Course date:  Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Teacher: Martina Ulrichová,, phone number 732118712

drills- info

VIDEA k procvičení gramatiky

odkaz na oxfordský slovník ke kontrole výslovnosti:

Oxford dictionary 


Homework for January 28th

drills :  75,77 , 94, take

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

episode 139 (Jožin can speak Czech!)

Find and correct the mistake in thïs sentence: He said it in an affect. (Řekl to v afektu)

complete the material FCE page 56/3,4

New vocabulary: cross-country skiing (běžkaření), crew (posádka), sense of humour (smysl pro humor), windshield (přední sklo), passer-by (kolemjdoucí), louse-lice (veš, vši), cactus- cacti (kaktus, kaktusy), alga – algae (řasa, řasy -rostliny), haberdashery (galanterie)

my homework: phosphate free (bez fosfátů)

I hope you will enjoy the video as well as me. Have a funny week:)


Homework for January 21st

drills :  75,77 , 94, take

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

pronunciation problems– very funny- I´m gonna ask you how to pronounce the problematic words correctly:))

Find and correct the mistake in thïs sentence: She has a great sense for humour. (má skvělý smysl pro humor)

Make four lovely questions for me with the new vocabulary.

New vocabulary: wage (mzda měsíční, týdenní..), salary (plat roční), declare war on sb. (vyhlásit někomu válku), zero gravity (stav beztíže), Milky Way (Mléčná dráha), fool (blázen, pitomec), when pigs fly (až naprší a uschne), Greenland (Grónsko), leftovers (zbytky jídla), food carrier (jídlonosič), the earth´s core (zemské jádro), go through hell (projít si peklem), give sb. hell (sprdnout někoho, vynadat), heaven on earth (nebe na zemi), coincidence  (náhoda), in short supply (nedostatkový), humiliate (ponížit, potupit), commit suicide /ˈsuːɪsaɪd/ (spáchat sebevraždu)

I hope you will enjoy the video as well as me. Have a funny week:)


Homework for January 14th

drills :  75,77 , 94, take

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

hell x heaven questions (handout) look up new words

episode 137 wage x salary

Find and correct a mistake in the sentence: Parents should educate their children more strictly.

New vocabulary: relief (úleva), moved  (dojatý), subscriber (předplatitel), violent (násilný, násilnický), spit (plivat), hanky (látkový kapesník), bathrobe (župan), itchy (svědivý), calorie bomb (kalorická bomba), dog breeding kennel (chovatelská stanice psů), speak of the devil (my o vlku …)

Thanks for the perfect lesson (as always). Hope this year will bring us a lot of positive experiences:)


Homework for January 7th

drills :  75,77 , 94, take

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

episode 135-speak of the devil

Find and correct a mistake in the sentence:  Unfortunately, the coffee machine is out of work. (Bohužel, automat na kávu je mimo provoz)

New vocabulary: gesture (gesto, posunek, gestikulovat), batch (várka, dávka) e.g. batch of cookies, yolk (žloutek), white (bílek), vanilla pod (vanilkový lusk), sieve (sítko), give it a go (zkusit, prubnout to), test results (výsledky testů), change trains (přestoupit z vlaku na vlak), fast train (rychlík), compartment (kupé), landlady (paní domácí), out of sight (z dohledu), make a scene /siːn/ (dělat scénu)

Thanks for the yummy egg nog. Wishing you a white Christmas! (And when you run out of white, just open a bottle of red). See you in 2025.


Homework for December 17th

drills :  75,77 , 94, take

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

episode 134 – give it a go

Find and correct a mistake in the sentence:  The tests were not very good. Ty testy nebyly moc dobré (učitel žákům)

Translate the conversation – matter expressions (handout)

New vocabulary: crash barrier (svodidla), truck (kamion), lungs (plíce), thicken (zahustit), water slide (tobogán, skluzavka v bazénu), possessed by the devil (posedlý ďáblem), nipple (bradavka)

my homework: femoral neck fracture (zlomenina krčku stehenní kosti)

Looking forward to our Christmas lesson:)


Homework for December 10th

drills :  75,77 , 94, take

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

episode 133 so x too

Find and correct a mistake in the sentence:There is a toboggan in Uherský Brod. (V Uherském Brodě je tobogán)

Complete the worksheet which I gave you in the lesson (expressions with MIND)

New vocabulary: carol (koleda), sarcastic (sarkastický), ironic (ironický), miss the boat (ujet vlak, minout příležitost), pocket money (kapesné), justice (spravedlnost)

Have a good one. See you next Tue:)


Homework for December 3rd

drills :  75,77 , 94, take

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

episode 131

Find and correct a mistake in the sentence: You learnt me that wrong.  (naučil jsi mě to špatně)

fill in 4.6 – print and complete  

BTW, I found three mistakes in this fill in. Can you find them too?

New vocabulary:walkie-talkie (vysílačka), Advent wreath (adventní věnec), glue gun (lepicí pistole), water tap/faucet (vodovodní baterie), armpit (podpaží), lack (chybět, nemít dost), con artist (podvodník), sin (hřích, hřešit), it´s a good job that (ještěže, dobře že…)

Have a relaxing week:)) Take care.


Homework for November 27th

drills :  75,77 , 94 phrasal verbs with take

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

episode 130

Find and correct a mistake in this sentence: Our water battery has broken. (Naše vodovodní baterie se pokazila)

Make two questions with the new vocab and two questions with phrasal verbs with take.

New vocabulary: cause (způsobit), take a test (psát test, písemku- ne write a test) , civics (občanská nauka), abuse (zneužít např. děti), species (druhy- zvířat), distinguish (rozlišit, rozeznat, odlišit), I´m ashamed of myself (stydím se za sebe), sword (meč), crowbar (páčidlo)

phrasal verbs with take: take back (vrátit zpět do obchodu, odvolat- co jsem řekl, vrátit se zpět do minulosti, vzít někoho zpět domů), take in (rozumět, oklamat), take off (napodobovat- parodovat, stát se populární, ujmout se), take on (zaměstnat-nabrat, vzít na sebe – úkol..), take apart (rozložit- rozebrat na díly, dát co proto, porazit), take up (začít se věnovat, zkrátit- oděv)

Have a lovely week and c u on Tue:)


Homework for November 20th

drills :  75,77 + 94

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

noo 3.11 Pre, 4th print and translate – bring it again

episode 129

Find and correct a mistake in this sentence: The problem are people. Not their dogs.

phrasal verbs with take- print and complete

New vocabulary: set a record (udělat rekord) x make a record (nahrát desku), mould (plíseň), clean (jasný, průhledný, srozumitelný) clear sky ( nebe bez mráčků), clear picture/sound (čistý obraz/zvuk), Is it clear? (je to jasné, rozumíš?), clean (čistý, nezávadný) – clean water (čistá voda, nezávadná k pití), the kitchen is clean (kuchyň je čistá-uklizená), pure (čistý, bez příměsí, upřímný, ryzí, vysoce kvalitní) e.g. pure water (průzračně čistá voda např. Evian), pure joy, love (čistá radost, opravdová láska), pure intentions (ryzí úmysly), SatNav (satelitní navigace), man flu (mužská rýmečka:)

Have an awesome week:)


Homework for November 12th

drills :  75,77 + 94

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

complete the test (clean, clear, pure)-handout

noo 3.11 Pre, 4th print and translate

Find and correct a mistake in this sentence: Tom has just made a record! Tom právě udělal rekord!

New vocabulary: presbytery (fara), court (soud), call/declare a truce (vyhlásit příměří), runny nose (rýma), drizzle (mrholení), bend (zatáčka), inquiring mind (zvídavá mysl), duke (vévoda), hubby, my better half (manžílek, drahá polovička), wifey (ženuška), old lady, her indoors (other informal expressions for a wife)

You rock! See you on Tue:)


Homework for November 6th (Wednesday:)

drills :  75,77 + 94 (new and very easy one)

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

episode 128- husband and wife slang- you will love it:)

Renaissance man complete the gaps 1-8 with one word each (e.g. a, the, prepositions etc.) , look up new words

Find and correct a mistake in this sentence: There is warm. (Je tam horko)

New vocabulary: musical (muzikál), imagination (fantazie), unpredictable (nepředvídatelný), horsefly (ovád), horsehair (žíně), horse opera (western), horseradish (křen), horseshoe (podkova), eat like a horse (hodně jíst), hold your horses (počkej), Never look a gift horse in the mouth (darovanému koni na zuby nehleď), Once upon a time in the West (Tenkrát na západě), review (recenze, kritika), give sb. the benefit of the doubt (důvěřovat někomu, i když mám důvod pochybovat)

Have a superb week and see you on Wednesday:))


Homework for October 29th

drills :  75,77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

episode 127

questions 4.7 FCE print and translate

Find and correct a mistake in this sentence: She has no fantasy. (nemá žádnou fantazii)

New vocabulary: dance floor (taneční parket), doctor´s office (ordinace), trainee (zaškolující se osoba), ratio (poměr), chord (akord), peace accord (mírová dohoda), out of tune (falešně), act (hrát- herec), play  (divadelní hra), play a role (hrát roli), tome (bichle), gripping (napínavý), book worm (knihomol), plot (zápletka, děj), volume (díl z cyklu knih, např. encyklopedie)

Stay awesome, see you next Tue:)


Homework for October 15th

drills :  75,77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

episode 124

Complete: A sad story of a sad man (use present perfect or past simple)

take a test (like x as)- circle the correct translation

Find and correct a mistake in this sentence:  Practise makes perfect. 

New vocabulary:puff pastry (listové těsto), knead (hníst- těsto), taste buds (chuťové pohárky), receptor (receptor, čidlo), broaden one´s horizons (rozšířit si obzory, rozhled), colour-blind (barvoslepý), to a large extent (do značné míry),parasol (bedla), blessing in disguise (štěstí v neštěstí), rerun (opakování, repríza), B2B= business to business (mezifiremní), on (the) one hand … on the other hand (na jedné straně….na druhou stranu…srovnání)

Our lessons broaden our horizons:)) Have a splendid week:)


Homework for October 8th

drills :  75,77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

episode 123

Read the text about Millennials. Look up new words.

Find and correct a mistake in this sentence: On one side I like him, but on the other side, he is so selfish.

New vocabulary: on the doorstep (za humny, blízko, co by kamenem dohodil), fragile (křehký), investigator (vyšetřovatel), carelessness (neopatrnost, nedbalost), novel (román), latchkey kids (děti s klíčem na krku), circumstances (okolnosti), self-reliant (soběstačný), upbringing (výchova – dětí)

Have a flawless week:)


Homework for October 1st

drills :  75,77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

episode 122 (Spěváček is becoming funnier and funnier and Jožin can speak:)))

Read the text about Generation X. Look up new words.

Find and correct a mistake in this sentence: I hate onion:)))

New vocabulary: coach potato (pecivál), hot potato (ožehavé téma, problém), jacket potato (brambor pečený ve slupce), mouse potato (počítatový maniak), parachute (padák), quote (citát), walk on crutches  (chodit o berlích), knitting machine (pletací stroj), beetroot (červená řepa), value (vážit si)

Enjoy the Indian summer and see you soon:)


Homework for September 24th

drills :  75,77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

episode 121

Bring the questions which I gave you again.

Read the text about Baby Boomer Generation. Look up new words.

Find and correct a mistake in this sentence: Visitors of Brno are always happy. (Návštěvníci Brna jsou vždy šťastní)

New vocabulary: cut a long story short (zkrátit to- při vyprávění), flatter (lichotit), be playing up (zlobit, vypovídat službu- tělo, stroj), cliffhanger (otevřený konec- filmu ), case (případ), multiplication table (násobilka)

How to end a letter, email: formal: Yours sincerely. Yours faithfully.  Neutral: Best regards. Best wishes.   Informal: Yours. See you soon. Love. Take care.

my homework: public prosecutor (státní zástupce)

I hope you will manage everything you need, even though you have a lot on your plate nowadays. Love M.


Homework for September 17 th

drills :  75,77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

episode 120

Bring the questions which I gave you, look up new words

Find and correct a mistake in this sentence: You can count with her. (Můžeš s ní počítat, spolehnout se na ni)

New vocabulary: ski jump  (skokanský můstek), bishop (biskup), accordion (harmonika – tahací), goat (koza), goose (husa), blind (slepý), knight (rytíř), heal (vyléčit se), heel (pata)

idiom: been there, done that  = INFORMAL   used to express past experience of or overfamiliarity with something.

„I’ve been there, done that, got the video and the T-shirt“

Have a wonderul week. Catch you later:)


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for June 18th

drills :  75,77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

questions 4.2 FCE

episode 118

New vocabulary: rock climber (horolezec), marmot /ˈmɑːrmət/ (svišť), valley /ˈvæli/ (údolí), glacier /ˈɡlæsiə(r)/ (horský ledovec), iceberg  /ˈaɪsbɜːrɡ/(ledovec- plovoucí), hail (kroupy), emergency landing (nouzové přistání), e.g. The pilot was forced to make an emergency landing. (pilot byl donucen nouzově přistát), count on sth. (počítat s něčím), Geneva /dʒəˌniːvə/ (Ženeva), altitude (nadmořská výška e.g. at an altitude of something We are flying at an altitude of 6 000 metres.)

Have a lovely weekend filled with sunshine:)


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for June 11th

drills :  75,77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

fill in 3.6 FCE bring it again, we are gonna use the questions for the conversation

episode 116

New vocabulary: on all fours (na všech čtyřech), on a daily basis (každodenně), on fire (vést si dobře), on schedule (podle plánu, přesně načas, v termínu), go through hell (projít si peklem, něčím složitým, nepříjemným), mascot of sth. (maskot)

You are on fire:) Bye:)


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for May 28th

drills :  54,56,75,77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

fill in 3.6 FCE print and complete

episode 115

New vocabulary: bud (výhonek, pupen), spruce (smrk),willow (vrba), sports commentator (sportovní komentátor), border area (pohraničí), lack (postrádat, mít nedostatek), hang out (potloukat, poflakovat se), hand in sth. (odevzdat něco- např. úkol), bring up sb. (vychovat- dítě), bring up sth. (nadnést – téma), hold on (počkat, mít strpení), hang up (zavěsit telefon), break up with sb. (rozejít se s ,,,)

Dream big, stay awesome. Bye for now.


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for May 21st

drills :  54,56,77 + 75 

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

bring x take – circle the correct option (handout)

episode 114 – cheap idioms

New vocabulary: roots (kořeny), vine (popínavá rostlina), azalea  /əˈzeɪliə/ (azalka), relative (příbuzný), fall asleep (usnout), dishwasher (myčka), cross that bridge whe you come to it (nač stahovat kalhoty, když je brod daleko), raincoat (pláštěnka)

Have a superb week. See ya.


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for May 14th

drills :  54,56,77 + 75 

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

fill in 3.5 FCE

episode 113

New vocabulary: scrape (odřenina), pedal (šlapat – do pedálů), have your arm in plaster (mít ruku v sádře), midwife (porodní bába), runny nose (tečení z nosu, rýma), blow your nose (smrkat), train driver (strojvůdce), carriage (vagón), fill in a form (vyplnit formulář), @ = at  , curry plant (maggi rostlinka- Smil italský),

Fialka = Crystal violet 

Every cloud has a silver lining:)) Get better soon and see you next time:)


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for May 7th

drills :  54,56,77 + 75 (new)+ corrections

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

episode 112

questions 3.8 FCE phrasal verbs with put translate

New vocabulary: funfair (pouť), bouncy castle (skákací hrad), candyfloss (BrE) / cotton candy (AmE) (cukrová vata), publican (hospodský), bully sb. (šikanovat někoho), bullying (šikana), artificial sweetener (umělé sladidlo)

Proverbs: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (kam nechodí slunce, tam chodí lékař). Appearances are deceptive. (zdání klame), Business before pleasure. (Nejdřív práce, potom zábava), All´s well that ends well. (konec dobrý, všechno dobré)

All´s well that ends well (including our lesson:)) See you next week.


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for April 30th

drills :  54,56,77 + 75 (new)

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

phrasal verbs with put – print it out, very useful:)

episode 111

questions 3.8 FCE phrasal verbs with put translate

New vocabulary: tie your shoelaces (zavázat si tkaničky), return ticket (páteční jízdenka), conductor, ticket collector (průvodčí), carriage (vagon), league (liga), assemble (sestavit, smontovat), extinguish (uhasit), knick-knack (tretka), willy-nilly (halabala), chit-chat (povídání, tlachání), dilly-dally (loudat se), it´s not rocket science (není to žádná věda)

Enjoy the new drill  it´s not rocket science:) See you next Tue.


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for April 16th

drills :  54,56,77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze

episode 110

New vocabulary: decision (rozhodnutí), chaperone (garde), simplify (zjednodušit), layabout (povaleč, flákač), wink (mrkat), fire sb. (vyhodit někoho z práce), be fired (být vyhozen z práce)

Looking forward to seeing you with your and my shining eyes:))

SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for April 9th

drills :  54,56,77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-freeze (new)

Upper 1.4  bring it again

episode 109

New vocabulary: self-fertile kiwi (samosprašné kiwi), stall (stánek), kill two birds with one stone (zabít dvě mouchy jednou ranou), drunken (věčně opilý), sailor (námořník), razor (břitva), rusty (rezavý), sober (střízlivý), hosepipe (hadice)

I do like our philosophical lessons:)) See you on Tue.



SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for April 2nd

drills :  54,56,77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

Upper 1.4  print and translate

episode 108

New vocabulary: moved (dojatý), conductor (dirigent), conduct (dirigovat), crow (vrána), slot machine (herní automat), roulette  /ruːˈlet/(ruleta), make a toast (pronést přípitek), casino /kəˈsiːnəʊ/ (kasino), playwright (dramatik, autor divadelních her), soloist /ˈsəʊləʊɪst/ (sólista), H- A- N- D =have a nice day. IICR- If I remember correctly, IKR = I know, right?

Voluntary vocabulary- how animals go: dog- woof, cow- moo, hen- cluck, frog- ribbit- cat- meow, goat – bleat, bird- tweet, sheep- baa, pig- oink, crow- caw , duck- quack

Happy Easter:))


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for March 26th

drills :  54,56,90 +77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

episode 107

questions 1.3 bring the questions again:)

New vocabulary: approachable (přístupný, přátelský), log (poleno, lodní, palubní deník), sleep like a log (spát jako dřevo), coriander (koriandr), lemon balm (meduňka), chives (pažitka), plumber (instalatér), season (kořenit), sprinkle (posypat), crispy (křupavý), fruit fly (octomilka), urine (moč)

Have a sunny week and see you soon.


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for March 19th

drills :  54,56,90 +77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

episode 106

questions 1.3

New vocabulary: horny (nadržený), go back to the drawing board (začít znovu od nuly), finger food (chuťovky, jednohubky…), mouth- watering (lahodně vypadající, sbíhají se sliny), write in longhand (psát psacím písmem), in block letters (tiskacím)

Voluntary vocab:  chop-chop (šup, šup), ahem (ehm), blah,blah,blah (bla,bla,bla), chin-chin (na zdraví), ta-ta (pa), oops (jejda, ajaj), ouch (auvajs), yuck (fuj), boo (fuj- vypískat někoho), hey (hej, haló)

Fantastic work:) On a scale from 1 to 10, you are an 11:)  Take care.


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM,

Homework for March 12th

drills :  54,56,90 +77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

episode 105

fill in page 84 Interm.

New vocabulary: unaccountable (nevysvětlitelný), take French leave (mít áčko v práci), cuckold (paroháč), recite (recitovat), strap (ramínko – tašky, halenky), grater (struhadlo), washing powder (prášek na praní), remote control (dálkový ovladač), dustpan and brush (lopatka a smetáček), tin opener (otvírák na konzervy), bulb (žárovka), tape measure (metr), rubber band (gumička), drawing pin (připínáček), tweezers (pinzeta), padlock (visací zámek)

Another absolutely gorgeous lesson. Ta-ta:)


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for February 27th

drills :  54,56,90 +77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

episode 104 very easy

questions 1.2 Upper bring it again:)

New vocabulary: gamekeeper´s lodge  (hájovna), game (lovná zvěř), bribe (úplatek), safe (trezor), 143 = I love you, GAL = get a life (začni žít!), DWBH (don´t worry, be happy), tie the knot (vzít se), blind date (rande naslepo), get dumped (dostat kopačky), love to pieces (milovat k sežrání), double date (dvojité rande), fall for someone (zamilovat se do někoho), find Mr. Right (najít toho pravého), pop the question (požádat o ruku), go Dutch (platit zvlášť)

Have a magical week:) Take care.


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM,

Homework for February 20th

drills :  54,56,90 +77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

episode 103  The secret language of teens:)

questions 1.2 Upper

New vocabulary: diarrhoea (průjem), sugar cane (cukrová třtina), cigar (doutník), whale (velryba), wheat (pšenice), oat (oves), rye (žito), bread starter (kvásek), sourdough bread (kváskový chléb), golden chain (zlatý déšť)

Thanks for such a nice chit-chat and see you next Tue:)


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM,

Homework for February 13th

drills :  54,56,90 +77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

episode 102

questions 1.2 Upper

New vocabulary: I get it (rozumím), I don´t get it. (nerozumím), Anytime (kdykoliv- jako odpověď na Thank you), Can I tag along? (můžu se přidat, připojit?), It´s on me. (platím, je to na můj účet), go/turn pale (zblednout), values (hodnoty),

Enjoy the holiday as much as possible:))


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM,

Homework for January 23rd

drills :  54,56,90 +77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

past tenses – test complete the story:)

episode 101

New vocabulary: ice rink (kluziště), virtual reality (virtuální realita), blend in with the crowd (splynout s davem), race (rasa lidská), cocky guy (namyšlený chlápek), narcissist (narcis), commit suicide (spáchat sebevraždu),  coffee roasting plant (pražírna kávy), treacherous (zrádný), direct flight (přímý let)

You are the bee´s knees:)) See you next time:)


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM,

Homework for January 16th

drills :  54,56,90 +77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed (I´m gonna test you:)

bring the list of questions which I gave you in the lesson. Look up any new vocabulary.

Spěváček episode 100:) quite funny

New vocabulary: sceptic (skeptik), sceptical (skeptický), chopsticks (jídelní hůlky), get a lof ot stick (dostat vynadáno, sprďana), sticks of celery (řapíkatý celer), live in the sticks (žít v zapadákově), out of curiosity (ze zvědavosti),

See you very soon:)


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM,

Homework for January 9th

drills :  54,56,90 +77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

Fill in 1.1 Up. print and complete

episode 99

New vocabulary: mushy peas (hrášková kaše), cod (treska), forward a message (přeposlat zprávu), only child (jedináček), hand in sth. (odevzdat něco), vivid imagination (živá představivost), spacious living room (prostorný obývací pokoj), give a performance (mít vystoupení), break the law (porušit zákon), squander money (prohýřit peníze), break the silence (prolomit ticho), within commuting distance (v dojezdu), painfully slow (zoufale pomalý), call it a day (padla- v práci), have seconds thoughts about (mít pochybnosti o), heated discussion (vášnivá debata)

Can´t wait to see you in 2024:)


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM,

Homework for December 5th

drills :  54,56,90 +77

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

fill in 2.6 FCE Result print and complete

episode 98 fish and chips (such a delicious episode:)

New vocabulary: carpool  (sdílení vozidel, společná doprava),  windmill (větrný mlýn), fan (fanoušek, vějíř, větrák), flour (mouka), hit home (dojít- někomu něco, uvědomit si), wig (paruka), mist (opar, lehká mlha), JK = just kidding, LMK = let me know, NMU = Not much, you?

Have a delicous week and see you soon:)


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM,

Homework for November 28th

drills :  54,56,90 +77(new)

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

do the test here  (verb patterns with Alex – watch the video before taking the test:)

fill in 2.6 FCE Result print and complete

episode 97 Enjoy one minute with Spěváček and Jožin

New vocabulary: stork (čáp), amount (množství), pirates (piráti), push snooze (odložit vstávání), rise and shine (s chutí do nového dne), whip up (rychle něco ukuchtit), run some errands (vyřídit pochůzky), veg out (odpočívat, vegetit), zone out (vypnout)

Have a wonderful week and zone out sometimes:)


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM,

Homework for November 21 st

drills :  54,56,90

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

do the test I gave you in the lesson (verb patterns, FCE level)

noodles 10.6

English grammar with Alex   I recommend that you watch this video

very + adjective revise the vocab

New vocabulary: hire (pronajmout si např. auto), rent (pronajmout např. byt), lease (pronajmout – něco na delší dobu), duck (kachna), puree (pyré), job interview (pracovní pohovor), It serves you right! (dobře ti tak, patří ti to), boisterous (divoký – kluci), prop (rekvizita -v divadle), sluggish (pomalý, líný, vlekoucí se), starving (velmi hladový, umírající hlady), cut-throath (nemilosrdný, vražedný), livid (rozzuřený), baffled (zmatený, bezradný)

Such a great conversation as always:))


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM,

Homework for November 14th

drills :  54,56,90

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

noodles 10.6

episode 96

New vocabulary: freelance (na volné noze, nezávislý), freelancer (člověk pracující na volné noze), Never give up! (nikdy se nevzdávej), hoe (motyka), treasure hunter (hledač pokladů), invention (vynález), equator (rovník), elf (skřítek), controversial (kontroverzní), campfire stick (opékačka), come to think of it (když nad tím tak přemýšlím..)

Enjoy Saint Martin´s weekend. See ya.



SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM,

Homework for November 7th

drills :  54,56,90

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

noodles 10.4 Interm. (bring it again, we are gonna discuss the questions)

Creative homework: look up three things which are connected with your hobby. Draw some crazy pictures, I´ll do it too. We will guess what is in the pictures:)

New vocabulary: orchard (sad), the ruins of a castle (zřícenina hradu), treasure (poklad), treasury (státní pokladna), chest (bedna, truhla), ribbon (stuha), air gun (vzduchovka), remote control (dálkové ovládání), scruffy (ošuntělý), thorough (důkladný), through (skrz), thought (myslet- past simple), though (ačkoliv), taught (učit-past simple), tough (drsný, tvrdý)

episode 95

Looking forward to your crazy pictures:)) Take care.


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for October 31st

drills :  54,56,90

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

noodles 10.4 Interm.

New vocabulary: spa wafer (lázeňská oplatka), inherit (zdědit), mint (máta), flint  (pazourek), tint (nádech, odstín), hint (nápověda, náznak), pint (pinta), oven glove (chňapka), kettle (rychlovarná konvice), strainer (cedník), napkin (ubrousek), ladle (naběračka), apron (zástěra), grater (struhadlo), All Souls´ Day (Dušičky)

episode 94

Enjoy the autumn break , relax and I´ll see you next week. Until they bye, bye.


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for October 24th

drills :  54,56,90

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

Creative homework: go to your kitchen and find three things which you can´t name in English. Ask uncle Google (or a good dictionary) to translate it into English. You could share the photos via Whatsapp.

noodles 10.4 Interm.

New vocabulary: calf (tele), make matters worse (zhoršit situaci), all talk and no action (skutek utek), ask for the moon (chtít nemožné)

English is stupid watch and learn new vocab:)

Good luck with your exam:)) I will be sending the posivite energy next Wednesday aroud 10:30:)


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for October 10th

drills :  54,56,90

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

make three questions for me using the new vocab.

New vocabulary: Dominican Republic (Dominikánská republika), the carrot and the stick approach (cukr a bič), trade show (veletrh), greesy spoon (putyka), mine (důl), moonlight (melouchařit), willow (vrba), black pudding (jelito)

episode 93

Another fantastic lesson:)) Take care:)


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for October 3rd

drills :  54,56,90

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

Czenglish test print it out and do it:))

New vocabulary: cubicle (kabinka na WC), overcrowded (přeplněný lidmi), get on/off the bus (nastoupit, vystoupit), placenta /pləˈsentə/, cholk (křída), cheeky (drzý), these days, nowadays (v těchto dnech) , abnormal (podivný), decode (rozluštit, dekódovat)

episode 92 Mr. Spěváček is back with full English breakfast:))

I do love your stories:)) Stay awesome:)


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for September 26th

drills :  54,56,90

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

Make 4 interesting questions with the new vocab.

New vocabulary: trolley (nákupní vozík), sponge (houba, piškot-moučník), pulled pork (trhané vepřové), watch face (ciferník hodinek), plunger (zvon k čištění odtoku), set book (povinná četba- kniha), row /rəʊ/- řada x row /raʊ/ (hádka), peers (vrstevníci), quantum physics (kvantová fyzika), It´s a matter of principle (jde o princip), harp (harfa)

Do you believe in magic? Quantum physics is magic:) See ya:)


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for September 19th

drills :  54,56,90

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

reflexive pronouns – test  print it out and complete the sentences. You can use every expression only once.

New vocabulary: country pancake (kravinec), country bumpking (venkovský balík), lenght (délka), width (šířka), depth (hloubka), colonel (plukovník), poor thing (chudáček), potato phone (hloupý telefon- jakýkoliv mimo smartphone), dirt-cheap (směšně laciný), pair of compasses (kružítko)

 What´s your English level? (very short test with vocab) Did you learn anything new?

I hope your English level is between B2 and C2. See you soon:))


SAB5, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for September 12th

drills :  56 ,54 ,90 

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

Make three questions for my using the words from the video (follow the link below)

New vocabulary: grind (brousit, mlít), coffee grinder (mlýnek na kávu), china (porcelán), vinyl (vinyl, také gramofonová deska), bench (lavička), good deed (dobrý skutek), binge (hýřit), manly (mužný, mužský), It went swimmingly (šlo to samo), It goes without saying. (to se rozumí samo sebou, bez říkání ), It speaks for itself. (to mluví samo za sebe)

test your pronunciation with Broňa

I would like to know how many poits you scored:)

Binge studying isn´t healthy, relax from time to time:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for September 6th (I will let you know)

drills :  56 ,54 + 90 (gooood job)

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

fill in 10.2 Interm. – handout

New vocabulary: ban (zakázat), carbs (uhlohydráty), veg (zelenina), expectation (očekávání), gotcha (inf. – aha, chápu = I understand what you are trying to say), in a random order (v náhodném pořadí)

episode 91

You are such a creative student:)) Have a creative day:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for August 29th

drills :  56 ,54 + 90 (new)

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

Do the exercise which I gave you in the lesson.

New vocabulary: rooster (kohout), morning star (jitřenka), evening star (večernice), silly season (okurková sezona), investment (investice), stock market (burza), selfish (sobecký), foot/football tennis  (nohejbal), cut sb. some slack (být shovívavý)

episode 90 pretty easy:))

BTW I was right about the morning and evening star. It´s the same one, in fact is the  planet Venus. here and here

Good luck with learning for your big exam:)) Enjoy the lovely sunny days:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for next lesson (let me know via Whatsapp)

drills :  82, 56 ,54

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

Look up at least three interesting pieces of information about the year you were born.

make three questions for me with the new vocabulary.

New vocabulary:henhouse (kurník), abyss (propast), e.g. Hranice abyss, Macocha abyss etc. , fancy a cuppa= would you like a cup of tea? , fancy sb. (balit někoho), fancy (fajnový, vybraný), cave (jeskyně), cable car (lanovka)

sh** expressions

episode 89

It´s a small world, isn´t it? Stay awesome:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for August 1st

drills :  82, 56 ,54

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

noo 10.12 Interm.

New vocabulary: firefly (světluška), tournament (turnament), grasshopper (kobylka),  můra (moth), civil war (občanská válka), comfy, uncomfy (pohodlný, nepohodlný), brain freeze (bolest způsobená jezením něčeho studeného), scoop (kopeček), sign (cedule), No entry (nevstupovat), the other day (nedávno, tuhle), hot chick (sexy baba), cockroach (šváb), candyfloss (cukrová vata), diversion, detour (objížďka), naughts and crosses, tic-tack- toe (piškvorky), torch (baterka), dummy, pacifier (dudlík), maize, corn (kukuřice)

episode 88- English tea

Have a wonderful holiday. See ya:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for June 27th

drills :  82, 56 ,54

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

bring the fill in with mind expressions again

+ make three questions for me using the new vocab

New vocabulary: pus (hnis), sore (bolák), scaffolding (lešení), gutter (rýna, okap), drainpipe (okapová roura), go pale (zblednout), pastime (koniček) + mind expression from the fill in

episode 86

We were like a black and white movie:)) Have colourful days:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for June 20th

drills :  82, 56 ,54

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

complete the questions with mind expressions

New vocabulary: carer (pečovatel), career (kariéra), carrier (přepravce, přepravka), courier (kurýr), stress (přízvuk), turning point (zlomový bod), old people´s home (domov důchohdců), BRB = be right back, IMO ( in my opinion), IDK (I don´t know), vine (popínavá rostlina), weed (plevel), ice age (doba ledová), aphid (mšice), preservationist (památkář)

episode 85

Have lovely sunny days. Looking forward to your next lesson:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for June 13th

drills :  82, 56 ,54

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

will it happen (handout)  bring the board game, look up new vocab if necessary

New vocabulary: racing curcuit (zavodní okruh), F1= Formula One, go-kart (motokára), reap (sklízet- úrodu), steering wheel (volant), alone (sám- bez lidí), lonely (opuštěný, osamělý), be over the moon (být velmi šťastný, nadšený), bump into sb. (narazit na někoho, potkat),

episode 84

Such an interesting conversation:)) Enjoy the weekend and see you soon.


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for June 6th

drills :  82, 56 ,54

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

will it happen (handout)  bring the board game, look up new vocab if necessary

do exercises 3,4 – circled (handout)

New vocabulary: clutter (harampádí, nepotřebné věci), attic (půda), frame backpack (krosna), martial arts (bojová umění), lace (tkanička), string (provázek, struna), first communion (první sv. přijímání)

grammar: a swimsuit is… , one swimsuit, two swimsuits,  a bikini is, one bikini, two bikinis (both are countable nouns)

episode 83

Have sunny days and a sunny mood:)) See ya


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for May 30th

drills :  82, 56 ,54

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

fill in 9.6 Int.

New vocabulary: non- binary (nebinární), counsellor (poradce), beat around the bush (chodit kolem horké kaše), bulbing (vyboulený), crotch (rozkrok), mammal (savec)

 episode 82

Good job with the game taboo words. There is no taboo for us during our converstations (almost.))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for May 23rd

drills :  82, 56 ,54

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed

complete the questions with the correct comparative or superlative from of the adjectives in brackets.

New vocabulary: goose x geese (husa, husy), fable (bajka), make a complaint (stěžovat si), sweatpants (tepláky), bark (štěkat, kůra), gluten (lepek), fast (postit se),

grammar spot: ten- year-old girl x the girl is ten years old

episode 81

BBC English (for voluntary practice)

Enjoy the weekend, hope the weather will be better:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for May 16th

drills :  82, 56 ,54

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed (new)

FCE masterclass 5.8

New vocabulary:drumsticks (paličky na buben), pool float (lehátko na vodu), orb (jablko, součást korunovačních klenotů), scepter (žezlo), coronation (korunovace), time- consuming (časově náročný), cricket (kriket, cvrček), bat (pálka), food supplements (výživové doplňky)

episode 80

Such a nice conversation:)) Have lovely sunny days:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for May 9th

drills :  82, 56 ,54

keep practising  irregular verbs be-feed (new)

FCE masterclass 5.8

New vocabulary:laughter (smích), carnivorous plants (masožravé rostliny), take your shoes off (vyzout si boty), take place (konat se), tell sb. (říci někomu), say sth. to sb. (říci někomu něco), stomach washout (výplach žaludku), shears (nůžky- např. na živý plot)

episode 80

Have a surprising week and enjoy another long weekend:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for April 25th

drills :  82, 56 ,54

keep practising  irregular verbs be-drive

questions 9.4 Interm. print and translate

New vocabulary: take a shortcut (jít zkratkou), wide leg trousers (široké kalhoty), mother tongue (mateřský jazyk), run of the mill (tuctový, všední), possession (majetek), crunch (křupat)

episode 79

Stay awesome and dream big:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for April 18th

drills :  82, 56 ,54

keep practising  irregular verbs be-drive

make three questions for me with the new vocab.

New vocabulary: marten (kuna), baking soda (soda), once in a blue moon (jednou za uherský rok), would you rather be (byla bys raději), savoury (slaný- nesladký), bitter (hořký), sour (kyselý), moss (mech), beverages (nápoje), conditions (podmínky), pass out (omdlít)

episode 78

You are a fantastic storyteller:)) See ya:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for April 11th

drills :  82, 56 ,54

keep practising  irregular verbs be-drive

write the recipe for me in English:))

New vocabulary: Maundy Thursday (Zelený čtvrtek), Good Friday (Velký pátek), Holy Saturday (Bílá sobota), Easter Sunday, Monday (velikonoční neděle, pondělí), portion (porce), stuffing (nádivka), ribbon (mašle), be in good shape (být v dobré fyzické kondici), glacier (ledovec v horách), own up (přiznat se), flared trousers (zvoňáky kalhoty), graft (roub), swear (přísahat, klít-nadávat), somersault (salto)

episode 77

Have a blessed Easter:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for April 4th

drills :  82, 56 ,54

keep practising  irregular verbs be-drive

fill in 11.1 Interm. print and complete

+ make three questions for me with the new vocab

New vocabulary: fringe (ofina), headband (čelenka), hood (kapuce), lovage (libeček), chives (pažitka), lemon balm (meduňka), gooseberry (angrešt), currant (rybíz), self-important (domýšlivý, namyšlený), busker (pouliční umělec), prune (prořezávat- stromy, také sušená švestka), greenhouse (skleník), radish (ředkvička), lettuce (hlávkový salát), justice (spravedlnost)

episode 76

Such a nice film review:)) Have a good one:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for March  28th

drills :  82, 56 ,54

keep practising  irregular verbs be-drive

fill in 11.1 Interm. print and complete

+ create your own film, pick one of the pictures (handout)

New vocabulary: manure (hnůj), poem (báseň), rhyme (rým), astronomical clock (orloj), goat (koza), kid (kůzle), amend (pozměnit, opravit)

episode 75 believe x trust very useful

Looking forward to your film:)) Stay awesome:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for March  21st

drills :  82, 56 ,54

keep practising  irregular verbs be-drive

fill in 11.1 Interm. print and complete

New vocabulary: screw-top (vršek od láhve- šroubovací), lid (víčko od zavařeniny, také poklička), cork (špunt), mole (krtek), catch-phrase (hláška), restaurant manager (provozní), label (etiketa, nálepkovat), plot (zápletka, děj filmu), script (scénář), a pair of jeans (jedny džíny), two pairs of jeans (dvoje džíny), there is nothing older than yesterday´s news (není nic starší než včerejší zprávy)

episode 75 believe x trust very useful

Thanks for the legal drugs, you made my day. Stay awesome:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for March 14th

drills :  82, 56 ,54

keep practising  irregular verbs be-drive

complete question tags  e. g. You like oranges, don´t you? 

New vocabulary: mess around (poflakovat se), Bugger all! (Houby s octem! Velký kulový!), Rubbish! Bullshit! (houby, kecy), Be a dud. (být na houby), dud (šmejd, zmetek), live from hand to mouth (žít z ruky do huby), butter sb. up (mazat někomu med kolem huby), filling (plomba), braces (rovnátka), canine tooth  /’keɪnaɪn/­(špičák)

episode 74

Have a dreamy week:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for March 7th

drills :  82, 56 ,54

keep practising  irregular verbs be-drive

FCE conversation 1.7 bring it again:)

+ make three nice questions for me with the new vocab

New vocabulary: saffron (šáfrán), slave (otrok), cliff (útes), rhino (nosorožec), hippo (hroch), sugar cane (cukrová třtina), in advance (předem, v předstihu), thank you in advance (děkuji předem), prawn (kreveta BrE) x shrimp (kreveta AmE)

episode 73 (cat idioms:))

BTW: God of the sea is called Poseidon, trident  /traɪdnt/ is his weapon (trojzubec)

Thanks for the fantastic lesson and sharing your experiences as well as photos:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for February 28th

drills :  82, 56 ,54

keep practising  irregular verbs be-drive

FCE conversation 1.7 bring it again:)

New vocabulary: irresponsible (nezodpovědný), forehead (čelo), pop-up book (leporelo), dwarf (trpaslík), stepmother (macecha), Goldilocks (Zlatovláska), Sleeping Beauty (Šípková Růženka), adjust (přizpůsobit se), modify (modifikovat, pozměnit), tweak (vyladit, vypilovat), parsley (petržel), celery (celer), even though (přestože), hanging bridge (visutý most)

  episode 72

Enjoy the holiday in Mauritius:))) Take some photos:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for February 7th

drills :  82, 29, 56

keep practising  irregular verbs be-drive

FCE conversation 1.7

New vocabulary: prom (školní ples), raffle (tombola), lard (sádlo), board games (stolní hry), ladybird (beruška), streetwalker (šlapka), overtake (předjet- auto), answer the phone (zvednout telefon), keep rabbits (chovat králíky), measels (spalničky), in longhand (psacím písmem, rukou psaný), wizard (čaroděj)

episode 71

Be busy as a bee and I will see you soon:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for January 31st

drills :  82, 29, 56

keep practising  irregular verbs be-drive (new) there will be a short test next week:)

questions 7.2 Interm.

New vocabulary: take piano lessons (chodit na lekce piana), just enough (tak akorát), nod off (usnout, odpadnout), take 40 winks (dát si šlofíka), have a catnap (zdřímnout si), power nap (přestávka na odpočinek, krátký spánek), mistress (milenka), embroider (vyšívat), monastery (klášter pro muže), convent (klášter pro ženy), monk (mnich), nun (jeptiška)

episode 70

Such a great conversation:)) Have lovely winter days:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for January 24th

drills :  82, 29, 56

keep practising  irregular verbs be-cut

bring the list with the conversation questions again:)

make three questions for me, use the new vocab

New vocabulary: bud (pupen), campaign (kampaň), duvet (peřina), tell sb. off (nadávat někomu), wooden spoon (vařečka), nosy (zvědavý, vlezlý), cast (obsazení, herci), mouth-watering (sbíhají se sliny)

episode 69

Nice work again:))) Have a wonderful week:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for January 17th

drills :  82, 29, 56

keep practising  irregular verbs be-cut

bring the list with the conversation questions

New vocabulary: I am busy as a bee. I am up to my ears. I have a lot on my plate (mám moc práce, nestíhám), magician (kouzelník), monk (mnich), old hand (at sth.) starý mazák, být v něčem zkušený), newbie (nováček), dryer (sušička), eye contact (oční kontakt), inner child (vnitřní dítě)

episode 68

Thanks for the nice lesson. I hope I made you smile. Have a balanced week:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for January 2023

drills :  82, 29, 56

keep practising  irregular verbs be-cut (new)

New vocabulary: May I have this dance? (smím prosit?), home team (domácí), away team (hosté), pitch (hřiště), referee (rozhodčí), goal (gól i branka), half-time (poločas), pay rise (zvýšení platu), safe (trezor), have a crush on sb. (být zabouchnutý do někoho), inside out (naruby- oblečení), compartment (kupé)

episode 67

Merry Christmas and thanks for the delicious present:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for December 13th

drills :  82, 29, 56

keep practising  irregular verbs be-choose (good job:))

The deduction game -match the numbers with the letters.

New vocabulary:dates (datle), raisins (rozinky), figs (fíky), coffin (rakev), handwriting (rukopis), release a ballon (vypustit balon)

episode 66

Let´s enjoy our Christmas markets abroad:)))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for December 6th

drills :  82, 29 + 56

keep practising  irregular verbs be-choose

complete two male cards – Cupid´s dating agency

New vocabulary: smoked (uzený), plain (prostý, obyčejný), belt (pásek), sleeve (rukáv), be ashamed (stydět se), skittles (kuželky), sponge (piškot- moučník), jelly (želé), coal mine (uhelný důl), controversial (kontroverzní)

episode 65

Have fantastic Advent days:))


Homework for November 29th

drills :  82, 29 + 56

keep practising  irregular verbs be-choose

Again, bring the material when I was 12 years old.

make three questions for me with the new vocab.

New vocabulary: cone (kužel), keep the change (drobné si nech), envelope (obálka), I´m soaked (jsem promočený), buckle up (připásat se), I´m stuffed (jsem plný – po jídle), stuffing (nádivka), sip (hlt), coaster (pivní tácek), play darts (hrát šipky), fringe (ofina), eczema (ekzém)

episode 64

Have a relaxing week (if possible). Take care:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for November 22nd

drills : 44, 82, 29

keep practising  irregular verbs be-choose

bring the material when I was 12 years old (you can bring a photo too:))

New vocabulary: choir (pěvecký sbor), get a flat tyre (mít defekt), stroke (pohladit), paw (packa), claw (drápek), hoe (motyka), blunt (tupý), sharp (ostrý), have green fingers (mít zahradnický talent), shooting star (padající hvězda), tea bag (sáček čaje), loose tea (sypaný čaj), ashes (popel zesnulého)

episode 63 It´s about English pubs, enjoy it:))

Have beautiful November days:)) Laters:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for November 15th

drills : 44, 82, 29

keep practising  irregular verbs be-choose

bring the questions with used to again:)

New vocabulary: interest (úrok), compost bin (kompostér), belly button (pupík), bro (brácha), play goosebery (dělat křena), owl (sova), early bird/late bird (ranní ptáče, sova)

episode 62

Believe me or not we might see each other on Saturday evening. Until then bye, bye:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for November 8th

drills : 44, 82, 29

keep practising  irregular verbs be-choose

translate the questions with used to

New vocabulary: parcel (balíček), hoodie (mikina s kapucí), chimney sweeper (kominík), honest, simple mistake (nechtěná chyba), suspicious (podezíravý), oyster mushroom (hlíva ústřičná), chickpeas (cizrna), legend (legenda, pověst)

episode 61

You are a fantastic fortune teller:)) See ya:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for November 1st at 11:45!!!!

drills : 44, 82, 29

keep practising  irregular verbs be-choose

Bring the material If you had to choose

New vocabulary: lull sb. to sleep (uspávat),  trainers (tenisky), denim (riflovina), fraction (zlomek) – pro zlomky používáme řadové číslovky half (polovina), third (třetina), quarter (čtvrtina), fifth (pětina) etc.

episode 60

Enjoy the trip in Prague as much as possible. See you very soon (and earlier:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for October 25th

drills : 44, 82, 29

keep practising  irregular verbs be-choose (good job today:))

Bring the questions 1.1 Pre 5th + the material I gave you If you had to choose

New vocabulary: Chinese lantern (lampion), fly a kite (pouštět draka), crystal ball (křišťálová koule),  sneeze (kýchat), Bless you ! (na zdraví – po kýchnutí), I am going to sneeze. I feel the urge to sneeze (chce se mi kýchnout),  feather (pírko), fragrance (vůně), Holy shit! (ty vole!), in comparison with (v porovnání s), pet peeve (něco,co mě štve), guilty pleasure (sladké potěšení, neřest), booger (šušeň)

episode 59

Such a nice conversation today and good job with the irregular verbs:)) Have a colourful autumn week:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for October 18th we will start at 11:45!!!

drills : 44, 82, 29

keep practising  irregular verbs be-choose

bring the test with little, few etc.

traslate the questions 1.1 Pre 5th (handout)

New vocabulary: maintain (udržovat), hernia (kýla), transplantation (transplantace), dryer (sušička prádla),spin dryer (ždímačka), food dehydrator (sušika potravin), air purifier (čistička vzduchu), water purifier (čistička vody), humidifier (zvlhčovač vzduchu), dehumidifier (odvlhčovač vzduchu)

Watch the video episode 58

Looking forward to seeing you soon. We might see each other on Saturday, who knows?


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for October 11th

drills : 44, 82, 29 here

keep practising  irregular verbs be-choose

bring the list with questions again, we are gonna finish it

bring the test with little, few etc.

traslate the questions 1.1 Pre 5th (handout)

New vocabulary: invitation (pozvánka), funeral parlour (pohřební ústav), edible (jedlý), inedible (nejedlý), table mushrooms (žampiony), magic mushrooms (houbičky halucinogenní), pram (kočárek), stroller (kočárek sportovní), nappy (plenka), cot (postýlka), weird (divný), while (zatímco), stage fright (tréma), hopeless case (beznadějný případ)

Watch the video episode 57

Thanks for the lesson and see you later:)

Jakým směrem se točí vaše myšlení?


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for October 4th

drills : 44, 82, 29 here

keep practising  irregular verbs be-choose

bring the list with questions, look up new vocab

do the test with little, few etc.

New vocabulary: genes (geny), mass (mše), soil (hlína), walnut (vlašský ořech), lard (sádlo), automatic car (automat – auto), manual gearbox (manuální převodovka), valley (údolí), wallet (pánská peněžeka), food dehydrator (sušička ovoce), fin (ploutev), roux /ruː/ (jíška)

Watch the video episode 56

Enjoy the public holiday and see you soon.)))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for September 27th

drills : 44,82 , 29 (new)here

keep practising  irregular verbs be-choose

make four questions for me with few x a few, little x a little (or less, fewer etc.)

New vocabulary: bad-worse-the worst (špatný, horší, nejhorší), good-better-the best (dobrý, lepší , nejlepší), few-fewer-the fewest (málo with countable nouns) x little-less-the least (málo-méně, nejméně with uncountable nouns) x a few (pár, trochu), a little (trochu), LOL (laughing out loud), LMAO (laughing my ass off), fateful (osudový), startle (polekat), wake-up call (varování), laze away (prolenošit), violence (násilí)

Watch the video episode 54

Dream big and stay awesome:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for September 20th

drills : 44,82 , have sth. done

keep practising  irregular verbs be-choose (new)

Bring the list with questions. We are gonna finish our interesting conversation:))

Do the exercise I gave you (let´s practise)

New vocabulary: literature (literatura), cupboard (skříňka v kuchyni), wardrobe (skříň šatní), chest of drawers (komoda), walk in closet (šatna jako samostatná místnost – doma), have a skeleton in the cupboard (mít kostlivce ve skříni), vole (hraboš), dude (vole), rifle (malorážka), lump (hrudka), bastard, villain (lump, darebák), transparent (průhledný), banner (transparent), locket (medailonek), elbow (loket), spine (hřbet knihy), fishy (podezřelý), goldsmith (zlatník), blacksmith (kovář), locksmith (zámečník), go bananas (blbnout), push sb´s buttons (brnkat na nervy)

Watch the video episode 53

We enjoyed it a lot, as always:)) See ya:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for September 13th

drills : 44,82 , have sth. done

keep practising  irregular verbs be-buy

Bring the list with questions. Look up the new vocab (highlighted)

New vocabulary: hot chick (sexy kočka), frogman (potápeč s ploutvemi), cool your jets (nepřeháněj), I´ll rearange your face (přemaluju ti hubu), I have two left feet (nejsem dobrý tanečník), stinking rich (nechutně bohatý), baggy eyes (kruhy pod očima), puke sth. up (vyzvracet něco), bracelet (náramek), stye (ječno zrno), disturb (vyrušit) , distract (rozptylovat, odvádět pozornost)

Watch the video episode 52

Such a nice conversation today :)))  Hope to see you soon:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for September 6th

drills : 44,82 , have sth. done

keep practising  irregular verbs be-buy (new)

Complete these question with your own ideas.  Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Have you ever (buy)……….?     Have you ever (break)…..? What would happen if you (become)…..?  Would you have (come)…….. if you had…….?  Will you ………. as soon as …..(bring)?   Have you (have) your………………… repaired….? Are you used to (bite)……….?

New vocabulary: at the end of the day (nakonec), slug (slimák), coral (korál), hack (vychytávka), accordion (harmonika), keep a straight face (zachovat vážnou tvář)

Watch the video –episode 51

Thanks for sharing your life stories:))) Have a good one:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for August 16th

drills : 44,82 , have sth. done

keep practising  irregular verbs be-break

Bring the list with questions again, we are gonna finish it (questions 7-13)

+ be ready to give me some advice, I have to guess what my problem is.  Prepare three problems. I will do it too.

New vocabulary: mum´s the word (nikomu ani muk), hike (túra), mumps (přiušnice), doctor´s office (ordinace lékaře), be on a drip (být na kapačrce), maple (javor), educative (poučný), ID card (občanský průkaz), cable car (lanovka s kabinkama), chirlift (sedačková lanovka), ski tow (lyžařský vlek),

Watch the video-episode 50

That was such a nice conversation today:))) Take care:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for August 2nd (we will confirm it)

drills : 44,82 , have sth. done

keep practising  irregular verbs be-break

Bring the list with questions, we are gonna finish it. If there is some new vocabulary, look it up.

New vocabulary: spit – spat-spat (plivat), tour (turné), twist one´s arm (nutit někoho dělat, co nechce), maid (pokojská), scent (vůně), sheet (prostěradlo), treetop walkway (stezka korunami stromů), lavender (levandule)

Watch the video -episode 49

Enjoy as many summer events as possible:) Take care.


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for July 19th

drills : 44,82 , have sth. done

keep practising  irregular verbs be-break

make three questions for me with the new vocab.

New vocabulary: hug (obejmout), gamekeeper (hajný), game (lovná zvěř), Old Testament, New Testament (starý a nový zákon), The Ten Commandments (desatero), fart , break wind (prdět), legume (luštěnina), wind-wound-wound (točit, stáčet, vinout), wound (zranění), tactless (netaktní), bribe (úplatek), lack of sth. (nedostatek něčeho), fabric (látka)

Watch the video-episode 48

Enjoy your holiday:)) Have a wonderful, unforgettable summer:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for June 20th

drills : 44,82 , have sth. done

keep practising  irregular verbs be-break (new)

fill in 7.3 print and complete bring it again

+ translate the questions I gave you (have sth. done)

New vocabulary: roasted (pečený – o mase), shaker (šejkr – nápojový), calf (tele, také lýtko), veal (telecí maso), roe deer (srnec), venison (zvěřina), mutton (skopové), poultry (drůbež), encore (přídavek na koncertě), mosh pit (kotel na koncertě), bucket (kbelík), lyrics (text písně)

Watch the video-episode 47

Keep it up. You are on fire:)) See ya.


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for June 14th

drills : 44,82 , have sth. done

keep practising  irregular verbs be-bite

fill in 7.3 print and complete

 correct the mistakes in the sentences below

1)I have arrived last week.

2)How long do you work here?

3)I live here since May.

4)It´s rained for hours.

5)They´ve been married since 10 years.

6)The post has just delivered.

New vocabulary: hang on, hold up, hold your horses (počkej), numb (ochromený, otupělý), hawk (jestřáb), increase (zvyšoat se), decrease (snižovat se), detergent (čisticí prostředek), skillful (zručný), affair (aféra), good egg (milá osoba), bad egg (zlý člověk), big cheese (velké zvíře), coat of arms (erb), remorse (výčitky svědomí), spiteful act (schválnost)

Watch the video-episode 46

Such a nice conversation today:))) Have lovely sunny days:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for June 7th

drills : 82 + 44 +have sth. done- print and learn

keep practising  irregular verbs be-bite

do the exercise which I gave you

make two questions for your teacher. Use have sth. done.

New vocabulary: have sth. done (nechat si něco udělat), edible (jedlý), sustainable (udržitelný), moved (dojatý), kick off (začít), kick out (vykopnout, vyrazit někoho), minced meet (mleté maso), a bird pooped on me (po… mě pták), adobe (kotovice), What´s up (jak je? co se děje?)

Watch the video- episode 45

Thanks for the wonderful lesson. Laters:)))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for May 31st

drills : 82 + 44

keep practising  irregular verbs be-bite

make three questions for me using the new vocab.

fill in 7.1 print and complete

New vocabulary: viper (zmije), ASAP (as soon as possilble), FYI (for your information), HTH (hope this helps), BTW (by the way), NP (no problem), enjoy your meal (dobrou chuť), vegetable garnish (zeleninová obloha), non-swimmer (neplavec), stock (vývar), tongue (jazyk), droppings (trus), run out of (spotřebovat, dojít), tournament  (turnaj), spiderweb (pavučina), octagon (osmiúhelník)

Watch the video- episode 44

Great stuff:)) TTFN:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for May 24th

drills : 82 + 44 here

keep practising  irregular verbs be-bite

fill in 6.2

New vocabulary: cycle path (cyklostezka), canyon (kaňon), trunk (chobot slona, kmen, truhla, kufr auta, trup) x trunks (pánské plavky), handbrake (ruční brzda),  memorial plaque (pamětní deska), shopping trolley (nákupní vozík), blooper (přeřek), bump (boule), bruise (modřina), kitsch (kýč), pluck a chicken (oškubat kuře), blackcurrant (černý rybíz), lie-lied-lied (lhát), lie-lay-lain (ležet), lay-laid-laid (položit, klást), liar (lhát), layer (vrstva), lawyer (právník)

Watch the video- episode 43

Wonderul job today:))) Have a superb week:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for May 17th

drills 59, 82, been x gone

keep practising  irregular verbs be-bite

jobs- bring the article, we are gonna read it

bring the questions I gave you, look up new vocab if necessary

New vocabulary: stem (stonek), stare (zírat), stuff (věci, něco), staff (zaměstnaci, personál), tear (ter), tore, torn (roztrhnout) x tear (tir) slza, be bored to tears (nudit se smrti), cable (kabel), urinate (močit), nest (hnízdo), gym (tělocvična), blonde (blondýna), want sb. to do sth. (chtít po někom, aby něco udělal)

Watch the video-episode 42

Have a delicious week with lots of sunshine:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for May 10th

drills 59, 82, been x gone

irregular verbs learn irregular verbs be-bite

jobs – print it out  read and create your own crazy job

New vocabulary: sin (hřích), kidney (ledvina), sow (sít), sew (šít), stodgy (těžce stravitelný), returnable bottles (vratné lahve), eggs Benedict (vejce Benedikt), poached eggs (ztracená, zastřená vejce), embroidery (vyšívání), crate of beer (basa piv), flight/driving simulator (letový, řidičský trenažér), digest (zažít, strávit – potravu)

Watch the video- episode 41

Thanks for the refreshment:)) See ya:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for May 3rd

drills 59, 82, been x gone

ecological dilemmas- cards

irregular verbs

jobs – print it out

make a crossword for me like I did. Teach me a new and useful word:)

New vocabulary: choir (pěvecký sbor), chorus (refrén písně), row (řada, veslovat), row (rau) hádka, hand in (odevzdat), essay (slohová práce), narrow (úzký), toe (prst na noze), The Maldives (Maledivy)

Watch the video- episode 40

Looking forward to your crossword:) Have a sunny week:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for April 26th

drills 59, 82, been x gone

role play – print it out (finally we are gonna play it:)

poisoning flowers – print it out

+ make 4 questions for you teacher. Use the new vocab.

New vocabulary: dove (holubička), pigeon (holub), pigeon fancier (chovatel holubů), thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger (palec, ukazováček, prostředníček, prsteníček, malíček), palm (dlaň), wrist (zápěstí), necklace (náhrdelník), (string of) beads (korále), walking stick (hůl), button (knoflík), wave (mávat), belly button (pupík), orchestra (orchestr), moved (dojatý), fringe (ofina), ferret (fretka), stutter (koktat), music school, conservatory (konzervatoř), Vienna (Vídeň)

Watch the video- episode 39

Have a lovely week filled with lots of joy:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for April 5th

drills 59, 82, been x gone

role play – print it out

+ questions for conversation

  • In terms of English what is your weak spot? Does everybody have a weak spot?
  • Do you use conditioner to comb out your hair?
  • Are you a stickler?
  • When do you close your eyes to mentally prepare yourself for something?
  • When do you psych yourself out?
  • Have you ever been a godmother?

New vocabulary: bow (bou) mašle, luk x bow (bau) uklonit se, arrow (šíp), bullseye (střed terče), scarf (šála) , oval table (oválný stůl), target (terč, také cíl, plán)
Watch the video- episode 38

Such a nice conversation today. Have a lovely week:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for March 29th

drills 59, 82, been x gone

make two questions with kind of , sort of.

fill in 5.5 – Int.

role play – print it out

New vocabulary: ask sb. out (pozvat někoho na rande), drama school (divadelní škola), miner (horník), founder (zakladatel), side dish (příloha k jídlu), slimy (slizký), pew (lavice v kostele), dating site (seznamka na netu), kneel – knelt, knelt (klečet), turn down (odmítnout), bass /’beɪs/ – basový, bas (hlas), bass guitar (basová kytara) x bass /’bæs/ – okounek – druh ryby  x base /’beɪs/ (základna)

grammar :změkčující kind of, sort of = kinda, sorta (tak nějak, víceméně) – umístění před slovesem- I kind of like her.  před podst. jménem- It´s kind of a waste of money. Na konci věty- I am failing Math, kind of.  Odpověd na otázku ano/ne – Are you going on a date? Sort of.  Vždy bez členu, se členem má význam druh něčeho e.g. It´s a kind of magic.

Watch the video- episode 37

Enjoy sunny weather and be  happy, kind of:)

for fun:)))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for March 22nd

drills 59, 82, been x gone

 conversation activity – Intermediate (we are gonna finish the third situation)

New vocabulary: snake charmer (zaklínač hadů), catkins (kočičky), hay (seno), straw (sláma)

grammar + pronunciation: rise, rose, risen /raɪz/ (zvedat se) x raise  /reɪz/(zvedat něco, také vychovat děti) x rice /raɪs/ (rýže) x race  /reɪs/ (závod)

Create questions to these possible answers.

answer 1) train, bus, plane, bicycle   2) 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes  3) 20,30,50,60     4) pasta, rice, bread, vegetables

Watch the video- episode 36

Have a great week filled with positive stuff:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for March 15th

drills 59, 82, been x gone

 conversation activity – Intermediate (print it out, if there is some new vocab look it up)

New vocabulary: blister (puchýř), poster )plakát), ticket collector (revizor), puddle (louže), curtain pole (záclonová tyč), sponsor (sponzor), plain (prostý, jednoduchý), hillbilly (křupan), drama queen (hysterka), smart ass (rozumbrada), wet blanket (mourous, suchar), troublemaker (potížista), puppet (loutka)

Watch the video- episode 35

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for March 15th

drills 59, 82, been x gone

 conversation activity – Intermediate (print it out, if there is some new vocab look it up)

New vocabulary: blister (puchýř), poster )plakát), ticket collector (revizor), puddle (louže), curtain pole (záclonová tyč), sponsor (sponzor), plain (prostý, jednoduchý), hillbilly (křupan), drama queen (hysterka), smart ass (rozumbrada), wet blanket (mourous, suchar), troublemaker (potížista), puppet (loutka)

Watch the video- episode 35

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for March 15th

drills 59, 82, been x gone

 conversation activity – Intermediate (print it out, if there is some new vocab look it up)

New vocabulary: blister (puchýř), poster )plakát), ticket collector (revizor), puddle (louže), curtain pole (záclonová tyč), sponsor (sponzor), plain (prostý, jednoduchý), hillbilly (křupan), drama queen (hysterka), smart ass (rozumbrada), wet blanket (mourous, suchar), troublemaker (potížista), puppet (loutka)

Watch the video- episode 35

Complete the prepositions above/over/below/under

 There is a light _____________ the coffee table. (nad)

 five degrees _____________ zero  (nad)

 Do you think there is a God __________ us?  (nad)

 I´m my own boss. There is no one ____________ me. (nad)

The horse jumped ___________ the fence. (přes)

 There is no hell _________us. (pod)

 There are five people working _______________ me. (pod)

 A shark swam ____________ the boat. (pod)

Have a lucky week and see you soon:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for March 8th

drills 59, 82, been x gone

 SAB5 millionaire (answer questions 11-14)

make three questions for your teacher. Use the new vocab or been x gone. 

New vocabulary: sit on the fence (nemoci se rozhodnout), raffle (tombola), have a bun in the oven (být těhotná), parish office (fara), useful (užitečný), compote (kompot), refugee (uprchlík)

Watch the video- episode 33

Have a peaceful week:))

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for March 1st

drills 59, 82 + been x gone – print and learn

 SAB5 millionaire (answer questions 6-10)

New vocabulary: bartender (barman), publican (hospodský), bouncer (vyhazovač), I´ll buy you a shot (koupím ti panáka), Let´s hit the bottle (dáme si pořádně do nosu, napijeme se), Down it! (kopni to do sebe, do dna), another round (další rundu), It´s on me (já to platím), watered down (šizený, ředěný vodou), criminal (zločinec), crime (zločin), stepmother (macecha), hen party (rozloučení se svobodou, dámská jízda). crumbs (drobky)

Watch the video- episode 32

Conversation questions:

Have you ever been unconscious?   Do you remember a situacion in which you were unsuccessful but happy?  What do you often reuse?   Do you agree that a lot of mental illnesses are misunderstood? Is your job useful?  When did it last turn out that your prediction was right? What do you do automatically- without thinking?

Thanks a million:)) Hope to see you soon face to face:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for February 22nd

drills 59, 82, 85

 SAB5 millionaire (print it out only)

+ make three questions for your teacher using the new vocab

New vocabulary: concrete (beton), green beans (fazolové lusky), chickpeas (cizrna), axe (sekyra), tin (plechovka, konzerva), portion (porce), lullaby (ukolébavka), cool person (kliďas), tamed (ochočený), shoulder to cry on (zpovědní vrba)

Watch the video- episode 31

Looking forward to playing who wants to be a millionaire:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for February 8th

drills 59, 82, 85

 Questions for conversation:

  • Can cats or dogs be completely tamed?
  • Are you a cool person or a nervous wreck?
  • When did you last see a long tailback on the road?
  • Do you owe somebody a drink because they helped you? When did you last say I owe you or you owe me?
  • What is the main function of the lion mane? Who is famous for his/her beautiful mane?
  • You have crystal ball what would you like to know?
  • Who is privy to your deepest thoughts?
  • How can we use toothpicks? Name as many uses as possible

New vocabulary: kettle (rychlovarná konvice), spare (náhradní), serves you right (dobře ti tak, patří ti to), listen to your gut (poslouchat svůj instinkt), temple (spánek na čele, chrám), jaw (čelist), tonsils (mandle), armpit (podpaží), Adam´s apple (ohryzek na krku), Thyroid gland (štítná žláza), iris (duhovka, kosatec), pupil (zornička, žák)

Watch the video- episode 30

Have a miraculous week.


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for February 1st

drills 59, 82, 85

 Make three questions for me. Use the new vocab.

body parts print and match

New vocabulary: bobsleigh (bobování), skating (bruslení), greenish (zelenkavý), oldish (postarší), oneish (kolem jedné), paperwork (papírování), miracle (zázrak), predict (předpovídat), wink (mrknout), inhabitant (obyvatel), highlight of sth. (zlatý hřeb večera), coincidence (náhoda), scribble (načmárat rukou), tedious (nudný, jednotvárný)

Watch the video- episode 29

Have a playful week:)

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for January 25th

drills 59, 82, 85

January questions I (14-20)

Tuti Fruti – print it out:)

choose two words from the new vocab and write as many connected words as possible

New vocabulary: humiliating (ponižující), wine on tap, bottled wine (stáčené víno, v lahvích), combustion engines (spalovací motory), sculptural group (sousoší), touch up (upravit si), talent for sth.  (talent na něco), biologist (biolog), feel some remorse (cítit výčitky svědomí), oyster mushroom (hlíva ústřičná), raining cats and dogs (lít jako z konve),

Watch the video- episode 28

Have a marvellous week:)

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for January 18th

drills 59, 82, 85

January questions I (we will finish it)

New vocabulary: suit (oblek), suite (apartmá), lean (naklonit se, opřít se), dozen (tucet), vine (popínavá rostlina), retirement, disability pension (starobní, invalidní důchod), adventure tourism (zážitková turistika), urge (nutkání)

Watch the video- episode 27

Be a good housewife:)))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for January 11th 2022

drills 59, 82, 85

January questions I

Tuti Fruti – print it out:)))+how to be a good housewife  (we have to finish it)

New vocabulary: checkout (kasa), belt (pásek), halo (svatozář), tour (turné), chief (šéf), chef (kuchař), picky eater (vybíravý v jídle), ribbon (mašle), be obsessed with (být posedlý), comb one´s hair (česat si vlasy)

Watch the video- episode 26

Happy New Year:))))



SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for January 2022

drills 59, 82, 85

Tuti Fruti – print it out:)))+how to be a good housewife

  • Does it annoy you when shop assistants try to sell you things you don’t need?
  • Do you ever buy ‚gifts‘ for yourself?
  • What was the biggest waste of money this year?
  • How do you build a snowman?
  • Do you know anybody who deserves a halo?
  • Would you ever donate blood?
  • Would you ever pick up a hitchhiker?
  • Would you prefer to have a flower garden or a vegetable garden? Why?
  • What are some things you like about your classroom?
  • If you could start a band, what type of music would you play? Why?


New vocabulary: invention (vynález), rely on sb. (spolehnout se na), sunbathe (opalovat se), break down alcohol (rozkládat alkohol), abuse (zneužít), solstice (slunovrat)

Watch the video- episode 25

Have a cheerful week:))

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for December 14th

drills 59, 82, 85

Tuti Fruti – print it out:)))

  • If you could copy your brain for future generations, would you do it?
  • What are some disadvantages of technology?
  • Do you break down alcohol fast or slowly?
  • Who communicates better: men or women? What makes their style better?
  • What are some dos and don´ts for somebody who wants to have merry Christmas?
  • What does it mean „An apple a day keeps the doctor away?“ What else keeps the doctor away?
  • Why do children ask why?
  • Does it annoy you when shop assistants try to sell you things you don’t need?
  • Do you ever buy ‚gifts‘ for yourself?
  • What was the biggest waste of money this year?
  • How do you build a snowman?
  • Do you know anybody who deserves a halo?
  • Would you ever donate blood?
  • Would you ever pick up a hitchhiker?
  • Would you prefer to have a flower garden or a vegetable garden? Why?
  • What are some things you like about your classroom?
  • If you could start a band, what type of music would you play? Why?


New vocabulary: bring up children (vychovávat děti), boisterous (bouřlivý, divoký – dítě), lime (limeta), poppy seeds (mák),  high-end consumers (nároční spotřebitelé), censorship (cenzura), unicycle (jednokolka) , skewers (špízy)

Watch the video- episode 24

Have a wonderful Advent week:)))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for December 7th

drills 82, 85 + 59

so x such – print it out

November questions III

  • Do you know any high-end consumers?
  • Have you ever experienced censorship?
  • Have you ever ridden a unicycle?
  • Did you have to wipe the dishes when you were a child?
  • Do you sometimes make meat skewers?
  • Do you know anybody who wears a beret?
  • Have you ever said yes when you meant no?
  • Have you ever wanted to eat toothpaste?

New vocabulary: wrinkles (vrásky), starter (předkrm), jelly (želé), ridiculous (směšný, absurdní), pepper spray (pepřák), detour (objížďka), inventive (vynalézavý), blind alley (slepá ulice), wasp (vosa), hornet (sršeň), hay (seno), straw (sláma), main course (hlavní jídlo)
Watch the video- episode 23

It was nice talking to you:)) See you next time.


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for November 30th

drills 82, 85 + 59

November questions II

  • Is there any clothes in which you look ridiculous?
  • Do you have a pepper spray?
  • When did you last have to make a detour?
  • What are some examples of bullshit jobs?,
  • Are you an inventive person?
  • Is your personality suited to your job?
  • Do you listen to other’s people conversations in the street?
  • Would you like to have a perfect memory? What do you want to remember?
  • Do you want to renovate your house or flat?
  • What sort of thinking leads you up a blind alley?

New vocabulary: thumb (palec), clumsy (nešikovný, nemotorný), swollen (oteklý), lockroom (šatna ve škole), combine (kominovat), repay a visit (oplatit návštěvu), go around in circles (bloudit), cane sugar (třtinový cukr), artificial sweetener (umělé sladidlo), crate of beer (basa piv), chipped (otlučený např. nádobí), chicory (čekanka, cikorka)
Watch the video- episode 22

Thanks for the lesson.  I wish your eyes a speed recovery:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for November 23rd

drills 82, 85 + 59

Make four nice questions for your teacher. Use the new vocab.

New vocabulary:get out of hand (vymknout se z rukou), abuse (zneužít), hang-hung-hung (viset, pověsit), beat-beat-beaten (bít, tlouci), forgive-forgave-forgiven (odpustit), dream-dreamt-dreamt (snít), freeze-froze-frozen (zmrznout), confirmed (zatvrzelý v názorech), drink in one go (pít na ex), cruise control (tempomat), string vest (síťovaný nátělník), barter (výměnný obchod), bizarre (bizarní), wolf in sheep´s clothing (vlk v rouše beránčím), tonic (vzpruha)
Watch the video- episode 21

Have a fantastic week. Lots of freedom:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for November 9th

drills 82, 85 + 59

fill in 4.2 – modal verbs print and complete

+ bring the list with questions

New vocabulary: hedgehog (ježek), justify (obájit se, odůvodnit), bullying (šikana), ashes (popel zesnulého), bury (pohřbít), keep a gun (držet zbraň), castle warden (kastelán), fish for compliments (doprošovat se lichotek), pay compliments (skládat komplimenty), ought to  (měla bych)
Watch the video- episode 20

Have a terrific week:)))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for October 26th

drills 82, 85 + 59

Think of a job and a clue to help me to guess it.

fill in 4.2 – modal verbs print and complete

New vocabulary: pull yourself together (seber, vzchop se), clue (nápověda), faithful (věrný), mature (dospět), at once (zároveň), inefficient (nevýkonný)
Watch the video- episode 19

The Moravian kombucha is delicious:)) Thank you so much:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for October 19th

drills 82, 85

bring the worksheet Men and women are from different planets

New vocabulary: oak (dub), label (etiketa), I´ll let you get on. (už tě nebudu zdržovat), monk (mnich), plant a bug (nasadit štěnici)
Watch the video- episode 18

Great job with modal verbs:)) See you soon:))

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for October 12th

drills 82, 85

translate the questions with can + be able to+ be allowed to

New vocabulary: tourist sight (turistická atrakce, pamětihodnost), sightseeing (prohlížení památek, chození po památkách), barley (ječmen), hops (chmel), yeast (kvasnice), go off (spustit se – o budíku), cab (taxi), scab (strup), spy (tajný agent)
Watch the video- episode 17

Thanks for the funny lesson. Can´t wait to see you soon:))

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for October 5th

drills 82, 85

bring the list with September questions II + Murphy´s laws

Create your own law.

New vocabulary: moved (dojatý), look down on sb. (povyšovat se na někoho),windfalls (padavčata- ovoce), hog sth. (zabrat si pro sebe e.g. bathroom, sofa…), leech (pijavice), spontaneous (spontánní) /spɒnˈteɪniəs/, pass out (omdlít)
Watch the video- episode 16

ONE MINUTE ENGLISH! ‚Bear, Beer, Beard‘ (EPISODE 16) – YouTube

Great lesson again:) You are getting used to using verb patterns, that´s awesome. See ya.


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for September 22nd

drills 82, 85

verb patterns – choose the correct option from brackets (handout)

New vocabulary: hit the sack (jít spát), engine (motor auta), chick flick (film pro ženy), stately home (šlechtické sídlo, zámeček), pass away (zemřít), awkward silence (trapné ticho), intermittent fasting (přerušovaný půst), will (vůle, závěť), man (obsluhovat, řídit – stroj, zařízení), take (záběr filmový), lead sb. on (vodit někoho za nos),  venison (zvěřina- maso)

Watch the video- episode 15

Get better soon. See you healthy and happy next time. Until then bye, bye:))

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for September 14th

drills 82 + 85

bring the conversation questions (September I)

New vocabulary: facade (fásada),   be expecting a baby (být těhotná), loose  (volný), loose tea (sypaný čaj), stay aloof (zůstat stranou, neplést se ), bring the bacon (živit rodinu), castaway (trosečník), avoid eye contact (vyhnout se očnímu kontaktu), lapel (klopa), ID card (občanka), provide (poskytovat), leech (pijavice)

Watch the video- episode 14

Kombucha and kombuča – both exist:)) That means we both were right:) Don´t forget to stay awesome:)) See you next week. Yours.


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for August 17th

drills 82 + 85

bring the list with questions (conversation questions: singles, gestures, crisis, creativity etc.)

New vocabulary: rosé /ˈrəʊzeɪ/ – růžové víno, hang it there (vydrž, nevzdávej to), firm /fɜːrm/ – firma, loss (ztráta), burning of… (vypálení něčeho), Lidice massacre (vyhlazení Lidic), work out (posilovat), Mr. Right (ten pravý partner), demand (požadavek), picky (vybíravý), The ship has sailed (ten vlak už ujel- promarněná šance), fork (vidlička)

Watch the video- episode 12

The lesson was nice and you were beautiful as well (and not only on the outside). Have a great time:))

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for July 28th

drills 82 + 85

holiday choices- print it out

New vocabulary: hail (kroupy), sun salutation (pozdrav slunci), monk (mnich), climber (popínavá rostlina), differ (lišit se), alternative (holistic) medicine (alternativní, celostní medicína), ability (schopnost), life purpose (smysl života)

Watch the video- episode 11

Italian man on holiday – just for fun

Thanks for the nice lesson. Enjoy the holiday as much as possible. Have a good one:)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for June 29th

drills 82 + 85

Bring the conversation questions again, we are gonna finish it:))

New vocabulary: nettle (kopřiva), elderberries (bezinky), board (deska), cauliflower (květák), kohlrabi (kedluben), atomic bomb (atomová bomba), love triangle (milostný trojúhelník), dreadful (příšerný), wise (moudrý), ban (zakázat), regift (znovu darovat), polyamory ˌpɒliˈæməri/ (polyamorie)

Watch the video- episode 10

Great conversations again:)) I always enjoy it a lot:)) Have lovely sunny days.

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for June 22nd

drills 82 + 85

questions for conversation (dd11 -June17th) print it out

Make four questions for me. Use the new vocab.

New vocabulary: ridiculous (směšný, komický), bitter (hořký), document (papír-dokument), documentary (dokumentární pořad, film), harbour, port (přístav), make/propose a toast (pronést přípitek), flour (mouka), coat hanger (ramínko na šaty), vase (váza), saucepan (rendlík), sleeping bag (spacák), sleep under the stars (spát pod širákem), pelvic floor exercise (cvičení pánevního dna), incontinence (inkontinence)

Watch the video- episode 9

It was nice talking to you face to face:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for June 15th

drills 82 + 85

How many uses can you think of?

e.g. you can use a piece of chewing gum to make friends. If you give sb. a piece of chewing gum, they will think you´re really nice.

to stick things together (by chewing it first to make it sticky)

New vocabulary: move up the career ladder (šplhat na kariérním žebříčku), easy does it (opatrně!), pancake (palačinka), concrete mixer (míchačka), rack (regál, police), scooter (koloběžka), spy (tajný agent), hula hoop (obruč), ribbon (stuha)

Watch the video- episode 8

Have a happy week. Happiness is a choice. Looking forward to seeing you face to face again:)))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for June 8th

drill 82 + 85

invisible ink (print it out:))

spotlight on you complete the questions with your own ideas:) I will do it too.

New vocabulary: jewellery (šperky), costume jewellery (bižuterie), bracelet  (náramek), necklace (náhrdelník), brooch (brož), jewel (drahý kámen), the crown jewels (korunovační klenoty), hidden gem (skrytý poklad, utajený skvost), opal (opál), shrink (srazit se – oblečení), withdrawn (uzavřený – osoba), toll sticker (dálniční známka), get out of hand (vymknout se kontrole)

Watch the video- episode 7

It was nice chatting with you:))) See ya.


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for May 25th

drill 82

noodles for May 25th

invisible ink

New vocabulary: fun (zábava), funny (legrační, zábávný), nautical (námořnický), enemy (nepřítel), leave the tap on (nechat téct kohoutek), interdental brush (mezizubní kartáček), dental floss (dentální nit), sort and recycle waste (třídit a recyklovat odpad)

Watch the video- episode 6

Have a wonderful week filled with positivity:))

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for May 18th

drill 82

How green are you? (print it out)

+ make two questions for me. Use the new vocab.

making small talk (print it out)

New vocabulary: Let´s call it a day. (padla, zapíchnem to), weed (plít plevel), changing rooms (kabinky v obchodě), pure (čistý, nevinný), frightened (vyděšený), frightening (děsivý), bring up a child (vychovávat dítě), energy vampire (energetický upír), narrow (úzký), face (ciferník hodin), suck energy (sát energii)

Prepositions: on a bus, train, plane, boat (v autobuse etc – větší dopravní prostředky předložka on) x in a car, taxi (menší dopravní prostředky in)

Watch the video- episode 5

Lovely stuff again:)) Have wonderful sunny days:)))

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for May 11th

drill 82

unusual homes – print it out

ed x ing questions – print it out

New vocabulary:  busty (prsatá), region (region, oblast), teetotaller (abstinent), knackered (hotový, zničený, vyřízený), lounge lizard (kavárenský povaleč), lizard (ještěrka), loungewear (domácí oblečení), launch (uvést na trh), lounge (salonek, hala), live (bydlet), life (život), alive (být naživu), lively (živý – plný energie, života), shoehorn (lžíce na obouvání), doormat (rohožka u dveří)

Watch the video- episode 4

It was a lively lesson, can´t wait to see you soon:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for May 4th

drill 82

unusual homes – print it out

Creative homework: announce the start and the end of a break at school. Choose your favourite actor, character etc.

New vocabulary:  womb (lůno), petition (petice), medicine man (šaman), hat (klobouk), balanced diet (vyvážená strava), society (společnost), mites (roztoči), dust (prach), weird (divný), sink- sank- sunk (potopit se), lyrics (text písně), treasure (poklad), beads (korálky), I have a lot on my plate (mám toho moc), courship (námluvy, dvoření se), arrange marriadge (domluvený sňatek),

Watch the video- episode 3

Great conversation :)) Peace out:)

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for April 27th

drill 82

pop star diets (print it out)

Make four questions for me. Use the new vocab.

New vocabulary: join the club (vítej v klubu, to znám), reward (odměna), paprika (paprika koření), pepper – počitatelné (paprika – zelenina) x pepper- nepočitatelné (pepř- koření), wild (divoký), soft toy (plyšák), sticky (lepkavý), Sagittarius (Střelec), puppy (štěně), fortune-teller (věstec), be ashamed of oneself (stydět se za), come alive (obživnout), speak your mind (říkat, co si myslím), okey-dokey (OK), fuddy-duddy (staromódní člověk), heebie-jeebies (husí kůže), mojo (magická síla, zvláštní schopnost), hanky-panky (techtle-mechtle), mumbo-jumbo (bláboly, kecy)

Watch the video- episode 2

Have a super- trooper week:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for April 20th 2021

drill 82

questions with used to – be ready to discuss them

pop star diets (print it out)

New vocabulary: catkins (kočičky), trust (věřit, důvěřovat), stroke (mrtvice), aftertaste (pachuť), tracksuit trousers (tepláky), multipack (vícečetné balení), penguin (tučňák), ostrich (pštros), iron nerves (železné nervy), muesli (musli), suite (apartmá), yacht (jachta), lookout (pozorovatelna)

Watch the video

Have a good one:))) See ya.


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for April 13th 2021

ed x ing questions – print it out

questions with used to – be ready to discuss them

translate the drill from English into Czech:) here

+ make three lovely questions for your online teacher:) Use new vocab.

New vocabulary: bouncer (vyhazovač), gamekeeper ´s lodge (hájovna), make a fire (rozdělat oheň), slowdance (ploužák), overdressed, underdressed (nevhodně oblečený), hangover (kocovina), songbook (zpěvník), feel dizzy (mít závrať), quitter (ten, kdo se vzdává), give up (vzdát to), calling (poslání), tonsillitis (angína)

Looking forward to seeing you after a long time. Send me a link to join the lesson via Lifesize (on Tue morning or just before the lesson).


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Thursday, 12-1 PM

Homework for October  15th

Bring the questions which I gave you.

New vocabulary: date sb. (randit s někým), sword (meč), blab (vyžvanit, vykecat), keep mum (neprozradit), get a boob job (nechat si udělat poprsí), offended (uražený), bachelor (starý mládenec), telepathy (telepatie), shame on you (styď se), spit – spat-spat (plivat)

Extra vocab: disc (ploténka), slipped disc (vyhřeznutá ploténka)

I hope to see you face to face next week. Be strong, darling. Yours.

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Thursday, 12-1 PM

Homework for October  8th

Complete the exercise which I gave you. Choose the correct preposition.

+ make always two questions using these verb patterns with different meanings (ing x to) stop (to x ing), remember, forget, try

New vocabulary: pig slaughter (zabijačka), brawn (tlačenka), pork cracklings (škvarky), mustard (hořčice), speak my mind (říkat, co si myslím), stick your tongue out (vyplazovat jazyk), temptation (pokušení), prejudice (předsudky), humble (skromný, pokorný), domestic violence (domácí násilí), dumbbell (činka -jednoručka), horseradish (křen), has a lisp (šišlat), stutter (koktat), good riddance (sbohem), washboard (valcha), pest (škůdce), play gooseberry (dělat křena)

Stay positive and safe. See you soon.

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Thursday, 12-1 PM

Homework for October 1st

make four questions for you teacher. Use new vocabulary.

Bring the list with  my questions . We are gonna finish it next time.

New vocabulary: Do you happen to know? (nevíš náhodou?), doubt sth. (pochybovat o něčem), broom stick (koště), rake (hrabat ), blab (vyžvanit něco), condensed milk (kondenzované mléko), nod off (usnout, odpadnout), juniper (jalovec), magnifying glass (lupa), color-blind (barvoslepý), fake sb´s signature (falšovat podpis)

Have a wonderful week. It´s always a pleasure to spend some time with you. Bye.


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Thursday, 12-1 PM

Homework for September 24th

+ do the exercise (remember x forget)

New vocabulary: pediatrician  /ˌpiːdiəˈtrɪʃn/- dětský lékař, obedient (poslušný), common sense (zdravý selský rozum), teach- taught-taught (vyučovat), shopping list (nákupní seznam, nerd (šprt), bald (plešatý), gypsy (cikán), press conference (tiskovka), combover (přehazovačka- účes), deadly illness (smrtelná nemoc)

+ translate these sentences from Czech into English:

1)Jestli uvidíš Martinu, vzpomeň si ji říct, aby si koupila BOBa.  2) A: Nevíš náhodou, kde je BOB? B: Vzpomínám si, že jsem ho viděla v šuplíku. 3) Manžel dnes večer není doma. Můžu si půjčit BOBa? Jasně. Ale nezapomeň ho dát do šuplíku.  4) Nikdy nezapomenu jak jsem poprvé použila BOBa.

Enjoy translating these sentences:))) They might help you with the  remember x forget stuff:))

If you want watch this video.

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Thursday, 12-1 PM

Homework for September 17th

+ do the exercise (soon x early)

make 6 lovely questions for you teacher. Use new vocab or colourful idioms.

New vocabulary: wave (vlna), second wave of covid19 (druhá vlna covidu), herd immunity (kolektivní imunita), willow (vrba), mutate (zmutovat), nun (jeptiška), obedience (poslušnost), novel (román), tinfoil (alobal), proof (důkaz), toyboy (zajíček), suggar daddy (bohatý starší pán, který si vydržuje mladší ženu), I don´t mind (nevadí mi), be stranded (být uvízlý např. na ostrově), deserted island (opuštěný ostrov)

Colourful idioms: be in the black (nemít dluhy), turn red with anger (zrudnout zlostí), be blacklisted (být na černé listině), white day robbery (předražená věc), yellow-belly (zbabělec), be blue with cold (promodralý zimou), brownnoser (vlezdoprdelka), green with envy (zelený závistí), see pink elephants (vidět bílé myšky v opilosti), Every cloud has a silver lining. (všechno zlé je na něco dobré), have a green thumb (mít talent na zahradničení)

Take care. M.:))

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for September 10th

bring the present perfect questions

+ do the exercise (until x by)

New vocabulary: eat out (jíst mimo domov – v restauraci), oral (ústní , verbální, orální), turn sb. on (vzrušit někoho eroticky), raincoat (pláštěnka, kondom), I will be right back = BRB (hned budu zpátky), drama school (divadelní škola), plastic wrap (potravinová přilnavá folie), be celibate (žít v celibátu)

Have a wonderful week:)) Stay awesome!


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for September 3rd

make four lovely questions for your teacher. Use new vocab or food idioms.

+ two questions using until or by

New vocabulary: obese (obézní), broom (koště), zucchini (cuketa), task (úkol), hoe (motyka), filling (plomba), relief (úleva), get sth. off your chest (ulevit si, vyzpovídat se)

food idioms: spill the beans (vykecat něco), couch potato (pecivál, gaučový typ), piece of cake (hračka, snadná věc), take sth. with a pinch of salt (brát něco s rezervou), have a bun in the oven (být těhotná), icing on the cake (třešnička na dortu), be like chalk a cheese (být rozdílní jako nebe a dudy), put all your eggs in one basket (vsadit vše na jednu kartu), have bigger fish to fry (mít něco důležitějšího na práci), cry over spilt milk (plakat nad rozlitým mlékem)

Enjoy your holiday. Until next time bye, bye.


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for August 13 th

do the exercise- complete the sentences using infinitive or gerund

+ food idioms – circle the correct translation

New vocabulary: signpost (rozcestník), showcase (vitrína – s exponáty), tipsy (mírně opilý, v náladě), catacombs (katakomby), be grateful for sth. (být vděčný za..), have sth. in common with sb. (mít něco s někým společné), punch (dát pěstí), tit (sýkorka), boobs (prsa), crab (krab), be laid off (být propuštěn), It´s not a big deal (o nic nejde) used to say that something is not important or not a problem

Looking forward to seeing you soon:)

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for August 6th

bring the questions with should again

translate noodles 5.2 Pre- Inter. (handout)

New vocabulary: rehab (rehabilitace), domestic animals (domácí zvířata), washboard, wash on a washboard (valcha, prát na valše), solution (tajenka), molehill (krtičinec), mole (krtek), lavender (leavandule), hay (seno), put up (ubytovat), human being (lidská bytost), pan for gold (rýžovat zlato)

We had such a great conversation:)) Can´t wait to finish it next week. See ya.

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for July 30th!

bring the questions with should

be ready to have a conversation with an alien:)

New vocabulary: shitty day (den na ho..), fruit and vegetables (fruit uncountable- vegetables- countable), stroke (mozková mrtvice), vein (žíla), striped (proužkovaný), cruise (plavit se), punish sb. (potrestat někoho), helm x helmet (kormidlo x helma), rice cooker (rýžovar), admire (obdivovat), sing out of tune (zpívat falešně), claim (tvrdit), reach (natáhnout se, sáhnout po čem)

Enjoy your holiday, relax and I will see you again soon.


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for July 9th

bring the mluvník phrases (we will finish it next week)

+ make two questions for me using go on doing sth x go on to do sth.

+ make two quesitons for me using new vocab

New vocabulary:disgusting (nechutný), basement (suterén), squat toilet (turecký záchod), urinal (pisoár), flush (spláchnout), pee (močit), cleavage (výstřih), beads (korálky), make up one´s mind (rozhodnout se), pretend (předstírat), be in sb´s good books (mít to u někoho dobré), praise (pochválit) /preɪz/ x price /praɪs/ (cena- peněžní) x prize /praɪz/ -cena , výhra, homebody (pecivál, domácí typ)

Have lovely sunny days:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for July 2nd

choose 6 words from new vocab and surround them by other words. One of them must be odd-one-out.

New vocabulary:soft serve (točená zmrzlina), scooped ice cream (kopečková), cone (kornout), ice lolly (nanuk), sorbet (sorbet), granita (ledová tříšť), ice cream sundae (zmrzlinový pohár), lick (lízat), quarantine (karanténa), strict (přísný), iceberg (ledovec), sleeves (rukávy), hatred (nenávist), greed (chamtivost), town-house (řadový domek), seasickness, get/be seasick (dostat mořskou nemoc), carsick (nevolnost v autě), donkey (osel), lap (klín)

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream:) You deserve some:))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for June 23rd

noodles 5.2 Pre

New vocabulary: hang out (potloukat se venku, poflakovat se), stock exchange (burza), can´t stand doing sth. (nemůžu vystát něco), purse x wallet (peněženka dámská x pánská), leave sth. somewhere (zapomenout někde něco), celery (celer), salary (výplata), cellar (sklep), cleaner (uklizečka), offend (urazit), working hours (pracovní doba), mow the lawn (sekat trávník), accept (akceptovat), except (mimo, vyjma), aloud (nahlas), allowed (být dovoleno), all together (všichni společně), altogether (úplně, zcela), along (podél)

Can´t wait to see you again next week!!


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for February 18th

bring the questions with verb patterns

noodles 8.5 – translate !!! (handout)

New vocabulary:fringe (ofina), fence (plot), I am starving (umírám hlady), avoid (vyhnout se), handle (klika, zacházet s), knob (koule u dveří), lock yoursef out of.. (přibouchnout si dveře), nail file (pilník), file (soubor v PC), print preview (náhled před tiskem), preview (předpremiéra)

I have to praise you for verb patterns;) It´s getting better and better!!!;))

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for February 11th

bring the questions with need and regret

noodles 8.2 – tranlate (handout)

New vocabulary: have butterfingers (být nemehlo), spice sth. up (dodat šmrnc), butter sb. up (podlézat někomu), mutton dressed as lamb (stará, co si hraje na mladou), compare apples and oranges (míchat jablka s hruškami), packed like sardines (namačkaní jako sardinky), life isn´t a bowl of cherries (život není peříčko), fussy eater (vybíravý jedlík), desperately (zoufale)

Have a fantastic week and don´t forget to spice your life up;)

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for February 4th

translate the sentences with stop and try (handout)

+ make 4 lovely questions using new vocab or idioms

New vocabulary:peckish (trochu hladový), have cravings (honí mě mlsná), stomach is rumbling (kručí mi v žaludku), on empty stomach (na lačno), lukewarm (vlažný), gourmet (gurmán), glutton (jedlík), picky eater (vybíravý v jídle), whale (velryba), veil (závoj), term (semestr), bargain (výhodná koupě), will (vůle), dill (kopr), peel (loupat, škrábat – zeleninu, ovoce), fart, break wind (prdět), rooster, cock (kohout), ruble (rubl);))

Idioms: I am dying to… (umírám touhou, strašně moc chci), I am all ears (jsem jedno velké ucho), piece of cake (jednoduché, hračka), be crazy about (být blázen do), step by step (postupně, krok za krokem), pain in the neck (štvát, lézt na nervy), laugh my head off (smát se na celé kolo)

Great job;)) Stay awesome!

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for January 28th

fill in 8.1 Intermediate (handout)

New vocabulary: world championship (mistrovství světa), mites (roztoči), refuse to do sth. (odmítnout něco dělat), feel like doing sth. (mít chuť něco dělat), obese (obézní), tent to do sth. (mít tendenci něco dělat), heart disease (srdeční choroba), heart attack (infarkt), stroke (mrtvice), knock on wood (zaklepat na dřevo), quotes (uvozovky), quote (citát), teach- taught-taught (vyučovat), snap your fingers (luskat prsty), whistle (pískat), bang (rána, bouchnutí), tongue (jazyk)

Looking forward to seeing you soon. Have a superb week.


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for January 21st

make 3 lovely questions using new vocab and conditionals;)) In each question use a different conditional.

fill in 8.2 Inter.

New vocabulary: cauliflower (květák), endangered species (ohrožený druh), spot (zpozorovat), convince (přesvědčit), overwhelming (zdrcující), achieve (dosáhnout), unbeatable (nepřekonatelný, neporazitelný), contagious (nakažlivý), ladder (žebřík), calling (poslání, povolání)

It was nice meeting you again;)) Take care.

SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for January 14th 2020

bring the questions  second conditional again

complete the worksheet third conditional – use your imagination;)

New vocabulary: sword (meč), cushion (polštářek), occur (vyskytnout se, přihodit se), grater (struhadlo), kettle (konvice), pan (pánev), strainer (cedník), chopping board (prkénko), oven glove (kuchyňská chňapka), pot (hrnec), apron (zástěra), juicer (odšťavňovač), ladle (naběračka), whisk (metlička na šlehání), napkin (ubrousek), timer (časovač, stopky), spice containers (kořenky)

Have a good one;)) Looking forward to your creative sentences;)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for January 7th 2020

bring the questions  second conditional

New vocabulary: backache (bolest zad), office chair (kancelářská židle), spelt flour (špaldová mouka), check-up (zdravotní prohlídka), violin (housle), spruce (smrk), pine (borovice), fir (jedle)

May Christmas bring joy to your heart and happiness to your home;))

you can sing this song during Christmas;))



SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for December 17th – our last lesson this year;)

+ bring the questions – second conditional

+ make three lovely questions for your teacher using new vocab

New vocabulary:tablespoon (lžíce), ginger (zázvor), ground (mletý), cinnamon (skořice), cloves (hřebíček), allspice (nové koření), nutmeg (muškátový oříšek), anise (anýz), star anise (badyán), pinch (špetka),  middle ages (středověk), wreath  (věnec), chapter (kapitola v knize), pollen (pyl), broom (koště), alien (mimozemšťan)

Looking forward to seeing you soon;))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for December 10th

fill in 5.1 Pre- Intermediate (verb patterns) fill it in

+ bring the questions kitchen

New vocabulary: ponytail (culík), be ashamed (stydět se), liquid (tekutina), be green with envy (být zelený zavistí), say sth. (říci něco), tell sb. (říci někomu), space (vesmír – mimo zemi), universe (vesmír vč. země), school report (vysvědčení), funny (zábavný) x fun (zábava), famous (slavný) x popular (populární, oblíbený), everyday (každodenní), every day (každý den)

Enjoy the Christmas party with P. Habera!! Take some photos;)


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for December 3rd

noodles 9.4 – translate !!!

New vocabulary: jacuzzi (vířivka), waiter (číšník), envious (závistivý, závidějicí) I´m envious (závidím), envy (závidět), crack one´s knuckles (křupat klouby na prstech), burp (říhat), hiccup (škytat), yawn (zívat), hold one´s breath (zadržet dech), earplugs (špunty do uší), force (donutit), cut down (omezit), prefer sth. TO sth. (preferovat něco před něčím), shut down (uzavřít, ukončit provoz), put up (ubytovat), put down (utratit zvíře), pavement (chodník),write down (zapsat si)

Have a fantastic week. Until next time bye, bye;))


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for November 26th

noodles 9.4 – translate

questions stop to do sth x stop doing sth. – translate again

questions try to do sth. x try doing sth. – try to translate it, I´ll explain it to you next week

New vocabulary: walk on crutches (chodit o berlích),turtleneck (rolák), tights (punčocháče),  first aid kit (lékárnička),  willow (vrba) chickenpox (neštovice plané), bar (tyčinka), raw (syrový), label (etiketa), cocoa (kakao), coconut (kokos), walnut (vlašský ořech), chestnut (kaštan), mug (hrnek), avoid (vyhnout se), helpful (nápomocný), save money (šetřit peníze), on your way home (cestou domů), walkie-talkie (vysílačka), admire (obdivovat)

verze jak říct vdát se – nepoužívá se předložka with

  • She married him.  – vzala si ho
  • She got married. – provdala se
  • She got married to him. – provdala se za něho
  • She is married to him.  – je za něj provdaná

Your English is really coming along;)) See you soon.


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for November 19th

fill in 9.2 (conditionals – handout)

New vocabulary: stage fright (tréma), Break a leg! (zlom vaz), at the end x in the end (na konci x nakonec), make (značka např. oblečení), inappropriate (nevhodný), ant (mravenec), wing (křídlo), imprint (otisk), palm (dlaň), worm (červ), ban (zakázat)

Lovely stuff again;)) Have a good one.


SAB5, Intermediate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for November 12th

fill in 9.2

New vocabulary: extract a tooth, pull out a tooth (vytrhnout zub), shorthand, stenography (těsnopis), typewriter (psací stroj), break up, split up (rozejít se), Velvet Revolution (sametová revoluce), hangover (kocovina), precise (precizní), sold out (vyprodaný), sober (střízlivý), birth control pill (antikoncepce), be proud of sth. (být pyšný na), be as cunning as a fox (být mazaný jako liška)

Have a playful week. See you next Tue or on Sunday. Who knows?


SAB5, Intermadiate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for October 29th

translate the sentences using third  conditional

New vocabulary: dormitory (koleje studentské), rail (kolejnice), railway line, track (koleje), crossroads (křižovatka), Libra (Váhy-znamení), Sagittarius (Střelec), instead of (namísto), ghee (přepuštěné máslo), holistic medicine (celostní medicína), china (porcelán), scales (váha e.g. kitchen scales – kuchyňská váha),  forbid- forbade- forbidden (zakázat),draft (náčrt, průvan), draft beer (točené pivo), number plate (SPZ), traffic sign (dopravní značka), sign (podepsat)

The third conditional isn´t easy, but you will manage it;)) Enjoy the long weekend.


SAB5, Intermadiate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for October 22nd

bring the material words with multiple meanings

+ make three interesting questions for me – use new vocab

New vocabulary: scrooge (lakomec), can afford (to do sth) (nemoci si finančně dovolit), come across sb./sth. (narazit na někoho, něco), plaster (sádra), exercise bike (rotoped), treadmill (běhací pás), spacious (prostorný), cosy (útulný), essay (esej, slohová práce), Cyrillic alphabet (azbuka)

The lesson with you was like talking to a friend;)) Enjoy the lovely weather.


SAB5, Intermadiate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for October 15th

bring the guestions: If you had to choose…

complete my material – use think or mean

Be ready for a debate on topic: Fried food should have warning labels (like cigarettes do). Get ready some arguments for and against to it.

New vocabulary:obsolete (překonaný), have a crush on sb. (být zamilovaný), hit it off (with sb.) (sednout si s někým, rozumět si), play hard to get (dělat nedobytnou), have a one-night stand (mít vztah na jednu noc), my better half (moje drahá polovička), stand sb. up (nepřijít na schůzku), ghost sb. (vypařit se , přestat komunikovat), punctual (dochvilný), pros and cons (pro a proti), shack up with sb. (žít s někým na hromádce), denim (džínovina), get lost (ztratit se)

That was a fantastic lesson. Have a superb week. See ya.



SAB5, Intermadiate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for October 8th

bring the guestions -work

complete my material – use the correct preposition (under, below, above, over)

Be ready for a debate on topic: Is marriage obsolete?

New vocabulary: fever (horečka), pine (borovice), linden tree (lípa), plump (baculatý), schoolbag (aktovka), crib sheet (tahák), ugly (ošklivý), puddle (kaluž), co-worker (spolupracovník), socialize (stýkat se společensky)

Lovely stuff;)) Have a wonderful week. See you soon.


SAB5, Intermadiate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for October 1st

bring the guestions -words with multiple meanings again

Be ready for a debate on topic: Mobile phones at school should be banned.

You will agree, I will disagree;) (připravíme si argumenty pro a proti a hezky se anglicky pohádáme;)

New vocabulary: bring-brought-brought (přinést), gold-digger (zlatokopka),  adaptable (přizpůsobivý), play chess (hrát šachy), be thirsty (mít žízeň), call sb./sth. (volat někomu), sting-stung-stung (píchnout, štípnout – včela etc.), pantry (spíž), recall (vzpomenout si, vybavit si), funny (zábavný, podivný), practical joke (kanadský žertík), prank call (žertovný telefonát)

Grammar: information, advice, news – jsou nepočitatelná podst.jména;) – pokud chceme říct jedna rada, informace dáme    a piece of news, information, advice.

I love talkative and creative students and you are one of them. Can´t wait to see you soon.


SAB5, Intermadiate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for September 24th

topic for next lesson : memory (handout) – below the conversation topic fashion (the same sheet of paper;)

first conditional (handout)- finish the sentences using your own ideas;)

complete the fill in  with prefix UN (handout)

+ make 4 meaningful sentences using  new vocab and first conditional!!

e.g. If I find some boletes,  I will  cook scrambled mushrooms for dinner.

New vocabulary:  basket (košík), bolete (hřib), complain about sth. (stěžovat si na něco), wasp (vosa), let sb. know (dát někomu vědět), fad  (módní výstřelek), tabloid (bulvární plátek), perm hair (trvalá), won´t (ne a ne, odmítá, nechce e.g. The car won´t start- to auto nechce nastartovat)

Thanks for the chatty lesson;) Have a fabulous week. Yours. M:)


SAB5, Intermadiate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Homework for September 17th

keep practising the drill have sth. done

topic for next lesson : fads (handout) – be ready to discuss the questions

+ make 4 creative questions for me using new vocab;)))

New vocabulary: cleavage (výstřih- dámský), high heels (boty na vysokém podpadku),  bite-bit-bitten (kousat), fruit (ovoce – uncountable) x vegetables (zelenina – countable), fibre (vláknina), milk a cow, goat (dojit krávu, kozu), button (knoflík),  used to do sth. (dělávat něco – v minulosti), hitchhike (stopovat auta), work team (pracovní kolektiv), boss (šéf) x chef (kuchař), soulmate (spřízněná duše)

Good job, Petra;) Have a wonderful week;) See ya.


SAB5, Intermadiate – conversation, Tuesday, 12-1 PM

Teacher: Martina Ulrichová (

Homework for September 10th

print out the drill have sth. done + practise it

translate the questions using have sth. done (handout)

topic for next lesson : questions Have you ever….? (handout)

New vocabulary – learn it:  musician (hudebník, muzikant), hamster (křeček), cage (klec), attend (účastnit se, navštěvovat), cricket (cvrček), firefly (světluška), water goblin (vodník), soft serve ice cream (točená zmrzlina), cartoon (kreslený film), sing-sang-sung (zpívat), means of transport (dopravní prostředek)

relax – it´s a verb (you can´t say: swimming is relax for me)

instead of it you can say: Swimming is relaxing for me.  I swim for relaxation.

That was a great lesson. Looking forward to seeing you next week. M.


SAB5 – CONVERSATION, Tuesday 12:00 – 13:00
Teacher: Zuzana Alsterová (

4th June

HW – the same as for the last time:)) Z.


14th May + 21st May

VOCABULARY: courage, have courage, dare, comedian, sweatpants, housing estate (sídliště), brewery (pivovar), tight

vocabulary + the exercises I´ve given to you:))

Have a great weekend! Zuzka


30th April

vocabulary – if you have time, prepare some questions :))

See you:)) Zuzka


16th April + 24th April

VOCABULARY: brand-new, change sb’s mind (rozmyslet si něco, změnit názor), edge (okraj, ostří, hrana), actually (vlastně, ve skutečnosti), rhyme (říkanka, rýmovačka), packet (balíček), effect (účinek, vliv, efekt), affect (ovlivnit, zasáhnout), get sick/ill (onemocnět), suffer from, constipation, dislocate (vymknout, vykloubit), joint (kloub), misplace (založit, zašantročit), blister, common, rash

choose some (at least 4 :)) words from this year vocabulary and prepare some questions

…see you!!!:)) Zuzka


2nd April

noodlebook p40/2.6

Have a great weekend and see you:))! Zuzka


12th March

vocabulary + bring the hw in the book for our last lesson (we haven‘ t checked it yet:))

I hope to see you before your departure, Petra:)) Zuzka


26th February + 5th March

VOCABULARY: bump, bumpy, clown, goosebumps, rough, itch, scratch, order, dust

VOCABULARY (holiday): backpack/rucksack, guide, guide-book, sightseeing, city tour, sun-bed, suntan, swimsuit, towel, aisle, aisle seat, full-board, half-board, self-catering, single/double room, suite (vícepokojové apartmá), land x take off

vocabulary (February, March)
book 1.6

Have a great weekend! Zuzka


19th February

VOCABULARY: ceiling, law, low, lawyer, accompany (doprovodit, doprovázet), chickenpox (plané neštovice), presenter (moderátor, hlasatel), possible x impossible, patient x impatient, lucky x unlucky, legal x illegal, appear x doisappear, appearance, regular x irregular, formal x informal, agree x disagree, agreement, arrange, rearrange, helpful, helpless, misunderstand, understandable, misunderstanding

choose 5 words from February vocabulary and use them in questions

See you on Tuesday! Zuzka


29th January

VOCABULARY: skate, skating, rollerblade, (go) rollerblading, smooth, surface, slip, slippery, rink (ice rink, ice-skating rink), predict,prediction, shorten, mow, lawnmower, self-confident, creative, creativity, qualify, qualification, suitable

vocabulary (January)
Print and fill-in

 Have fun at the weekend! Zuzka


15th January + 22nd January

VOCABULARY: shape (tvar), shaped (tvarovaný, ve tvaru…) – e.g. heart-shaped, L-shaped, square, oval, round, handy, handyman, chips, crisps, fries, prejudice (předsudek)

Print and fill in

Enjoy your weekend and see you soon, Petra :)). Zuzka


11th December

Petra, enjoy your Christmas and see you next year! Zuzka


4th December

VOCABULARY: thick, thin, fog, skinny, branch, demanding, white lie, hurt, curious

prepare 5 questions about Christmas, New Year’s Eve and winter :))

See you soon! Zuzka


27th November

VOCABULARY: be into, be fond of, be keen on, be crazy about, boots, sin, sack

book – the same as the last time
…and you can choose 5 words from our vocabulary so far and use them in some questions 🙂

Enjoy the first Advent weekend! Zuzka


20th November

VOCABULARY:  be easy to talk to, distinguish, gender, frank, frankly, appropriate, taboo

book 61/2.1

See you soon! Zuzka


6th November

VOCABULARY: engaged, propose, proposal, fiancée, fiancé, brave, courage, cheers, cheer up!, cheer sb up, cheerful, cancel (an appointment), put sth off (odkládat na později), available, confirm, host (n, v), postpone, reunion (family, class…)

vocabulary (as always :))
book 61/2.1 (I hope we haven‘ t done  this page yet:)), if so please choose another one which you find interesting :))

Have fun at the weekend and see you!


23rd + 30th October

VOCABULARY: little x few, a little x a few, cell, escape, bar, barred (zamřížovaný, zavřený na závoru), sew (šít), sewing machine, break (přestávka), sensitive, sensible/reasonable, underpass (podjezd, podchod), overpass (nadjezd), bypass (obchvat), landline, proof/evidence, prove, court (soud), yard, log (kláda, poleno) – sleep like a log, medal, ladybug, bug

vocabulary (October)
book 33/1.5

Petra, enjoy your weekend and see you soon! Zuzka


16th October

VOCABULARY: fly a kite, dragon, volunteer, voluntary x compulsory, obligatory, chestnut, cone (šiška), hip / rose hip (šípek), needle, pin, safety pin (zavírací špendlík :)), elf (skřítek)

This is the song I was talking about :)).

and your prepared questions – and you can prepare more of them :))

Have a great weekend!!! Zuzka


9th October

VOCABULARY: disgusting, be disgusted (with), confess, confession, dismiss/fire/sack sb, pavement, pedestrian, pedestrian crossing, party (political), mayor (starosta), grant (dotace, příspěvek), store/storeroom (skladiště, sklad), warehouse (sklad zboží), cross the line (zajít příliš daleko), no matter what/when/why/how….

– examples:

I never seem to lose any weight, no matter how hard I try.

We’ve got to get to the airport on time, no matter what.

study the vocabulary and you can prepare a few questions or sentences and use the words.
….and enjoy your weekend! Zuzka



8th August

VOCABULARY: according to, behave, Behave yourself/yourselves!


28.6., 25.7., 1.8.

VOCABULARY: nap, have a nap, tantrum, customs (celnice), insect, envy, envious, well (studna, studánka), ant (mravenec)


19th June

VOCABULARY: tear (slza), tear – tore – torn, wise, wisdom, wisdom tooth, extract, catch up

bring the book exercise from our last lesson (23/4.3)

Enjoy the weekend! Zuzka


13th June

vocabulary: laundry, tonsillitis, water (v), source

book 23/4.3

Have a great weekend! Zuzka


5th June

VOCABULARY: turn to sb, get on sb’s nerves, nuisance, bother, be fed up with, ruin sth, make sure, be satisfied/dissatisfied with, diarrhoea, food-poisoning, vomit, throw up, heavy rain, ribs (žebra), cellar, wine cellar

bring the prepared questions and the translation from our last lesson

See you soon! Zuzka


23rd May

VOCABULARY: do sb a favour, backup, donate, donor, lose your temper, complain (about)

vocabulary (April, May)
choose 4 words and prepare some questions

….and have a great weekend! Zuzka


16th May

VOCABULARY: cave, fear, fearless, take off x land, wide x narrow, long-term, short-term, casual x smart, fulfil, fulfil duty, task, aim, goal

book 31/1.3

Have a great weekend! Zuzka


9th May

VOCABULARY: draw (remíza, remízovat), score (dát gól, skóre, bilance), scooter (koloběžka), average, heel, high-heeled, advertisement, commercial, overdraw (the account) – přečerpat, be overdrawn (být přečerpaný), value, bargain, (give) refunds, change (drobné), Keep the change., Do you have change for….?, coin, receipt (účtenka, paragon), recipe ( kuchařský recept), prescription (lékařský předpis, recept), pay in cash, make money, invest money, debt, be in debt, get into debt

vocabulary (May, April)
if x when exercise I gave you
choose 6 words from our April and May vocabulary and use them in some questions

Have a beautiful weekend! Zuzka


2nd May

VOCABULARY: reach, catchy, swing, trust, believe, swollen, anthem, competition (konkurence), vaccine, vaccination, cure, slip, bruise, wound, hiking

vocabulary (April, May)
choose if or when
book 22/4.2

Enjoy another bank holiday, have fun and see you soon! Zuzka


25th April

VOCABULARY:  sleeve, sleeveless, short-sleeved, long-sleeved, scarf, blanket, waist, tile (kachlička, dlaždička, obkladačka), witch, burn, spirit (tvrdý alkohol), feel like…ing, ray (paprsek, rejnok), X-ray, join, ceremony, delay, postpone, recently = lately, (TV) series

outskirts (předměstí), traffic jam, valid (platný), a return ticket, a single/one-way ticket, a business trip, a direct train/flight…. (přímý…), a connecting train/flight… (přípoj), ferry, cancel, pick sb up, rely on  sb (spolehnout se na), rush hour, hire a car, warning

vocabulary  (25th April)
book 11/2.3

Enjoy your bank holiday and see you on Wednesday! Zuzka


18th April

VOCABULARY: row, queue, crowd, air-conditioning, air-conditioned, dolphin

vocabulary (March, April)
book p9/2.1

Have a beautiful weekend and see you on Wednesday!Zuzka


11th April

VOCABULARY: after-school club, show off, bite (bit – bitten), hole, godmother, godfather, swan, rarely, ladder, height, be afraid of heights, manage, realize, notice, fence, be left (zbývat)

vocabulary (March, April)
Print and translate (let‘ s practise some Present Perfect a little bit:))

Have a nice (and calm) weekend and see you:)) Zuzka


4th April

VOCABULARY: shelf, coat hanger, eggnog, boast, run out of, protect

book 25/4.5

Have a nice weekend! Zuzka


28th March

VOCABULARY: naked, nude, funfair (pouť, lunapark), sand, sandy, symbol, merry-go-round (BrE)/ carousel (AmE)(kolotoč), roundabout (kolotoč na dětském hřišti), !!! fertility (plodnost, úrodnost, např. a fertility symbol), futility (marnost, zbytečnost)!!!, a film festival, impression, topic, dislike

choose 5 words from our vocabulary so far and write 5 questions
book 13/2.5
Happy Easter and see you!Zuzka


21st March

VOCABULARY: brook, sharp, sharpen, trade fair, It is fattening., put on weight, gain weight, a waste of time, cut down on, junk food, fizzy drinks, take away, eat out, dine out

book 24/4.4
Have a nice first spring weekend and see you soon:)) Zuzka


14th March

VOCABULARY: be carsick / seasick /homesick, pedal, pedal car (šlapací autíčko), balance bike (odrážedlo), budget, fee, tuition, scholarship, academic title, settle down, tutor, (diploma) thesis, schedule, flexi-time, rate

choose 4 words from our March vocabulary and prepare 4 questions for the discussion
book 21/4.1
Petra, enjoy your weekend and see you on Wednesday! Zuzka


7th March

VOCABULARY: persuade, conscious, unconscious, consciousness, unconsciousness, lose consciousness, faint, dam, hide (hid – hidden), hug, cuddle, dismiss, make sb redundant, take a year off, currently, interview sb, job interview, job opportunities, apply for, work permit, qualification, promote, consider

book p7/1.5
… and prepare at least five questions to ask me about my Prague trip:))

Have a nice weekend and see you:)). Zuzka


28th February

VOCABULARY: at least, breast-feeding, mean (adj), make friends, influence, work opportunity, acquaintance, keep in touch, generation gap, childhood

vocabulary (February)
book p8/1.6
Have a nice weekend and see you:)). Zuzka


21st and 22nd February

VOCABULARY: charge, board, sick leave, anniversary, take turns, shallow x deep, stairs, pushchair (UK), stroller (US), pram, stepmother (stepfather, stepsister….), half-brother, half-sister, cancel, postpone, sibling, custody

by chance, in charge (of), in public, be involved in, approve of, depend on, in the end, in general, in advance, in a hurry, on purpose21st and 22nd February

vocabulary (21st and 22nd February)
book p4/1.2 (in one of the sentences you fill in two expressions  from the box)
Petra, enjoy your free time with friends and I‘ m looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday:)). Zuzka


31st January

VOCABULARY: mind (I don‘ t mind), condition, payment, dummy (dudlík)

vocabulary (January)
book 33/1.5 (Choose the correct preposition)

Have a great weekend and see you! Zuzka


24th January

VOCABULARY: promotion, promote, matchmaker, mature, vet, wet, be used to doing sth/sth, get used to doing sth/sth

Print and fill in
Print and do

See you next week!Z.


16th January

VOCABULARY: get on (with sb), jealous (of sb), be worth sth/doing sth, rely (on), get rid of, blow your nose

vocabulary (16th January)
the paper I gave you
Have a great weekend and see you next week:)) Zuzka


10th January

fill in the questions on the paper I gave you in our lesson
the book p3 (choose the correct word)

Petra, thanks for coming to our first lesson I am looking forward to seeing you next week:)). Have a nice weekend! Zuzka