Wednesday, 17.35 – 19.05
Room 3
Teacher: Blanka Hýblová,, +420 734 547 742 (SMS / Whatsapp)
Student’s book: Headway Intermediate 4th edition
If you won’t be able to attend the lesson, please contact me. Thank you:)


LESSON 2, 15th January

Nice work everyone!


– Drills: 49, 40, 35, 66

– Vocabulary: field, option, bouquet of flowers, garage, button, write/type (on pc or mobile), row, looks/appearance, give me a hand, security, stubborn, scheduled, dermatologist, later, look for something, spread

– HW:  here

– SB: Z učebnice nám zůstává to stejně zadání




See you next week!:)


LESSON 1, 8th January

Great job today:)


– Drills: 49, 55, 40, 35, 66

– Vocabulary: proof, groceries, guinea pigs, divorced, New Year’s Resolutions, tear a muscle, grammar school, accent, returned, freelancer/freelancing, tow truck, automechanic

– Homework: HERE is some revision of past tenses + Present Perfect. And for Tom one extra homework here. Just to be extra sure we’re all on the same page in the latest grammar:)

– SB: 56/ exercise 4 (read about Calvin Klein), těm co nemají kopie přinesu.


See you next week!


LESSON 12, 11th December

Amazing lesson!


– Drills: 56, 54, 50, 49

– Vocabulary: practical, tin cup, fairytale, pour, tangerine, wrap, unwrap, believe in, exercised, chimney, light up, stove, fireplace, bonfire, reindeer, grim reaper, hang, discovered, worn, anymore, carols, mistletoe, mulled wine

– HW: Noodlebook 7.6


Enjoy the holidays:))


LESSON 11, 4th December

Only Verča came in, and we just talked:)


– Vocabulary: high heels, coincidence, sell/sold, shipping, delivery man, groceries, grocery shopping, supplies, hoodie, balloon, tangerine, to handle, devil, confident


See you


LESSON 10, 27th November

Amazing lesson!


– Drills: 56, 54, 50, 49

– Vocabulary: lyrics, cinderella, carols, immediate family, extended family, murder, murderer, to cruise / cruised, pre-schooler, highlighter

– HW: Z 7.5 jsme použili jen dvě otázky, so no need for another HW, we will us that + I will bring some extra questions to the lesson:))


See you


LESSON 9, 20th November

Great job!


– Drills: 56, 54, 50, 49

– Vocabulary: cravings, plushie, interested in, technician, pay grade, tenant, stitches, bandage, bandaid, love at the first sight, guinea pig, wake up, cover, ground floor



See you


LESSON 8, 13th November

Fantastic conversation today!:)


– Drills: 56, 54, 50, 49 (mimochodem 82 je drillek na to use to/get used to)

– Vocabulary: diary x dairy, emotionally, get rid of (zbavit se…), common ground (zlatá střední cesta), introduce, flatmates, work training (školení), dirty, coat, dorm (koleje na vysoké), mindset

– HW: NOODLEBOOK 7.4 – present perfect passive


See you next week!


LESSON 7, 6th November


– Drills: 56, 54, 50, 49

– Vocabulary: heating, stove, above, stocks, sold x solved, abuse, except for, chef/cook x cooker, busy, climate, elections, repair, fireplace, permit

-HW: NOODLEBOOK 7.2 is your homework. In your SB look at the page 56 and complete exrcise 2.


See you!


LESSON 6, 30th October

Great conversation Roman:) I missed the rest of you!


– Drills: 56, 54, 50, 49

– Vocabulary: Extended weekend, to stand / stood, nephew, niece, equation, research

– HW: Homework stays the same, we only talked this lesson.


See you next week


LESSON 5, 23rd October

Nobody came today, so everything stays the same. See you next week!


LESSON 4, 16th October

Great job!


– Drills: 56, 54, 50, 49

– Vocabulary: find, find out, overslept, gave, stayed, social anxiety, criticized, urgent, uninhabitable, heights, railing, penthouse, rollerskates, take care of someone, pricey /expensive, kiosk, flea market, library, advertising, interactive, calm, expecting

– HW: HERE is your homework.


See you


LESSON 3, 9th October

Great job!


– Drills: 56, 54, 50, 49

– Vocabulary: end up, drizzle, note, event, caught, handwriting, hand written, conjure, beg, vaccinated, draught, anniversary, maternity leave, alone, on my own

– What’s next: You can do 7.1 in your Noodlebooks as your homework, we will check the exercise 5 next week.


See you


LESSON 2, 2nd October

It was nice to see you all:)


– Drills: 56, 54, 59, 41, 94, 50

– Vocabulary: witch, brief, out of work, orphan, measles, variety, numerous, based on, sloth, warn x warm, steal x steel, ladder, dangerous, nowadays, get a job, nominated for

– What’s next: Noodlebook 7.2 is your hw (+bring your old hw from last week that we havent checked). Look at  exercise 5, page 55 and complete the listening (HERE)


See you soon


LESSON 1, 25th September

Great lesson today, thank you guys for attending:)


– Drills: 56, 54, 59, 41, 94, 57

– Homework: ZDE je domácí úkol na členy, ale je to hlavně na konverzaci. Od příště už pojedeme normálně podle Nudlí:)

– Vocabulary: childhood dream, wide, deep, long, chlorine (chlór), lungs, with gritted teeth (dělám něco „se zatnutými zuby“, protože to byla hrůza), mosquitos, wasp, bumblebee, itchy (svědivý), keyboards (klávesnice ale i klávesy), injury, flute, traumatizing, sloth (lenochod), sting (šťípnout), healthily (zdravě), narrow (úzký), tick, by hand (ručně), martial arts (bojová umění), it is said, that.. (říká se, že..), lately x later (v nedávné době x později), catfight (holčičí hádka/bitka), in order to (abychom mohli, ex.: In order to pass the exam, we must study.)

– What’s next: Podíváme se znova na modální slovesa (drill 59, 56, 54) a potom budeme pokračovat dál v učebnici na straně 55, kde jsme naposledy skončili.


See ya!


LESSON 26.6.

I loved teaching you and it’s been a pleasure to get to know you all.

Take care and enjoy some rest. 🙂

Vocabulary: toddler, leaflet, poster, noon, noun, died x dyed, coward, personality trait, property, due date, mood booster, meatloaf, loaf, hedgehog, forgive, slope, firework, publisher




vocabulary: high pitched, scream x screech, refund x refuse, moneyhungry, race car, cover, hookah, book x film adaptation, environment, pasta x paste, cough, casualities, insurance, breastfeeding, school report, chaotic, chaos, fail, pale, ozone layer, died x dyed, convenient, medium x mild, previously, multiple


– drills: 56, 54, 59, 41, 94, 57


– p. 54/ex. 2

Next Wednesday is our last class of the trimester together. I hope to see you all there. I look forward to seeing you.  🙂


LESSON 12.6.

vocabulary: refund


– drills: 54, 59, 41, 94, 57


Have a nice rest of the week. 🙂




vocabulary: Two for a price of one, I can relate (to your experience), Slimy, I will keep that in mind (budu na to myslet/si to pamatovat), surgical (or stainless) steel, Invest, Clapperboard, Lifelong, Useless, (She walks) Barefoot, Fall apart, Request x Claim, Restock, Stories x Stores, Block (Or Pannel houses), Hidden, Precaution, a Scratch, Replace, Got Excited, To blow my hair dry x To Get A Blow dry (přidání A mění věc na podst. jméno aka typ účesu), Purchase (nákup), Displace (zašantročit), Loyalty x Member card, Ecofriendly, Assortment


– drills: 54, 59, 41, 94, 57


Have a nice day. 🙂

PS Next class will be substituted by my very nice colleague David.



LESSON 29.5.

Thank you for coming, guys. 🙂

vocabulary: priceless, net, fortnight, clapperboard, facilitate, proverb/saying, appreciate, ladder, sea sickness, (scuba) diving, complicate, make harder, invention, inventor, brass instruments, lightning concuctor, cabin-luggage, envelopes, cotton, woolens, babywear, linen, bedsheets, accessories, facilities, lingerie, leather goods, stationery, toiletries, jewelery, kitchenware, china and glassware, appliances, blow dry, mug, clearance sale, reminder, purchase, premises, rush

+ let – a serve is called a let when the ball hits the net cord but still lands in the service court


– drills: 54, 59, 41, 94, 57

– noodles: 6.11

– p. 53/ ex. 4 + ex. 5 (be ready for the listening)

Take care. 🙂

PS Next class will be substituted by my very nice colleague Blanka.





LESSON 22.5.

Good job, guys. 🙂

vocabulary: playground, fence, tournament, house-warming party, floods, low heat, pot, pimento (nové koření), bay leaf (bobkový list), sour cream, regret, tie, bow tie, cow, postpone, wild spicies, praise, admire, earrings, wallet, saucepan, cooking pot, pot, hairdryer, doll, boots, shave, lipstick, trainers, sheets, pair of tights


– drills: 54, 59, 41, 94, 57


– Choose 6 of the Czech inventions which you think have changed the world and be prepared to tell us a bit about them.

Enjoy the rest of the week. 🙂




LESSON 15.5.

Thank you for coming Andrea & Roman 🙂

vocabulary: broth/stock, morella cherry, wealthy, Little red ridding hood, power, horsepower, tractor, draft (průvan), dill sauce, kindness + weather vocabulary: storm – stormy, fog – foggy, sunny – mostly sunny, windy, snowy, snowflake, icicle, icy, hot, cold, cool, chilly, boiling hot, gale, wind, breeze, dew, rainbow, sleet, hailstone, hail, snow, thunde, lightning, showers, drizzle, clear, bright, gloomy, mist, frosty, muggy, damp, scorching, stifling, downpour (+ It’s raining cats and dogs.) + from the listening: throughout, isolated, patch, to clear up, elsewhere, heatwave, to make way for, disappear


– drills: 54, 59, 41, 94, 57

– noodles 6.12

– read the transcript and answer the questions 1-6 in task 2 ( highlight the correct answers in the text)

Take care 🙂




Thank you for coming. 🙂

vocabulary: run out of, unemployed, jobless, sentenced to jail, life sentence, cloakroom attendant, scythe, string trimmer, lice, badbug, app, bargain, flat, relationship, stuff, bother, young at heart, attitude, old-fashioned, outgoing, curiosity about life, reckon, blazing row, think straight, appreciate + general ward/medical ward = interna


– drills: 56, 59, 41, 94, 57

– Hmw

Have a nice day. 🙂



LESSON 30.4.

Good job, gyus! 🙂

vocabulary: mow/cut the grass, overslept, jail, flea, leisure, sold out, stock, charm, abbreviation, ambitious, responsible, dominant, insecure, independent, creative, easy-going, spoilt, confident, secure + see eye to eye about anything, ups and downs, drive me crazy, lika chalk and cheese, fight like cat and dog


– drills: 56, 59, 41, 94, 57

– noodles 6.10

– on page 125 there is a transcript for listening to 6.8 that we did – read it and underline the vocabulary you don’t know –> than do p.52/ex.3

Take care and see you on Tuesday. 🙂





LESSON 24.4.

Thank you for coming. 🙂

vocabulary: fug, egg yolk, egg white, look forward, look after, fine, fin, bedbug, in a row, allowance, education, afraid of, scream, yell, shrimps, oyster, pre-packed, semolina porridge, adverb, advertisement, kitchen-diner, food supplies, plain, contain, inherit


– drills: 56, 59, 41, 94, 57


Take care and see you on Tuesday. 🙂




LESSON 17.4.

What a nice lecture. 🙂

Vocabulary: confess, guess, dust, mold, cellar, earwig, wig, wing, buck, bug, personality trait, tangerine, cracklings, wise, owl, zodiac sign, scream, ski, sky, forward, backward, speeding, highway, fine, sporty, fashionable, cuisine, broth, linden tree/lime tree, keeper/runner, heart, cauliflower, broccoli, field mushrooms, waste of time, cattle, cotton, meal preparation + puff pastry (listové těsto), worth, belong, whoever, tinned tomatoes, grocery, drought, floods, orchaed, lift, handy, nanny, housekeeper, pre-packed, crumbling, housewife, bomb shelter, mud hut, grind, turmeric powder, lentils, constant care, running water


– drills: 56, 59, 41, 94, 57

– noodles: 6.8.

– try to remember your part of the text (Italy/California/India) because next time you will refer about it to Verca




LESSON 10.4.

Substituted lecture.

vocabulary: entrance, entrance fee, out of charge, slogan, hoof-hooves, in the nick of, murderer, mass, grade, bat, in the suburbs/ on the outskirts


– drills: 56, 59, 41, 94, 57

– HMW adverbs

Have a nice day. 🙂





It was nice to see you all. :)

vocabulary: serie-season-episode, spank, playground, pruning twigs, delay, brave, coward, sloth, retire, kindergarten, bile soap, impact, idol, example, childhood, spill coffee, universe


– drills: 56, 59, 41, 94, 57

– create 5 questions from the vocabulary you have learned in the time you have been studying in ONLY4 (the questions must be useful for the follow-up conversation)

Next class will be an introductory class, because we have a new student joining us, and also it’ll be substituted by my very nice colleague Narek.

I’ve prepared some nice getting-to-know-you activities, so I hope you’ll enjoy them.

Have fun. 🙂





LESSON 27.3.

Thank you for coming, Helena and Roman. 🙂

vocabulary: boundaries, garbage man, dustman, doorbell, source, blood group, request, precious, discount, chatty, waste container, hen, ham, cock, loaf


– drills: 56, 59, 41, 94, 57

– create 5 questions that we can use for conversation in the next lesson (note: the questions must contain vocabulary that we have learnt in the last 3 months)

Have a nice day and enjoy the Easter holiday. 🙂




LESSON 20.3.

What a nice lesson! Thank you 🙂

vocabulary: property, stamp, take revenge



– drills: 56, 59, 22, 41, 4, 94 + 57

– HMW – question tags

Have a nice day 🙂




LESSON 13.3.

Keep up the hard work. 🙂

vocabulary: wine, wild, wind, urge, bargain, return ticket, silence, silent, quit-ly, trailer, guilty, temptation, goosebumbs, cravings, crakling, low income family on a budget, debt, collector, increasingly, pressure, belongings, necessary, borrower, eyeball, receive, metalworker, bark, raise money, idiomatic expression, unpleasant, development, outragem, reluctant, sacred body, outnumbers, complaint, be aware of, ruthless, It’ll cost you an arm and a leg!

TABOO TOPIC: The sale of human organs


– drills: 77, 56, 59, 22, 41 + 4 + 94

-noodles from the previous class (adjectives and adverbs)

– have a quick look at page 49 in the textbook  – ex.5

Next time, please bring the photocopies of the sales of the human organ and get ready for a little bit of new grammar – question tags 😉

Take care 🙂





Thank you for such an entertaining lesson. 🙂

vocabulary: nameday, opening hours, exhibition, canvas, visitor, guest, community hous, expect, make a mistake, on time, the giggles, handwriting, signature, towel, charming, he-goat/billy goat, abbreviation, government care, wife swap, toothless, entertainment, suicide, G.O.A.T., ASAP, OMG, sharenting, coal, humidity, fence, imagination, compost

grammar: adverbs


– drills: 77, 56, 59, 22, 41 + 4 + 94

– noodles 6.6.

Next time, please bring the photocopies of the sales of the human organ

Have a nice day. :)




LESSON 28.2.

Work hard! 🙂

vocabulary: melted, clime, slope, reach, paved road, pavement, fog, try hard, ram, roastery, coffee beans, budget, guilty pleasure, queue, curious, pond, ice skating, human trafficking, sledge (boby, sáňky) – ride on a sledge (sáňkovat), bobsleight (bobovat), indirect, direct, circumstances, allow to, remove, general medical purposes, donate, donor

TABOO TOPIC: The sale of human organs


– drills: 55, 67, 77, 56, 59, 72, 22, 49, 41

– noodles 6.5.

Next time, please bring the photocopies of the sales of the human organ and get ready for a little bit of extra grammar 😉

See you next Wednesday :)





LESSON 14.2.

Keep up the hard work. 🙂

vocabulary: oak, encouraging, vomit, accidentally, host, presenter, love letter, date, potatoes pancakes, stuck in traffic, recently, much-loved, latest, finest, old-fashioned, tempting, sun-tanned, sandy, ancient, handsome, charming, tiring, casual, challenging


– drills: 55, 67, 77, 56, 59, 72

– noodles 6.4.

Have a nice day and see you on February 28th. 🙂






You are great! Thank you for coming. 🙂

vocabulary: syringe, cannula, priest, bishop, christen (pokřtít), monastery, few, drink-drive, try hard, Austria x Australia, boarders, application, annoyed with, breastfeed, baby food (nutrilon/sunar), worry, disturbing, valuable, crowded

Adjectives ending in -ed/-ing (drill 72)

-ED: used to describe: a feeling (or how a person feels) or an emotion

-ING: used to describe: the characteristic of a person, a thing or a situation

Football is interesting. I’m interested in football.



– drills: 55, 67, 77, 39, 41, 54, 56, 59 + 72 


Take care 🙂





LESSON 31.1.

What a nice class! 🙂

vocabulary: run out of, chestnut, dough, ground floor, keg, can, subway, easy-going, wavy, curly, straight, sociable, cosy, kitchen-diner, inappropriate

grammar from today’s class: MODAL VERBS


– drills: 55, 67, 42, 77, 39 + 41, 54, 56, 59 (modal verbs)


Have a nice rest of the day. 🙂





LESSON 24.1.

Good job, guys! 🙂

vocabulary: raise, switch on, instep, wisdom


– drills: 55, 67, 42, 77, 39

– noodles: 6.3 (next time, we’ll go through all the noodles you already had as your homework)

– next time we do pp. 46 and 47 in the textbook

Have a nice rest of the day 🙂




LESSON 17.1.

What an impeccable lesson. Thank you. 🙂

vocabulary: master’s degree, keys, recently, exhausted, interests, pay attention, lift weight, life expectancy, tea room, coward, heights, merry-go-round, needles, sew, chickenpox, meatloaf



– drills: 29, 72, 67, 77

– noodles: 6.2.

– review the words and translate the ones you don’t know from this document


+ next time we’ll do a role play – I need to see a doctor! (doctor’s appointment)

Take care 🙂






LESSON 10.1.

Good job, guys! 🙂

vocabulary: irregular, wrap up, scale (šupina), gratitude journal, lose/gain weight, grow muscles, pad, guard



– drills: 29, 72, 67, 77

– noodles: 6.1.

– topic for the next lesson: human body parts, diseases/illnesses (you can prepare related vocabulary )

Have a nice rest of the week. 🙂





LESSON 6.12.

Today was the last lesson of the fall/winter trimester.

See you on Wednesday, January 10th.

Take care and have a wonderful Christmas. :)


vocabulary: paw, beehive, time consuming, use, enjoy, snowman, snowball, fight, advanced, skier, mulled wine, punch, illiteracy, jobfair, offer, tailor, define, wide – wider – the widest, light, unwrap, healthy livinig, scale (for example kitchen scale), board game, break, reelected, impolite, undercooked/overcooked, impartial, improper, retake, sickness, to broaden your knowledge, equality, reliable, simplify, perseverance

Topic for the next lesson: human body parts, diseases/illnesses (you can prepare related vocabulary )





LESSON 29.11.

Good job, guys! 🙂

vocabulary: merry-go-round/whirligig/carousel (kolotoč), bribe, diapers, in connection with, trial, dew, ski jump, sprained, closest to, weak, narrow, shallow, justify, multiply, requirements, ruined, glory of winning


Christmas noodles

Take care. 🙂




LESSON 22.11.

Good job, guys! 🙂

vocabulary: maintanance, pleasure, blame


– drills: 49, 55, 67, 62

– AMP16 – Final revision

– Next time we’ll finish the photocopy about sports and money and we’ll check the revision from the homework

Have a nice day.




LESSON 15.11.

Thank you for coming, guys! 🙂

vocabulary: early bird, night owl, fall asleep, inhale (nadechnout), exhale (vydechnout),  small sausage, safety reasons (bezpečnostní důvody), surface (povrch), attendance (účast), city/country council, erase (vygumovat), case, court (soud), punish (potrestat), release (propustit), imprison (uvěznit), witness (svědek), victim (oběť)

unconsciousness, oblivion (obě slova odkazují na bezvědomí, častěji je ovšem využíváno unconsciousness=bezvědomí, oblivion=zapomnění nebo v případě, že se opijete do bezvědomí –> into oblivion)


– drills: 49, 55, 67, 62

– noodles: 5.11

– Next time we’ll do roleplay (ex.3/p.45)

Enjoy the prolonged weekend. 🙂



LESSON 8.11.

What a great class! 🙂

vocabulary: temptation, carnivore, herbivore, goose, duck, turkey, oven, tribe, cabbage, advert, flavour, Romania, engine injection (vstřikování motoru) + Taboo topic: heaven x hell, amusing, reputation, survey, conduct, various areas, politeness, willingness, cultural sensitivity, range of, unanimously, chain, tip, tippers, according to, afraid of, snobby = snobbish, rubbish, unbelievable, real feel, appreciation, polite, friendly, loud, generous, open-minded, tidy, quiet, mean, rude, unfriendly, messy, intolerant



– drills: 95, 49, 55, 67, 96, 62, 42

– noodles: 5.10.

– have a quick look at page 45 in the textbook & be ready for listening (ex. 1+2)

– What interesting happened in the world? Get ready your news (at least 2 each of you)

Take care.  🙂




LESSON 1.11.

Good job, guys. 🙂

vocabulary: participate, participant, wet x vet, sunbath, retirement, braided, braids, artificial intelligence (AI), abortion, blackmail, revenge, permission, nude, naked, nudity




noun = podstatné jméno (-ment, -ation, -tion, -ion, -al, -ance, -ence)

achieve – achievement, imagine – imagination, compete – competition, accommodate – accommodation, propose – proposal, appear – appearance, prefer – preference

verb = sloveso (-ate, -fy)

accommodate, participate, indentify, speciy

adjective = přídavné jméno (-ous, -al, -ic, -ical,-ly, -y, -able, -like, -en, -ive, -ish, -ful, -less)

adventure – adventurous, centre – central, economy – economic, history – historical, friend – friendly, dirt – dirty, comfort – comfortable, child – childlike, gold – golden, expense – expensive, style – stylish, care -careful – careless

adverb = příslovce (-ly)

accidental – accidentally, slow-slowly



un-, in-, dis-, im-, il-, ir-

 IM-, IL-, IR-

u slov, která začínají písmenem R použijeme předponu IR-

u slov, která začínají písmenem L použijeme předponu IL-

u slov, která začínají písmenem M použijeme předponu IM-

u slov, která začínají písmenem P použijeme také předponu IM-

u:  irr, ill, imm = dochází ke zdvojení souhlásky

regular – irregular, legal – illegal, mature – immature, polite – impolite



friendly – unfriendly, visible – invisible, honest – dishonest,



re – udělat něco znovu (new – renew)

over – příliš mnoho (cook – overcook)

under – pod nebo příliš málo (pay- underpay)

sub – pod (way- subway)

mis – udělat něco špatně, nedostatečně (understand-misunderstand)

pre – před (school – pre-school)

co – spolu (worker – co-worker)

inter – mezi (national-international)

anti – proti (social-antisocial)



– drills: 95, 49, 55, 67, 96, 62, 42

– noodles: 5.10.

– have a quick look at page 45 in the textbook & be ready for listening (ex. 1+2)

Have a nice rest of the week.  🙂




LESSON 25.10.

Good job, guys! 🙂

vocabulary: Christmas cake(fancy bread (vánočka), breathing exercises, leavened dough, shelter, observatory, marvel, miracle, carbon, sitting job, infinite number, predictions

Leze to z tebe jak z chlupaté deky.: I can barely get a word out of you!, With you, it’s like trying to get blood out of a stone!, With you it’s like talking to the wall!


– drills: 95, 49, 55, 67, 96, 62, 42

– noodles: 5.9.

See you next week.  🙂




LESSON 18.10.

Hanka and Roman, thanks for coming.  🙂

Roman, once again, thank you for your conscientious and great preparation of the homework about unemployment.

vocabulary: disorder, strike, limbs x lambs, illiteracy, vet, attempt, mug, cup, device, mammals, vertebrates, discovery, brakthrought, evidence, to prove, proof, glow, spine, chewing, pleasure


– drills: 95, 49, 55, 67, 96, 62, 42

– noodles: 5.8.

Next week we’ll finish reading about Life in 2060.

In the text you can highlight the related statements connected with ex.5

See you next Wednesday. 🙂



LESSON 11.10.

Roman, thanks for a great conversation class. 🙂

vocabulary: rough, be aware of, diapers, grapes harvest, student loans, focus, expenses, wealfare, session, weightlifting, streching, dumbbell, difference, shared flat, morality, rush, chess, board game, niece, nephew, decorative purpose, casual, new wine, fullfil, elections, addicted to, hangover

Homework remains the same.

Roman has an extra homework – to find out the unemployment rate in the Czech Republic. 😉


– drills: 72, 26, 33, 49

– noodles: 5.7.

– have a quick look at page 43 in the textbook – highlight the new vocabulary from the paragraphs 4-7

Take care 🙂


LESSON 4.10.

Good job, guys! 🙂

Vocabulary: strenght, on call, personality trait, lick, wrap up, cookery course, boil, cast, move on, mining, low on, run out of, increase, overall, flow (proud) Gulf Stream (Golfský proud), life expectancy, centenarians, vigorous, give birth, take for granted, disease, replacement, supplies, cells, limbs, awareness, consciousness, develop, revulsion, human beings, disorders, confirmation, suicide, major cause of


Adjectives ending in -ed/-ing (drill 72)

-ED: used to describe: a feeling (or how a person feels) or an emotion

-ING: used to describe: the characteristic of a person, a thing or a situation

Football is interesting. I’m interested in football.



– drills: 72, 26, 33, 49

– noodles: 5.7.

– have a quick look at page 43 in the textbook – highlight the new vocabulary from the paragraphs 4-7

See you next week. 🙂


LESSON 27.9.

Great class, ladies. 🙂

Vocabulary: pension/retirement  insurance, libra, occupation, playground, indian summer, closer, further, amazed, frightening, floods, sandstorm, natural disaster, complain, weather forecast, drought, fog, snowflake, icicle, icy, showers, hail, hailstone, dew, gale, grumpy, environment


– drills: 72, 26, 33, 49

– noodles: 5.4.

– have a quick look at page 42 (ex. 1&2) in the textbook & be ready to talk about it

Take care. 🙂


LESSON 20.9.

Good job, guys! 🙂

Vocabulary: field, siblings, zodiac sign, capricorn, pisces, breed, resolution, occupation, weir, wear-wore-worn, camper van, camper trailer, souvenirs, wisdom tooth


– drills: 72, 26, 33, 49

– noodles: 5.4.

I look forward to meeting you, Zuzana. In the email you have all the information about what we did today.

See you next week. 🙂