Tuesday 17.35-19.05
Room 5
Učebnice: Student’s book: Headway Intermediate 5th edition
Teacher: Blanka Hýblová, blankahy@seznam.cz, +420 734 547 742
If you won’t be able to attend the lesson please contact me. Thank you:)
SUMMER LESSON 04, 20th August
Good job ladies:)
– Vocabulary: invoice, broke, preparation, inherited, band, consequences, tentacles, tail, fins, fur, mermaid, disappointment, primarily
See you in the next school year, have a nice rest of the Summer!
SUMMER LESSON 03, 13th August
Thank you for coming Valerie:) today we only talked
– New vocabulary: cleaning lady, crab, jellyfish, dots, walk along the coast, slimy, oysters, beloved, necessary, impossible, native speakers, majority, minority, judging someone, sleeves, melodic, curious, wholesome, especially
See you next time everyone! (20th August 16:00)
SUMMER LESSON 02, 16th July
Great job today Valerie and Lucy:))
– Drills: 29, 50, 67, 35, 55, 42, 49
– Vocabulary: never, ever, just, yet, already, since x for, headline, title, quit something, genre, hammer x hamster, region, postponed, nail (nehet i hřebík), mosquito bite, first aid – první pomoc, witness – svědek, concentration, boss, supervisor, task (úkol v práci, homework je úkol ve škole), CEO – vyslovujeme sí – í – ou (jako kdybychom spellovali), seal – tuleň, convenient – příhodný/praktický, to be drawn to something – být někam/něčím přitahován (The moth was drawn to the light)
– What’s next: We will talk about >never, ever, just, yet, already, since x for<, mix both present perfect tenses. We will look at phrasal verbs (mostly literal, maybe some idioms) and do some reading/translation practice. Don’t forget to practice explaining and describing the words (popisování a vysvětlování slovíček).
See you next time (13. srpna 16:00)
SUMMER LESSON 01, 9th July
Amazing job ladies:))
– Drills: 29, 50, 67, 35 (going to), 55 (present perfect simple x past simple)
– Noodles: DOWNLOAD
– Vocabulary: Revise the old words + here are the ones from this lesson (genre, a little bit, main, I’m capable of something, I can manage something, lately, expect, certain / uncertain, situation, ridiculous, attending (some class), to substitute, left x leaf x live x life (POZOR!), mental note, hamster, hammer, plum, drop (upustit), pluck (trhat), pick-up (zvednout)
– What’s next: We’ll revise Present Perfect Continuous with Past Continuous + some basic Phrasal Verbs.
See you again next week (Tuesday 16th, 16:00)
LESSON 25th June
Good job everyone:)
– Drills: 28, 85, 50, 67
– Noodles: DOWNLOAD
– Vocabulary: popsicle, yacht, shells, shrimp, jellyfish, dumbells, rusty, abilities x skills, coincidence (náhoda), silk, velvet, on the surface, treatment, to fix, adopt, cave
Na příště si přichystejte nudličky ať si máme o čem povídat a podíváme se znova podrobně na will a going to a podle času i na další opakování. Enjoy the summer:)
See you again next month!
LESSON 18th June
Great work, keep it up!
– Drills: 4, 67, 50, 28 (comparative, superlative), 85 (state x dynamic verbs)
– Vocabulary: Revise the words from the last lesson + the new words (owe x own, posture, jealous, posh, beige, hot tub/whirlpool/jacuzzi, heatwave, the furthest, T-shirt, shirt, classroom, to handle, cotton, wool, which one, look for x search, until, childhood, enjoy x look forward to, check x check-up)
– What’s next: Next week is our final lesson, but we’ll revise some old grammar. I will give you all materials at the start of the lesson:))
Nezapoměňte, že jsme se domluvily (Veronika, Valerie, Lucie) na letních termínech (9. + 16. července a 13. + 20. sprna v 16:00, dám to potom do záhlaví)
See you next week
LESSON 11th June
Fantastic work guys!:)
– Drills: 4, 67, 50, 97
– Noodles: mini nudličky na AM/PM (Pamatujeme A.M. – A jako rÁno = od půlnoci do oběda, P.M. – P jako Po-obědě = od oběda do půlnoci:))) – DOWNLOAD, Opakování komparativu a superlativu – DOWNLOAD
– Vocabulary: (Next lesson we’ll train describing and explaining words to our classmates, so be ready!) Revise old vocabulary + the words from this lesson -> BBQ, instead of, trivial, look forward to something, yet, pyramids, midnight, night, sunrise /dawn, morning, noon, afternoon, sunset/dusk, evening, czech x a czech, work days, stars appear, sun/moon rise or come up, shop closes x lesson ends, honor, dog collar x necklace, ticks, along, during, day off
– What’s next: Připomene si teorii stupňování (to z nudlí) a podíváme i na Active x State Verbs, tak si vezměte ty taháky, co jste si psali.
See you next week
LESSON 4th June
Good job everyone, it was nice meeting you:)
– Drills: 47, 97, 4, 67, 50
– Noodles: We’ll revise the use of A, An, The + Here’s an exercise for Telling the time + prepositions At, In, On -> DOWNLOAD HERE
– Vocabulary: Practice Lessons, underwent, operation x surgery, referral, cream x ointment, hated x criticized, avoid, wealthy, morgue, in between x among, A. I. -> Artificial Intelligence, bread x breed, for x since, right after, immediately, enrolled in
– What’s next: We will be working with Noodlebooks and Student’s Books again so if you’ve already decided to continue with the course in autumn, you can get them at the principal’s office. If not, I’ll just copy the pages for you as we only have 3 more lessons to go.
See you next week
Hi guys! Sorry for putting info this late. I am looking forward to seeing your presentations Veronika and Melany.
– drills: 47, 97, 4, 67, 50
Revise the words from the test. 🙂
LESSON 2 16.04.2024
Hello everybody. 😀
As we agreed we will see each other next Tuesday at 16:30.
– drills: 47, 97, 4, 67, 50
I am looking forward for Veronika’s Presentation
Here is a great riddle. Try to solve it. And as for your homework I will ask you to find an interesting and challenging riddle for us.
Who hasn’t seen the previous links please check those out as well.
See you,
LESSON 1 09.04.2024
Guys— IMPORTANT INFO— I will ask you to finish tomorrow`s lesson earlier (20-30 min), I gotta help my collegue with substitution. I promise we will fill that up on our next lessons. 🙂
– drills: 47, 97, 4, 67, 50
-As for a topic of a conversation we will take Space(universe) and everything that is related to it.
Have a look at this video. And answer the question. I will ask you to write down the new words you find 🙂
The words from the whiteboard: AMUSEMENT PARK=zábavní park, ICE-SKATING=bruslení, PET PEEVE=the most annoying thing, BASEMENT=sklep, FOUNDATION=BASIS=BASELINE=základ, HIKING=turistika, TO BLOSSOM=rozkvétat, TO EAT OUT=eat at restaurant for example, WELL-BEING=blahobyt.
https://test-english.com/grammar-points/b1/present-simple-present-continuous/ EXTRA Exercise. I would be happy if you had a look.
https://hdtoday.tv/tv/watch-adventure-time-hd-39381 My favourite cartoon, which had helped me a lot with english. And of course you can find any film on this website
Thanks and see you soon.
Starting with a new Trimester
LESSO N 2.4.
Today was the last lesson of the trimester. From now on, you’ll be with Narek. 🙂
vocabulary: guilty pleasure, morgue, to throw a tantrum, occasion, subscription, at this rate, dumbells, to get to know someone
– drills: 47, 97, 4, 67, 50
– listen the recording 4.11 once again and do ex. 5
+ choose 3 words we have learned in the last 3 months and create 3 interesting questions.
Bye. 🙂
LESSON 26.3.
vocabulary: ferry, cruise ship, lower-higher, tobacco, behaviour, divide, split, between, cut down, perform, performance, waste of time, dating, experience, trunk, chasm, personality trait, self-important, whistle, whisper, Easter, cruel, true self, dawn, expression, devil, mad, sweating, blood, blackmail, get rid of, horrified, youthful-looking, grabbed him frm behind, run off in fear, repulsive, hideous, wrickled, wrinkles, I can’t bear the idea., sick with fear, disbelief, guilt, drown, reveal, blame, suffer
– drills: 48, 47, 50, 67, 41, 77
– have a quick look – p. 46/ex. 3+4
– noodles 4.7.
Next time the class will be substituted by my very nice colleague Zuzka.
Have fun. 🙂
LESSON 19.3.
Good job, guys!
vocabulary: print, shift, almond, invented, improve, firefighter, calming, instant coffee, change, coins, nowadays, late harvest, cellar, low pressure, button, smell, taste, addicted, allow, screw-on, mad, spoilt, brat/little terror, pleasure-loving, impressed, charming, bad influence, get rid of, temptation, yield to, distress, charm, wide-eyed, youthfulself, remain, seek new pleasures, confide to, sail, beloved, terrible, meaningless, terrible, furious, engagement
– drills: 48, 47, 50, 67, 41, 77
– have a quick look at page 44-45 in the textbook and underline the words you don’t know from pictures 7-12
– noodles 4.6
Bye 🙂
LESSON 12.3.
Work hard! 🙂
vocabulary: parking lot, in front of, community house, recently, squirrel, hedgehog, flea, fog, get mature, phonebox, fail, straight A’s, camp, food/diet, habit, opportunity, enrich, contribute, abroad, string, organ, touch, random, couple, shooting, immediate success, writer, playwright, novel, very badly received, recognize, defended, soul in exhange for eternal youth, adaptations, stage, handsome, pleasure-seeking, former friend
– drills: 48, 47, 50, 67, 41, 77
– have a quick look at page 44-45 in the textbook and underline the words you don’t know from pictures 1-6
Have a nice day 🙂
Well done, ladies and Marek. 🙂
vocabulary: hazel tree (líska), eye specialist, improvement, noise, loud, laugh x love, magazines, amuse, angered, annoyed, inspired, guess x guest, blind, wretch, threw, through, beneath, unfortunate, defect, chief, chew, string, swallow, knots, itself, fee, cure, disease, lamenting, untimely death, breath, wretched child, requirement, frame
– drills: 72, 47, 50, 67, 41
– from the vocabulary we have covered since the beginning of the year, each of you create 5 questions that we‘ ll use in the conversation next time
– have a quick look at page 44 in the textbook, ex. 1
Have a nice rest of the week. 🙂
LESSON 27.2.
What a nice lesson! Thank you. 🙂
vocabulary: notes, ballet, steepness, tail, ponytail, Thailand-Thai, for ages, generous, honest, pocket money, scrooge, truck, peck, tribe, waterpipe, disturb, bra, slap, acid, look after, take care + four-wheeler or ATV (all terrain vehicle), male ballet dancer and ballerina, hair tint (přeliv)
– drills: 72, 47, 50, 55, 67, 28
– fill-in: HMW
Take care 🙂
LESSON 13.2.
Thank you for coming, Lucy and Marek. 🙂
vocabulary: cough, love letter, date (rande), Shrovetide, less, hint, it’s raining cats and dogs, interests, personality traits, tear, ball, extensive, camper van, swan lake, disaster, obsession, songbirds, thrushes, blackbirds, thrive, spread across, gigantic, bluebirds, woodpeckers, drive out
– drills: 47, 77, 55, 67, 28
– fill-in 4.3.
– have a quick look at page 43 in the textbook, ex. 3+5+7
Have a nice day and see you on February 27th. 🙂
What a nice lesson, ladies. 🙂
vocabulary: cinnamon, building company, easiness, report, get rid of, board games, time consuming, quiz, realize, each other, for days, ship x sheep, solider, slippers, difficult x difference, aluminium foil, air crash, flock, starling, choke, engine, survive
– drills: 47, 97, 77, 55, 62, 67 + 28, 29
– noodles 4.5.
– have a quick look at page 42 in the textbook, ex. 5+6
Have a nice day 🙂
LESSON 30.1.
Good job, guys!
vocabulary: card, bill, carols, use to, owl, wolf howls, sip of coffee, carrot, pepper, sweet potatoes, polytechnic, blueberries, medical high school,report, grade, ponytail, look after, attentive, admire, wealthy, wool, trader, regard, evidence
– drills: 47, 97, 77, 61, 55
– noodles 4.4.
– have a quick look at page 42 in the textbook, ex. 2 and be ready for the listening
Take care and enjoy the rest of the week. 🙂
LESSON 23.1.
Good job, guys! 🙂
vocabulary: squirrel, passionate, doe, inheritance, will, taboo topic, nudity, naked, bakery, influence, used to, gym rat, shift, part-time job, increase, decrease, close to, exhausted, work of art, illiteracy, playwright, plague, to bury someone, to perform, unfortunate
– drills: 47, 97, 77, 61, 55
– noodles 4.3.
– have a quick look at page 40 in the textbook, ex. 4 and be ready for the listening
Take care and enjoy the rest of the week. 🙂
LESSON 16.1.
vocabulary: equipment, plot, voracious reader, glucose, library, in brief, middle, mood, wolf, howls, brak, run out of, armchair
– drills: 47, 97, 77, 61, 55
– noodles 4.2. + finish the exercise I gave you in class (Qs 7-12 – fill-in 4.1.)
– have a quick look at page 40 in the textbook (ex. 1+2)
Next time please bring your textbook (or copies of it).
Have a nice rest of the week. 🙂
Thank you all for coming. It was nice to meet you – Mark and Luci. 🙂
vocabulary: grey cataract (šedý zákal), salmon, scale (šupina), wallet, plate, dumbell, firework, banquet, snail, to look after, afraid of, resolutions, quit smoking, volunteer, goal, Italy – italian, gain weight, lose weight, grades (A’s), average, keep calm, angina pectoris, spot, sweat, cough, lungs, can cause damage to, circle/group, celebration, witness, relation to, shake
– drills: 95, 96, 33, 67
– noodles 4.1.
Review the vocabulary from today’s lesson (maybe there will be a little vocab test next time;))
Take care 🙂
LESSON 5.12.
Today was the last lesson of the fall/winter trimester.
See you on Tuesday, January 9th.
Take care and have a wonderful Christmas. 🙂
vocabulary: inflammation, a bit of coward, surgery, hollow (dutý), fur farms, regime, mink, fox, doe, tough, carp, vertebrates, narrow, splint, heartburn, loss of consciousness, mention, wrap up, unwrap, flu, cough, sore throat, runny nose, stuffy nose, tiredness, cramps, constipation, vomiting, fever, pain that throbs, earache, difficulty hearing, chickenpox, rashes, red dots, blisters, indigestion, redness, diarrhea, chestpain, my wrist hurts, skin irritation, nosebleed, pulled muscle, wound, fracture, sprained ankle
LESSON 28.11.
Good job, ladies. 🙂
Try to remember as much of the new vocabulary as possible for next time.
Next time we’ll do a role play – I need to see a doctor! (doctor’s appointment)
vocabulary: electrician, mulled wine, guinea pig, fur, limit, whale, rely on, shape x shame, ankle x uncle
idioms: be/feel/look under the weather, be coming down with something, be out of sorts, be sick as a dog, take a turn for worse
Next time we will have a Christmas lesson
– prepare interesting Christmas traditions from all over the world (Valerie – Asia , Kristyna – USA, Lucy – Western Europe, Iryna – Eastern Europe) + prepare a story about how do you usually spend Christmas (What is a special tradition that your family does every year on Christmas? etc.)
Have a nice rest of the week. 🙂
LESSON 21.11.
Well done, ladies. 🙂
vocabulary: goosebumps (husí kůže), ponytail, contract, connected with, similar, boarder, impact, sins, since, turkey, flags, capital letter, cursive writing, force, funeral
GRAMMAR: little/a little – few/a few
- Countable nouns (dogs, books, cars,..)
- Connected with plural
- Sometimes used as an adjective
Few people know that.
He has a very few friends.
Cooking is one of my few hobbies.
Very few attended the funeral. = very few people
- Uncountable nouns (water, snow, air,..)
- Connected with singular
- Sometimes used as an adjective
We have little work today.
There’s very little snow this year.
There was little I could do.
!!important: –> little + plural
Few children x little children
- Different meaning = positive
I have little money. (Mám málo peněz.)
I have a little money. (Mám trochu peněz. = Nejsem na tom špatně.)
There were few people at the party. Na večírku bylo málo lidí.)
There were a few people at the party. (Na večírku bylo pár lidí.)
- With countable nouns:
- Few = málo (malý počet)
- A few = několik, pár
- With uncountable nouns:
- Little = málo (malé množství)
- A little = trochu
- less – the least
- reverse grading
- He has less work than I.
– drills: 49, 55, 67, 72, 28
– noodles: 3.12 (Overall revision)
Topic for the next lesson: human body parts, diseases/illnesses (you can prepare related vocabulary )
I’ll prepare a dummy for you to review the vocabulary 😉
+ Role play: I need to see a doctor.
Take care. 🙂
LESSON 14.11.
Good job, ladies! Keep the hard work. 🙂
17th November: Struggle for Fredom Day: gathered, commemorate, held on, in opposition, occupation, rapidly, turn into, oppressive communist regime, co-called, Velvet Revolution, significance, salvation, human power to reflect, meekness,
Valerie’s homework: divide, barbed wire,brick, brick up, tie (kravata), ties (vazby, pouto), estimated, entire, fall apart,
National stereotypes: honest, dishonest, gentle, aggresive, patient, impatient, fun, boring, excitable, calm, distant, warm, womanisers, violent
From the rest of the session: strange, strict, period, season, chief of department, grow up, board games, affordable, religion, foreigners, mosque, lungs, death penalty, rights and responsibilities, goose feast
– drills: 97, 42, 49, 55, 77, 67, 72, 29
– noodles: 3.11
– Next time we’ll check the homework from previous lesson (What interesting happened in the world? Get ready your news)
Have a nice day 🙂
LESSON 7.11.
Well done, ladies. 🙂
vocabulary: channel, heaven x hell, amusing, reputation, survey, conduct, various areas, politeness, willingness, cultural sensitivity, range of, unanimously, chain, tip, tippers, according to, afraid of, snobby = snobbish, rubbish, unbelievable, real feel, appreciation, polite, friendly, loud, generous, open-minded, tidy, quiet, mean, rude, unfriendly, messy, intolerant, aurora, nut, coffin, grave, cook x cooker, a shot of spirit
– drills: 95, 96, 42, 33, 49, 55, 77, 62, 67, 72, 28, 29
– What interesting happened in the world? Get ready your news (at least 2 each of you)
Have a nice rest of the week. 🙂
LESSON 31.10.
Good job, ladies! 🙂
vocabulary: full moon, lantern, amanita (muchomůrka), chisel (dlabat), grave, carols, duty-duties, embarrassed, pitch, brave, crazy, give up, get rid of, women x woman, men x man, announce, accomplish, postpone, chestnut, effort, I can’t drag myself out of bed.
TABOO TOPIC: NUDITY (vocabulary: nudity, naked, nude, naturism)
Adjectives ending in -ed/-ing (drill 72)
-ED: used to describe: a feeling (or how a person feels) or an emotion
-ING: used to describe: the characteristic of a person, a thing or a situation
Football is interesting. I’m interested in football.
– drills: 95, 96, 42, 33, 49, 55, 77, 62, 67
– noodles 3.10.
– have a look at page 36 in the textbook – What do you think about work-life balance? How to achieve balance in life? & be ready for listening ex 5
Take care 🙂
LESSON 24.10.
Well done, ladies. 🙂
vocabulary: sadness, happiness, achieve, energy consumption, duck tape, accept, flexible working hours, food/dietary supplement, responsibility, playground, scooter, injured, approximately
– drills: 95, 96, 42, 33, 49, 55, 77, 62, 67 + 28, 29 (gradability of adjectives)
– Translate into English:
– Kde a jak mladí lidé v České republice/na Ukrajině obvykle tráví svůj volný čas?
– Chtěli byste mít více volného času?
– Čeho byste se vzdali, abyste měli více volného času?
– Jak obvykle tráví volný čas ženy ve vaší rodině?
– Tráví muži a ženy svůj volný čas jinak? Jak?
– Kdyby bylo náhle oznámeno, že zítra je státní svátek, co byste dělali?
– Mění se s přibývajícím věkem způsob trávení volného času lidí? Jak?
– Jsou nějaké koníčky, které byste chtěli vyzkoušet?
– Existují nějaké nebezpečné koníčky?
– Existují nějaké koníčky, které můžete dělat v jiných zemích, ale ne ve vaší?
– have a look at page 36 in the textbook – translate ex. 2 + 3 & think about: What do you think about work-life balance? How to achieve balance in life?
Have a nice day. 🙂
LESSON 17.10.
You are getting better and better. 🙂
vocabulary: feast, procession, brass music, abandoned, sounds, ridiculous, harness, income inequality, be mistaken, plaint, time consuming, bad influence, behaviour, livelihood, rocks, footwear, fear remains, rural, on hold, field, ballroom dancing
– drills: 95, 96, 42, 33, 49, 55, 77, 62, 67
– noodles 3.9.
– have a look at page 36 in the textbook – translate ex. 2 + 3 & think about: What do you think about work-life balance? How to achieve balance in life?
See you next week. 🙂
LESSON 10.10.
Great class 🙂
vocabulary: curtains, grapes harvest, sail, across, harsh times, peace of mind, children’s home, follow, used to, moving, rare
– drills: 95, 42, 33, 49, 96, 72, 29, 55
– noodles 3.8.
– finish reading on page 35 in the textbook
Have a nice rest of the week. 🙂
LESSON 3.10.
Good job, ladies! 🙂
Vocabulary: picky, dirty – dirtier, look after, take care, less, cartoon, to slip in, among, shave, announce, pregnancy, to do list, engineering, cinnamon, wage, handsome, personality traits, CEO=chief executive officer, volunteer, movement disability, camp, dollars, pounds, greedy, inequality, divide, newborn, pay cut, industrial estate, latecomer, unkempt
– drills: 72, 40, 29, 55, 39, 49
– noodles 3.7.
– have a look at page 35 in the textbook – find new vocabulary
Have a nice day. 🙂
LESSON 26.9.
Thanks for coming, ladies. 🙂
Vocabuary: paw patrol, at least, further, woods, forest, depths, heights, healthy nutrition, trigeminal nerve, surgery, operating room, cuisine, cousin, cemetery, trucks, snail, construction company, spend money on, complaining, ass-kisser, lickspittle
– drills: 72, 40, 96, 29, 55, 39, 49
– noodles 3.6.
– have a quick look at page 34 in the textbook – read the opening paragraph & be ready to talk about it
Take care. 🙂
LESSON 19.9.
Well done, ladies. Nice to meet you all. 🙂
For Iryna and Kristyna: textbooks and noodlebooks are ready for pick-up at the office.
Vocabulary: shutter, zodiac sign, sagittarius, libra, scorpio, be afraid of
– drills: 17, 72, 26
– noodles 3.5.
See you next week. 🙂