TUESDAY @ 13:05 – 14:05
Teacher: Michaela Vavrušová, e-mail:
21st January
Thank you for a pleasant conversation lesson!
– drills: 65, 57, 67, 40, 72
– noodles: Winter (from 2 weeks ago – download)
– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: rely on (spoléhat se na), participate (zúčastnit se), get lost (ztratit se), ceiling (strop), importance (důležitost)
Let me know if you’re coming next Tuesday, please. Enjoy the rest of your week!
14th January
It was good talking to you today!
– drills: 65, 57, 67, 43, 72
– noodles: Revision (download)
– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: reward (odměna), sentence (věta), inspiring (inspirativní), to be on call (být k zastižení na telefonu /pracovně/), black ice (ledovka), recommend (doporučit)
Have a nice week!
7th January
Lovely seeing you both after the long break!
– drills: 65, 57, 67, 29, 43
– noodles: Winter (download)
– vocabulary from today’s lesson: open sandwiches (chlebíčky), Boxing Day (26. prosince), achieve (dosáhnout), proud (hrdý), remove (odstranit), journalist (novinář), truth (pravda), tabloids (bulvár)
See you next Tuesday!
17th December
Lovely seeing you both again!
– drills: 65, 57, 67, 43, 72
– noodles: New Year (download)
– vocabulary from last 2 lessons and today’s lesson: competition (soutěž), rollerski (kolečkové lyže), take part in (zúčasnit se), break (přestávka), envelope (obálka), exactly (přesně), fairytale (pohádka), quote (hláška), encounter (setkání)
Thank you for all your work this trimester. Enjoy your holiday, have a wonderful time and lots of fun! I’m looking forward to seeing you again in January.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
10th December
Good job today, Peter!
– drills: 65, 57, 67, 43, 72
– noodles: Christmas Noodles (download)
– vocabulary from last 2 lessons and today’s lesson: sour cream (zakysaná smetana)
Have a nice week!
3rd December
Thanks for coming today, Peter, it was nice talking to you.
– drills: 65, 57, 67, 43, 72
– make 3 questions for your colleague using „have to“ and/or „can“
– vocabulary from last 2 lessons and today’s lesson: inflatable (nafukovací), heated (vyhřívaný), jets (trysky), fence (plot), trench (příkop), requirements (požadavky)
See you next Tuesday!
26th November
Thank you, Peter, for coming to the lesson at least for a little while!
– drills: 65, 57, 67, 43, 29
– noodles/fill-in stay from last time (download)
– vocabulary from last 2 lessons and today’s lesson: take care of (starat se o), rejected (odmítnutý)
Let me know, please, if you are coming to the next lesson. Have a nice week!
19th November
Well done today, Peter!
– drills: 65, 57, 67, 43, 29
– noodles/fill-in: Peter U. will do the fill-in from last time (download), Peter S. will do the noodles from two lessons ago (download)
– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: metal sheet (plech), plaster (omítka), advise (poradit) x advice (rada), hire (najmout), dam (přehrada), rental (shop) (půjčovna)
Enjoy the rest of your week!
12th November
Thank you for coming today, even though it was for a short time!
– drills: 57, 67, 49, 72, 43
– fill-in: Have to/can (download)
– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: fog (mlha), foggy (mlhavo), drown (utopit se), push-ups (kliky), crunches (sedy lehy), P.E. (tělocvik), selfish (sobecký)
Have a nice week!
5th November
It was good to see you both again!
– drills: 57, 67, 49, 72, 43
– noodles: Have to (download)
– vocabulary from last 2 lessons and today’s lesson: stock-taking (inventura), savoury (slaný /nesladký/), hand-foot-and-mouth disease (sedmá nemoc), board games (deskové hry), nation (národ), technical term (technický pojem)
See you next time!
29th October
Great job today, Peter!
– drills: 57, 67, 49, 40, 28
– noodles: Revision (download)
– vocabulary from last 2 lessons and today’s lesson: steep (příkrý), rely on (spoléhat se na), opinion (názor), get into sth („zažrat“ se do něčeho, mít zájem), concentrate (soustředit se)
See you next Tuesday!
22nd October
Thanks for coming today, Peter, you did well!
– drills: 57, 67, 43, 49, 29
– noodles stay from last time (download)
– vocabulary from last 2 lessons and today’s lesson: estate agent (realitní makléř), fall asleep (usnout)
Have a nice week!
15th October
It was nice talking to you both today 🙂
– drills: 57, 67, 43, 49, 29
– noodles: Revision (download)
– vocabulary from last 2 lessons and today’s lesson: roof (střecha), hardening / winter swimming (otužování), carry (nosit /u sebe/)
Enjoy the rest of your week!
8th October
Thank you for coming today, Peter, you did great!
– drills: 57, 67, 55, 72, 24
– noodles: Question Tags (download)
– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: sunset (západ slunce), remind (připomenout), habits (návyky), go cold turkey (skončit s něčím naráz /např. s kouřením/), mortgage (hypotéka), take care of (starat se o)
See you next Thursday!
1st October
Well done, guys!
– drills: 67, 55, 49, 40, 57
– noodles: Past Tenses x Present Perfect (download)
– vocabulary from last 2 lessons + today’s lesson: funfair (pouť), attention (pozornost), pier (molo), buffet (švédské stoly), sail (plavit se), sky (obloha), torch (baterka /na svícení/), tarmac (asfalt)
Have a nice week!
24th September
Great job today, Peter!
– drills: 67, 49, 57, 62, 29
– noodles: Tenses Revision (download)
– vocabulary from last 2 lessons and today’s lesson: check-up (kontrola)
I hope to see you both next week!
17th September
It was interesting talking to you today, Peter!
– drills: 67, 49, 57, 40, 43
– noodles: Tenses Revision (download)
– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: sunrise (východ slunce), stream (potok), frostbite (omrzliny), gloves (rukavice), icicles (rampouchy), glue (lepidlo)
Enjoy the rest of your week!
10th September
Thank you, guys, for coming today. Good job!
– drills: 67, 49, 57, 40, 43
– noodles: Revision (download)
– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: football pitch (fotbalové hřiště), archery (lukostřelba), intrigue (zaujmout), accident waiting to happen (to si říká o nehodu, průšvih na spadnutí), waste of time (ztráta času)
See you next Tuesday!
3rd September
It was great meeting you both!
– drills: 57, 67, 49, 72, 29
– fill-in: Revision (download here)
– vocabulary from today’s lesson: assassination (atentát), take turns (střídat se)
Have a nice week!
LESSON 18.6.
It was nice to see you after while. 🙂
vocabulary: canker sores, breastfeeding, postpone, delay, opportunity, retirement, shore, pond, bonfire
Enjoy your vacation.
Take care. 🙂
Thank you for coming, Petr!
vocabulary: draft, heating, AC, pier, barrage, scooter, weak, CPW = cost per wear, broccoli, livers, land register, obligation
– drills: 97, 49, 67, 72, 57
+ next time we check the hmw from 30.4. (Finally!)
+ be ready to tell me what you have experienced in the last 14 days in the next lesson
Take care.
See you in a fortnight – Tuesday 18 June
LESSON 28.5.
Good job, guys! 🙂
vocabulary: cube, hiring process, guest, luck, toe, wet suit, hen x ham, turkey, shy, trial period, go-cart, bury
– drills: 97, 49, 67, 72, 57
+ next time we check the hmw from 30.4.
Take care. 🙂
LESSON 21.5.
Thank you for coming guys. 🙂
vocabulary: horseradish, radish, attendance, participant, bruise, pre-sale, cartoon, starve, return, feedback, suicide, brewery, refund, worm + reclamation = rekultivace
– drills: 97, 49, 67, 72, 57
– What interesting happened in the world? Get ready your news
+ next time we check the hmw from 30.4.
Enjoy the rest of the week. 🙂
LESSON 14.5.
What a great lecture, guys! Thank you. 🙂
vocabulary: immovable property, retirement, suggestion, destroy, accessories, sober, Zip drive, protection, blackmail, premarital agreement/marriage contract
- 29, 49, 67, 72, 57, 62
- create 5 questions that include vocabulary we have learned in the last 3 months (the questions must be useful for the follow-up conversation)
Enjoy your day. 🙂
What a nice lecture. 🙂
vocabulary: pancreas, kidney, semolina porridge, peninsula, engine driver, altitude, draft beer, exchange rate, be on the game (prostitution), party/livemusic (vesnická zábava), tread pattern (dezén)
– drills: 97, 49, 67, 72, 57
+ next time we check the hmw from 30.4.
Take care and see you next Tuesday. 🙂
LESSON 30.4.
Thank you for coming, guys. 🙂
vocabulary: heat pump (tepelné čerpadlo), home-stay, fire, hire, pre-packed, gold-digger, immovable property, invitation, case, realize, spoilt, competitive, water well, moss
– drills: 97, 49, 67, 72, 57
Have a nice day. 🙂
Reminder: next Tuesday we will have a lecture from 13.05 to 14.05
LESSON 23.4.
What a session. Thank you so much, Peter. I really had a great time. 🙂
vocabulary: mop closet (špajz), march, auction, reservoir, furnace/oven, mine/pits, rescue, bottom, bore(hole), collective/cooperative farm, opinion, X-ray, bonfire, small-sausage
– drills: 97, 49, 67, 72, 57
+ question tags from previous classes
Have a nice day. 🙂
Reminder: next Tuesday we will have a lecture from 13.05 to 14.05
LESSON 16.4.
It was nice to see you both. 🙂
vocabulary: cramps, picky, bat, foam, appliance, achievement, handcraft, bearing, income, insurance, labour office, milestone, reward + unfired brick
– drills: 97, 49, 67, 72 + 57
Take care. 🙂
Thank you for coming, Petr. 🙂
vocabulary: Easter lamb, folklore group, band, cup of a tea, pack of wolves, bill (2 meanings), darts, fibre, flames, mortgage
– drills: 97, 49, 67, 72 + 57
Have a nice day. 🙂
LESSON 26.3.
It was nice to see you both, even it was just for a moment 🙂
vocabulary: get soaked, hailstone, chills (zimnice), flower pot, plant pot, soil, dung, muck, marjoram, beermat, coaster, on stock, tax, duty, customs, subscribe, subscription, carrier (dopravce), toll, vinegar, pay attention, Easter, ruka ruku myje: Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.
– drills: 97, 49, 67, 72, 29
– noodles from 19.3. lesson
Enjoy the prolonged weekend and Easter!
See you in a fortnight – Tuesday 9 April.
LESSON 19.3.
Thank you for coming, Peter! 🙂
vocabulary: ant, survey, cave, stamp, but there is a catch/snag in it, fortnight
– drills: 97, 49, 67, 72, 29
+ Please prepare a few English jokes so we can have the giggles next time.
Hope to see both of you next time. 🙂
Nice to see you both. I’m already looking forward to the next Tuesday. 🙂
vocabulary: sample, cabbage, drink-drive, bracelet, blackeye, buckwheat, get mature, terrified, fin, fine
Next time we’ll use the questions from the previous homework (adjectives -ed/-ing) for a conversation.
+ Please prepare a few English jokes so we can have the giggles next time.
Have a nice rest of the week. 🙂
LESSON 27.2.
What a nice class. Thank you Peter! 🙂
vocabulary: capricorn, chain, crackling, trophy, apricot, recall
Homework remains the same.
Take care 🙂
Recommendation: great accommodation in Budapest K33 – Boutique Apartments 😉
LESSON 13.2.
It was nice to see you both! 🙂
vocabulary: Shrovetide, recently, overcooked, undercooked, burned, wig, bruise, archery, heat, almond, local self-government units (samosprávné celky)
– drills: 97, 49, 67, 72, 29
Have a nice day and see you on February 27th.
Thank you for coming, Peter. 🙂
vocabulary: babyholder, stroller, tuna, sin, Shrovetide (masopust) + fusak: sleeping bag (znamená to i klasický spacák) nebo footmuff (spacáček pro děti do kočárku)
– drills: 29, 39, 67, 77, 97
– Hmw
Have a nice day. 🙂
LESSON 30.1.
Thank you for coming, Peter. 🙂
vocabulary: boiling hot, board games, die/dice, greenhouse, seedling, young plant, cellar, gun licence, crossbow, target, property, invention
– drills: 30, 29, 39, 49, 67, 55, 77, 97
– The topic for the next lesson: upbringing. How did your parents raise you? How do you want to raise your children? How do you raise your children? What do you think is important not to neglect in parenting? What do you think are the biggest sins of parenting? (prepare some notes)
Peter, enjoy your holiday and do not work! 😉
Take care.
LESSON 23.1.
Good job, guys! 🙂
vocabulary: organ + horn (music.instruments), cheat days, wool, carnivore, herbivore
– drills: 30, 29, 39, 49, 67, 55, 77, 97
– prepare a list of some interesting conspiracy theories – next time we’ll talk about them
Peter, enjoy your holiday.
Have a nice rest of the week, guys. 🙂
LESSON 16.1.
Lessons with you are impeccable. Thank you. 🙂
vocabulary: hiring, freezing, dirt, mess, spicy, sting, worm, pepper, insect, spicies, wiser
– drills: 30, 29, 39, 49, 67, 55, 77, 97
– study/review the human body vocabulary (next time we’ll play a vocab. game)
- Head, skull, brain, face, ears, hair, face, forehead, temples, eyebrows, eyes, cheeks, nose, mouth, lips, chin, eyelid, eyelashes, pupil, lens, nostrils, nose, mouth, jaws, tooth/teeth, gums, tongue, wisdom tooth, milk tooth
- Body, neck, chest, stomach, back, buttocks (butt, bottom, booty, bum), arms, hands, legs, feet, spine, bones, collarbone, ribs, joint, tendon, ligament, muscle, Adam’s apple, throat, abdomen, breast, nipple
- Arm, shoulder, armpit, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand, palm, fingers, thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger, fingernail, lower limbs, leg, hip, thigh, knee, calf, shin, ankle, foot, feet, sole, heel, toes, big toe, little toe, toenail
Take care 🙂
It was nice to see you after a while, gentlemen. 🙂
vocabulary: will, vision board, invitation, coward, break = pause
– drills: 55, 49, 40, 72, 29
– Noodles
Have a nice rest of the week 🙂
LESSON 5.12.
Today was the last lesson of the fall/winter trimester.
See you on Tuesday, January 9th.
Take care and have a wonderful Christmas. 🙂
vocabulary: soup x sauce x soap, cross country skiing, height, gig, brass music, pine cones x pickles, cravings, lungs, value, illiteracy, lead (olovo)
LESSON 28.11.
What a great lecture! Thank you for coming, Peter. 🙂
vocabulary: pickles, locker room, mulled wine, crossbars or traverse (příčníky), fur, injury, Prime Minister, gallbladder, rusty
Next time we will have a Christmas lesson 😉
– prepare interesting traditions from all over the world
Have a nice day 🙂
LESSON 21.11.
What a nice class! 🙂
vocabulary: crawl, vows, spirits, broadleaves, + 17th November: Struggle for Fredom Day: gathered, commemorate, held on, in opposition, occupation, rapidly, turn into, oppressive communist regime, co-called, Velvet Revolution, significance, salvation, human power to reflect, meekness
– drills: 97, 49, 67, 72, 29
– What interesting happened in the world? Get ready your news
+ next time we’ll finish the rest of the homework from the previous session (questions 6 to 12)
See you next week. 🙂
LESSON 14.11.
It was nice to see you both! 🙂
vocabulary: construction/bulding company, foreigners, catch-caught-caught, flu, cold, fever, cones, twigs, conifer
– drills: 55, 49, 42, 40 + 72, 28/29
– HMW – noodles Do it. 😉
Have a nice rest of the week. 🙂
LESSON 7.11.
What a great lecture! Thank you for coming, Peter. 🙂
vocabulary: sauce, vinegar, lettuce, wreath, preserve, shape
– drills: 55, 49, 42, 40
Take care. 🙂
LESSON 31.10.
Thank you for coming, Peter. 🙂
vocabulary: addiction, temptation, bargain, sale, wrap up, bother, supernatural
Adjectives ending in -ed/-ing (drill 72)
-ED: used to describe: a feeling (or how a person feels) or an emotion
-ING: used to describe: the characteristic of a person, a thing or a situation
Football is interesting. I’m interested in football.
– drills: 55, 49, 42, 40
See you next week. 🙂
LESSON 24.10.
Thank you for coming, Peter. 🙂
vocabulary: chestnut, get rid of, hook, memory, rocking horse, banister, lift or cable car = lanovka, bobsleigh track = bobová dráha
– drills: 55, 49, 42, 40
– Next time we will finish the conversation from 10.10. & check the fill-in & review the grading adjectives.
– HMW – noodles (we might not even make it, so let’s keep this as an assignment for the other class – 7.11.)
See you next week. 🙂
LESSON 17.10.
What a nice class!
vocabulary: milestone, passion, yelling at someone, proud of someone, layers, tartar sauce, donor, explorer, donate, prove, unable, meal x meat, spanked, whip
– drills: 55, 49, 42, 40, 29, 81
So next week we will see only one Peter 😉
Peter, enjoy your holiday. We look forward to hearing about how it was.
Take care 🙂
LESSON 10.10.
Great class! 🙂
vocabulary: gelatine, moving, dawn, anniversary, sail, across, drops, brick, gig, punishment, shred
– drills: 55, 49, 42, 40, 29, 81
Have a nice rest of the week 🙂
LESSON 3.10.
Thank you for coming, guys! 🙂
vocabulary: family reunion, less – the least, take care of, look after, meet up, feel afraid of, waterproof, property, greenhouse, boiling hot, drought, blizzard, spring, indian summer, sweaty, sandstorm, showers, hail, hailstone, dew, breeze, icy
– drills: 55, 49, 42, 40, 29, 72
– practise irregular verbs
Take care 🙂
LESSON 26.9.
Great class, gentlemen. 🙂
Vocabulary: leave, market, memorable, mugged, rent, dive, propeller, eat-ate-eaten, exhausting, exchange rate, have to, follow, hold
– drills: 55, 49, 42, 40, 29, 72
– practise irregular verbs
– Noodles
See you next week.
LESSON 19.9.
Great job, guys! 🙂
Vocabulary: submarine, autogiro or gyroplane = vírník
Homework: Translate into English. Kam nejraději jezdíte na dovolenou? Které z míst, která jste navštívili, byste doporučili svým přátelům? Došly vám někdy na dovolené peníze? Koho jste na dovolené potkali jako nejpozoruhodnějšího člověka? Jak byste se cítili, kdyby nebyly žádné prázdniny? Přepadli vás někdy na dovolené? Jakou nejexotičtější nebo nejpodivnější věc jste jedli na dovolené? Jaký je váš nejnezapomenutelnější zážitek?
See you next week.:)