AMP17 – TUESDAYS @ 16:00 – 17:30
Room 3
Teacher: Mirka Murray (
Student’s book: PET Result
14/01/2025 – Homework :
- revise drills 47 (passives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ALTITUDE = nadmorska vyska, CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING = bezkovani, INDUSTRIAL ZONE = prumyslova zona
- translate questions 9.3. in your noodle book
- complete fill-in exercise 9.3. vocabulary
Well done today 🙂
07/01/2025 – Homework :
- revise drills 47 (passives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : MAKE YOUR DREAM COME TRUE = splnit si sen, BRICK = cihla, PLOT = dej (filmu)
- complete fill-in exercise 9.2. grammar – passives
It was great to see you today 🙂
10/12/2024 – Homework :
- revise all your drills
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : JEALOUS = zarlivy, POSH = nobl
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Have a fantastic time during the Holidays 🙂 I will see you again in 2025.
03/12/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 47 (passive)
- SB page 123 – read ‚the passive‘ grammar information
- SB page 71 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (grammar)
- complete fill-in exercise 9.1. vocabulary from reading
Well done today 🙂 See you on Tuesday for the last lesson of this trimester.
26/11/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 28, 29 (comparatives and superlatives)
- translate noodle questions 9.1. + 9.2.
- SB page 70+71 ex. 1, 2 (reading)
I hope to see the gentlemen in our next lesson too 🙂
19/11/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 41, 59, 65 (modal verbs)
- SB page 116 – revise vocabulary of unit 8
- revise grammar of unit 8 (modal verbs)
We will mostly just revise in our next lesson 🙂
12/11/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 41, 59, 65 (modal verbs)
- translate noodle questions 8.10. weather
- complete fill-in exercise 8.4. weather
Thank you for your email Iveta 🙂 I hope to see you in our next lesson.
05/11/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 41, 59, 65 (modal verbs)
- complete fill-in exercise 8.4. weather
- SB page 69 ex. 1, 2, 3 (writing)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TARMAC = asfalt, GRAVEL = sotolina
It was amazing to have you all here at the same time 🙂
29/10/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 41, 59, 65 (modal verbs)
- translate noodle questions 8.7. + 8.8.
- SB page 69 ex. 1, 2, 3 (vocabulary)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : UNNECESSARY = zbytecny / nepotrebny, BINOCULARS = dalekohled
Well done today 🙂
22/10/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 41, 59, 65 (modal verbs)
- translate noodle questions 8.6.
- complete fill-in exercise 8.5. vocabulary from page 67
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : MEMBER = clen
Today’s lesson only with the ladies 🙂 I hope the gentlemen can join us in our next lesson too.
15/10/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 41, 59, 65 (modal verbs)
- translate noodle questions 8.5.
- complete fill-in exercise 8.3. grammar 2
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : RAKE = hrabat (listi), HAND OVER = predat, DROP = kapka
It was great to finally see you in our lesson Ivo 🙂
08/10/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 41, 59, 65 (modal verbs)
- translate noodle questions 8.3. + 8.4.
- complete fill-in exercise 8.2. grammar
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ARCHEOLOGICAL SITE = archeologicke naleziste, DRUNK = opily, BLEACH = belidlo / vybelit, JUG = dzbanek
Super good job today 🙂 Well done.
01/10/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 41, 59, 65 (modal verbs)
- translate noodle questions 8.2.
- complete fill-in exercise 8.1. vocabulary from pages 64+65
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : CONTRACT = smlouva
Thank you for your email Ivo, I hope next time you can finally come 🙂
24/09/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 71 (verb patterns)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : THEME PARK = zabavni park, DATE = rande / randit
- bring book + noodle book into our next lesson
It was great to see you again Tom and to meet you Iveta. Thank you for your email Jana 🙂 I look forward to hearing about your holiday in our next lesson. Ivo, I hope you can join us in the next lesson too.
25/06/2024 – Homework :
- revise all your drills
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : PORK FILLET = veprova panenka, THINK UP = vymyslet
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Silvie and Alice – it was great teaching you this school year, I hope to see you again in the future 🙂 Jane and Tom – have a great summer and see you in September.
18/06/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 71
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BARK = stekat, BOREDOM = nuda, LOOK UP = vyhledat
- complete fill-in exercise 7.5. vocabulary
- SB page 63 ex. 1, 2, 3 (writing)
Next lesson is our last before summer so I hope to see you all 🙂
11/06/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 71 (verb patterns)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TARMAC = asfalt, CRUISESHIP = vyletni lod, BOTHER / ANNOY = otravovat
- translate noodle questions 7.7.
- complete fill-in exercise 7.4. grammar 2
- SB page 62 ex. 1 (vocabulary)
I hope to see you in our next lesson, Alice 🙂
04/06/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 71 (verb patterns)
- translate noodle questions 7.5. + 7.6.
- complete fill-in exercise 7.3. grammar
- SB page 60 ex. 1, 2 (gerunds and infinitives)
Thank you for your email Silvie, I hope you will manage to come next time 🙂
28/05/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 28, 29 (comparatives and superlatives)
- translate noodle questions 7.2. + 7.3.
- complete fill-in exercise 7.2. vocabulary from reading
- SB page 58+59 – read the article again and study new vocabulary (I will test you)
Thank you for your email Alice 🙂 I hope to see you in our next lesson.
21/05/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 28, 29 (comparatives and superlatives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : BEG = zebrat, JUNKIE = fetak
- translate noodle questions 7.1.
- complete fill-in exercise 7.1. lead in vocabulary
- SB page 58+59 ex. 1, 2 (reading)
Fantastic work, well done 🙂
14/05/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 77 (past perfect)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : PACE = tempo, CURSE = prokleti, HOLE = dira, LEAK = unik (vody / plynu)
- translate noodle questions 6.4.
- SB page 115 – study vocabulary from unit 6
- revise grammar of unit 6 (there will be a little written revision in our next lesson)
It was great to have all of you here again 🙂
07/05/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 77 (past perfect)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : DROWN = utopit, YACHT = jachta, ASSUME = predpokladat, ASSUMPTION = predpoklad, SURVIVE = prezit, LITTER = odpadky
- translate noodle questions 6.5.
- SB page 115 – study vocabulary from unit 6
- revise grammar of unit 6 (there will be a little written revision in our next lesson)
Well done today ladies 🙂 I hope next time we will have Tom back as well.
30/04/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 77 (past perfect)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : MAKE AN APPOINTMENT = objednat se, IMMORTAL = nesmrtelny, CRAVE STH = bazit po necem
- translate noodle questions 6.10.
- SB page 115 – study vocabulary from unit 6
Thank you for sending me your homework Tom 😉
23/04/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 77 (past perfect)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : REWARD = odmena, AWARD = cena / oceneni, CAR BOOT / CAR TRUNK = kufr auta
- translate noodle questions 6.9.
- complete fill-in exercise 6.3. grammar
- SB page 57 ex. 5, 6, 7 (review)
Thank you for your email again Silvie 🙂 I hope you feel better soon and that we can see you in our next lesson.
16/04/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 77 (past perfect)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ELECTIONS = volby, UPBRINGING = vychova, VICE VERSA = a naopak, PAL = kamos
- translate noodle questions 6.7. + 6.8.
- complete fill-in exercise 6.5. vocabulary
Thank you for your email Silvie 🙂 I hope to see you in our next lesson.
09/04/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 77 (past perfect)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : VOTE = hlasovat, SINK = umyvadlo, BATHTUB = vana
- translate noodle questions 6.6.
- complete fill-in exercise 6.2. grammar
- SB page 55 ex. 1, 2 (writing)
Another fantastic lesson 🙂
02/04/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 77 (past perfect)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : MOUNTAIN RIDGE = hreben hor, DEMANDING = narocny, RUN OUT OF = vypotrebovat, SPARE = nahradni, SWEATY = zpoceny, TIGHTS = punchochy
- translate noodle questions 6.3. past perfect
- complete fill-in exercise 6.4. vocabulary from reading
- SB page 53 ex. 1, 2, 3 (vocabulary)
- SB page 53 (writing)
Well done with the difficult grammar 🙂
26/03/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 77 (past perfect)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : HAIL = kroupy, SIGN UP = prihlasit se / zapsat se, PLUMBER = instalater
- translate noodle questions 6.2. past perfect
- complete fill-in exercise 6.1. vocabulary from listening
- SB page 52+53 ex. 1, 2, 3 (reading)
Enjoy the long weekend and I will see you again on Tuesday 😉
19/03/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 55, 67 (past simple vs present perfect)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : ALMOND = mandle, FROST = mraz, FRAUD = podvod, DETACHED HOUSE = samostatne stojici dum, SEMI-DETACHED HOUSE = dvojdomek, ROWHOUSE = radovy dum, STUDY = pracovna, LAUNDRY ROOM = pradelna
- translate noodle questions 6.1.
- SB page 51 ex. 1, 2, 3 (grammar) – try to fill in these exercises, but don’t worry if you are not sure, we will talk about this grammar in our next lesson
Amazing work with the end of unit tests today. Wow!
12/03/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 55, 67 (past simple vs present perfect)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : DIRECT = primy, HIRE = najmout, CUSTOM MADE = na miru
- SB page 115 – revise vocabulary of unit 5
- complete the ‚end of unit 5‘ test and bring it to our next lesson
It was great to see you again today 🙂
05/03/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 55, 67 (past simple vs present perfect)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : TRIM = zastrihnout, ALUMINIUM = hlinik
- fill-in exercise 7.1. present perfect or past simple
- SB page 115 – revise vocabulary of unit 5
Well done with the writing today 🙂
27/02/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 55, 67 (past simple vs present perfect)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : WINE CELLAR = vinny sklipek, WASTE OF MONEY = skoda penez, HEAVY WEIGHT LIFTING = vzpirani
- SB page 49 ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (writing)
- noodles 5.10.
- fill-in exercise 5.5. vocabulary sports
Amazing work again, well done 🙂
13/02/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 67 (past simple vs present perfect)
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
- noodles 5.9.
- SB page 49 ex. 1, 2, 3 (vocabulary)
- fill-in exercise 5.4. present perfect
Don’t forget that next week is spring holiday, so I will see you again 27.2. !!
06/02/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 67 (past simple vs present perfect)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : POPPY SEED = mak, ELDERFLOWER = bezinka, STEAM = para
- noodles 5.8.
- fill-in exercise 5.3. present perfect
You were all amazing again 🙂
30/01/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 67 (past simple vs present perfect)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : GLACIER = ledovec, ALLOWED = dovoleno, SHIFT = smena, ENTERTAINING = zabavny
- SB page 44+45 – read the article again & study all new vocabulary (I will test you again)
- SB page 47 ex. 1, 2, 3 (grammar)
- noodles 5.5.
- fill-in exercise 5.2. vocabulary from reading
Nice work with the drills today 🙂
23/01/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 55 (past simple vs present perfect)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SPA COLONNADE = lazenska kolonada, CRAMPONS = macky, MANDATORY / OBLIGATORY = povinne
- SB page 44+45 – read the article again & study all new vocabulary (I will test you)
- SB page 45 ex. 3 (grammar)
- noodles 5.4.
- fill-in exercise 5.1. phrasal verbs from page 44
Don’t be afraid of present perfect. You will master it in no time 😉
16/01/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 55 (past simple vs present perfect)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : CYCLE PATH = cyklostezka, CATCH UP = dohnat
- SB page 44+45 ex. 1, 2 (reading)
- noodles 5.2.+5.3.
Nice work today 🙂 You are all very talented language learners.
09/01/2024 – Homework :
- revise drills 79, 80
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : HOSTAGE = rukojmi, LENTILS = cocka
- SB page 44 ex. 1, 2 (lead in)
- noodles 5.1. health & sport
It was lovely to see you again 🙂
05/12/2023 – Homework :
- revise all your drills
- revise vocabulary from previous lessons
Enjoy the holiday season and see you again in the year 2024
28/11/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 28, 29 (comparative & superlative adjectives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : A FINE = pokuta, ORPHAN = sirotek, ADDED VALUE = pridana hodnota
- translate noodle questions 4.10.
- complete fill-in exercise 4.4. vocabulary from page 40
I hope to see you all in our next lesson (it’s the last one before Christmas).
21/11/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 28, 29 (comparative & superlative adjectives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : COUGH = kasel / kaslat, ONE-SIDED = jednostranny
- SB page 43 ex. 1, 2, 3 (writing)
- translate noodle questions 4.9.
- complete fill-in exercise 4.5. vocabulary from page 42
Thank you for your email Silvie 🙂 I hope to see you in our next lesson.
14/11/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 28, 29 (comparative & superlative adjectives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : URINE = moc, POND = rybnik, USEFUL = uzitecny
- SB page 42 ex. 1, 2, 3 (vocabulary)
- translate noodle questions 4.8.
- complete fill-in exercise 4.3. comparatives and superlatives
Well done with the listening today 🙂
07/11/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 28, 29 (comparative & superlative adjectives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : FLY A KITE = poustet draka, FLAT = rovina, STEEP SLOPE = strmy svah, PRECISE = precizni
- translate noodle questions 4.4. + 4.7.
It was great to see you all again 🙂 Have a nice rest of the week.
31/10/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 28, 29 (comparative & superlative adjectives)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : PRIEST = knez / farar, CHARACTERISTIC = vlastnost, MANAGE = stihnout, BUM / BOTTOM / BACKSIDE = zadek, BREASTS = prsa, ANKLE = kotnik, WAIST = pas
- complete fill-in exercise 4.2. grammar
- translate noodle questions 4.1. + 4.2. (use the key at the back to help you – some of the questions are really hard!)
Nice work everyone 🙂 Keep it up!
24/10/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 33 (present perfect vs. continuous)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : UNIMAGINABLE = nepredstavitelny, ALL SAINTS DAY = svatek vsech svatych, NICE = hodny / mily, GRUMPY = rozmrzely / nabruceny, COMMON = bezny, APE = lidoop, ROOSTER = kohout
- complete fill-in exercise 4.1. vocabulary + reading
- SB page 39 – read the article again & study new vocabulary (I will test you)
- SB page 40 ex. 1, 2 (grammar)
Well done with the vocabulary revision today 🙂
17/10/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 79, 80 (quantifiers)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson + 4 previous lessons (I will test you) : SEAL = tulen, SEA LION = lachtan, ELEPHANT SEAL = rypous sloni, BINGE WATCHING = sledovani velkeho mnozstvi serialu v kratkem case, JUG = dzban, HARMFUL = skodlivy, BEETROOT = cervena repa, FREEZER = mrazak
- translate the questions you got from me on piece of paper today
- SB page 38+39 ex. 1, 2, 3 (reading)
You were very well prepared today 🙂
10/10/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 79, 80 (quantifiers)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : INSURANCE = pojisteni, MUDDY = bahnivy, SHELTER = utulek, PAIR = par, RIDICULOUS = smesny (negativne), JUST RIGHT = akorat
- translate noodles 3.8.
Nice work today everyone 🙂 You are very bright students.
03/10/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 79, 80 (quantifiers)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : MOW THE LAWN = sekat travnik, GOAT = koza, BARGAIN / HAGGLE = smlouvat
- SB page 37 (whole page)
- translate noodles 3.9.
Well done today! I hope Tomas will have his homework too next time 😀
26/09/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 79, 80 (quantifiers)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : RUSH HOUR = dopravni spicka, SQUIRREL = veverka, DUST = prach, STAGE FRIGHT = trema
- SB page 36 (whole page)
- translate noodles 3.3.
Nice work today 🙂 Enjoy the public holiday weekend and I will see you again on Tuesday.
19/09/2023 – Homework :
- revise drill 55 (past simple or present perfect)
- revise vocabulary from today’s lesson : SUPPLIER = dodavatel, FLOUR = mouka, FLAVOUR = prichut, SATISFIED = spokojeny
- Tomas please pick up your noodle book in the office before our next lesson
- bring your student’s book with you
It was fantastic to meet you! I look forward to next Tuesday
September 11, 2023
Hello everyone, tomorrow’s our last lesson together! I hope to see all of you to talk about your summer adventures
Here’s a short homework you can prepare in advance:
translate these 6 questions:
June 9, 2023
Hello everyone, I hope you are enjoying summer as much as possible! I’d like to thank you all for your good work and great energy throughout the trimester (and not just the last one).
Our only „překlen“ lesson this year is scheduled on 12th September at 4:30 pm, so I’ll be looking forward to seeing you.
Enjoy the holiday Jan and see you in September, ladies
June 26, 2023
Hello, dear students, tomorrow is the last lesson of this trimester together
As Zuzka forgot to assign your homework in time, there’s no special homework for tomorrow, only as usual:
- drill 88, 72, 79
- vocabulary from the lesson: cable car, bookmark, extract a tooth, at first, wisdom teeth, laziness / sloth
See you tomorrow
Hi everyone, I apologize for the late update. Here’s your HW:
- drill 88, 72, 79
- 3.4. PET Result Unit 3 SB p 33 Grammar quantifiers.pdf
- vocabulary: to bake / to roast, mashed potatoes, boiled, parsley, side dish, cloth, clothes (always in plural if we mean „oblečení“), collateral street, thin, mild, shrimps, facial expressions, temporary, contemporary, to throw a party, waste of time
See you soon
June 9, 2023
Hi everybody, here’s your HW for next week:
- drill 88, 72, 79
- FILL IN 4.1. New Headway Preintermediate 4th edition Unit 4 SB p. 30 and 31 Much many some any.pdf
- vocabulary: on a holiday, on a business trip, allow somebody to do something (povolit, dovolit nekomu neco), petrol station, agency, monk / nun, staff, thrift shop, available/ unavailable, to result in (mít za výsledej, vyústit v něco..), to experience (zažít, mít zkušenost)
- What is it good for?
- I have a feeling that …
- I used to go to the church every Sunday..
Have a nice weekend
May 30, 2023
Hello everyone, it was nice meeting you after two weeks Alice, we missed you today.. hope to see you in our next lesson
Your HW:
- DRILL 88, 72, 79
- VOCABULARY: thief, robber (He robbed me!), burglar (bytový zloděj), to throw away, to pay off (vyplatit se), to swap (exchange), shop-lifting, to have a quarrel/argument/row, beauty treatment, environmentally friendly (= green :), victim (oběť), sacrifice (obětování se/oběť), personal belongings (osobní věci, majetek)
Have a nice week
May 23, 2023
Thank you everyone for a very nice lesson It was nice meeting you
- drill 88, 72, 79 or 98
- Fill in PET 3.1 – the one you got in the lesson
- vocabulary: goods, half-price, no longer do something, valuables, offer applies, guinea pig, topic, clumsy, moldy cheese, blue cheese, aftertaste, flea market, pastry
- SB p. 32 / exercise 1 – match the websites with what you think you can do on them and then listen and check your answers (you can find the audio in the header of this page)
May 19, 2023
Hi everybody, it was nice seeing you after two weeks on Tuesday As you already know, your next lesson is going to be with Zuzka.
Here’s some homework to do:
- drill 88, 72, 79 (much, many, some, any) or 98 (elementary)
- noodles 3.3
- vocabulary: antlers, stage fright, to bathe in the sea, cold plunge (otužování), floods, well (studna), small serving (malá porce), trunk of a car, fraud, scam, to expire, tough meat, tough guy, campfire, pork neck, barbecue, beetroot, to release a new CD, warranty card (záruční list), good bargain / good deal, receipt vs. recipe, to purchase / to buy
- SB p. 31 – read all the signs 1-5 + underline new words
Have a nice weekend and enjoy the lesson with Susan
May 12, 2023
Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed the lesson with Míša.
Here’s your HW:
- drill 88, 72
- noodles 3.1
- vocabulary: dog racing, fur, to attend, behaviour, to release a CD, plot, plot twist in a story, graduate, decision, indecisive (nerozhodný), a scam, scammer, discount, receipt, expiration date, on sale
Have a nice weekend and see you soon
May 5, 2023
Hi everyone, here’s your HW for next week:
- drill 88 (So do I /Neither do I), 72
- fill in : 2.2. New Headway Preintermediate 4th edition Unit 2 SB p.15 16 Present simple or continuous.pdf
- vocabulary: electricity, affordable car, a real bargain, reasonable price, to harvest crops (sklidit úrodu), clerk, flower bed, garden bed (zahradní záhon), exclamation mark, experienced professor, to admire someone, ladder, entrepreneur, freelancer, fussy / picky eater, minor accident, injury, to brew beer / coffee
- + fill in the paper on AGREEMENT that I gave you in class – So Do I, Neither can I etc.
Enjoy the long weekend and see you soon
April 25, 2023
Hi everyone, I enjoyed the lesson with you after two weeks! Next 3 lesson should be 30 mins longer as we decided today
Your homework:
- drill 24, 33, 72
- TEST here : PET U2 TEST.docx
- vocabulary: pilgrim, fair, cotton candy, flavour, wild boar, sample, brewery, ceiling, ladder, religion, faith, annual, freelancer, to admire, to witness, Best Man,/ Maid of Honour, to chew, Poor you!
- bad or annoying habits : present continuous : You’re always chewing too loud! She’s always coming late everywhere! They’re always singing too loud! ETC.
Have a nice week and see you soon
April 13, 2023
Hello students! Here’s your homework for next week:
- drill 17, 24, 33, 72 (adjectives)
- noodles 2.8
- vocabulary: cloth, religion, religious pictures, a typo (překlep), comma, full stop / point, to sue someone, concert venue, to witness an accident, to offer, to take an exam, to do a test, to order in a resaurant, to take a break, to take a year off
- describing a picture: IN the picture, THERE ARE people DANCING AND LAUGHING. In the BACKGROUND, there is a ..
- SB p. 29 / exercise 1 + 2
Have a nice weekend
April 7, 2023
Hi everybody
Here’s a short HW for you:
- drill 17, 24, 33
- noodles 2.5
- vocabulary: to fast, Good Friday, resurrection of Christ, spinach, to go on a trip into the countryside, to dig in the ground, to offer, to leave a tip, rye bread, wheat, plaited willow stick, wreath /rith/, psycho, pseudo (pronunciation)
- business/formal emails:
- Dear Sir or Madam or To whom it may concern if the addressee is unknown
- Dear Mr. Pavel / Dear Mrs. Pavlova etc. if we know the name
Enjoy the Easter holiday and see you on Tuesday
April 1, 2023
Hello everyone!
Your hw:
- drill 17, 24, 33
- fill in that I gave you in class 2.4. PET Result Unit 2 SB p 27 Grammar Present Simple Present Continuous.pdf
- vocabulary: dull, fried eggs, scrambled eggs, egg whites and yolks, cheese spread, chives, wild garlic, wheat bread, inflammation, make an exception, to kneel in the church, particularly, this term (semester), to shrink – shrank – shrunk, shrink (as a noun – psychiatrist)
- SB p. 28/ex 1 – translate all the words in the frame
Enjoy the weekend
March 22, 2023
Hello everyone. Thank you all very much for your decision to continue in our course in next trimester too!
Here’s your homework for our upcoming lesson:
- drill 17, 24, 33
- fill in 2.3. PET Result Unit 2 SB p 27 Vocabulary.pdf
- vocabulary: highlight, to kidnap a child, border, peak of the mountain, inflammation, surroundings, to make an exception, to make money, salary, to shrink, in particular (konkrétně), do the dusting, wiipe the dust, the most / the least
- SB p. 27 / GRAMMAR – Present simple and continuous – exercise 1 + 2 + 3
Enjoy the warm spring days
Match 17, 2023
Hi everyone This week we enjoyed our lesson only with Alice and Jane. I hope the rest of you had a good time and we will all meet again on Tuesday afternoon!
Here’s your HW:
- drill 17, 24, 40, 63 (prepositions)
- noodles 2.3
- vocabulary: odd numbers, even numbers, to kneel, to go backwards, impatient, drought, to soak, to do harm (= to damage / to hurt someone), to take courses OR to do courses, effort, excuse (výmluva), complaint, therapist, masseur/masseuse, instant (immediate), immediately, doubt /daut/, debt /det/, to do the laundry, to do the dusting
- SB p. 27/ exercise 1
- check this CHART on DO/MAKE collocations Make Do chart.pdf
Enjoy the weekend
March 3, 2023
Hi everyone! Your homework for our next lesson
- drill 17 (adverbs of frequency) 24, 40
- fill in of adverbs that I gave you in class
- vocabulary: glove, full tank, lamb meat, twisted ankle, bruised wrist, plaster + last lesson’s vocabulary
- SB p. 26/ex. 1-3 – listening
Have a nice weekend
February 21, 2023
Hi everybody It was lovely seeing you after two weeks.
Here’s your HW:
- drill 40, 63, 70 (mix of future tenses)
- noodles 2.3
- vocabulary: love at first sight, sweater (pronunciation!), on purpose, glove, joints, tree in bloom /blooming tree, shepherd, herd, exactly, vowel, mortgage, loan, debt, to lend, sparkling / still / tap water
- SB p. 26/ex 3
Have a nice week
February 7, 2023
Hi everyone:) Good job today! Here’s your homework for our next lesson on 21st February:
- DRILL 48, 63, 66
- FILL IN 2.1 (I gave it to you in class, just fill in correct words)
- VOCABULARY: to sparkle, do the laundry, do the ironing, to put on a play (hrát hru), field of interest, fortnight’s course, to take part in a course, to lead (dancing), treasure, value, to participate, socialize, useful, useless, history, take the opportunity, hardly ever (hardly = stěží, sotva, NE TVRDĚ – work hard), late (pozdní, pozdě), but LATELY (poslední dobou), to have something done (I’ll have my hair cut tomorrow. We had our flat painted yesterday.)
- Student Book p. 26/ exercise 1 + 2 (adverbs of frequency)
Enjoy the „holiday“ and see you in two weeks
February 3, 2023
Hi everybody! I enjoyed our lesson on Tuesday
Here’s your homework:
- DRILL 48, 40, 66, 63 (prepositions of time)
- VOCABULARY: relieve, grateful, stand up for a friend, humane, wild boar, clue, fraud, calm, brief, artistic, attend, feed, keeper, allowed, approach, worth, sentenced, falsely, advise, advice, practise, practice, housewife, brake, outcome, take part in, newsagent’s, hardly ever, to last forever, to include,
- STUDENT BOOK p. 24 / ex 1
Have a nice day
January 25, 2023
Hello everyone! Good job yesterday
Your homework:
- DRILL 48, 46, 66 (WILL)
- NOODLES 2.1. PET RESULT U2 p.24.pdf
- VOCABULARY: human rights, disappointment, attitude, social media, fraud, percentage, newsagent’s, groceries, performance, dish (pokrm), side dish, cottage cheese, Japanese cuisine, on stage, to improve skills, wildlife, to defend someone (bránit), to feel like doing something (I don’t feel like going to the museum today), be worth (It’s not worth it = nestojí to za to), worth (hodnota) + last lesson’s vocabulary
- STUDENT BOOK p. 25 – finish the reading + underline new words
Have a nice day
January 21, 2023
Hi everybody! I enjoyed our lesson on Tuesday
Here’s your homework:
- DRILL 48 (passive), 40 (past continuous), 46 (second conditional)
- DOWNLOAD AND FILL IN: 10.2. New Headway Preint.4th edition U10 pg. 80 GRAMMAR PASSIVE I.pdf
- VOCABULARY: survey, convicted murderer, attitude, accusation, trial, to admit, TV COMMERCIAL, advertisment, dignity, exception, seasick
- 1st conditional : more real, possible : If the weather is nice tomorrow, I’ll definitely go to the parc.
- 2nd conditinal: hypothetical, also impossible: If I won the lottery, I would go on a long vacation.
- exception: If he WERE taller, he would get the job. If I were you, I would stay here.
- STUDENT BOOK p. 25 / reading – read A-D + underline and translate all new vocabulary
See you soon
January 12, 2023
Hello, everyone It was great meeting all four of you on Tuesday.
Here’s a short homework to do for our next lesson:
- DRILL 48 (passive), 40 (past continuous), 46 (second conditional)
- NOODLES : download and translate 11.5. PET Result U11pg 86 GRAMMAR second conditional.pdf
- VOCABULARY: besides (kromě toho, vedle), to look after a dog, definitely, hint, flower pot, deaf, flour, to develop a habit, to break up a bad habit (zbavit se zlozvyku), used to (I’m used to getting up very early)
Have a nice weekend!
January 3, 2023
Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed the holidays and I’m looking forward to seeing you in our first lesson next week.
Here’s a short homework to do:
- DRILL 35, 48, 40
- NOODLES : AFTER Christmas New Year’s noodles.docx
- VOCABULARY: carp, salmon, trout, fir tree, spruce, artificial tree, Christmas cookies, New Year’s Eve, Christmas Eve, Chrismtas Day, Boxing Day, to wrap/unwrap the presents, New Year’s resolutions …
See you on Tuesday
December 4, 2022
Hi everybody, I’m sorry for such a late update. I’ve just found out I didn’t manage to upload your HW last week! So it will be short, don’t worry:
- drills 61, 40, 55 (the same)
- fill in on articles 10.1. Headway Intermediate 4th edition U10 articles a an the 0.pdf
- vocabulary: shallow, bay, to brag about, dam, field, deer, reindeer, snowflakes, depth, deep, to prevent a disease, drink lots of liquids, to solve a problem, button, go through
That’s all.. see you soon
November 27, 2022
Hello everyone, I already assigned your homework in class (fill in on articles + revision of articles in the back of your Student’s Book
- drill 61, 40, 55
- fill in on articles (I already gave you the paper in class, you can also download it here if you lost it : 4.3. New Headway Preintermediate 4th edition Unit 4 SB p. 33 Articles.pdf)
- vocabulary: headache, backache, stomachache /stomakeik/ (bolest břicha, žaludku), to throw up (zvracet), to throw away (vyhodit), to lose weight, to put on weight, accommodatin, appreciate, reach, valley, field, bay, shallow, to take a photo, dam, although (přestože, ačkoli), to ride a horse, floods, to brag about a new car
- SB p. 125 in your student book : read about ARTICLES (Kristy, link for you HERE pet STUDENT BOOK ARTICLES p. 125.pdf)
See you soon
November 15, 2022
Hi everyone!
- drill 61, 40, 55
- fill in 1.5. PET Result Unit 1 Vocabulary sections SB p20 SB p22 SB p23.pdf
- vocabulary: catch a cold, to have a headache, painkillers, lose weight, appreciate, accommodation, sunbathing, to be seasick, stomach, throw up, brag about, ridiculous, embarrassing, admire, cliffs, coast, valley modest, reach, suffer from migraine, mood swings
Enjoy the holiday on Thursday and see you next week!
November 11, 2022
Hi everyone, here’s you HW:
- DRILL 61 or 40 (past simple + continuous), 55, 35
- NOODLES 1.10
- VOCABULARY: campsite, youth hostel, cruise, cruise ship, bank of the river, on the coast, scuba diving, desert, countryside, to reach, groceries, lawn, patience, to ride a bike, to own, path
- Would you rather have a cup of tea?
- Kristy – we did the – listening 1 + 3 (there’s a link for the audio on the top of this HW page) on th page 22 + you can do it at home
Enjoy the weekend and see you soon
November 5, 2022
Hi everyone, here’s you HW:
- DRILL 61 or 40 (past simple + continuous), 55, 35
- VOCABULARY: funeral, wedding, Mass in a church, sin, priest, to commemorate, All Souls Day vs All Saints Day (Honzi, you were right, my mistake!! All Souls‘ Day = dušičky), to postpone a meeting, to pass the test / to fail the test, follow-up studies (nástavba), to go for a walk, to have a coffee at a café, fog, foggy weather, meadow
- SB p. 22 – listening 1 + 3 (there’s a link for the audio on the top of this HW page)
See you soon
October 27, 2022
Hi everybody, please prepare this HW:
- DRILL 61 or 40 (past simple + continuous), 55, 35
- VOCABULARY: playful, pumpkin, to carve, candle, grave, cemetery, spider web, receptionist, spooky = scary, monster, ghost, witch, attic, wreathe /rith/, to get fired, beetroot, frightening, frightened
- state verbs (not continuous tenses!) : love, like, need, want, believe, understand, know, see, hear (in their original meaning)
- SB p. 22 – listening 1 + 3 (there’s a link for the audio on the top of this HW page)
Have a nice weekend (:
October 21, 2022
Hi everyone Here’s your HW:
- DRILL 61 or 40 (past simple + continuous), 55, 35
- Fill in 1.3. PET Result Unit 1 SB p 21 Grammar Past Simple Past Continuous.pdf
- VOCABULARY: knackered, exhausted, once, twice, to celebrate, a celebration = a party, to sip a drink, good mood, soft drinks, topic, to hire an assistant, cook book, recipe, branch of a tree, frshwater lake, luckily, knight, guide, …
- state verbs (not continuous tenses!) : love, like, need, want, believe, understand, know, see, hear (in their original meaning)
- to be seeing someone = to date someone
- ! study PAST CONTINUOUS here :
- then you can try this TEST:
Have a nice weekend (:
October 14, 2022
HELLO THERE Here’s some homework for you to do as usual :
- DRILL 61 or 40 (past simple + continuous), 55, 35
- VOCABULARY: to mow the lawn = to cut the grass, to harvest pears /pe:rs/, comma, dot, brackets, to postpone a meeting
- Translate these questions:
- What is he like?
- Who does he look like?
- What does he look like?
- What does he like doing?
- study PAST CONTINUOUS here :
- then you can try this TEST:
Have a nice day!
October 8, 2022
Hi everybody, here’s some homework for you :
- drill 35, 55
- translate noodles 1.6 in your noodlebooks (link 1.6.)
- vocabulary: plum, apricot, peach, nut, currant, pear, to pick/to harvest fruit, to avoid a problem, all over the world, to wear contact lenses, cemetery, a bossy person, the dog is allowed to sleep in the house, It is prohibited to smoke here, …
- Student’s Book p. 21 / fill in exercise 3 with past simple or past continuous
Next week we start at 16:15, is it ok for everyone?
Enjoy the weekend
September 29, 2022
Hi everyone, here’s your homework as usual.
- drill 35, 55
- this fill in : 2.2. New Headway Intermediate 4th edition Unit 2 SB 14 to 15 Present Simple x Present Continuous.pdf (I gave it to you in class)
- vocabulary: cottage, rarely, once a month, bride and groom, to yawn, to snore, to oversleep, take a day off, bittersweet, iceberg, fall asleep, should, to stare at, punctual person, a spoiled child, to sip a drink, to work shifts, to stay up/awake, frightening film, night owl, a morning person, to do the laundry
Next week we start at 16:15, is that right?
Take care and see you next week (:
September 22, 2022
Hi everybody It was great meeting all of you in our first lesson together. Here’s some homework to do for next week:
- DRILL 35 (going to), 55 (present perfect)
- noodles on sleep and dreams.docx – DOWNLOAD AND TRANSLATE
- vocabulary: to do the sight-seeing to stare at somebody, foster parents, to dye hair, whale, killer whale = orca, night owl, morning person, iceberg, during storm, chicken broth, performance, role, to take a nap, to yawn, insomnia, to stay up all night, to sleep late = to sleep in , to oversleep, to snore, to fall asleep
- here you can watch the short video about orcas, or so called „killer whales“ – the video explains their name :))
- (there are English subtitles
Have a great weekend and see you soon
September 19, 2022
Hello everyone! The new trimester starts tomorrow and we’ll have a new student in our group. We should start at 16:00 (later we can discuss if it’s possible for everyone to start a little later so that everyone can come to our lessons in time).
Here’s your date sheet (datumář) which you can download and print (not obligatory): datumář AMP17
I’m looking forward to meeting you all tomorrow