ASP9 – TUESDAYS @ 14:25 – 15:55
Room 6
Teacher: Mirka Murray (
Student’s book: New Headway Intermediate 4th edition
14/01/2025 – Homework :
- revise drill 43
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : FEATHERS = peri, LEAP = dlouhy skok, TANNED = opaleny, BURNED = spaleny, HIPS = boky
- translate questions 1.1. + 1.2. in your new noodle book
Thank you for your email Petra 🙂 I look forward to seeing you all in our next lesson.
07/01/2025 – Homework :
- revise all your drills
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SWELL = napuchnout, ACHIEVE = docilit / dosahnout
- bring new student’s book into our lesson (HEADWAY INTERMEDIATE 5TH EDITION)
- pick up new noodle book at the school office before our next lesson
I hope to finally see Pavel in our next lesson again 🙂
10/12/2024 – Homework :
- revise all your drills
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : REVIEW = recenze
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Have a fantastic time during the Holidays 🙂 I will see you again in 2025.
03/12/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 78 (phrasal verbs)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : FUSSY = vybiravy / mlsny, WINK = mrknout, LARCH = modrin, GIVE IN = poddat se necemu, RUN OUT OF = vypotrebovat / dojit, LOOK UP = vyhledat, GET ON WITH = vychazet s, BRING UP = vychovat
- complete fill-in exercise 12.4. vocabulary from article
Well done today 🙂 See you on Tuesday for the last lesson of this trimester.
26/11/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 78 (phrasal verbs)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- translate noodle questions 12.8. + 12.9.
- complete fill-in exercise 12.3. vocabulary
- SB page 98 + 99 – read the article again & study new vocabulary
Thank you for letting me know you can’t come Pavel 🙂 I hope to see you soon.
19/11/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 47, 48 (passives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TORCH = svitilna, HOSTAGE = rukojmi
- translate noodle questions 12.8. + 12.9.
- complete fill-in exercise 12.3. vocabulary
- SB page 98 + 99 ex. 3, 4 (reading & speaking) – read about Darwin, Pankhurst and Presley
Well done with the article today 🙂 We will continue with it in our next lesson.
12/11/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 47, 48 (passives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : FUSSY = vybiravy
- translate noodle questions 12.6. + 12.7.
- SB page 98 + 99 ex. 3, 4 (reading & speaking) – read about Galilei and Freud
Thank you for your email Pavel. I hope you can make it next time 🙂
05/11/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 58 (reported speech)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- translate noodle questions 12.5. verbs and prepositions
Thank you for your email Marek 🙂 I hope to see all of you in our next lesson.
29/10/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 58 (reported speech)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ROOSTER = kohout, FIR = jedle, GRAVEL = sotolina,
- translate noodle questions 12.5. verbs and prepositions
- complete fill-in exercise 12.2. prepositions
I hope to see Helena and Pavel in our next lesson 🙂
22/10/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 58 (reported speech)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- SB page 97 ex. 1, 2, 3 (vocabulary & speaking)
- translate noodle questions 12.5. verbs and prepositions
Thank you for your email Helena 🙂 I hope to see you in our next lesson.
15/10/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 58 (reported speech)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : MAKE AN APPOINTMENT = objednat se
- translate noodle questions 12.4.
- complete fill-in exercise 12.1. vocabulary from pages 94+95+96
Well done with the difficult grammar today 🙂
08/10/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 58 (reported speech)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TELL ON SOMEBODY = zalovat na nekoho, SUE SOMEBODY = zazalovat nekoho, JUDGE = soudce, COURT = soud, BREED = plemeno, STUFF = veci, STAFF = personal
- translate noodle questions 12.3.
- SB page 96 ex. 4
Have a fantastic rest of the week 🙂
01/10/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 48
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : COWARD = zbabelec, BUCKET = kybl, SOIL = hlina
- translate noodle questions 12.1.
- SB page 95 ex. 5
It was great to have all of you here today 🙂
24/09/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 48
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : KITTEN = kotatko, TRAY = pecici plech
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Thank you for your email Pavel 🙂 I hope to see you and also Marek in our next lesson.
25/06/2024 – Homework :
- revise all your drills
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TARMAC = asfalt, PRAM = kocarek
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Thank you for your email Helena 🙂 I hope to see you all again in September.
18/06/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 78 (phrasal verbs)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : INJUSTICE = nespravedlnost / krivda, GLOVES = rukavice
- complete fill-in exercise 11.6. vocabulary
- translate noodle questions 11.12.
Next lesson is our last before summer so I hope to see you all 🙂
11/06/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 78 (phrasal verbs)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : POPPY SEED = mak
- SB page 93 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (everyday English)
- complete fill-in exercise 11.5. phrasal verbs
Well done today 🙂 I hope to see Helena in our next lesson.
04/06/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 54, 56 (modal verbs of probability)
- SB page 90 + 91 – read the article again and study new vocabulary (I will test you again)
- SB page 92 ex. 3, 4, 5 (vocabulary)
- complete fill-in exercise 11.4. phrasal verbs
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : WHIPPED CREAM = slehacka, SOLID = pevny, STEAM = para
Only Monika came to our lesson today. I hope to see more of you next time 🙂
28/05/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 54, 56 (modal verbs of probability)
- SB page 90 + 91 – read the article again and study new vocabulary (I will test you again)
- SB page 92 ex. 3, 4, 5 (vocabulary)
- translate noodle questions 11.11. phrasal verbs
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : APPROACH = pristup, WEED = plevel / trava, HAIL = kroupy, HINT = naznak
It was lovely to have all of you here again 🙂
21/05/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 54, 56 (modal verbs of probability)
- SB page 90 + 91 – read the article again and study new vocabulary (I will test you)
- translate noodle questions 11.10.
- complete fill-in exercise 11.3. vocabulary from article
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BLACKCURRANT = cerny rybiz, SAW = pila, INFLAMMATION = zanet, TREAT = lecit, CLUE = stopa, WORK OUT = prijit na neco
I hope to see Helena in our next lesson 🙂
14/05/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 54, 56 (modal verbs of probability)
- SB page 91 ex. 2 (language work)
- translate noodle questions 11.7. + 11.8.
- complete fill-in exercise 11.2. vocabulary from Sherlock Holmes article
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Thank you for your email Pavel 🙂 See you next time!
07/05/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 54, 56 (modal verbs of probability)
- SB page 90+91 ex. 4, 5 (reading and listening)
- translate noodle questions 11.2. modals
- complete fill-in exercise 11.1. modal verbs of probability
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : RECORD = nahravka / nahravat
I hope to see you all in our next lesson 🙂
30/04/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 54, 56 (modal verbs of probability)
- SB page 89 ex. 3, 4 (practice)
- translate noodle questions 11.5. + 11.6.
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SAMPLE = vzorek, GO CLUBBING = jit parit
It was great to see you all today 🙂
23/04/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 54 (modal verbs of probability)
- SB page 87 ex. 3 (practice)
- complete noodle questions 11.4.
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : JUDGE = soudce / porotce
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
Only Monika came to our lesson today. I hope to see all of you in our next lesson 🙂
16/04/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 54 (modal verbs of probability)
- SB page 87 ex. 3 (practice)
- complete noodle questions 11.1. + 11.4.
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : INSULATION = izolace / zatepleni
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
It was great to have you all here again today 🙂
09/04/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 47, 72, 81
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : HALF BOARD = polopenze, FULL BOARD = plna penze, LOOK FORWARD TO = tesit se na
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
Thank you for your email Helena 🙂 I hope you can join us in the next lesson.
02/04/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 48, 72, 81
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : PEAS = hrasek, COMPLAIN = stezovat si, HARMFUL = skodlivy
- SB page 143+144+145 – revise grammar of unit 10
- SB page 174 – revise vocabulary of unit 10
I hope to see Pavel and Helena too in our next lesson 🙂
26/03/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 81 (someone / something / somewhere)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : DAM / RESERVOIR = prehrada, GAME = zverina, MANAGE = zvladnout / stihnout, SAW = pilka, NEEDLE = jehla
- SB page 143+144+145 – revise grammar of unit 10
- SB page 174 – revise vocabulary of unit 10
- complete fill-in exercise 10.6. everyday English
We will revise unit 10 together in our next lesson 🙂
19/03/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 81 (someone / something / somewhere)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ASSEMBLE = slozit, CARPENTER = truhlar, CORKSCREW = vyvrtka, DENTAL FLOSS = dentalni nit, CHOPSTICKS = jidelni hulky, FLY SWATTER = placacka na mouchy, OVEN GLOVES = chnapky, SCUFF = odrenina
- translate noodle questions 10.12.
- complete fill-in exercise 10.5. compound nouns
Well done with the vocabulary exercises today 🙂
12/03/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 81 (someone / something / somewhere)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : WEAK = slaby, WEAKEN = oslabit, WEAKENED = oslabeny, MANAGE = zvladnout, POND = rybnik, FOOTBALL PITCH = fotbalove hriste, SOUTHERN = jizni
- SB page 82+83 – read the article again + study new vocabulary (I will test you again)
- SB page 84 ex. 4, 5, 6 (vocabulary & speaking)
- translate noodle questions 10.11.
It was fantastic to finally have all of you here again 🙂
05/03/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 81 (someone / something / somewhere)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BRING = prinest / privezt, GET RID OF = zbavit se, VIEW TOWER = rozhledna, TRIAL PERIOD = zkusebni doba, MAYOR = starosta, CONVENIENCE = vyhodnost (hodi se mi to)
- SB page 82+83 ex. 5, 6 (reading and speaking)
- SB page 82+83 – read the article again + study new vocabulary (I will test you)
- translate noodle questions 10.10.
- complete fill-in exercise 10.4. vocabulary from article
Today’s lesson only with Monika and Elvira. I hope to see more of you in our next lesson 🙂
27/02/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 81 (someone / something / somewhere)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : THRIVE = vzkvetat, HIPS = boky, HIP JOINT = kycelni kloub, DEMANDING = narocny, TRADE = remeslo, PLUMBER = instalater, HUG = obejmout
- SB page 82+83 ex. 5, 6 (reading and speaking)
- SB page 82+83 – read the article again + study new vocabulary (I will test you)
- translate noodle questions 10.9.
- complete fill-in exercise 10.3. possessives with s
I hope to see you in our next lesson Pavel 🙂
13/02/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 81 (someone / something / somewhere)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : EVERYTHING = vsechno, ACQUAINTANCE = znamy (ne kamarad), FIGURE STH OUT = vymyslet neco / prijit na neco, ABUSE = zneuzit
- SB page 82+83 ex. 3 (reading and speaking)
- translate noodle questions 10.8.
- complete fill-in exercise 10.2. possessives
Don’t forget that next week is spring holiday, so I will see you again 27.2. !!
06/02/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 81 (someone / something / somewhere)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : MELT = roztat, STREAM / CREEK = potok, QUARK = tvaroh, LITTER = odpadky, INNOCENT = nevinny
- SB page 81 ex. 2 + spoken English
- translate noodle questions 10.6. + 10.7.
- complete fill-in exercise 10.1. articles
Have a great rest of the week 🙂
30/01/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 81 (someone / something / somewhere)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BEND = ohnout, BEND DOWN = ohnout se, BALL = ples, RAFFLE = tombola, GROCERY SHOP = obchod s potravinami
- translate noodle questions 10.4. + 10.5.
I hope to see Elvira in our next lesson 🙂
23/01/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 47, 48 (passives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : OBSTACLE = prekazka, TARMAC = asfalt, CAFE = kavarna, COFFEE = kava, COSY = utulny, CHEESE PLATTER = syrove prkenko
- translate noodle questions 10.2. + 10.3.
- SB page 80 ex. 4, 5
Thank you for your email Helena & Pavel. I look forward to seeing you in our next lesson 🙂
16/01/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 47, 48 (passives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : RUN OUT OF = vypotrebovat, PAINFUL / SORE = bolavy, TENDON = slacha, TOPIC = tema, EXPERIENCED = zkuseny, FORCE = prinutit
- translate noodle questions 10.1.
- SB page 79 ex. 1, 2, 3 (practice)
Well done today 🙂
09/01/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 48 (passives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : HONEST = uprimny, RIBS = zebra, HERBS = bylinky, PARROT = papousek, THIN / SLIM = hubeny, TRIP = zakopnout, TOAST = prituknout si, LENTILS = cocka, SUPERSTITIOUS = povercivy, FAILURE = neuspech
- bring your student’s book & noodle book to our next lesson
It was lovely to see you all today 🙂
05/12/2023 – Homework :
- revise all your drills
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : STEEP = strmy, TRUCK = kamion, PIE = buchta, RAISINS = rozinky, SUSPECT = tusit / podezrivat, SERVICE / TIP = spropitne
Enjoy the holiday season and see you again in the year 2024 🙂
28/11/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 72 (-ed & -ing adjectives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ATTEND = zucastnit se, DRAFT = pruvan, KIDNEYS = ledviny, ATTIC = podkrovi, HOSPITABLE = pohostinny, GOALKEEPER = brankar, HOLD = drzet, KEEP = udrzovat / nechat si, JUSTICE = spravedlnost
- complete fill-in 9.3. vocabulary from page 74+75
- SB page 74+75 – read this article again & study new vocabulary (you will explain it in English in our next lesson)
I hope to see you all in our next lesson (it’s the last one before Christmas).
21/11/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 72 (-ed & -ing adjectives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : LOAN = pujcka, MORTGAGE = hypoteka, RIDICULOUS = smesny (negativne), BUFFET = raut, BUNK BED = patrova postel, REVENGE = pomsta, HURT = ublizit
- translate noodle questions 9.11.
- complete fill-in 9.4. vocabulary from page 74+75
- SB page 74+75 – read this article again & study new vocabulary (you will explain it in English in our next lesson)
It was great to have you all here again 🙂
14/11/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 72 (-ed & -ing adjectives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ON YOUR OWN = sam, GET LOST = ztratit se
- translate noodle questions 9.10.
- SB page 74+75 – read this article again & study new vocabulary (I will test you)
Thank you for your email Pavel 🙂 I hope to see you in our next lesson.
07/11/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 68 (third conditional)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : STARE = zirat, SHED = kulna, LAWN MOWER = sekacka na travu, LEAVE OUT / OMIT = vynechat, BE AWARE OF = byt si vedom, BOAST = chlubit se, DEBT = dluh, DEBTOR = dluznik
- translate noodle questions 9.12.
- SB page 74+75 ex. 4 (reading & speaking) – read both parts of the article & answer the questions
Well done with the vocabulary revision today 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your week.
31/10/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 68 (third conditional)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : LARD = sadlo, FUNERAL = pohreb, OVERNIGHT = pres noc, TARMAC = asfalt, BOARD GAMES = stolni hry, PILE = hromada / hazet na hromadu, INVESTIGATE = vysetrovat, INTERPRETER = tlumocnik, TRANSLATOR = prekladatel
- SB page 76 ex. 1, 2 (vocabulary)
- translate noodle questions 9.7.
Well done with the vocabulary revision today 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your week.
24/10/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 68 (third conditional)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson+previous 5 lessons (you will explain this vocabulary in English in our next lesson) : ROASTED = peceny (kure, zelenina), BAKED = peceny (chleba, dort), THRILLING = napinave, PHEASANT = bazant, PEEL = loupat, GRAVE = hroby, GRAVEYARD = hrbitov (historicky), CEMETERY = hrbitov, POND = rybnik
- SB page 76 ex. 1, 2 (vocabulary)
It was great to have all of you here again today 🙂
17/10/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 45, 46, 68 (first / second / third conditional)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson+previous 4 lessons (you will explain this vocabulary in English in our next lesson) : WREATH = venec, CHESTNUT = kastan, GREEDY = lakomy, DUTCH = Nizozemec, NETHERLANDS = Nizozemi, FOG = mlha, FREEZER = mrazak, ORCHARD = sad, ROUTE = trasa, MOUNTAIN RIDGE = hreben hor, TAKE IN CONSIDERATION = brat v uvahu, ABUSE = zneuzivat
Thank you for your email Pavel 🙂 See you all on Wednesday.
10/10/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 45, 46, 68 (first / second / third conditional)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ADDED VALUE = pridana hodnota, LIZARD = jester, STARE = zirat, HIT = prastit, WASTE = odpad, SETTLE DOWN = usadit se, BURGLER = vykradac bytu, BRING UP / RAISE = vychovat, UPBRINGING = vychova, CALM = klidny, PERSUADE / CONVINCE = presvedcit
- SB page 142+143 – read about grammar of unit 9 (conditionals)
- noodles 9.4. mix of conditionals
Thank you for your emails Monika & Marek. I hope to see you both in our next lesson.
03/10/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 45, 46, 68 (first / second / third conditional)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : MUST-SEE FILM = film ktery stoji za shlednuti, FROST = mrazik, CAVE = jeskyne, CYCLEPATH = cyklostezka, SUPERSTITIOUS = povercivy, SQUIRREL = veverka, CONSIDERATE = ohleduplny, UNSOLVABLE = neresitelny
- SB page 142+143 – read about grammar of unit 9 (conditionals)
- noodles 9.3. third conditional
- SB page 71 ex. 5
Well done again today 🙂
26/09/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 45, 46, 68 (first / second / third conditional)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : DUTIES = povinnosti, BREAK INTO = vloupat se, REVISE = opakovat (ucivo), BULLY = sikanovat, TOUGH = drsny / narocny
- noodles 9.2. second conditional
- SB page 71 ex. 3, 4, 5
- SB page 142+143 – read about grammar of unit 9 (conditionals)
Nice work today 🙂 See you again on Tuesday.
19/09/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 45, 46 (first / second conditional)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : FALL APART = rozpadnout se, ANIMAL SHELTER = utulek pro zvirata, BATH = vana, BATHE = koupat se, SUNBATHING = opalovani, AFFORD = dovolit si (financne)
- pick up your noodle book in the office before our next lesson
- bring your student’s book with you
It was fantastic to meet you! I look forward to next Tuesday