Course date: Thursday 14:25 – 15:55, room 2
Book: New Headway Upper-Intermediate 5th edition
Teacher: Narek Mangasaryan (, 728188798 )
DRILY – info
Datumář: HERE!
Lesson 1 09.01.2025
Hey guys. Thank you for the great lesson today. Zuzana, welcome to the club 🙂
The words
EVE- silvestr
TO BE DEPENDANT ON=byt zavisly na (nekom)
TO CRACK DOWN ON=to apply stricter rules and follow them
TO STOP SMOKING= means to quit smoking
TO STOP TO SMOKE= means to stop somewhere and have a break for smoking
TRY + -ING means that you are trying something as an experiment, especially as a possible solution to a problem, to see if it works or not. Have you tried turning the computer off and on again? TRY + TO + INFINITIVE means that something is difficult but you are making an effort to do it.
See you next week
Lesson 12
Lesson 10
Lesson 9
Lesson 8
Lesson 7
Vaclav and Iveta thanks for coming guys.
I hope to see Žaneta and Luboš next week ։)
Lesson 6
Lesson 5
Lesson 4
Hi guys!
So materials for Genette,
And guys, if have some spare time just watch this video on sugar
Have a great week,
and see u soon 🙂
Lesson 3
Lesson 2
Thank u guys for coming.
wishing you a great rest of the week
Lessin 1
Thanks for coming everybody.
That riddle 🙂
1.Airplane with 500 bricks
2.Elephant into the fridge in 3 steps
3.Giraffe into the fridge in 4 steps
4.Lion kings party with a missing guest
5.Grandma crossing the river
6.Grandma dies 🙁
Hope to see you all next week
26/06/2024 – Homework :
- revise all your drills
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- translate noodles 1.7. + 1.8. (translate and then check with key at the back of the booklet)
- SB page 14+15 – read this article again & study all new vocabulary
Have a wonderful summer 🙂
19/06/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 26, 40, 55, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- translate noodles 1.6.
- SB page 14+15 ex. 2, 3 (reading and speaking)
Next lesson is the last one before summer so I hope to see you all here 🙂
12/06/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 84 (future tenses – advanced)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- translate noodles 1.5.
Well done today 🙂 See you again on Wednesday.
05/06/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 84 (future tenses – advanced)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- translate noodles 1.4.
- SB page 12+13 ex. 4, 5, 6 (practice)
I hope to see you in our next lesson Lubo 🙂
29/05/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 84 (future tenses – advanced)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : HAIL = kroupy
- translate noodles 1.3. + 1.4.
- SB page 12+13 ex. 4, 5, 6 (practice)
It was great to have all of you here today 🙂
22/05/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 33, 55, 48
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : GET A FRIGHT = leknout se, ELDERFLOWER = bezinka, SEA LION = lachtan
- translate noodles 1.1. + 1.2. in your noodle book
- SB page 12 ex. 1, 2 (practice)
Have a great rest of the week and I will see you again on Wednesday 🙂
15/05/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 47, 48, 50 (passives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : APHID = msice, COYPU = nutrie, NON BINARY = nebinarni
- buy the ‚Headway upper-intermediate 5th edition‘ student’s book and bring it to our next lesson 🙂
- SB page 10 ex. 1, 2
Only Martina came to our lesson today, the homework stays the same 🙂 I hope to see you all next Wednesday.
24/04/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 47, 48, 50 (passives)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- buy the ‚Headway upper-intermediate 5th edition‘ student’s book and bring it to our next lesson 🙂
- SB page 10 ex. 1, 2
Next 2 Wednesdays are public holidays so there will be no lesson. I will be in touch next week to arrange a substitution 🙂
17/04/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 45, 46, 68 (conditionals)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
- buy the ‚Headway upper-intermediate 5th edition‘ student’s book and bring it to our next lesson 🙂
Have a great rest of the week 🙂
10/04/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 45, 46, 68 (conditionals)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ELEVATION GAIN = ziskana nadmorska vyska
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
I hope to see you in our next lesson Luba 🙂
03/04/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 45, 46, 68 (conditionals)
- SB page 152 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (review)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : AFFORD = dovolit si (financne), STUBBORN = tvrdohlavy
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons (I will test you)
Well done today 🙂
27/03/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 45, 46, 68 (conditionals)
- SB page 150+151 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (writing)
- complete fill-in exercise 12.6. compound adjectives
Enjoy the Easter holiday weekend and I will see you again on Wednesday 🙂
20/03/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 41, 59, 65 (modal verbs)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : CRUEL = kruty
- SB page 149 ex. 1, 2, 3 (vocabulary)
- complete fill-in exercise 12.4. vocabulary from speaking
Great discussion today 🙂
13/03/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 41, 59, 65 (modal verbs)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ACQUAINTANCE = znamy
- SB page 148 ex. 1, 2, 3 (use of English)
Well done today 🙂
06/03/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 92 (have something done)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : INFLAMMATION = zanet, EARPLUGS = spunty do usi, DRY CLEANING = chemicke cisteni obleceni
- complete fill-in exercise 12.3. vocabulary from listening
It was great to have you all here today 🙂
28/02/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 92 (have something done)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : CAUSE = zpusobit, STUNNED = sokovany / zamrznuty, MOGULS = muldy, WASH DISHES = umyt nadobi, PRISON SENTENCE = trest odneti svobody
- translate these questions 12.5. grammar – causatives
Thank you for your email Lubo 🙂 I hope to see you in our next lesson.
14/02/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 92 (have something done)
- SB page 142+143 (reading) – read the article again and study new vocabulary (I will test you)
- SB page 145 ex. 4, 5, 6 (grammar)
Don’t forget that next week is spring holiday, so I will see you again 28.2. !!
07/02/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 54, 56 (modal verbs of probability)
- SB page 142+143 (reading) – read the article again and study new vocabulary (I will test you)
- SB page 144 ex. 1, 2 (grammar)
- complete fill-in exercise 12.2. vocabulary from page 144
Well done with the drills today 🙂
31/01/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 54, 56 (modal verbs of probability)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : CLUE = indicie
- SB page 142+143 (reading) – read the article again and study new vocabulary (I will test you)
- SB page 144 ex. 1, 2, 3 (vocabulary)
Thank you for your email Lubo. I hope to see you in our next lesson 🙂
24/01/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 54, 56 (modal verbs of probability)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : CLUE = indicie
- complete fill-in exercise 12.1. vocabulary from reading
- SB page 142+143 (reading) – read the article again and study new vocabulary (you will explain these words in English in our next lesson)
Well done today 🙂 I look forward to seeing you again on Wednesday 🙂
17/01/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 54, 56 (modal verbs of probability)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- SB page 142+143 ex. 1, 2, 3 (reading)
Well done today 🙂 I look forward to seeing you again on Wednesday 🙂
10/01/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 26, 40, 55, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS = trestni rizeni, NEW YEAR’S EVE = Silvestr, NEW YEAR’S DAY = Novy rok, ROW = rada, BUTLER = majordomus, FIREWORKS = ohnostroj, FAILURE = neuspech
- SB page 142+143 ex. 1, 2, 3 (reading)
I hope to see Lubos in our next lesson as well 🙂
06/12/2023 – Homework :
- revise all of your drills 🙂
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Enjoy the holiday season and see you again in the year 2024
29/11/2023 – Homework :
- revise drills 26, 40, 55, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : RAFFLE = tombola, RELAY = stafeta, FRAUD = podvod, SCAM = podfuk
- SB page 140 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (review)
- complete fill-in exercise 11.6. vocabulary
It’s our next lesson before Christmas next time, so I hope to see you all 🙂
22/11/2023 – Homework :
- revise drills 41, 59, 65 (modal verbs)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : POLLINATE = opylovat, POLLEN = pyl
- SB page 138+139 ex. 1, 2 (writing)
- complete fill-in exercise 11.5. compound nouns from page 137
Thank you for your email Lubos, I hope you can make it next time 🙂
15/11/2023 – Homework :
- revise drills 68
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- SB page 137 ex. 1, 2, 3 (vocabulary)
- complete fill-in exercise 11.4. use of English
Well done today 🙂 Have a great rest of the week.
08/11/2023 – Homework :
- revise drills 68
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : FOLDABLE = skladaci
- SB page 136+137 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (use of English)
- complete fill-in exercise 11.3. vocabulary from listening
This time with Honza and Vasek 🙂 I hope to see all of you in our next lesson.
01/11/2023 – Homework :
- revise drills 45, 46, 68
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : WINDSCREEN = celni sklo, WIPE = stirat
- SB page 136+137 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (use of English)
- complete fill-in exercise 11.3. vocabulary from listening
I hope to see you all in our next lesson 🙂
25/10/2023 – Homework :
- revise drills 45, 46, 68
- SB page 174 – revise grammar ‚conditionals‘
- SB page 133 ex. 5, 6, 7 (grammar)
Thank you for your email Honza. Enjoy your holiday and we will see you when you get back 🙂
18/10/2023 – Homework :
- revise drills 45, 46, 68
- SB page 174 – revise grammar ‚conditionals‘
Thank you for your email again Lubos 🙂 Hopefully next time it will work out.
11/10/2023 – Homework :
- revise drills 72 (-ed & -ing adjectives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson (I will test you in our next lesson) : TARMAC = asfalt, TICK = kliste
- SB page 132 ex. 1, 2 (vocabulary)
- complete fill-in exercise 11.2. vocabulary from page 132
Thank you for your email Lubos, I hope to see you in our next lesson 🙂
04/10/2023 – Homework :
- revise drills 72 (-ed & -ing adjectives)
- complete fill-in exercise 11.1. vocabulary from page 130+131
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson (I will test you in our next lesson) : SHIPWRECK = vrak lodi, LITERATE = gramotny, EMPOWERMENT = zmocneni, TAKE TURNS = stridat se, DOWNSIDE = nevyhoda, DESPIDE = navzdory, ALTER = pozmenit, THRILL = vzruseni, ATTAIN = dosahnout, OMIT = vynechat, HINDER = branit, BAN = zakazat / zakaz, RAPIDLY= rychle, GADGET = zarizeni, SOLVE PROBLEMS = resit problemy, SURVEY= pruzkum, AID = pomoc / pomucka, ESSENSIAL = nezbytny, BRAIN = mozek
- SB page 132 ex. 1, 2 (vocabulary)
Well done with the reading today 🙂 I look forward to seeing you again on Wednesday.
27/09/2023 – Homework :
- revise drills 72 (-ed & -ing adjectives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : EXPERIENCE = zazit / prozit
- SB page 130 + 131 ex. 2, 3, 4 (reading)
I am happy you all came today 🙂 Enjoy the public holiday weekend and I will see you again on Wednesday.
20/09/2023 – Homework :
- revise drills 25, 40, 55, 77 (mix of past tenses)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : PURPOSE = ucel, MUDDY = bahnivy
- bring your student’s book
It was great to meet you today and I hope Lubomir will join us in our next lesson as well 🙂
Lesson 28.6, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72, 29 + expressions with mind – Drills with mind
Create 3 questions about summer/summer holidays that you would like to ask your colleagues
Thank you for a great year full of fun conversations. Have a wonderful summer!
Lesson 21.6, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72, 29 + expressions with mind – Drills with mind
Vocabulary: arts and crafts classes(vytvarne kurzy), common sense (selský rozum), intermitted fasting (prerušovaný post), breastfeeding (kojenie), steep learning curve (difficulty of learning something that is considered to be challenging), thrill (vzrušo), to reap great rewards (to get all the good things that come with something), inopportune (inconvenient), encompass (include)
Noodles – talk about holidays
See you in our next class 🙂
Lesson 14.6, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72, 29 + expressions with mind – Drills with mind
Vocabulary: put out/extinguish, a letter of application, distinction, inappropriate, inflatable bouncy castle
Noodles – translate to english
See you in our next class 🙂
Lesson 7.6, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72, 29 + expressions with mind – Drills with mind
Vocabulary: a pick up line, yours faithfully + new expressions with mind
Noodles – translate to english
SB page
Lesson 31.5, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72, 29 + expressions with mind – Drills with mind
Vocabulary: fall asleep. scene (kulisy), connections, refund, price tag, clear your mind, mind your step, choke, infection
Fill In – complete the sentences with the correct expression
See you in our next class 🙂
Lesson 24.5, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72, 29 + expressions with mind – Drills with mind
Vocabulary: appearance, scale, foal, mistletoe, clutter, due date, when is the baby due?
Fill in the expressions with mind sheet (given in class for homework)
Fill In – choose the correct words from the box
See you in our next class 🙂
Lesson 17.5, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72, 29 + expressions with mind – Drills with mind
Vocabulary: warrior, sacrifice, spit, jaw, prey, reunion, mugger, crowd, surrounded
Create 10 questions for the mind expressions from the exercise list
See you in our next class 🙂
Lesson 10.5, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72, 29
Vocabulary: coincidence, springboard, belaying (process used in climbing that uses a rope system to protect the climber from the event of fall – istenie)
Noodles – expressions with mind
SB page 125, exercise 3
See you in our next class 🙂
Lesson 3.5, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72 + 29
Vocabulary: step on someones toes, slippery slope
Noodles – vocabulary revision from speaking page 123
Revise word formation vocabulary worksheet
See you in our next class 🙂
Lesson 26.4, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72 + 29
Vocabulary: clutter, sewing machine, receipt, savoury, fast (post), elderly, draft beer, sticky rice, punctuation
Noodle – translate to english
See you in our next class 🙂
Lesson 19.4, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72 + 29
Vocabulary: breast-pin, tic-tac-toe
Noodles – translate to english
See you in our next class 🙂
Lesson 12.4, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72 + 29
Vocabulary: convey, mess things up, spoil, go on talking, blisters, gadget, terrified of, look like, convenient, get over it
Fill In – choose the correct word
See you in our next class 🙂
Lesson 5.4, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72 + 29
VOCABULARY: short tempter/short fuse, curb, convey
Noodles – vocabulary from listening
SB page 122, exercise 5 – replace verb with prepositions in exercise 4 with a single word.
Wishing you all Happy Easter. See you in our next class 🙂
Lesson 29.3, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72 + 29
Comparative Superlative Drill Part 1
Comparative Superlative Drill Part 2
Vocabulary: shrink, bank of a river, predatory fish, release, lyrics, the more the merrier
Noodles – comparative/superlative practice
See you in our next class 🙂
Lesson 22.3, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72 + 29
Vocabulary: beetroot (červená řepa), hand out (rozdat), elbow (strčit loktem), matter (věc, záležitost), tabloid (bulvární plátek), cardiology (kardiologie), look up to sb. (vzhlížet k někomu, obdivovat)
Fill In – vocabulary revision
Create 3 questions using comparative forms.
See you in our next class 🙂
Lesson 15.3, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72 + 29
Vocabulary: beetroot (červená řepa), hand out (rozdat), elbow (strčit loktem), matter (věc, záležitost), tabloid (bulvární plátek), cardiology (kardiologie), look up to sb. (vzhlížet k někomu, obdivovat)
Noodles – comparatives and superlatives revision
Few and Little Practice – exercise to help you practice few, a few, little, a little
See you in our next class 🙂
Lesson 8.3, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72 + 29
Vocabulary: bare minimum, to have a beef with someone, gossips, suspicion, suspicious, suspect, double check
Noodles – comparatives and superlatives
SB page 120, exercise 2 – rewrite the sentences, keeping the same meaning, but using different form of comparative
See you in our next class 🙂
Lesson 2.3, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72
Vocabulary: associate, prediction, convince, walnuts, spill the tea 1 + all the new vocabulary from page 120, exercise 1
Noodles 10.4 – mental activities – use the new vocabulary from page 120
SB page 120, exercise 2 – choose the correct verb
See you in our next class 🙂
Lesson 22.2, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72
Vocabulary: to kill two birds with one stone, to get/be on board (with something), snowshoes (snežnice), crampons (mačky), microspikes (the ones we talked about that werent crampons), robe (rúcho)
Noodles 10.3 – translate to english
SB page 120, exercise 1 – match the words with their correct definitions
See you in our next class 🙂
Lesson 8.2, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72
Vocabulary: to be glued to the tv, glue, putting views across, pull off – congratulations on pulling off (winning) the case, pull off – i need to pull off (to stop on the side of the road) so i can look in the map, thrilled, thrill, gripping stories, struggle, constructive criticism (is a form of feedback that delivers critique in a constructive and positive way to improve someone’s performance or behavior), savant, involve, instead, astonishing, simultaneously, hesitation, occasionally
Noodles 10.2 – translate to english
SB page 119, exercise 3 – watch this short video and write down what do you think are the common traits of geniuses. Write any new vocabulary you come across
Enjoy your week off and I will see you on 22nd 🙂
Lesson 1.2, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 72
Vocabulary: painkillers, gutted, procrastinating, procrastination, leave it blank, amuse, possession, precious, reasonable, interested IN
Noodles 9.12
Create 3 questions for your colleagues using the new vocabulary above. Question must contain at least 8 words.
See you in our next class
Lesson 25.1, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, plus new drill 72
Vocabulary: avalanche, DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) – muscle fever – svalovka, accountant, burglaries, burglar
Noodles – translate to english
SB page 116, exercise 3 – complete the text with the correct words
See you in our next class 🙂
Lesson 18.1, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82
Vocabulary: revise vocabulary from previous lessons (body idioms and idioms)
Noodles – translate to English
SB page 116, exercise 1 and 2 – complete the sentences – compound adjectives and body idioms revision
See you in the next lesson:)
Lesson 11.1, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82
Vocabulary: revise vocabulary from previous lesson. We will do a fill-in revision test
Noodles – translate to English
SB page 116, exercise 1 and 2 – complete the sentences – compound adjectives and body idioms revision
See you in the next lesson:)
Lesson 14.12, Homework
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82
Vocabulary: brussel sprouts, wreath, stuffing, tinsel, mistletoe, baubles, mantelpiece, naughty
Thank you for great trimester guys!
I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 🙂
No homework but watch one christmas movie in english. You will tell us about the movie in the class
See you in January:)
Lesson 7.12, Homework
Pokud si přejete pokračovat ve svém současném kurzu angličtiny i v období LEDEN – BŘEZEN 2023, přihlaste se prosím NYNÍ jedním z těchto způsobů:
1. ON-LINE PŘIHLÁŠKA (po úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na
3. SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. osobně v kanceláři školy
Pokud požadujete nějakou změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte to prosím do on-line přihlášky.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit nejpozději do 5.prosince, kdy začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme někým novým.
Všechny kurzy budou opět začínat v týdnu od 9.ledna!
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82
Vocabulary: cauldron, commitment, let off steam/blow off steam ( To release strong emotions or energy by engaging in some kind of enjoyable, vigorous, or relaxing activity), to go an extra mile (to make more effort than is expected of you), great minds think alike (Used to emphasize a coincidence, or two people reaching the same conclusion in any manner at the same time), secular (non-religious), oodles (tons, a lot of), spectators, fierce (wild), unwittingly (unintentionally), plus revise body idioms from previous lesson
Noodles – translate to english
See you in the next lesson 🙂
Lesson 30.11, Homework
Pokud si přejete pokračovat ve svém současném kurzu angličtiny i v období LEDEN – BŘEZEN 2023, přihlaste se prosím NYNÍ jedním z těchto způsobů:
1. ON-LINE PŘIHLÁŠKA (po úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na
3. SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. osobně v kanceláři školy
Pokud požadujete nějakou změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte to prosím do on-line přihlášky.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit nejpozději do 5.prosince, kdy začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme někým novým.
Všechny kurzy budou opět začínat v týdnu od 9.ledna!
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82
Vocabulary: crackling, stockings, carols, sleigh, stretchy pants, cold feet, flesh and blood, let your hair down, in over ones head, see eye to eye, sweet tooth, an old hand, wash ones hands of something, play something by ear
Noodles – translate to english
Lesson 23.11, Homework
Pokud si přejete pokračovat ve svém současném kurzu angličtiny i v období LEDEN – BŘEZEN 2023, přihlaste se prosím NYNÍ jedním z těchto způsobů:
1. ON-LINE PŘIHLÁŠKA (po úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na
3. SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. osobně v kanceláři školy
Pokud požadujete nějakou změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte to prosím do on-line přihlášky.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit nejpozději do 5.prosince, kdy začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme někým novým.
Všechny kurzy budou opět začínat v týdnu od 9.ledna!
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82
Vocabulary: put out (put out the cigarette – to stop cigarette from burning), scrape (scraping frost off the car), scraper, thought-provoking, mouth-watering, far-reaching, cost-effective, room temperature, plus all the new body idioms from page 113
Noodle 9.10 – body idioms
SB page 113, exercise 2 – match idioms with their correct definition
See you in the next lesson 🙂
Lesson 16.11, Homework
Excellent work everyone!
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 85
Vocabulary: seasoned, tasteless, dough, thin, stubborn, lack of.., warm-hearted, absent-minded, broad-minded, hard-headed, big-headed, bad-tempered, easy-going
Noodles – translate using compound adjectives
See you in the next class 🙂
Lesson 9.11, Homework
Great work everyone 🙂
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 82, 85
Vocabulary: it is the effort that counts, speaking of the devil, gums, braces, unconscious, coach, couch, put up with someone, afford
Noodles – translate to english
SB page 108, exercise 1 – decided whether compound adjectives describe personality or appearance
See you in the next lesson 🙂
Lesson 2.11, Homework
Nice job on the new phrasal verbs guys!
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 85
Vocabulary: mind your own business, cast/plaster, knock on wood, weird, people pleaser, spoil, modest, buckle up, keep the change, tip, I’ll get it, we are out of milk, I am soaked, I am stuffed, come up with something, pop around, get together, get through something, set off, get out of something, what gets you down?, turn out
Noodles – translate to english
Fill in your vocabulary test
See you in the next class 🙂
Lesson 26.10, Homework
Great lesson guys! Lots of laughs!
Drills: 50,54,56, 85
Vocabulary: revise all the vocabulary from our previous lessons. There will be a revision test to find synonyms.
Fill In 7.4 – fill in the gaps
SB page 112, exercise 1 – read the How To Do It box below the exercise and say which of the languages areas is being tested
See you in the next lesson
Lesson 19.10, Homework
Welcome back to classes Lubomir and nice to meet you!
Drills: 50,54,56 and adding drill 85 for revision
Vocabulary: inflatable, get rid off, cut down on, celar, to have an overview, to be in a pickle, compelled, ponder, bravery, gadgets, endurance, attempt
For Vaclav: we dont say cut down on laziness but we could say cut off my laziness or overcome laziness 🙂
NOODLES – Conversation 2.9 – translate to english
SB page 106, exercise 3 – describe the words and find synonym for each word
See you in the next class:)
Lesson 12.10, Homework
I hope that you enjoyed learning new phrasal verbs which you can put into practice:)
Drills: 50, 54, 56
Vocabulary: scrubs, mucus, out of the blue, lower back, fatigue, LOL, fed up, claim, pretend, intrude, persuade + all the new phrasal verbs
For Marti – basking in the sun means to lie or relax in the pleasant warmth : Basking in the warmth of the sun.
Create 12 questions using the phrasal verbs
FILL IN – form suitable words from the words in the brackets
See you in the lesson 🙂
Lesson 5.10, Homework
Excellent work today guys! Your english is beautiful and I love chatting to you.
Drills: 50, 54, 56
Vocabulary: shepherd, comb, window shopping, greasy, cockroach, overindulge, carve
Pick 3 words and create 3 questions from the highlighted vocabulary in the noodles.
See you in the next lesson
Lesson 21.9. 2022, Homework
It was nice to meet you all today. I cannot wait to have this trimester with you.
Drills: 50, 54, 56, 59
Vocabulary: brush off (oprasit), sunbathing (opalovat), Do you mind…(nevadi ti to..), sunburn (uzeh), blooming (kvetnuci), falt (plochy, rovny), attitude (pristup), pulp (duzina)
12. Lesson 29. 6. 2022
Drills: 50, 54, 56
Practice English over summer as much as possible (read, listen and speak), but most of all enjoy it.
11. Lesson 22. 6. 2022
Drills: 50, 54, 56
Noodles: Fill-in
Good job today. Have a nice week. Simona
10. Lesson 15. 6. 2022
Drills: 50, 54, 56
Noodles: 8.11
SB: 113/1, 2, 3
Good job today. Have a nice week. Simona
9. Lesson 8. 6. 2022
Drills: 50, 54, 56
Noodles: 8.10
SB: 105/2, 3 106/1
TEST after you finish the test send it to my email. Good luck.
Good job today. Have a nice week. Simona
8. Lesson 1. 6. 2022
Drills: 50, 54, 56
Noodles: 8.9
SB: 103/4, 5 104/1, 2, 3
Good job today. Have a nice week. Simona
7. Lesson 25. 5. 2022
Drills: 50, 54, 56
Noodles: 8.8
SB: 102/1, 2 103/4, 5
Good job today. Have a nice week. Simona
6. Lesson 18. 5. 2022
Drills: 50, 54, 56
Noodles: 8.7
SB: 101/Vocabulary
Good job today with the exercises. Have a nice week.. Simona
5. Lesson 11. 5. 2022
Drills: 50, 54, 56
Noodles: 8.6
SB: 100
Excellent conversation as always. Have a nice week.. Simona
4. Lesson 4. 5. 2022
Drills: 50, 87, 54, 56
Noodles: 8.5
SB: 98/1 99/2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Good job today with the listening. Have a nice week.. Simona
3. Lesson 27. 4. 2022
Drills: 50, 87, 54, 56
Noodles: Create 3 Q using vocabulary below.
SB: 98/Listening
Vocab: conduct, come along with, faint, shiver, stretch, fold, make up your mind.
Good job today. Have a nice week.. Simona
2. Lesson 20. 4. 2022
Drills: 50, 87, 54, 56
Noodles: Con 4.10
Good job today with the grammar. Have a nice week. Simona
1. Lesson 13. 4. 2022
Drills: 50, 87, 54, 56
Noodles: 8.4
SB: 96/Grammar 1, 97/2, 3
Good job today with the grammar. We’ll practice more next time. Enjoy Easter. Simona
12. Lesson 6. 4. 2022
Drills: 48, 50, 87
Noodles: 8.5
SB: 96/Grammar 1, 97/2, 3
Good job today with the food. Have a nice week. Simona
11. Lesson 30. 3. 2022
Drills: 48, 50, 87
Noodles: Make 3 Q out the vocab below
SB: 94/Finish the reading 3, 4 96/1, 2, 3
Vocab: lack of, unacceptable, interestingly, achieving, sense of, intensified, distracted, blacked-out, add, sensory, social aspect, preconception, abruptly, lit, cutlery, visually, creatures, venture, renowned, dull, latest, crashing waves, entitled, the tasting menu, breadcrumbs, baby eels, arrange.
Good job today with the reading. Have a nice week. Simona
10. Lesson 23. 3. 2022
Drills: 48, 50, 87
Noodles: 8.2
SB: 94/2, 3, 4
Great job today with the idioms. Have a nice week. Simona
9. Lesson 16. 3. 2022
Drills: 48, 50, 87
Noodles: FIll-in 8.1
SB: 94/1, 2
Good job today. Have a nice week. Simona
8. Lesson 9. 3. 2022
Drills: 48, 50, 87
Noodles: 8.1
SB: 93/2, 3
Good job today with the revision. Have a nice week. Simona
7. Lesson 2. 3. 2022
Drills: 48, 50, 87
Noodles: 7.11
SB: 92/1, 3, 4 and 93/2, 3
An excellent conversation today. Have a nice week. Simona
6. Lesson 23. 2. 2022
Drills: 48, 50, 87
Noodles: 7.10
SB: 90/2 91/4 92/1, 3, 4
Good job today. Have a nice week. Simona
5. Lesson 16. 2. 2022
Drills: 48, 50
Noodles: 7.9
SB: 89/1, 2 90/1
Vocabulary: means of, button, spell disaster, accidentally, get into trouble, forward, on purpose, pass around, stinging reply.
Good job today. Have a wonderful week and see you soon. Simona
4. Lesson 2. 2. 2022
Drills: 48, 50
Noodles: 7.8
SB: 88/1, 2 89/3
Great job today. Enjoy English free week and see you on the 16th of February. Simona
3. Lesson 26. 1. 2022
Drills: 54, 48, 50
Noodles: 7.7
SB: 87/3, 4, 5, 6
Great job today. Have a wonderful week. Simona
2. Lesson 19. 1. 2022
Drills: 54, 48, 50
Noodles: 7.6
SB: 86/Listening 1, 2, 3
Good job today. It was a difficult exercise, but we managed. Have a wonderful week. Simona
1. Lesson 12. 1. 2022
Drills: 54, 48, 50
Noodles: 7.5
SB: 85/3, 5
It was great seeing you after Christmas and meeting our new classmate. Have a nice week. Simona
11. Lesson 8. 12. 202
Drills: 47, 48, 50
Noodles: HERE
Great job today. Next week don’t forget to bring your Christmas mood. Simona
10. Lesson 1. 12. 2021
Drills: 54, 85, 47, 48, 50
Noodles: 7.4
SB: 84/Grammar 1 underline the passive, 2
Good job today. Have a nice week and enjoy St. Nicholas. Simona
9. Lesson 25. 11. 2021
Drills: 54, 85
Noodles: Create 3 Q using vocabulary with get phrases
SB: 84/Grammar 1 underline the passive, 2
Great job today, have a wonderful week. Simona
8. Lesson 10. 11. 2021
Drills: 54, 85
Noodles: 7.3
SB: 84/1, 2 Grammar 1
Enjoy the National Holiday and see you in 2 weeks. Simona
7. Lesson 3. 11. 2021
Drills: 54, 85
Noodles: 7.2
SB: 82/ Read the rest of the text, 83/3, 4
Good job today. See you next week. Simona
6. Lesson 27. 10. 2021
Drills: 54, 65
Noodles: 7.1
SB: 81/2 82/1 Read A and B
Good job today. Enjoy the extended weekend. Simona
5. Lesson 20. 10. 2021
Drills: 54, 65
Noodles: 6.11
SB: 81/1, 2 82/1
An awesome conversation today. Have an enjoyable week. Simona
4. Lesson 13. 10. 2021
Drills: 54, 65
Noodles: 6.10
SB: 79/2, 80/1, 2, 3
Vocabulary: broaden sm. horizon or mind, awareness, in conclusion.
Great work today guys. Keep it up. Enjoy your week. Simona
3. Lesson 6. 10. 2021
Drills: 54, 65
Noodles: 6.5 fill-in
SB: 78/1 Read the article 79/2
Excellent work today. Enjoy your week. Simona
2. Lesson 29. 9. 2021
Drills: 54, 65
Noodles: 1.10 Conversation
SB: 77/2 78/1
Good job today. Here is the video we talked about Kovy. Enjoy your week. Simona
1. Lesson 22. 9. 2021
Drills: 54, 65
Noodles: 1.5 Conversation
SB: 76/2 77/1
Great seeing you after summer. Have a nice week. Simona
12. Lesson 30. 6. 2021
Great work guys this year. I hope you will have an awesome summer full of bbq’s and fun. Try to read this article over the summer. See you soon. Simona
11. Lesson 23. 6. 2021
Drills: 54, 65
Noodles: Create 3 Q related to summer.
SB: Listen to this song and fill in the lyrics.
Good job today with the difficult exercise. Have an awesome week and see you next time. Simona
10. Lesson 16. 6. 2021
Drills: 54, 65
Noodles: 6.9
SB: 76/1, 2, 3
Enjoy the wonderful weather and see you next week. Simona
9. Lesson 9. 6. 2021
Drills: 54, 65
Noodles: Create 3 Q using vocab on page 74
SB: 75/3, 4 76/1
Great seeing you in person. Have an awesome week. Simona
Enjoy your week and See you next time in person Simona
8. Lesson 2. 6. 2021
Drills: 54
Noodles: 6.8
SB: 74/3 75/1, 2, 3, 4
Enjoy your week and See you next time in person Simona
7. Lesson 26. 5. 2021
Drills: 54
Noodles: 6.7
SB: 74/1, 2, 3
Have a nice week and See you next time Simona
6. Lesson 19. 5. 2021
Drills: 59, 54
Noodles: 6. 6
SB: 73/4, 5, 6
Great conversation today. Have a wonderful week and Venďo enjoy your new puppy. Simona
5. Lesson 12. 5. 2021
Drills: 59
Noodles: 6. 5
SB: 72/Grammar read the grammar on page 169-170
72/1, 2, 3
Vocabulary: departure lounge, customs, overhead locker, mast, propeller, barge, queue, aisle, to cap it all, bump, bump into someone, railway track, profit.
Enjoy your week guys and do something fun. Simona
4. Lesson 5. 5. 2021
Drills: 59
Noodles: 6. 4
SB: 72/1, 2, 3
Great lesson today. Have a great week. Simona
3. Lesson 28. 4. 2021
Drills: 59
Noodles: Create 3 Q using vocab from Coast to Coast
SB: 70/3, 4, 5
Enjoy the 1st of May hopefully the weather will be nice. See you next week. Simona
2. Lesson 21. 4. 2021
Drills: 59
Noodles: 6.2
SB: 70/1, 2
Try to be more interactive with each other. Have a nice week. Simona
1. Lesson 14. 4. 2021
Drills: 58
Noodles: Create 3 questions
SB: 69/1, 2, 3
Great job today. It was great meeting you Venďo. Have a nice week Simona
12. Lesson 7. 4. 2021 Only Vašek was present
Drills: 58
Noodles: 6.1
SB: 68/1, 2, 5 69/1, 2, 3
Hopefully, it won’t snow anymore. Enjoy your week Simona
11. Lesson 31. 3. 2021 Only Luboš was present
Drills: 58
Noodles: 6.1
SB: 68/1, 2, 5 69/1, 2, 3
Enjoy Easter and see you next week Simona
10. Lesson 24. 3. 2021
Drills: 58
Noodles: 5. 12
SB: 68/1, 2, 5 69/1, 2, 3
Enjoy the warmer weather Simona
9. Lesson 17. 3. 2021
Drills: 60
Noodles: 5. 11
SB: SB 66/1, 2 67/3, 4
Again great conversation today guys. Have a great week. Simona
8. Lesson 3. 3. 2021
Drills: 60
Noodles: 5. 10
SB: SB 65/1, 2
Transcription for listening on page 63.
Great conversation today guys. Enjoy the Spring Holiday. See you in two weeks. Simona
7. Lesson 24. 2. 2021
Drills: 60
Noodles: Create 3 Q using vocab on page 64
SB: SB 63/ 2, 3 64/ 3, 4, 5
Great conversation today guys. Enjoy the sunny weather. Simona
6. Lesson 17. 2. 2021
Drills: 60
Noodles: 5. 9
SB: SB 63/1, 2, 3 64/ 1, 2
Try to think about your answers already at home when you are translating the Noodles. Have a great week Simona
5. Lesson 10. 2. 2021
Drills: 58
Noodles: 5. 8 Finishing the Q
SB: SB 62/2, 3, 4 Think about the answers and why. Imagine if you would have to fake a profession. Which one would be easy and hard?
Really great conversation today guys. Enjoy weekend. Simona
4. Lesson 3. 2. 2021
Drills: 58
Noodles: 5. 8
SB: SB 61/7 62/2, 3, 4
Have a great week. Really great job today guys. Simona
3. Lesson 27. 1. 2021 Only Vašak was present
Drills: 56, 58, 60
Noodles: Create 4 Q from highlighted vocabulary from Unit 5.
SB: SB 61/4, 5, 6, 7
Have a great week. Simona
2. Lesson 20. 1. 2021
Drills: 56, 58, 60
Noodles: Create 4 Q from the Highlighted vocab in People Watching
SB: SB 61/4, 5, 6, 7
Have a great week. Simona
1. Lesson 13. 1. 2021
Drills:56, 58
Noodles: 5.7
SB: Read the article from Christmas and SB 60/4, 5
Have a great week. Simona
16. 12. 2020 Hw
Over Christmas practice Drill 58.
Read this article and watch this video.
We’ll be talking about it at the first lesson.
Good job guys this trimestr. Thank you for participation. See you in January.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Simona
9. 12. 2020 Hw
Drills:56, 60, 58
Noodles: 5.6
SB: 60/Finish exercise 2 and do 61/3
Listen to this song. And print out this.
Have a great week. Simona
2. 12. 2020 Hw Only Vašek was present
Drills: 85, 56, 60
Noodles: Create 4 Q using words from below.
SB: 60/Grammar read page 168 and have a look at exercise 1 and 2
Vocab: handwriting, career, competent, conscientious, genuine, idealistic, imaginative, insecure, insensitive, modest, naive, open-minded, outgoing, protective, self-centered, unconventional.
Have a great week. Simona
25. 11. 2020 Hw
Drills: 85, 56, 60
Noodles: Create 4 Q using words from below.
SB: 60/Grammar read page 168 and have a look at exercise 1 and 2
Vocab: steering wheel, license plate, bittersweet, prove someone wrong, boasting about, confessed to, insists on, complains about, objected to, begged for, prove.
Have a great week. Simona
18. 11. 2020 Hw Only Vaclav was present
Drills: 85, 56, 60
Noodles: Create 3 Q using words from below.
SB: 60/2, 3, 4
Vocab: high pitched noise, roller coaster, throughout, bellow, grumble, mumble, murmur, mutter, shriek, shout, whisper, deadline, due date, fancy someone, chatting up.
Have a great week. Simona
11. 11. 2020 Hw
Drills: 85, 49, 33
Noodles: 5.5
SB: 60/2, 3, 4
Vocab: high pitched noise, roller coaster, throughout, bellow, grumble, mumble, murmur, mutter, shriek, shout, whisper.
Have a great week. Simona
4. 11. 2020 Hw
Drills: 85, 49, 33
Noodles: 5. 3
SB: 58/ 1, 2, 4, 5 Be ready to talk about it.
Vocab: various, pretended, forged, posed as, committed, release, legitimate, fraud, flocked, lectures, addressed, significance, genuine, professed, mental asylum, widely, including, concluded, mystery, maintain, subsequent, proved.
Have a great week. Simona
21. 10. 2020 Hw
Drills: 85, 49, 33
Noodles: 5. 2
SB: 59/ Lubos read C, Vaclav read D and Daniela read E.
Vocab: surgeon, argumentative, conditions, troops, stationed, examination, revealed, army, impostor, claimed, orphan, car crash, principal, pupil, appeared, brilliantly, confessed, pretending, bitter, serious illness, fence, fraud, CEO.
Have a great week and see you in 2 weeks. Simona
14. 10. 2020 Hw
Drills: 33,49,79
Noodles: 5.1
SB: 59/ Reading. Vaclav will read A. Lubomir and Daniela will Read B. Read and translate.
Think about who is the most famous imposter that you know. Can also be fictional. We’ll talk about it.
Vocab: forgery, own up, relative, crack, valuable, suspects
Have a great week. Simona
7. 10. 2020 HW
Drills: 33,49,79
Noodles: Create questions using the vocab from page 55. Create 3Q.
57/1 Read and fill in the text. Then translate. We’ll talk about each paragraph.
Revise the vocabulary from last lesson.
Have a great week. Simona
30. 9. 2020
Drills: 33,49,79
Noodles: 4.12
Learn vocab from pg. 54/2 and the words below!!
pleasantly surprised, the plot, sophisticated, revolves, attempt, to launch, efforts, foil, first-rate, support, cast, witty, snappy, superb, spectacular, hallmark, overall, wholeheartedly.
23. 9. 2020
Drills 33,49,77
Noodles: Create 3 questions asking your classmates about personality.
SB 54/3,4,5
See you next week. Simona
Old Homework
Homework: Wed, June 10th, 2:25pm
New Drills: 33, 49, 77
Vocab: I can’t take it!, just in case, to squirm, Look out!, pal, Cut it out!, gross, to lick, to unclog the drain, to rehearse
Read the GR on SB pg 163 Articles
SB pg 52 Ex. 1-4
Noodle 4.10 Articles
Continue to watch one video per week from the Learn English with TV series on YouTube, write down any new vocab and be prepared to discuss it in the warmup.
Have a playful week everyone! Jane : )
Homework: Wed, June 3rd, 2:25pm
New Drills: 33, 49, 77
Vocab: Have a blast!, lose some fingers, get along, I bet!, for no particular reason, I might as well, I’ll be damned!, equation, clues, firepit, bench, (to get) a raise (n.)
Complete SB pg 50 Ex. 2
SB pg 46-7 Ex. 1-5 Do your best as there are probably a lot of new vocab words and phrases : ) There are many phrasal verbs, so I suggest using Cambridge online dictionary for this.
Highlight and learn: distractions, hang around, admire, shut down, come out of thin air, vivid, dredge up, tend, think up
Continue to watch one video per week from the Learn English with TV series on YouTube, write down any new vocab and be prepared to discuss it in the warmup.
Have an open-minded and open-hearted week everyone! Jane : )
Homework: Wed, May 27th, 2:25pm
New Drills: 33, 49, 77
Vocab: a tie (n.) e.g. the match ended in a tie, coin toss, heads or tails, pet-peeve, something that scares the s**t out of someone, get your ducks in a row, Is the Pope Catholic?, to kill two birds with one stone, odd, purse, audition
Vocab SB pg 48: dove, feathers, beak, to peck, waking (adj.)
Complete SB pg 49 Ex. 3-5 and pg 50 Ex. 1-2
FCE Result SB pg 50 Audio script 9-10
Continue to watch one video per week from the Learn English with TV series on YouTube, write down any new vocab and be prepared to discuss it in the warmup.
Have a nicer-than-nice week everyone! Jane : )