Welcome to DD9! 😀
Thursday 15:00 – 16:00
Room: 1
Student’s book: New Headway Elementary 5th edition
Teacher: Bc. Kateřina Plšková, plskovakaterina@email.cz, 775 694 670 (SMS / Whatsapp)
If you won’t be able to attend the lesson, please contact me. (Pokud se nebudete moci výuky zúčastnit, prosím o zaslání SMS či mailu.)
Thank you!
Drilky / online web aplikace
VIDEA k procvičení gramatiky
LESSON 4 (30.1.2025)
– vocabulary: school report (vysvědčení), describe (popsat), arrive (přijet), ski slope (sjezdovka), ski boots (lyžáky), sandy x stone beach (písečné x kamenité pláže)
– drills: 4,12, 17 (naučit výrazy: always-vždycky, sometimes-někdy, often-často, usually-obvykle, never-nikdy) a zopakovat měsíce v roce
– noodles: page 33 (3.3)
– SB: 31/5 read and complete the text with the verbs abov
Enjoy your long weekend 🙂
LESSON 3 (23.1.2025)
– vocabulary: busy (zaneprázdněný), lucky (šťastný), day off (den volna), mind (mysl), sports ground (sportoviště), hope (doufat), share (sdílet), football match (fotbalový zápas)
– drills: 3, 7, 10, 11, 12, 4
– noodles: page 32 (3.2)
– SB: 30/2 read and complete the text with the verbs
Great talk 🙂
LESSON 2 (16.1.2025)
– vocabulary: improve (zlepšit), speak fluently (mluvit plynule), in public (na veřejnosti), sunrise x sunset (východ x západ slunce), probably (pravděpodobně), sparkling x still water (perlivá x neperlivá voda) + vocabulary from last lesson
– drills: 3, 7, 10, 11, 12, 4
– noodles: page 31 (3.1)
– SB: 30/2 read and complete the text with the verbs
Nice to meet you 🙂
LESSON 1 (9.1.2025)
– vocabulary: Greece, artificial, cheaper, mess, New Year´s resolutions, weekday, noon, sleepy, sunset, cottage, bungee jumping, swing, fairytales, carols, carp, salmon, sparkling water, fry, celebrate, traditional
– drills: 3, 7, 10, 11, 12, 4
Suplovaná hodina
Na příští hodinu bude potřeba učebnice a noodlebook, k vyzvednutí v kanceláři školy.
Thank you 🙂
LESSON 12 12.12.2024
Great final lesson!
- drills: 3, 7, 10, 11, 12, 4
- Christmas noodles Download here
- vocabulary revision – as (jako), manager (manažer/ředitel/vedoucí), company (společnost, např. obchodní/firma…), retired (být v důchodu), florist (květinář), nearly (skoro)
As I mentioned, you will have a new teacher since January, so thank you again for the whole trimester and I wish you only the best 🙂
LESSON 11 5.12.2024
Thank you for coming ladies!
- drills: 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12
- noodlebook 2.8
- vocabulary revision – flowerpot (květináč), front door (hlavní vchod), advent wreath (adventní věnec), haunt (strašit), flat (byt), sense (smysl, cit), doll (panenka), disgusting (odporný), lawyer (právník), nurse (zdravotní sestra), design (navrhovat)
- SB. p. 27/ex. 1 Look at the clocks. Write the times.
- SB. p. 27/ex. 4 Listen and draw the times on the clocks. (odkaz na poslech je v hlavičce HW page, poslech k tomuto cvičení je v čase 28:16 až 28:41)
- SB. p. 27/ex. 6 Listen and complete the conversations. (poslech najdete ve stejném videu jako u ex. 4, čas 28:45 až 29:42)
Have a great week 🙂
LESSON 10 28.11.2024
Nice seeing you all 🙂
- drills: 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12
- noodlebook 2.7
- vocabulary revision – competition (soutěž), nowadays (v současné době), sales (výprodej), likely (pravděpodobné), actor (herec), actress (herečka), flag (vlajka), thrilling (napínavé), story (příběh), It was about… (Bylo to o…), script (scénář)
- SB. p. 26/ex. 1 Match photos A-J with these jobs
- SB. p. 26/ex. 2 Complete the sentences in A with a job
- SB. p. 26/ex. 3 Complete the conversations with a job from exercise 1
See you next Thursday!
LESSON 9 21.11.2024
Funny lesson today, thank you 🙂
- drills: 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12
- noodlebook Fill-in 2.2
- vocabulary revision – nature (povaha), That’s a pity! (To je škoda!), lie (ležet), film director (režisér filmu)
- SB. p. 24 Read The Yanomami and the Amish + translate the words you don‘ understand
- SB. p. 24/ex. 2 In photos A-L find …
- SB. p. 24/ex. 3 Read the introductions to The Yanomami and the Amish. Write Y, A, or B (both)
See you next week!
LESSON 8 14.11.2024
Great lesson, you rock!
- drills: 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12
- noodlebook Fill-in 2.1
- vocabulary revision – ill (nemocný), sick (špatně od žaludku), shift (směna), Charles Bridge (Karlův most), sightseeing (chození po památkách), accountant (účetní), as (jako), come from (pocházet z), difficult (složitý, náročný), grammar (gramatika), haircuts (účesy), cab (taxík), corn (kukuřice), florist (květinář), cashier (pokladník), plumber (instalatér), soldier (voják), such as (jako např.), pipes (trubky)
- SB. p. 22/ex. 2 Read the information about Natalie Portman and Gareth Bale. Complete it with the words in the box.
- SB. p. 23/ex. 5 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct form
Have a nice weekend 🙂
LESSON 7 7.11.2024
Well done ladies! Great progress 🙂
- drills: 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12
- noodlebook 2.1
- vocabulary revision – hall (sál), drums (bubny), cello (violoncello), confident (sebevědomý/jistý), pleasant (příjemný), lovely (milý), city centre (centrum města), tomorrow (zítra), hairdresser (kadeřník/kadeřnice), spa (lázně)
- SB. p. 20/ex. 4 Complete the sentences.
- SB. p. 21/ex. 2 Complete the questions and answers about James.
See you next week!
LESSON 6 31.10.2024
Great job girls!
- drills: 0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 10
- noodlebook 1.12
- vocabulary revision – yesterday (včera), darling (miláček), social media (sociální sítě), sweetheart (zlatíčko), well (dobře), a day/per day (za den, denně), office (kancelář), colleagues (kolegové), stressed out (vystresovaný), all right (v pohodě), terrible (hrozný, strašný), underground (metro), France (Francie), What do you do? (Co děláš za práci?)
- SB. p. 20 Read James Stuart and Maggie Howell. Underline all the verbs in the text (is, comes, …). Translate the words you don’t understand.
- SB. p. 20/ex. 4 Complete the sentences.
See you next Thursday 🙂
LESSON 5 24.10.2024
Thank you for coming 🙂
- drills: 0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 10
- noodlebook 1.9
- vocabulary revision – national holiday (státní svátek), husband (manžel), member (člen; např. rodiny, klubu apod.), cousin (bratranec/sestřenice), retired (v důchodu), retirement (důchod/penze), abroad (v zahraničí), relationship (vztah), celebrate (slavit), neat (upravený/úhledný), need (potřeba), Thank goodness (Díky bohu), teddy bear (plyšový medvídek), basket (koš/košík), barefoot (bosý)
- Unit 1 Test Download here
- SB. p. 143 Grammar reference. Pre-study 2.1 Present Simple he, she, it.
- SB. p. 20 Read James Stuart and Maggie Howell. Underline all the verbs in the text (is, comes, …). Translate the words you don’t understand.
- SB. p. 20/ex. 4 Complete the sentences.
See you next week!
LESSON 4 17.10.2024
Super job ladies!
- drills: 0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 10
- noodlebook 1.7
- vocabulary revision – son (syn), law (zákon), cute (roztomilý), nice (milý), represent (zastupovat), trial (soudní řízení), court (soud), London Eye (Londýnské oko), double-decker (patrový autobus), expensive (drahý), interesting (zajímavé), difficult (těžké/náročné), fast (rychlé), weather (počasí), knee (koleno), nephew (synovec), niece (neteř)
- SB. p. 17/ex. 3 Look at the photos. Complete the conversations.
- SB. p. 18./ex. 2 Complete the blog about you.
Have a nice weekend 🙂
LESSON 3 10.10.2024
Nice seeing you!
- drills: 0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 10
- noodlebook 1.2
- vocabulary revision (column, west, lawyer, Hungary)
- SB. p. 15/ ex. 7 What is the opposite adjective?
See you next Thursday 🙂
LESSON 2 3.10.2024
Great lesson ladies!
- drills: 0, 1, 2, 3
- noodlebook 1.1
- vocabulary revision (fine, single, classmate, intelligently, shake hands, shirt, username, at, dot, fifth, mountain, stew, beef)
- SB. p. 12/ ex. 1 Look at the photos. Listen to and read about Jason Cole´s life and family
See you next time 🙂
LESSON 1 26.9.2024
Nice meeting you all 🙂
- drills: 0,1,2
- noodles Download here
- Vocabulary revision (elementary school, where, married, I am 10 years old, key)
- SB. p. 10/ex. 1 Read and listen. Practise the conversation.
See you next week!