Monday 17.35 – 19.05 Room 6
Student’s books: Headway Intermediate 5th Edition
Teacher: Ivana Murinova, iv.murinova@gmail.com, +420 605 072 877 (SMS / Whatsapp)
If you won’t be able to attend the lesson, please contact me. Thank you:)
Drilky / online web aplikace
VIDEA k procvičení gramatiky
LESSON 15, January 27th
Thank you all for attending class and for great conversations 🙂
– Drills: 47, 40, 59, 70, 55
– Vocabulary: sieve (sitko), strain (pasirovat, precedit), dumpling (knedlik), accent (prizvuk), lend (to someone – poziciat), borrow (from someone – poziciat), dress up (nahodit sa), gloomy (depresivny), spoiled (pokazeny), mold (plesen)
– Homework: Noodles 8.6 – translate to english
See you all at the next lesson
LESSON 14, January 20th
Only Kate came for the class so homework stays the same. Thank you for coming Kate 🙂
– Drills: 47, 40, 59, 70, 55
– Vocabulary: voluntarily (dobrovolne), crochet (strikovat), spill (rozliat), split (rozdelit), below zero (pod nulou)
– Homework: Noodles 8.5 – translate to english
See you all at the next lesson
LESSON 14, January 13th
Thank you all for coming, great class!
– Drills: 47, 40, 59, 70, 55
– Vocabulary: voluntarily (dobrovolne), crochet (strikovat), spill (rozliat), split (rozdelit), below zero (pod nulou)
– Homework: Noodles 8.5 – translate to english
See you at the next lesson
LESSON 13, January 6th
HAPPY NEW YEAR and thank you all for coming, great class!
– Drills: 47, 40, 59, 70, 55
– Vocabulary: speaking of a devil (my o vlku a vlk za dverami), breastfeeding (kojenie), fairytales (rozpravky), plain (cisty, obycajny), catfish (sumcek), resolution (predsavzatie), frostbites (omrzliny), mittens (palcaky), slippery (klzky), slip (ukulznut), icy road (ladovka), hailstones (krupy), defrost (rozmrazit), cross-country skiing (bezkovanie), icicle (cencul), scraper (skrabka na lad), jury (porota)
– Homework: choose 2 new vocabulary from the list above and create questions you would like to ask your collagues
See you at the next lesson
LESSON 12, December 16th
Thank you all for coming, great class!
– Drills: 47, 40, 59, 70, 55
– Vocabulary: monttionless (nehybny), nappy (plienka), handkerchief (vreckovka), tissue (vreckovka), collar (obojok), muzzle (tlama), spoiled (rozmaznany), to come clean (to say the truth), nill (nula), extended family (rozsirena rodina)
– Homework: Noodles – translate to english
LESSON 11, December 9th
Thank you all for coming, great class!
– Drills: 47, 40, 59, 70, 55
– Vocabulary: monttionless (nehybny), nappy (plienka), handkerchief (vreckovka), tissue (vreckovka), collar (obojok), muzzle (tlama), spoiled (rozmaznany), to come clean (to say the truth), nill (nula), extended family (rozsirena rodina)
– Homework: Noodles – translate to english
LESSON 10, December 2nd
Thank you Nicol and Kate for great convos 🙂
– Drills: 47, 40, 59, 70, 55
– Vocabulary: trash tv, canvas (platno), consider (zvazit, zvazovat), thick (hruby, husty), supplier (dodavatel)
– Homework: Noodle Book – 8.4 – translate to english
LESSON 9, 25th November
Great job guys, thank you:)
– Drills: 47, 40, 59, 70, 55
– Vocabulary: mulled wine (svazak), braid (pliest), obstacle (prekazka), sort out (triedit, vytriedit), appreciate (vazit si), enjoyable (prijemne), out of date (po datume sportreby), subtle (jemny), sourdough starter (kvasok), sourdough bread (kvaskovy chleba), tv series (serialy), power plant (elektraren), fragile (krehky)
– Homework: Noodle Book – Fill In 8.3
LESSON 8, 18th November
Thank you all for coming to class 🙂
– Drills: 47, 40, 59, 70, 55
– Vocabulary: stroller\pram (kocik), hike (tura), throughout (v celom, v priebehu), chart (tabulka, rebricek), showcase (ukazka), curlers\rollers (natacky), plaster\cast (sadra), dig (kopat), door sill (prah dveri), flat (plochy, rovny), lowlands (niziny), flared jeans (zvonaky), to collect the fruits of your labour (to enjoy profits or gains achieved as a result of hard work), my tummy is rumbling (means you are hungry), it rings a bell (it sounds familiar)
– Homework: Noodle Book 8.3 – translate sentences to english
LESSON 7, 11th November
Thank you all for coming to class and for being super excited to chat 🙂
– Drills: 47, 40, 59, 70, 55
– Vocabulary: opportunity (prilezitost), spare room (volna izba), stuff (things), staff (employees), drug store (drogeria), elevation (prevysenie), draw out or clear baby’s nose (vysat nos), stuffed nose (zapchaty nos), household chores (domace prace), evaluation (ohodnotenie), wise (smart, clever), drizzle or drizzling rain (light rain – tiny water droplets), poop (💩), chip in (prispiet), skitting board (podlahova lista), fool (hlupak, blazon), intestine (crevo), fart (💨)
– Homework: Noodle Book 8.2 – translate sentences to english
See you on Monday
LESSON 6, 4th November
Thank you all for coming to class 🙂
– Drills: 47, 40, 59, 70, 55
– Vocabulary: carve (vyrezavat), ladder (rebrik), sights (pamiatky), pant (tazko dychat, lapat dych), rake (hrabat), defeat (porazka), tackle (vyriesit, chopit sa), preference, unique (jedinecny)
– Homework: find/look up on the internet or come up with 2 controversial statements and bring them to class for a discussion (controversial statement example: Boys and girls should not have equal education.)
See you on Monday
LESSON 5, 21st October
Thank you Nicol, Kate and David for coming to the lesson and for great conversations 🙂
– Drills: 47, 40, 59, 70, 55
– Vocabulary: put baby down for a nap/sleep (uspat dieta), gathering (stretnutie), fluffy toys (plysak ale mozte najst aj pod nazvom plush toy, stuffed animals..), inherit (zdedit), distance (dialka), regularly (pravidelne), apart from (okrem), replace (nahradit), wig (parochna), bold (plesaty)
– Homework: find/look up on the internet or come up with 2 controversial statements and bring them to class for a discussion (controversial statement example: Boys and girls should not have equal education.)
See you on Monday
LESSON 4, 14th October
Thank you for coming to our first lesson. Looking forward to seeing you all next week.
– Drills: 47, 40, 59, 70, 55
– Vocabulary: iceberg (ladovec), belated (oneskorene), intend (zamer), take over (prevziat), royal (kralovsky), retirement (dochodok), to retire (ist do dochodku), tighten up (utiahnut), decorated (zdobeny, ozdobeny), unlikely (nepravdebobne)
– Homework: Create 4 questions for your colleagues using future forms.
LESSON 3, 7th October
Thank you for coming!
– Drills: 47, 40, 59, 70, 55
– Vocabulary: second-to-last (předposlední), tranquil (klidný), warm-blooded (trplo krevný), breed (rasa), leash (vodítko), careful (opatrný), have to (muset), shift (posun/směna), replace (nahradit), parking lot (parkoviště), groceries (potraviny), figure out (přijít na něco), Fair enough!, Close enough.
– What’s next: Noodlebook 8.1 is your hw, we will check it next lesson. On the page 80/81 in you SB look at the pictures of the six people, we will work with them next lesson.
See you
LESSON 2, 30th September
Thank you for coming guys:)
– Drill: 47, 40, 59, 70, 55
– Vocabulary: inner peace (vnitřní klid), in comparison (v porovnání), from above (ze zhora), equipment (vybavení), invited x invented (pozvaný x vynalezený), realize (uvědomit si), circumstances (okolnosti), activity (aktivita), expectations (očekávání), sports centre (sportovní centrum)
– What’s next: HERE is you homework. Look at the page 79 + 80 in your SB. Do exercise 1 (Starter) on the page 80.
See you soon
LESSON1, 23 September
Thank you for coming guys, it was lovely to meet you:)
– Drills: 47, 40, 59, 70, 55 (seženete v ředitelně)
– Vocabulary: bully (šikovanovat), violence (násilí), take a photo (pořídit fotku), lately x later (v poslední době x později), to last (vydržet) x last (poslední), major (hlavní zaměření na univerzitě), expected (očekáváno), dishes (nádobí), when x where, bill (účet), buzzcut (sestřih na ježka), coincidence (náhoda), exhausting (vyčerpávající)
– What’s next: HERE is the homework. Practice the vocabulary from last lesson + look at future forms (will, going to, present continuous), present perfect and basic modals (can, could, should, have to, must) a bit more, we will revise it again before we start using the student books and noodlebooks:)
See you soon