TUESDAY @ 14:10 – 15:10

Teacher: Michaela Vavrušová, e-mail:


Drilky / online web aplikace
VIDEA k procvičení gramatiky

4th February

Thank you for coming to the lesson today, Tomáš!


– drills: 22, 26, 63, 16, 17

– noodles: Past Tense (download)

– vocabulary from last two lessons and today’s lesson: east (východ), dam (přehrada), iceberg (ledovec)

Have a nice week!


28th January

Well done today, Tomáš!


– drills: 63, 16, 13, 17, 26

– noodles: Revision (download)

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: blueberries (borůvky), raspberries (maliny), imagine (představit si)

See you next week!


21st January

It was nice meeting you for the second time, Tomáš! 😀


– drills: 63, 16, 13, 17, 26

– noodles: Prepositions of Time (download)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: funeral (pohřeb), agreement (dohoda), in-laws (tcháni), day off (den volna), gingerbread (perníčky), artificial (umělý), result (výsledek), dishwasher (myčka), necessity (nutnost), duty (povinnost)

Enjoy the rest of your week!


14th January

Again, nobody came. Homework stays from a long time ago:

– drills: 63, 16, 13, 17, 26

– fill-in: Prepositions of Time (download)

Have a nice week and hopefully see you next Tuesday!


7th January

Nobody came. Homework stays from last time (3/12)

I hope to see you next week!


17th December

Again, nobody came. Homework stays for next year.

Enjoy your holiday, have a lovely time and lots of fun! I’m looking forward to seeing you again in January.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas to ya all - Answer HQ

10th December

Nobody came. Homework stays from last time.

I hope to see you next week!


3rd December

Good job today, Jan!


– drills: 63, 16, 13, 17, 26

– fill-in: Prepositions of Time (download)

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: for now (prozatím), task (úkol), subscription (předplatné)

See you next Tuesday!


26th November

Thanks for coming today, Jan!


– drills: 63, 16, 13, 26, 22

– fill-in: Prepositions of Time (download)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: every other day (každý druhý den), joy (radost), alone (sám), maternity ward (porodnice), floor (patro), Christmas tree (vánoční stromeček), return (návrat), exciting (vzrušující), horrible/terrible (hrozný), height (výška)

Have a nice week!


19th November

Nobody came. Homework stays from the 29th October (see below).

I hope to see you next time!


12th November

Lesson was cancelled again. Homework stays from two weeks ago.

Have a nice week!


5th November

Lesson was cancelled. Homework stays from last week.

See you next time!


29th October

It was good talking to you today, Jan!


– drills: 17, 13, 4, 16, 27

– noodles: Revision (download)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: sometimes (někdy), plaster (omítka), imagination (představivost), look forward to (těšit se na), crying (pláč), caring (starání se), in front of (před), raised bed (vyvýšený záhon), peas (hrášek), kohlrabi (kedluben), both (oba), pear (hruška), choice (výběr), bottle (láhev), slowly (pomalu)

Have a nice week!


22nd October

Lesson was cancelled. Homework stays from last time.

I hope to see you both next week!


15th October

Good job today, Jan, thank you!


– drills: 17, 13, 4, 16, 27

– noodles: Revision (download)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: neighbour (soused), it depends on (záleží na), concrete (beton), list (seznam), tick (odškrtnout), slowly (pomalu), approach (blížit se), grow (růst), spend (trávit /čas/), whose (čí), last time (naposledy)

Enjoy the rest of your week!


8th October

Thank you, Jan, for coming today, it was lovely talking to you!


– drills: 13, 12, 26, 17, 4

– noodles: Question Words (download)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: task (úkol), department (oddělení), long-term (dlouhodobý), alone (sám), enjoy (bavit, užívat si), walk (procházka), group (skupina), crew (parta), mood (nálada), depending on (podle), in general (obecně), futnet (nohejbal), handball (házená), talkative (upovídaný), article (článek), a bit of everything (od každého trochu)

Have a nice week!


1st October

Nobody came. Homework stays from last time.

I hope to see you both next Tuesday!


24th September

Lesson was cancelled.


– drills: 33, 26, 61, 4, 16

– noodles: Question Words (download)

– vocabulary from previous two lessons

See you next week!


17th September

Great talking to you today, Tomáš!


– drills: 33, 26, 61, 4, 16

– fill-in from last week (download)

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: flat (byt), grass (tráva), concrete (beton), most (většina), in-laws (tcháni), cottage (chata), comfort (pohodlí)

Enjoy the rest of your week!


10th September

It was lovely meeting you, Jan!


– drills: 33, 26, 40, 4, 98

– fill-in: Revision (download here)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: nature (příroda), environment (prostředí), mood (nálada), depending on (podle, záleží na), almost (skoro), moving (stěhování), painting (malování), degrees (stupně), ice-skating (bruslení), frozen (zmrzlý)

I hope to see you both next week!


3rd September

Lesson was cancelled. I’m looking forward to meeting you next time!


LESSON 25.6. 

It was great to see you both together after a while. 🙂

vocabulary: duty, half/full board, spirits, leadership, waitress, waiter, divide, entertainment, 16+ adults only, soup, abbreviation, peninsula, hell, uncle, cousin, mushrooms, Germany, schoolarship, raining, delayed, vegetables, north-south-west-east, where, what, when, who, which

Homework: For the first lesson after the holidays it will be nice to prepare a short story about yourself and what you did and where you were on holiday.

Take care and enjoy some rest. 🙂




LESSON 18.6.

Thank you for coming, Jan! 🙂

vocabulary: boiling hot, heatwave, cup of tea, cottage, deal, during, mat, tile, due date, expecting a baby, Christmas, forward, shelter, twins, triplets, duty, beginning, owner, afraid


– drills: 13, 17, 33, 40, 98, 4


Have a nice rest of the week. 🙂

PS Next week we’ll have a class from 13.25 to 14.25




Thank you for coming, Tomas! 🙂

vocabulary: purchase, wet x vet, paint x pain, master thesis, subject, fields, advantages, disadvantages, lover, cousin, bargain, blood, hangman, letter, hint, rhino, frog x fog, downpour, bright, snowflake, boiling hot


– drills: 13, 17, 33, 40, 98, 4

– Tomas will be on vacation next time, so Honzo please do the exercise I assigned on April 9

+ be ready to tell me what you have experienced in the last 14 days in the next lesson

Take care.

See you in a fortnight – Tuesday 18 June 🙂


LESSON 28.5.

Thank you for coming, Tomas! 🙂

vocabulary: fireworks, dog breed, shelter, ID cart, passport, puppy, mulcher, scythe, estate/land, father-in-law, love, burner, cooker, fly, meat fly, hornet, nest, snake, put together, banister


– drills: 13, 17, 4, 33, 40, 98, 95

– Pre-prepare the Weather vocabulary

+ refresh the alphabet

Take care. 🙂




LESSON 21.5.

Thank you for coming Tomas! 🙂

vocabulary: take care, look after, father-in-law, grow up, reason, flaw, flawless, dishwasher, meatloaf, loaf, cure, dust, knit, sew, button, bill (2 meanings), sharp, mind, gap, carriage


-drills: 13, 17, 4, 33, 40, 98, 95

– preparation task (listening- Transport announcements)

Enjoy the rest of the week. 🙂

LESSON 14.5.

Thank you for coming Tomas! 🙂

vocabulary: departed, cancelled, delayed, on time, final call, boarding, pancake, crepe, bee, liar, lawyer, be broke, opportunity, promise


  • drills: 13, 17, 33, 40, 98, 4
  • finish task 2 (An airport departures board)
  • HMW (hmw from 23.4.)

Enjoy your day. 🙂



It was nice to see you after a while, Jan. 🙂

vocabulary: witch burning, Fairy Tale, airport, village, small-sausage, soup, go with the flow, deer, doe, satisfaction, job occupation, mortgage, underwear, shorts, shirt, skirt, jumper, trousers, suit, tailor


– drills: 13, 17, 33, 40, 98, 4


Take care and enjoy the bank holiday. 🙂




LESSON 30.4.

Thank you for coming, Tomas. 🙂

vocabulary: knowledge, roof, stuff, approximately, regularly, occasionally, random-ly, voracious reader, FairyTale, thick, swan, stork, nap, laundry, yell, divorce, break up, divorce, remote, witch burning, which


– drills: 13, 17, 33, 40, 98, 4


Have a nice day. 🙂

Reminder: next Tuesday we will have a lecture from 14.10 to 15.10




LESSON 23.4.

Thank you for coming, Tomas. 🙂

vocabulary: haircut, hairdresser, razor, sun x son x soon, get wet, housing estate, East, West, North, South, cellery, salary, rate, asparagus, cricket, vomit, livers, kidneys, lungs, pigslaughter, crunchy, slime, tongue, lips, muscle, fat, pallet, powder, AI = artificial intelligence, rest, snack, date


– drills: 13, 17, 33, 40, 98, 4


Have a nice day. 🙂

Reminder: next Tuesday we will have a lecture from 14.10 to 15.10




LESSON 16.4.

Thank you for coming, Tomas. 🙂

vocabulary: additional, damage, shame, claim, awake, repair, wasching macchine, brand, bearing, broccoli, pickles, biscuit, jeans, trousers, shirt, skirt, changing rooms, suit, wedding, long-sleeve, grocery, (dis)advantage, butcher (butcher’s), loaf, bakery, sparkling water, during, cellar, amount, cocoa


– drills: 13, 17, 33, 40, 98, 4

Hmw – how many/much (it’s easy, you’re done in 10 minutes, try to do it:))

Have a nice day. 🙂






Thank you for coming, Tomas. 🙂

vocabulary: notification, cellar, pond, lake, dangerous, dangerously, taboo, topic, elections, vote, article, news, getting on your nerves, embassy, subject, trade show, exhibition, customer, weed, coffee shop, happen, eagle, bird, plant, joint, twins, triplets, patient, impatient, knoc, handwriting, heaven, household, task, sand, desert, dessert


– drills: 13, 17, 33, 40, 98, 4

– HMW (it’s easy, try it without a translator :))

Have a nice day. 🙂




LESSON 26.3. 

Thank you for coming, Jan. 🙂

vocabulary: course, to congratulate, celebration, cake, pie, cupcake, Easter, beef, pork, vegetable, peas soup, meatloaf, viewpoint, investment, rent, floor,  a piece of, a glass of, freshly squeezed, bottled, take away, with ice, eat in, a slice of, small x large x regular, inside


– drills: 13, 17, 33, 40, 98, 4

– HMW (it’s easy, try it without a translator :))

+ Complete the following sentences using an appropriate present continuous or past continuous tense form.

1. I ………………….. (water) the plants in the morning.

2. What ………………….. (you do) at 6 o’clock yesterday evening?

3. They ………………….. (wait) for the bus when the accident happened.

4. She …………………. (get) impatient.

5. The boys …………………. (play) in the garden.

6. It …………………. (rain) cats and dogs.

7. I …………………… (revise) my lessons now.

8. Somebody ………………….. (knock) at the door.

9. We …………………… (wait) for the guests to turn up.

10. The students …………………. (shout) slogans outside the campus.

11. The birds …………………… (fly) in the sky.

12. John and Sandra ………………….. (expect) their first child.


Enjoy the prolonged weekend and Easter!

See you in a fortnight – Tuesday 9 April. :)






LESSON 19.3.

Thank you for coming, Tomas.  🙂

vocabulary: full board, half board, all-inclusive, wet x vet, grass, gardening, ball, soup, soap, sauce, couple, cough, sorethroat, Czech x check, afraid of, ghost, heights, depths, avoid, time consuming


– drills: 13, 17, 33, 40, 98, 4

+ Complete the following sentences using an appropriate present continuous or past continuous tense form.

1. I ………………….. (water) the plants in the morning.

2. What ………………….. (you do) at 6 o’clock yesterday evening?

3. They ………………….. (wait) for the bus when the accident happened.

4. She …………………. (get) impatient.

5. The boys …………………. (play) in the garden.

6. It …………………. (rain) cats and dogs.

7. I …………………… (revise) my lessons now.

8. Somebody ………………….. (knock) at the door.

9. We …………………… (wait) for the guests to turn up.

10. The students …………………. (shout) slogans outside the campus.

11. The birds …………………… (fly) in the sky.

12. John and Sandra ………………….. (expect) their first child.

Take care 🙂





Class cancelled.

The next class will be on Tuesday 12.3.

Homework remains the same.



LESSON 27.2.

Class cancelled.

The next class will be on Tuesday 5.3.

Homework remains the same.



LESSON 13.2.

Class cancelled.

The next class will be on Tuesday 27.2.

Homework remains the same.




Thank you for coming, Jan. 🙂

vocabulary: golf course, direction, tasty – the tastiest, demanding, company, fusion, calm, want, need, far, mountains, go with the flow, kids, cats, first time, parenting, upbringing, raise, nephew, pay attention, template, across, in the middle of, living room, donkey, fur, Thanksgiving day, corn, elementary school, twice, once, knee, fear, afraid of, Switzerland, slopes, overcrowded, prolonged, extended, small-medium-large cookie


– drills: 13, 17, 33, 40, 98

– next time we’ll review the telling of the times: What’s the time now, please?

– in the next class we will finish a listening task (task 2) – ordering in a café

+ Complete the following sentences using an appropriate present continuous or past continuous tense form.

1. I ………………….. (water) the plants in the morning.

2. What ………………….. (you do) at 6 o’clock yesterday evening?

3. They ………………….. (wait) for the bus when the accident happened.

4. She …………………. (get) impatient.

5. The boys …………………. (play) in the garden.

6. It …………………. (rain) cats and dogs.

7. I …………………… (revise) my lessons now.

8. Somebody ………………….. (knock) at the door.

9. We …………………… (wait) for the guests to turn up.

10. The students …………………. (shout) slogans outside the campus.

11. The birds …………………… (fly) in the sky.

12. John and Sandra ………………….. (expect) their first child.

Have a nice day 🙂






LESSON 30.1.

Thank you for coming, Tomas. 🙂

vocabulary: stuffs, instructions, exhibition, antiq shop, cartoons, sins, turkey, afraid of, water well, jerk, hole, rat, fever, temperature, a piece of, a glass of, freshly squeezed, bottled, take away, with ice, eat in, a slice of, small x large, inside


– drills: 13, 17, 4, 33, 40, 98

– write a story about how you went to skiing trip or to dancing courses when you were younger

– in the next class we will finish a listening task – ordering in a café

Take care 🙂





LESSON 23.1.

Good job, guys! 🙂

vocabulary: take care, it depends, afraid of, scared of, template, overhelmed, overcrowded, once again, know x now, story, lottery ticket, hall of residence, guess x guest, tip, ball, call, hairdryer


– drills: 13, 17, 4, 33, 40, 98

– write a story about how you went to skiing trip or to dancing courses when you were younger

– next time we’ll review the telling of the times: What’s the time now, please?

– in the next class we will do a listening task – ordering in a café

Have a nice day 🙂






LESSON 16.1.

It was nice to see you, Tomas. 🙂

vocabulary: usually, cauliflower, compulsory, pepper, cheese cream, fridge, freezer, female, male, trap, take care, contract, insurance + flu, stomachache, earache, migraine, chickenpox, rashes (red spots), fluid filled blisters, fever, aches, pain, cramps, constipation, vomiting, loss of appetite, cough, sore throat, runny nose, stuffy nose, headache, tiredness, pain that throbs/pulses, nausea, sesitivity to light/sounds, difficulty hearing, discharge running out of the ear, itching around the ear



– drills: 13, 17, 4, 33, 40, 98

– HMW – noodles

+ we will do a role play on the topic of the doctor’s appointment once again (so that Jan wouldn’t be disappointed that he couldn’t do it ;))






It was nice to see you after a while. :)

vocabulary: daily, raw, meat, nurse, shifts, carp, potatoes, bones, salmon, today – tomorrow (Toyota ;)), siblings, receive, voucher, armchair, New Year’s Eve, fireworks, resolutions, lose/gain weight, goals, get crazy, calm down, wish, camper van, train, plane, blouse, freezing


– drills: 26, 25, 33, 40, 61, 97

–  study the human body vocabulary (next time we’ll play a game)

– next time we will also do a role play on the topic of the doctor’s appointment



  • Head, skull, brain, face, ears, hair, face, forehead, temples, eyebrows, eyes, cheeks, nose, mouth, lips, chin, eyelid, eyelashes, pupil, lens, nostrils, nose, mouth, jaws, tooth/teeth, gums, tongue, wisdom tooth, milk tooth


  • Body, neck, chest, stomach, back, buttocks (butt, bottom, booty, bum), arms, hands, legs, feet, spine, bones, collarbone, ribs, joint, tendon, ligament, muscle, Adam’s apple, throat, abdomen, breast, nipple


  • Arm, shoulder, armpit, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand, palm, fingers, thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger, fingernail, lower limbs, leg, hip, thigh, knee, calf, shin, ankle, foot, feet, sole, heel, toes, big toe, little toe, toenail


Take care 🙂








LESSON 5.12.

Today was the last lesson of the fall/winter trimester.

See you on Tuesday, January 9th.

Take care and have a wonderful Christmas. 🙂


vocabulary: to be honest, environment, former owner, retirement, household tasks, run out of, gap, fever, overtime, social assistant, disabled, grandson, try to get fit, receive, get, get, married, rent, shifts, wedding



LESSON 28.11.

Class cancelled.

The next class will be on Tuesday 5.12.



-drills: 12, 27, 5, 19, 24, 13, 17, 26

– noodles 10.2 (noodle book – elementary 4th edition, U9-12)

Have a nice day. 🙂





LESSON 21.11.

It was nice to see you, Honza. 🙂

vocabulary: advertisement, housewife, retirement, early, earlier, satisfied, different, environment, warehouse, fever, flu, cold, dry lips, doe, kidney, disease, attendance, pocket money, time consuming, force, rarely (zřídka)


-drills: 12, 27, 5, 19, 24, 13, 17, 26

– noodles 10.2 (noodle book – elementary 4th edition, U9-12)

Have a nice day. 🙂




LESSON 14.11.

Class cancelled.

The next class will be on Tuesday 21.11.



– drills: 17, 32, 33, 40

– practise irregular verbs from page 182 in your textbook (next time –> small exam)

– translate into English: 1. Jaké je vaše oblíbené jídlo? Proč? 2. Jaké jídlo pochází z vaší země? 3. Jak se cítíte, když jíte jídlo? 4. Jaké potraviny nemáte rádi?  5. Odkud obvykle získáváte potraviny? 6. Hráli jste v dětství nějaký sport? 7. Jaké druhy hudby máte/nemáte rád/a? 8. Jaká je vaše oblíbená píseň/album/umělec? 9. Jak často sledujete televizi? 10. Jaký je váš oblíbený film? Proč? 11. Jak často chodíte do restaurací? 12. Jaká je vaše oblíbená restaurace? 13. Kolik hodin denně se díváš na TV?

See you next week.




LESSON 7.11.

It was nice to see you after a long time, Honza.

I hope to see you next Tuesday. 😉

vocabulary: explain, describe, gift=present, cookery course, foot-feet, butter, church, vegetable, pumpkin, pork, pig slaughter, duck, goose, rule, mistake, captain, receive, ring, multi-color leaves, contract, tasks, preferences




-infinitiv + ed / verb2 /did + verb 1

He arrived last week. / She used to believe in magic when she was younger. / What did they learn?



was/were + -ing

I was playing tennis all afteroon. / While I was reading the phone rang. / While I was sleeping, he was cooking. / Where was he working?



– drills: 17, 32, 33, 40

– practise irregular verbs from page 182 in your textbook (next time –> small exam)

– translate into English: 1. Jaké je vaše oblíbené jídlo? Proč? 2. Jaké jídlo pochází z vaší země? 3. Jak se cítíte, když jíte jídlo? 4. Jaké potraviny nemáte rádi?  5. Odkud obvykle získáváte potraviny? 6. Hráli jste v dětství nějaký sport? 7. Jaké druhy hudby máte/nemáte rád/a? 8. Jaká je vaše oblíbená píseň/album/umělec? 9. Jak často sledujete televizi? 10. Jaký je váš oblíbený film? Proč? 11. Jak často chodíte do restaurací? 12. Jaká je vaše oblíbená restaurace? 13. Kolik hodin denně se díváš na TV?

Have a nice rest of the week 🙂



LESSON 31.10.

Class cancelled.

The next class will be on Tuesday 7.11.


– drills: 17, 32, 33, 40

– practise irregular verbs from page 182 in your textbook

– translate into English: 1. Jaké je vaše oblíbené jídlo? Proč? 2. Jaké jídlo pochází z vaší země? 3. Jak se cítíte, když jíte jídlo? 4. Jaké potraviny nemáte rádi?  5. Odkud obvykle získáváte potraviny? 6. Hráli jste v dětství nějaký sport? 7. Jaké druhy hudby máte/nemáte rád/a? 8. Jaká je vaše oblíbená píseň/album/umělec? 9. Jak často sledujete televizi? 10. Jaký je váš oblíbený film? Proč? 11. Jak často chodíte do restaurací? 12. Jaká je vaše oblíbená restaurace? 13. Kolik hodin denně se díváš na TV?

Take care 🙂



LESSON 24.10.

Class cancelled.

The next class will be on Tuesday 31.10.

Homework remains the same.

Have a nice day. 🙂




LESSON 17.10.

Class cancelled.

The next class will be on Tuesday 24.10.

Homework remains the same.

Have a nice day. 🙂




LESSON 10.10.

Great job, Jan! 🙂

vocabulary: P.E. (=physical education), believe, God, customer, bird, birth, born, weak, remember, knee, shoulders, cookery course, meet-met, cheese, bacon, chicken, hen, mammal, stitch, both, divide, amount of money, nightmare, want, give x gift, compulsory, casual, usually, good-better-the best, since, dawn, pub, plot, waste of time, prolonged/extended, mother in law, relationship



– drills: 17, 32, 33, 40

– practise irregular verbs from page 182 in your textbook

– translate into English: 1. Jaké je vaše oblíbené jídlo? Proč? 2. Jaké jídlo pochází z vaší země? 3. Jak se cítíte, když jíte jídlo? 4. Jaké potraviny nemáte rádi?  5. Odkud obvykle získáváte potraviny? 6. Hráli jste v dětství nějaký sport? 7. Jaké druhy hudby máte/nemáte rád/a? 8. Jaká je vaše oblíbená píseň/album/umělec? 9. Jak často sledujete televizi? 10. Jaký je váš oblíbený film? Proč? 11. Jak často chodíte do restaurací? 12. Jaká je vaše oblíbená restaurace? 13. Kolik hodin denně se díváš na TV?

Take care 🙂



LESSON 3.10.

Class cancelled.

The next class will be on Tuesday 10.10.

Homework remains the same.

Have a nice day. 🙂



LESSON 26.9.

Great class. Thank you for coming, Jan. 🙂
Please let me know about the next lesson.

Vocabulary: competitors, chair, church, upset, celebration, birth, ham, plants, huntsman, his x her, they – their, event, bring, gift, present, woods, memorable, killer whale, orca, fan, previous, childhood, subject, P.E.


– drills: 17, 32, 33, 40

– practise irregular verbs from page 182 in your textbook

– translate into English: 1. Jaké je vaše oblíbené jídlo? Proč? 2. Jaké jídlo pochází z vaší země? 3. Jak se cítíte, když jíte jídlo? 4. Jaké potraviny nemáte rádi?  5. Odkud obvykle získáváte potraviny? 6. Hráli jste v dětství nějaký sport? 7. Jaké druhy hudby máte/nemáte rád/a? 8. Jaká je vaše oblíbená píseň/album/umělec? 9. Jak často sledujete televizi? 10. Jaký je váš oblíbený film? Proč? 11. Jak často chodíte do restaurací? 12. Jaká je vaše oblíbená restaurace?

See you next week. :)



LESSON 19.9.

Nice to meet you, guys!

Vocabulary: dish x dish, dishwasher, enjoy, during, cottage, connected with, siblings, countryside, vacation, field, eat-ate-eaten, department, breed, competition, competitive, wedding, anniversary, abroad, pie, cake, only child, hamster, turtle

Homework: Translate into English. Jak byste se cítili, kdyby nebyly žádné prázdniny? Jakou nejexotičtější nebo nejpodivnější věc jste jedli na dovolené? Jaký je váš nejnezapomenutelnější zážitek?

Tomas, enjoy your vacation. 🙂

See you next week, Jan.