Welcome to AZ9! 😀

Thursday 16.00-17.30
Room: 2
Student’s book: 
New Headway Intermediate 4th edition
Teacher: Bc. Kateřina Plšková, plskovakaterina@email.cz, 775 694 670 (SMS / Whatsapp)
If you won’t be able to attend the lesson, please contact me. Thank you!
Drilky / online web aplikace
VIDEA k procvičení gramatiky


LESSON 4 (30.1.2025)


– vocabulary:  school report (vysvědčení), flood (povodeň), opportunity (příležitost), silly (hloupé), get away and escape (uniknout)
– drills: 70, 71, 45, 46
– noodles: page 5 (9.3)
-SB: 73/ Do you have a social conscience? What would you do?

Keep up the good work 🙂


LESSON 3 (23.1.2025)


– vocabulary:  figure skating (krasobruslení), martial arts (bojové umění), posture (držení těla), prefer sth to sth (preferovat něco před něčím), give smb a life (někoho svézt autem), give smb a ring (zavolat někomu), miss a bus (zmeškat autous), board games (stolní hry), take out x repay a loan (vzít si x splatit půjčku), hand over (odevzdat), flee (uprchnout)
– drills:49, 55, 70, 71 and 45 (1st conditional) and 46 (2nd conditional)
– noodles: page 4 (9.2)

Nice lesson ladies 🙂


LESSON 2 (16.1.2025)


– vocabulary:  find out (zjistit), increase x decrease (zvýšit x snížit), properly (pořádně), to the fullest (naplno), willing (ochotný), habits (zvyky), cultivate (pěstovat)
– drills: 59, 69, 70, 55, 43, 49, 71 and 45 (1st conditional)
– noodles: page 3 (9.1)
– SB: 72/1 read the text and highlight unknown vocabulary

Nice to meet you 🙂


LESSON 1 (9.1.2025)


– vocabulary:  It´s been a while, cartoons, noon, carols, fairytales, church, morning, presents, artificial, pomfret, carefully, New Year´s resolutions, mutual, explore, fly
– drills: 59, 69, 70, 55, 43, 49, 71

Suplovaná hodina

Na příští hodinu bude potřeba učebnice a noodlebook, k vyzvednutí v kanceláři školy.

Thank you 🙂


LESSON 12 12.12.2024

Nice seeing you Sofie and Roman!


  • drills: 59, 69, 70, 55, 43, 49, 71
  • Christmas noodles Download here
  • vocabulary revision (tax, fireworks, sparkler, spark, huntsman, gamekeeper, torch (UK) x flashlight (USA) )

As I mentioned, you will have a new teacher since January, so thank you again for the whole trimester and I wish you only the best 🙂

LESSON 11 5.12.2024

Thank you for coming guys, great job 🙂


  • drills: 59, 69, 70, 55, 43, 49, 71
  • Christmas noodles Download here
  • vocabulary revision (powered by, advent wreath, cross-country skis, snake, engine, cut, bounce)
  • Unit 8 Test Download here

See you on Thursday!

LESSON 10 28.11.2024

Huge progress again, well done!


  • drills: 59, 69, 70, 55, 43, 49, 71
  • noodlebook 8.3 Download here
  • vocabulary revision (patch, swindle, fire engine, trail, field x pitch, playground, cubic metres, perspective)
  • Revise all highlighted words from Unit 8
  • Revise verb patterns (Grammar reference Unit 8 SB. p. 142 Verb patterns)

Have a nice week 🙂

LESSON 9 21.11.2024

Thank you for coming guys, we missed you Roman!


  • drills: 59, 69, 70, 55, 43, 49, 71
  • noodlebook 8.12. Download here
  • vocabulary revision (feelings, throw up, several, allowed, immediately, pitch, instead, hut, shed, fans, trial, make somebody do something, boiled, experience, expiration date)
  • SB. 69/ex. 4 Listen to a conversation and write down all different numbers you hear. What do they refer to?
  • SB. 69/ex. 5 Listen to another conversation and do the same again

See you next week 🙂

LESSON 8 14.11.2024

Nice seeing you Michal and Sofie 🙂


  • drills: 59, 69, 70, 55, 43, 49, 71
  • noodlebook 8.11 Download here
  • vocabulary revision (force, last, blow up, treat, fence, VAT = Value Added Tax)
  • SB. p. 66 Read Early years of Hannibal and Mao Zedong. Translate the words you don’t understand.
  • SB. p. 69/ex. 2 Listen to T8.9 and practise
  • SB. p.69/ex. 3 Find the numbers in the pictures and practise saying them.

Have a nice weekend!

LESSON 7 7.11.2024

Great job guys 🙂 We missed you Roman!


  • drills: 59, 69, 70, 55, 43, 49, 71
  • noodlebook Fill-in 8.3 Download here
  • vocabulary revision (play, increase, tend, disease, employee, employed, contain, go/drive around, made of, unsew, undo, smell, knock, muscles, huge, hug, knees, tongue, finger, nails, lips, pray)
  • SB. p. 68/ex. 4 Work out the meanings of idioms from context
  • SB. p. 68/ex. 5 Replace each idiom in ex. 4 with a literal meaning from the box

See you next time!

LESSON 6 31.10.2024

Thank you for coming, we missed you Michal!


  • drills: 59, 69, 70, 55, 43, 49, 71
  • noodlebook Fill-in 8.2 Download here
  • vocabulary revision (wallet, shovel, obstacle, passenger, depth, toothpick)
  • SB. p. 65/ex. 3 Listen to Jodie, Gavin, and Melissa talking about their phobias
  • SB. p. 68/ex. 2 Translate the words.

See you next week 🙂

LESSON 5 24.10.2024

Nice seeing all of you 🙂 You rock!


  • drills: 59, 69, 70, 55, 43, 49, 71
  • noodlebook 8.5 Download here
  • vocabulary revision (structural analyst, luckily, + highlighted words from e-mails in SB. p. 62)
  • SB. p. 64/ex. 1 Complete Kate’s phone conversation with her mother
  • SB. p. 65/ex. 1 What are typical phobias that people have? Make a list. Are you afraid of anything?
  • SB. p. 65/ex. 2 Match the phobias in the chart with their definitions.

Thank you for your hard work 🙂 See you next lesson!

LESSON 4 17.10.2024

Thank you for coming Roman and Sofie, great job!


  • drills: 59, 69, 70, 55, 43, 49, 71
  • noodlebook Fill-in 8.1  Download here
  • vocabulary revision (carve, sick x ill, rake, leaves, courgette (UK) x zucchini (USA), cinnamon, trick-or-treating, bunk bed)
  • Study more verb patterns at the end of the book or you can take a look here
  • SB. p. 62/ex. 1 Read the e-mails. Underline verb patterns. Translate the words you don’t understand.
  • SB. p. 63/ex. 2 Read the sentences. Which verbs or phrases can fill the gaps.

Thank you and see you next week 🙂

LESSON 3 10.10. 2024

Nice to see all of you!


  • drills: 59, 69, 70, 55, 43, 49
  • Autumn Noodles Download here
  • vocabulary revision (campfire, pick up, hang up, takeaway food, me neither, flavor, last year, racket, propose, bathhouse, get a divorce, get along, whatever)
  • UNIT 7 TEST Download here
  • SB. p. 62/ex. 1 Read first two e-mails. Translate the words, you do not understand.

See you next Thursday 🙂

LESSON 2 3.10.2024

Good job guys!


  • drills: 59, 69, 70, 55, 43, 49
  • noodles Download here
  • vocabulary revision (connect, current, table tennis, magazine, fever, affected, honor, regularly, shadow, self-tanning) + vocabulary from the listening (p. 126/ T 7.7)
  • SB. p. 61/ ex. Translate the phrases

See you next time 🙂

LESSON 1 26.9.2024

Nice seeing you all after this summer 🙂


  • drills: 59, 69, 70, 85, 55, 43, 39, 42, 49
  • Fill-in Present perfect simple/continuous Download here
  • written revision (floods, library, ridiculous, cheat, just, sunburned, balcony, honest, lotion, cough, cold)
  • SB. p. 60 Revise the words from ex. 1

See you next week!

LESSON 12 27.6.2024

Thank you for coming Magda and Roman 🙂


– drills: 59, 69, 70, 85, 55, 43, 39, 42, 49

– Summer Noodles Download here

– written revision: (fever, flu, charity, missed call, sunbathe)

– SB. p. 60/ex. 2 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets

Thank you again for your work! Enjoy your summer and I will see all four of you in september 🙂


LESSON 11 20.6.2024

Nice seeing you Magda, we missed you Roman!


– drills: 59, 69, 70, 85, 55, 43, 39, 42, 49

– Fill-in Present perfect simple/continuous Download here

– oral revision: foreigner, contract, per, work related, tent, repair + words from lesson 9

– SB. p. 60/ex.1 translate the verbs ; read Julia and Paul + listen – What are their passions?

Thank you for your hard work, we will see each other next week 🙂


LESSON 10 13.6.2024

Thank you for coming Michal and Magda 🙂


– drills: 59, 69, 70, 85, 55, 43, 39, 42, 49

– Fill-in Download here

– oral revision: contract, per, work related, tent, repair + words from the last week

– SB. p. 60/ex.1 translate the verbs ; read Julia and Paul + listen – What are their passions?

See you next lesson 🙂



LESSON 9 6.6.2024

Thank you for coming, nice meeting you!


– drills: 59, 69, 70, 85, 55, 43

– Noodles Download here

– written revision: (phrase book, sing x song, much x many, morning person, period of time, advise x advice, flute, depart, departures, hostel, trip, domestic, visa)

– SB. p. 60/ex.1 translate the verbs ; read Julia and Paul + listen – What are their passions?

See you next week!


Lesson 5  09,05,24

Tanja and Roman thx for coming guys!
Words—- Passionate, to inspire, Style, Couple of=a few, Nurse, X-Ray, Packed, Urgent, To advise, plaster, make an  appointment.

Lesson 4   02,05,24

LESSON 2  18.04.2024 and  LESSON 3 25.04.2024

– Drills:  59,  69, 70, 85

Sorry for little info, I have been really busy.

Love u :3

LESSON 1  11.04.2024

Thanks for the great start guys!

– The words: DECADE=10 let, CENTURY/AGE=100 let, MILLENIUM=1000 let, TO GIVE A LIFT=podvezt-svezt někoho, POISON x POTION, BUN= bulka.

I want us to write  a test from the last 2 lessons.

https://test-english.com/grammar-points/b1/during-for-while/                      I want you to take a look at this. It will be your homework.

https://test-english.com/listening/b1/humans-mars-listening-test/            THIS ONE is a bit harder video to watch. It’s short but really interesting. It’s about Mars.

See you next week! And thanks for coming once again 😀


 https://hdtoday.tv/tv/watch-adventure-time-hd-39381   THE WEBSITE with films.


!!!  Hello my dears 🙂 So, there was a some kind of a bug on the website(maybe) so everything I put here starting  from 21.03 is gone 🙁 Idk why and how. But for instance
we had had all our 12 lessons, so the next one on April 11th is the start of new trimester.
LESSON 11   28.03.2024 
LESSON 12 04.04.2024

the words I need you to revise– A FEW=několik, mnoho, REGARDING=týkajicí se, EVERZ NOW AND THEN=pořád, APPROVED=dovolený, IN THE FIRST PLACE= zaprve, A LACK OF STH.= nedostatek něčeho, TO FACE= čelit, TO CLIMB= šplhat, OVER AND OVER= pořad do kola, GO NUTS=GO BANANAS= zbláznit, CHEETING DAY=CHEAT DAY=podváděcí den, TO FIND OUT=zjistit. EXASPERATING>ANNOYING>IRRITATING=otravný, TO SHOW DISRESPECT=projevit neúctu

Lesson 10   21.03.24

Thanks for Coming Roman and Magda.
 Drills: 59,  69, 70, 85
–  this noodles

I will ask you to watch the things we talked about on youtube with subtitles.

Lesson  9 14.03.24

 Drills: 59,  69, 70, 85
–  this noodles

On our next lesson I’d like us to have some heavy work with the book so be ready. And be ready for vocabulary test- not only from the words from our lessons, but also some general vocabulary.(note: have a look on the papers we have been working on so far.)

See you on Thursday!

Lesson 8 29.02.24

 Drills: 59,  69, 70, 85
-Noodles; this one  I will ask you to make your own question for your friends using the phrasal verbs from this noodles
UNIT 6 page 50, 51 Each of you is reading your part and we will continue on the next lesson.


Lesson 7 22.02.24

Thanks for coming everyone!

 Drills: 59, 65, 69, 70, 85  

-Noodles; this one  the same as we all know why

UNIT 6 page 48, ex. 4 and 5 the same
I will add the videos later today 🙂

The videos to watch  
1.Roman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZExGV6jSuBw   this video is about the history of microwave it is really hard but I believe in you. Write down expressions and words you don’t know, and share with us. If you  are interested you can check out Tanya’s video as well
2.Michal and Magda  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tn4UDk77Br4 watch this video of Peppa Pig. Write down expressions and words you don’t know, and share with us.
3.Tanya  https://hdtodaytv.nl/watch/adventure-time-0r1pr/1-1    here you will find one of the greatest TV series for learning english. Watch 1 episode of 1 seaseon.


Have a great week!

Lesson 6 15.02.24 Thanks for showing up guys!

 Drills: 59, 65, 69, 70, 85  they are still the same we have to push it a bit harder 🙂

-Noodles; this one

VOCAB: SIGHTSEEING=prohlídka, AFRAID=SCARED, TO OVERCOME=překonat, TO TAKE OFF=vzletět, TO LAND=přistát, BACKPACK=batoh,  SUITCASE=kufr,  TO SPILL=rozlit, WEIGHT=váha, HEIGHT=výška

EXTRA ACTIVITY============ If you got some spare time please watch this video, and share your experience with that particular topic.  just copy paste the ling in browser.

nothing special from the book for this week. UNIT 6 page 48, ex. 4 and 5 Just have a look at the exercises, no need to write down, we will discuss them during the lesson.

Have a great week guys!



Lesson 5 08.02.24 

 Thank you ALL for coming!!!
So, be ready for the test from all the vocab we did. I mean ALL 🙂
 Drills: 59, 65, 69, 70, 85

Noodles: this one please

Vocabulary:FRIDGE=lednice, BRICK=cihla, FALL OFF=spadnout, GIRAFFE=animal with loooong neck,  INTERNATIONAL=mezinárodní, TO CONCERN=týkat se, DECADE=10 let, SIGHT=ability to see, REGAIN=získat zpatky,                 BORING=nudný, CROWD=tolpa. TEMPTING=lákavý, AD=reklama. JOKE=vtip.



Lesson 4 01.02.24

Tatyana thanks for coming 🙂

Guys what we need to do is start having some progress, I would love to see you all on our next lesson. We will be having an extra thing or 12 to do (hehehe).

Vocabulary: PART-TIME JOB=práce na částeční úvazek, PROGRAMMING=programování, SIMULTANEOUSLY=IN THE SAME TIME=zároveň, TO TAKE ???  time/10min, 5 days, years/=LAST=trvat, TO SUGGEST=navrhnout, TO PASS=složit, TO OMIT=LEAVE OUT=vynechat,  IN PARTICULAR=zejména, SITE=LOCATION=místo, GOOSE SKIN=husí kůže, TO GET RID OFF SOMETHING=odstranit, zbavit se.

 Drills: 59, 65, 69, 70, 85 

Noodles: the same as for last lesson(if something is too hard or is not understandable DONT DO IT, we will have a look together)


Copy the link and have a look pls.
That’s it guys. Thanks and see you on Thursday.



Lesson 3       25.01.24

Thanks for the great job with Zuzana!

 Drills: 59, 65, 69, 70, 85 (practice them a lot)

Noodles: download here

Guys please revise the new phrases which you  did with Zuzana and impress me with what you have learned. Here you have some noodles which I borrowed from her as well 🙂 Have a look and be ready for practice. I highly recommend you revise all the tenses which you have already learned(Present simple/continuous, Past simple/continuous, Future simple, Present perfect), cause we are going to learn a new one next week.

Have a great weak! 



Lesson 2        18.01.24

Thanks for coming guys Roman and Magda!

 Drills: 59, 65, 69, 70, 85 (practice them a lot)

Noodles: 6.1 page 15, try to translate the sentences so that you are ready for conversation on that topic.

As we didn’t do much so homework and everything is the same.
Here in the link below you can find useful exercise to practice PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS just copy the link and give it a shot.


See you!



Lesson 1      11,01,24

Thanks for the awesome great lesson, I really enjoyed that 🙂 And guys if you have seen this particular  homework letter before this moment, so just know I’ve changed some parts in it. The most important thing is that we are done with Unit 5. If you already read the text about Future so we can discuss it later on our lesson.

Drills: 59, 65, 69, 70, 85 (practice them a lot)

Noodles: 6.1 page 15, try to translate the sentences so that you are ready for conversation on that topic.

Vocabulary: A LONG AGO=dávno, SPHERE=sféra, INTERNATIONAL=mezinárodní, FOREIGNER=cizinec, FASTEN THE BELT= the car seatbelt thing you know, ALIKE=podobný, SOCKS=ponožky, SHIRT=košile, HELPLESS=bezmocný, MAINTENANCE=provozování, EXCLAMATION MARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, TO BEHAVE= Chovat se, OVERSLEEP=zaspat, SUSTAINABLE=trvale udržitelný, TO MAINTAIN=udržovat,vydržovat, GET BETTER=zlepšit se, IT WORKS FOR ME= vyhovuje mi to, EXHAUSTED= mooc unavený, IRRITATED=dražděný.

HOMEWORK: Revise the vocab from last lesson pls, we will write short test again so be ready. Have a look at excercise 1, page 46 (New headway book)(and you can highlight the words you don’t know yet), and the noodles as mentioned above (6.1 page 15)

Have a great week!!!


Lesson 12      14. December 2023

Thanks Magda, Táňa and Michal for coming in today!

– Drills: 59, 65, 69, 70, 85

– Noodles: Winter noodles (download here)

– Vocabulary: married couple = manželský pár ; ATM = bankomat ; indecisive = nerozhodný ; oversleep = zaspat ; bus station = autobusová zastávka ; Christmas Eve = Štědrý večer ; Christmas markets = vánoční trhy ; steal = krást ; offer = nabídka ; order = objednávka ; flight = let ; boards = hranice ; identity card = občanský průkaz ; expired = s prošlou platností ; shift = směna ; work round the clock = pracovat bez přestávky ; estate agent = realitní makléř ; for ages = už roky ; Fingers crossed. = Držím palce. ; It suits me. = Vyhovuje mi to. ; Hang on. = Vydrž. ; It is out for me. = To mi nepasuje. ; Shoot! = Sakra! ; Long time no see. = Dlouho jsme se neviděli. ; diary = diář ; fined = pokutován ; helpless = bezmocný ; stamp a foot = podupávat nohou (netrpělivě, nervózně) ; subconciously = podvědomě ; aloud = nahlas ; to improve = zlepšit se ; sustainable = udržitelný

Enjoy your Christmas time and Happy New year!



Lesson 11      7. December 2023

Thanks Magda for coming today!

– Drills: 59, 65, 69, 70, 85

– Noodles: Christmas noodles (download here)

– Vocabulary: bus station = autobusová zastávka ; Christmas Eve = Štědrý večer ; Christmas markets = vánoční trhy ; steal = krást ; offer = nabídka ; order = objednávka ; flight = let ; boards = hranice ; identity card = občanský průkaz ; expired = s prošlou platností ; shift = směna ; work round the clock = pracovat bez přestávky ; estate agent = realitní makléř ; for ages = už roky ; Fingers crossed. = Držím palce. ; It suits me. = Vyhovuje mi to. ; Hang on. = Vydrž. ; It is out for me. = To mi nepasuje. ; Shoot! = Sakra! ; Long time no see. = Dlouho jsme se neviděli. ; diary = diář ; fined = pokutován ; helpless = bezmocný ; stamp a foot = podupávat nohou (netrpělivě, nervózně) ; subconciously = podvědomě ; aloud = nahlas ; to improve = zlepšit se ; sustainable = udržitelný

As it is our last lesson next week, we won’t write any tests :)

Have a nice week!



Lesson 10     30. November 2023

Thanks Roman, Michal and Táňa for coming!

– Drills: 59, 65, 69, 70, 85

– Noodles: download here

– Vocabulary: flight = let ; boards = hranice ; identity card = občanský průkaz ; expired = s prošlou platností ; shift = směna ; work round the clock = pracovat bez přestávky ; estate agent = realitní makléř ; for ages = už roky ; Fingers crossed. = Držím palce. ; It suits me. = Vyhovuje mi to. ; Hang on. = Vydrž. ; It is out for me. = To mi nepasuje. ; Shoot! = Sakra! ; Long time no see. = Dlouho jsme se neviděli. ; diary = diář ; fined = pokutován ; helpless = bezmocný ; stamp a foot = podupávat nohou (netrpělivě, nervózně) ; subconciously = podvědomě ; aloud = nahlas ; to improve = zlepšit se ; sustainable = udržitelný

– SB pg. 45/1, 2 – listen to the conversations and fill in the missing info

Have a nice week!



Lesson 9       23. November 2023

Thanks Roman and Michal for joining our class today!

– Drills: 59, 65, 69, 70 + new drill: 85

– Fill-in: download here

– Vocabulary: helpless = bezmocný ; pan = pánev ; stamp a foot = podupávat nohou (netrpělivě, nervózně) ; fined = pokutován ; subconciously = podvědomě ; soft = měkký ; sustainable = udržitelný ; zodiac sign = znamení zvěrokruhu ; decision = rozhodnutí ; regret = litovat ; clumsy = nešikovný ; exhausting = vyčerpávající ; council = zastupitelstvo ; to improve = zlepšit se ; to teach x to learn x to study = učit (někoho) x učit se (nezáměrně) x učit se (záměrně, studovat) ; aloud = nahlas ; effort = nadšení ; to be afraid = bát se, mít strach

– SB pg. 45/1, 2 – listen to the conversations and fill in the missing info

Have a nice week!



Lesson 8       16. November 2023

Suplovaná hodina

– Drills: 57, 59, 65, 69, 70

– Fill-in: 5.6 (download here)

– Vocabulary: sustainable = udržitelný ; to work remotely = pracovat na dálku ; zodiac sign = znamení zvěrokruhu ; decision = rozhodnutí ; regret = litovat ; clumsy = nešikovný ; exhausting = vyčerpávající ; council = zastupitelstvo ; to improve = zlepšit se ; building permit = stavební povolení ; to teach x to learn x to study = učit (někoho) x učit se (nezáměrně) x učit se (záměrně, studovat) ; native speaker = rodilý mluvčí ; government = vláda ; invent = vynalézt, vymyslet ; aloud = nahlas ; goal = cíl ; for free = zadarmo ; effort = nadšení ; to be afraid = bát se, mít strach

– State and active verbs: taste, smell, have, see, thing, be (can be both), understand, love, like, hate (can’t be both)

Have a nice week!



Lesson 7        9. November 2023

Thank you all for coming today!

– Drills: 57, 59, 65, 69, 70

– Fill-in: 11.2 (download here)

– Vocabulary: exhausting = vyčerpávající ; council = zastupitelstvo ; improve = zlepšit se ; warm = teplo ; building permit = stavební povolení ; I think so./I think not. = Myslím si, nemyslím si. ; to teach = učit (někoho) ; native speaker = rodilý mluvčí ; possible/impossible = možné/nemožné ; government = vláda ; it happens = stává se ; invent = vynalézt, vymyslet ; aloud = nahlas ; goal = cíl ; effort = nadšení ; for free = zdarma ; to be afraid = bát se, mít strach

– Grammar spot: SUFFIXES AND PREFIXES (download here)

Have a nice week!



Lesson 6        2. November 2023

Suplovaná hodina

– Drills: 57, 59, 65, 69, 70

– Fill-in: 5.2 (download here) – opakování budoucích časů + druhá polovina fill-in 5.5 z minulé lekce

– Vocabulary: to teach = učit (někoho) ; native speaker = rodilý mluvčí ; possible/impossible = možné/nemožné ; government = vláda ; it happens = stává se ; invent = vynalézt, vymyslet ; aloud = nahlas ; goal = cíl ; effort = nadšení ; for free = zdarma ; to be afraid = bát se, mít strach + revise the vocabulary from last lesson as well!

– Grammar spot: SUFFIXES AND PREFIXES (download here)

Have a nice week!



Lesson 5        26. October 2023

Thanks Tanja for joining today!

– Drills: 57, 59, 65, 69, 70

– Fill-in: 5.5 (download here)

– Vocabulary: to teach = učit (někoho) ; native speaker = rodilý mluvčí ; possible/impossible = možné/nemožné ; government = vláda ; it happens = stává se ; invent = vynalézt, vymyslet ; aloud = nahlas ; goal = cíl ; effort = nadšení ; for free = zdarma ; to be afraid = bát se, mít strach + revise the vocabulary from last lesson as well!

– SB pg. 40/ex. 6 – fill-in the gaps with I think … will and then match column A to B

– SB pg. 40/ex. 7 – fill in the gaps with I don’t think … will and match numbers from column A with sentences in column C

Have a nice week!



Lesson 4        19. October 2023

Suplovaná hodina (nemoc)

– Drills: 57, 59, 65, 69, 70

– Fill-in: 5.5 (download here)

– Vocabulary: adviser = poradce ; knife= nůž ; artificial intelligence = umělá inteligence ; grasshopper = luční koník ; worm = červ ; average = průměrný ; wage = mzda ; mayor = starosta ; cookery course = kuchařský kurz ; Someone I know, but not a friend of mine. = Někdo, koho znám, ale není to můj přítel. ; duty = povinnost, služba ; strange= cizí, divný ; prawn/shrimp = kreveta ; oysters = ústřice

– Příští hodina proběhne on-line přes MS Teams a zopakujeme si v ní tuto slovní zásobu!

Have a nice week!



Lesson 3        12. October 2023

Thank you, ladies, for coming!

– Drills: 57, 59, 65, 69, 70

– Noodles: 5.4 (download here)

– Vocabulary: partly cloudy = částečně zataženo ; flooding = záplavy ; isles = ostrovy ; city council = městský úřad ; thunderstorm = hromobití ; prolonged = prodloužený ; the rest of = zbytek ; mostly sunny = většinou slunečno ; affected = zasažený ; lead to = věst k něčemu ; damage = poškození ; overnight = během noci, přes noc ; forming rapidly = rychle se tvořící ; throughout = napříč ; towards = směrem k ; similar = podobný ; coast = pobřeží ; might = možná

– Revise the vocabulary from SB pg. 123/T 5.4

See you all next week!



Lesson 2        5. October 2023

Thank you for coming!

– Drills: 57, 59, 65, 69, 70

– Noodles: 5.3 (download here)

– Vocabulary: stroller = kočárek ; alike = podobný ; rules = pravidla ; want to = chtít ; politician = politik ; autumn (BrE) x fall (AmE) = podzim ; smelly = smradlavý ; racoon = mýval + WEATHER VOCABULARY: thunder = hrom ; lightning = blesk ; snowflake = sněhová vločka ; foggy = zamlženo ; downpour = liják ; rainfall = průtrž ; drizzle = mrholení ; degrees = stupně (Celsia) ; hail = kroupy ; hot = horko ; cold = chladno ; warm = teplo ; windy = větrno ; sunny = slunečno ; cloudy = oblačno ; rainy = deštivo ; storm = bouřka ; hurricane = hurikán ; heatwave = vlna veder ; freezing = mrazivo ; snowing = sněžení ; temperature = teplota ; forecast = předpověď ; breeze = vánek ; rainbow = duha ; drought = sucho

– SB pg. 123/T 5.4 – look at the tapescript at the back of your book and mark unknown vocabulary

See you all next week!



Lesson 1         21. September 2023

Thank you all for coming today!

– Drills: 57, 59, 65, 69, 70

– Noodles: 5.2 (download here)

– Vocabulary: stroller = kočárek ; alike = podobný ; rules = pravidla, zásady ; want to = chtít něco udělat ; politician = politik + revise the vocabulary from last two lessons

– SB pg. 40/ex. 3 – listen, translate the words you don’t understand + do the exercise

See you next week!
