Welcome to AMP18! 😀
Monday: 16:00 – 17:30
Room: 6
Student’s book: New Headway Intermediate 4th edition
Teacher: Bc. Kateřina Plšková, plskovakaterina@email.cz, 775 694 670 (SMS / Whatsapp)
If you won’t be able to attend the lesson, please contact me.
Thank you
LESSON 2 (13.1.2025)
– vocabulary: wealthy (majetný), teatime (odpolední svačina), migraine (migréna), wireless (bezdrátová), exhaust pipe (výfuk), poiton (lektvar), shire (hrabství), loose tea (sypaný čaj), traffic warden (dopravní policista), wallpaper (tapeta), coffee table (konferenční stolek), robber (lupič – používá nasílí pro loupež, thief (zloděj – kapsář, nenápadný), burglar (zloděj co se vloupá do objektů)
– drills: 45, 46, 68, 90
– noodles: page 26 (10.12)
– student´s book: page 85 translate vocabulary (pictures)
LESSON 1 (6.1.2025)
– vocabulary: sore throat (bolest v krku), runny nose (rýma), lookout tower (rozhledna), curtains (závěsy), endurance (vytrvalost), still water (klidná voda), scam (podvod), New Year´s resolution (novoroční předsevzetí)
– drills: 45, 46, 68, 90
– noodles: page 25 (10.11)
– student´s book: 84/3 answer the questions 84/4 mark one wrong compound noun
Nice to meet you all! 🙂
LESSON 11, 9th December
Only Aleš came in today, so everything stays the same for the next week
– Drills: 45, 46, 68, 90
– Vocabulary: fatalní (fatální), mole (krtek), artificial (umělé), leather (kůže, nepleteme si s skin), taky (kýčovité), imagination (představivost), hire (najmout), sketch (skica), mountain rescue (horská služba), back then (tehdy, ex.: I didn’t know this information back then.), gardener (zahradník), estate (nemovitost), return (vrátit), passed (prošel -u času-, ex.: A lot of time has passed since our last meeting.)
– HW: Stays the same – a/an/the articles
See you during our last lesson of the trimester!
LESSON 10, 2nd December
Nobody came in today, so HW stays the same.
Vzhledem k tomu, že nám za chvíli končí trimestr, se nezapomeňte zapsat i do dalšího roku, pokud máte zájem. Emaily už se rozesílaly:)
See you next week!
LESSON 9, 25th November
Good job!
– Drills: 45, 46, 68, 90
– Vocabulary: fly swatter (plácačka na mouchy), get along (vycházet spolu), calm / level headed (klidný), nail file (pilník na nehty), dressin room (šatny), basics (základy), brewery (pivovar), to handle (zvládnout), Help yourself. (Posluž si/Nabídni si.), Make yourself at home (Chovej se jako doma.), bed sheets (povlečení postele), blanket (deka), masterpiece (mistrovské dílo), oven (trouba), efficient (účinný), feature (funkce TELEFONU), screwdriver (šroubovák), bandaid (náplast)
– HW: SB page 85 listen to exercise 2 and fill in the vocabulary from the pictures (poslech 2:58:20 cca) + HERE is a nice homework about articles, zkontrolujeme příští hodinu tenhle.
See you
LESSON 8, 18th November
Great conversation!:)
– Drills: 45, 46, 68, 67, 90
– Vocabulary: harbor (přístav), suspicious (podezřelý), help yourself (Posluž si. -fráze-), casket / coffin (raket), customs (zvyky), sacrifice (obět), surgery vs operation (zákrok vs operace v PC), baked (pečené), duck (kachna), tear (min.tore, utrhl/roztrhl), steam (pára), landmark (památka), bathtub (vana), arch (oblouk), restore (obnovit), outdated (nemoderní, effect x affect (výsledek či následek něčeho, This change had little effect. x sloveso OVLIVŇOVAT – This weather is affecting me negatively.)
See you!
LESSON 7, 11th November
Good job!
– Drills: 45, 46, 68, 67, 90
– Vocabulary: extend (prodloužit), pedal (pedál), chestnuts (kaštany), honeymoon (líbánky), collaborate (spolupracovat), funeral (pohřeb), doormat (rohožka), It’s none of your business (Po tom ti nic není), check up (prohlídka), stitches (stehy), lay off (propustění z práce)
– HW: REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS homework is here (including the results), bring it next lesson. NOODLEBOOK 10.10 is your hw, obsahuje to slovíčka ze stran, které jsme přeskočili, tak si všechno, co nebudete znát přeložte a společně si to pak opravíme a zařadíme do slovní zásoby:)
See you
LESSON 6, 4th November
It was nice to see you again, guys:)
– Drills: 45, 46, 68, 67, 90
– Vocabulary: it depends on (to záleží na), to carve (vyřezat), noun (podstatné jméno), astronauts (kosmonauti), model (modelka), legit (věrohodný), savings account (spořící účet), by myself (sám, bez ničí pomoci), be proud of yourself (buď na sebe pyšný)
– HW: Noodlebook – 10.6 reflexive pronouns (myself, yourself, …) + all and every.
See you next time
LESSON 5, 21st October
Good job!
– Drills: 45, 46, 68, 71, 67, 90
– Vocabulary: due to (kvůli), anxious (nervózní), satistief (spokojený), provoke (provokovat), don’t exaggerate (nepřeháněj), safety hazard (bezpečnostní riziko)
– HW: We are going to check your previous gomework from SB next lesson. Druhý domácí úkol here. GRAMMAR here
See you
LESSON 4, 14th October
Great job guys!
– Drills: 45, 46, 68, 71, 67, 90
– Vocabulary: yourselves x yourself, ourself x ourselves, themself x themselves, freelancer (živnostník co pracuje pro více klientů), self-employed (živnostník co pracuje pro sebe), jealous (žárlivý), jail (vězení), selfish (sebestředný), ashamed (stydět se), go straight to the point (přejít přímo k věci), goosebumps (husí kůže), gossip (pomlouvat někoho), rumor (pomlouvat více lidí/skupinu), award (ocenění), dough (těsto), wisdom (moudro), curse (kletba), join (přidat se), meet (potkat se)
– What’s next: Your hw is Noodlebook 10.3. Here is the listening for this Students Book, listen to 10.1 (čas 2:49:00 cca) and complete the exercise 2 (The First Computer). We will check it the next lesson.
See you!
LESSON 3, 7th October
Great conversation today!
– Drills: 45, 46, 68, 71, 67
– Vocabulary: brand (značka), humidity (vlhkost vzduchu), high end (luxusní), weird (divný), review (recenze), bribe (úplatek), wear off (opotřebit), supplier (dodavatel), special offer (speciální akce v obchodě), pile up (nahromadit), insight (náhled/porozumění určité věci), calmly (klidně), self growth (sebe-vývoj), perks (výhody), be interesting x be interested in something (být zajímavý x zajímat se o něco), investment (investice)
– What’s next: Homework stays the same, we will check it next lesson since we only talked this time.
See you
LESSON 2, 30th September
Good job guys:)
– Drills: 45, 46, 68, 71, 67
– Vocabulary: anxiety (úzkost), sleeve (rukáv), functional (funkční), sore throat (bolavý krk), will (závěť), subscription (předplatné), to feel content (cítit se spokojeně), to chug (vypít na ex), scale (váha), vertebrae (obratle), to stir (míchat), to brush/comb (česat), a brush (kartáč), involves (zahrnuje), performing (provádí), surgeon (chirurg)
– What’s next: HW – Noodlebook 10.1. Do exercise 2 (Look back at…) on the page 78, we will check it on Monday.
See you soon
LESSON 1, 23rd September
Thank you for coming everyone, it was very nice to meet you all:)
– Drills: 45, 46, 68, 71, 67
– Vocabulary: fianceé (snoubenec/snoubenka), to tease someone (škádlit někoho), disown someone (vydědit někoho), bandages (obvazy), luggage (zavazadla), circumstances (okolnosti), event (sociální akce), Sicily, ash (popel), dust (prach), rope (provaz), fence (plot)
– What’s next: HERE is your homework. Look at page 78 in your student books and read the article about Microprocessors, we will start Unit 10 next week.
See you soon
TRIMESTER 15. 4. 2024–1. 7. 2024
Lesson 12 – 2nd July
Thank you guys for coming to the last lesson of the trimester! Decent results in the test too.
– drills: 45, 46, 68, 71, 67
– noodles: Summer Holiday (download)
– vocabulary from today’s lesson: weir (jez), quarry (lom), aluminium sheet (hliníkový plech)… I forgot to take a picture of the board and don’t remember the rest of the words, sorry!
– relax, have fun and enjoy your well-deserved holiday! 🙂
Have a lovely summer!
The key for the previous noodles is here.
Lesson 11 – 24th June
Thank you, guys, you did well today!
– drills: 45, 46, 68, 82, 70
– noodles: Revision (download)
– vocabulary from today’s lesson: radish (ředkvička), scrambled eggs (míchaná vajíčka), obsession (posedlost), napkins (ubrousky), appearance (vzhled), town hall (radnice), laid-back (pohodový, flegmatický), disown sb (vydědit), regret (litovat), knickers (kalhotky), hoover (vysávat), bedding (povlečení), pay rise (zvýšení platu), ceiling (strop)
– End of Unit 9 Test – download the test here, complete it at home (ideally without cheating) and bring it to next lesson (or email it to me if you’re not coming to the lesson)
See you next week for the last lesson of this trimester!
Lesson 10 – 17th June
Good work and it’s going to be even better if we can improve those vocabulary test scores next week!
– drills: 45, 46, 69, 71, 55
– fill-in: Words with Similar Meaning (download)
– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: rope (lano), northernmost (nejsevernější), motorway (dálnice), gamekeeper (myslivec), zodiac sign (znamení horoskopu), capricorn (kozoroh), gemini (blíženci), team games (kolektivní hry)
– revise all grammar and vocabulary from Unit 9 in the book – next lesson is going to be a revision lesson before the final test!
See you next time!
Lesson 9 – 10th June
Well done, everyone, great effort!
– drills: 45, 46, 68, 67, 57
– noodles: Noodlebook 9.12
– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: observatory tower (rozhledna), dead end street (slepá ulička), stag party / bachelor party (rozlučka se svobodou u mužů), hen party / bachelorette party (rozlučka se svobodou u žen), speaker (reproduktor), steering wheel (volant), super special (rychlostní zkouška), messy (nepořádný), hedge (živý plot), truce (příměří), hay (seno), put away (uklidit, dát na místo), dumpling (knedlík), cheeky (drzý)
– SB p. 76 / ex. 4 – match each verb with the correct phrase
See you next week!
Lesson 8 – 3rd June
Great seeing everyone again. And good improvement in the drills too!
– drills: 45, 46, 68, 82, 70
– noodles: Noodlebook 9.11
– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: essence (podstata), shape (forma, kondice), behind / butt (zadek), verterbrae (obratle), sustainability (udržitelnost), directive (nařízení), burden (zátěž, břímě), hypocrisy (pokrytectví), hydrogen (vodík), environment (životní prostředí), scam (podvod), comply with (dodržovat /co/), brown noser / ass-kisser (vlezdoprdelista)
– SB p. 76 / ex. 1 – match the words with similar meaning, ex. 2 – complete the sentences using the pairs of words from ex. 1
Enjoy the rest of your week!
Lesson 7 – 27th May
Good job on the drills, Michal and Aleš, but I expect better results in the vocabulary test next time.
– drills: 45, 46, 68, 47, 55
– noodles: Noodlebook 9.8
– vocabulary from today’s lesson: cheer for sb (fandit někomu), nil (nula /ve sportovních výsledcích/), scarf (šála), icing on the cake (třešnička na dortu), gate (branka), fence (plot), self-sufficient (soběstačný), well (studna), chimney (komín), mercy (slitování), basil (bazalka), thyme (tymián), rosemary (rozmarýn)
– SB p. 74–75 / The Robber + ex. 4 stays once again
See you next Monday!
Lesson 6 – 20th May
Thanks for coming, guys! It was interesting talking to you today.
– drills: 45, 46, 68, 43, 67
– fill-in: Reading Vocabulary (download)
– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: air-conditioning (klimatizace), sweatpants (tepláky), ceremony (obřad), briefly (stručně), rifle (puška), shotgun (brokovnice), alert (ve střehu), pickpockets (kapsáři), high (sjetý), stoned (zhulený), pissed (ožralý) x pissed off (nasraný), claim (tvrdit)
– SB p. 74–75 / The Robber + ex. 4 stay from last time
Have a nice week!
Lesson 5 – 13th May
Nice seeing you today!
– drills: 45, 46, 68, 82, 70
– noodles: Noodlebook 9.10
– vocabulary from today’s lesson: come up with sth (vymyslet něco), root (kořen), interdental brush (mezizubní kartáček), spit (plivat), gums (dásně), sweaty (zpocený), firepit (ohniště), tough (drsný, namáhavý), Northern Lights (polární záře), anthem (hymna), spill (rozlít), Mother’s Day (Den matek), Goody Two-Shoes (slušňák, dobrák), meadow (louka), swelling (otok)
– SB p. 74–75 / READING – read the second half of the article (The Robber), look up any unknown vocabulary and be ready to answer the questions in ex. 4 for both men
– also bring the questions you made for last time, we are going to use them
Enjoy the rest of your week!
Lesson 4 – 6th May
Great conversation today and excellent work on the drills!
– drills: 45, 46, 68, 82, 71
– make 3 questions for your colleagues using any vocabulary from the past 3 lessons (so 3 questions in total)
– vocabulary from today’s lesson: back crawl swimming (plavání na znak), breast stroke swimming (plavání na prsa), volunteer (dobrovolník), pace (tempo), maple (javor), signpost (rozcestník), evaporate (odpařovat se), hedgehog (ježek), water lily (leknín), black eye (monokl), appetizers (jednohubky), funfair (pouť), bitter (hořký), alarm clock (budík)
– SB p. 74–75 / reading stays once again
See you next time!
Lesson 3 – 29th April
Thank you all for coming today!
– drills: 45, 46, 68, 82, 55
– noodles: Revision (download)
– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: bald (plešatý), handlebar (řídítka), drop bars (berani /řídítka/), facilitator (facilitátor), greenhouse (skleník), overalls (monterky), bloom (kvést), demand (vyžadovat), bench (lavička), conciliation (smírčí řízení)
– SB p. 74–75 / reading stays from last time
Have a nice week!
Lesson 2 – 22nd April
Well done today, Míša and Michal!
– drills: 82, 68, 46, 45, 43
– make 3 questions for your classmates – 1 in first conditional, 1 in second conditional, 1 in third conditional
– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: demanding (náročný), digest (strávit /jídlo/), barley (ječmen), chicory (čekanka), flax (len), flakes (vločky), ferment (kvasit), boast about (chlubit se něčím), fancy (nóbl), witness (být svědkem něčeho), tremble (třást se)
– SB p. 74–75 / READING – read the intro and the first half of the article (The Victim), look up any unknown vocabulary and be ready to answer the questions in ex. 4
See you next Monday!
Lesson 1 – 15th April
Good job on the drills, conversation and listening, but I’m hoping for better test results next time!
– drills: 82, 68, 46, 45, 71
– noodles: Noodlebook 9.7
– vocabulary from today’s lesson: distillery (palírna), unpleasant (nepříjemný), it’s our turn (jsme na řadě), staff (personál), expand (rozšiřovat), to have a green thumb (být dobrý zahradník), lawn mower (sekačka na trávu), will (vůle), mountain rescue (horská záchranná služba), beer garden (zahrádka /hospodská/), grin (šklebit se), be involved (být zapojen /do nějaké situace/), mind your own business (starej se o sebe), storm off (nasupeně odkráčet), do its business (vykonat potřebu)
– SB p. 73 / ex. 2 – we’re going to finish the last 2 speakers next time
As we spoke about articles, if you want to see a more organized overview of when to use which kind of article, here is a simplified table for you: Articles
Enjoy the rest of your week!
TRIMESTER 8. 1. 2024–8. 4. 2024
Lesson 12 – 8th April
Thank you for coming to today’s last lesson of the trimester!
– drills: 82, 68, 46, 45, 55
– noodles: Spring (download)
– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: stuffed (plněný), inconsiderate (bezohledný), stretched (natažený), irresponsible (nezodpovědný), couple (pár), Adam’s apple (ohryzek), greedy (chamtivý), mortgage (hypotéka)
– listening on p. 73 stays from last time
See you next Monday!
Lesson 11 – 25th March
It was interesting talking to you today, Aleš and Michal!
– drills: 68, 46, 45, 82, 70
– fill-in: Conditionals (download)
– vocabulary from today’s lesson: relationship (vztah), car park (parkoviště) x parking space (parkovací místo), hug (obejmout), be straight (být heterosexuál), sense of humour (smysl pro humor), kick out (vyhodit/vykopnout), arrest (zatknout), estimate (odhad), salary (měsíční plat) x wage (hodinová mzda), cone (kužel), CCTV (bezpečnostní kamery), nephew (synovec), judge (soudce), confused (zmatený), reunion (sraz)
– SB p. 73 / LISTENING – listen to the recording 9.5 (you can find the audio for the textbook here) and answer the questions in ex. 2 for each speaker
Enjoy your Easter holiday and I’m looking forward to seeing everyone in 2 weeks!
Lesson 10 – 18th March
Lovely seeing everyone again! Also, very good job using the new grammar in your conversations.
– drills: 68, 46, 45, 82, 55
– fill-in: Vocabulary (download)
– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: confectioner’s (cukrárna), son-in-law (zeť), pick up (pochytit), wedding reception (svatební hostina), charcoal (dřevěné uhlí), documentary (dokument /v televizi/), pigeon (holub), religious (náboženský), knight (rytíř), rape (znásilnit), priest (kněz)
– SB p. 73 / ex. 1 stays from last time
Have a nice week!
Lesson 9 – 11th March
Impressive work on the drills and the vocabulary test, well done!
– drills: 68, 46, 45, 82, 63
– noodles: Noodlebook 9.5 + make your own 2 questions for your classmates using should have, would have, could have or might have
– vocabulary from today’s lesson: caffeine (kofein), keep track of sth (udržovat si o něčem přehled), leaderboard (žebříček), part-time job (brigáda), physiotherapist (fyzioterapeut), swelling (otok), curb (obrubník), steam room (pára), immersive (pohlcující), name day (svátek), wise (moudrý), please (potěšit), shoplifter (zloděj v obchodě), get away with sth (vyváznout bez potrestání, někomu něco projde), whip (bič), buried (pohřbený)
– SB p. 73 / ex. 1 – read the 5 situations on the right, look up any unknown vocabulary and be ready to talk about what you would do, if you found yourself in these situations
See you next week!
Lesson 8 – 4th March
Great talking to you today, guys!
– drills: 68, 46, 45, 82, 55
– noodles: Noodlebook 9.6
– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: know by heart (znát zpaměti), rule (vládnout), flee (uprchnout)
– SB p. 72 / ex. 2 stays from last time
Enjoy the rest of your week!
Lesson 7 – 26th February
Thank you all for coming today!
– drills: 68, 46, 45, 82, 55
– noodles: Noodlebook 9.4
– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: treadmill (běžecký pás), membership (členství), get rid of (zbavit se), contribute (přispět), in a row (v řadě), grate (strouhat), cream cheese (tvaroh), explain (vysvětlit), freelancer (OSVČ)
– SB p. 143 / 9.5, 9.6 – pre-study past modals (might/could/should have done)
– SB p. 72 / ex. 1 – read the articles and be ready to talk about them, look up any unknown vocabulary, ex. 2 – rewrite the sentences using the words in the brackets
Have a nice week!
Lesson 6 – 12th February
Good to see you all again!
– drills: 68, 46, 45, 82, 47
– noodles: Noodlebook 9.3
– vocabulary from today’s lesson: rails (koleje), wagon (vagón – obecně), coach (vagón osobního vlaku, příp. dálkový autobus), sprain (výron), X-Ray (rentgen), cast (sádra), clutch (spojka), weird (divný), crutches (berle), femur (stehenní kost), breadcrumbs (strouhanka), run a company (řídit společnost), take turns (střídat se), buffet (raut), go-karts (motokáry), keg (bečka)
Don’t forget that there is no lesson next week due to spring holiday! I will see you again on 26th February!
Lesson 5 – 5th February
Nobody came.
All homework stays the same for next week.
I hope to see everyone next Monday!
Lesson 4 – 29th January
Thank you for a pleasant conversation lesson 🙂
– drills: 46, 45, 71, 55, 82
– noodles: First & Second Conditional (download)
– vocabulary from today’s lesson: proportionate (přímo úměrný), narrow (úzký), tenderloin with cream sauce (svíčková), host (moderátor), big toe (palec na noze), thumb (palec na ruce), concussion (otřes mozku), be dizzy (točení hlavy), hit the nail on the head (udeřit hřebík na hlavičku), valuable (cenný), assets (aktiva), stocks (akcie), necessary (nutný)
– SB p. 70–71 / Billy’s Story and Kidcare Report stay from last time
See you next Monday!
Lesson 3 – 22nd January
Good job, everyone!
– drills: 46, 45, 71, 67, 47
– noodles: Noodlebook 9.2
– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: artificial (umělý), cabin (srub), viewpoint (vyhlídka), stock (vývar na vaření) x broth (vývar k jídlu, polévka), use by date (datum spotřebujte do), pickle (kyselá okurka), shortcrust pastry (křehké těsto), afford (dovolit si /cenově/), aging (stárnutí)
– SB p. 142 / 9.4 – pre-study Third Conditional
– SB p. 70–71 / Billy’s Story stays from last time + Kidcare Report – read, look up any unknown vocabulary and be ready to talk about it
Enjoy the rest of your week!
Lesson 2 – 15th January
Thanks for coming today!
– drills: 45, 71, 55, 62, 82
– noodles: First Conditional (download)
– vocabulary from today’s lesson: play (divadelní hra), discount (sleva), assemble (sestavit), sliding door (posuvné dveře), wheel (kolo), dam (přehrada), piss sb off (nasrat někoho), defrost (odmrazit), throw a party (uspořádat oslavu), demote (sesadit), name day (svátek)
– SB p. 142 / 9.2, 9.3 – pre-study Second Conditional
– SB p. 70–71 / read Billy’s Story, look up any unknown vocabulary and be ready to talk about it
Also, don’t forget to pick up your Noodlebook before the next lesson, if you need it. We will need it for all future homework.
Have a nice week!
Lesson 1 – 8th January
It was great meeting you all!
– drills: 71, 67, 43, 62, 47
– noodles: Mix of Grammar (download)
– vocabulary from today’s lesson: development (vývoj), bug (problém/chyba), cross-country skiing (běžkování), duvet/blanket (peřina), hallway (chodba), wardrobe (skříň), rent (pronajímat), charts (hitparáda), controversial (kontroverzní), opinion (názor), brand (značka), altitude (nadmořská výška)
– SB p. 142 / 9.1 – pre-study Conditionals (you will only need the first conditional for now – possible conditions)
– download this handout here & do ex. 1 – complete the text on the right with the words from the box
See you next Monday!
Lesson 12 4. December 2023
Thank you all for joining our last lesson!
Drills: 50, 82, 67, 62, 77, 71, 85
Vocabulary: antlers = parohy ; pastry = pečivo ; Noel = Vánoce ; pot = hrnec ; bucket = kyblík ; scarf = šála ; iscount = sleva ; necessary = nezbytné ; to curse/to put a spell on = zaklít, proklít ; spell = kouzlo ; steward/stewardess = stevard/letuška ; taking place = konat se
Enjoy Christmas time!
Lesson 11 27. November 2023
Thanks Alex, Míša and Sofi for coming in today!
Drills: 50, 82, 67, 62, 77, 71, 85
Vocabulary: discount = sleva ; necessary = nezbytné ; to curse/to put a spell on = zaklít, proklít ; spell = kouzlo ; steward/stewardess = stevard/letuška ; taking place = konat se
Noodles: Christmas noodles (download here)
Next week is the last lesson in this year, so come up with some nice Christmas topics and in a good mood
Have a nice week!
Lesson 10 20. November 2023
Thanks Peter, Alex and Míša for coming in today!
Drills: 50, 82, 67, 62, 77, 71, 85
Vocabulary: company = společnost ; hamstring = stehenní sval ; stroke = mazlit se ; purr = vrnět, příst ; ground floor = přízemí ; undertone = podkres ; frost = mráz ; lyrics = text k písni ; melody= melodie ; crossroad = křižovatka ; mindset = mentální nastavení ; straight road = rovná cesta ; strong will = silná vůle/odhodlání ; assessment = posouzení
Fill-in: download here
SB pg. 69/4, 5 – listen to a conversation and take notes
SB – revise Unit 8 – highlited vocabulary, verb patterns, body idioms, grammar
Have a nice week!
Lesson 9 13. November 2023
Thank you all for coming today!
Drills: 50, 82, 67, 62, 77, 71 + new drill: 85
Vocabulary: diarrhea = průjem ; fiber = vlákno ; pray= modlit se ; exception = výjimka ; hangover = kocovina ; possession = vlastnictví ; claim = nárokovat si ; limited liability company = společnost s ručením omezením ; truant = záškolák ; rash = vyrážka ; social anxiety = společenská úzkost ; social event = společenská událost ; social duty = společenská povinnost ; attached = připojený ; devoted = oddaný ; effort = zápal, nadšení ; zone out = vypadnout, být na chvíli myšlenkami mimo
Noodles: download here
Have a nice week!
Lesson 8 6. November 2023
Thank you all for coming today!
Drills: 50, 82, 89, 67, 62, 77, 71
Vocabulary: exception = výjimka ; hangover = kocovina ; possession = vlastnictví ; claim = nárokovat si ; limited liability company = společnost s ručením omezením ; truant = záškolák ; rash = vyrážka ; social anxiety = společenská úzkost ; social event = společenská událost ; social duty = společenská povinnost ; attached = připojený ; devoted = oddaný ; effort = zápal, nadšení ; zone out = vypadnout, být na chvíli myšlenkami mimo
Noodles: download here
Have a nice week!
Lesson 7 30. October 2023
Thank you all for coming today!
Drills: 50, 82, 89, 67, 62, 77, 71
Vocabulary: truant = záškolák ; rash = vyrážka ; social anxiety = společenská úzkost ; social event = společenská událost ; social duty = společenská povinnost ; attached = připojený ; devoted = oddaný ; effort = zápal, nadšení ; zone out = vypadnout, být na chvíli myšlenkami mimo
Fill-in: download here
Have a nice week!
Lesson 6 23. October 2023
Thanks Alex for joining!
Drills: 50, 82, 89, 67, 62, 77, 71
Vocabulary: grammar school = gymnázium ; insects = hmyz ; poisonous animals = jedovatá zvířata ; Thailand = Thajsko ; ski mountaineering = skialpinismus ; looking up = vzhlížet ; deputy = náměstek ; surgery = operace ; acomplish = dosáhnout ; crocheting = háčkování ; chin = brada ; harsh = drsný ; stare = zírat ; independent of the money = nezávislý na penězích ; last period of life = poslední část života ; scar = jizva
Fill-in: download here
I will let you know, if the next lesson will be via MS Teams again during this week, depending on my health condition
Have a nice week!
Lesson 5 16. October 2023
Thanks Sofi and Peter for coming!
Drills: 50, 82, 89, 67, 62, 77, 71
Vocabulary: grammar school = gymnázium ; insects = hmyz ; poisonous animals = jedovatá zvířata ; Thailand = Thajsko ; ski mountaineering = skialpinismus ; looking up = vzhlížet ; deputy = náměstek ; surgery = operace
Fill-in: download here
Příští lekce proběhne on-line přes MS Teams! Informace naleznete v e-mailu.
Have a nice week!
Lesson 4 9. October 2023
Only Míša came in today, so the HW remains the same.
Drills: 50, 82, 89, 67, 62, 77, 71
Vocabulary: nauseous = nevolno, mdlo ; harsh = drsný ; tough = tvrdý ; crocheting = háčkování ; cliffs = útesy ; acomplish = dosáhnout, docílit něčeho ; stare = zírat ; bogs = bažiny ; ascent = výstup ; chin = brada ; chest = hrudník ; hips = boky ; kneel = pokleknout
Fill-in: download here
SB pg. 68/4 – look at the idioms, try to find the meaning without looking on the internet and look for some more interesting idioms
Have a nice week!
Lesson 3 2. October 2023
Thank you all for coming!
Drills: 50, 82, 89, 67, 62, 77, 71
Vocabulary: nauseous = nevolno, mdlo ; harsh = drsný ; tough = tvrdý ; crocheting = háčkování ; cliffs = útesy ; acomplish = dosáhnout, docílit něčeho ; stare = zírat ; bogs = bažiny ; ascent = výstup ; chin = brada ; chest = hrudník ; hips = boky ; kneel = pokleknout
Noodles: download here
SB pg. 68/4 – look at the idioms, try to find the meaning without looking on the internet and look for some more interesting idioms
Have a nice week!
Lesson 2 25. September 2023
Thank you all for coming today!
Drills: 50, 82, 89, 67, 62, 77, 71
Vocabulary: nauseous = nevolno, mdlo ; head spinning = točení hlavy ; memory = paměť ; harsh = drsný ; I found out, that… = Zjistil/a jsem, že… ; crocheting = háčkování ; sent = poslal
Noodles: download here
SB pg. 66 – go through the article about Mao Zedong again and write down any unknown vocabulary you find
SB pg. 68/2,3,4 – look at the idioms in these excercises and try to find out, what do they mean
I look forward seeing you all next Monday! Have a nice week!
Lesson 1 18. September 2023
Thank you for coming!
Drills: 50, 82, 89, 67, 62, 77, 71
Vocabulary: crossed = rozčílený ; trigger = spoušť, spouštěč ; freak up = zbláznit se ; get along with = vycházet s někým ; jetlag = pásmová nemoc ; haggle = vyjednávat ; emperor = císař ; threat = výhružka ; choke = dusit (se) ; strangle = škrtit ; trap = past ; perish = zahynout
Fill-in: download here
See you next week!