TUESDAY @ 12:00 – 13:00

Teacher: Michaela Vavrušová, e-mail:


Drilky / online web aplikace
VIDEA k procvičení gramatiky

4th February

Good job today, but the vocabulary could be better!


– drills: 64, 26, 16, 98, 17

– noodles: Revision (download)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: drunk (opilý), owner (majitel), cook (kuchař) x cooker (sporák), dam (přehrada), builder (stavbař), pig slaughter (zabíjačka), chips (hranolky), raspberry (malina), field (pole), son-in-law (zeť), vending machine (prodejní automat), flavour (příchuť)

Have a nice week!


28th January

Well done, everyone!


– drills: 64, 26, 16, 98, 17

– noodles: Much/many (download)

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: fancy dress party (maškarní), beef (hovězí), on offer (v akci), taste (chuť/chutnat), at least (minimálně), cloudy (zataženo), at all (vůbec), teetotaler (abstinent)

See you next week!


21st January

You did great today, I’m impressed!


– drills: 64, 26, 16, 98, 17

– noodles: Much x many (download)

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: temperature (teplota), fever (horečka), I don’t mind… + -ing (nevadí mi… něco dělat), successful (úspěšný), leave (odjet), pedestrian crossing / zebra crossing (přechod pro chodce), lake (jezero), you can’t miss it (nemůžeš to minout), follow the sign (následuj ceduli / běž podle cedule)

Enjoy the rest of your week!


14th January

Great job today, even the prepositions are getting better!


– drills: 64, 26, 16, 98, 17

– noodles: Directions (download)

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: hoover (vysavač), mash / mashed potato (bramborová kaše), ram (beran), bottle (láhev), that’s why (proto), clock (hodiny), brand (značka /produktu/), irony (ironie), satisfied (spokojený), salary (plat)

– map / ex. 3 – on the same paper as today, listen to the recording 9.12 and find out where you finish (3 places) // poslechnout a zjistit, kam dojdete (3 místa)

Have a nice week!


7th January

It was lovely seeing you again after the long break!


– drills: 64, 26, 16, 98, 17

– fill-in: Questions Words (download) – complete with what, where, when, how, why

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: look forward to (těšit se), carp (kapr), salmon (losos), be afraid/scared (bát se, mít strach), different (různý, jiný), fireworks (ohňostroje), ski slope (sjezdovka), in a row (za sebou, v řadě), during (v průběhu), New Year’s Eve (Silvestr), safe (bezpečný), grow (růst), waiter (číšník), unexpected (nečekaný), lentils (čočka), smarties (lentilky)

– listening with the map stays from last year (this map, this recording, ex. 2)

See you next Tuesday!


10th December

Thank you all for coming today, you did well!


– drills: 64, 26, 16, 98, 17

– noodles: New Year (download)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: few (málo /počitatelné/), scary (strašidelný), exactly (přesně), band (kapela), prize (cena /výhra/), twice a year (dvakrát za rok), dive (potápět se) / diving (potápění), wood (dřevo), steel (ocel), calm (klidný), each (každý), queue (fronta)

Thank you for all your hard work this autumn. Have a lovely holiday and lots of fun. I’m looking forward to seeing you again next year.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas to ya all - Answer HQ

3rd December

Good job, we just need to keep practising the prepositions.


– drills: 64, 26, 16, 98, 17

– noodles: Prepositions of Place (download)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: locker room (šatna), hurt / ache (bolet), decorations (výzdoba), lighting up (rozsvícení), Cinderella (Popelka), wreath (věnec), artificial (umělý), hare (zajíc), padlock (visací zámek), come up with (vymyslet), ceiling (strop), elf / elves (skřítek / skřítci), twigs (větvičky), praise (chválit), unfortunately (bohužel)

– listening with map stays from last time

See you next week!


26th November

It was nice talking to you today!


– drills: 64, 26, 16, 98, 17

– noodles: Past Simple (download)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: wardrobe (šatní skříň), cabinet (skříň /obecně/), ground floor / downstairs (přízemí), fairytale (pohádka), niece (neteř) x nephew (synovec), Ferris wheel (ruské kolo), tournament (turnaj), move (stěhovat), at her friend’s (u její kamarádky), to be glad (být rád), good (dobrý) x well (dobře), foreigner (cizinec), at all (vůbec)

directions – download this page, listen to this recording and complete ex. 2 (doplňte podle poslechu předložky z rámečku do cv. 2)

See you next Tuesday!


19th November

Well done, you all successfully guided your colleagues into your chosen destinations!


– drills: 64, 26, 98, 16, 13

– noodles: Past Simple (download)

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: market (trh), queue (fronta), wake up (vzbudit se), cherry (třešeň), leave – left – left (odejít, opustit), skate (bruslit), as always (jako vždy), go along (jít po /ulici/)

Have a nice week!


12th November

Great job today, even the listening wasn’t that bad in the end!


– drills: 64, 26, 98, 16, 13

– noodles: Past Simple (download)

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: layer (vrstva), feast (hody), goose (husa), tasty (chutný), mulled wine (svařák), portion (porce), make a mistake (udělat chybu), need (potřebovat), soil (půda), radish (ředkvička), peas (hrášek)

directions – choose two places on the map we used today and prepare directions for how to get to them // vyberte si na té mapě, co jsme používali dneska, dvě místa a připravte si popis, jak se dostat z jednoho místa na druhé (např. jak se dostat z policejní stanice do kavárny, z muzea do knihkupectví apod.), příště budete navigovat kolegy

Enjoy the rest of your week!


5th November

Thanks for coming today, you did well!


– drills: 64, 26, 98, 16, 13

– noodles: Past Simple (download)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: stock-taking (inventura), warehouse (sklad), details (podrobnosti), kite (drak /na pouštění/), rake leaves (hrabat listí), motorway (dálnice), Middle Ages (středověk), sell – sold – sold (prodat), armchair (křeslo), nature (příroda), lake (jezero), expensive (drahý)

LISTENING stays once again

See you next time!


29th October

Good work today!


– drills: 64, 26, 61, 98, 16

– noodles: Irregular Verbs (download)

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: door frame (zárubeň), bunker (bunkr), cabin/cottage (chata), chapel (kaplička), wine cellar (vinný sklípek), theatre (divadlo), naked (nahý), straight away (okamžitě), case (bedna /lahví/), claim (reklamace)

LISTENING still stays from previous lessons

See you next week!


22nd October

Drills were much better today, great results in the vocabulary test… I’m impressed!


– drills: 64, 26, 61, 98, 16

– noodles: Past Simple (download)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: cyclist (cyklista), approximately (přibližně), shine (svítit), sweat (potit se), shelter (přístřešek), repair (opravit), wreath (věnec), All Souls‘ Day (dušičky), too much / too many (příliš moc/mnoho), abroad (v zahraničí), remind (připomenout), size (velikost)

LISTENING stays from last time once again

Have a nice week!


15th October

It was lovely talking to you all today 🙂


– drills: 64, 26, 61, 98, 16

– noodles: Revision (download)

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: spend (trávit /čas/, utratit /peníze/), barn (stodola), annoying (otravný), grandchild (vnouče), sauce (omáčka), earn (vydělat), cheese (sýr), mirror (zrcadlo), above (nad), sure (určitě), pick mushrooms (sbírat hřiby)

LISTENING stays from last time so bring the paper with the map next time

Enjoy the rest of your week!


8th October

You’re doing great, keep up the good work!


– drills: 64, 26, 61, 16, 98

– make 2 questions including any vocabulary from the last 4 lessons (that you can use for conversation)

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: similar (podobný), break (přestávka), huge (obrovský), under (pod), brand (značka), alarm / alarm clock (budík), wake up (probudit se)

LISTENING (you need the paper I gave you today, with the map) – listen to the recording here – you hear 4 people giving directions. Follow them and find where they want you to go.

See you next Tuesday!


1st October

Excellent job today, well done!


– drills: 64, 61, 26, 17, 32

– noodles: Prepositions of Place (download)

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: connection (připojení), built-in (vestavěný/zabudovaný), dismantle (demontovat), wedding (svatba), dry (sušit), in the middle (uprostřed), flats (byty)

Have a nice week!


24th September

It was great talking to you, Bob!


– drills: 33, 26, 61, 4, 16

True/False exercise from last time (download)

– vocabulary from last lesson and today’s lesson: stocktake (inventura), all the time (pořád), bank holiday (státní svátek), heavy rain (hustý déšť), pavement (chodník), series / TV show (seriál), wolf (vlk) x wolves (vlci), jar (zavařovací sklenice)

See you next week!


17th September

Thank you for coming today!


– drills: 33, 26, 61, 4, 16

– exercise: Town True/False (download)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: warehouse (sklad), enough (dost), midnight (půlnoc), midday / noon (poledne), choose (vybrat), nothing (nic), neighbour (soused), plot (zápletka), already (již), injured (zraněný), pills (prášky), statues (sochy)

Enjoy the rest of your week!


10th September

Good job, everyone!


– drills: 33, 97, 61, 17, 4

– noodles: Places in Town (download)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: roof (střecha), shelter (přístřešek), take care of (starat se o) x care about (záležet na /někom/), forest (les), road (silnice), remote control (dálkový ovladač), except (kromě), maternity leave (mateřská dovolená), scooter (koloběžka/scooter), used to (zvyklý), square (náměstí), crossroads (křižovatka), car park (parkoviště), town hall (radnice), ATM/cashpoint (bankomat), post office (pošta), firemen/firefighters (hasiči), monuments (památky), historical sites (historická místa), sightseeing (chození po památkách)

See you next Tuesday!


3rd September

It was great meeting you all today!


– drills: 25, 26, 33, 61, 4

– fill-in: Revision (download here)

– vocabulary from today’s lesson: retired (důchodce), primary school (základní škola), DIY /do-it-yourself/ (kutilství), kindergarten (školka), injury (zranění), in the shadow (ve stínu), Danube (Dunaj), tent (stan), enjoy (užívat si), a few (pár, několik), return (vrátit se), cellar (sklep)

Have a nice week!


LESSON 25.6.

I loved teaching you and it’s been a pleasure to get to know you all. 🙂

vocablary: celebration, which, enjoy, dig a hole, entrance door, headache, leg, race, just, drive, watch, competitor, collar, sauce, as, win, use, straw hat, sale, slave, almost, almond, sick, vein, years x hours, midnight, noon, leave, news

Homework: For the first lesson after the holidays it will be nice to prepare a short story about yourself and what you did and where you were on holiday.

Take care and enjoy some rest.
PS Thank you so much for the gifts. 🙂


LESSON 18.6.

It was nice to see you after a while. 🙂

vocabulary: ghost, guest, groom, bride, daughter-in-law, sauce, floor, flour, flower, wear, suit, (bow)tie, gray, matching, sad, anniversary, salad, lettuce, mashed potatoes, choice, pond, point, pace, paint


-drills: 26, 25, 33, 40, 61, 97

– next time we’ll check the Jane’s homework from 14.5.


Have a nice rest of the week. 🙂



You’re doing great. 🙂

vocabulary: infantryman (pěšák, nemusíte se učit;)), stag party, hen party, engagement, wedding, expecting a baby, old-older-the oldest, firework, overcrowded, not yet, somewhere, see x sea, Spain-spannish, us, nuts, meet-met, keeper, maternity leave, infant


-drills: 26, 25, 33, 40, 61, 97

+ be ready to tell me what you have experienced in the last 14 days in the next lesson

Take care.

See you in a fortnight – Tuesday 18 June 🙂

LESSON 28.5.

Good job! 😉

vocabulary: period, parrot, ribs, ribbon, back, spine, guilty pleasure, know – now – new


-drills: 13, 17, 4, 33, 40, 98, 95

– next time we’ll check the homework from 14.5.

+ refresh the alphabet spelling

Have a nice day. 🙂

LESSON 21.5.

You are great! 🙂

vocabulary: accept, remove, cabbage, meal x meat, broth, weather forecast, storm, partly cloudy, mostly sunny, winter, winner, wiener, indian summer, early bird x night owl, while, Tt depends., drug, dragon, dragonfly, flight attendant, Fairy Tale, soundman + falcon (sokol), Sokol slet (Sokolský slet – slety (plural) as a Czech word can be translated into English as a flocing of birds)


-drills: 13, 17, 4, 33, 40, 98, 95

– preparation task (listening- Transport announcements)

Enjoy the rest of the week. 🙂

LESSON 14.5.

What a class! Thank you Ivo & Petr. 🙂

vocabulary: exhausted, be broke (být na mizině), tent, night, mind, sober, black eye, broom, trap,  pavement, payment, reason


  • drills: 8-13-97-40-61-33
  • create 5 questions that include vocabulary we have learned in the last 8 months (the questions must be useful for the follow-up conversation)

Enjoy your day. 🙂





You are getting better and better. 🙂

vocabulary: shade, shadow, cool, bruise, them, then, discount, sale, bargain, performance, Tartar sauce, raid of Tartar’s, cabbage, comparison, dumplings, viewing tower, spf = sun protection factor


-drills: 13, 17, 4, 33, 40, 98, 95

– task 2 (reading – An airport departures board)

– next time we’ll check hmw from 30.4. + 23.4.

Take care and enjoy the public holiday. 🙂




LESSON 30.4.

What a nice lecture! 🙂

vocabulary: vacuum, vacuum cleaner, nail, nail, screw, night, sleepy, celebration, degrees, person, people, date, petrol station, enough, fine, speeding, fast, drink-drive, geography, fear, weather conditions, bank/public holidays, witch burning, bookshop/bookstore, sunglasses, handbag, red lights, highway, car park, traffic, traffic lights


-drills: 13, 17, 4, 33, 40, 98, 95

– Hmw – how much, how many

+ refresh the alphabet spelling

Have a nice day. 🙂

Reminder: next Tuesday we will have a lecture from 12.00 to 13.00




LESSON 23.4.

Keep up the hard work. You’re getting better. 🙂

vocabulary: cellery, salary, mix, sour cream, thyme (tymián), herbs, boiled egg, mint, deal with, damage, writing part, essay, oral part, make it, pass, socks, health reasons, mold, foreign, abroad, forest, grocery, ladybird/ladybug, daughter in law, playground


-drills: 13, 17, 4, 33, 40, 98, 95


– refresh the present and past tenses (simple and continuous) Present Simple + Continuous & Past Simple + Continuous

Have a nice day. 🙂

Reminder: next Tuesday we will have a lecture from 12.00 to 13.00




LESSON 16.4.

What a nice lecture! 🙂

vocabulary: eat-ate-eaten, degrees, sun-tanned, wrinkles, behind, close to, next to, railway station, safe, safety, overate, broccoli, mashed potatoes, walking, working, midnight snack, hell, heaven, cucumber, pickled, loaf, purple, eggplant, window shopping, changing rooms, jumper, trousers, jeans, shirt, skirt


-drills: 13, 17, 4, 33, 40, 98, 95

– please finish the excercise from 9.4.

– Hmw – how much, how many

Take care and see you next Tuesday. 🙂





Nice to see you all. 🙂

vocabulary: opposite, region, meatloaf, mashed potatoes, task, continuous, alone, same as, sheep, lamb, pocket, letter, wallet, note + coins, paradise, beetroot, eggplant, zucchini


-drills: 13, 17, 4, 33, 40, 98, 95

– Fill in the correct form of the verb and write what tense it is.

1. What __________ (you do) right now?

2. Last weekend, what __________ (you do) at exactly 10 o’clock?

3. At this time yesterday, where __________ (you be)?

4. What __________ (you usually do) on Sundays?

5. Right now, __________ (you listen) to any music?

6. Last night, what __________ (you watch) on TV?

7. What __________ (you think) about when you’re on the bus?

8. At this time last year, where __________ (you live)?

9. What __________ (you read) these days?

10. Yesterday at this time, what __________ (you eat)?

11. What __________ (you dream) about last night?

12. What __________ (you think) about the new restaurant in town?


Jane enjoy your holiday in Rome and next time, share with us what you saw ( the monuments), what delicious food you ate and how you enjoyed your holiday overall.

Have a nice day. 🙂






Nice to see you all. 🙂

vocabulary: new, leave, go-went, come, try, very, surprise, surprisingly, slope, feeling, peas, sausage, tractor, unpacking, graduation, probably, cheer up, sell-sold, hairy, donkey, member, empty, Easter, stamp, spank, neighbour


-drills: 13, 17, 4, 33, 40, 98, 95

– please finish the excercise from 13.2.

– prepare a story about what traditions you follow at Easter — what you were doing over this Easter?

Enjoy the prolonged weekend and Easter!

See you in a fortnight – Tuesday 9 April. 🙂




LESSON 19.3.

Thank you for coming Petr and Ivo! 🙂

vocabulary: combine, sell, a day, languages, beige, camel, nude, brain, mulled wine, sun tanned, hairdresser, hairstyle, guest(s), ghost, guess, invitation, for sure, approximately, marry, collar (krkovice), cost x spend


-drills: 13, 17, 4, 33, 40, 98, 95

HMW (it’s easy, try it without a translator :))

Have a nice day.





Thank you for coming Jane and Ivo! 🙂

Practice vocabulary from previous classes.

vocabulary: island, Iceland, Greece, Greek, furniture, begin, cousin, run, few, word, letter, understand – understood, hairy, clever, breast, tights, cellery, salary, soup, mashed potatoes, tasty, wooden, size, walk, son-in-law, sleep-slept-slept, ferry, leg, foot-feet, food, nut


-drills: 13, 17, 4, 33, 40, 98, 95

– refresh the present and past tenses (simple and continuous, from previous class)

– Jane, please finish the excercise from 13.2.

– Ivo, please be ready to tell us smth. more about your weekend and Petr, please get ready to tell us about your journey from Milan.

Take care and see you next Tuesday. 🙂




LESSON 27.2.

Thank you for coming Jane and Peter! 🙂

vocabulary: switch on/off, train, take a train/plane, animal, other, monkey, pinguin, kangaroo, huge, at least, celebrate, celebration, brother, difficult, tough, feast, overcrowded, almond, tasting, young wine, information, news, south, east, coastline, ball, maybe, probably, suit, apply, application, afford


-drills: 13, 17, 4, 33, 40, 98, 95

– refresh the present and past tenses (simple and continuous)

Present Simple + Continuous & Past Simple + Continuous

+ Next time we will finish the listening (task 2, please bring the photocopies)

Take care. 🙂



LESSON 13.2.

Keep up the hard work! 🙂

vocabulary: portuguese, between, behind, earache, carp, cumin, egg, without, can x can, them – their, teach – taught, hundreds, love letter, current, century, kindergarten, recommended, basic, possibility, abroad, know x now, moves, balls, neighbour


– drills: 4, 33, 40, 98, 95


Have a nice day and see you on February 27th.







Thank you for coming Peter and Ivo! 🙂

vocabulary: cold, sometning, happened, cheer, sadness, he-goat/billy goat, bottle, shot, serie, murder, cloud, painting, stairs, cost, approximately, dumplings, peas, sausage, small sausage, chickpeas, afraid of, cannot – can’t, wake up, without, alarm clock, tell, lie, truth, describe, cake, pounds


– drills: 13, 17, 33, 40, 98

– practice all the new vocabulary

– + we will read your stories (skiing trip or dancing courses)

+ Complete the following sentences using an appropriate present continuous or past continuous tense form.

1. I ………………….. (water) the plants in the morning.

2. What ………………….. (you do) at 6 o’clock yesterday evening?

3. They ………………….. (wait) for the bus when the accident happened.

4. She …………………. (get) impatient.

5. The boys …………………. (play) in the garden.

6. It …………………. (rain) cats and dogs.

7. I …………………… (revise) my lessons now.

8. Somebody ………………….. (knock) at the door.

9. We …………………… (wait) for the guests to turn up.

10. The students …………………. (shout) slogans outside the campus.

11. The birds …………………… (fly) in the sky.

12. John and Sandra ………………….. (expect) their first child.




LESSON 30.1. 

You are great, guys! 🙂

vocabulary: collar (krkovice), accommodate, slopes, kind, try, have a rest, place, distance, points, round, highway, break, broken heart, cup, mug, fight – fought, grow, keep, condition, hit,  a piece of, a glass of, freshly squeezed, bottled, take away, with ice, eat in, a slice of, small x large, inside


– drills: 13, 17, 4, 33, 40, 98

– practice all the new vocabulary

– + Next time we will read your stories (skiing trip or dancing courses) and we will finish the listening

Take care and enjoy the beautiful weather. 🙂





LESSON 23.1.

Good job, guys! 🙂

vocabulary: haircut, hairdresser, bald, skin, tip, overcrowded, tennis court, mulled wine, spicies, starving, office, stamp, meal x meat x meet, shot, try, look forward to


– drills: 13, 17, 4, 33, 40, 98

– Write a story about how you went to skiing trip or to dancing courses when you were younger. 🙂

Peter, also be prepared to tell us about your ski holiday.

– in the next class we will do a listening task – ordering in a café

Have a nice day 🙂




LESSON 16.1.

You are getting better & better. 🙂

vocabulary: fry, meatloaf, mashed potatoes, speed, skin, carrot, call, insurance + flu, stomachache, earache, migraine, chickenpox, rashes (red spots), fluid filled blisters, fever, aches, pain, cramps, constipation, vomiting, loss of appetite, cough, sore throat, runny nose, stuffy nose, headache, tiredness, pain that throbs/pulses, nausea, sesitivity to light/sounds, difficulty hearing, discharge running out of the ear, itching around the ear



– drills: 13, 17, 4, 33, 40, 98

– HMW – homework – noodles


+ we will do a role play on the topic of the doctor’s appointment once again (so that Jana wouldn’t be disappointed that she couldn’t do it ;))






 LESSON 9.1.

It was nice to see you after a while. You’re doing great. 🙂

vocabulary: story, gift card, enjoy, spend, New Year’s Eve, go – went, promise, know x now, cottage, sweets, meet, need, except, town, resolutions, write x read x ride, seat, sit, blouse, goals, stuff, leather, son-in-law, wear – wore, carols, carry on/cabbin luggage, stepfather, I can’t stand it.



– drills: 26, 25, 33, 40, 61, 97

– review the illness-related vocabulary + study/review the human body vocabulary (next time we’ll play a game)

– next time we will also do a role play on the topic of the doctor’s appointment



  • Head, skull, brain, face, ears, hair, face, forehead, temples, eyebrows, eyes, cheeks, nose, mouth, lips, chin, eyelid, eyelashes, pupil, lens, nostrils, nose, mouth, jaws, tooth/teeth, gums, tongue, wisdom tooth, milk tooth


  • Body, neck, chest, stomach, back, buttocks (butt, bottom, booty, bum), arms, hands, legs, feet, spine, bones, collarbone, ribs, joint, tendon, ligament, muscle, Adam’s apple, throat, abdomen, breast, nipple


  • Arm, shoulder, armpit, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand, palm, fingers, thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger, fingernail, lower limbs, leg, hip, thigh, knee, calf, shin, ankle, foot, feet, sole, heel, toes, big toe, little toe, toenail


Take care 🙂





LESSON 5.12.

Today was the last lesson of the fall/winter trimester.

See you on Tuesday, January 9th.

Take care and have a wonderful Christmas. 🙂


vocabulary: breed, move, dive, homework (nepočitatelné = ne homeworks), receive, get, gift, approximately, it depends, pleasure, love language, touch, hug, novel, carp, bones, decorate, luck-lucky-luckily, marshmallows x mushrooms, red dots, stamp

+ flu, stomachache, earache, migraine, chickenpox, rashes (red spots), fluid filled blisters, fever, aches, pain, cramps, constipation, vomiting, loss of appetite, cough, sore throat, runny nose, stuffy nose, headache, tiredness, pain that throbs/pulses, nausea, sesitivity to light/sounds, difficulty hearing, discharge running out of the ear, itching around the ear





LESSON 28.11.

You are getting better & better. Believe in yourselves. 🙂

vocabulary: cold, flu, cough, bakery, rolls, honey, pig slaughter, cabbage, awful, village, postpone, mulled wine, dentist, overcrowded, reminder, trip, carols, fairy x fire


– drills: 26, 25, 33, 40, 61, 97

– prepare a story about how do you usually spend Christmas (where are you, who are you with, what do you eat, what do you watch on TV, etc…)

– next time we will also do a role play on the topic of the doctor’s appointment

Take care and enjoy the rest of the week. 🙂




LESSON 21.11.

Great job, guys! 🙂

vocabulary: maternity leave, illness, army, overtime, recommend, camper van, tent, rice, win, preparing for winter, sand, average, men – man, women – woman, sign, story, place, sit, leave, on time


– drills: 26, 25, 33, 40, 61, 97

– practise irregular verbs from page 182 in your textbook

– HMW Present or past (doplňte správný tvar slovesa v závorce – present simple/continuous and past simple/continuous; 1. received ;))

Na procvičení present simple a continuous – Making Questions (Present Simple and Present Continuous)  (vytvořte otázky)

Have a nice rest of the week. 🙂






LESSON 14.11.

You are getting better & better. Work hard! 🙂

vocabulary: hear, see, feel, know, think, like, want, wish, grow, leave, complain, ! where x were, office, clear, hit, learn, while, bird, mask, feast, for free, brand, spend, Fairy Tales, Cinderella, lazybones, angry, hungry, Hungary, accept, order, rent, describe

GRAMMAR: Present Simple + Continuous & Past Simple + Continuous

Present Simple + Continuous & Past Simple + Continuous



– drills: 32, 33, 61, 40, 97

– practise irregular verbs from page 182 in your textbook (small exam next time)

– HMW Present or past (doplňte správný tvar slovesa v závorce – present simple/continuous and past simple/continuous; 1. received ;))

– next time we’ll check the noodles from the previous class (7.11.)

Have a nice rest of the week. 🙂





LESSON 7.11.

Good job! Keep the hard work. 🙂

vocabulary: stairs, purpose, fee, pay, pear, forgot, remember, sand, cabbage, dumplings,cemetery, sunny, warm, competition, daily, lazy, alone, advantage x disadvantage, pie, cake, plum, duck, goose, sound asleep, overlooking, gentle breeze, it cools the heat, nearby, blooms

Topic for next week: We are at the airport!        –>       Role plays: Airport check-in desk


– drills:  12, 27, 5, 19, 24, 13, 17, 26

– practise irregular verbs from page 182 in your textbook

– Translate into English:

1. V jakém věku obvykle začínají lidé ve vaší zemi pracovat?
2. V jakém věku lidé ve vaší zemi obvykle odcházejí do důchodu?
3. Můžete říci, jak vypadá typický den ve vaší současné práci?
4. Můžete popsat své současné zaměstnání?
5. Jaké bylo vaše první zaměstnání?
6. Pracují ve vaší zemi ženy obvykle i po svatbě?
7. Pracujete někdy přesčas?
8. Máte práci na částečný úvazek?
9. Máte ráda svého šéfa? Proč nebo proč ne?
10. Líbí se vám vaše práce?

– Writing: What’s the nicest or best thing that’s happened to you at work?

Have a nice rest of the week. 🙂




LESSON 31.10.

Work hard! 😉

vocabulary: be in touch with, celebrate, celebration, peppers, dish-meal-food, secret, homework, information = no plural/no S, switch on/off, sentence, question, good-better-the best, season, DIY=do it yourself, accomodate, stewardess, divorce, storm, damage, to the fullest, delivery room, highway, alone

Topic for next week: We are at the airport!        –>       Role plays: Passport control (FINISH IT!)


– drills: 26, 27, 5, 17, 13 (příště se domluvíme, jaké drilky by bylo dobré doplnit — > 72 (-ed/-ing ending), 40 (past simple+continuous), 29 (porovnávání), 33 (present continuous), 98 (how many/much), 16 (like +-ing), 15 (would like to), 97 (past simple irregular verbs)

– practise irregular verbs from page 182 in your textbook


Take care 🙂



LESSON 24.10.

You are getting better & better. 🙂

vocabulary: delete x delayed, as usual, autumn=fall, level, riding x reading x writing, need, DIY = do it yourself, uncle, can not = can’t, volunteer, a.m., p.m., midday, midnight

What’s the time now? It’s……..

When do we meet? At…….

Topic for next week: We are at the airport!

Role plays: Passport control


– drills: 12, 27, 5, 19, 13, 17, 26

– Be prepared to answer the questions:

What was the best experience of your life & what was the scariest experience?

See you next week. 🙂



LESSON 17.10.

Good job!

vocabulary: stroller, his – her, did-do-does, wear-wore-worn, begin, bagan, begun, buy-bought, fence, correct, think x thing

Topic for next week: We are at the airport!

Role plays: Passport control


– drills: 12, 27, 5, 19, 24, 13, 17, 26

– Get ready to tell us a story that happened to you while travelling. (lost luggage, missed plane, something about food, shopping, etc.) It doesn’t have to be true. 😉

Have a nice rest of the week. 🙂



LESSON 10.10.

Great class! 🙂

vocabulary: pond, lake, flavour, win-won, injury, drill, give-gave, mine, his, him, hairstyle, on time, delayed, delete, lounge, pick-up, collected, luggage, baggage, check-in, carry on/cabin luggage, at the aisle, sit, nearest, lost and found, taxi stand, ATM, tour guide, baggage pick-up area, restrooms, customs, customers, entrance, flight attendant, slowly, slow down, gum

+ across from, next to, between, near, behind, in front of, in the corner of, left/right

Topic for next week: We are at the airport!

Role plays: Passport control


– drills: 30, 17, 32, 33

– for warm-up translate into English:

Jak nejraději trávíš víkend?
Co jsi dělal o víkendu?
Jak se máš?
Máš moc práce?
Stalo se ti o víkendu něco zajímavého?
Jaké bylo víkendu počasí?
Jaký sport můžeme dělat v zimě?
Chystáš se jet někam na podzimní prázdniny?
Kolik hodin týdně jsi v práci a kolik hodin týdně máš čas jen na svoje věci?
Co nejraději děláš po práci?

Take care 🙂



LESSON 3.10.

Thank you for comining and speaking out. 🙂

vocabulary: sparrow, in front of, gumption, get – got, go – went, who, whole, somewhere, former ski racer, to accommodate, prolonged, extended, illness, recommend, movie, dislike/hate, I look forward to…

Topic for next week: We are at the airport!


– drills: 17, 32, 33, 40

– translate into English:

1. Letí můj let včas?
2. Jak dlouhé má můj let zpoždění?
3. Kde je toaleta?
4. Kde je salonek?
5. Kde je kuřácký salonek?
6. Kde si mohu vyzvednout svá zavazadla?
7. Kde se nachází odletová brána?
8. Má můj let zpoždění nebo letí na čas?
9. Odbavujete nějaká zavazadla?
10. Kolik zavazadel odbavujete?
11. Máte příruční zavazadlo?
12. Chtěli byste sedět u okénka nebo u uličky?
13. Mohu vidět váš pas a palubní vstupenku?
14. Jak daleko je od vás nejbližší letiště?


See you next week! 🙂



LESSON 26.9.

Great class! 🙂

vocabulary: thirsty, band, gardening, trip, except, take place in, a couple of, behind, forest, wood,  anniversary, plans, owner, upcoming, queen, fan, agree, flight, afraid of, depths, brave, reminder, preparing, wall


– drills: 17, 32, 33, 40

– practise irregular verbs from page 182 in your textbook

– translate into English: 1. Jaké je vaše oblíbené jídlo? Proč? 2. Jaké jídlo pochází z vaší země? 3. Jak se cítíte, když jíte jídlo? 4. Jaké potraviny nemáte rádi?  5. Odkud obvykle získáváte potraviny? 6. Hráli jste v dětství nějaký sport? 7. Jaké druhy hudby máte/nemáte rád/a? 8. Jaká je vaše oblíbená píseň/album/umělec? 9. Jak často sledujete televizi? 10. Jaký je váš oblíbený film? Proč? 11. Jak často chodíte do restaurací? 12. Jaká je vaše oblíbená restaurace?

See you next week. 🙂


LESSON 19.9.

Great job, guys! Nice to meet you all! 🙂

vocabulary: pity, kindergarten, field, department, grade, buy – bought, bite, breed, cubic metre (metr krychlový)


Translate into English: Jaká byla tvoje poslední dovolená? Kde jsi byl o letních prázdninách? Jak dlouho trvalo se tam dostat? Jak se cítíš po dlouhé dovolené? Kolik dnů trvala tvoje dovolená? Kolik peněz jsi utratil na své poslední dovolené? Jaké suvenýry jsi si koupil? Jaké nejlepší jídlo jsi jedl během dovolené? Jaká nejzajímavější věc se ti během dovolené stala? Používal jsi hodně angličtinu? Byl jsi ubytován v hotelu? Kde je tvoje nejoblíbenější místo na to chodit na dovolenou?

See you next week. 🙂



HMW – question tags

question tags

HMW – modal verbs

modal verbs – fill-in excercise (2 parts – homework)

ed/ing –> for amp16



Pomocná slovesa




health and medicine – speaking activity

Human body Anatomy Adventures human

Christmas noodles el. – 2020

Christmas noodles int.

GRAMMAR Členy v angličtině (articles)


Complete the following sentences using an appropriate present continuous or past continuous tense form.

1. I ………………….. (water) the plants in the morning.

2. What ………………….. (you do) at 6 o’clock yesterday evening?

3. They ………………….. (wait) for the bus when the accident happened.

4. She …………………. (get) impatient.

5. The boys …………………. (play) in the garden.

6. It …………………. (rain) cats and dogs.

7. I …………………… (revise) my lessons now.

8. Somebody ………………….. (knock) at the door.

9. We …………………… (wait) for the guests to turn up.

10. The students …………………. (shout) slogans outside the campus.

11. The birds …………………… (fly) in the sky.

12. John and Sandra ………………….. (expect) their first child.


1. I was watering the plants in the morning.

2. What were you doing at 6 o’clock yesterday evening?

3. They were waiting for the bus when the accident happened.

4. She is getting impatient.

5. The boys are playing in the garden.

6. It is raining cats and dogs.

7. I am revising my lessons now.

8. Somebody is knocking at the door.

9. We are waiting for the guests to turn up.

10. The students are shouting slogans outside the campus.

11. The birds are flying in the sky.

12. John and Sandra are expecting their first child.

  1. Your greatest fear
  2. Your animal form
  3. You in a past life
  4. Your go-to comfort meal
  5. Your favorite activity in high school
  6. Your guilty pleasure
  7. Your best friend
  8. What you wanted to be when you grew up
  9. An item on your bucket list
  10. Your childhood crush
  11. Your personal hero
  12. Your favorite song
  13. Your pet peeve
  14. Your favorite outfit
  15. Your least favorite food
  16. Something you are allergic to


1. What __________ (you do) right now? (Present continuous)

Correct answer: are you doing

2. Last weekend, what __________ (you do) at exactly 10 o’clock? (Past simple)

Correct answer: did you do

3. At this time yesterday, where __________ (you be)? (Past simple)

Correct answer: were you

4. What __________ (you usually do) on Sundays? (Present simple)

Correct answer: do you usually do

5. Right now, __________ (you listen) to any music? (Present continuous)

Correct answer: are you listening

6. Last night, what __________ (you watch) on TV? (Past simple)

Correct answer: did you watch

7. What __________ (you think) about when you’re on the bus? (Present simple)

Correct answer: do you think

8. At this time last year, where __________ (you live)? (Past simple)

Correct answer: did you live

9. What __________ (you read) these days? (Present continuous)

Correct answer: are you reading

10. Yesterday at this time, what __________ (you eat)? (Past simple)

Correct answer: did you eat

11. What __________ (you dream) about last night? (Past simple)

Correct answer: did you dream

12. What __________ (you think) about the new restaurant in town? (Present simple)

Correct answer: do you think


hmw-right answers for 14



LearnEnglish-Listening-B1-A-weather-forecast (2)


