikes), noodles 5.4. (the key is in the previous lesson), irregular verbs and grammar.
1)Refresh the noodles from last lesson, check the key, next time we will use them in conversation.
2)Refresh irregular verbs (1st column from the book) and prepare 4 questions for your colleagues.
3) Translate these noodles (Past Simple, Continuous, Past Perfect, used to).
4) Study new vocabulary: to be keen on something, incense (kadidlo), incense stick (vonná tyčinka), myrrh (myrha), meadow (louka), hay (seno), striped (pruhovaný) + vocabulary from previous lessons (we will practice explaining).
It was a nice lesson, we discovered very interesting facts about each other 🙂
Don´t forget about your special homework: watch Czech rappers Marpo and Paulie Garand.
See you next Monday, K.
27.9.2021 Lesson 2
Today we practised conversation with different questions, checked HW – Present Perfect questions, noodles – key.
1) Refresh the noodles from last lesson, check the key, next time we will use them in conversation
2)Refresh irregular verbs + verb tenses (Past Simple, Continuous, Past Perfect, used to) with these noodles
Study new vocabulary: lawn mower, courageous/bold, regret, take up time, extended x immediate (close) family, wheel of fortune (kolo štěstí) + vocabulary from previous lesson.
A very nice work and conversation Veronika and Vlad, I hope that next time your colleagues can join you too 🙂
20.9.2021 Lesson 1
We started a new term with conversation, grammar review (tenses), drills, and vocabulary practice.
1) Write 6 questions in Present Perfect tense for your colleagues (e.g. Have you ever …?)
2) Prepare the following translation noodles.
3) Study new vocabulary: accountant, rodent (guinea pig, hamster, squirel, rat), clue, schedule/timetable, grow something, referee, spectators, prawns, to get injured.
Well done Markéta and Vlad 🙂 Nice work and conversation…
See you next Monday, Katerina.
12.7.2021 Lesson 12
Unfortunately today nobody could attend our lesson. Have a nice summer, relax and practice English by watching films, series, listening to radio or songs.
I hope to see you in September 🙂
28.6.2021 Lesson 11
After a warm-up conversation we checked the rest of test of U10 key, practised new vocabulary and explained new grammar of U11.
1) U11 vocabulary p.86 – 87, you can use this file for ´pamatovák´.
2) SB p.87/1, 2, 3.
3) Prepare questions for your colleagues
Thanks a lot for your work Vlad, well done 🙂
Please, check you e-mail, there is important information.
21.6.2021 Lesson 10
Today nobody could attend the lesson so there is no change in homework for next Monday.
I hope you are all fine.
See you in a week 🙂
14.6.2021 Lesson 9
Today we had a nice conversation, practised vocabulary of U11 and continued with grammar of modal verbs.
1) Finish the test for next time – we´ll check it together
2) U11 vocabulary p.86 – 87
3) Prepare questions for your colleagues
Good job Paul, we did a lot of work. Hopefully your colleagues will join you next time 🙂
7.6.2021 Lesson 8
We continued with online lessons. First we discussed our options and sport, then we continued with checking of U10 test key.
1) Finish the test for next time
2) SB p. 86/2 – you should have the recording in mp3 downloaded
3) SB p.87/1
4) Prepare questions for your colleagues
Well done Milan and Vlad. Hope you´ll have a good casserole dish too 🙂
See you next Monday online as usual.
31.5.2021 Lesson 7
As usual afret some chat we went on with HW key and started Unit 11.
1) Prepare TEST UNIT 10
2) SB p. 86/2 – you should have the recording in mp3 downloaded
3) SB p.87/1
4) Prepare questions for your colleagues
Have a nice week and see you next Monday 🙂
24.5.2021 Lesson 6
We started with a conversation, continued with listening practice, more vocabulary and speaking.
1) Refresh vocabulary from p. 84 – 85 with this file (List 3,4,for pamatovák)
2) SB p.85 exe.4,5,6 – listening practice + this fill-in
3) Prepare this TEST UNIT 10
4) Prepare questions for your colleagues
Good job Milan and Vlad. Enjoy your weekend and garden and see you next Monday 🙂
17.5.2021 Lesson 5
After a warm-up speaking we refreshed vocabulary and continued with listening and speaking practice on p.85.
1) Refresh vocabulary from p. 84 85 with this file (List 3,4,for pamatovák)
2) Prepare this fill-in
3) Refresh all Unit 10
4) Prepare questions for your colleagues
Well done gentlemen, we managed to do a lot of work. Next time we´ll say good bye to Unit 10. Have a nice weekend.
10.5.2021 Lesson 4
We started with speaking, continued with vocabulary practice, listening and HW check key (key).
1) Refresh vocabulary from p. 84 with this file (List 3,4,for pamatovák)
2) SB p.85 exe.1,2,4,5 – listening practice
3) Prepare questions for your colleagues
Nice work Milan, we practised many things. Thanks a lot 🙂
3.5.2021 Lesson 3
After a warm-up and vocabulary practice we continued in the book with more practice.
1) Refresh vocabulary from p. 84 with this vocabulary file (List 2,for pamatovák) and prepare this translation
2) SB p.85 exe.1,2,4,5 – listening practice
3) Prepare questions for your colleagues
It was great to have you all there, the lesson ran very well. Well done 🙂
See you next Monday, we can discuss our Saturday programme again …
26.4.2021 Lesson 2
We started with a conversation, continued with practice of vocabulary and grammar, afterwards we checked HW key, and part of HW in the book on p.84.
1) Refresh vocabulary from p. 84 with this file (List 2,for pamatovák)
2) SB p.84 vocabulary exe. 2, 3, 6 – find new words in a dictionary, you can also practice with this translation
3) Prepare questions for your colleagues
Very good job Vlad, you did well despite your hard day 🙂
See you next week hopefully with more colleagues.
19.4.2021 Lesson 1
After a short chat we practised vocabulary and phrases from last lesson, continued with HW check key, and checked part of p.84.
1) Refresh vocabulary from p. 84 with this file (List 2,for pamatovák)
2) SB p.84 vocabulary exe. 2, 3, 4, 6 – find new words in a dictionary (and you can also try to prepare this exercise)
3) Prepare questions for your colleagues
It was good to see you again, you did very well with the grammar and phrases, not so easy…
Enjoy yourselves all week 🙂
13.4.2021 Lesson 12
The start of the lesson was with conversation, and grammar explanation (p.145) and practice (p.80) followed. And more speaking (p.83).
1) Refresh vocabulary from p. 80 this file can help (for pamatovák)
2) Prepare translation 10.6.
3) SB p.84 vocabulary exe. 2, 3, 4, 5.
4) Prepare questions for your colleagues
Well done Milan and Vlad, the grammar looks a bit complicated but you are doing well 🙂
Next Monday we´ll continue more. Have a good weekend and see you …
29.3.2021 Lesson 11
As usual, we warmed up with speaking, continued with vocabulary practice here, grammar review and practice.
1) Prepare exe 9 on p.80 (you can consult p.145)+ this translation 10.6.
2) SB p.84 vocabulary exe. 2, 3, 4, 5.
3) Think over your answer to questions on p.83 (buildings)
4) Prepare questions for your colleagues (you can use vocabulary from the beginning of the lesson)
A great surprise – Paul is back 🙂 It was a really nice lesson with all of you, I enjoyed it a lot and I hope to see you all after Easter – 12th April.
Enjoy your Easter 🙂
Pokud si přejete pokračovat ve svém současném kurzu angličtiny i
v období DUBEN – ČERVEN 2021, přihlaste se prosím NYNÍ jedním
z těchto způsobů:
<> (po
úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na
Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na
3. SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
Pokud požadujete nějakou změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte
to prosím do on-line přihlášky.Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit *nejpozději do 22.března, *kdy začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst. Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme
někým novým.
Všechny kurzy budou začínat v týdnu od 13. dubna 2021.
22.3.2021 Lesson 10
After a warm-up we checked HW key, and continued with grammar and vocabulary.
1) Prepare exe 7,8 on p.80 (you can consult p.144)
2) SB p.84 vocabulary exe. 3, 4, 5.
3) Study vocabulary from the text and fill-in 10.4.
4) Think over your answer to questions on p.83 (buildings)
Well done Milan and Vladimír, good practice. We managed to do many things 🙂
15.3.2021 Lesson 9
We started with speaking, reading check and listening.
1) Prepare the fill-in and this translation
2) SB p.81 read exe. 1 and 3, prepare exe. 2
3) Don´t forget about the questions 🙂
It was a nice and funny lesson. Don´t forget to recharge your batteries and see you next Monday 🙂
Shorter lesson 8.3.2021
Speaking practice and HW check – key
Enjoy today´s evening – 8th March and see you next Monday. Good job 🙂
1.3.2021 Lesson 8
We started with detailed speaking, continued with grammar practice.
1) Reading p.82 – 83 + exercises 4-6 + this translation
2) Prepare this exercise
3) SB p.81 read exe. 1 and 3, prepare exe. 2
Good cooperation in forming questions and discussing difficult topics. There are still things to finish. Hopefully next time 🙂
22.2.2021 Lesson 7
We warmed up with a short conversation, continued with HW check key, and discussed the text on p.82 – 83.
1) Reading p.82 – 83 + exercises 4-6 + this translation
2) Prepare this exercise
3) SB p.81 read exe. 1 and 3, prepare exe. 2
It was a pleasure to work with Milan, perfect preparation for the lesson 🙂
I hope that Vlad will join us next Monday…
15.2.2021 Lesson 6
After warm-up speaking we practised with listening of facts about history of St.Valentine.
Then we continued with grammar practice – articles, possessives.
1) Refresh possessive pronouns (you can consult p.144) and prepare this translation
2) SB p.82 – 83 read the text and prepare exercises 1-6
3) SB p.81 read exe. 1 and 3, prepare exe. 2
We had a good practice of listening and speaking, the grammar went very well too 🙂
Well done gentlemen.
8.2.2021 Lesson 5
We started with warm-up, practised articles key, more in SB, and also possessive pronouns.
1) Prepare noodles 10.3. – articles. (10.2.for volunteers)
2) Refresh possessive pronouns with this translation
3) SB p.81 read exe. 1 and 3, prepare exe. 2
It was a nice lesson, you are doing very well with articles 🙂
Have a good week and see you next Monday.
2.2.2021 Lesson 4
Due to technical problems we had a lesson on Tuesday. We practised vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking.
1) Prepare exercise on articles on p. 79/3 + fill-in, and possessive pronouns on p. 80/exe 4 (you can check explanation on p. 143-144).
2) Prepare noodles 10.3. – articles. (10.2.for volunteers)
3) And conversation questions 🙂
Thanks a lot for your patience because of my technical problems on Monday. You did a good job and we managed to do a lot of things. See you next Monday 🙂
25.1.2021 Lesson 3
After speaking practice we refreshed vocabulary from the text on p. 78, continued with noodles key, speaking, and grammar – articles on p. 143-144.
1) Prepare exercise on articles on p. 79/ 2, 3 + possessive pronouns on p. 80/exe 4 (you can check explanation on p. 143-144).
2) Refresh the vocabulary from p. 78
3) And questions for your colleagues …
It was a very intensive lesson, we did a lot of work Milan. Well done! I hope that Vladimír will join you next time. Have a nice week and see you next Monday 🙂
18.1.2021 Lesson 2
We started with a warm-up conversation and after that continued with the book – text and grammar in Unit 10.
1) Study the vocabulary from the text on p. 78 + prepare this noodles
2) Prepare exercise 3 on p. 79 + read the sentences about articles p.79/1
3) And questions for your colleagues 🙂
Thanks a lot for your work, the text was not easy but you did very well. Have a good week and see you next Monday.
11.1.2021 Lesson 1
After a short holidays we started with online study again. We practised speaking, vocabulary, grammar, and we also started Unit 10.
1) Read the text on p. 78
2) Prepare exercise 1 on p. 78, and exercises 2 and 3 on p. 79.
3) And of course prepare questions for your colleagues 🙂
Have a good start of the year in everything in your life. I enjoyed working with you Milan and Vladimír, it was fun. And good job too 🙂
14.12.2020 Lesson 12
We spent our last lesson with intensive work – after warm up speaking we checked the test of Unit 9. Good job 🙂
We also chatted a bit about Christmas and meeting in the New Year 2021.
Enjoy your Christmas with your dearest ones in good and calm atmosphere full of love.
7.12.2020 Lesson 11
We started with a conversation practice and continued with revision of all Unit 9 – vocabulary, grammar, noodles.
1) Prepare this U9 test as homework
2) Refresh all Unit 9
3) Next time we will speak about Christmas traditions
4) Prepare questions for your colleagues
It was a nice lesson full of intensive practice, thanks a lot Vladimír. Enjoy your week and see you next Monday 🙂
30.11.2020 Lesson 10
After a warm-up conversation we practised grammar (conditionals), money vocabulary and speaking, and checked HW reading and writing.
1) Refresh all Unit 9 next time we will revise it and write a test (probably as HW)
2) Revise vocabulary and grammar of all unit (+ p. 123-113), all noodles
3) prepare questions for your colleagues
Thanks very much for your work Milan and Vladimír, I hope that we will meet in the classroom next Monday. Have a good week.
Pokud si přejete pokračovat ve svém současném kurzu angličtiny i
v období *LEDEN – BŘEZEN 2021*, *přihlaste se prosím NYNÍ jedním
z těchto způsobů:*
<> (po
úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na
Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na
3. SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
Pokud požadujete nějakou změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte
to prosím do on-line přihlášky.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit *nejpozději do 1. prosince, *kdy
začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme
někým novým.
Všechny kurzy budou začínat v týdnu od 11. ledna 2021.
23.11.2020 Lesson 9
We started with conversation, vocabulary practice and noodle practice – spealing. After that we revised dialogues and money vocabulary.
1) SB p. 112 – 113 – read the text and prepare the exercises
2) revise vocabulary from p. 76, 77
3) prepare questions for your colleagues
It was good to see you again. I hope that we´ll meet in our classroom soon.
Take care and see you next week 🙂
16.11.2020 Lesson 8
Today all students were busy. There is no change in HW for next lesson.
Enjoy the public holiday tomorrow and see you next Monday 🙂
9.11.2020 Lesson 7
Today we practised speaking, drills, checked HW key and practised listening and dialogues.
1) p.77 exercise 3, 4, 5 – the listening link is here:
2) study vocabulary from p.76 and refresh these noodles
3) refresh conditionals – drills 45, 46, 68
4) prepare questions for your colleagues
A very nice lesson Vladimír, well done. Also the communication with Milan ran very well 🙂
Take care and see you next week…
2.11.2020 Lesson 6
After a short conversation we practised drills, checked HW key, refreshed vocabulary of last lesson and continued with listening practice.
1) p.77 exercise 3, 4, 5 – the listening link is here:
2) study vocabulary from p.76 and prepare these noodles
3) refresh conditionals – drills 45, 46, 68
4) prepare questions for your colleagues
Together we will overcome all technical difficulties 🙂 Thanks a lot for your cooperation and see you next Monday.
26.10.2020 Lesson 5
We started with warm-up conversation, vocabulary practice, speaking, HW check key and more practice.
1) study vocabulary from p.76 and prepare this exercise
2) p.77 exercise 1,2,3 – the listening link is here:
3) refresh conditionals – drills 45, 46, 68 and noodles from U9
4) prepare questions for your colleagues
Another online lesson that ran very well. Good job gentlemen 🙂
19.10.2020 Lesson 4
After a break we started with online teaching again, I hope not for too long…
We practised speaking, drills – conditionals, checked HW 9.3.key, vocabulary in SB.
1) refresh conditionals – drills 45, 46, 68 and noodles from U9 + this exercise
2) p.76 – learn vocabulary from exe.1, 2, and prepare rest of the page + exercise
3) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: quarantine, nephew, niece, disaster, wheelchair, head doctor, admire, staff (personál), high risk (vysoké riziko), artificial (umělý), medicine (lékařství), examine (zkoušet, dotazovat, zkoumat), apologise (omluvit se), disappointed (zklamaný), thumbs up, Why bother? (Proč se tím otravovat?), say googbye (rozloučit se).
It was a very interesting lesson full of work. Thanks a lot for your activity Milan and Vladimír, we´ll ´work out´more next Monday. Take care 🙂
12.10.2020 Lesson 3
As usual we started with conversation and questions, continued with noodles and HW check – text reading.
1) refresh conditionals – drills 45, 46, 68 and noodles from Unit 9
2) refresh vocabulary of Unit 9 + this exercise (vocabulary from the text)
3) p.76 – prepare all page word formation
4) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: campaign, slogan, lock down, sunrise, sunset.
Well done, good practice. Hopefully we´ll all meet next time. Take care 🙂
5.10.2020 Lesson 2
Today we practised conversation – questions, grammar – general review, drills – conditionals and vocabulary (explaining).
1) refresh conditionals – drills 45, 46, 68 and noodles from Unit 9
2) refresh vocabulary of Unit 9
3) read text p.74-75 and prepare all exercises
4) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: dig, hole, base, pergola, result, bite, broth (vývar), per cent %, Indian summer.
Thanks a lot for your work Jane and Milan, good job with the conditionals 🙂 I hope to see you all next week. Enjoy our Indian summer …
21.9.2020 Lesson 1
We started the new term with review of grammar and vocabulary of previous lessons. Next time we will continue.
1) refresh tenses (Present, Past, Present Perfect, Future), conditionals
2) refresh vocabulary
3) read text p.74-75 and prepare all exercises
4) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
It was very nice work Jane and Vlad 🙂 I hope that next time your colleagues can join you too. Next Monday 28th September is a public holiday so we´ll meet on 5th October.
Enjoy a day off 🙂
14.9.2020 Lesson
Today there were no students …
Please, don´t forget, the new trimester starts next week.
I hope to see you all 🙂
7.9.2020 Lesson
We had a great deal of conversation as there was only one student, but we practised grammar – conditionals too.
There´s no change in HW for next week, so:
1) Refresh grammar of conditional- drills 45, 46, 68, noodles 9.3. (3rd cond)
2) Prepare exercise 3 and 4 on p. 72 (explanation on p. 143 can help you)
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: degree (stupeň), hygiene, envy (závidět, závist), What is it like? (jaké to je?), What will be the situation like? (Jaká bude situace?), parents´meeting/reunion.
A very interesting lesson full of nice talk, thanks Vladimír!
Enjoy warm autumn days 🙂
31.8.2020 Lesson
Today we practised conversation – grammar (drills, noodles), reading, HW check.
1) Refresh grammar of conditional- drills 45, 46, 68, noodles 9.3. (3rd cond)
2) Prepare exercise 3 and 4 on p. 72 (explanation on p. 143 can help you)
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: to apologize, apology, physical education (P.E.), to cheat, to marry sb., to get married, to be married, to pose, sensitive, sensible (common sense), reasonable, to get away with.
It was a very nice lesson, good progress 🙂 Thanks a lot Jane and Vlad.
24.8.2020 Lesson 12
We started with noodles (1st,2nd conditional), continued with HW check (3rd conditional), grammar explanation on p. 143 and more practice.
1) Refresh grammar of conditional- drills 45, 46, 68, noodles 9.1., 9.2., 9.3. (3rd cond)
2) Read text on p. 72 and prepare exe.2 (explanation on p. 143 can help you)
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: draught (průvan), drought (sucho), incomparable (nesrovnatelný), Austro-Hungarian Empire (Rakousko-uherská říše), hitchhiking (stopování), poverty (chudoba), dare (odvážit se, troufnout si), enough (dost).
Well done Jane and Vladimír 🙂 Next time we´ll work on the 3rd conditional even more.
Enjoy the rest of summer 🙂 K.
10.8.2020 Lesson 11
The lesson was taught by my colleague Renata. After HW check (3rd conditional), practice of reading and grammar of conditionals (noodles) followed.
1) Refresh grammar of conditional- drills 45, 46, noodles 9.1., 9.2.
2) Read explanation for 3rd conditional in your book on p. 143
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: hand over, take a picture, glove department, to take
turns, to pose, spokesman, to take out a loan, to burst into …, sensible,
(cash) advance, loan papers, relatives, diligent, to commit a crime.
Thanks a lot for coming and hard work Vlad!
27.7.2020 Lesson 10
Today we refreshed speaking, grammar – drills and noodles of 1st and 2nd conditional, and explained 3rd conditional.
1) Refresh grammar – first and second conditional- drills 45, 46, noodles 9.1., 9.2. first and second conditional
2) Prepare this exercise, you can read explanation for 3rd conditional in your book on p. 143
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: sunbathe, look after, take care of somebody (postarat se o někoho) , care about (zajímat se o).
Thanks a lot for your work Jane and Vlad, it was a pleasure to see you again 🙂
Don´t forget about your lesson on 10th August!
Milí studenti ONLY4,
letošní červenec, srpen a září se kromě klasických intenzivních kurzů
(PO – PÁ 8:30 – 15:55) můžete hlasit také do jejich odpolední verze (PO
– PÁ 16:00 – 19:10). Nezapomeňte, že intenzivní kurzy nabízíme také ve
verzi pro děti 10 – 14 let!
Více informací a
Pro studenty úrovně Intermediate a vyšší nabízíme také *LETNÍ ANGLICKÉ
Věříme, že naše intenzivní kurzy a konverzace Vám nebo Vašim dětem
umožní i během letních měsíců udělat velký pokrok. Pokud si nejste jisti
výběrem letního kurzu, poraďte se se svým lektorem nebo v kanceláři školy 🙂
29.6.2020 Lesson 9
We started with speaking, grammar – conditionals and listening.
1) Refresh first and second conditional, prepare this fill-in
2) SB p. 72 – read the texts
3) Refresh new vocabulary from listening – tapescript on p. 128 in SB (noodles 9.7.)
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: mission (mise), shout, scream (křičet), beam (trám), barn (stodola), poisonous (jedovatý), mind your own business (hleď si svého), + contagion (nákaza), contagious (nakažlivý), to tie (uvázat), to assemble (sestavit), correspond to (odpovídat čemu), barn (stodola), meanwhile (zatímco), dismantle (rozebrat na díly), praise (chválit), coincidence (shoda okolností), at least (alespoň), choose (vybrat si), choice (volba, výběr), to dare (odvážit se, troufnout si), each of us (každý z nás), a saw (pila).
Very nice work Milan 🙂 Enjoy warm summer weather and please, read your e-mail and let me know.
Thanks a lot,
22.6.2020 Lesson 8
Today we practised speaking, conversation and second conditional with noodles 9.2.
1) Refresh first and second conditional, prepare this fill-in
2) SB p. 73 exe 2 – listening, the link is here: (download Unit 9)
You can also check with the tapescript on p. 128 in SB
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: contagion (nákaza), contagious (nakažlivý), to tie (uvázat), to assemble (sestavit), correspond to (odpovídat čemu), barn (stodola), meanwhile (zatímco), dismantle (rozebrat na díly), praise (chválit), coincidence (shoda okolností), at least (alespoň), choose (vybrat si), choice (volba, výběr), to dare (odvážit se, troufnout si), each of us (každý z nás), a saw (pila).
Well done Milan and Vladimír. I can only praise you after this lesson 🙂
15.6.2020 Lesson 7
We practised as usual – conversation, questions, second conditional, speaking.
1) Refresh grammar of the first and second conditionals, prepare the noodles 9.1., 9.2.
2) SB p. 73 do exercise 2 – listening, the link is here: (download Unit 10)
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: leak (unikat, prosakovat), pay through your nose (pay much more than a fair price), it cost an arm and a leg (be extremely expensive), endurance, stamina, man-made/artificial, hand-made, swallow (polknout), swelling (otok), penny, penniless, pull out (vytáhnout), to shoplift (krást v obchodě), shoplifting, cheat on sb. (podvádět někoho), guy (chlápek, týpek), go out with sb. (chodit s někým), belong to sb.(patřit někomu).
A very nice lesson 🙂 Thanks a lot for your work. Have a nice week and see you next Monday.
8.6.2020 Lesson 6
Today it was an only one student lesson – we practised speaking, grammar – conditionals and we worked with the book.
Homework: – without a change
1) Refresh grammar of the second conditional, prepare this fill-in
2) SB p. 73 – read the text and prepare exercise 1 – again second conditional
3) In the noodlebook you can practice with the following noodles: 9.1., 9.2.
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: carp (kapr), reward (odměna), maple tree (javor), fir (jedle), spruce (smrk), vine (réva), connection (spojení), topical (aktuální), whether (zda), fence (plot), climb (šplhat), highlights (melír), hay (seno), mulch/to mulch (mulčovat), earthquake (zemětřesení), badge (odznak), ashes (popel).
Good job Milan 🙂 , I enjoyed the lesson a lot. Hope to see you all next Monday.
1.6.2020 Lesson 5
After practising with questions we checked HW key, we refreshed 2nd conditional and checked exercise and continued with conversation.
1) Refresh grammar of the second conditional, prepare this fill-in
2) SB p. 73 – read the text and prepare exercise 1 – again second conditional
3) In the noodlebook you can practice with the following noodles: 9.1., 9.2.
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: connection (spojení), topical (aktuální), whether (zda), fence (plot), climb (šplhat), highlights (melír), hay (seno), mulch/to mulch (mulčovat), earthquake (zemětřesení), badge (odznak), ashes (popel).
Another big step in the practice of conditionals 🙂 I can see your progress!
See you next Monday to move even further.
25.5.2020 Lesson 4
We started with a conversation, practised vocabulary from last lesson, grammar – conditionals, and listening.
1) Refresh grammar of the first conditional, prepare this fill-in
2) Prepare this exercise for the second conditional
3) SB p. 73 – read the text and prepare exercise 1.
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: compulsory/obligatory/mandatory (povinné), voluntarily (dobrovolně), crease (pokrčit, zmačkat), ready-made (konfekční), coffin (rakev), (+ to take measures (přijmout opatření), it makes me sweat (zpotím se z toho), flower bed (záhon), pot (květináč), decompose (rozložit), decomposition (rozklad), hay (seno), mortgage (hypotéka), interests (úroky), to come across (náhodou narazit na něco), state of emergency (nouzový stav), (+ day off, concrete (beton), tar (asfalt), cheer (povzbuzovat), cheat (podvádět), to supposed to, layer (vrstva), low (nízký), manage (zvládnout), without (bez), affected (zasažený), beetroot (červená řepa), walnuts (vlašské ořechy), approach (přiblížit se), platform (nástupiště), employer (zaměstnavatel), employee (zaměstnanec), employment (zaměstnání), cycling path (cyklostezka), VAT = value added tax (DPH).
We did a great job with grammar, thanks a lot for your work 🙂
18.5.2020 Lesson 3
After the warm-up we checked HW key fill-in 9.1., and practised the grammar of first conditional.
1) Refresh vocabulary from p.70 – 71 and from fill-in 9.1. – we´ll have a short test.
2) SB p. 71 exe. 4 (listening link is here: p. 71 exe.5 + read the KIDCARE Report
3) Refresh grammar of first conditional, prepare this fill-in + this copy
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: to take measures (přijmout opatření), it makes me sweat (zpotím se z toho), flower bed (záhon), pot (květináč), decompose (rozložit), decomposition (rozklad), hay (seno), mortgage (hypotéka), interests (úroky), to come across (náhodou narazit na něco), state of emergency (nouzový stav), (+ day off, concrete (beton), tar (asfalt), cheer (povzbuzovat), cheat (podvádět), to supposed to, layer (vrstva), low (nízký), manage (zvládnout), without (bez), affected (zasažený), beetroot (červená řepa), walnuts (vlašské ořechy), approach (přiblížit se), platform (nástupiště), employer (zaměstnavatel), employee (zaměstnanec), employment (zaměstnání), cycling path (cyklostezka), VAT = value added tax (DPH).
Good job gentlemen, I enjoyed a lot working with you. Take care and see you next Monday 🙂
11.5.2020 Lesson 2
We practised speaking, checked HW key, started Unit 9 – reading + vocabulary, and refreshed grammar of the first conditional.
1) Refresh vocabulary from p.70 – 71 and prepare this fill-in 9.1.
2) SB p. 71 exe. 4 (listening link is here: p. 71 exe.5 + read the KIDCARE Report
3) Refresh grammar of first conditional – drill 45 + this copy
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: day off, concrete (beton), tar (asfalt), cheer (povzbuzovat), cheat (podvádět), to supposed to, vocabulary from p.70-71 (+layer (vrstva), low (nízký), manage (zvládnout), without (bez), affected (zasažený), beetroot (červená řepa), walnuts (vlašské ořechy), approach (přiblížit se), platform (nástupiště), employer (zaměstnavatel), employee (zaměstnanec), employment (zaměstnání), cycling path (cyklostezka), VAT = value added tax (DPH).
Thanks a lot for your work, we managed even in 2 metres distance. 🙂
See you next Monday,
4.5.2020 Lesson 1
Back to school 🙂 We started with a little chat, practised speaking and numbers (noodle 8.12.), verb patterns (fill-in 8.1.).
1) Refresh vocabulary of body language and idioms from p.68 and prepare this fill-in 8.6.
2) SB p. 70 – 71 exe. 1, 2, 3 + read the KIDCARE Report
3) Refresh grammar of first conditional – drill 45
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: layer (vrstva), low (nízký), manage (zvládnout), without (bez), affected (zasažený), beetroot (červená řepa), walnuts (vlašské ořechy), approach (přiblížit se), platform (nástupiště), employer (zaměstnavatel), employee (zaměstnanec), employment (zaměstnání), cycling path (cyklostezka), VAT = value added tax (DPH).
It was a pleasure to see you again 🙂 Thanks a lot for your work Jane and Vlad. I hope that next time Paul and Milan will join you.
Take care, K.
Chápeme, že v teto krizové situaci nikdo neví jak se bude všechno
vyvíjet, ale my věříme, že od 14.dubna, kdy nový trimestr začíná, bude
výuka již probíhat v našich učebnách. Maximálně začne o týden později.
Skupinky, které si oblíbily online výuku v ní budou pokračovat až do
této doby.
Skupinky, které online výuku nepreferují začnou výuku v učebnách, hned
jak nám to situace dovolí.
Ti co již uhradili kurzovné na další trimestr nemusí mít obavu, že o
lekce nebo peníze přijdou. Neodučené lekce se po domluvě s lektory
nahradí v průběhu dubna až června nebo se finančně vykompenzují.
Studenti, kteří se zaplacením kurzovného ještě váhají, můžou tak učinit
nyní bez obav nebo až bude situace více jasnější. Splatnost kurzovného
se prodlužuje až do *_14.dubna._*
*_Pokud jste přihlášeni a již nyní jste rozhodnuti, že o výuku v dalším
trimestru nebudete již mít zájem, dejte nám to prosím obratem vědět, aby
lektoři měli přehled o obsazení svých kurzů a mohli si tím pádem
upravovat své rozvrhy._*
Rádi bychom Vás informovali, že pokud jste s výukou v Only4 spokojeni a
přejete si pokračovat ve svém kurzu angličtiny i v období *DUBEN –
ČERVEN 2020*, můžete se již nyní přednostně přihlásit jedním z těchto
<> (po
úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na
Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na
3. Telefonicky nebo SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. Osobně v kanceláři školy
Veškeré požadavky na změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte
prosím do přihlášky či konzultujte v kanceláři školy.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit *nejpozději do 16. března 2020,
*kdy začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme
někým novým.
Všechny kurzy budou začínat v týdnu od 14. dubna 2020
Dear students,
please could you fill in this 5-minutes questionnaire for Táňa, a university students working on her thesis about ONLY4. The questionnaire is in the Czech language and it would help her a lot!
16.3.2020 Lesson 9
Our first online lesson ran very well!
We started with conversation, questions for colleagues, noodle practice (8.12), and continued with Unit 9 p. 70 – 71.
1) SB p. 71 exe. 3, 4, 5 – read the KIDCARE Report
2) Write the story of Trojan horse (or any other you like) and send it to me on my e-mail
3) Refresh grammar of second conditional – drill 46
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: measure (opatření), take measures (to take action, učinit opatření), native inhabitants (domorodí obyvatelé), emperor (císař), hemp (konopí), thin X thick, fuel, petrol, learn by heart (naučit zpaměti), expiry date (credit card), obey, worries (starosti), tough (tvrdý, drsný), VAT – value added tax (DPH), deal with (jednat s, pojednávat o), kid, dependant on parents (závislý na rodičích), withdraw – drew, – drawn (vybrat – peníze, odebrat), bully (šikanovat), weak (slabý), insecure (nejistý), play truant (chodit za školu), threaten (hrozit).
Thanks very much Milan and Vladimír, our Skype lesson was really good. 🙂 I hope that Jane and Paul will join us next Monday.
Take care!
9.3.2020 Lesson 8
After warm-up questions we checked test and worked with the text in the book – telling stories.
1) SB p. 111 exe.6 – write the story of Trojan horse (or any other you like)
2) Start Unit 9 – read the comic on p. 69 – 70.
3) Refresh noodle noodle 8.12.
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues !!!
New vocabulary: soup x soap, wild garlic, formal x informal/casual clothes, bunch of flowers, bouquet, witness (svědek např. nehody), audience (publikum), spectators (diváci), fans, I don´t have an ear for music., except/apart from, creep (+ to walk the dog, to obey, obedient, best man, maid of honour, to last, venue, raffle, waltz).
You can also use this link to practice different grammar problems – VIDEA S ANGLICKOU GRAMATIKOU <>
Well done, I enjoyed the lesson a lot. It was perfect that all of you could come 🙂
Vážení studenti, rádi bychom Vám nabídli možnost účasti na
*_intenzivních týdenních kurzech angličtiny_* během jarních prázdnin
Jako naši součaní studenti, máte nárok na slevu 500Kč z kurzovného.
Informace a přihlášku najdete na:
24.2.2020 Lesson 7
This time again we refreshed everything of Unit 8 – grammar, vocabulary, numbers … and wrote the test.
1) Reading p. 110 – 111 – telling stories
2) Start Unit 9 – read the comic on p. 69 – 70.
3) Refresh noodle noodle 8.12.
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues !!!
New vocabulary:to walk the dog (venčit psa), to obey, obedient, best man, maid of honour, to last (trvat), venue (místo konání), raffle (tombola), waltz.
Next week is a spring holiday. Enjoy it, relax and watch a nice film in English 🙂
Thanks for a perfect attendance.
17.2.2020 Lesson 6
We refreshed everything – grammar, vocabulary, practised speaking but didn´t write the test.
1) refresh all Unit 8 (verb patterns – noodle 8.3., 8.5., drills 71, 76 + body vocabulary and idioms – 8.10.) for the test
2) practice reading numbers noodle 8.12.
3) Reading p. 110 – 111
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: DIY, argue/quarrel/discuss, banned, to melt, climate, CO2 – carbon dioxide, decrease, clutch, brake, gear lever, steering wheel, climatologist, beanie, gear (převod), gear box/gearcase (převodovka), spare parts, (letters) in bold – silně vytištěno, rear mirror, door mirror, optician, liberate/free, destiny, DIY, cute, take turns, modest,Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, make a (New Year) resolution).
Thanks a lot for your work. Next time we will say good-bye to Unit 8 🙂
10.2.2020 Lesson 5
We started with warmer and 8.5. noodles, after that we practised body vocabulary, and numbers.
1) refresh all Unit 8 (verb patterns – noodle 8.3., 8.5., drills 71, 76 + body vocabulary and idioms – 8.10. + this exercise) for a test
2) practice reading numbers noodle 8.12.
3) Reading p. 110 – 111
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: banned, to melt, climate, CO2 – carbon dioxide, decrease, clutch, brake, gear lever, steering wheel, climatologist, beanie, gear (převod), gear box/gearcase (převodovka), spare parts, (letters) in bold – silně vytištěno, rear mirror, door mirror, optician, liberate/free, destiny, DIY, cute, take turns, modest,Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, make a (New Year) resolution).
Well done gentlemen 🙂
3.2.2020 Lesson 4
After the warm-up we practised verb patterns (noodle 8.3.), vocabulary – body + body idioms, checked HW key.
1) refresh verb patterns – noodle 8.3., 8.5., drills 71, 76 + body vocabulary and idioms – noodle 8.10.
2) Numbers p. 68/1,2,3.
3) Reading p. 110 – 111
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: banned, to melt, climate, CO2 – carbon dioxide, decrease, clutch, brake, gear lever, steering wheel, climatologist, beanie (+ gear (převod), gear box/gearcase (převodovka), spare parts, (letters) in bold – silně vytištěno, rear mirror, door mirror, optician, liberate/free, destiny, DIY, cute, take turns, modest,Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, make a (New Year) resolution).
It was excellent to have you all there 🙂 Thanks a lot.
27.1.2020 Lesson 3
We started with speaking practice, verb patterns – conversation, noodles, body idioms verbs, and HW check.
1) verb patterns – noodle 8.3., 8.5., drills 71, 76
2) body vocabulary and idioms – learn new vocabulary and verbs (irregular too) fill-in + noodle 8.10.
3) Numbers p. 68/1,2,3.
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: gear (převod), gear box/gearcase (převodovka), spare parts, (letters) in bold – silně vytištěno, rear mirror, door mirror, optician, liberate/free, destiny (+DIY, cute, take turns, modest,Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, make a (New Year) resolution).
Good job Jane and Vlad, I hope that next time your colleagues will join you too 🙂
20.1.2020 Lesson 2
After warm-up questions we checked HW – verb patterns exercise, practised drills (71,76), and continued in the book p. 67/1,2,3.
1) verb patterns – noodle 8.3., 8.5., drills 71, 76
2) body vocabulary and idioms – learn new vocabulary and verbs (irregular too) – SB p. 67 – 4,5
3) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: DIY, cute, take turns, modest,Cristmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, make a (New Year) resolution.
Well done Jane and Vlad, it was a pleasure 🙂
13.1.2020 Lesson 1
We started with speaking about Christmas and winter holidays, after that we refreshed grammar – verb paterns.
1) verb patterns – noodle 8.3. (8.5.), drills 71, 76 + this exercise
2) body vocabulary and idioms – SB p. 67 – 1,2,3,4,5
3) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: to obey, obedient x disobedient, to wrap (presents), broth, to stay up, Christmas plaited cake.
Good job Paul and Jane 🙂 It was a pleasure to see you after long time. I hope that next time Milan and Vlad will join you too.
16.12.2019 Lesson 12
We spent our last lesson with hard work – first conversation (3 questions), after that noodles 8.3., reading check and body idioms. We finished the lesson with listening practice – Silent Night.
Enjoy your Christmas holiday, take care, celebrate well the New Year´s 2020 coming and hope to see you 13th January as usual.
We will refresh Unit 8 and continue. Homework: watch films, listen to nice music in English and relax 🙂
9.12.2019 Lesson 11
We started with conversation, continued with HW check – part of this exercise (please finish for next time), key 8.4., practised drill 71 and vocabulary.
1) This exercise + grammar boxes on the last page of the book, noodle 8.3. + drills 71, 76 (+ end up + ing, go on + ing)
2) SB p. 66 – reading about Mao + answer the questions
3)SB p. 67 – body idioms – 1,2,3,4,5
4) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: punctual, to launch, cone (šiška), bauble (for Christmas tree), exceptionally, spruce (smrk) + vocabulary from previous lessons and from the fill-in 8.4.
Next Monday is our last lesson in this year! I hope to see you to wish you Merry Christmas.
Well done Milan and Vladimír 🙂
2.12.2019 Lesson 10
After a 3-questions warm-up we checked HW key 8.2., practised conversation and continued with reading practice.
1) This exercise + grammar boxes on the last page of the book, noodle 8.1. + drills 71, 76
(+ spend time + ing, happen to + inf, feel like + ing)
2) This fill-in + SB p. 66 – reading about Mao + answer the questions
3) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
Study new vocabulary: mountain range (pohoří), evaporate (vypařovat se), encounter (setkání, střetnutí), sink (potopit se ke dnu), dive (potápět se), drown (utopit se), unimaginable (nemyslitelný), (+ wreath, above X below, abbreviation, abbreviate, gaseous/liquid/solid state (of matter – skupenství), thick, take advantage of, scuba-diver, a rake, to rake, a lawn mower, to mow, an only child, sibling, viper, hind leg, ligament, knee, awesome, guys, Aussies, pitch black, bunk bed, to put somebody up for a night, ambulance, pic (picture, photo), to post sthg. on FB, to freak out, scar).
It was great to have Milan back 🙂 So hopefully next time we will be all 4.
Rádi bychom Vás informovali, že pokud jste s výukou v Only4 spokojeni a
přejete si pokračovat ve svém současném kurzu angličtiny i v období
*LEDEN – BŘEZEN 2020*, *přihlaste se prosím NYNÍ jedním z těchto způsobů:*
<> (po
úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na
Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na
3. Telefonicky nebo SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. Osobně v kanceláři školy
Veškeré požadavky na změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte
prosím do přihlášky či konzultujte v kanceláři školy.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit *nejpozději do 2. prosince, *kdy
začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme
někým novým.
Všechny kurzy budou začínat v týdnu od 13. ledna 2020.8. dubna.
25.11.2019 Lesson 9
We started with a conversation, continued with vocabulary practice, HW check – listening, grammar practice and pronunciation and more speaking.
1) 8.2.fill-in + grammar boxes on the last page of the book, noodle 8.1. + drills 71, 76
2) SB p. 66 – reading about Hannnibal + answer the questions
3) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
4) listen again dialogue on p. 64 + practice pronunciation
Study new vocabulary: wreath, above X below, abbreviation, abbreviate, gaseous/liquid/solid state (of matter – skupenství), thick, (+ take advantage of, scuba-diver, a rake, to rake, a lawn mower, to mow, an only child, sibling, viper, hind leg, ligament, knee, awesome, guys, Aussies, pitch black, bunk bed, to put somebody up for a night, ambulance, pic (picture, photo), to post sthg. on FB, to freak out, scar).
Well done Paul and Vladimír, I hope that Milan will get better soon!
18.11.2019 Lesson 8
After a warm-up and questions we practised vocabulary of Unit 8, then we continued with grammar – verb patterns HW key.
1) refresh fill-in from last lesson + the boxes on the last page of the book, noodles 8.1. + drills 71, 76
2) SB p. 64/1, 2 – listening (see the link below)
3) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
Study new vocabulary from the text + take advantage of, scuba-diver, a rake, to rake, a lawn mower, to mow, an only child, sibling, viper, hind leg, ligament, knee, (awesome, guys, Aussies, pitch black, bunk bed, to put somebody up for a night, ambulance, pic (picture, photo), to post sthg. on FB, to freak out, scar).
Very well Jane and Vladimír, I hope that next time Paul and Milan will support you too 🙂
11.11.2019 Lesson 7
We refreshed new vocabulary from the text, and continued with exercise 3 on p. 63. We explained grammar of verb patterns + read the system on the last page of the book.
1) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
2) prepare this fill-in 8.1. + noodles 8.1., read the boxes on the last page of the book
3) Study new vocabulary from the text – awesome, guys, Aussies, pitch black, bunk bed, to put somebody up for a night, ambulance, pic (picture, photo), to post sthg. on FB, to freak out, scar.
Good job Paul and Vladimír, hope to see you all next time 🙂
4.11.2019 Lesson 6
This lesson was substituted by my colleague Lucy. Unit 8 – reading and listening was finished on p. 63 + exercise 2. Practice of verb patterns.
– as usual 3 quastions for your colleagues + new vocabulary from the texts.
21.10.2019 Lesson 5
We started with 3 questions a ususal, practised different reactions and listening on p. 61, and after that we started Unit 8.
1) SB p. 62 – 63 read and listen to the texts again, study new vocabulary + do exercise 2. You can consult grammar explanation on p. 142.
Here is the listening link.
2) refresh new phrases from p.61
3) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
4) New vocabulary: award/prize, steam/vapour, conductor (dirigent), to score a goal, pace (tempo) + new words from the text – awesome, guys, Aussies, pitch black, bunk bed, to put somebody up for a night, ambulance, pic (picture, photo), to post sthg. on FB.
Next week Monday is a public holiday, so enjoy it and see probably Lucy the week after – 4th November.
Thank you! K.
14.10.2019 Lesson 4
This time the lesson was substituted by my colleague Lucy, a big thanks to her!
She told me that you practised together, did the listening and speaking on p.61.
1) learn new phrases from p.61
2) SB p. 62 – start U8
3) refresh old drills
4) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
Thank you!
7.10.2019 Lesson 3
Our warm-up speaking was fill-in 7.6. (key ), we continued with review of irregular verbs (test), speaking, vocabulary practice (U6 – adverbs + adjectives)
1) SB p. 61/ exe.1, 3.
2) Present Perfect + drills 67, 49, 42 + fill-in 7.1., irregular verbs
3) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: to sign in (zapsat se do, přihlásit se), to address somebody (oslovit někoho), to influence, to find out (zjistit), to found/establish (založit), foundation (nadace), (+ courage, cellar, persuade (přesvědčit), attempt (pokus), to perform (provést, předvést), javelin throw (hod oštěpem), gravel (štěrk), cement, concrete (beton), clay (jíl), get used to (zvyknout si na), cheat (podvádět).
Nice work and conversation. Great questions Jane! Please, prepare the questions for the warm-up 🙂 Enjoy your week and see you next Monday.
30.9.2019 Lesson 2
Today we started with a warm-up speaking, continued with drill practice, adjectives (fill-in 6.2.), practice of speaking and ´like´, and vocabulary of shopping.
1) Grammar – Present Perfect + drills 67, 49, 42 + fill-in 7.6.
2) Vocabulary of U6 – adjectives and adverbs, irregular verbs
3) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues (on paper 🙂
New vocabulary: courage, cellar, persuade (přesvědčit), attempt (pokus), to perform (provést, předvést), javelin throw (hod oštěpem), gravel (štěrk), cement (+ concrete (beton), clay (jíl), get used to (zvyknout si na), cheat (podvádět).
Great attendance – all 4 – and very good work. Don´t give up with grammar, you can make it!
23.9.2019 Lesson 1
After a holiday break we started again as the same group. We practised speaking, revised grammar – general problems, and also drills (26, 40, 67).
1) Refresh Unit 6 +7 (including irregular verbs)
2) refresh drills 69, 67, 49, 42 + this exercise
3) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: concrete (beton), clay (jíl), get used to (zvyknout si na), cheat (podvádět).
Good job! It was nice to see you after a long break. See you next Monday 🙂
Vážení studenti ONLY4, jelikož se pomalu blíží letní prázdniny,
dovolujeme si Vám představit naši nabídku na LÉTO 2019:
<>* (*_sleva
500,-Kč_ *pro současné studenty)
<> s Helen
*(pouze pro úrovně Intermediate a
4. – 9. třídu
4. *PŘEKLENOVACÍ KURZY*(informace a přihlášky obdržíte od svých lektorů
v červnu 2019)
Věříme, že Vám naše kurzy zpříjemní letní období 🙂
1.7.2019 Lesson 12
An only one lesson today but full of nice talk and ideas. Thanks a lot Paul for appearing despite the storm 🙂
And of course a big thank you to all the students for your work and attendance. I hope that you will have enough chance to relax and enjoy your summer. If you can, practice your English 🙂
Hope to see you you all in September.
Warm regards
24.6.2019 Lesson 11
Today we practised speaking, noodles – 7.7., and new vocabulary – p. 60. After that we did all listening.
1) read p. 61 – next time we will finish Unit 7
2) refresh drills 55, 49, 42 + this exercise, questions with ‚BE SUPPOSED TO‘
3) SB p. 60 refresh new vocabulary of likes/dislikes +noodle 7.11. (volunteers 7.12)
4) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues.
New vocabulary: to browse (listovat), pleasant (příjemný), pleasure (potěšení), to please (potěšit, pleased (potěšený), a stand (stánek), chess (šachy), fancy dress party (maškarní večírek), rubber (guma), choice/selection (výběr, a winner´s podium (stupně vítězů) weasel (kuna), wild boar (prase divoké), to bark (štěkat), a badger (jezevec) (+ mold/mould (forma), lecture (přednáška), delayed, a graduate (absolvent), to participate, a participant (účastník), velvet (samet), collarbone/clavicle (klíční kost), autopsy/dissection/post-mortem (examination) – pitva, so far (dosud), cottage cheese, curd (tvaroh), chart (tabulka), passion, childhood, to last (trvat), hinge (pant), sparkling wine, inspiring, recognize (rozpoznat), boarding house (internát), college, grass, now the lawn, ice-rink, the Danube, to take place/to be held (konat se), concrete (beton), barefoot (bosý, naboso).
Thanks for your work! See you next Monday – our last lesson… It´s a pity that Jane couldn´t come.
17.6.2019 Lesson 10
After a warm-up speaking we checked HW key, continued with grammar – drills and book – preparation for listening.
1) refresh drills 55, 49, 42 + this exercise !, questions with ‚BE SUPPOSED TO‘
2) SB p. 60 learn new vocabulary of likes/dislikes +noodle 7.10. + listen to the recording on the following link + prepare exercises 4,5,6.
3) Refesh noodles 7.7., 7.8.
4) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues.
New vocabulary: mold/mould (forma), lecture (přednáška), delayed, a graduate (absolvent), to participate, a participant (účastník), velvet (samet), collarbone/clavicle (klíční kost), autopsy/dissection/post-mortem (examination) – pitva, (+ so far (dosud), cottage cheese, curd (tvaroh), chart (tabulka), passion, childhood, to last (trvat), hinge (pant), sparkling wine, inspiring, recognize (rozpoznat), boarding house (internát), college, grass, now the lawn, ice-rink, the Danube, to take place/to be held (konat se), concrete (beton), barefoot (bosý, naboso).
It was great to have all gentlemen present 🙂 Nice work!
10.6.2019 Lesson 9
During a warm-up we practised grammar – Present Perfect, we continued with the book – text and exercises about Calvin Klein.
1) refresh drills 55, 49, 42 + this exercise, questions with ‚BE SUPPOSED TO‘
2) SB p. 60 read all page
3) Prepare fill-in 7.6. + noodles 7.7., 7.8.
4) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues.
New vocabulary: so far (dosud), cottage cheese, curd (tvaroh), chart (tabulka), passion, childhood, to last (trvat), hinge (pant), sparkling wine, inspiring (+recognize (rozpoznat), boarding house (internát), college, grass, now the lawn, ice-rink, the Danube, to take place/to be held (konat se), concrete (beton), barefoot (bosý, naboso)
Use this link for more practice and listening in the textbook:
Milan, excellent work! Please, come again. I hope that next week your colleagues will join you 🙂 Don´t forget about summer lessons.
3.6.2019 Lesson 8
Again, there was only one person today. We worked on grammar (Present Perfect) in SB on p. 57 and conversation.
1) refresh questions with ‚BE SUPPOSED TO‘ from previous lesson
2)refresh drills 55, 49, 42 + this exercise
3) SB p. 56 – 57 read the text about Calvin Klein + prepare the exercises
4) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues.
New vocabulary: (+recognize (rozpoznat), boarding house (internát), college, grass, now the lawn, ice-rink, the Danube, to take place/to be held (konat se), concrete (beton), barefoot (bosý, naboso)
Use this link for more practice and listening in the textbook:
Good job Milan, I hope that next week you will have more colleagues for conversation 🙂 And think about your plans for summer …
27.5.2019 Lesson 7
Today only one student came, we practised speaking and conversation.
There is no change in HW. Hope you are all well.
See you next Monday, K.
21.5.2019 Lesson 6
After a warm-up we practised questions, revised drills, checked HW – translation sentences and spoke about the text in SB.
1) refresh questions with ‚BE SUPPOSED TO‘ from previous lesson
2)refresh drills 55, 49, 42 + this exercise
3) SB p. 58 – 59 finish exercises 3, 4.
4) prepare 3 questions for your colleagues.
New vocabulary: recognize (rozpoznat), boarding house (internát), college, grass, now the lawn, ice-rink, the Danube, to take place/to be held (konat se), concrete (beton), barefoot (bosý, naboso)
Thanks for nice work and see you next Monday.
13.5.2019 Lesson 5
We spoke about hockey championship, discussed a few questions from noodle 7.6 and 7.7;
‚be supposed to‘
1) learn how to use ‚BE SUPPOSED TO‘ (mám, má, máme, mají..,):
2) then translate:
Máš se s někým setkat po lekci?
Kde mám pracovat, abych zbohatnul?
Jaká je první věc, kterou máš udělat, když přijdeš do práce?
Co má muž udělat, aby ohromil ženu?
Co mají dělat dobří kamarádi?
Jaké domácí práce mají dělat děti, když jim je 8 let?
3) SB p. 58 – 59 read the text + prepare exercise 1, 2, 3, 4.
It was lovely to talk to you again, nice conversation! Lucy
6.5.2019 Lesson 4
We started with speaking practice, noodles, and grammar.
1) Noodle 7.6. – mixed tenses, 7.7. – have you ever …?
2) drill 49, 55 (42)
2) SB p. 58 – 59 read the text + prepare exercise 1, 2, 3, 4.
3) Refresh irregular verbs + prepare 3 questions for your colleagues.
New vocabulary: a seed, a plant, a pond, encourage, thesis, wheel chair, league, buffet, + pour (nalít), stained glass (vitráž), think over (promyslet), whip made of willow twigs (pomlázka) + vocabulary from the previous lesson.
Good job 🙂 Enjoy free Wednesday.
29.4.2019 Lesson 3
We practised speaking and grammar – drills and exercises.
1) Present Perfect Continuous Noodle 7.3. + 7.5. Present Perfect Simple.
2) drill 42, 55, 49 + grammar explanation on p. 141 – 142.
2) SB p. 58 – 59 read the text + prepare exercise 1, 2, 3, 4.
3) Refresh irregular verbs + prepare 3 questions for your colleagues.
New vocabulary: thesis, wheel chair, league, buffet, + pour (nalít), stained glass (vitráž), think over (promyslet), whip made of willow twigs (pomlázka) + vocabulary from the previous lesson.
See you next Monday in bigger number.
Enjoy free days
15.4.2019 Lesson 2
We practised speaking, 3 questions, and grammar – Present Perfect Simple and Continuous.
1) Present Perfect Continuous Noodle 7.3. + drill 42 + grammar explanation on p. 141 – 142.
2) SB p. 58 – 59 read the text + prepare exercise 1, 2, 3, 4.
3) Refresh irregular verbs + prepare 3 questions for your colleagues.
New vocabulary: pour (nalít), stained glass (vitráž), think over (promyslet), whip made of willow twigs (pomlázka) + vocabulary from the previous lesson.
There is no lesson next week – 22nd April – it is Easter Monday. We´ll have next lesson on 29th April.
Enjoy your Easter 🙂
8.4.2019 Lesson 1
1) learn vocab, choose 3 and make 3 questions for your classmates: sweat (potit se), sweaty (zpocený), swear (nadávat), shy (stydlivý), secretive (tajnůstkářský), my dream came true (vyplnil se mi sen), direct flight (přímý let), flight with a change (let s přestupem), recently/lately (poslední dobou), doctor offece/surgery (ordinace);
2) complete a fill-in 7.2
3) Remember the time line which was on the board and write 4 similar examples (past + present = present perfect): I STARTED to work there in 2015. I still WORK there now. = I HAVE BEEN WORKING there for 4 years.
You need irregular verbs so keep learning them.
It was lovely to spend time with you again! 🙂 Milan, thank you for your questions, you always have some. :-). Pavel, thanks for telling us about your trip, it was a good practice and Vladimír, you did great work with finding out information from Pavel. I’m sorry, Jane wasn’t present… Lucy.
1. 4. 2019 Lesson 12
We started with a warm-up conversation and questions, after that we continued with HW check (translation sentences shopping), more practice, irregular verbs and grammar discussion in Unit 7.
1) Refresh shopping translation sentences again for dialogues.
2) SB p. 56 – exe. 2 – choose the right verb form + refresh 2nd half of irregular verbs + this fill-in.
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues as usual
New vocabulary: fairy, fairy-tale, dwarf, orphan, bring up, cuisine, eclipse, foster parent, leaflet, flyer (+orchard, almond tree, warehouse, brass = zinc+copper, alloy, ally, to score a goal/point, insect, to be ashamed (I am ashamed.), to sign, signature , brass (section), slippers, torture, realy, bracelet, a clue, (un)ripe, carnival, blood, psychically, physically, a stew, a hare, a sheet, a shield, buckwheat (pohanka), roe deer, transmission tower, weird, strange, to approach, gamekeeper, game (zvěřina, to broadcast, broadcasting, (over)crowded, rush, rash, I miss you, deers, curiosity, fear, mattress, cosy, in advance, above, below, torture, ahead of (Go ahead.), eclipse, once, wavy, curly, debt, death, dead, to be stuck, a pear, a brandy, appearance).
Have a nice week 🙂
25. 3. 2019 Lesson 11
After a warm-up conversation we continued with HW check – listening, shopping, practised reading and pronunciation. Then we started Unit 7 – reading, listening, speaking.
1) Dialogues – prepare translation sentences, next time we will practise dialogues.
2) SB p. 56 – exe. 1, 2 – what tense is used and why? + choose the right verb form + refresh 1st half of irregular verbs.
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: orchard, almond tree, warehouse, brass = zinc+copper, alloy, ally, to score a goal/point, insect, to be ashamed (I am ashamed.), to sign, signature (+brass (section), slippers, torture, realy, bracelet, a clue, (un)ripe, carnival, blood, psychically, physically, a stew, a hare, a sheet, a shield, buckwheat (pohanka), roe deer, transmission tower, weird, strange, to approach, gamekeeper, game (zvěřina, to broadcast, broadcasting, (over)crowded, rush, rash, I miss you, deers, curiosity, fear, mattress, cosy, in advance, above, below, torture, ahead of (Go ahead.), eclipse, once, wavy, curly, debt, death, dead, to be stuck, a pear, a brandy, appearance).
Have a beautiful spring week 🙂
18. 3. 2019 Lesson 10
After warm-up conversation and speaking practice, we corrected the test and continued with listening on p. 53.
1) SB p. 53 – complete the sentences from the listening
2) SB p. 54 – 55 – prepare starter + exe.2 + read the text on p. 55.
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: brass (section), slippers, torture, realy, bracelet (a clue, (un)ripe, carnival, blood, psychically, physically, a stew, a hare, a sheet, a shield, buckwheat (pohanka), roe deer, transmission tower, weird, strange, to approach, gamekeeper, game (zvěřina, to broadcast, broadcasting, (over)crowded, rush, rash, I miss you, deers, curiosity, fear, mattress, cosy, in advance, above, below, torture, ahead of (Go ahead.), eclipse, once, wavy, curly, debt, death, dead, to be stuck, a pear, a brandy, appearance).
Have a nice week.
Drazí studenti, pokud jste stále s výukou v Only4 spokojeni a přejete si pokračovat ve svém kurzu angličtiny i v období DUBEN – ČERVEN 2019, můžete se již od 11.3. přednostně přihlásit jedním z těchto způsobů:
- ON-LINE PŘIHLÁŠKA (po úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na
3. Telefonicky nebo SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. Osobně v kanceláři školy
Veškeré požadavky na změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte prosím do přihlášky či konzultujte v kanceláři školy.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit nejpozději do 18. března, kdy začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme někým novým.
11.3. 2019 Lesson 9
Nobody showed up (except Milan for the last few minutes) so homework stays the same:
1) SB p. 52 – exe.1 – think it over + part discussion on the same page.
2) Refresh vocabulary of family – next time we will practise it.
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: a clue, (un)ripe, carnival, blood, psychically, physically, a stew, a hare, a sheet, a shield (+ buckwheat (pohanka), roe deer, transmission tower, weird, strange, to approach, gamekeeper, game (zvěřina, to broadcast, broadcasting, (over)crowded, rush, rash, I miss you, deers, curiosity, fear, mattress, cosy, in advance, above, below, torture, ahead of (Go ahead.), eclipse, once, wavy, curly, debt, death, dead, to be stuck, a pear, a brandy, appearance).
Have a wonderful week!
4. 3. 2019 Lesson 8
As usual we started with conversation and questions, after that we revised all unit 6 – noodles, drills, vocabulary – and wrote a test.
1) SB p. 52 – exe.1 – think it over + part discussion on the same page.
2) Refresh vocabulary of family – next time we will practise it.
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: a clue, (un)ripe, carnival, blood, psychically, physically, a stew, a hare, a sheet, a shield (+ buckwheat (pohanka), roe deer, transmission tower, weird, strange, to approach, gamekeeper, game (zvěřina, to broadcast, broadcasting, (over)crowded, rush, rash, I miss you, deers, curiosity, fear, mattress, cosy, in advance, above, below, torture, ahead of (Go ahead.), eclipse, once, wavy, curly, debt, death, dead, to be stuck, a pear, a brandy, appearance).
Next time on Monday as usual.
18. 2. 2019 Lesson 7
At the beginning we started with conversation questions, drills, and continued with vocabulary practice (shopping).
1) Refresh all Unit 6 – next time we will revise it and write a test.
2) Refresh all noodles of U6 – drills, questions with ´like´, adjectives, adverbs, vocabulary of shopping.
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: buckwheat (pohanka), roe deer, transmission tower, weird, strange, to approach, gamekeeper, game (zvěřina) + (to broadcast, broadcasting, (over)crowded, rush, rash, I miss you, deers, curiosity, fear, mattress, cosy, in advance, above, below, torture, ahead of (Go ahead.), eclipse, once, wavy, curly, debt, death, dead, to be stuck, a pear, a brandy, appearance).
Have a nice holiday – next week there is no lesson. We will see on 4th March.
11. 2. 2019 Lesson 6
We started with warm-up conversation, drills,mix of noodles, continued with vocabulary practice (adjectives) and HW check – shopping.
1) Study new vocabulary from SB p.53 – shopping – exe1, 2, 3, 4 + prepare noodle 6.11.
2) A short description of your favourite room (10 sentences)
3) Refresh noodles of U6 (6.2., 6.3., 6.4., 6.5.,6.6.) drills, adjectives, adverbs.
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: to broadcast, broadcasting, (over)crowded, rush, rash, I miss you, deers (+curiosity, fear, mattress, cosy, in advance, above, below, torture, ahead of (Go ahead.), eclipse, once, wavy, curly, debt, death, dead, to be stuck, a pear, a brandy, appearance).
Have a nice week. (The test is coming soon …).
4. 2. 2019 Lesson 5
We started with questions, speaking practice, drills, noodles, HW check, and more speaking and vocabulary practice.
1) SB p.53 – shopping – exe1, 2, 3, 4.
2) A short description of your favourite room (10 sentences)
3) Refresh noodles of U6 (6.2., 6.3., 6.4., 6.5.), drills, adjectives, adverbs.
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues + speaking about a film you liked.
New vocabulary: curiosity, fear, mattress, (+ cosy, in advance, above, below, torture, ahead of (Go ahead.), eclipse, once, wavy, curly, debt, death, dead, to be stuck, a pear, a brandy, appearance).
Have a nice week and see you next Monday.
28.1. 2019 Lesson 4
We started with speaking practice, drills, noodles 6.2,6.3, HW check – my favourite room and more speaking and vocabulary practice.
1) SB p.53 – shopping – exe1, 2, 3, 4.
2) SB p. 108 exe.6 – write a short description of your favourite room (10 sentences)
3) Refresh noodles of U6 (6.2., 6.3., 6.4), drills, adjectives, adverbs.
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues + speaking about a film you liked.
New vocabulary: cosy, in advance, above, below, torture, ahead of (Go ahead.), (+ eclipse, once, wavy, curly, debt, death, dead, to be stuck, a pear, a brandy, appearance).
See you in a week.
21.1.2019 Lesson 3
The lesson started with questions as usual, after that noodles 6.1., drills, speaking and HW check – writing.
1) SB p.53 – shopping – exe1, 2, 3, 4.
2) SB p. 108 exe.6 – write a short description of your favourite room (10 sentences)
3) Refresh noodles of U6 (6.2., 6.3.), drills, adjectives, adverbs.
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues + speaking about a film you liked.
New vocabulary: eclipse, once, wavy, curly, debt, death, dead, to be stuck (+ a pear, a brandy, appearance).
Good job. Have a nice week and see you next Monday.
14.1.2019 Lesson 2
We started the lesson with practice of questions, after that questions with ´like´, adjectives – compound, -ed/-ing, adverbs, and more speaking.
1) We will again revise shortly Unit 6 – questions with like, drills 69 + 72, adjectives, adverbs, + noodles + fill-ins.
2) SB p. 108 – prepare the text – fill in missing parts
3) SB p.53 – shopping – exe1, 2, 3, 4.
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues + speaking about a film you saw recently.
New vocabulary: a pear, a brandy, appearance.
Thank you. Have a nice week and see you on Monday 🙂
7.1.2019 Lesson 1
We started our new term with perfect attendance, warm-up speaking, practice of drills, adverbs, vocabulary.
1) Refresh Unit 6 – questions with like, adjectives, adverbs, drills 69 + 72 + noodles + fill-ins.
2) SB p. 108 – prepare the text – fill in missing parts.
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues + speaking about a film you saw during Chrismas holiday.
New vocabulary: make a resolution, harvest, wheat, spirits, flour, wholemeal, strong will, pale, coincidence, patient, patience.
Good start 🙂 See you next Monday.
17.12.2018 Lesson 12
We spent our last lesson of the year by speaking about Christmas, learning new vocabulary and vocabulary activities, and also by listening to a Christmas song.
Homework for our little break – watch films in English version 🙂
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
See you all on 7th January 2019 when a new trimester starts.
10.12.2018 Lesson 11
We started with conversation, 3 questions, HW check key, a short vocabulary test continued, and speaking about kitchens 🙂
1) SB p. 108 – writing – read the text and complete the missing parts of sentences – exe.3.
2) SB p. 53/1,2,3,4 – vocabulary of shopping.
2) Refresh drills 69 and 72 + all vocabulary adjectives + adverbs. Next time we will write a short test. Prepare noodles 6.4, 6.5., 6.6. – we are going to practice the questions.
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
4) Study new vocabulary: washing machine, dishwasher, oven, flavoured, groceries, festive/formal clothes, a stay (pobyt), vapour extractor (odsávač par), (+adult, swan, curious, a saw, light-lit-lit, stage, to influence, Thanksgiving, roast turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, sun-tanned,brand-new, a review, velvet, to delay/a delay, bitter, construction kit/toy (stavebnice), criteria, shoelaces, to tie, a dam, juicy fruit, a nickname, a heel, cabbage, caraway seeds, casual, to sprinkle, snake, to promote, roast duck, to weigh, weight, vapour, viper, sun-tanned, to text, a gadget, shares, shareholder, soldier, military, flavour, a will, experience/experiences/ to experience, exceed (speed limit), Russian, minimize (+ žíhaný in English) .
Next time is our last lesson of this year! See you then, K.
3.12.2018 Lesson 10
We started with 3 questions as usual, drills 69, 72, HW check key, after adverbs test we continued with speaking about the text on p. 50 – 51.
1) SB p. 108 – writing – read the text and complete the missing parts of sentences – exe.3.+ this exercise
2) SB p. 53/1,2,3,4 – vocabulary of shopping.
2) Refresh all vocabulary from p. 48 – 49 – adjectives + adverbs. Next time we will write a short test. Prepare noodles 6.4, 6.5., 6.6. – we are going to practice the questions.
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
4) Study new vocabulary: adult, swan, curious, a saw, light-lit-lit, stage, to influence (+Thanksgiving, roast turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, sun-tanned,brand-new, a review, velvet, to delay/a delay, bitter, construction kit/toy (stavebnice), criteria, shoelaces, to tie, a dam, juicy fruit, a nickname, a heel, cabbage, caraway seeds, casual, to sprinkle, snake, to promote, roast duck, to weigh, weight, vapour, viper, sun-tanned, to text, a gadget, shares, shareholder, soldier, military, flavour, a will, experience/experiences/ to experience, exceed (speed limit), Russian, minimize (+ žíhaný in English) .
Thank you! Good job 🙂 See you in a week, K.
Rádi bychom Vás informovali, že pokud jste s výukou v Only4 spokojeni a
přejete si pokračovat ve svém kurzu angličtiny i v období *LEDEN –
BŘEZEN 2019*, můžete se již nyní přednostně přihlásit jedním z těchto
úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na
Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na <>
3. Telefonicky nebo SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. Osobně v kanceláři školy
Veškeré požadavky na změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte
prosím do přihlášky či konzultujte v kanceláři školy.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit *nejpozději do 3. prosince, *kdy
začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme
někým novým.
Nový trimestr začíná v týdnu od 7. ledna 2019.
26.11.2018 Lesson 9
We started with 3 questions as usual, HW check key, after vocabulary test we continued with speaking about the text on p. 50 – 51.
1) SB p. 50 – 51 – read text – we will finish all the exercises next time.
2) SB p. 108 – writing – read the text and complete the missing parts of sentences – exe.3.
2) Refresh all vocabulary from p. 49 – adverbs+ prepare this exercise. Next time we will write a short test from adverbs. Prepare noodles 6.4, 6.5., 6.6. – we are going to practice the questions.
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
4) Study new vocabulary: Thanksgiving, roast turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, sun-tanned,brand-new (+a review, velvet, to delay/a delay, bitter, construction kit/toy (stavebnice), criteria, shoelaces, to tie, a dam, juicy fruit, a nickname, a heel, cabbage, caraway seeds, casual, to sprinkle, snake, to promote, roast duck, to weigh, weight, vapour, viper, sun-tanned, to text, a gadget, shares, shareholder, soldier, military, flavour, a will, experience/experiences/ to experience, exceed (speed limit), Russian, minimize (+ žíhaný in English) .
5) For volunteers some more activities about Thanksgiving 🙂 picture dictionary, history
Thank you! See you next Monday, K.
19.11.2018 Lesson 8
We started with speaking – 3 questions, HW check – key, grammar practice – adverbs, listening.
1) SB p. 50 – 51 – read text and prepare all exercises.
2) Refresh all vocabulary from p. 48 – adjectives+ prepare this exercise. Next time we will write a short test from adjectives. Prepare noodles 6.4, 6.5 – we are going to practice the questions. (6.6 – adverbs for volunteers)
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
4) Study new vocabulary: a review, velvet, to delay/a delay, bitter, construction kit/toy (stavebnice), criteria, shoelaces, to tie, a dam, juicy fruit, a nickname, a heel (+ cabbage, caraway seeds, casual, to sprinkle, snake, to promote, roast duck, to weigh, weight, vapour, viper, sun-tanned, to text, a gadget, shares, shareholder, soldier, military, flavour, a will, experience/experiences/ to experience, exceed (speed limit), Russian, minimize (+ žíhaný in English) .
Thank you! Have a nice week, K.
12.11.2018 Lesson 7
We started with 3 questions as usual, drills, HW check key, and went on with grammar – adjectives and adverbs.
1) Refresh grammar + prepare fill-in 6.3., SB p. 49 – study new grammar – adverbs + vocabulary
2) SB p. 50 – 51 – read the texts and prepare all exercises
2) Prepare noodles 6.4. (adjectives) and refresh 6.2., 6.3, + new drill 69 (like)
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
4) Study new vocabulary: cabbage, caraway seeds, casual, to sprinkle, snake, to promote, roast duck (+to weigh, weight, vapour, viper, sun-tanned, to text, a gadget, shares, shareholder, soldier, military, flavour, a will, experience/experiences/ to experience, exceed (speed limit), Russian, minimize (+ žíhaný in English) .
Good job gentlemen 🙂 Have a nice week and see you next Monday!
5.11.2018 Lesson 6
We started with speaking practice – 3 questions, noodle practice (6.1), we practised questions about favourite gadgets and continued with adjectives.
1) SB p. 48/ exe. 4, 5 + study new vocabulary + fill-in, prepare all page 49 – adverbs
2) Prepare noodles 6.4. (adjectives) and refresh 6.2., 6.3 – we are going to use them for conversation next time + drills 17, 33, 35, 40, 42 as usual
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
4) Study new vocabulary: to weigh, weight, vapour, viper, sun-tanned, to text, a gadget (shares, shareholder, soldier, military, flavour, a will, experience/experiences/ to experience, exceed (speed limit), Russian, minimize (+ žíhaný in English) .
Thank you! K.
29.10.2018 Lesson 5
We started with speaking practice, we checked HW key, practiced more questions on p. 47 – places, gadgets, HW.
1) SB p. 48 prepare all page – adjectives + prepare (bring a favourite gadget) questions p. 47/5.
2) Prepare noodles 6.1., 6.2., 6.3 – we are going to use them for conversation next time
+ drills 17, 33, 35, 40, 42
3) As usual prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
4) Study new vocabulary: shares, shareholder, soldier, military, flavour, a will, experience/experiences/ to experience, exceed (speed limit), Russian, minimize (+ žíhaný in English) .
Thank you! K.
22.10.2018 Lesson 4
We started with vocabulary and speaking practice, we checked HW – questions with ´like´, continued with more practice, listening, describing places.
1) SB p. 47 prepare questions in PRACTICE + exe. 3, 4, 5 think over answers about people in your family appearance, character, and the place where you live.
2) Prepare noodles 6.1. + (fill-in 6.1.) + drills 17, 33, 35, 40, 42
3) As usual prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
4) Study new vocabulary: a will, experience/experiences/ to experience, exceed (speed limit), Russian, minimize (+ žíhaný in English) .
Thank you! K.
15.10.2018 Lesson 3
LESSON: your 3 questions, KEY to fill in 5.5: HERE; SB 46/1 + short practice;
grammar: HOW + adjective/adverb…? = How tall is she? She is 170 cm tall. Haw far is it? It’s 10km far. (Všimněte si, že pokud v odpověi opět použijete slova z otázky – tall, far – jsou na konci věty.)
1) learn vocab: trait (vlastnost), What is she like? (Jaká je?), look like (vypadat jako), How is she? (Jak se má? = odvozené od How are you?), She is in her twenties. (Je jí 20 +.), bald (holohlavý), easy-going person (pohodová, klidná osoba), smart/casual clothes (business/ležérní oblečení), curly/wavy/straight hair (kudrnaté/vlnité/rovné vlasy),
+ make 3 questions using 3 of the words;
2) Pracise the questions: HERE;
3) SB 47/3, 4, 5;
Great work Jana and Vladimír. 🙂 Have a wonderful week, everybody. Lucy
8.10.2018 Lesson 2
The lesson started with with speaking practice, after that we checked HW key – and practised more speaking and vocabulary. Drills and grammar followed. After that we refreshed again vocabulary – explaining.
1) SB p. 46 – 47 prepare exe.1, 2, 3.
2) Revise drills 17, 33, 35, 40 and 42 (Present Perfect Continuous) again
3) As usual prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
4) Refresh vocabulary from the spring term – fill-in 5.5.
5) Study new vocabulary: vineyard, a fine, to fine somebody, speeding, conscious, consciousness, a tile, to tile, (+Munich, above the sea level).
1.10.2018 Lesson 1
We started speaking about summer and holidays, after that we went on with grammar practice – verb forms and tenses review. We finished the lesson with vocabulary practice.
1) Revise drills 17, 33, 35, 40 and 42 (Present Perfect Continuous) as well as Unit 5 – vocabulary and grammar (future tenses)
2) As usual prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
3) Refresh vocabulary from the spring term – fill-in 5.5, fill in 5.6.
4) Study new vocabulary: Munich, above the sea level.
Best regards
Katerina R.
We practised speaking about different topics – preparation for holidays, travelling, etc. 🙂
Next překlen lesson is 17the September.
Enjoy your summer and have a rest!
AZ1 Room 7 New course SPRING TRIMESTER
2.7.2018 Lesson 12
Today we practised speaking, drills, vocabulary and after that test of whole Unit 5 followed.
I will send you the result by mail.
I wish you a nice relaxing summer and hope to see you in September.
And speak English not only during your holiday 🙂
Best regards
Katerina R.
25.6.2018 Lesson 11
There were no students this time, so there is no change in HW for next week.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
18.6.2018 Lesson 10
After a warm up and discussion about překlen lessons we continued as usual – 3 questions, HW check key, vocabulary test, reading of text.
1) Revise all unit 5 (grammar – future, vocabulary – weather, word formation fill in 5.6.) – we are going to write a test of the whole unit
2) Finish the exercises on p. SB p. 42 reading
3) Grammar review – noodle book 5.10. – word formation + 5.6. + 5.7., 5.8. – article vocabulary + drills 35, 66, 70.
4) As usual prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: hygiene check/control, hygienic, to beat/to defeat, to win x lose, to tie/draw, lack, threaten, creation, creativity (+ watering can, inland, tolerate, a dam, a well, pump, the Danube, emperor, hedge, summer/student job, to fall asleep, confluence, barn, shift (at work), ripe, collect cherries, worm, claim, request, seed, beech, spruce, circuit, dinghy, paddle (for rowing), inflatable, weather vocabulary, stag beetle, environment, + vocabulary from the listening connected to weather – warning, floods, hurricane, heatwave, snowstorm, to predict, thunderstorm, heavy rain, rainfall, meteorologist, temperature , degrees, weather forecast, Labour Day, fertile, moderate (Drink moderately.), hedge, clay, banned, forbidded, I wonder if …, apple/pear/cherry/apricot/peach/plum tree, a blossom, to be in blossom, to blossom, talkative).
Please, don´t forget about the překlen lessons.
Thank you.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
11.6.2018 Lesson 9
We started with conversation, questions, went on with drills, vocabulary test and listening and pronunciation practice.
1) SB p. 44 – word formation refresh vocabulary – there is going to be a test + fill-in
2) SB p. 42 – 43 reading + all exercises
3) Grammar review – noodle book 5.9. – word formation + 5.2. + 5.3., 5.4. + drills 35, 66, 70.
4) As usual prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: watering can, inland, tolerate, a dam, a well, pump, the Danube, emperor (+ hedge, summer/student job, to fall asleep, confluence, barn, shift (at work), ripe, collect cherries, worm, claim, request, seed, beech, spruce, circuit, dinghy, paddle (for rowing), inflatable, weather vocabulary, stag beetle, environment, + vocabulary from the listening connected to weather – warning, floods, hurricane, heatwave, snowstorm, to predict, thunderstorm, heavy rain, rainfall, meteorologist, temperature , degrees, weather forecast, Labour Day, fertile, moderate (Drink moderately.), hedge, clay, banned, forbidded, I wonder if …, apple/pear/cherry/apricot/peach/plum tree, a blossom, to be in blossom, to blossom, talkative).
Please, think about the překlen lessons – we need to discuss them next lesson.
Thank you.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
4.6.2018 Lesson 8
After speaking and practice of drills we continued with vocabulary and grammar practice – word formation.
1) SB p. 44 – word formation exe. 4 + refresh vocabulary from exe. 1, 2, 3 – there is going to be a test + fill-in
2) SB p. 42 – 43 reading + all exercises
3) Grammar review – noodle book 5.9. – word formation + 5.2. + 5.3., 5.4. + drills 35, 66, 70.
4) As usual prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: hedge, summer/student job, to fall asleep, confluence, barn, shift (at work), ripe, collect cherries, worm, claim, request ( + seed, beech, spruce, circuit, dinghy, paddle (for rowing), inflatable, weather vocabulary, stag beetle, environment, + vocabulary from the listening connected to weather – warning, floods, hurricane, heatwave, snowstorm, to predict, thunderstorm, heavy rain, rainfall, meteorologist, temperature , degrees, weather forecast, Labour Day, fertile, moderate (Drink moderately.), hedge, clay, banned, forbidded, I wonder if …, apple/pear/cherry/apricot/peach/plum tree, a blossom, to be in blossom, to blossom, talkative).
Please, think already about your plans for the summer – and also about the překlen lessons – we need to discuss them next lesson.
Thank you.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
28.5.2018 Lesson 7
We started practising speaking, after that we refreshed grammar and revised drills, and vocabulary practice followed.
1) Grammar review – noodle book 5.2. + 5.3., 5.4. + drills 35, 66, 70.
2) SB p. 42 – 43 reading + all exercises, p. 44 – word formation exe. 1, 2, 3, 4.
3) As usual prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: hedge, summer/student job, to fall asleep, confluence, barn, shift (at work), ripe, collect cherries, worm, claim, request ( + seed, beech, spruce, circuit, dinghy, paddle (for rowing), inflatable, weather vocabulary, stag beetle, environment, + vocabulary from the listening connected to weather – warning, floods, hurricane, heatwave, snowstorm, to predict, thunderstorm, heavy rain, rainfall, meteorologist, temperature , degrees, weather forecast, Labour Day, fertile, moderate (Drink moderately.), hedge, clay, banned, forbidded, I wonder if …, apple/pear/cherry/apricot/peach/plum tree, a blossom, to be in blossom, to blossom, talkative).
Don´t forget about the new noodle books – before the lesson in the office 🙂
Thank you.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
21.5.2018 Lesson 6
After a warm-up conversation and questions we practised drills (35, 70) refreshed grammar and continued with the book. We also revised vocabulary from last lessons.
1) Grammar practice – noodle book 5.2. + 5.3., 5.4. + drills 35, 66, 70.
2) SB p. 42 – 43 reading + all exercises
3) As usual prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: to fall asleep, confluence, barn, shift (at work), ripe, collect cherries, worm, claim, request ( + seed, beech, spruce, circuit, dinghy, paddle (for rowing), inflatable, weather vocabulary, stag beetle, environment, + vocabulary from the listening connected to weather – warning, floods, hurricane, heatwave, snowstorm, to predict, thunderstorm, heavy rain, rainfall, meteorologist, temperature , degrees, weather forecast, Labour Day, fertile, moderate (Drink moderately.), hedge, clay, banned, forbidded, I wonder if …, apple/pear/cherry/apricot/peach/plum tree, a blossom, to be in blossom, to blossom, talkative).
Don´t forget about the new noodle books – before the lesson in the office 🙂
Thank you.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
14.5.2018 Lesson 5
The lesson was substituted by my colleague but the lesson plan was what you know – conversation – 3 questions, drills, HW check, vocabulary practice, and more speaking.
1) SB p. 40 exe 8 – talking about you + revise phrases from exe. 6 + 7
2) Grammar practice – noodle book 5.2. + 5.3. (5.4. for volunteers) + drills 35, 66, 70.
3) SB p. 42 – 43 reading
4) As usual prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: seed, beech, spruce, circuit, dinghy, paddle (for rowing), inflatable (+ weather vocabulary, stag beetle, environment, + vocabulary from the listening connected to weather – warning, floods, hurricane, heatwave, snowstorm, to predict, thunderstorm, heavy rain, rainfall, meteorologist, temperature , degrees, weather forecast, Labour Day, fertile, moderate (Drink moderately.), hedge, clay, banned, forbidded, I wonder if …, apple/pear/cherry/apricot/peach/plum tree, a blossom, to be in blossom, to blossom, talkative).
The new noodle books are still in the office in the office 🙂
Thank you.
Best regards
Katerina R.
7.5.2018 Lesson 4
We started with conversation as usual, aftert that we reised grammar – future and checked HW fill-in 5.2.. We continued with listening practice on p. 40 in SB.
1)SB p.123 read tapescript 5.4. and study new vocabulary connected to weather.
2) SB p. 40 exe. 6, 7 + 8 – talking about you.
3) Grammar practice – noodle book 5.2. + 5.3. (5.4. for volunteers) + drills 35, 66, 70.
4) As usual prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: stag beetle, environment, + vocabulary from the listening connected to weather – warning, floods, hurricane, heatwave, snowstorm, to predict, thunderstorm, heavy rain, rainfall, meteorologist, temperature , degrees, weather forecast (+ Labour Day, fertile, moderate (Drink moderately.), hedge, clay, banned, forbidded, I wonder if …, apple/pear/cherry/apricot/peach/plum tree, a blossom, to be in blossom, to blossom, talkative).
The new noodle books are still in the office in the office waiting for some of you 🙂
Thank you.
Best regards
Katerina R.
30.4.2018 Lesson 3
After warm-up speaking and conversation we continued with HW check fill-in key, after that we practised grammar (future) and speaking, and also listening on p. 39.
1) SB p. 40 read exe. 2, 3, and prepare exe. 6, 7 + 8 – talking about you.
2)Grammar practice – noodle book 5.2. (5.1. for volunteers) + fill-in 5.2..
3) SB p. 106 – writing – exe. 5 write a short biography (A5 paper) – students who did not prepare the HW
4) As usual prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: Labour Day, fertile, moderate (Drink moderately.), hedge, clay, banned, forbidded, I wonder if …(+ apple/pear/cherry/apricot/peach/plum tree, a blossom, to be in blossom, to blossom, talkative).
The new noodle books are still in the office in the office for you 🙂
Thank you.
Best wishes
Katerina R.
23.4.2018 Lesson 2
We started with conversation practice as usual, after that reading of a biography – HW, then we practised listening – U5 and explained grammar – future and probability in the future.
1) SB p. 39 exe.3 , + practice exe.1 + fill-in 5.1., p. 40 read exe. 2, 3, and prepare exe. 6, 7.
2) SB p. 37 – refresh polite requests and offers
3) SB p. 106 – writing – exe. 5 write a short biography (A5 paper) – students who did not prepare the HW
4) As usual prepare 3 questions for your colleagues
New vocabulary: apple/pear/cherry/apricot/peach/plum tree, a blossom, to be in blossom, to blossom, talkative.
Don´t forget about the new noodle books in the office!!! They are waiting for you 🙂
Thank you.
Best wishes
Katerina R.
16.4.2018 Lesson 1
After a short warm-up conversation we worked with the book p. 106, after stat more speakng practice followed.
1) SB p. 106 – writing – exe. 5 write a short biography (A5 paper)
2) Unit 5 – p. 38 – 39 read the texts + refresh vocabulary connected to global problems
3) SB p. 37 – refresh polite requests and offers
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues from the previous words.
There are new noodle books ready for you in the office we need them for Unit 5 – 8. Please don´t forget to buy them!
Thanks a lot.
Best regards
Katerina R.
9.4.2018 Lesson 12
After a warm-up conversation we revised for the test of whole Unit 4 (drills, noodles, modal verbs, phrasal verbs, vocabulary). Then the test followed.
1) SB p. 106 – writing – read the whole page and find unknown words
2) SB p. 37 – refresh polite requests and offers
3) Unit 5 – p. 38 – 39 describe the photos
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues from the previous words.
Next week we start a new trimester 🙂
Best regards
Katerina R.
26.3.2018 Lesson 11
We started speaking about Easter, questions for colleagues continued with fill -in 4.5. key, we practised phrasal verbs, vocabulary from the book and also conversation – roleplay, entry test key.
1) Revise all Unit 4 – next time we are going to write a test (modal verbs, vocabulary, phrasal verbs)
2) Revise all noodles we did + 4.11., drills, and fill-ins
3) We are going to practise more p. 37 in SB – speaking and conversations
4) As usual prepare 3 questions for your colleagues using vocabulary from previous lessons + refresh vocabulary of mass media for conversation.
5) Study new vocabulary: to whip, whipped cream, horse raddish, plaited twigs/sticks, brave, courage, to be seasick, a priest, to bless, custom, appearance (+ locks (zdymadla), an anchor, anchorage (ground), to float, harvest, flower pot, a stripe, to strip, old-timer, jaw, treadmill, hoover/vacuum cleaner, beetroot, sugar beet, rhino, tooth – teeth, filling, root, toothbrush, a sole (shoe), unsolved, equipment, equipped, modest, appliance, device, gadget, ginger, to pour, sold out, Hebrew, to realize (uvědomit si) obligation, to bear, to sweat, sweet, to swear, Jew, Jewish, to bet, a campaign, pleasant, to socialize, infusion, on (their) own, dissatisfied, term, cuisine, (fried) carp, potato salad, to pat X a pet, to bury, gerbil, mould, blow-up).
6) Extra homework for Paul and other volunteers stop and check– send answers on my e-mail by Thursday please 🙂
Next Monday is Easter Monday so we will see on 9th April and there will be a test!
Enjoy your Easter.
Best regards
Katerina R.
19.3.2018 Lesson 10
After a conversation based on questions prepared by students we went on with fill-in 4.4. key, then we continued with phrasal verbs p. 36 and polite requests p.37.
1) Study all phrasal verbs (there will be a short test) from p. 36 + noodles 4.8., 4.9. fill-in 4.5.
2) Revise vocabulary from exe.1 p. 37 + finish the page – read and prepare ´Roleplay´ – 3 conversations.
3) Study drills 41 (should), 59 (modal verbs), refresh noodles 4.2, 4. 3., 4.4.
4) As usual prepare 3 questions for your colleagues using vocabulary from previous lessons + refresh vocabulary of mass media for conversation.
5) Study new vocabulary: locks (zdymadla), an anchor, anchorage (ground), to float, harvest, flower pot, a stripe, to strip + (old-timer, jaw, treadmill, hoover/vacuum cleaner, beetroot, sugar beet, rhino, tooth – teeth, filling, root, toothbrush, a sole (shoe), unsolved, equipment, equipped, modest, appliance, device, gadget, ginger, to pour, sold out, Hebrew, to realize (uvědomit si) obligation, to bear, to sweat, sweet, to swear, Jew, Jewish, to bet, a campaign, pleasant, to socialize, infusion, on (their) own, dissatisfied, term, cuisine, (fried) carp, potato salad, to pat X a pet, to bury, gerbil, mould, blow-up).
6) Extra homework for Paul and other volunteers entry test – send answers on my e-mail by Thursday please.
The test is coming soon!!!
Thank you. With kind regards
Katerina R.
Rádi bychom Vás informovali, že pokud jste s výukou v Only4 spokojeni a
přejete si pokračovat ve svém kurzu angličtiny i v období *DUBEN –
ČERVEN 2018*, můžete se již nyní přednostně přihlásit jedním z těchto
<> (po
úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na
Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na
3. Telefonicky nebo SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. Osobně v kanceláři školy
Veškeré požadavky na změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte
prosím do přihlášky či konzultujte v kanceláři školy.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit *nejpozději do 19. března, *kdy
začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme
někým novým.
Všechny kurzy budou začínat od 10. dubna.
12.3.2018 Lesson 9
We started with conversation, after that we checked HW fill-in 4.3. key, we also practised drills (41, 59), and continued with phrasal verbs reading on p. 34, 36.
1) Study drills 41 (should), 59 (modal verbs), refresh noodles 4.2, 4. 3., 4.4.
2) Prepare fill-ins 4.4., and 4.5.(phrasal verbs), + finish exercises on p. 36 (phrasal verbs)
3) Prepare exercises 1 on p. 37 (polite requests)
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues using vocabulary from previous lessons.
5) Study new vocabulary: old-timer, jaw, treadmill, hoover/vacuum cleaner, beetroot, sugar beet, rhino + (tooth – teeth, filling, root, toothbrush, a sole (shoe), unsolved, equipment, equipped, modest, appliance, device, gadget, ginger, to pour, sold out, Hebrew, to realize (uvědomit si) obligation, to bear, to sweat, sweet, to swear, Jew, Jewish, to bet, a campaign, pleasant, to socialize, infusion, on (their) own, dissatisfied, term, cuisine, (fried) carp, potato salad, to pat X a pet, to bury, gerbil, mould, blow-up).
The test is coming soon!!!
Thank you. With kind regards
Katerina R.
5.3.2018 Lesson 8
After warm-up we practised drills (41, 59), explained grammar – rest of modal verbs, checked homework (noodles), and continuned with reading on p. 34 – 35.
1) Study drills 41 (should), 59 (modal verbs), refresh noodles 4.2, 4.3., 4.4.
2) Prepare drills 4.3. and 4.4.noodles 4.3. + finish exercises on p. 34 (phrasal verbs)
3) Prepare exercises 1, 2 on p. 36 (phrasal verbs)
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues using vocabulary from previous lessons.
5) Study new vocabulary: tooth – teeth, filling, root, toothbrush, a sole (shoe), unsolved, equipment, equipped, modest, appliance, device, gadget (+ ginger, to pour, sold out, Hebrew, to realize (uvědomit si) obligation, to bear, to sweat, sweet, to swear, Jew, Jewish, to bet, a campaign, pleasant, to socialize, infusion, on (their) own, dissatisfied, term, cuisine, (fried) carp, potato salad, to pat X a pet, to bury, gerbil, mould, blow-up).
Thank you. With kind regards
Katerina R.
26.2.2018 Lesson 7
We started with speaking practice – answering questions, than drills followed (41, part of 59) + grammar explanation (SB p. 137 have to, 138 – 4.4. obligation), we continued with practice of modal verbs and listening p. 31 (Rules present and past).
1) Study drills 41 (should), 59 (modal verbs), refresh old fill-ins (4.1., 4.2.), and noodles 4.1., 4.2.
2) Prepare noodles 4.3. (Rules Present) and 4.4. (Rules Past)
3) Read the text on p. 34 – 35 + prepare all exercises on p. 34
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues using vocabulary from previous lessons.
5) Study new vocabulary: ginger, to pour, sold out, Hebrew, to realize (uvědomit si) obligation, to bear + (to sweat, sweet, to swear, Jew, Jewish, to bet, a campaign, pleasant, to socialize, infusion, on (their) own, dissatisfied, term, cuisine, (fried) carp, potato salad, to pat X a pet, to bury, gerbil, mould, blow-up).
Thank you. With kind regards
Katerina R.
12.2.2018 Lesson 6
We started the lesson with speaking practice, than we continued with practice of modal verbs (fill in 4.2. key), grammar explanation (p. 138 in SB – verbs of obligation). We introduced a new drill 41 and after that we worked with the book on p. 32 (Rules present).
1) Study new drill 41 (should), refresh old fill-ins (4.1., 4.2.), and noodles 4.1.
2) Prepare noodles 4.2. (modal verbs), 4.3. (Rules Present)
3) Read the rest of p. 32 (Rules Past) – preparation for listening
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues using vocabulary from previous lessons.
5) Study new vocabulary: to sweat, sweet, to swear (+Jew, Jewish, to bet, a campaign, pleasant, to socialize, infusion, on (their) own, dissatisfied, term, cuisine, (fried) carp, potato salad, to pat X a pet, to bury, gerbil, mould, blow-up).
Don´t forget – next week ( 19.2.) we have a spring holiday, so we will see on 26.2.
Enjoy your holiday and see you in two weeks time.
Best regards
Katerina R.
5.2.2018 Lesson 5
Today´s lesson was subtituted by my colleague. After a warm-up conversation there was a practice of the vocabulary from the text key, listening practice and practice of modal verbs followed.
Homework: – very similar to last lesson 🙂
1) Refresh drills again 47, 48, 62.
2) Revise vocabulary from last lesson and noodles 4.1., and grammar (modal verbs) – fill-in 4.2. + noodles 4.2.
3) Read p. 32 – rules past and present
4) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues using any words from last lessons.
5) Study new vocabulary: Jew, Jewish, to bet, a campaign, pleasant, to socialize, infusion, on (their) own, (+ dissatisfied, term, cuisine, (fried) carp, potato salad, to pat X a pet, to bury, gerbil, mould, blow-up).
Thanks a lot
Katerina R.
29.1.2018 Lesson 4
We started with practising questions the students prepared, after that we went on with question tags and started Unit 4 – grammar review, reading, grammar practice.
1) Refresh drills again 47, 48, 62.
2) Revise vocabulary from last lesson fill-in 4.1. and noodles 4.1., and grammar (modal verbs) – noodles 4.2.
3) Prepare 3 questions for your colleagues using any words from last lessons.
4) Study new vocabulary: Jew, Jewish, to bet, a campaign, pleasant, to socialize, infusion, on (their) own, (+ dissatisfied, term, cuisine, (fried) carp, potato salad, to pat X a pet, to bury, gerbil, mould, blow-up).
With kind regards
Katerina R.
Dovolujeme si Vás informovat o otevření *Týdenních intenzivních kurzů
<>* ,
které budou probíhat v naší škole během jarních prázdnin *_( 19.2.-23.2.
Naši současní studenti obdrží automaticky slevu *500,-Kč.*
Přihlášku a detailní informace o kurzech získáte na našich webových
stránkách nebo v kanceláři školy.
Pokud si nejste jisti, zda je pro Vás tento kurz vhodný, rád/ráda Vám
22.1.2018 Lesson 3
Today we started practising questions the students prepared, after that we refreshed adjectives of feelings, passives (fill-in 2.3.), we continued with drills, review of past tenses – noodles 3.11., and vocabulary practice.
1) Refresh drills again 47, 48, 62 and also noodles 3.11.
2) Revise grammar (question tags) fill-in 3.6. and vocabulary from last lesson. Don´t forget to prepare 3 questions for your colleagues!
3) Study new vocabulary: Jew, Jewish, to bet, a campaign, pleasant, to socialize, infusion, on (their) own, (+ dissatisfied, term, cuisine, (fried) carp, potato salad, to pat X a pet, to bury, gerbil, mould, blow-up).
4) Start Unit 4 – reading of the text p. 30 – 31 and exe.1 discussing grammar.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
15.1.2018 Lesson 2
After a short warm-up we started practising questions (fill-in 3.1. – check the key for question 10), we continued with drills, review of past tenses, noodles 3.11., and vocabulary practice.
1) Refresh drills 47, 48, 62 and also noodles 3.11.
2) Revise grammar (passives) and vocabulary (adjectives of feelings), and question tags.
Don´t forget to prepare 3 questions for your colleagues!
3) Study new vocabulary: dissatisfied, term, cuisine, (fried) carp, potato salad, to pat X a pet, to bury, gerbil, mould, blow-up.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
8.1.2018 Lesson 1
After a warm-up and introduction of all the students we practised forming questions in different tenses. Drills followed as well as translation noodles.
1) Refresh drills 17, 26, 33, 40 and also noodles 3.2.
2) Revise grammar and vocabulary of Units 1, 2, 3 next time we are going to practise it.
3) Study new vocabulary: (fried) carp, potato salad, to pat X a pet, to bury, gerbil, mould, blow-up.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
11.12.2017 Lesson 12
After a short warm-up conversation and practice of question tags we revised all unit – drills and grammar. The test of all Unit 3 followed.
There is no special homework, just to enjoy Christmas and relax.
I wish you all the best for the New Year 2018 and hope to see you again in January.
Best regards
Katerina R.
4.12.2017 Lesson 11
1)Revise all Unit 3 – next time we are going to write a test!
2) Refresh drills 40 + 62 – Past Perfect + 47, 48 – Past Passives + irregular verbs, you can also practice with noodlebook 3.11. (review of past tenses)
3) Prepare fill-in 3.6. – question tags +noodles 3.10.
4) Refresh vocabulary from previous lessons: ferris wheel, jet lag, Christmas carol, sprained ankle, strict with, grateful to, weather forecast, estimated, expected, to scare, to have fear, to be afraid of, fried egg, schnitzel, attentive, elections, vote (for), make friends, tired, tiring, deck-chair, slightly up the hill, run out of, zoo, wild boar, to row + crime story, harvest feast/ celebration, wine cellar, hard- boiled egg, soft-boiled egg, scrambled eggs, expenses, dill, recipe, prescription, tent, torch, sleeping bag, accountant, sales, successful, children, although, rarely, seldom, hardly ever.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
After longer speaking practice and organizing, we refreshed passives (drills, noodle 3.4.), and continued with Everyday English and question tags.
Rádi bychom Vás informovali, že pokud jste s výukou v Only4 spokojeni a
přejete si pokračovat ve svém kurzu angličtiny i v období *LEDEN –
BŘEZEN 2018*, můžete se již nyní přednostně přihlásit jedním z těchto
úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na
Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na <>
3. Telefonicky nebo SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. Osobně v kanceláři školy
Veškeré požadavky na změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte
prosím do přihlášky či konzultujte v kanceláři školy.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit *nejpozději do 4. prosince, *kdy
začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme
někým novým.
Nový trimestr začíná v týdnu od 8. ledna 2018
27.11.2017 Lesson 10
Today nobody came to the lesson. There is no change in homework for next lesson.
I hope we can meet in full number.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
20.11.2017 Lesson 9
We started with practice of passives – questions, after that drills followed (47, 48) and questions from noodles 3.4. Then we continued with listening, speaking, pronunciation and vocabulary on p. 25.
1) Refresh drills 40 + 62 – Past Perfect + 47, 48 – Past Passives + irregular verbs.
2) Prepare fill-in 3.5. , practice past passive in the noodlebook 3.4.
3) Finish the text on p. 26 – 27 again, read p. 28 – preparation for listening.
4) Refresh vocabulary from previous lessons: ferris wheel, jet lag, Christmas carol, sprained ankle, strict with, grateful to, weather forecast, estimated, expected, to scare, to have fear, to be afraid of, fried egg, schnitzel, attentive, elections, vote (for), make friends, tired, tiring, deck-chair, slightly up the hill, run out of, zoo, wild boar, to row + crime story, harvest feast/ celebration, wine cellar, hard- boiled egg, soft-boiled egg, scrambled eggs, expenses, dill, recipe, prescription, tent, torch, sleeping bag, accountant, sales, successful, children, although, rarely, seldom, hardly ever.
5) Volunteers can practice more with noodles 3.5., 3.6.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
13.11.2017 Lesson 8
After a short warm up we revised translation questions 3.3. (Past Simple, Past Perfect, used to), irregular verbs, speaking – questions, vocabulary practice.
1) Refresh drills 40 + 62 – Past Perfect + irregular verbs.
2) Practice past passive in the noodlebook 3.4.
3) Read text on p. 26 – 27 again, we will finish the rest of questions and exercises.
4) Study new vocabulary: ferris wheel, jet lag, Christmas carol, sprained ankle, strict with, grateful to (+ weather forecast, estimated, expected, to scare, to have fear, to be afraid of, fried egg, schnitzel, attentive, elections, vote (for), make friends, tired, tiring, deck-chair, slightly up the hill, run out of, zoo, wild boar, to row + crime story, harvest feast/ celebration, wine cellar, hard- boiled egg, soft-boiled egg, scrambled eggs, expenses, dill, recipe, prescription, tent, torch, sleeping bag, accountant, sales, successful, children, although, rarely, seldom, hardly ever).
5) Key for extra homework for volunteers 3.5.fill-in (spelling and pronunciation), you can also practice more with noodles 3.5., 3.6.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
6.11.2017 Lesson 7
Today nobody could come to the lesson so there is no change in HW from last lesson.
Hope to see you next Monday!
Best regards
Katerina R.
30.10.2017 Lesson 6
We started with the practice of noodles 3.2., continued with irregular verbs test, and ´drills 40, 62. After that we revised the grammar of passives (Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect) and checked HW on p. 24. Then we continued with reading on p. 26 – 27.
1) Refresh drills 40 + 62 – Past Perfect + irregular verbs again.
2) Practice past passive in the noodlebook 3.4.
3) Read text on p. 26 – 27 again, we will finish the rest of questions and exercises.
4) Revise translation noodles 3.3.– Past Perfect and used to – we will start with it.
4) Study new vocabulary: weather forecast, estimated, expected, to scare, to have fear, to be afraid of, fried egg, schnitzel (+ attentive, elections, vote (for), make friends, tired, tiring, deck-chair, slightly up the hill, run out of, zoo, wild boar, to row + crime story, harvest feast/ celebration, wine cellar, hard- boiled egg, soft-boiled egg, scrambled eggs, expenses, dill, recipe, prescription, tent, torch, sleeping bag, accountant, sales, successful, children, although, rarely, seldom, hardly ever).
5) Key for extra homework for volunteers 3.5.fill-in (spelling and pronunciation), you can also practice more with noodles 3.5., 3.6.
23.10.2017 Lesson 5
We started with conversation practice, after fill-in 3.2. followed, irregular verbs test, we refreshed Past Perfect and checked HW key, we revised vocabulary from previous lessons and practised drills – 40, 62.
1) Refresh drills 40 + 62 – Past Perfect + irregular verbs.
2) In SB prepare p. 24 – complete the text with correct form of the verb in the past – active of passive.
3) Read text on p. 26 – 27 + prepare exe.1, 2, 3, 4, you can check the word list on p. 169.
4) Revise translation noodles 3.2. and 3.3.– Past Perfect and used to again.
4) Study new vocabulary: attentive, elections, vote (for), make friends (+ tired, tiring, deck-chair, slightly up the hill, run out of, zoo, wild boar, to row + crime story, harvest feast/ celebration, wine cellar, hard- boiled egg, soft-boiled egg, scrambled eggs, expenses, dill, recipe, prescription, tent, torch, sleeping bag, accountant, sales, successful, children, although, rarely, seldom, hardly ever).
5) Extra homework for volunteers 🙂 3.5.fill-in (spelling and pronunciation).
Thanks a lot.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
16.10.2017 Lesson 4
After conversation about past events we continued with irregular verbs test, drills practice including Past Perfect, we checked HW key 3.2. Then we worked with the book on p. 25.
1) Revise fill-in 3.2. again – we will start with it next time. Refresh drills that we did today – 17, 26, 40 + 62 – Past Perfect + irregular verbs.
2) In SB prepare p. 24 – complete the text with correct form of the verb in the past – active of passive.
3) Read text on p. 26 – 27 + prepare exe.1, 2, 3, 4, you can check the word list on p. 169.
4) Prepare fill-in 3.4. + revise translation noodles 3.2. and 3.3.– Past Perfect and used to and again.
4) Study new vocabulary: tired, tiring, deck-chair, slightly up the hill, run out of, zoo, wild boar, to row + crime story, harvest feast/ celebration, wine cellar, hard- boiled egg, soft-boiled egg, scrambled eggs, (+ expenses, dill, recipe, prescription, tent, torch, sleeping bag, accountant, sales, successful, children, although, rarely, seldom, hardly ever).
5) Extra homework for volunteers 🙂 3.5.fill-in (spelling and pronunciation).
Thanks a lot.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
9.10.2017 Lesson 3
After warm-up with questions about past we wrote test from irregular verbs, practised drills – 17, 26, 40, and checked HW in SB on p. 24. We refreshed use of past tenses.
1) Prepare 6 questions for your colleagues (2 questions for each) about their last week/weekend.
2) Refresh drills that we did today – 17, 26, 40 + 62 – Past Perfect + refresh irregular verbs.
3) In SB prepare p. 25.
4) Prepare 3.2. fill in + revise translation noodles 3.2. and 3.3.– Past Perfect and used to and again.
4) Study new vocabulary: crime story, harvest feast/ celebration, wine cellar, hard- boiled egg, soft-boiled egg, scrambled eggs, (+ expenses, dill, recipe, prescription, tent, torch, sleeping bag, accountant, sales, successful, children, although, rarely, seldom, hardly ever).
5) Extra homework for volunteers 🙂 3.4. fill-in (Past Perfect).
Thanks a lot.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
2.10.2017 Lesson 2
We started practising questions about past, after that we refreshed Present Tenses (questions 2.3., 2.5.) and adverbs of frequency. We revised drills 17, 26, 33, 40 and practised vocabulary.
1) Prepare 6 questions for your colleagues (2 questions for each) about their last week/weekend.
2) Refresh drills that we did today – 17, 26, 40.
3) In SB prepare exe 3 – discussing grammar on p. 24. + refresh irregular verbs.
4) Revise translation noodles 3.2. – Past Simple and Continuous and 2.12. – small talk questions.
4) Study new vocabulary: expenses, dill, recipe, prescription, tent, torch, sleeping bag, accountant, sales, successful, children, although, rarely, seldom, hardly ever.
5) Extra homework for volunteers 🙂 3.2. fill in.
Thanks a lot.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
25.9.2017 Lesson 1
After introducing each other with our new student we started revising and practising – auxiliary verbs, conversation, drills – 17, 26, 33, 40.
1) Prepare 6 questions for your colleagues (2 questions for each) about their last week/weekend.
2) Refresh again all drills that we did today.
3) Revise translation noodles 2.3., 2.5. – state verbs, and 2.12. – small talk questions
4) Refresh irregular verbs.
Thanks a lot.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
We refreshed a little bit of everything – grammar – drills – Present Tenses, Irregular verbs, Past Simple and Continuous, irregular verbs (2nd column), and this exercise exercise + key. We also practised conversation.
I am looking forward to see you in the new course! 🙂
We revised grammar – drills – 17, 26, 33, 40, 43 – present and past tenses, questions, irregular verbs (1st column) + forming questions, vocabulary – explaining (hobbies Unit 2).
Our next lesson is on 4th September at 16.00 !!!
31.7. 2017
No one came to the lesson.
3.7.2017 Lesson 10
Today there was only one student again 🙂 – we practised speaking about news, questions, we refreshed grammar (Past Simple and Continuous), checked HW key, and practised differences also with Past Perfect (SB p. 24/exe.3).
Enjoy your summer, have a nice time and speak English when you can 🙂
Relax and don´t forget to come to your summer lessons – on 31st July, 21st August and 4th September.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
p.s. For those who wish to have some extra practice – check the following websites:
26.6.2017 Lesson 9
Today there was only one student – we practised speaking about news, questions, we refreshed grammar – drills 26, 27, 40 and irregular verbs – 1st half. We also worked on difference between Past Simple and Continuous.
1) Refresh all vocabulary we had in Unit 3 and in previous lessons.
2) Prepare noodles 3.1. and 3.2. – we are going to practice them next time + this exercise (fill-in 3.2.) + drills 26, 27, 40 + irregular verbs (test from 1st half) + study the 2nd half too
3) In SB please prepare p. 25 exe 3, 4, 5 (spelling and pronunciation)
4) Prepare exercise 4 on p. 104 – writing, refresh noodles 2.12. (small talk)
5) As usual you can follow newsinlevels and prepare 3 questions for your colleagues.
Next time we have a normal lesson. It is our last lesson of this term.
Please, don´t forget to pay for you summer lessons by 30th June!
With kind regards
Katerina R.
19.6.2017 Lesson 8
We started with newsinlevels, continued with HW check key, refreshed grammar of past tenses (Past Simple, Continuous, Perfect). We practised irregular verbs (1st half), and we also checked homework on p. 24 exe.3.
1) Study new vocabulary: visa, progress, access, flying trough, (river) bank, championship, to beat (+a well, changing room) + words from the previous lessons.
2) Prepare noodles 3.1. and 3.2. – we are going to practice them next time + this exercise (fill-in 3.2.) + drills 26, 27, 40 + irregular verbs (test from 1st half)
3) In SB please prepare p. 25 exe 3, 4, 5 (spelling and pronunciation)
4) Prepare exercise 4 on p. 104 – writing, refresh noodles 2.12. (small talk)
5) As usual you can follow newsinlevels and prepare 3 questions for your colleagues.
Next time we have a normal lesson. Don´t forget to pay for your summer lessons by 30th June. Check the school web site for the conversation courses –
With kind regards
Katerina R.
12.6.2017 Lesson 7
After a short warm-up we corrected the test from last lesson together, after that we started Unit 3 – speaking, HW check, listening and grammar (Past Tenses).
1) Study new vocabulary: a well, changing room + words from the previous lessons.
2) Prepare noodles 3.1. and 3.2. – we are going to practice them next time + this exercise
3) In SB please prepare exe 3 on p. 24, and on p. 25 exe 3, 4, 5 (spelling and pronunciation)
4) Prepare exercise 4 on p. 104 – writing, refresh noodles 2.12. (small talk)
5) As usual you can follow newsinlevels and prepare 3 questions for your colleagues.
Next time we can have a longer lesson for the last time if it is not a problem for you. Please, think about your plans for summer lessons and for September, we will discuss them.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
5.6.2017 Lesson 6
After news in levels we revised all grammar and vocabulary for the test – we wrote it and finished the part of writing on p. 104.
1) Study new vocabulary: fasting, heretics, claim responsibility, archbishop, chateau, blade, halt, delay, injured.
2) Study again noodles 2.12. – both questions and answers for a small talk
3) Start Unit 3 – p. 22 – 23 (Starter, exe. 1, 2, 3)
4) Prepare exercise 4 on p. 104 – writing.
5) As usual you can follow newsinlevels and prepare 3 questions for your colleagues.
Next time we can have a longer lesson again if it is not a problem for you. Please think about your plans for summer lessons, we will discuss them.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
29.5.2017 Lesson 5
Today we started practising conversation and small talk, after that we refreshed grammar and vocabulary of the unit and writing part on p. 104.
1) There aren´t many new words – just – drive out somebody. Refresh words from last lessons.
2) Study again noodles 2.12. – both questions and answers for a small talk
3) Revise grammar (Present Simple and Continuous, adverbs of frequency p. 134, state verbs p. 134, Passives) vocabulary of all Unit 2 (jobs, adjectives p. 19, hobbies and cooking p. 20) we are going to write a test.
4)Finish exercise 2 on p. 104 – writing.
5) As usual you can follow newsinlevels and prepare 3 questions for your colleagues.
Next time we can have a longer lesson if it is not a problem for you. You can already think about your plans for summer lessons.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
22.5.2017 Lesson 4
After news in levels and questions we checked homework key, we had a vocabulary test, and continued with speaking and listening practice on p. 20 and 21 (tapescript p. 120 – 121).
1) Study new words from today´s lesson: a deal, deal with (people/problems), outbreak, resources, donor, greet, inauguration, official, blindsnake (+ mature, wine cellar, dive, seal, ageing, clay container, crack, trapped, give up, maiden, debut, compete, fulfilment, accomplishment, memorabilia, Easter clattering, worship, to silence, silent, blessing, limestone, cobble/cobblestone, excavator, pavement, spine, foster family, cry, to run out of something, spelling, gerbil, hamster, spa, keep something in shape, fur, give up, hut, character (film, book), lava, observe, contrast (difference), injury + the vocabulary from previous lessons.
2) Study well noodles 2.12. – both questions and answers for a small talk
3) Revise grammar and vocabulary of all Unit 2 – we are going to write a test.
4) As usual you can follow newsinlevels and prepare 3 questions for your colleagues.
Next time we have a normal lesson that finishes at 19.05.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
15.5.2017 Lesson 3
After short warm-up and news in levels we revised and practised grammar (Passives), we checked HW key, continued with vocabulary test and vocabulary practice and HW check in SB on p. 20.
1) Study new words from today´s lesson: mature, wine cellar, dive, seal, ageing, clay container, crack, trapped, give up, maiden, debut, compete, fulfilment, accomplishment, memorabilia (+Easter clattering, worship, to silence, silent, blessing, limestone, cobble/cobblestone, excavator, pavement, spine, foster family, cry, to run out of something, spelling, gerbil, hamster, spa, keep something in shape, fur, give up, hut, character (film, book), lava, observe, contrast (difference), injury + the vocabulary from previous lessons (the test is coming …).
2) Learn all new vocabulary from p.20 + noodles 2.12. + read p. 21
3) Prepare and read p. 104 exe. 1, 2
4) Refresh fill-in 2.3. and prepare this exercise
5) As usual follow newsinlevels and prepare 3 questions for your colleagues 🙂
Don´t forget that next time our lesson is 45 minutes longer – we will finish at 19.50.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
24.4.2017 Lesson 2
We practised speaking, we tried to find solution for our lessons – please read your e-mails, we revised and practised grammar – the passive, and vocabulary from p. 20.
1) Study new words from today´s lesson: Easter clattering, worship, to silence, silent, blessing, limestone, (cobble/cobblestone, excavator, pavement, spine, foster family, cry, to run out of something, spelling, gerbil, hamster, spa, keep something in shape, fur, give up, hut, character (film, book), lava, observe, contrast (difference), injury + the vocabulary from previous lessons (the test is coming …).
2)Prepare this exercise
3) Learn new vocabulary from p.20 + noodles 2.10. + read p. 21
4) Refresh drills 17, 33, 43, fill-in 2.5., noodles 2.5.+ 2.3. + noodles 2.4.
5) As usual follow newsinlevels and prepare 3 questions for your colleagues 🙂
We need to agree about our next lesson, please write me about your time possibilities. Thanks a lot.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
10.4.2017 Lesson 1
First we practised conversation, we spoke about news, continued with questions, vocabulary test, homework check, and we woeked with the book p. 20 – free time activities.
1) Study new words from today´s lesson: cobble/cobblestone, excavator, pavement, spine, foster family, cry, to run out of something, spelling (gerbil, hamster, spa, keep something in shape, fur, give up, hut, character (film, book), lava, observe, contrast (difference), injury + the vocabulary from previous lessons (the test is coming …).
2)Prepare this exercise
3) Learn new vocabulary from p.20 + noodles 2.10. + read p. 21
4) Refresh drills 17, 33, 43, fill-in 2.5., noodles 2.5.+ 2.3. + noodles 2.4.
5) As usual follow newsinlevels and prepare 3 questions for your colleagues 🙂
We will see 24th April. Please think over your time possibilities on 4th and 11th May at 16.00.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
3.4.2017 Lesson 12
Spontaneous and great conversation with Vlado! 🙂 We also reviewed vocab and present continuous passives. I’m sorry I didn’t have a chance to meet the rest of you. Lucy
1) Stays the same from 27.3.2017. So be prepared.
27.3.2017 Lesson 11
After news in levels and questions, we practised vocabulary practice, HW check, and grammar (passive – Present Continuos).
1) Study new words from today´s lesson: gerbil, hamster, spa, keep something in shape, fur, give up, hut, character (film, book), lava, observe, contrast (difference), injury + the vocabulary from previous lessons (the test is coming …).
2) Prepare this exercise1 + study new vocabulary from exe.7 p. 17 (workforce, average, involve, pocket money, tax, full-time/part-time work, household, own) + exercise2
3) Read + prepare p. 20 exe. 1, 2, 3, 4
4) Refresh drills 17, 33, 43, fill-in 2.5., noodles 2.5.+ 2.3. + noodles 2.4.
5) And as usual follow newsinlevels and prepare 3 questions for your colleagues 🙂
With kind regards
Katerina R.
20.3.2017 Lesson 10
After news in levels (perfect preparation:) we continued with questions, vocabulary practice, HW check, and grammar (passive).
1) Study new words from today´s lesson: drought, disaster, hunger, thirst, unveil, editor-in-chief, enviromentally friendly, reshape, threat, nesting site, tide, race horse, race course + the vocabulary from previous lessons (the test is coming again).
2) Prepare this exercise + study new vocabulary from exe.7 p. 17
+ you can try to complete noodles 2.4.
3) Read p. 17 – part listening and speaking
4) Refresh drills 17, 33, 43, fill-in 2.5. (check the key for answers), noodles 2.5.+ 2.3.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
Rádi bychom Vás informovali, že pokud jste s výukou v Only4 spokojeni a
přejete si pokračovat ve svém kurzu angličtiny i v období *DUBEN –
ČERVEN 2017*, můžete se již nyní přednostně přihlásit jedním z těchto
úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na
Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na <>
3. Telefonicky nebo SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. Osobně v kanceláři školy
Veškeré požadavky na změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte
prosím do přihlášky či konzultujte v kanceláři školy.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit *nejpozději do 20. března, *kdy
začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme
někým novým.
Nový trimestr začíná v týdnu od 10. dubna.
13.3.2017 Lesson 9
Today there was only one student. We practised translation, grammar (noodles 2.3., 2.5.) speaking, and vocabulary.
– is the same as for today’s lesson + new words area, extension, inhabitant, short-sighted, long-sighted.
With kind regards
Katerina R.
6.3.2017 Lesson 8
1) Warm-up speaking, news in levels, questions with new vocabulary
2) HW check key + state verbs
3) Unit 2 – listening, speaking
1) Study new words from today´s lesson: to discover, to orbit, a dwarf star, a participant, a course, locals, an avalanche, a rescue team, to affect, to float, a pavement, a fence (+ dam, spillway/ overflow channel (přepadový kanál), release, grindlock, to gather, undergo, drastic, weight reduction surgery, to lose weight, weight loss, a dam, volunteer, to maintain, loyal, embarrassing/embarrassed, (un)faithful,critical thinking, excited, solve, to work out, a workout, take turns, think about/of, school report, flu, swear, raise, faithfully, execute, inauguration ceremony, time saving, cost efficient, eager crowd + vocabulary from the previous lessons) + prepare 3 questions for your colleagues with any of the new words .
2) Refresh drills 17, 33, 43, fill-in 2.5. (check the key for answers), noodles 2.5. + 2.3. + this exercise
3) Unit 2 – SB p. 18 – 19 study new vocabulary+(noodles: 2.7., 2.8., 2.9.)
4) SB p. 16 exe.3, p.17 exe.7 (active or passive) + read p. 17 – listening (numbers)
5) Have a look at
It was a great lesson today, excellent preparation.
Thank you!K.
27.2.2017 Lesson 7
1) Warm-up speaking, news in levels, questions with new vocabulary
2) Drills (17, 33, 43), vocabulary test (state verbs), grammar
3) Unit 2 – HW check, reading and speaking practice
1) Study new words from today´s lesson: dam, spillway/ overflow channel (přepadový kanál), release, grindlock, to gather, (+ undergo, drastic, weight reduction surgery, to lose weight, weight loss, a dam, volunteer, to maintain, loyal, embarrassing/embarrassed, (un)faithful,critical thinking, excited, solve, to work out, a workout, take turns, think about/of, school report, flu, swear, raise, faithfully, execute, inauguration ceremony, time saving, cost efficient, eager crowd + vocabulary from the previous lessons) + prepare 4 questions for your colleagues with any of the new words .
2) Refresh drills 17, 33, 43, adverbs of frequency + noodles 2.5. and + 2.3. + this exercise
3) Unit 2 – SB p. 18 – 19 study new vocabulary+ this exercise (noodles: 2.7., 2.8., 2.9.)
4) SB p. 16 exe.1, 4, p.17 exe.7 (active or passive)
5) Have a look at
Thank you, K.
20.2.2017 Lesson 6
1) Warm-up speaking, news in levels, questions with new vocabulary
2) Drills (33, 43), vocabulary test (state verbs), grammar
3) Unit 2 – HW check, reading and speaking practice
1) Study new words from today´s lesson: undergo, drastic, weight reduction surgery, to lose weight, weight loss, a dam, volunteer, to maintain, loyal, embarrassing/embarrassed, (un)faithful,(+ critical thinking, excited, solve, to work out, a workout, take turns, think about/of, school report, flu, swear, raise, faithfully, execute, inauguration ceremony, time saving, cost efficient, eager crowd + vocabulary from the previous lessons) + prepare 4 questions for your colleagues with any of the new words .
2) Refresh drills 33, 43 + new drill 17 – adverbs of frequency + noodles 2.5. and + 2.3. read grammar explanation on p. 134 (adverbs of frequency 2.2) + this exercise
3) Unit 2 – SB p. 18 – 19- read the text + do exercise 4 + vocabulary work + discussion (you can also do this noodles: 2.7., 2.8.- for volunteers)
4) Refresh all state verbs on p. 134 – 135 (we are going to write a test next time)
5) Have a look at
Thank you, K.
6.2.2017 Lesson 5
1) Warm-up speaking, news in levels
2) Vocabulary practice, drills (33, 43, 63), speaking
3) Unit 2 – HW check, listening and speaking practice
1) Study new words from today´s lesson: critical thinking, excited, solve, to work out, a workout, take turns, think about/of, (+ school report, flu, swear, raise, faithfully, execute, inauguration ceremony, time saving, cost efficient, eager crowd + vocabulary from the previous lessons) + prepare 4 questions for your colleagues with any of the new words .
2) Refresh drills 33, 43, 63 + noodles 2.5. and 2.3. + read grammar explanation on p. 135 (verbs of senses – 2)
3) Unit 2 – SB p. 18 – 19- read the text + do exercise 1, 2, 3, 4 + vocabulary work + discussion
4) Refresh all state verbs on p. 134 – 135 (we are going to write a test next time)
5) Have a look at
See you on 20th February.
Thank you, K.
30.1.2017 Lesson 4
1) Warm-up speaking, news in levels
2) Drills (33, 43, 63), speaking
3) Unit 2 – grammar and speaking practice
1) Study new words from today´s lesson: school report, flu, swear, raise, faithfully, execute, inauguration ceremony, time saving, cost efficient, eager crowd + vocabulary from the previous lessons.
2) Refresh drills 33, 43, 63
3) Unit 2 – SB p. 16/6 – read the text + do exercise 2 (complete the questions), + exercise 3 (write about yourself)
4) Prepare describing photos on p. 14, and prepare noodle 2.5. in your noodlebook
5) A special exercise for Paul and other volunteers 🙂
Here is the link for the text about Queen Elisabeth I´s skirt:
And have look at as usual 🙂
Thank you, K.
23.1.2017 Lesson 3
1) Warm-up speaking, noodles 1.4. and 1.11.
2) Drills (33, 43, 63), speaking
3) Unit 2 – listening, text reading
1) Study new words from today´s lesson: fabric, lady-in-waiting, value, to rule, fall (autumn), bearing (ložisko), it´s worth it, tiredness + vocabulary from the previous lessons.
2) Refresh drills 33, 43, 63 (prepositions of time)
3) Unit 2 – SB p. 15 – read the text + do exercise 2 (complete the questions), + exercise 3 (write about yourself)
4) Prepare describing photos on p. 14, and prepare noodle 2.2. in your noodlebook
And have look at as usual 🙂
Thank you, K.
16.1.2017 Lesson 2
1) Warm-up speaking
2) Questions – Unit 1
3) Drills (33, 43, 63), speaking
1) Study new words from today´s lesson: resolution, private (adj.), earthing/grounding (uzemění), a puncture + vocabulary from the previous lesson.
2) Refresh drills 33, 43, 63 (prepositions of time) + noodles 1.4. and 1.11.
3) Unit 2 – SB p. 15 – read the text + do exercise 1 (complete questions in the text)
4) Have look at as usual 🙂
Thank you, K.
9.1.2017 Lesson 1
1) Warm-up speaking
2) Vocabulary practice, drills (43, 40, 33, 64)
3) Questions, speaking
1) Study new words from today´s lesson: axe, wrap X unwrap, concept car, autonomous, dashboard + vocabulary from previous lessons.
2) Refresh drills 33, 43, 63 (prepositions of time) + noodles 1.4. and 1.11.
3) Unit 2 – SB p. 15 – read the text + do exercise 1 (complete questions in the text)
4) Have look at as usual 🙂
Thank you, K.
5.12.2016 Lesson 12
1) Warm-up – news in levels
2) Practice for the test – grammar, vocabulary
3) Test Unit 1
1) Study new words from today´s lesson: oppression, to cremate, to declare, mourning period, Cuba, Cuban + vocabulary from previous lessons.
2) Unit 2 – SB p. 15 – read the text + do exercise 1 (complete questions in the text)
3) SB p. 13 – keeping vocabulary records – answer the questions
4) Have look at as usual 🙂
Enjoy Christmas, relax, and I hope to see you all in good form in January.
And speak English if you can 🙂
Thank you, K.
28.11.2016 Lesson 11
1) Warm-up – news in levels
2) Practice for the test – grammar, vocabulary
3) Test Unit 1
1) Study new words from today´s lesson: a bucket, to feed, a character (postava ve filmu, knize), prop, to feature (obsahovat, vystupovat), puppet + vocabulary from previous lessons.
2) Unit 2 – SB p. 15 – read the text + do exercise 1 (complete questions in the text)
3) SB p. 13 – keeping vocabulary records – answer the questions
4) Have look at as usual 🙂
5) If you want to continue in the course, let know Mrs. Hasalová or Mr. Mrnuštík.
See you next week – last lesson of this year 🙂
Thank you, K.
21.11.2016 Lesson 10
1) Warm-up – news in levels
2) Vocabulary practice, HW check key (fill-in)
3) SB p. 12 – 13, speaking.
1) Revise all Unit 1 for the test. Revise SB p. 6 – 7 (full and auxiliary verbs) , p. 9 questions and short answers, vocabulary from the text p. 10 – 11, vocabulary from p. 13 Everyday English, and also words from news in levels.
2) Revise ´noodles´ we did, especially 1.4., 1.11., and fill-ins.
3) Study new words from today´s lesson: to furnish, dozen, a hostage, to recite verses, canyons, equator, humid, according to.
4) SB p. 13 – keeping vocabulary records – answer the questions
5) Have look at, choose any piece of news interesting for you (Level 2), listen to it and make notes. Next lesson you will tell us about it + highlight 3 new words.
Thank you, K.
14.11.2016 Lesson 9
1) Warm-up – news in levels
2) HW check key (fill-in), drill 43
3) Listening p. 12, speaking.
1) Have look at, choose any piece of news interesting for you (Level 2), listen to it and make notes. Next lesson you will tell us about it + highlight 3 new words.
2) Study new words: outcome, march, chant, fortress, malfunction, to eject, a victim, in a row, residents, an alien, mortgage + words from previous lessons + PREPARE 4 QUESTIONS FROM THE NEW WORDS FOR YOUR COLLEAGUES
3) Revise homework 1.3. + 1.4. from last lesson + translation 1.11. – we will revise it next lesson + drill 43.
4) SB p.12 – 13 Vocabulary exe. 1 – 6
5) Revise all Unit 1 the test is coming soon! 🙂
6) Volunteers can try this exercise (vocabulary from the listening)
Thank you, K.
7.11.2016 Lesson 8
1) Warm-up – news in levels
2) Speaking – vocabulary practice, drill 43
3) HW check key, speaking, listening
1) Have look at, choose any piece of news interesting for you (Level 2), listen to it and make notes. Next lesson you will tell us about it + highlight 3 new words.
2) Study new words: malfunction, to eject, a victim, in a row, residents, an alien, mortgage + words from previous lessons
3)Revise homework 1.3. from last lesson + this exercise.
Prepare also translation 1.11. in the noodlebook + drill 43.
4) SB p.12 – 13 Vocabulary exe. 1 – 6
Thank you, K.
31.10.2016 Lesson 7
Today there was only one student, so we practised speaking and vocabulary and also listening.
For next time there is no change in homework – please prepare as for today’s lesson.
Thank you, Katerina R.
24.10.2016 Lesson 6
1) Warm-up – news in levels
2) Speaking – questions, drill 43
3) Vocabulary test, HW check, speaking
1) Have look at, choose any piece of news interesting for you (Level 2), listen to it and make notes. Next lesson you will tell us about it + highlight 3 new words.
2) Study new words: to loot, secretary general (generální tajemník), to put down, endangered, natural habitat, separation, an ally, to announce + words from previous lessons
3) SB p. 11 What do you think? + new vocabulary and this exercise + translation 1.6. in the noodlebook + drill 43.
4) SB p.13 Everyday English exercise 1, 2.
Thank you, K.
17.10.2016 Lesson 5
1) Warm-up – news in levels
2) Speaking – 1.4. translation, drill practice
3) Vocabulary test, HW check, speaking
1) Have look at, choose any piece of news interesting for you (Level 2), listen to it and make notes. Next lesson you will tell us about it + highlight 3 new words.
2) Study new words: ash, to erupt, to evacuate, accordion, life expectancy, a maid of honour, a pupil, a tail, a squirrel, thunder, lightning + words from last lesson (aisle, safe, safety car, to fly a plane, flight attendant, motorway).
3) SB p. 7 exe.5 – refresh
4) Reading p.10 – 11 + exercise 4, 6
Practice listening in the noodlebook (1.4) and drill 43.
Thank you, K.
10.10.2016 Lesson 4
1) Warm-up
2) Speaking – 1.4. translation
3) Vocabulary practice
1) Study again translation 1.4.
2) Study new words: life expectancy, a maid of honour, a pupil, a tail, a squirrel, thunder, lightning + words from last lesson (aisle, safe, safety car, to fly a plane, flight attendant, motorway).
3) SB p. 7 exe.5, p. 9 a class survey (write question 9, 10) + exercise 6
4) Reading p.10 – 11 + exercise 1, 4
Practice listening in the noodlebook (1.4) and drills 33, 43, 40.
– have look at, choose any piece of news interesting for you (Level 2), listen to it and make notes. Next lesson you will tell us about it + highlight 3 new words.
Thank you, K.
3.10.2016 Lesson 3
1) Warm-up
2) Grammar – drills – 27, 33, 39, 40
3) SB p.7 exe.3, p. 8 listening
1) Study translation 1.4. key
2) Study new words: a maid of honour, a pupil, a tail, a squirrel, thunder, lightning + words from last lesson (aisle, safe, safety car, to fly a plane, flight attendant, motorway).
3) SB p. 7 exe.5 !!!, p. 9 a class survey (write question 9, 10) + exercise 6
Practice listening in the noodlebook (1.4) and drills 33, 43, 40.
Thank you, K.
26.9.2016 Lesson 2
1) Warm-up – fill-in questions 1.2. (key )
2) Grammar – drills – 27, 33, 39, 40
3) Vocabulary practice
4) SB p.9 exe.1
1) Prepare translation 1.4.
2) Study new words: a pupil, a tail, a squirrel, thunder, lightning + words from last lesson (aisle, safe, safety car, to fly a plane, flight attendant, motorway).
3) SB p. 7 exe. 3, 5
Practice listening in the noodlebook (1.4) and drills again.
Thank you, K.
19.9.2016 Lesson 1
1) Warm-up – questions about travelling
2) Grammar – drills – 17, 26, 28, 33, 39, 40
3) Vocabulary practice
Prepare this translation 1.4.
Refresh prepositions of time and place. And revise grammar and vocabulary from last book PET Result (conditionals, Past Perfect, reported speech).
New words: aisle, safe, safety car, to fly a plane, flight attendant, motorway.
Bring the book New Headway Intermediate.
Thank you :), K.
30.6.2016 Lesson 12
1) Warm – up transl.14.12
2) Unit 1 New Headway Intermediate
Enjoy your summer holiday 🙂 and speak English if you have the opportunity.
(I´ll see some of you during summer – we are going to revise all we did this term from the book PET Result.)
Thank you, K.
23.6.2016 Lesson 11
1) Warm – up
2) Review of grammar and vocabulary p. 109
3) Start of Unit 1 New Headway Intermediate
1) Do writing task on p. 107
2) new book – p. 6 – 7 finish quiz + exe.1, 3, 5 + exercise +translation
3) Buy a new book Headway Intermediate 4th edition + prepare p. 6 starter, p. 7 quiz +
4) Revise translation 14.12.
Thank you, K.
15.6.2016 Lesson 10
1) Warm – up
2) Test correction
3) Review of grammar and vocabulary p. 108-109
1) Prepare p. 109 exe 5.
2) Do writing task on p. 107
3) Buy a new book Headway Intermediate 4th edition + prepare p. 6 starter, p. 7 quiz + exe.1, 3, 5.
4) Revise translation 14.12.
Thank you, K.
9.6.2016 Lesson 9
1) Warm – up (vocabulary questions)
2) Review of grammar and vocabulary for the test, HW key
3) Test U14
1) Prepare p. 108-109
2) Do writing task on p. 107
3) Buy a new book Headway Intermediate 4th edition
Thank you, K.
2.6.2016 Lesson 8
1) Warm – up (gramar questions)
2) HW check 14.6. fill-in key, translation 14.10.key
3) Vocabulary practice, writing p. 107
1) Refresh grammar (have sthg.done, infinitive of purpose) + all vocabulary of U14 – next time we are going to write a test of Unit 14.
2) Prepare this translation (14.12) – overall revision
3) Do writing task on p. 107
4) Prepare p. 108-109
Thank you, K.
26.5.2016 Lesson 7
1) Warm – up, speaking practice
2) HW check 14.5. fill-in key
3) Vocabulary practice, speaking p. 107
1) Refresh grammar (have sthg.done, infinitive of purpose) + vocabulary of U14 (lawn mower, to substitute, punishment, to dye, waste of money)
2) Prepare this exercise (Fill-in 14.6.) this translation (14.10)
3) Read + prepare p. 107 writing
4) HW – writing p. 101
Thank you, K.
19.5.2016 Lesson 6
1) Warm – up, speaking practice (translation 14.2.)
2) HW check 14.4. fill-in key , questions 14.5. translation key
3) Vocabulary practice, speaking
1) Refresh grammar (have sthg.done – 14.2. translation) + vocabulary of U14 (lawn mower, to substitute, punishment, to dye, waste of money)
2) Prepare this exercise 14.5.+ revise well translations 14.2. and 14.5.
3) Prepare p. 107 – vocabulary exercise 1, 2, 3.
4) HW – writing p. 101
Thank you, K.
12.5.2016 Lesson 5
1) Warm – up, speaking practice
2) HW check 14.3. fill-in key, questions 14.2. translation
3) Grammar p.105
4) Vocabulary practice, speaking
1) Refresh grammar (have sthg.done – 14.2. translation) + vocabulary of U14 (lawn mower, to substitute, punishment, to dye, waste of money)
2) Prepare this exercise + translation
3) Read p. 106
4) HW – writing p. 101
Thank you, K.
5.5.2016 Lesson 4
1) Warm – up, speaking practice 14.1. fill-in + translation
2) Vocabulary practice
3) Grammar practice + key
4) HW check (volunteerHW key), speaking
1) Refresh vocabulary of U14 + translations
2) Revise grammar again (14.2. translation) +this exercise
3) Read + try to complete p. 105 + read p. 106
4) HW – writing p. 101 !!!
Thank you, K.
28.4.2016 Lesson 3
1) Warm – up, speaking practice – vocabulary U14
3) Grammar – HW check p. 103 + key
4) Speaking + listening p. 104
1) Study vocabulary of U14 + (duty, to deliver, postman, to text, a fence, a note, hedge, dry cleaner´s) + refresh translation 14.1. (key1)
2) Revise grammar again (14.2. fill-in) + translation
3) Prepare + complete p. 105
4) HW – writing p. 101 !!! , HW for volunteers – translation
Thank you, K.
Vážení studenti ONLY4, jelikož se pomalu blíží letní prázdniny, dovolujeme si Vám představit naši nabídku na LÉTO 2016:
- TÝDENNÍ INTENZIVNÍ KURZY (sleva 500,-Kč pro současné studenty)
- LETNÍ KONVERZAČNÍ KURZY s Helen (pouze pro úrovně Intermediate a vyšší)
- PŘEKLENOVACÍ KURZY (informace a přihlášky od června 2016)
Věříme, že Vám naše kurzy zpříjemní letní období 🙂
21.4.2016 Lesson 2
1) Warm – up, speaking practice
2) Test correction
3) Start of Unit 14 (speaking, reading, grammar)
1) Study vocabulary on p. 102 and also (duty, to deliver, postman, to text, a fence, a note) + prepare this exercise + translation
2) Study new words on p. 103, prepare exe. 2 grammar (volunteers can try this grammar exercise)
3)Read p. 104
4) HW – writing p. 101 !!!
Thank you, K.
14.4.2016 Lesson 1
1) Warm – up – vocabulary and speaking practice
2) Grammar practice, review of the lesson
3) Test of Unit 13
1) Prepare p. 102 (speaking) and p. 103 (reading)
2) Vocabulary p. 117 Unit 14 – read
3) HW – writing p. 101 !!!
Máte zájem ubytovat na týden zahraničního, anglicky mluvícího studenta
ve vašem domově? Informace a kontakt zde:
Are you interested in accommodating an international, English speaking
student for a week in your home? Info and contact here :
Thank you, K.
7.4.2016 Lesson 12
1) Warm – up – vocabulary practice – questions, explaining
2) Grammar practice, review of the lesson
3) Homework check key1 (13.4. fill-in), key2 (13.7.transl.)
1)Revise all unit again – vocabulary + grammar of all Unit 13 – prepare for TEST
2) Grammar (used to + to be used to)
3) HW – writing p. 101 !!!
Thank you, K.
31.3.2016 Lesson 11
1) Warm – up – questions, mix of translation 13.8.
2) Vocabulary practice, grammar practice
3) Writing p. 101
1) Vocabulary + grammar of all Unit 13 – prepare for TEST
2) Grammar (used to + to be used to), prepare this exercise, translation
3) HW – writing p. 101
Thank you, K.
24.3.2016 Lesson 10
1) Warm – up – questions 13.6. fill-in, mix of translation 13.8.
2) Vocabulary practice, homework check key1, key2
3) Writing p. 101
1) Vocabulary of all Unit 13
2) Refresh translations + this translation +grammar (last HW)
Thank you, K.
17.3.2016 Lesson 9
1) Warm – up (translation 13.3.)
2) Speaking (p.100), homework check p.101 + key1+ key2
3) Grammar – ´used to´p. 99, vocabulary practice
1) Vocabulary p. 98 (a guest, skills, audience, an advert, to apply for a job, a research, advice (noun), glamorous, a career) + from p. 101 exe.1
2) Study translation 13.1. + 13.3. again (more fluently) + refresh homework from last lesson
3) Grammar – exercise, translation
Thank you, K.
10.3.2016 Lesson 8
1) Warm – up (translation 13.1.)
2) Vocabulary practice, homework check key, (volunteer homework key)
3) p. 98 – 99 – reading, p.100 questions
1) Vocabulary p. 98 (a guest, skills, audience, an advert, to apply for a job, a research, advice (noun), glamorous, a career)
2) Study translation 13.1. + 13.3. (more fluently)
3) p. 100 – questions + exe.2 + translation, p. 101 exe.1 + this exercise
Thank you, K.
3.3.2016 Lesson 7
1) Warm – up,vocabulary practice
2) Translation 13.1. – speaking practice
3) p. 98 – 99 – reading, homework check key
1) Vocabulary of Unit 13, study translation 13.1.
2) p. 98 – text + finish exercise on p. 99. + this exercise ( for volunteers – this translation)
3) p. 100 – complete the questions + prepare answers
Thank you, K.
25.2.2016 Lesson 6
1) Warm – up, homework check key1, key2
2) Unit 13 – vocabulary practice, listening
3) p. 98 – 99 – reading
1) Vocabulary of Unit 13, study translation 13.1. (we will start with it next time)
2) p. 98 – text + finish exercise on p. 99. + this translation
3) p. 100 – complete the questions + prepare answers
Thank you, K.
18.2.2016 Lesson 5
1) Warm – up
2) Test correction
2) Star of Unit 13 – vocabulary, listening
1) Homework for the missing students – test correction
2) Unit 13 – p. 96 + p. 117 new vocabulary, prepare this exercise, translation
3) p. 98 – read the text + prepare exercise on p. 99.
Thank you, K.
11.2.2016 Lesson 4
1) Warm – up (questions, adverbs)
2) Vocabulary practice, reported speech
2) Homework check key, test of Unit 12
1) Start Unit 13 – p. 96 wordsearch, p. 97 – just read listening and speaking part
2) p. 98 – read the text + prepare exercise on p. 99.
3) Study new vocabulary p. 117
Thank you, K.
28.1.2016 Lesson 3
1) Warm – up (questions, adverbs – superlative)
2) Translation – questions (adverbs), vocabulary practice
2) Homework check, grammar
1) Refresh all grammar of Unit 12 (noodles, fill-in)
2) Reported questions + imperative – exercise
3) Revise all vocabulary of U12
4) Read + prepare writing p.95
Next week there is spring holiday, enjoy it and see you 11th February – ready for the test!!!
Thank you, K.
21.1.2016 Lesson 2
1) Warm – up (questions, adverbs – comparative, superlative)
2) Translation – questions (adverbs), vocabulary practice, test
2) Homework check key, grammar
1) Refresh grammar of adverbs of Unit 12 – ´noodles´+ fill-ins again
2) Reported questions – exercise
3) Revise vocabulary of U12
4) Read + prepare writing p.95
Thank you 🙂
14.1.2016 Lesson 1
1) Warm – up (questions, speaking about Christmas)
2) Vocabulary practice, translation – questions
2) Homework check, grammar review
1) Refresh grammar of adverbs of Unit 12 – ´noodles´+ fill-ins
2)Reported speech – 93/4 say/tell + this translation + finish
homework from last lesson – key 🙂
3) Revise vocabulary of U12
Thank you.
Lesson 12:
1) Warm – up (questions with irregular verbs)
2) Word order practice
2) Vocabulary practice – Christmas
1) Refresh all fill-ins and translations of Unit 12
2) Prepare exercise – reported speech + exercise
3) Irregular verbs – prepare 4 questions from last test for your colleagues
4) Vocabulary – Holidays, Chrismas.
Thank you. Enjoy your Christmas, and all the best for you in New Year 2016 🙂
Lesson 11:
1) Warm – up (fill-in 12.6., questions 12.10)
2) Irregular verbs test
3) Vocabulary practice (celebrations)
4) Grammar p. 92
1) Prepare exercise – reported speech + exercise
2) Irregular verbs – prepare 4 questions from last test for your colleagues
3) Vocabulary – celebrations (+ pepper, main dish/course, vinegar, crossroads)
4) Prepare speaking on p. 94 exe.4, p. 95 – speaking
Thank you. See you next Thursday – last lesson of this year 🙂
Dovolujeme si Vás upozornit na možnost návštěvy *Týdenních intenzivních
<>* ,
které budou probíhat v naší škole během jarních prázdnin *_1.2.-5.2.
2016_.* Naši současní studenti obdrží automaticky slevu *500,-Kč.*
Přihlášku a detailní informace o kurzech získáte na našich webových
stránkách nebo v kanceláři školy.
Lesson 10:
1) Warm – up (questions 12.5., 12.6.)
2) Irregular verbs test
3) Vocabulary practice (celebrations)
4) Grammar p. 92
1) Revise homework 12.6. + 12.10. (we will start with them)
2) Irregular verbs – 2nd column on p.118. (pronunciation, meaning)
3) Vocabulary – celebrations (+ pepper, main dish/course, vinegar, crossroads)
4) Prepare speaking on p. 94 exe.4, p. 95 – speaking
Thank you. 🙂
Lesson 9:
1) Warm – up (questions 12.5., 12.6.)
2) Irregular verbs test
3) Vocabulary practice
4) Homework check (key1 , key 2), speaking.
1) Revise translations again 12.5. + 12.6. (we will start with them)
2) Irregular verbs – 2nd column on p.118. (pronunciation, meaning)
3) Vocabulary from previous lessons + celebrations (revise also the homework)
4) Read p. 92 – 93 grammar
Thank you. See you next Thursday 🙂
Lesson 8:
1) Warm – up (fill-in 12.4. – adverbs)
2) Irregular verbs test + vocabulary practice, homework check key
3) SB p. 94 – celebrations
1) Revise translations 12.5. + 12.6. (we will start with them)
2) Irregular verbs – 2nd column on p.118. (pronunciation, meaning)
3) Refresh again vocabulary from previous lessons!!! (hot, spicy, mild, salty, sweet, sour, bitter, p. 117 + poultry, wholemeal, flavour, flakes…) + new words (a candy, mustard, pickled, flour, frame, a will)
4) Prepare this exercise and translation
Study well and regularly and don´t forget – next week you have a HOLIDAY 🙂
Thank you.
Lesson 7:
1) Warm – up (fill-in 12.2. – adverbs)
3) Irregular verbs test + vocabulary practice
4) Listening practice, speaking
1)Study new vocabulary from the listening (hot, spicy, mild, salty, sweet, sour, bitter – also on p. 117), irregular verbs – 2nd column on p.118. (pronunciation, meaning)
2) Revise exercises 12.4. + 12.5. (we will start with them) + this translation
3) SB p.94 – all page (exercises 1, 2, 3, 4) + prepare description of the photographs
Thank you. Have a nice weekend and see you next Thursday 🙂
Lesson 6:
1) Warm – up (questions 12.1. – vocabulary)
2) Vocabulary (p. 117) + irregular verbs test
3) Grammar explanation + practice
4) Homework check – SB + key
1) Study irregular verbs – 1st + 2nd column on p.118. + vocabulary – p. 90 and p. 117
2) Revise exercises 12.2. + 12.3. (we will start with them) + this exercise and this translation
3) SB p.92 / 3 – answers to the questions, p. 93 – speaking (read + prepare answers)
Thank you. Have a nice weekend ans see you next Thursday.
Lesson 5:
1) Warm – up (questions 12.1. – vocabulary)
2) Vocabulary (p. 117) + irregular verbs test
3) Homework check – SB + key
4) Grammar
1) Study irregular verbs – 1st column on p.118 again, drills 40, 39, 55.
2) New vocabulary – p. 90 and p. 117 + the translation 12.1. from last lesson again!
3) SB p.92 / 3 – answers to the questions, p. 93 – speaking (read + prepare answers)
4) Grammar – this exercise (superlative adverbs)
Thank you. See you next Thursday.
Vážení uživatelé mobilní aplikace ONLY4, chceme Vám sdělit, že aplikace
s drily pro Android je opět plně funkční. Jenom je nutné, abyste
provedli její aktualizaci.
Potěšíme i majitele tabletů, kde nyní aplikace také funguje.
Co se týká aplikace pro IOS (Apple) je bohužel stále v procesu oprav.
Budeme se snažit ji spustit co nejdříve. Děkujeme za pochopení.
Lesson 4:
1) Warm – up (questions in Past Simple)
2) Irregular verbs practice, pronunciation
4) Student´s book p. 90 – 91 grammar
1) Study irregular verbs – 1st column on p.118 again, drill 40, 39, 55.
2) Revise new vocabulary – p. 90 and p. 117 + the translation 12.1. from last lesson
3) SB p. 91 exe.2, 3, + this exercise p. 92 – read the part ´listening´
Thank you. See you next Thursday!
Vážení uživatelé mobilní aplikace ONLY4, chceme Vám sdělit, že aplikace
s drily pro Android je opět plně funkční. Jenom je nutné, abyste
provedli její aktualizaci.
Potěšíme i majitele tabletů, kde nyní aplikace také funguje.
Co se týká aplikace pro IOS (Apple) je bohužel stále v procesu oprav.
Budeme se snažit ji spustit co nejdříve. Děkujeme za pochopení.
Lesson 3:
1) Warm-up, questions (how much/many)
2) Irregular verbs, drill 40, homework check key
3) SB p. 90 – new vocabulary
1) Study irregular verbs – 1st column on p.118, drill 40, 39, 55.
2) Revise new vocabulary – p. 90 and p. 117 – food + this exercise
3) Don´t forget about the translation!!! – questions (copy from the lesson)
4) Prepare this translation
Thank you!
Lesson 2:
1) Warm-up, questions about travelling key
3) Vocabulary competition
1) Revise irregular verbs, drill 40, 39, 55.
2) Prepare p. 90 + 91 (only part Reading)
3) Don´t forget about the translation – questions (copy from the lesson)
4) Prepare translation – Past Simple + Continuous translation
Thank you!
Lesson 1:
1) Introducing each other, speaking
2) Grammar – questions (auxiliary verbs)
3) Drills – 17 (Present Simple + adverbs of frequency), 33 (Present Simple X Continuous)
4) Vocabulary practice
1) Revise irregular verbs + Past Tenses (Past Simple, Continuous, Present Perfect), drills 26, 27, 40.
2) Prepare translation – questions (copy from the lesson)
3) Prepare this exercise 1, exercise 2, exercise 3
Thank you!
Best regards,
Katerina R.
p.s. Key for the voluntary homework for Paul – key 1, key 2.
1) Greeting, questions about holiday
2) Grammar – future tenses 10.5.
3) Vocabulary – family
4) Possesives – drill n. 3
Voluntary homework:
Translation noodles 9.3. – the passive, vocabulary – technology homework.
Best regards
Katerina R.
12.8. 2015
1) Greeting, drills 26, 27
2) Irregular verbs test, questions
3) Fill-in 10.2 – vocabulary, noodle 10.2 – phrasal verbs with ´get´
10.5. fill-in – future forms, family members, possessive forms – Unit 10
If we have time, we can also refresh grammar and vocabulary of Unit 9 – the passive, technology, jobs.
Best regards
Katerina R.
1) Greeting, questions practice
2) Drills: 17, 33, 43.
3) Vocabulary practice, explaining, comparative and superlative adjectives speaking.
1) Revise vocabulary of Unit 10 – family, personality adjectives, phralas verbs with ´get´.
2) Past Simple – irregular verbs, future forms
Don´t forget about the next lesson – 12th August 16.00.
Best regards
Katerina R.
1) Greeting, general practice – questions from Unit 11
2) First + second conditional drills, phrasal verbs
3) Test of Unit 11
4) Correction of the test
Enjoy your summer and your holidays.
Don´t forget about your ´preklen´lessons and hope to see you again in September 🙂
Best regards
Katerina R.
1) Greeting, second conditional practice, speaking practice.
2) Phrasal verbs practice – translation 11.9. key
3) Describing pictures, writing – reading (p. 88 – 9), speaking
1)Revise all Unit 11 – we are going to write a test (first and second conditional, phrasal verbs, vocabulary)
2) Refresh all drills and translations of the Unit 11
3) p. 89 – write a similar letter about an environmental problem and what you do about it(100 words)
Thank you.
1) Greeting, second conditional practice, drills 45, 46, speaking practice.
2) Checking HW: translation 11.9. key
3) Vocabulary practice (p. 87)
4) Describing pictures, writing – reading (p. 88 – 9)
1)Study again new vocabulary and phrasal verbs
2) p. 88 speaking – prepare describing pictures exe.1 + p. 89 exe.3
3) p. 89 – read the letter + exe.2 (find mistakes and correct them)
4) Drills from lessons + translations
The test is coming soon!
Please, next lesson it is necessary to finish the plan for summer lessons.
Thank you.
1) Greeting, drills 45, 46, questions 11.5.
2) Checking HW: translation 11.6. key
3) Vocabulary practice (p. 87)
4) Phrasal verbs (p. 88)
1)Study again new vocabulary and phrasal verbs
2) p. 88 speaking – prepare describing pictures exe.1 + p. 89 exe.3
3) p. 89 – read the letter + exe.2 (find mistakes and correct them)
4) Drills from lessons + translation (phrasal verbs)
Please, think well about your plan for summer lessons.
Thank you!
1) Greeting, questions practice 11.7., drill 45, 46
2) Checking HW: translation 11.5. key
3) Listening p. 87, phrasal verbs p.88
1) New vocabulary from p. 87 (litter, rubbish, a statement, come across, spacecraft, spaceship, come off, an astronaut, to cause, a tool, an accident, to land) – study + prepare explaining
2) p. 88 phrasal verbs + prepare answers to exe.1
3) p. 88 speaking – prepare describing pictures exe.1 + p. 89 exe.3
4) Drills from lessons + n.46
5) Prepare translation– 1st + 2nd conditional
Thank you!
1) Greeting, introducing, dril 43, 45
2) Checking HW: Translation 11.7. key
3) SB p. 86 Grammar + speaking
1) translation (Second Conditional)
2) SB p. 87 read the text to listening
3) SB p. 88 – Vocabulary exercise 1, 2 (Phrasal verbs)
4) Drill 46 (Second Conditional) + see lessons
5) Study again questions 11.7. + prepare answers
1) Hello; Drills (43, 70, 45)
2) Checking HW: Translation 11.4. (Zero and first conditional) – Key
3) SB p. 85 / Grammar exercise 3
4) SB p. 86 / Vocabulary
5) Fill in 11.2. (Verbs + prepositions) – Key
1) Translation 11.7. (Verbs + prepositions)
2) SB p. 86 / Grammar (Second Conditional)
3) Drills (see Lessons)
Thank you once again for all the great lessons we had together and I wish you all the best for your next studies of English. We might see again sometime in the future. MT
1) Hello; Drills (43, 70)
2) Translation 11.1. (only Speaking)
3) Zero Conditional and First Conditional (SB 85 / Grammar)
4) Drill 45 (First Conditional)
5) Checking HW: Translation 11.3. (First Conditional) – Key
1) SB p. 85 / Grammar exercise 3 + p. 86 / Vocabulary
2) Translation 11.4. (Zero and First Conditional)
3) WB p. 40 / Vocabulary + Zero and First Conditional
4) Drills (see Lesson)
1) Hello; Drills (43,70)
2) Fill in 11.1. (Vocabulary) –Key
3) SB p. 84 – 85 / Reading
4) Checking HW: Translation 11.1. – Key
5) Zero and first conditional + drill 45
1) SB p. 85 / Grammar
2) Translation 11.3. (First Conditional)
3) Drills (43, 70, 45)
1) Hello; Drills (43, 70)
2) Checking HW: Translation 5.2. Intermediate (Future) – Key
3) Test Unit 10
4) SB p. 84 / Lead in (Vocabulary: to dump rubbish; litter; wildlife; to cause; air pollution; to increase; global warming; to cut down trees; natural habitat; to get rid of sth; suitable; increase in sth; certain; gas)
1) SB p. 84 – 85 / Reading
2) Translation 11.1. (Vocabulary)
2) WB p. 39
3) Drills (see Lesson)
4) New vocabulary (see Lesson)
1) Hello; Drills: 43, 70
2) Fill in 10.5. (Speaking)
3) Checking HW: Translation 10.6. (Future) – Key
4) SB p. 82 – 83 / 1 – 5
1) Translation 5.2. Intermediate (Future)
2) SB p. 84 – 85 / Lead in + Reading
3) Drills (see Lesson)
4) Next time test Unit 10
1) Hello; Getting to know each other
2) Drills: 33, 43, 30
3) Revision of Future tenses + drill 70
4) Fill in 10.5. (Future) – Key
1) Translation 10.6. (Future)
2) SB p. 81 / Writing (do not forget to write your own text in the last exercise)
3) SB p. 82 – 83 / 1 – 5
4) Drills: 43, 70
1) Hello; Drills (43, 55, 47, 30)
2) Checking HW: Translation 10.5. (Possessive pronouns) – Key
3) SB p. 80 / Listening
4) SB p. 81 / Grammar (The Future)
5) Drill 70 (Future)
1) Fill in 10.5. (Future)
2) SB p. 81 / Writing / 1 – 4 (DO NOT forget to write your own text)
3) Drills (43, 55, 47, 30, 70)
1) Hello; Drills (43, 55, 47)
2) Personality adjectives – vocabulary practice
3) Checking HW: Translation 10.3. – Key
4) Fill in 10.4. – Key
5) SB p. 79 / Grammar (Possessive forms)
1) Translation 10.5. (Possessive forms)
2) SB p. 80 / Listening + p. 81 / Grammar (The future)
3) Drills (see Lesson)
Have a nice Easter holiday and see you again next week.
1) Hello; Warm-up; Drills
2) Checking HW: Translation 10.2. (Phrasal verb with GET) – Key
3) SB p. 78 – 79 / Reading
Vocabulary: an anniversary, to arrange sth, a night out, the staff, a season ticket, in advance, a bargain, at reasonable prices, pay on the door, an ice rink, to be worth sth, a special occasion)
1) Translation 10.3. (Vocabulary p. 78-79)
2) SB p. 79 / Grammar (Possessive forms) + p. 80 (Listening)
3) Drills (43, 55, 47, 30)
1) Hello; Drills (43, 55, 47)
2) SB p. 76 / Lead in (Family members)
3) Checking HW: Fill in 10.2. – Personality adjectives (Key)
4) Personality adjectives – definitions
5) SB p. 78 / Vocabulary – phrasal verbs with GET
1) SB p. 78 – 79 / Reading 1 – 3
2) TTranslation 10.2. – Phrasal verbs with GET (all the underlined expressions are phrasal verbs with get)
3) New vocabulary (get up; get rid of; get over sth; get on / off a bus; get in / out of a car; get on with sb; get together; get out of sth; get down; get back; get dressed; get away; get through sth; get by / along)
4) Drills (see Lesson)
Právě probíhá zápis do trimestru duben – červen 2015. Současní studenti se mohou HLÁSIT JIŽ NYNÍ přednostně během tohoto týdne až do 23.BŘEZNA. Od tohoto data již začínáme zařazovat do uvolněných míst nové studenty.
Studenti se mouhou hlásit těmito způsoby:
2. Telefonicky na čísle +420 603 545 030
3. Osobně v kanceláři školy
Kurzovné se platí nejpozději do 31.BŘEZNA a to buď převodem na účet nebo
hotově v kanceláři.
I couldn’t see most of you today in the lesson but I hope that all of you have already applied or will do so soon, so that we can all continue in our great work in the next term. See you on Thursday. MT
1) Drills: 43, 55, 47; Agree / Disagree
2) Checking HW: Fill in 9.4. – Jobs (Key)
3) Test Unit 9
4) SB p. 75 / Writing
5) SB p. 76 / Vocabulary (personality adjectives) – study also the list of vocabulary in SB page 117
1) Fill in 10.2. – Personality adjectives
2) SB p. 76 / Lead in + p. 78 – 79 / Reading exercises 1 – 3
3) SB p. 76 + p. 117 – learn personality adjectives
4) WB p. 35
5) Drills: see Lesson
Enjoy your spring holidays, do not forget to study English regularly and see you again in two weeks:-)
Čt 26.2.2015
1) Drills: 43, 55, 47; Agree / Disagree
2) Fill in 9.5 (HW) – Key
3) SB p. 73 – Listening – fill in the gaps
4) SB p. 74 / Speaking + p.75 / Vocabulary
1) Fill in 9.4.
2) SB p. 75 / Writing (from the last lesson)
3) SB p. 76 / Lead in 2,3 + Vocabulary 1-4
4) Next time test Unit 9
5) Drills: see Lesson
If you have problems with listening exercises please make sure that you borrow the CD from our school office, make a copy and use it at home as often as possible.