
Course date: Thursday 16:00 – 17:30, room 3
Book: New Headway Intermediate 5th edition
Teacher: Karolina Juračková (, 774249732 )

DRILY – info

Datumář: HERE! 

LESSON 10, 28.11.2024
– vocabulary:
to pour (na/sypat), frazzled (vyčerpaný), likely/probable (pravděpodobný), a bargain (výhodná koupě), municipality (zastupitelstvo), a supervisory board (dozorčí rada), a supervisory commitee (dozorčí výbor), a general assembly (valné shromáždění), head (vedení), board (předstasvenstvo)
– „wish“ sentences explanation – APOLOGY – with the „past wish“ there is not „have done/been“, but „had done/been“… 🙁 (e.g. I wish I had travelled more in the past because I can’t travel anymore). I made a mistake and I’m really sorry (mother’s brain…). Please, check the grammar here: or here:

Homework for 5.12.2024
Drills: 70, 55, 62, 49, 46, 44, 72, 85, 47
Vocabulary revision: p. 32-36 (new words: to run (řídit, vést), an advertising agency (reklamní agentura), to commute (dojíždět), stuff (věci), honest (upřímný, čestný), to drag (přinutit, táhnout), a kit (sada), occasionally (příležitostně), rubbish (špatný), a step (schod, krok), escalators, a lift (výtah), miserably (neštěstně), to face (čelit)
NB: List 3.10
SB: p. 37, ex. 2 (AUDIO) 
– p. 37/Spoken English: read and do ex. 2
– p. 38, ex. 1, 2

Alright. Have an excellent week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 9, 21.11.2024
– vocabulary:
to pour (lít), a boar (divočák), curious (zvědavý), a forecast (předpověď), an individual (jedinec), lowland (nížina), to grunt (chrochtat), a pleasure (zalíbení), to occur (stát se, nastat), an occurrence (výskyt), fuss (zbytečný povyk), a rivalry (rivalita), to blame (svést, obvinit), livelihood (živobytí)
Bojovat zuby nehty: fight tooth and nail (bránit se zuby nehty jsem nenašla, bohužel)
– there is a small difference in „wish“ constructions I was talking about, I’m sorry about that. You can have a look at it here: I’ll address this next week.

Homework for 28.11.2024
Drills: 70, 55, 62, 49, 46, 44, 72, 85, 47
Vocabulary revision: p. 32-36
NB: List 3.9
SB: p. 36, ex. 5
– p. 37, ex. 2 (AUDIO) 
– p. 37/Spoken English: read and do ex. 2

Nice! Have a brilliant week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 8, 14.11.2024
– vocabulary:
under pressure (pod tlakem), a surgeon (chirurg), a surgery (operace), a loan (půjčka), a probation period (zkušební doba), to interfere/intervene (zasáhnout), a peace of mind (klid duše), previous (předchozí), a notice period (výpovědní lhůta)

Homework for 21.11.2024
Drills: 70, 55, 62, 49, 46, 44, 72, 85, 47
Vocabulary revision: p. 32-36
NB: List 3.8 (page 38)
SB: p. 36, ex. 3, 4, 5
– p. 37, ex. 2 (AUDIO)

Good job. Have a fabulous week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 7, 7.11.2024
– vocabulary:
funds ((finanční) zdroje, prostředky), a fund (fond, rezervy), funding (financování, finanční zdroje), to donate (darovat), a donation (dar, příspěvek), to contribute (přispět), a state-funded institution (příspěvková organizace), a sick/maternity/paternity leave (nemocenská/mateřská/otcovská dovolená), casual/common (běžný), for sure (jistě, určitě), indeed (vskutku), mentally (psychicky), confident (sebevědomý), a rest (zbytek), to survive (přežít), to consider (zvažovat), by chance (náhodou), to manage (zvládnout)

Homework for 14.11.2024
Drills: 70, 55, 62, 49, 46, 44, 72, 85, 47
Vocabulary revision: p. 32-36 (new words: a pay cut (snížení platu), a staff (personál), minimum wage (minimální mzda), a dozen (tucet), an industrial estate (průmyslová zóna), to sip (usrknout), a sip (hlt, doušek), to take a seat (posadit se), a latecomer (pozdě příchozí), unkempt (neupravený), trainers (tenisky), to announce (oznámit), greedy (chamtivý), inequality (nerovnost), a lunatic (šílenec), to lessen (snížit), a sales rep. (obchodní zástupce), to increase (zvýšit), vitally important (životně důležitý), a tear (slza), to triple (ztrojnásobit), rare (vzácný), , a choir (sbor), to knit (plést), to sew (šít), immediate (okamžitý), immediately (okamžitě), violent criticism (drsná kritika))
NB: List 3.7 (page 37)
SB: p. 36, ex. 3, 4, 5
Video: watch this video (1:43-4:20) and answer these questions:
– What is Cornwall famous for?
– What can you do at the beach?
– What is the most dangerous job in the UK? Why?

Well done. Have a gorgeous week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 6, 31.10.2024
– vocabulary:
clearly (jasně), to hold (vydržet), to shorten (zkrátit), in advance (před(em)), to imagine (představit si), imagination (představivost), an idea/image (představa), an interviewer (tazatel), an interviewee (dotazovaný), ambitious (cílevědomý), responsible (zodpovědný), to avoid (vyhnout se)

Homework for 7.11.2024
Drills: 70, 55, 62, 49, 46, 44, 72, 85  +  47 (zopakovat)
Vocabulary revision: p. 32-35 (new words: dull (nudný, hloupý, tupý), on the move, calm, especially (hlavně), triplets (trojčata), environment (prostředí), to suit (padnout), fascinated, a downside (nevýhoda, zápor), thrilling (vzrušující), workaholic, to retire (odejít do důchodu), glamorous (úchvatný), thrill (vzrušení))
NB: Fill-in 3.3 (page 44) – ATTENTION: fill in the verbs in PAST simple or continuous
SB: p. 35, ex. 6 (match the words, then find them in the article)
– p. 36, ex. 2
Video: watch this video (1:43-4:20) and answer these questions:
– What is Cornwall famous for?
– What can you do at the beach?
– What is the most dangerous job in the UK? Why?

Good. Have a thrilling week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 5, 24.10.2024
– vocabulary:
favoritism (protekce), apply for (ucházet se o), underestimate (podcenit), overestimate (přecenit), successor (následovník), join (přidat se), advert (inzerát), qualification (kvalifikace), expect (očekávat), current (současný), gestures (gesta, gestikulace), dismissals (propouštění), dismissed (propuštěný), be fed up with (mít po krk)

Homework for 31.10.2024
Drills: 70, 55, 62, 49, 46, 44, 72, 85  +  47 (zopakovat)
Vocabulary revision: p. 32-33 (new words: workforce (pracovní síla), employer (zaměstnavatel), less (méně), household (domácnost))
NB: List 3.3 (page 33)
SB: p. 33, ex. 3, 4 (AUDIO)
– p. 35, ex. 6 (match the words, then find them in the article)

Well done. Have a fantastic week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 4, 17.10.2024
– you did:
prepositions revision

Homework for 24.10.2024
Drills: 70, 55, 62, 49, 46, 44, 72, 85  +  47 (zopakovat)
Vocabulary revision: p. 32-33
NB: Fill-in 3.1 (page 43)
SB: p. 33, ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (AUDIO)

Have a great week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 3, 10.10.2024
progress (postup), delight (potěšení, radost), delighted (potěšený, rád), delightful (příjemný, nádherný), passion (vášeň), pleasure (radost), alarm clock (budík), funfair/amusement park (zábavní park), rely on (spoléhat se na), edible (poživatelný), delay (zpožděný), subject (předmět ve škole), upcoming (nadcházející), tear (roztrhnout, natrhnout), ligament (vaz), pocket money (kapesné)

Homework for 17.10.2024
Drills: 70, 55, 62, 49, 46, 44, 72, 85  +  47 (zopakovat)
Vocabulary revision: p. 32-33 (to mean (myslet, znamenat), a filling (náplň-plomba), to agree (souhlasit), to disagree (nesouhlasit), to owe (dlužit), avarage (průměr, průměrný), lifetime (celý život), workforce (pracovní síla), tax (daň))
NB: Fill-in 3.1 (page 43)
SB: p. 33, ex. 1, 2, 3, 4 (AUDIO)

Nice! Have a splendid week and see you next time. Yours, Carol


LESSON 2, 3.10.2024
relatively (poměrně), to speak to sook (zakřiknout), to figure out (přijít na, vymyslet (hovor.)), the head of (vedoucí, ředitel, šéf), a housewarming party (kolaudační oslava), to improve/to get better (zlepšit se), a wage (mzda), a salary (plat), a carafe (karafa), to announce (oznámit), an announcement (oznámení), an income (příjem), current (současný), a quote (citát), punctual (dochvilný), to dedicate (věnovat)

Homework for 10.10.2024
Drills: 70, 55, 62, 49, 46, 44, 72, 85
Vocabulary revision: new words from last lesson
NB: Fill-in 3.2 (page 43)
SB: p. 32, ex. 6 (from last week)
– p. 33, ex. 1 and 2

Alright! Have a wonderful week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 1, 26.9.2024
instead of (namísto), to quit (skončit), quiet (tichý), quite (docela), previous (předchozí), a lawn mower/grass-cutter (sekačka), to enrich (obohatit), immediate (bezprostřední, přímý), extended (rozšířený), a spread (pomazánka), to join (přidat se), an amount (množství), ridiculous (směšný)

Homework for 3.10.2024
Drills: 70, 55, 62, 49, 46, 44, 72, 85
NB: List 3.6
SB: p. 32, ex. 5 and 6 (from last week)
– p. 33, ex. 1 and 2

Welcome, everybody, to the new trimester and welcome, L’ubo, to our group. Have a fantastic week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

20th June

attend, oblique, pitched, creatures, mayor vs. major

1) drills: 70, 55, 62, 49, 46, 44, 72, 85
2) Noodles 3.6
3) + we will continue with last week’s homework from student’s book

Thank you and see you again next week



13th June

Hello everyone, it turned out Jerry would be the only one to come to the lesson on 13th June. So we’ve decided we will substitute the lesson in the future. At this moment, we have two lessons to cover 🙂 + The homework stays the same 

+ I finally found the vocabulary:
amount, ridiculous, silly, to be on good terms, complain about, estimate, mechanic, judge, gender, certainly, pay attention, that’s why, retain water, retention, intention, fulfilled, increase, decrease, board of directors, situated/located

+ I found a note to attach links to dictionaries I spoke about in the lesson. I added it below links from Karol 🙂

Lesson 8 – 6th June (still 1 lesson to sub)

1) drills: 70, 55, 62, 49, 46, 44, 72, 85
2) Noodles 3.5
3) Student’s book page 32 exercise 5 and 6 (from last week) + page 33 exercise 1 and 2

I am sorry for no vocabulary from this lesson 🙁 I don’t know where I’ve put the paper, hopefully I will find it soon and add it.



Lesson 7 – 30th May (still 1 lesson to sub)

anticipate, suppose, expect, apart from, don’t bother me, would you mind, to be in charge

1) drills  70, 55, 62, 49, 46, 44, 72, 85
2) Noodles 3.4
3) Student’s book page 32 exercise 3, 5 and 6

Thank you and see you again next week


Lesson 6 – 23rd May (we have 1 lesson to substitute)

for as long as I remember, acquaintance, tricky

1) drills  70, 55, 62, 49, 46, 44, 72 + state and dynamic verbs
2) Noodles (sorry I don’t have the noodles with me at home, I will post the number on Monday or if you want to do it during the weekend it’s connected to page 31 and reading about Gary Rudd)
3) SB p. 32 / do exercise 1 – listen and match people with their jobs

Thank you and see you again soon


Lesson 5, 9th May

Amazing conversations today! Loved it 🙂

– drills: 70, 55, 62, 49, 46, 44, 72

– noodles: 3.2 – State and activity verbs

– vocabulary: revise the words from last lesson + vaccine, AM x PM, In advance x Advantage, wood trunk, current, Used to x Got used to it, Fear x Scary x Afraid, consider, bitter

– SB p. 31 – read the article about Gary Rudd, translate the words you don’t know + do exercise 1

– SB p. 32 / do exercise 3 + exercise 5

Enjoy the next lesson!


Lesson 3, 25th April

Good job today guys 🙂

– drills: 70, 55, 62, 49, 46, 44, 72

– fill in: download here

– vocabulary: revise the words from last lesson + new (mayor x major, corporation x company, full x fulfilled, passive income)

– SB p. 31 – study the Grammar Spot

– SB p. 31 – read the article about Gary Rudd, translate the words you don’t know + do exercise 1

Enjoy your next lesson!


Lesson 2, 18th April

If you can’t come to the lesson on April 25th please let my colleague Blanka know: 734 547 742

check-up, to get used to sth, convenient, in a row, postpone, talk someone out of sth, smooth delivery (hladký porod), maternity hospital, maternity leave, to know by sight, convinced, adjust, recognize, tick

1) drills: 70, 55, 62, 49, 46, 44, 72
2) Noodles 3.1
3) learn vocabulary
4) Student’s book page 30 – listen to the listening 3.2 again and summarize the questions in exercise 3 + page 31 exercise 1 – read the interview and complete the exercise

Thank you and enjoy the lesson with my colleague 🙂


Lesson 1, 11th April

needles, anthill, ant, conscience, my choices are limited, tooth cavities, dizzy, fear, morgue

1) we did drills: 70, 55, 62, 49, 46, 44, 72
2) Noodles: 3.?? (Please do Noodles connected to the listening we did in the lesson: Listening 3.2)
3) Student’s book page 30 – listen to the listening 3.2 again and summarize the questions in exercise 3 + page 31 exercise 1 – read the interview and complete the exercise
4) practice the vocabulary for a short game

The contact above and date sheet is uploaded

Thank you everyone for coming to our first lesson together! I am sure we will enjoy the lessons together!



LESSON 12, 4.4.2024
we did: SB p. 28
vocabulary from class: apart from (kromě), a greenhouse (skleník), lettuce (salát), to decline (klesat), to get lower (snížit), to cheat (podvádět), to apply for (ucházet se o), an approval (souhlas, schválení), to accept (přijmout), a tax (daň)

HOMEWORK FOR 11.4.2024
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 20-28
NB: List 2.11
SB: – p. 29, ex. 1, 2
+ Final Revision Unit 2HERE-pdfHERE-odt (máte 2 týdny na vyplnění, pošlete, prosím, ještě na můj e-mail)

Well done! Thank you for all our wonderful lessons! I wish you good luck not only in English but also in your lives in general. Keep it up! I hope to see you again soon. Yours, Carol.

LESSON 11, 2.4.2024
we did: SB p. 27
vocabulary from class: to whip (mrskat, šlehat), a willow (vrba), a ribbon (stuha), to sweep (zametat), to consider (považovat), a rake (hrábě), earl/count (hrabě), to sting (píchnout), a sting (žihadlo)

Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 20-27 (new words: to enrich (obohatit), to trim (zastřihnout), lock oneself out (zabouchnout si), an appointment (schůzka), urgent (naléhavý), a filling (plomba), a matinee (odpolední představení), a side dish (příloha), a delivery (doručení, dodávka), sold out (vyprodaný), a cancellation (zrušení, storno))
NB: List 2.12
SB: – p. 28, ex. 1, 2

Good job! See you on Thursday! Yours, Carol.

LESSON 10, 28.3.2024
we did: SB p. 26-27 (vocabulary/word formation)
vocabulary from class: beyond (až za, nad rámec, za hranicí…), a radish (ředkvička), purely (čistě), a beet (řepa), a beetroot (červená řepa), a turnip cabbage (kedluben), Brussels sprout (růžičková kapusta), a pear (hruška), a peach (broskev), an apricot (meruňka), a quince (kdoule), an occasion (příležitost, např. slavnostní)

Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 20-27 (new words: to move (hýbat (se), stěhovat (se)), to expect (očekávat), an accent (přízvuk), a toe (prst na noze), abruptly (náhle), a trace (stopa), to trace (stopovat, sledovat), flawless (bezchybný), to settle (usídlit se, vyřešit))
NB: Fill-in 2.4
SB: –  p. 27, ex. 6; 1, 2
– p. 28, ex. 1, 2
– připravte si, prosím, nějakou krátkou zajímavost o Velikonocích (může být z jiných zemí, tradic, vaše vlastní, nějaká aktualita o Velikonocích apod.).

Have a marvellous week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.

LESSON 9, 21.3.2024
we did: SB p. 26 (listening)
vocabulary from class: to be on sick leave (být na nemocenské), still (stále), to catch up on my sleep (dospat se), loss (ztráta), a shamrock (třílístek), a priest (kněz), a bishop (biskup), to tap/draw (čepovat), a tap (výčep), compared to (ve srovnání s), an undergraduate (student bakalářského programu na VŠ), a graduate (absolvent VŠ), a graduation ceremony (promoce)

HOMEWORK FOR 28.3.2024
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 20-26 (words from listening: postgraduate studies (doktorské studium), to look over (prohlédnout si), to blush (červenat se), to avoid (vyhýbat se, vyhnout se), to wonder about (uvažovat, přemýšlet), common (běžný), to belong (patřit), to switch (vyměnit), an opportunity (příležitost), to ask sb. out (pozvat někoho na rande))
NB: List 2.8
SB: – p. 26/Vocabulary part: ex. 1, 2, 3 (audio: HERE)
– p. 27, ex. 5, 6; 1, 2

P.S. Náhradní hodina tedy proběhne navíc dle domluvy 2.4. v 16:00 hodin. Na tuto hodinu si, prosím, připravte nějakou krátkou zajímavost o Velikonocích (může být z jiných zemí, tradic, vaše vlastní, nějaká aktualita o Velikonocích apod.).

Have an awesome week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.

LESSON 8, 14.3.2024
we did: SB p. 25, 26 (listening)
vocabulary from class: swollen (oteklý), stiff (ztuhlý), a suspicion (podezření), a course/development (průběh), to suspect (podezírat), a suspect (podezřelý), suspecious (podezíravý)

HOMEWORK FOR 21.3.2024
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 20-26 (words from listening: a background (pozadí – na obrázku, pozadí vývoje, příběhu, rodinné prostředí), a passport (pas), obviously (zjevně), to grow up (vyrůst), to support (podporovat), to knock out (vyřadit z – sport), to pay (vyplatit se), to affect (ovlivnit))
Fill-in: 2.2
SB: – p. 26, ex. 4 (audio: HERE)
– p. 26/Vocabulary part: ex. 1, 2, 3 (audio: HERE)

Well done! Have a fantastic week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.

LESSON 7, 7.3.2024
we did: SB p. 24-25 (reading)
vocabulary from class: convinced (přesvědčený), to persuade (přesvědčit někoho o něčem, k něčemu), to heal (léčit, hojit), to recover (uzdravovat se), a muscle (sval), to strengthen (posílit), to operate (operovat), a surgeon (chirurg), a surgery (operace), a lecture (přednáška)

HOMEWORK FOR 14.3.2024
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 20-25 (new words: a stint (pracovní pobyt/působení, určitá doba v nějaké činnosti), to stick (lepit, ulpět), to meet up with (scházet se s), a gossip (drb, pomluva), to gossip (klábosit), whereas (zatímco), appreciative (vděčný), to make an effort (vynaložit úsilí, snažit se))
Fill-in: 2.3
SB: – p. 25, ex. 5, 6
– p. 26, ex. 3 (audio HERE)

Good! Have a flawless week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.

LESSON 6, 29.2.2024
we did: SB p. 24-25 (reading)
vocabulary from class: a cell (buňka), a screen (obrazovka), a priest (kněz), a halftime (poločas), finger foods (drobné jídlo, co se dá jíst rukama), broadcasting (vysílání)

Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 20-25
NB: List 2.7 (chovat se k tobě: treat you, dolehnout: get on top of, snažit se: make an effort, drb: gossip)
SB: – p. 24, ex. 3B (finish reading and the table in ex. 3)
– p. 25, ex. 5, 6

Nicely done! Have a spectacular week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.

LESSON 6, 15.2.2024
– lekce neproběhla, na náhradě se domluvíme na další hodině
Homework is the same
– next lesson: 29.2.

LESSON 5, 8.2.2024
we did: SB p. 24-25 (reading)
vocabulary from class: to bark (štěkat), a cook (kuchař), a cricket (cvrček), serious (vážný), to make it easier (zjednodušit)

HOMEWORK FOR 15.2.2024
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 20-25 (new words: to tour (jezdit na turné), an ability (schopnost), a fluency (plynulost v řeči), a motivation (motivace), to reach (dosáhnout), a benefit (přínos), a reputation (reputace, pověst), to get worse (zhoršit), to take advantage of (využít, zneužít), countless (bezpočet), to drop (pustit, spadnout, nechat něčeho), to enrich (obohatit), to spark (zažehnout, podnítit), an immersion (ponoření se do), to get stuck (zaseknout se), to find (zjistit, shledávat), to have a hunger to (prahnout po))
NB: List 2.6 (spojit síly: come together, vykázat zisk: to turn a profit)
SB: – p. 24, ex. 3A (finish reading and the table in ex. 3), 3B
– p. 25, ex. 5

Good job! Have a wonderful week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.

LESSON 4, 1.2.2024
we did: SB p. 23, introduction to reading on p. 24-25
vocabulary from class: to distinguish/differentiate (rozeznat, rozlišit), truthful (pravdomluvný), useless (zbytečný), to be allergic to (být alergický na)

Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 17-24 (new words: a survey (průzkum, anketa), to be interested in (zajímat se o), an allergy (alergie), a schoolchild (školák))
NB: List 2.5
SB: – p. 24, ex. 2, 3A

Well done! Have a magnificent week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.

LESSON 3, 25.1.2024
we did: SB p. 22, practice on p. 23
vocabulary from class: a queue (fronta), to type (psát na PC), mostly (většinou), a native speaker (rodilý mluvčí), a lightning (blesk)

Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 14-23 (new words: a pie (koláč), a presentation (prezentace), useful (užitečný), to improve/get better (zlepšit), to notice (všimnout si), friendly (přátelský), polite (zdvořilý), a size (velikost), thunder (hrom))
NB: Fill-in 2.1
SB: – p. 23, ex. 3, 7
– p. 24, ex. 1, 2
David – be prepared to talk about / answer questions about your exotic holiday 🙂

Good! Have a spectacular week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.

LESSON 2, 18.1.2024
we did: SB p. 20, 21
vocabulary from class: addiction (závislost), thick (silný, tlustý), ice machine (rolba na led), achieve (dosáhnout), poison (jed), poisoned (otrávený)

HOMEWORK FOR 18.1.2024
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 14-21 (new words: to take (trvat), buzzing (bzučivý), oil (ropa), to identify (identifikovat, rozpoznat), tense (slovesný čas))
NB: List 2.4
SB: – p. 22, ex. 1 (Audio: HERE)
– p. 22/Spoken English: read and then try ex. 3
– p. 23, ex. 1

Nice! Have a wonderful week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.

LESSON 1, 11.1.2024
we did: talking about Christmas and New Year’s Eve, expressing opinions, language quiz, NB
vocabulary from class: a disturbance (vyrušení), to carry (nosit), noisy (hlučný), a clutch (spojka), numerous (početný), to tolerate (snést), worrying (znepokojující), indigenous (domorodý, původní), to estimate (odhadovat)

HOMEWORK FOR 18.1.2024
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 14-21
NB: List 2.3
SB: – p. 20/Grammar spot: 1, 2
– p. 21, ex. 1, 3, 5

Good job 🙂 Have a magnificent week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.

LESSON 12, 14.12.2023
we did: Advent, Christmas traditions
vocabulary from class: to catch up on one’s sleep (dospat se), to take one’s mind off things (odreagovat se), a sin (hřích), purity (čistota), joy (radost, veselí), faith (víra), to donate (darovat), to beg (žádat, žebrat), a custom (tradice, zvyk), poisonous (jedovatý), fertility (plodnost), courage (odvaha)
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 14-21
NB: List 2.2
SB: – p. 20/Grammar spot: 1
– p. 21, ex. 1, 3, 5
Christmas song for a festive mood:
Good job! Thanks again for another wonderful year of our English course! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Keep it up! Have magical and calm Christmas time and a lucky beginning of the new year! See you in January. Yours, Carol

LESSON 11, 7.12.2023

we did: Advent, quiz on p. 20-21
vocabulary from class: proved/tested (ověřený), acceptable (přijatelný), to broadcast (vysílat – tv), to melt (rozpustit, roztát), to encompass (zahrnovat), everlasting (věčný), evergreen (stálezelený), laurel (vavřín), yew (tis), holly (cesmína), resurrection (vzkříšení), immortality (nesmrtelnost), prayer (modlitba), penance (pokání), suffering (utrpení), sacrifice (oběť), foretell (předpovědět), prophecy (proroctví)
HOMEWORK FOR 14.12.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 14-21 (new words: rate (tempo, rychlost), disappear (zmizet), consonant (souhláska), ATM (bankomat), gender (rod), nursery rhyme (dětská říkanka), simplify (zjednodušit), spelling (hláskování), commonly (běžně))
SB: – p. 20/Grammar sport: 1
– p. 21, ex. 1, 3, 5
Extra: Na poslední hodinu (14.12.) si připravte povídání o vánoční tradici, kterou jste si zvolili. Budu se těšit, co se od vás hezkého dozvím 🙂

Nice! Bring good mood and Christmas cheer to our last lesson this year! See you! Yours, Carol

LESSON 10, 30.11.2023

we did: phrasal verbs, Thanksgiving, introduction to Unit2
vocabulary from class: engine driver (strojvedoucí), to get stuck (uvíznout), public transport (městská/hromadná doprava), devoted (oddaný, věrný), danger (nebezpečí), dense/thick (hustý), infection (nákaza)
HOMEWORK FOR 7.12.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 14-18 + from class
NB: List 2.1
SB: p. 20/ I didn’t know that: 1, 2
– p. 20/Grammar sport: 1
– p. 21, ex. 1
Extra: Na poslední hodinu (14.12.) bych chtěla, abyste mi anglicky popovídali o nějaké vánoční tradici. Vyberte si, prosím, 1 tradici, o které budete chtít mluvit a na další hodině (7.12.) mi sdělíte, která tradice to je (abyste neměli dva stejnou). Více info v hodině.

Hope to see you all next week! Have a magical week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 9, 23.11.2023

we did: phrasal verbs, antonyms, synonyms, conversation
vocabulary from class: a pillow (polštář), to fall asleep (usnout), playful (hravý), a regard (ohled), careful (ohleduplný, opatrný), public holiday (státní svátek), to visualise (představit si), to vary (lišit se, různit se), a vein (žíla), to set off (vyrazit z domu, např na výlet), to pick up (zvednout, vyzvednout), to hang on (vydržet, počkat), to get in (přijet, nastoupit), to put up with (snášet tolerovat), to split up (rozdělit (se)), to get over (překonat, přenést se přes), to go out (randit), to argue (hádat se), apparently (zjevně, očividně)
HOMEWORK FOR 30.11.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 14-18 + from class
Fill-in 3.1: HERE
SB: p. 20, ex 1 (Starter)
– p. 20/ I didn’t know that: 1, 2
– p. 20/Grammar sport: 1

Good job! Have a superb week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 8, 16.11.2023

we did: phrasal verbs, antonyms, synonyms, conversation
vocabulary from class: column (sloup, sloupec), machine tool (obráběcí stroj), manage (zvládnout, dokázat, vést), public/bank holiday, texture (textura, povrch), liquid (tekutina), divorce (rozvod), gum (dáseň, žvákažka), near, close, get crazy, education, stamp, asylum (útočistě, úkryt), abroad, inland (vnitrozemí), cottage, on time, distance (vzdálenost), go with the flow (jít s proudem), field (pole, obor), run out of (spotřebovat), hint (náznak), awful, split up (rozdělit se), twigs of conifer (větvičky jehličnanu), pine (borovice), cones (šiška), grave, leaf (leaves), national stereotypes, womaniser (sukničkář), gather (shromáždit (se), commemorate (uctít, připomenout si), held on (to be held on + date – konající se…), in opposition to (na rozdíl od), occupation (okupace), oppressive (represivní, utiskovatelský), regime, so-called (takzvaný), significance (důlěžitost), salvation (spása), meekness (pokora), reflect (odrážet, zrcaadlit), responsibility (zodpovědnost)
HOMEWORK FOR 23.11.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 14-18 + from class
Fill-in: HERE
SB: p. 18, ex. 7 (time to finish this writing!)
Final Revision Unit 1 – HERE

Have a fantastic week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 7, 9.11.2023

we did: reading – Uncle Joe
vocabulary from class: to injure (zranit (se)), to prepare (připravit), an examination (vyšetření), rights (práva), a health/medical check (lékařské/zdravotní vyšetření), to consider (považovat), a duty (povinnost, služba), to last (trvat), newly (nově)
HOMEWORK FOR 16.11.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 14-18 (new words: adverbs from ex. 6)
SB: p. 18, ex. 7 (you have 2 weeks to prepare this writing – you can either send it to me or hand it to me in class)
WB: p. 10, ex. 5, 6, 7 HERE
Final Revision Unit 1 – HERE

Next lesson will take place according to plan, 16th November.
Nice! Have a gorgeous week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 6, 2.11.2023

we did: reading – Uncle Joe
vocabulary from class: an underpass (podchod), a pavemenet/sidewalk (chodník), to fortify oneself (obrnit se), a rush hour (dopravní špička), a patience (trpělivost), a blackout (výpadek – power/electricity), a failure (neúspěch, výpadek), a loss (ztráta), to commemorate (připomenout si/uctít), to honor (uctít), a cemetery/graveyard (hřbitov), a grave (hrob), a candle (svíčka), a wreath (věnec), frightening/horrifying/terrifying (děsivý), spooky/scary (strašidelný), haunted (strašidelný, např. haunted house – kde straší), appropriate (vhodný, příhodný), to argue/have an argument (hádat se), to carve (vyřezat), a handle (madlo), a broom (koště), a kettle (varná konvice), a cauldron (kotel k vaření nad ohněm), a skeleton (kostra), a skull (lebka), to bury (pohřbít)
HOMEWORK FOR 9.11.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 14-18 (new words: to catch (chytit, pochytit), to yell (křičet), twinkly (rozzářený, třpytící se), an audition (konkurz), to prove (dokázat, prokázat))
NB: List 1.12
SB: p. 18, ex. 5, 6
WB: p. 10, ex. 5, 6, 7 HERE
Extra: finish the second Halloween crossword – do you agree with the message? HERE

Have a fascinating week and see you all next time. Yours, Carol
LESSON 5, 26.10.2023
we did: Spoken English – reactions
vocabulary from class: offended (uražený), a memory (vzpomínka), a side dish (příloha), a main course (hlavní chod), odd (lichý), even (sudý), soup (polévka), soap (mýdlo), used to + activity (dělat něco opakovaně v minulosti, např. I used to plan roses in my garden: Pěstovala jsem růže na zahradě – v minulosti, už to nedělám), to breed (chovat, např. slepice), a progress (pokrok), to forgive (odpustit), a gun (zbraň, pistole)
HOMEWORK FOR 2.11.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 14-17 (new words: suitable (vhodný), on the go (za pochodu), to slow down (zpomalit), to enjoy life to the full (užívat život naplno), to have a word with (promluvit si s), to take /it/ easy (zvolnit), a strike (stávka), to move on (jít dál, přenést se přes))
NB: List 1.11 (domluvit se – come to agreement, výkon – performance, a due date – datum splatnosti, breakup – rozchod)
SB: p. 18, ex. 3, 4, 5

Nice. Have a brilliant week and see you all next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 4, 19.10.2023

we did: Spoken English – emphasis
vocabulary from class: a forward bend (předklon), to bend (ohnout (se)), to bend down (předklonit se), to rename (přejmenovat), a browser (prohlížeč), a screenshot (snímek obrazovky), surprisingly (překvapivě), to suffer from (trpět čím), a doubt (pochybnost), to agree (shodnout se, dohodnout se), to calm down (uklidnit se), a wildlife (divočina), to cheer up (rozveselit), honest (upřímný, čestný), surroundings (okolí)
HOMEWORK FOR 26.10.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 14-17 (new words: an emphasis (důraz, zdůraznění), a personality (osobnost), an interest (zájem), a sense of humour (smysl pro humor), kindness (laskavost, vlídnost), a sympathy (soucit), an agreement (shoda), You’re kidding! (Děláš si srandu!), That’s a shame (to je škoda), What a pity (Jaká škoda), bad luck (smůla), fair enough (dobře), good for you (To se máš, Dobře děláš))
– passive voice: HERE
– conditionals: HERE
SB: p. 17, ex. 4, 5, 6 (Audio: HERE)

Well done! Have a surprisingly enjoyable week and see you all next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 3, 12.10.2023

we did: revision – adjectives
vocabulary from class: since then (od té doby), a wardrobe (šatní skříň), a closet (skříň, šatník, kredenc), a cupboard (kredenc), a chest of drawers (komoda se šuplíky), to have a cold (mít rýmu, být nachlazený), to be cold (být někomu zima), miserable (bídný, nešťastný), to weave (tkát, plést košíky), a debt (dluh), incredibly (neuvěřitelně)
HOMEWORK FOR 19.10.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 14-16
NB: List 1.10 (nedominantní – non-dominant)
SB: p. 17, ex. 2, 4, 5, 6 (Audio: HERE)

Nice! Have a thrilling week and see you all next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 2, 5.10.2023

we did: revision – present perfect tense, conditionals, ed/ing adjectives
vocabulary from class: repeatedly (opakovaně), accommodation (ubytování), celebration (oslava), to get closer (blížit se), woolen (vlněný), saint (svatý), to kill  (zabít), to murder (zavraždit), public/bank holiday (státní svátek), tiredness (únava), faded (vybledlý, vyhaslý), vacation (dovolená), to hitchhike (stopovat – auto), exchange rate (směnný kurz), supplies (zásoby, potřeby), flawless (bezchybný), knitted (pletený), aid (pomoc), support (podpora)
HOMEWORK FOR 12.10.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: from class
Worksheet: p. 9, ex. 2, 3, 4 (HERE)
SB: p. 16, ex. 4 + read through the „Spoken English“ (revise audio: HERE)
– p. 17, ex. 2

Good job today. Have a stunning week and see you all next time. Yours, Carol
LESSON 1, 21.9.2023
we did: revision – past tense, describing people, conditionals
vocabulary from class: demanding (náročný, kladoucí vysoké nároky), a shadow (stín), empty (prázdný), a jellyfish (meduza), a warning (varování), to warn (varovat, upozornit), to brush up (oprášit – nějakou znalost), high heels (vysoké podpatky), to allow (dovolit), long sleeves (dlouhé rukávy), to pick (utrhnout ovoce), broken English (lámaná angličtina), P.E. – physical education (tělocvik), to confess (přiznat se), to admit (připustit, uznat), bangs/fringe (ofina), curious (zvědavý), a series (seriál), a sweater (svetr), a sweatshirt (mikina), a hoodie (mikina s kapucí), to revise (opakovat učivo), to repeat (opakovat např. po někom), a jumper (svetr), to take sth into account (vzít něco v úvahu), to breed (chovat), a breed (rasa), to promise (slíbit), a promise (slib), to swear (přísahat)
HOMEWORK FOR 5.10.2023 !!!
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: from class
NB: List 1.9 (summer homework)
Worksheet: p. 9, ex. 1 (HERE)

It’s nice to see you again, I’m looking forward to this timester, aren’t you? 🙂 Good luck! Refresh your memory of English, some words, latest grammar, we’ll see each other 5.10. BECAUSE OF A PUBLIC HOLIDAY (28.9. – Thursday). Have a gorgeous time and see you by then. Yours, Carol
Summer Sun GIF by porta Möbel

LESSON 12, 22.6.2023

we did: listening p. 16
vocabulary from class: a condition (podmínka), to increase (zvýšit), to decrease (snížit), assembly (montáž), to get lower (snížit), a matter (záležitost, věc), to matter (záležet, mít význam), a printer (tiskárna), rules (pravidla), artificial (umělý), a heart (srdce), to describe (popsat), to prescribe (předepsat), to feed (krmit), away (pryč), a date (schůzka), a suggestion (návrh), a danger (nebezpečí)

Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 10-16 (new words: close (blízký), to drive sb. crazy (dovádět někoho k šílenství, štvát), a row (hádka), honest (upřímný, čestný), see eye to eye (naprosto se shodnout), an only child (jedináček), have ups and downs (jednou být nahoře a jindy dole), have in common (mít společné), mainly (hlavně), a referee (rozhodčí))
NB: List 1.9
Worksheet: HERE
(if you want to have the answers, you can send it to me once you complete it)
Good job! Thank you for another amazing school year! Enjoy summer and I hope to see you all again in September! Yours, Carol
Summer Vacation GIF

LESSON 11, 20.6.2023

we did: reading p. 15
vocabulary from class: a point of view (úhel pohledu), a commercial (reklama – např v tv), binaculars (dalekohled), a beret (baret), bald (plešatý), full-beard (plnovous), beard (vousy), goatee (bradka), a documentary (dokumentární film)

HOMEWORK FOR 22.6.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 10-16
SB: p. 16, ex. 2 (audio: HERE)
Nice! Have awesome Wednesday and see you the day after tomorrow! Yours, Carol

LESSON 10, 15.6.2023

we did: reading p. 15
vocabulary from class: to suffer (trpět), a spine (páteř), dizziness/vertigo (závrať), I feel/am dizzy (mám závrať), a suspicion (podezření, tušení), a suspect (podezřelý), to suspect (mít dojem, podezřívat), to faint (omdlít), a posture (držení těla, postoj), a draft (průvan), to get rid of (zbavit se), a solitary/recluse/loner (samotář), a heel (pata, podpatek), to recover (uzdravit se), flawless (bezchybný)

HOMEWORK FOR 20.6.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 10-15 (new words: extraordinary (neobyčejný), a trail (stezka), majestic (majestátní), terrified (vyděšený), to lock (zamknout), welfare (sociální dávky), importance (důležitost), flawed (s chybami), to realize (uvědomit si), curious (zvědavý), groceries (potraviny), an appearance (vzhled), to refuse (odmítnout)
NB: Fill-in 1.3
SB: p. 14, ex. 3 – finish
– p. 16, ex. 1
Video: watch the rest of this video (8:55-11:43):
– Answer these questions: What is Nick’s job? How did his parents influence his career? What (else) does he say about his job? How does his background influence the films he makes?
Well done! Have a flawless week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 9, 8.6.2023

we did: reading p. 14, adjectives
vocabulary from class: unfavourable (nepříznivý), leisurely (pohodový), persistent/constant rain (vytrvalý déšť), spare (náhradní, navíc), Not at all (vůbec ne), land and property register (katastr nemovitostí), eligible (způsobilý), responsible (zodpovědný)

HOMEWORK FOR 15.6.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 10-14
NB: List 1.8
SB: p. 14, ex. 3
Video: watch the rest of this video (8:55-11:43):
– Answer these questions: What is Nick’s job? How did his parents influence his career? What (else) does he say about his job? How does his background influence the films he makes?
Very nice! Have a cool week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 8, 1.6.2023

we did: SB p 13, adjectives
vocabulary from class: charming (okouzlující), a performance (představení), a board (paluba, tabule), calm (klidný, klid), to shine (zářit), a fairy tale (pohádka), extremely (extrémně), to supervise (dohlížet), a supervisor (vedoucí), a breath (dech), to breathe (dýchat), scent (vůně), smell (pach, vůně), a frame (rám), within (v rámci), a field (pole, hřiště), a playground (dětské hřiště), unexpected (neočekávaný), a foreground (popředí), insensitive (necitlivý)

Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 10-13 (new words: reliable (zodpovědný), unreliable (nezodpovědný), lazy, moody, generous (velkorysý), mean (lakomý), cheerful (veselý), miserable (nešťastný, bídný), grumpy (nabručený, mrzutý), easy-going (pohodový), uptight (podrážděný), talkative (upovídaný), untidy (nepořádný), confident (jistý), self-confident (sebejistý), shy, reserved (odtažitý), outgoing (otevřený, společenský), sociable (společenský), unsociable (nespolečenský), unambitious (necílevědomý), sensitive (citlivý), tough (tvrdý), drsný))
NB: List 1.7
SB: p. 14, ex. 1, 2
Good job! Have a marvellous week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 7, 25.5.2023

we did: video and p. 13
vocabulary from class: to occur (přihodit se), torrential (přívalový), heavy rain (hustý déšť), to affect (postihnout), damage (škoda), a road worker (silničář), tarmac (asfalt – povrch silnice), again (znovu), blinds (žaluzie), thoughtful (dumavý), a wrist (zápěstí), a travel film (cestopisný film)

Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49, 46, 44 + 72
Vocabulary: p. 10-12 (words from video: an exception (výjimka), a background (pozadí, původ), to escape (utéct), blind (slepý), to hang out (vyrazit si, potloukat se), unusual (neobvyklý)
NB: Fill-in 1.2 (p. 15)
SB: – p. 13, ex. 10, 11
Well done. Have an excellent week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 6, 18.5.2023

we did: adjectives – p. 12
vocabulary from class: soaked/waterlogged/undermined with water (podmáčený, promočený), a consequence (následek), a cause (příčina), a valley (údolí), a surface (hladina), a basement (sklep), sand (písek), an earthquake (zemětřesení), buried (pohřbený), uncover (odkrýt), a tear (slza), a mate (kámoš), memorable (nezapomenutelný, památný), given the fact that (vzhledem k tomu, že), to be used to (být zvyklý na), bearable (snesitelný), so far (zatím), get some sleep (prospat se), ancient (starodávný), a path (pěšina), weak (slabý), a stone (kámen), a possession (vlastnictví)

HOMEWORK FOR 25.5.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49  + 46, 44
Vocabulary: p. 10-12 (new words: astonished (ohromený, velmi překvapený), astonishing (ohromující, udivující), disappointed (zklamaný), exhausting (vyčerpávající), exhausted (vyčerpaný), exhausting (vyčerpávající))
NB: List 1.6
SB: – p. 13, ex. 8, 9
Video – watch the second part of this video and answer the questions below: (5:35-8:45)
– What is New York famous for? What is Nick’s family background (původ, pozadí)? Why did Nick’s father’s family come to New York? What do you know about Nick’s grandparents? Who does Nick look like? Who is Nick closest to from his family? What does Nick’s family like doing?
Good! Have a charming week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 5, 11.5.2023

we did: adjectives – p. 12
vocabulary from class: prolonged (prodloužený), spare (zbývat, ušetřit – koho), spare (náhradní, záložní), a weekday/work day/working day (všední den), compared to (oproti, v porovnání s), a (tree) stump (pařez), to memorize (zapamatovat si), whole grain/wholemeal (celozrnný), resistance (odolnost), a real estate agency (realitní agentura), a dating agency (seznamovací agentura)

HOMEWORK FOR 18.5.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49  + 46, 44
Vocabulary: p. 10-12 (new words: an advertisement/ad/advert (reklama), an adverstisement (inzerát), good-looking (pohledný), hard-working (těžce pracující), alone (sám), well-dressed (dobře oblékaný), thrilling (senzační), much-loved (milovaný), second-hand (použitý, z druhé ruky), mileage (ujeté míle), a condition (stav), eccentric (výstřední), cosy (pohodlný), old-fashined (staromodní), charming (okouzlující), mature (vyspělý, vyzrálý), stunning (ohromný), challenging (naročný – vysoké nároky), a challenge (výzva), latest (poslední, nejnovější), a relative (příbuzný), a cottage (chalupa), well-behaved (dobře vychovaný), brand-new (zbrusu nový), bad-tempered (nevrlý), home-made (doma vyrobený))
NB: List 1.5
SB: – p. 12, ex. 5, 6 (listening – HERE)
Video – watch the second part of this video and answer the questions below: (5:35-8:45)
– What is New York famous for? What is Nick’s family background (původ, pozadí)? Why did Nick’s father’s family come to New York? What do you know about Nick’s grandparents? Who does Nick look like? Who is Nick closest to from his family? What does Nick’s family like doing?
Very nice! Have a thrilling week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 4, 4.5.2023

we did: description – people, places, video
vocabulary from class: promoted (povýšený), to greet (zdravit), to commute (dojíždět), a difference (rozdíl), immense (obrovský, ohromný, propastný), to guess (hádat), to estimate (odhadovat), a nightmare (noční můra), a land (pozemek), to measure (měřit), a parade (průvod), an entrance exam (přijímací zkouška), suitable (vhodný), to discover (objevit), to organize (organizovat), to bother (otravovat)

HOMEWORK FOR 11.5.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49  + 46, 44
Vocabulary: p. 10-11 (words from the video: crowded (přeplněný – lidmi), busy (zaneprázdněný, rušný), a reputation (reputace, pověst), impatient (netrpělivý), bad-tempered (nevrlý), ambitious (cílevědomý), enormous (obrovský), a factory (továrna), convenient (vhodný, příhodný))
NB: List 1.4
SB: – p. 12, ex. 1 (+ choose 3 adjectives and use them in questions or sentences)
– p. 12, ex. 2, 3
Pozn. „merch“ – informal for „merchandise“; Merchandise is the word used to describe a product that can be bought or sold. All products stocked in a supermarket are merchandise that was bought from a manufacturer, to be sold to a customer. Merchandise can be considered as any type of good for sale, for example, clothes in a clothes shop are merchandise, raw materials from a manufacturer are merchandise, and computers in an electronics store are merchandise. Merch is goods to be bought and sold. Popular social media influencers, famous brands, growing businesses, industry thought leaders, and anybody else who has a large social platform can monetize their online influence by creating valuable merch for their biggest fans. (takže spíše „zboží“ než „značka“)
Good job! Have a fabulous week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 3, 27.4.2023

we did: description – people, places
vocabulary from class: a foreigner (cizinec), a stranger (cizinec, podivín), to save (šetřit, zachránit), safe (bezpečný), a safe (trezor), to share (sdílet), personal (osobní), private (soukromý), savings (úspory), emarrassing (trapný), to take place (konat se), to hang around (poflakovat se), somebody else’s (někoho jiného), Me neither (ja také ne), either…or (buď…a nebo), I don’t like it either. (Já to taky nemám rád.), to offer (nabídnout), a customer (zákazník), an armchair (křeslo), a diary (deník), beloved (milovaný), enough (dost), to chase (honit), He’s fun to be with (Je s ním sranda), He’s no fun (Není s ním žádná zábava)

Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49  + 46, 44
Vocabulary: p. 10-11 (new words: easy-going (pohodový, vyrovnaný), wavy (vlnitý), quite (docela), to heal (hojit se), an image (obraz), sociable (společenký), dark (tmavý), moody (náladový), straight (rovný), curly (kudrnatý), a bit (trochu), shy (stydlivý), medium (střední), square metres (metry čtvereční), ensuite (přilehlý), kitchen-diner (kuchyň s jídelnou), wooden (dřevěný)
New NB: List 1.3
New SB: – p. 11, ex. 4, 5, Practice
– practice questions from p. 10, ex. 1
Video: watch this video (2:25-5:25) –, answer questions:
– Where does the man come from? What does his friends call him? What does he do? What does he like about living in New York? What does he think about New Yorkers? What does he like about his neighbourhood? What do you know about his apartment?
Well done! Have an amazing week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 2, 20.4.2023

we did: prepositions, new SB
vocabulary from class: a dust bin/litter bin/garbage can (popelnice), a rubbish bin/waste bin (odpadkový koš), a disease (nemoc – vážná), a treatment (léčení, léčba), a booking (rezervace), to seem (vypadat, jevit se), a damage to (škoda na něčem), bills (účty), related to (vztahující se k), a pie (koláč), unions (odbory), an encyclopedia/atlas/guide (atlas), be used to (být zvyklý na), a member (člen), similar to (podobný komu), according to (podle), different from (odlišný od), keen on (zapálený/nadšený pro), a queue (fronta), be in love with (zamilovaný do)

HOMEWORK FOR 27.4.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49  + 46, 44
Vocabulary: p. 10 + from class (new words: keen (dychtivý, nadšený), to twist one’s ankle (vyvrtnout si kotník), for a while (na chvíli, už nějakou dobu))
New NB: List 1.1
New SB: – p. 10, ex. 1 – match
– p. 11, ex. 3, 4, 5, Practice
Nice! Have a brilliant week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 1, 13.4.2023

we did: revision
vocabulary from class: a fuel tank (palivová nádř), a suicide (sebevrah, sebevražda), a recipe (recept – kuchařský), a receipt (účtenka), a substitution (náhrada), a treasure (poklad), to expect (očekávat), an expectation (očekávání), unexpected (neočekávaný), unexpectedly (neočekávaně), to have a bath (koupat se), priceless (nevyčíslitelné hodnoty), personally (osobně), nearby (blízko), an event (událost), just checking if you study these words or not (pouze kontroluji, jestli se tato slova učíte, nebo ne), life expectancy (průměrná délka života), lights-out (večerka – čas jít spát), a convenience store (večerka – obchod), to increase (zvýšit), to decrease (snížit), an invitation (pozvánka), tremendous (ohromný, obrovský)

HOMEWORK FOR 20.4.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49  + 46, 44
Vocabulary: p. 98-101 + from class
Copy: sentences 11-21 -> HERE
New SB: p. 9 – think about the quote on that page – what does it mean? Do you agree?
– p. 10, ex. 1 – read and prepare something similar about yourself (you can use the words in ex. 2 at the bottom of the page)
– p. 10, ex. 1 – match
Unit 12 Revision -> HERE
Welcome to the new trimester! We’re going to have some fun exploring the new SBs together 🙂 Good job in the first lesson, keep it up! Have an amazing week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 12, 6.4.2023
we did: prepositions, Everyday English p. 101, revision
vocabulary from class: skill (dovednost), difficultlz/with difficulties (obtížně), easily (snadno), excited (nadšený), a roll (rohlík, žemle), to care for/take care of (starat se o), a resource (zdroj, prostředek), tasty (chutný), by accident (jen náhodou), an opinion (názor), a liar (lhář)

HOMEWORK FOR 13.4.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49  + 46, 44
Vocabulary: p. 94-101+ 142
NB: 12.12 (syndrom vyhoření – burn out effect, prášek proti bolesti – painkiller, průměrná délka života – life expectancy, pribýt/ubýt – increase/decrease)
WB: Finish 86/11
Unit 12 Revision -> HERE
Very nice! Thank you for the whole trimester! Looking forward for the new one 🙂 Have a brilliant week and see you next time. Yours, Carol
LESSON 10, 30.3.2023
we did: prepositions p. 100, Everyday English p. 101- vocabulary from class: rare (vácný), competition (soutěž), league (liga), demanding (náročný – úkoly, požadavky, apod.), to blow (foukat, vát), subject (předmět – ve škole a v mailu), fuel tank (palivová nádrž), indicator (ukazatel), needle (ručička), exceptional (výjimečný), succeed in (uspět v), achieve (dosáhnout), achievement (dosažení cílem výsledku, úspěch), to afford (dovolit si – finančně)HOMEWORK FOR 6.4.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49  + 46, 44
Vocabulary: p. 94-101+ 142
NB: List 12.11
SB: p. 101, ex. 1 (dokončit)
WB (HERE): p. 84, ex. 8- 1, 2
– p. 86, ex. 11Great! Have a week full of sunshine and see you next time. Yours, CarolLESSON 9, 23.3.2023
we did: reading p. 99, prepositions p. 100
vocabulary from class: to affect (ovlivnit,postihnout), to suffer (trpět), to postpone (odložit), an approval (schválení), to shut down (zavřít), a dwarf (trpaslík), saint (svatý), a shamrock (trojlístek), en eagle (orel, orlice), a parade (průvod), facial (obličejový), a damage (poškození), to reach (dosáhnout)HOMEWORK FOR 30.3.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49  + 46, 44
Vocabulary: p. 94-100+ 142 (new words: to burn (hořet), a supply (zásoba), hydrogen (vodík), to expand (rozšířit), to collapse (zhroutit se), to drop (klesnout, upustit), miraculous (zázračný), precious (vzácný), to hold (držet), an alien (mimozemšťan), be interested in (zajímat se o), arrive in/at, to depend on (záviset na), be married to (vdaná za), work as a teacher (pracovat jako učitel), on purpose (schválně), be away on business, keep in touch, be on strike (stávkovat), be by myself (být sám))
NB: List 12.9
SB: – p. 100, ex. 3, 4, 5
– p. 101, ex. 1Nice! Have a miraculous week and see you next time. Yours, CarolLESSON 9, 16.3.2023
we did: reading – part 2 on p. 99
vocabulary from class: exceptional (výjimečný), state (stav), suitable (vhodný), sound (znít), excuse (výmluva), overtime (přesčas), happen (stát se), empty (prázdný), depend (záležet, záviset), cup/mug (hrnek), discover (objevit), drake/male duck (kačer)HOMEWORK FOR 23.3.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49  + 46, 44
Vocabulary: p. 92-99+ 142 (new words: part of (část, součást něčeho), consist of (skládat se z), made of (tvořený čím), metal (kov), gas giants (plynoví obři), observable (pozorovatelný))
NB: List 12.7
SB: – p. 98, ex. 4 (finish reading of part 3, prepare answers)
– p. 100, ex. 1, 2, 3Alright! Have a wonderful week and see you next time. Yours, CarolLESSON 8, 9.3.2023
we did: reading on p. 98
vocabulary from class: to apologize (omluvit se), to look after (starat se o, hlídat), a nanny (chůva), dignity (důstojnost), to greet (pozdravit), to interfere (vměšovat se), an issue (záležitost, problém), insomnia/sleeplessness (nespavost), a request/to request (žádost, žádat), in case (v případě), to imagine (představit si), be forced to (být nucen do), to donate (darovat), wildlife (zvířata ve volné přírodě), saving (spoření), a rescue station (záchranná stanice), to hurry (spěchat), to face (čelit), a choice (výběr, volba), to estimate/an estimate (odhadnout, odhad)HOMEWORK FOR 16.3.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49  + 46, 44
Vocabulary: p. 92-98+ 142 (new words: a wonder (div), a size (velikost), infinite (nekonečný), to last (trvat), ancient (starodávný, prastarý), to appear (objevit se), a scale (rozsah, škála), to involve (zahrnout, týkat se), a condition (podmínka), suitable (vhodný), to support (podpořit), a distance (vzdálenost), to evaporate (vypařit se), be covered in (být pokrytý), an axis (osa), a surface (povrch, hladina), permanently (stále, trvale), an angle (úhel), a hemisphere (polokoule))
NB: List 12.4
SB: – p. 98, ex. 4 (all parts – read and answer)
– p. 100, ex. 1Good! Have a relaxing week and see you next time. Yours, CarolLESSON 7, 2.3.2023
we did: 2nd conditional, listening (p. 97)
vocabulary from class: a stick (klacek,  hůl, větev spadnutá na zem), a twig (větvička), a branch (větev, odvětví), to approach (blížit se), an approach (přístup, postoj k), to recharge (dobít), countryside (krajina, příroda, venkov), except for/apart from (kromě), an iceberg (plovoucí ledovec), a glacier (ledovec v horách), to tell the truth (říct pravdu), to behave (chovat se), a wooden spoon (vařečka), to trust (věřit), to lose (ztratit, prohrát), to get lost (ztratit se), to be used to (být zvyklý na), strict (přísný), a part (část), a fraction (zlomek), a victory (vítězství), a win (výhra), a prize (vyhraný hodnota)HOMEWORK FOR 9.3.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49  + 46!
Vocabulary: p. 92-97+ 142 (words from listening: sudden (náhlý), be heart-broken (mít zlomené srdce), to push (naléhat, nutit), to encourage (povzbudit), to ask out (pozvat ven), to approve (schvalovat), a decision (rozhodnutí), upset (znepokojený), anyway (každopádně), never mind (nevadí), to regret (litovat))
NB: List 12.6
SB: – p. 98, ex. 2, 3, 4 (parts 1, 2)Well done! Have a mindblowing week and see you next time. Yours, CarolLESSON 6, 23.2.2023
we did: 2nd conditional, listening (p. 97)
vocabulary from class: to sunbath (opalovat se), body pain (bolest těla), injury (zranění), to press the button (zmáčknout tlačítko), to fulfill (splnit), in any case (každopádně), a complaint (stížnost), casual (neformální, běžný), security (bezpečnost, záruka), exhausted (vyčerpaný), frazzled (vyčerpaný, neform.), knackered/dead tired (hotový, zničený, vyřízený, neform.), worn out (utahaný, vyčerpaný), I’m running out of fumes (Dochází mi šťáva), ambition (ambice, cíl), temporary (dočasný), break/break down (rozbít se), go wrong (pokazit se, nevyjít), be aware of (být si vědom), a purse (peněženka), an arrival (příjezd)HOMEWORK FOR 2.3.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49  + 46!
Vocabulary: p. 92-97+ 116 (new words: be fed up with (mít po krk), good at (dobrý v), smart (bystrý, vkusný, elegantní), even (dokonce), useless (zbytečný), a course (kurz), physics (fyzika), for ages (věky), to drop out (vypadnout z, (za)nechat, např. drop out of school – nedokončit studia), a tour (turné), to regret (litovat), a career (kariéra), to go crazy (zešílet), crossroads (křižovatka), to involve (zahrnout), an option (možnost), pros and cons (plusy a mínusy/výhody a nevýhody), each (každý))
NB: List 12.5
SB: p. 97/Listening and Speaking: ex.  3, 4
– p. 98, ex. 2, 3Good job! Have a flawless week and see you next time. Yours, CarolLESSON 5, 9.2.2023
we did: 1st conditional, 2nd conditional (p. 97)
vocabulary from class: to be glad (mít radost, být rád), former (bývalý), spring break (jarní prázdniny), enable (umožnit), copy homework, thai food, convenience (pohodlí, užitečná věc, vhodnost), abducted (unesený), illness (nemoc), bet (sázka, vsadit), kidney (ledvina), wad (of money) (balík peněz), explain (vysvětlit)HOMEWORK FOR 23.2.2023!
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49  + 46!
Vocabulary: p. 90-97+ 116 (new words: wallet (peněženka), tell the truth (říct pravdu), peace (mír), midday (poledne), shave (oholit se), ambitious (cílevědomý), apply for (zažádat o, ucházet se o)
NB: List 12.3
SB: p. 97, ex. 3
– p. 97/Listening and Speaking: ex. 1, 2, 3, 4
If you can’t find the recordings for ex. 3, 2 and 4, please contact me via e-mail.Have a relaxing spring break and see you next time. Yours, CarolLESSON 4, 2.2.2023
we did: 1st conditional, 2nd conditional (p. 96)
vocabulary from class: to wrap (obalit, zabalit), to unwrap (rozbalit), wrapping paper (balicí papír), spirit (duch), to carry on (pokračovat, nepřestávat), wellington boots/rubber boots (holínky), a snow blower (sněhová fréza), reliable (spolehlivý), generous (velkorysý, štědrý), to fulfil (splnit, např. přání), humid (vlhký), changeable (proměnlivý), clouds (mraky), sunshine (sluneční svit), sunny, snow, snowy, wind, windy, rainy, hail (kroupy), to freeze (mrznout), fog (mlha), foggy (mlhavo), muddy (bahnitý), shower (přeháňka), mostly (převážně), overcast (zataženo), cloudy (oblačno), icing (námraza), blank ice (náledí), snowdrift (sněhová závěj), glaze ice (ledovka), soft rime (jinovatka), dew (rosa)HOMEWORK FOR 9.2.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47, 49  + 46!
Vocabulary: p. 90-96+ 116 (new words: pleased (potěšený), captain (kapitán), proud of (hrdý na), heaven (ráj))
NB: List 12.2
SB: p. 96, ex. 6 (follow Sam’s and Annie’s example)
– p. 97, ex. 1, 2, 3, 4Well done! Have a wonderful week and see you next time. Yours, Carol LESSON 3, 26.1.2023
we did: revision – present perfect ; 1st conditional (p. 95)
vocabulary from class: caused by (způsobený čím), exceptionally (výjimečně), exception (výjimka), except for (kromě), a shift (směna), but/after all (vždyť), to plant (pěstovat), a bill (účet), a bug (brouk), wires (dráty)HOMEWORK FOR 2.2.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47  + 49!
Vocabulary: p. 90-95+ 116 (new words: to collect (sbírat, vyzvednout), by (u), pills (pilulky/prášky), junk food (nezdravá strava), careful (opatrný, důkladný), to touch (dotknout se), an electric shock (elektrický šok), to kill (zabít))
NB: List 12.1
SB: p. 96, ex. 1, 2, 3, 4Good! Have a marvellous week and see you next time. Yours, Carol LESSON 2, 19.1.2023
we did: revision – present perfect, past perfect ; 1st conditional (p. 94)
vocabulary from class: rely on (spoléhat se na), to compensate (vykompenzovat), to make up (vynahradit), an air gun (vzduchovka), to establish (založit), to crawl (lézt, plazit se), to forecast/predict (předpovědět), a forecast/prediction (předpověď), to foresee (předvídat)HOMEWORK FOR 26.1.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47  + 49!
Vocabulary: p. 88-94+ 116
Worksheet: phrases 11-22 ->Here
SB: p. 95, ex. 1, 2, 3, 5 (if needed, look at the Grammar Spot and Grammar Reference)Nice! Have a brilliant week and see you next time. Yours, Carol LESSON 1, 12.1.2023
we did: revision – passive voice, present perfect tense
vocabulary from class: a cavity (dutina, zubní kaz), an inflammation (zánět), bronchitis (zánět průdušek), a van (dodávka), sportswear (sportovní oblečení), average (průměr, průměrný), I suppose… (předpokládám…), an aim/goal (cíl)HOMEWORK FOR 19.1.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47  + 49!
Vocabulary: p. 86-93+ 116
Worksheet: phrases 1-11 ->Here
SB: p. 94, ex. 1, 2 (add more ideas, follow the example: If the weather’s nice, we’ll go for a picnic.)Welcome to the new trimester! I’m looking forward to our new experiences with English!
Good job in the 1st lesson! Keep it up 🙂 Have a wonderful week and see you next time. Yours, Carol


Merry Christmas Candles GIF - Merry Christmas Candles Christmas GIFsMovie gif. Macaulay Culkin as Kevin in Home Alone Two leans through a doorway and smiles with a smirk. Text, "And a Happy New Year."

LESSON 12, 15.12.2022
we did: revision – tenses, vocabulary, Christmas time!
vocabulary from class: a snowmaker (sněhové dělo), a cannon (dělo), lead (olovo), a nutshell (skořápka), a candle (svíčka), a twig (větvička), generosity (štědrost, velkorysost)
– enjoy Christmas:,,

HOMEWORK FOR 12.1.2023
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47  + 42/49!
Vocabulary: p. 86-93+ 115-116
NB – List 11.12 (humanitní vědy – arts, lakota/podlost – meanness, skromný – modest, kopat – dig)
Revision U11 -> HERE

Thank you all for another wonderful year! You did a great job in our lessons and I hope you learnt something new (and that you don’t forget it). I wish you merry Christmas, full of magic, kindness, joy and peace. May the new year bring you health, wealth, success, good luck and a lot of beautiful moments with your beloved ones. See you in January! Yours, Carol

Merry Christmas Cat GIF - Merry Christmas Cat Christmas Tree GIFs

LESSON 11, 8.12.2022
we did: revision – tenses
vocabulary from class: established (založený), chores ((domácí) práce, povinnosti), rehearsing (zkoušení – nacvičování), fund-raising (získávání financí), award (ocenění), to bang (bouchnout, praštit), to adore (zbožňovat), an achievement (úspěch, dosažený výsledek), jobless (bez práce), a carp (kapr), board games (deskové hry)

HOMEWORK FOR 15.12.2022
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47  + 42/49!
Vocabulary: p. 86-93+ 115-116
WB – p. 77, ex. 9 -> HERE
Worksheet – all -> HERE

Have an exciting week and you next time! Yours, Carol

LESSON 10, 29.11.2022
we did: Vocabulary and listening (p. 92), Good news/bad news (p. 93)
vocabulary from class: an engagement (zásnuby), a maid of honor (hlavní družička), a groom (ženich), a best man (ženichův svědek), a mother tongue (mateřský jazyk), an employee (zaměstnanec), an employer (zaměstnavatel), an employment (zaměstnanost), symptoms (příznaky), an evaluation (hodnocení), a harvest (sklizeň), a horn (roh), cornucopia (hojnost), grain (obilí), a goat (koza), a hunt (lov, hon), a pilgrim (poutník), joy (radost, veselí), thankful/grateful (vděčný), generosity (velkorysost, laskavost), generous (štědrý, velkorysý), to pass away (zesnout), to go wrong (pokazit se), to get worse (zhoršit se), to break down (rozbít se, zhroutit se), to memorize (zapamatovat si), a favour (laskavost), to hit/strike (trefit), trial (zkušební), a tombstone (náhrobek)

HOMEWORK FOR 8.12.2022
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47  + 42/49!
Vocabulary: p. 86-93+ 115-116 (new words: die of (zemřít na), death (smrt), a funeral (pohřeb), alive (naživu), a heart attack (infarkt), unexpected (neočekávaný), a bridesmaid (družička), tough time (těžké časy), to split up (rozejít se), to get on well with (dobře vycházet s), What a shame! (Jaká škoda!), lovely (milý, příjemný), memories (vzpomínky), to cope (vyrovnat se s), incredible (neuvěřitelný), to be fond of (mít rád), a form (formulář), capital letters (velká písmena), nationality (národnost), emergency contact (nouzový kontakt), relationship (vztah), accommodation (ubytování), student residence (koleje), dietary requirements (stravovací požadavky), to be aware of (být si vědom), arrival (příjezd), departure (odjezd), pleasure (radost, potěšení), signature (podpis), applicable (použitelný))
NB: List 11.10 (10-12), 11.11
WB – p. 76, ex. 6, 7, 8 -> HERE
Worksheet – ex. 1 -> HERE

Nice. Have a wonderful week and you next time! Yours, Carol

LESSON 9, 24.11.2022
we did: present perfect, Getty Family (p. 90), Vocabulary (p. 92)
vocabulary from class: a strike (stávka), to fight for/against (bojovat za/proti), to struggle (zápasit, bojovat, usilovat), „use to“ (e.g. I used to sing every day – Zpívávala jsem každý den.), to trade (obchodovat), wealth (bohatství), widower (vdovec), propose to (požádat o ruku)

HOMEWORK FOR 29.11.2022
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47  + 42/49!
Vocabulary: p. 85-92+ 115-116
NB: List 11.10 (1-9)
SB – p. 92, ex. 6
– p. 93, ex. 1, 2

Well done. Have a splendid week and you next time! Yours, Carol

LESSON 8, 10.11.2022
we did: present perfect continuous, Getty Family (p. 90), Filling in forms (p. 116)
vocabulary from class: to trust (důvěřovat), a shed (přístřešek), hidden (schovaný), heart attack (infarkt, zástsava srdce), owner (vlastník), time-consuming (časově náročný), I’m ashamed. (Stydím se.), Shame on you! (Styď se!), passionate about (nadšený pro, mít vášeň pro)

HOMEWORK FOR 24.11.2022
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47  + 42/49!
Vocabulary: p. 83-90 + 115-116
NB: List 11.6 (questions 1-7), List 11.9 (questions 7-12)
SB – p. 92, ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
– p. 116, ex. 4

Nice lesson! Enjoy the following two weeks and you next time! Yours, Carol

LESSON 7, 3.11.2022
we did: present perfect continuous, listening (SB p. 89), introduction to Getty Family (p. 90)
vocabulary from class: a (steering) wheel (volant), All Souls‘ Day (Dušičky), a wreath (věnec), to commemorate (připomínat si), a graveyard/cemetery (hřbitov), a grave (hrob), to decorate (zdobit), to light a candle (zapálit svíčku), spooky (strašidelný), a bat (netopýr), trick or treat, to treat (pohostit, zacházet s někým/jednat), a cloud (mrak), a cackle (zachechtání), to carve (vyřezat, vydlabat), to spill (rozsypat, rozlít), a web (síť, pavučina), a full moon (úplněk), to peak out (vykouknout), disabled (invalidní, postižený), moreover (a co víc, nadto), a consumer (spotřebitel), to attend (účastnit se, navštětovat-chodit do, např. kurzu), It’s your turn! (Jsi na řadě!)

HOMEWORK FOR 10.11.2022
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47  + 42/49!
Vocabulary: p. 83-90 + 115 (new words: wise (rozumný, moudrý), Come on! (No tak!), based (sídlící), a base (základ/na), headquarters (hlavní sídlo, velitelství), pronunciation (výslovnost), a buyer (kupující), to rush (spěchat), to expect (očekávat), be expecting a baby (čekat dítě), to plague (sužovat), plague (epidemie, mor), to found (založit))
Fill-in 11.1 -> HERE
SB – p. 90, ex. 3
– p. 90, ex. 6
– p. 92, ex. 1
– p. 116, ex. 2

Good! Have a mind-blowing week and see you next time! Yours, Carol

LESSON 6, 27.10.2022
we did: present perfect continuous (SB p. 88-9)
vocabulary from class: a broom (koště), a costume (kostým), a pumpkin (dýně), a scale (škála), besides/except for/apart from (kromě), to broaden the horizon (rozšířit si obzor), a fuel tank (palivová nádrž), duties (povinnosti), a kale/cabbage (kapusta)

HOMEWORK FOR 3.11.2022
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62, 47  + 42/49!
Vocabulary: p. 83-89 + 115 (new words: a promise (slib), for a while (na chvíli, na nějakou dobu), silly (pošetilý, bláznivý), to catch up (dohnat, probrat život))
NB: List 11.4
SB – p. 89, ex. 3, 4
– p. 90, ex. 2, 3

Have a wonderful week and see you next time! Yours, Carol

LESSON 5, 20.10.2022
we did: present perfect continuous (SB p. 86-8)
vocabulary from class: to climb (šplhat), a chairlift/cable car (kabinová lanovka), a sightseeing flight (vyhlídkový let), a wreath (věnec)

HOMEWORK FOR 27.10.2022
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62  + 47!
Vocabulary: p. 82-88 + 115
NB: List 11.3
SB – p. 88, ex. 5
– p. 89, ex. 1, 2, 3, 4

Very nice! Have a spectacular week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 4, 13.10.2022
we did: revision – passive voice ; NEW – present perfect continuous (SB p. 86-7)
vocabulary from class: indecisive (nerozhodný), a handle (držadlo, rukojeť), bargain (výhodná koupě), sale (výprodej), to regret (litovat), to afford (dovolit si finančně), a loan (půjčka), apart from (kromě), remarkable (pozoruhodný), to bettray (zradit), to permit (dovolit)

HOMEWORK FOR 20.10.2022
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62  + 47!
Vocabulary: p. 82-87 + 115
NB: List 11.2
SB – p. 87, ex. 1, 3
– p. 87/Grammar Spot: 2 + Grammar Reference p. 156 (read about the present perfect continuous)
– p. 88, ex. 4, 5

Good! Have a phenomenal week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 3, 6.10.2022
we did: revision – present perfect, passive voice ; SB – introduction to unit 11 (p. 86)
vocabulary from class: to step/stamp on (šlápnout na/dupnout na), budget (rozpočet), to kneel (klečet), a device/gadget (přístroj), a jet (tryskáč), punishment (potrestání), privacy (soukromí), a plumber (instalatér), to prevent (zabránit, předejít), a goal/aim (cíl), a thief (zloděj), a kite (papírový drak), sudden (náhlý), a light bulb (žárovka), to admire (obdivovat), according to (podle), a proof (důkaz)

HOMEWORK FOR 13.10.2022
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62  + 47!
Vocabulary: p. 82-87 + 115 (new words: a survey (průzkum, anketa), do a survey (udělat průzkum), to prove (dokázat), a choirmaster (sbormistr), a presenter (moderátor), a chart (tabulka), a choir (sbor), to run (vést, řídit), youth (mládí, mladík, mládež), unsung (neopěvovaný))
NB: List 11.1 (postgraduální – postgraduate)
Exercise from class (6-10 Passive into active, 6-10 active into passive)
SB – p. 86, ex. 3
– p. 86, ex. 4 (What tense is used in some of the questions? Do you understand the questions? Look at the Grammart Spot – 1 on page 87 and find the examples of that tense in ex. 4. Then, try to rewrite these questions in present perfect SIMPLE, if possible. Is there any difference?)

Nice! Have an exciting week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

 LESSON 2, 29.9.2022
we did: revision – irregular verbs, past perfect, passive voice
vocabulary from class: a stand/stall (stánek), to deliver (doručit), this (toto), these (tito), What about you?/And you? (A (co) ty?), similar (podobný), recently/lately (v poslední době), an anniversary (výročí), a repairman (opravář), private (soukromý), to serve (servírovat, sloužit), to find out (zjistit), to punish (potrestat), a mosquito (komár), a promise (slib), to arrest (zatknout)

HOMEWORK FOR 6.10.2022
Drills: 17, 70, 29, 39, 55, 63, 62  + 47!
Vocabulary: from class
Fill-in 10.6 -> HERE
Exercise from class (1-5 Passive into active, 1-5 active into passive)
SB – p. 86, ex. 2
(I still haven’t got the U10 revision test from some of you – either send it to me or bring it to class.)

Well done! Have a mesmerizing week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

 LESSON 1, 22.9.2022
we did: revision – present perfect, past simple, irregular verbs, past perfect
vocabulary from class: exciting (vzrušující), interesting (zajímavý), classmate (spolužák), customer (zákazník), hom many times? (kolikrát?), joke (vtip), tell a joke (říct vtip), foreign (zahraniční), irregular (nepravidelný), current (současný)

HOMEWORK FOR 29.9.2022
Revision test U10 (z června)
NB: List 10.9
Finish ex. from class (4-8) – HERE

Welcome to a new trimester! I’m looking forward to our lessons and I hope you’re too! Have an amazing week and see you next time. Yours, Carol


PŘEKLEN č.3, 8.9.2022

– present perfect, past perfect, mix tenses

words: a pipe (trubka), exhausted (vyčerpaný), a reserve/stock (rezerva), common (běžný), have in common (mít společné), exhibition (výstava), do ironing (žehlit), tan (opálení, snědost), seriously (vážně), to brake (brzdit), to discover (objevit), mow the lawn (séct trávu), although (ačkoliv)

Good luck, Kristýna, with you studies and with English, too! Petra, hope to see you soon!

PŘEKLEN č.2, 25.8.2022

– verb patterns, future, present perfect

words: a stand/stall (stánek), a snorkel (šnorchl), a paradise/heaven (ráj), to correct (opravit), a cruise (plavba), to imagine (představit si), to expect (očekávat), to avoid (vyhnout se), to be in a hurry (spěchat), to report (nahlásit), so far (zatím, dosud)

HW: finish the exercise on „present simple, present continous and present perfect simple“: 6-14

Enjoy the last days in August as well as the first school day! See you in September!

PŘEKLEN č.1, 21.7.2022

– present simple and continuous, past simple and continuous

– question tags

words: take part in (zúčastnit se), relatives (příbuzní), allow (dovolit), postpone (odložit), solution (řešení), suggestion (návrh), solve (vyřešit), feel dizzy (cítit se malátně, točí se hlava), private (soukromý), privacy (soukromí), envious (závistivý), take care of (starat se o), care for/about (mít zájem o), care for (starat se, pečovat)

– finish the ex. on tenses

– připomeňte si, co jsou to verb patterns



LESSON 12, 30.6.2022
– we did: phone numbers and conversation
– vocabulary from class: a whale (velryba), jellyfish (medúza), noise (hluk), to rob (okrást, vykrást), an addiction (závislost), to be addicted to (být závislý na), to spread (rozšířit), an eploration (průzkum), stuck (zaseknutý), to hesitate (váhat)
– termíny hodin přes léto: 21.7. (Kristýna, Petra), 25.8. (Kristýna, Petra), 8.9. (Kristýna, Petra)

Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55, 62  + 47!
Vocabulary: p. 78-85 + 115 (new words: the emergency services (pohotovostní složky), directory enquiries (informace o telefonních číslech), to know by heart (znát zpaměti), to be breaking up (ztrácet se – při telefonování), a line (spojení), to get hold of (zastihnout), to put through (spojit/přepojit), urgent (naléhavý), to make it (zvládnout to), to hold (čekat), busy (obsazený – při telefonování))
Revision Test U10 -> HERE
Extra HW -> HERE ; check your answers HERE

Thank you all for another great trimester and the whole school year! Enjoy your summer vacations, don’t forget to practise English a little bit. See you all sooner or later! Yours, Carol

LESSON 11, 23.6.2022
– we did: things that annoy me, phone numbers, picture description
– vocabulary from class: in the foreground (v popředí), in the background (v pozadí), an excuse (omluva), a roof (střecha), light (světlý), dark (tmavý), a fence (plot), a path (pěšina), a block of flats (panelák, bytový dům), a dome (kopule), contact lenses (kontaktní čočky), costs (výdaje), to promote (povýšit), to dismiss (propustit), unexpectedly (neočekávaně)
– termíny hodin přes léto: 21.7. (Kristýna, Petra), 25.8. (Kristýna, Petra), 8.9. (Kristýna, Petra)

HOMEWORK FOR 30.6.2022
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55, 62  + 47!
Vocabulary: p. 78-85 + 115 (new words: a seat (sedadlo), even (dokonce), to drive somebody crazy/mad (přivádět někoho k šílenství, šílet z), a carriage (vagon), to yak (žvanit), impolite (nezdvořilý), to grunt (zabručet, odseknout), a nightmare (noční můra), to annoy (štvát, rozčilovat), a traffic jam (dopravní zácpa), choice (výběr), talk loudly on the phone (mluvit hlasitě do telefonu), overcrowded (přeplněný))
NB: List 10.8 (široký – wide, hádat – guess)
SB: – p. 85, ex. 4, 5
– p. 115, ex. 6 (do 30.6.)
WB: p. 69, ex. 6-1 -> HERE
Extra HW -> HERE

Have an exciting week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 10, 16.6.2022
– we did: social networking sites, p. 115
– vocabulary from class: united (spojený, sjednocený), alliance (spojenectví), ties (vazby), frontline (přední linie), grief (smutek, žal), difficulty (obtížnost), appreciate (vážit si), vulnerable (zranitelný), echo (ozvěna)
– navrhované termíny hodin přes léto: 21.7. (Kristýna, Petra), 25.8. (Kristýna, Petra), 8.9. (Kristýna, Petra)

HOMEWORK FOR 23.6.2022
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55, 62  + 47!
Vocabulary: p. 76-83 + 115 (new words: keep in touch (zůstat v kontaktu), keep up to date (držet (se) informovaný), flooded with (zaplavený), request (žádost), waste time (ztrácet čas), addicted (závislý), find out (zjistit))
NB: List 10.12
SB: – p. 85, ex. 1, 4, 5
– p. 115, ex. 6 (do 30.6.)
p. 84, ex. 3, 6

Good! Have a brilliant week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 9, 9.6.2022
– we did: social networking sites, things that annoy us
– vocabulary from class: feel sick/have nausea/have an upset stomach (cítit se zle, špatně od žaludku), a field trip/an open-air school (škola v přírodě), a disease (nemoc), a schedule (rozvrh, plán), a snack (svačina), an education (vzdělávání), mainly (hlavně), an item (položka), an account (účet), to keep up to date (držet se v obraze, zůsat dobře informovaný), to book (rezervovat), fake (falešný)
– Prince William’s speech:
– navrhované termíny hodin přes léto: 21.7. (Kristýna, Petra), 25.8. (Kristýna, Petra), 8.9. (Kristýna, Petra, Dáša) – příště si odsouhlasíme pro jistotu a já pak předám přihlášku do kanceláře

HOMEWORK FOR 16.6.2022
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55, 62  + 47!
Vocabulary: p. 76-83
Fill-in 10.3 -> HERE
SB: p. 84, ex. 3, 6
– p. 115, ex. 4, 5
– p. 115, ex. 2, 3

Nice! Have a brilliant week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 8, 8.6.2022
– we did: drills revision, vocabulary revision, tenses revision, conversation
– vocabulary from class: a wine cellar (vinný sklípek), a factory (továrna), spices (koření), spicy (kořeněný), hot (pálivý), jubilee (jubileum), anniversary (výročí), speech (proslov), soldier (voják), orienteering (orientační běh), to walk the dog (venčit psa), to go for a walk with a dog (jít na procházku se psem), to hug (obejmout), to feed (krmit), a players‘ bench (střídačka), to allow (dovolit), responsible (zodpovědný), elderly (postarší)

Prepare your homework
Study the vocabulary

See you tomorrow! Yours, Carol

LESSON 7, 2.6.2022
– we did: Passive voice, reading p. 82
– vocabulary from class: Dutch (holandský), injury (zranění), wheelchair (invalidní vozík), amazement park/funfair (zábavní park, pouť), borders (hranice), surgery (operace), surgeon (chirurg), bill (účet – např. v restauraci), ancestor (předek – např. v rodokmenu), achieve (dosáhnout), peak (vrchol)

HOMEWORK FOR 8.6.2022 (středa 17:30)
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55, 62  + 47!
Vocabulary: p. 76-83 (new words: immediately (okamžitě), user (uživatel), tiny (drobný, maličkatý))
Fill-in 10.2 -> HERE
SB: p. 82, ex. 6
– p. 84, ex. 2
– p. 115, ex. 1, 2, 3

Have a fabulous week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 6, 26.5.2022
– we did: Passive voice, reading p. 82
– vocabulary from class: an old people’s home/a home for the elderly/a retirement home (domov důchodců/seniorů), a chemist (chemik), to persuade (přesvědčit), to take care of (starat se o), to feed (krmit), to walk the dog (venčit psa), a vet (veterinář), to consult/discuss (poradit se), a black widow (černá vdova), to cuddle (objímat, tulit se), public (veřejnost), behaviour (chování)

Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55, 62  + 47!
Vocabulary: p. 76-82
NB: List 10.7 (shledat – find out, oslovit – speak to, krize – crisis, okamžitý – immediate, rozšíření – spread, vrchol – peak, suterén – basement)
SB: p. 83/ read article 5
– p. 82, ex. 5, 6, 7
– p. 115, ex. 1

Very nice lesson! Have a splendid week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 5, 19.5.2022

– we did: Passive voice, reading p. 82
– vocabulary from class: a Swiss roll (roláda), a bread roll (rohlík), to brush the teeth (čistit zuby), a community center (kulturní dům)

HOMEWORK FOR 26.5.2022
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55, 62  + 47!
Vocabulary: p. 76-82 (new words: full (plný), to develop (rozvíjet se, vyvíjet se), an event (událost), fashionable (modní), to extend (rozšířit), a variety (škála, rozmanitost), to exchange (vyměnit), natural (přírodní, přirozený), to connect (spojit, připojit), a need (potřeba), a search engine (vyhledávač), easily (snadno), to access (dostat se k), an access (přístup), to follow (sledovat, následovat), to launch (spustit, uvést na trh))
NB: List 10.6 (obava: fear, jednání: dealing, okopírovat: replicate, copy, úspěch: achievement)
SB: p. 83/ read articles 3-5 and match headings with the lines in ex. 2 (p. 82)
– p. 82, ex. 5

Have a gorgeous week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 4, 12.5.2022

– we did: Passive voice, compound nouns (WB)
– vocabulary from class: horrific (strašný), chores (domácí práce), divided (rozdělený), raindeer (sob), pleasure (radost), upset (rozrušený, rozčilený), workroom (dílna – domácí), drums (bubny), allow (dovolit), portable (přenosný), injured (zraněný), accident (nehoda), to brake (brzdit), sharply (ostře), involve (zahrnovat, týkat se), bean (fazole, coffee bean – kávové zrno), deliveryman (doručovatel), messenger (kurýr), sunscreen/sun cream (opalovací krém), entertainment (zábava)

HOMEWORK FOR 19.5.2022
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55, 62  + 47!
Vocabulary: p. 76-82 (new words: evolve (vyvíjet se), given (daný))
NB: List 10.5
SB: p. 82-83/ read articles 1 and 2 and match heading with the lines in ex. 2 (p. 82)

Good! Have an entertaining week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 3, 5.5.2022

– we did: Passive voice, N+N compounds, compound adjectives
– vocabulary from class: a chateau (zámek), a referee (rozhodčí), insect repellent (repelent), a torch (svítilna, baterka), to cover (přikrýt, zakrýt), to pronounce (vyslovit), a politician (politik), politics (politika), a field (pole, obor), a lap (klín), chores (domácí práce), to charge (nabít), instead of (namísto), based on (založený na), amount (částka, počet), available (dostupný)

HOMEWORK FOR 12.5.2022
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55, 62  + 47!
Vocabulary: p. 76-81 (new words: start a family (založit rodinu), start a business (začít podnikat, založit podnik), make a complaint (stažovat si), a complaint (stížnost), make a discovery (učinit objev), research (výzkum), do exercises (cvičit), do yoga (dělat jogu), take a long time (dlouho trvat, dát si načas), size (velikost), equipped (vybavený), latest (nejnovější), surely (jistě))
List 10.4 (dílna: workroom, bubny: drums)
SB: p. 82, ex. 1
WB: p. 67, ex. 1, 2
– p. 72, ex. 1, 2, 3 -> HERE (warden: „policista“, správce, dozorce)

Nice! Have a fantastic week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 2, 21.4.2022

– we did: Passive voice
– vocabulary from class: braided (zapletený, spletený), to whip (šlehat), twig (větvička), ribbon (stužka), peel/skin (slupka), to peel (loupat), to hunt (lovit), to avoid (vyhnout se), a ram (beran), a lamb (beránek, jehně), a caroller (koledník), to vanish/disappear/evaporate (zmizet), a flip phone (véčkový telefon), push-button (tlačítkový), a lightning conductor (hromosvod)

HOMEWORK FOR 28.4.2022
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55, 62  + 47!
Vocabulary: p. 70-81 (new words: printing press (tiskařský lis), ballpoint pen (kuličkové pero), to post (poslat, vyvěsit), to found (založit), to translate (přeložit), a garage (garáž))
 List 10.3
SB: p. 81, ex. 2, 3, 5
WB: p. 67, ex. 1, 2 -> HERE

Good! Have a gorgeous week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 1, 14.4.2022

– we did: Passive voice
– vocabulary from class: chickenpox (plané neštovice), plague (mor), device (přístroj), gadget (vychytávka, přístroj), invention (vynález), microwave oven (mikrovlnka), steam (pára), steam pot (parní hrnec), item (položka), guilty (vinný, provinilý), coffee grinder (mlýnek na kávu), invent (vynalézt), entrance hall (vstupní hala), landline (pevná linka), replace (nahradit), beetroot (červená řepa)

HOMEWORK FOR 21.4.2022
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55, 62  + 47!
Vocabulary: p. 70-79 (new words: multitude (spousta), feature (rys, znak), add (přidat), including (včetně), browse (procházet, prohlížet), before long (zanedlouho))
 List 10.1
SB: p. 80, ex. 1, 3, 4
– p. 81, ex. 2, 3

Great lesson! Keep at it! Have an excellent week and see you next time. Yours, Carol


LESSON 13, 7.4.2022

– we did: past perfect, so/such (a), passive forms
– něco málo k trpnému rodu:
– vocabulary from class: a fence (plot), a tick (klíště), a wardrobe/closet (šatní skříň), a light (světlo), a ceiling (strop), a desk (pracovní stůl), a chest of drawers (komoda se zásuvkami), a cupboard (kredenc, skříň s policemi), a mirror (zrcadlo), a bathtub (vana), a washbasin (umyvadlo), a sink (dřez), a drawer (šuplík), a basket (koš), a carpet (koberec), a rug (rohožka, předložka), to track (sledovat, stopovat), to task (pověřit, dát úkol), a crane (jeřáb – i pták), a crow (vrána), to switch off (vypnout)

HOMEWORK FOR 14.4.2022
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55  + 62
Vocabulary: p. 70-78
List 10.2 (vstupní hala: entrance hall, vyhodit: throw away, pevné linky: landlines, nahradit: replace)
SB: p. 79/GS: 2
– p. 79, ex. 4, 5
– p. 60, ex. 1
– p. 78, ex. 3

Very good job! Congratulations on successfully passing another trimester. I’m verry happy you don’t give up on me and I’m looking forward to spending more lessons with you! 😉 Have a fantastic week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 12, 30.3.2022

– we did: past perfect, so/such (a), introduction to Unit 10
– vocabulary from class: a beam (trám, kladina), next-to-last/penultimate (předposlední), amnesty (amnestie), lorry/truck (nákladní auto), foreground (popředí), forehead (čelo), background (pozadí), tongue twister (jazykolam), yell (řvát), yawn (zívat), be mad about/on // be crazy about (být blázen do), sanction (sankce), punishment (trest), graduate from (absolvovat), confess/own up (přiznat se), deserve (zasloužit si), surround (obklopovat), private (soukromý), public (veřejný), cute (roztomilý), playful (hravý)

Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55  + 62
Vocabulary: p. 70-77 
Fill-in 9.2
(copy from class)
SB: p. 78, ex. 1, 2, 3

Good! Have a fabulous week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 11, 23.3.2022

– we did: past perfect, so/such (a), vocabulary, question tags
– krátké vysvětlení k so/such
– krátké vysvětlení k „question tags“ (tázací dovětky):
– vocabulary from class: tournament (turnaj), race (závod), curious (zvědavý), curiosity (zvědavost), science (věda), tiredness/fatigue (únava), vast (rozlehlý), zealous (horlivý), talented (talentovaný), insist on (trvat na), pretend (předstírat), puddle (louže), get engaged (zasnoubit se), a match (zápas, zápalka), mean (lakomý, znamenat, mínit)

HOMEWORK FOR 31.3.2022
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55  + 62
Vocabulary: p. 70-77 
List 9.12 (absolvovat – graduate from, přiznat se – own up/confess)
SB: p. 78, ex. 1 + 1
Revision Unit 9: HERE
 (bring to class)

Have a marvellous week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

Milí studenti,
pokud si přejete pokračovat ve svém současném kurzu angličtiny i v období DUBEN – ČERVEN 2022přihlaste se prosím NYNÍ jedním z těchto způsobů:

1. ON-LINE PŘIHLÁŠKA (po úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na
3. SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. osobně v kanceláři školy

Pokud požadujete nějakou změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte to prosím do on-line přihlášky.
Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit nejpozději do 21.března, kdy začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst. 

Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme někým novým. Kurzovné prosím uhraďte do 31. března.

Všechny kurzy budou opět začínat v týdnu od 11.dubna!

St Patricks Day Leprechaun GIF

LESSON 10, 17.3.2022

– we did: past perfect, so/such (a)
– krátké vysvětlení k so/such
– vocabulary from class: social care (sociální péče), domain/field (obor), coincidence (náhoda), What a pity/shame! (Jaká škoda!), shame (ostuda), Shame on you! (Styď se!), former (bývalý), experience (zážitek, zkušenost), weird/strange/odd (zvláštní), take it easy (brát to v pohodě), tidy up (uklidit), rude (drzý)

HOMEWORK FOR 24.3.2022
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55  + 62
Vocabulary: p. 70-77 (badly-behaved (špatně vychovaný, nevychovaný), glad (rád), manage (zvládnout, dokázat))
List 9.10
WB: p. 63, ex. 2, 3 -> HERE
Worksheet (So, such): HERE

Nice! Have a gorgeous week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 9, 10.3.2022

– we did: past perfect – revision, vocabulary (emotions) – revision
– vocabulary from class: rules (pravidla), universal (univerzální), common (společný, běžný), grated (strouhaný), brush (kartáč), comb (hřeben), moguls (jízda v boulích), distance (vzdálenost), tidy (uklidit), allow (dovolit)

HOMEWORK FOR 17.3.2022
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55  + 62
Vocabulary: p. 70-76 (new words: angry, nervous, delighted (potěšený), stressed, upset (rozrušený), homesick (stýskající po domově), jealous (žárlivý), proud, scared, amazed, lonely, disappointed (zklamaný), result (výsledek), fail (propadnout, neuspět), race (závod), miss (scházet, chybět), cheer up! (hlavu vzhůru!), chill out (uvolnit se, odpočinout si, zvolnit), fabulous (báječný), calm down (uklidnit se)
List 9.9
WB: p. 62, ex. 2, 5 -> HERE
p. 77, ex. 1, 2

I hope you enjoyed our last lesson! Have a fantastic week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 8, 9.3.2022

– we did: past perfect, emotions
– vocabulary from class: hangover (kocovina), emotional (citový), unstable (nestabilní), appropriate/suitable (vhodný), den (nora), hola (díra, nora), passer-by (kolemjdoucí), jobless (bez práce), unemployed (nezaměstnaný), lose control/one’s cool/one’s temper (přestat se ovládat), penalty/fine (pokuta), servant (sloužící), create (vytvořit), joy (radost), envious (závistivý)

HOMEWORK FOR 17.3.2022
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55  + 62
Vocabulary: p. 70-76 (new words: angry, nervous, delighted (potěšený), stressed, upset (rozrušený), homesick (stýskající po domově), jealous (žárlivý), proud, scared, amazed, lonely, disappointed (zklamaný), result (výsledek), fail (propadnout, neuspět), race (závod), miss (scházet, chybět), cheer up! (hlavu vzhůru!), chill out (uvolnit se, odpočinout si, zvolnit), fabulous (báječný), calm down (uklidnit se)
List 9.9
WB: p. 62, ex. 2, 5 -> HERE
p. 77, ex. 1, 2

Have a cool week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 7, 3.3.2022

– we did: past perfect
– vocabulary from class: approval (schválení), approve (schválit), marriage (manželství), get engaged (zasnoubit se), engage (věnovat se něčemu), engagement (závazek), childhood (dětství), mice (myši), run out of (spotřebovat, vypotřebovat), retire (dejít do důchodu), graduate (absolvovat), battle (boj), laboratory (laboratoř), commit suicide (spáchat sebevraždu)

HOMEWORK FOR 9.3.2022 (hodina ve středu 17:35)
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55  + 62
Vocabulary: p. 69-75
List 9.8
p. 74, ex. 3 – Frames 8-12
– p. 76, ex. 1, 2, 3, 4

Good! Have an exciting week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

 LESSON 5, 24.2.2022

we did: past perfect, SB p. 73
vocabulary from class: condition (Podmínka, kondice), artificial (umělý), real (skutečný), cloudy (zamračeno), worried (ustaraný), meadow (louka), rival (konkurent), impressed with (ohromený), run out of (spotřebovat, už nemít), citizen (občan), gap (mezera), convince (přesvědčit), disturb (rušit), influence (vliv, ovlivnit), impact (vliv, dopad), effect (vliv, následek), affect (ovlivnit, postihnout)
předminulý čas – příklad použití:

Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55  + 62
Vocabulary: p. 66-73 (new words: naughty (zlobivý), burn (hořet, spálit se), supper (pozdní večeře), retire (odejít do důchodu), miserable (nabručený, nevrlý, ubohý, nešťastný))
List 9.5
p. 73, ex. 4 (listening)
– p. 74: watch/listen to the video:
– p. 74, ex. 3 – Frames 8-12

Nice! Have a wonderful and optimistic week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 4, 3.2.2022
we did: past perfect
vocabulary from class: unlimited (neomezený), employee (zaměstnanec), imagine (představit si), imagination (představivost), adjustable (polohovatelný), cashdesk/checkout (pokladna – v obchodě), ticket/booking office (pokladna na vstupenky), extend (rozšířit), as soon as (jakmile), although (ačkoliv), threaten (vyhrožovat), dismiss (vyhodit z práce), desperate (zoufalý), regrets (výčitky), disappointed (zklamaný)
předminulý čas – příklad použití:

HOMEWORK FOR 17.2.2022
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55  + 62
Vocabulary: p. 66-72 (once upon a time (bylo nebylo), shepherd (pastýř), wolf (vlk), to race (závodit, utíkat), villager (vesničan), worry about (dělat si starosti, obávat se), appear (objevit se), disappear (zmizet), ashamed of (one)self (stydět se za sebe), moonlight (měsíční svit), moral (ponaučení))
List 9.4
p. 73, ex. 1, 2, 3
– p. 73, ex. 2 (listening)

Well done! Have a gorgeous week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 3, 27.1.2022
we did: past perfect
vocabulary from class: Physics (fyzika), (pre)arranged (předem-dohodnutý), agreed on (dohodnutý), prone to (být náchylný k), value (hodnota), valuable (hodnotný), dialogue, prevent (předcházet, zabránit), relation (vztah), nylons (silonky)
předminulý čas – vysvětlení:,

Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55  + 62
Vocabulary: p. 66-71 (familiar (povědomý), anniversary (výročí))
List 9.3 (rozšířit: extend, jakmile: as soon as, vyhrožovat: threaten, vyhodit (z práce): dismiss/fire)
p. 72, ex. 1, 2, 3, 4

Good! Have an amazing week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

 LESSON 2, 20.1.2022
we did: past perfect
vocabulary from class: frightened (vyděšený), pollen (pyl), grateful (vděčný), diary (diář, deník), serious (vážný), patient (trpělivý), suncream (opalovací krém), at least (alespoň, minimálně)

HOMEWORK FOR 27.1.2022
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39, 55  + 62
Vocabulary: p. 63-71
List 9.2
p. 71, ex. 5, 2, 3
– p. 72, ex. 1 (zkuste dle obrázků sestavit příběh)

Nice! Have a fabulous week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

 LESSON 1, 13.1.2022
we did: revision U8
vocabulary from class: a few (pár, několik), sledging (sáňkování), artificial (umělý), lentils soup (čočková polévka), leftovers (zbytky), soon (brzy), pompon (bambule), bobble hat/cap (čepice s bambulkami), candle (svíčka), container (nádoba), heavy (těžký), blood (krev), pressure (tlak), rusty (rezavý), nail (hřebík), hug (obejmout), pale (bledý)

HOMEWORK FOR 20.1.2022
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39   +   55
Vocabulary: p. 63-70
List 9.1
p. 71, ex. 3, 4
p. 58, ex. 3, 4

Welcome to 2022! I’m looking forward to our lessons. Have a brilliant week and see you next time. Yours, Carol



LESSON 12, 16.12.2021
we did: illnesses, reading (p. 70), talking about Christmas
vocabulary from class: hot wine (svařák), souvenirs (suvenýry), gloves (rukavice), Nativity scene (betlém), Christmas fair (vánoční jarmark), stuffing (nádivka), chestnut (kaštan), wink (mrkat), hay (seno), herbs (bylinky), stocking (punčocha), sleigh (sáně tažené), sledge (sáňky), elf-elves (elf-elfové), carol (koleda), holly (cesmína), mistletoe (jmelí), ornaments (ozdoby), raindeer (sob), poisenttia (vánoční růže), chain (řetěz), /un/wrap (/rozbalit/ zabalit), painkiller (prášek na bolest)

HOMEWORK FOR 12.1.2022
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39   +   55
Vocabulary: p. 63-69
WB (HERE): –
p. 58, ex. 1, 2
Revision test U8 – HERE

Thank you all for a beautiful and successful trimester! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Enjoy the time with people you love 🙂 See you in 2022! Yours, Carol

LESSON 11, 9.12.2021
we did: illnesses (p. 69), formal and informal letter (p. 113)
vocabulary from class: build a snowman (postavit sněhuláka)a, trustworthy (důvěryhodný), well-known (všeobecně známý), fairy (víla), gluten (lepek), house-warming party (kolaudační párty), final inspection/approval (kolaudace), funds (finanční zdroje), subsidy (dotace), GP/general practitioner (praktický lékař)

HOMEWORK FOR 16.12.2021
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39   +   55
Vocabulary: p. 63-69 (new words: prescribe (předepsat), especially (zejména), infection (infekce), plenty of (hodně), liquids (tekutiny), prescription (předpis-recept)
NB: List 8.12
SB: – p. 70, ex. 2
WB (HERE): –
p. 57, ex. 11 (AUDIO)
– p. 58, ex. 1

Have an excellent week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 10, 2.12.2021
we did: clothes (p. 68), illnesses (p. 69)
samostatná zájmena: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs
vocabulary from class: gingerbread (perník), safety (bezpečnost), polluted (znečistěný), pollution (znečištění), schedule (rozvrh, harmonogram), rent (nájem, pronajmout), for rent (k pronájmu), for sale (k prodeji), care for (starat se o), a rat (krysa), behaviour (chování), a scale (škíla, žebříček), the rankings (žebříček), luxurious (luxusní), cinnamon (skořice), inhabited (obývaný), frightened (vyděšený), dirty (špinavý), disorder (nepořádek), a mat (žíněnka), woolen (vlněný), wooden (dřevěný), accessory (doplněk), sweater/jumper/cardigan (svetr), sneakers/trainers (tenisky), sustainable (udržitelný), pyjamas/pajamas (pyžamo), daily (denní, každodenní), tissues (papírové kapesníky), turtleneck (rolák), nylons (silonky), disease (nemoc), allergic to (alergický na), towel (ručník)
alternativy k „I think“: In my opinion… (podle mého názoru…), As far as I am concerned… (Pokud jde o mě.. co se mě týče…), When it comes to… (pokud jde o…)

HOMEWORK FOR 9.12.2021
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39   +   55
Vocabulary: p. 63-69 (new words: diarrhoea (průjem), food poisoning (otrava jídlem), cough (kašel, kašlat), blow (my) nose (smrkat), a fever (horečka), to ache / hurt (bolet), swollen (nateklý), to swallow (polykat), to sneeze (kýchat), to itch (svědit), itching (svědící))
NB: List 8.11
SB: – p. 69, ex. 3, 4
– p. 113, ex. 5, 6

Good job! Have a fantastic week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 9, 25.11.2021
we did: listening, clothes (p. 68)
vocabulary from class: coincidence (náhoda), confident (sebevědomý), reward (odměna), locker room (šatna), traveller (cestovatel), subtitles (titulky), internship (stáž), bartender (barman), herbal (bylinný), stumble (klopýtnout), divorce (rozvod), only child (jedináček), stepdad (nevlastní táta), jealous (žárlivý), waist (pas), feet (chodidla), face (obličej), finger (prst na ruce), neck (krk), chest (hruď), wrist (zápěstí)

HOMEWORK FOR 2.12.2021
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39   +   55
Vocabulary: p. 63-68
NB: List 8.10
SB: – p. 68, ex. 4
– p, 69, ex. 1, 2, 3
– p. 113, ex. 5

Nové Noodle Booky už jsem vám objednala, nezapomeňte si je vyzvednout v kanceláři (třeba před hodinou). Cena je myslím 250,-.

Have a spectacular week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

Nové Noodle Booky už jsem vám objednala, nezapomeňte si je vyzvednout v kanceláři (třeba před hodinou). Cena je myslím 250,-.

Have a spectacular week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 8, 18.11.2021
we did: past tense, formal letter, reading
vocabulary from class: protest against (protestovat proti), a swimsuit (plavky), a flag (vlajka), somehow (nějak), a parade (průvod), a firework (ohňostroj), a wreath (věnec), to lay down (položit), a day before yesterday (předevčírem), heavy rain (liják), to give birth (porodit)

HOMEWORK FOR 25.11.2021
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39   +   55
Vocabulary: p. 63-67
NB: List 8.8
SB: – p. 66, ex. 6
– p. 68, ex. 2, 3, 4
– p. 113, ex. 5

Good! Have a fabulous week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 7, 11.11.2021
we did: past tense, present perfect, reading
vocabulary from class: a substitution (nahrazení), Make yourself comfortable. (Udělej si pohodlí.), a bank holiday (státní svátek), an iron (žehlička), to iron/to do the ironing (žehlit), whatever (cokoliv), injured (zraněný), patience (trpělivost), to concentrate on (soustředit se na), to rely on (spolehnout se na), privacy (soukromí), to behave (chovat se)

HOMEWORK FOR 18.11.2021
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39   +   55
Vocabulary: p. 63-67
NB: List 8.7
SB: – p. 66, ex. 4-B
– p. 112, ex. 2, 3

Nice! Have a gorgeous week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 6, 4.11.2021
we did: modal verbs, past tense, irregular verbs
vocabulary from class: look out tower- rozhledna, explain-vysvětlit, injury- zranění, twisted ankle-zvrtnutý kotník, javelin throw-hod oštěpěm, hopelles-beznadějný, strangely- divně, builder-stavitel, long jump- skok daleký, physioterapist- fyzioterapista, recover-uzdravit se, determined-odhodlaný, patient- trpělivý, hurdles-překážky, high jump- skok vysoký, shot put- vrh koulí

HOMEWORK FOR 11.11.2021
drills: 29,55
Vocabulary: p. 63-65+ vocabulary from class
Noodlebook: list 8.6
SB: 66/3, 66/4-A, 112/1

Good job! It was nice to meet you all! B.

LESSON 5, 21.10.2021
we did: irregular verbs, modal verbs: must, should, have to
vocabulary from class: have a sore throat (bolet v krku), have a cold/flu (mít rýmu/chřipku), headache (bolest hlavy), toothache (bolest zubu), stomachache (bolest břicha), feel sick (cítit se zle, nemocně), how long (jak dlouho), to hurt (bolet), pain (bolest), regularly (pravidelně), a charity (charita), advice (rada), alone (sám), a member (člen), a membership (členství), equipment (vybavení), a vet (veterinář), a gift/present (dárek)

HOMEWORK FOR 4.11.2021
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39   +   55
Vocabulary: p. 62-64 (new words: even (dokonce), a disaster (katastrofa), to get angry (naštvat se), the army (armáda), to prepare (připravit), audience (publikum), be addicted to (být závislý na), to accept (přijmout), indeed (vskutku), a doubt (pochybnost), firmly (pevně), to suffer (trpět), be jealous of (žárlit na) + from class
NB: List 8.2
SB: – p. 65/Heptathlon champion: ex. 1, 2, 3
+ worksheet HERE -> think of some advice

Good job! Have a brilliant week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 4, 14.10.2021
we did: revision – antonyms, wordformation ; new: have to/has to
vocabulary from class: a voice (hlas), a duty (povinnost), enough (dost), a fairy tale (pohádka), creativity (kreativita), to benefit from (těžit z), to realize (uvědomit si), to keep fit (držet se v kondici), a hood (kapuce), a hoodie (mikina s kapucí), an entrance (vstup), to postpone (odložit), thin (tenký), thick (tlustý, široký – předmět), under pressure (pod tlakem), to solve (vyřešit), to refuse (odmítnout), kindness (dobrota – vlastnost), a criticism (kritika), helpful (nápomocný), responsibility (zodpovědnost), ambitious (cílevědomý), a critic (kritik), an explanation (vysvětlení), a deadline (termín, uzávěrka), at least (alespoň), writing (písmo)

HOMEWORK FOR 21.10.2021
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39   +   55
Vocabulary: p. 62-64 + from class
NB: List 8.1
SB: – p. 64, ex. 2 – dokončit
– p. 64, ex. 3, 4

Very nice! Have a spectacular week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 3, 7.10.2021
we did: revision – present perfect, synonyms, word endings, doubt and certainty
vocabulary from class: a fence (plot), a hook (háček), to agree on (shodnout se na), P.E. (physical education – tělesná výchova), complicated (komplikovaný), a discussion (diskuze), to discuss (diskutovat), a host (uvaděč, moderátor), to vote (volit), elections (volby), to answer (odpovědět, zvednout telefon), inviting (lákavý), to inherit (zdědit), inheritance (dědictví), responsibility (zodpovědnost), responsible for (zodpovědný za), to manage (zvládnout), criticism (kritika), a doubt  (pochybnost), to doubt (pochybovat), wise (rozumný, chytrý)

HOMEWORK FOR 14.10.2021
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39   +   55
Vocabulary: from class
Fill-in  6.5 –> HERE
SB: – p. 64, ex. 2
– p. 63, ex. 3, 4 + Grammar Spot (1, 2, 3)

Good job! Have a brilliant week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 2, 30.9.2021
we did: revision – present perfect tense, introduction to Unit8
vocabulary from class: a board game (desková/stolní hra), to participate (zúčastnit se), to celebrate (slavit), a celebration (oslava), calmly (klidně), slowly (pomalu), a premiere (premiéra), well-known (známý), to switch off (vypnout), foreign (zahraniční, cizí), a leader (vůdce), an occasion (příležitost), several (několik), a camel (velbloud), passion (vášeň)

HOMEWORK FOR 7.10.2021
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39   +   55
Vocabulary: from class
Fill-in  7.4 –> HERE
WB: – p. 47, ex. 4-1, 2
SB: – p. 63, ex. 3, 4
– p. 62, ex. 2

Good job! Have an amazing week and see you next time. Yours, Carol

LESSON 1, 23.9.2021
we did: revision – comparative/superlative forms of adjectives, future tense, present perfect tense
vocabulary from class: a dishwasher (myčka), a washing machine (pračka), have to (muset), compulsory/obligatory (povinný), salary (plat), a hammock (houpací síť), a flight (let), a sum (částka, suma), a flood (povodeň), experience (zkušenost), to live through (zažít)

HOMEWORK FOR 30.9.2021
Drills: 17, 61, VP, 70 , 29, 39   +   55
Vocabulary: from class
Fill-in 6.2 (kopie z hodiny)
WB: – p. 46, ex. 1
– p. 48, ex. 5
– download -> HERE
SB: – p. 62/Starter + ex. 2

Excellent first lesson! Keep it up! Have a wonderful week and see you next time. Yours, Carol


Dear students,
I wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Let’s hope it’s far better than this one when talking about our health and general happiness. Enjoy the festive season, relax, and have a wonderful time with your beloved ones! C.

If you want to practise some Xmas English, here are some nice links for you:

LESSON 12, 10.12.2020 (online)
we did: Present perfect revision, SB p. 63 – have to
– vocabulary from class: a timetable/schedule (rozvrh hodin), all over again (pořád dokola), coal (uhlí), to scare (strašit), a carol (koleda), to float (plout), a tinsel (vánoční řetěž), a fig (fík), a holly (cesmína), a sleigh (sáně), to process (zpracovat), a novel (román), to attract (lákat), spinach (špenát)

Drills: 17, 61, 79, 00,  70 , 29,   39   +   55
Vocabulary: p. 56-63
NB: List 8.1
SB: – p. 64, ex. 2, 3

Nice! Thank you, Dáša, for our last lesson this year. 🙂 Have a magical winter time. I hope to see you soon, when the conditions are favourable again. Yours, Carol


LESSON 11, 3.12.2020 (online)
we did: Present perfect revision, SB p. 62
– vocabulary from class: slippery (klouzavý), a wreath (věnec), an ornament (ozdoba), a candleholder (svícen), value (hodnota), to impress (zaujmout, zapůsobit), a periphery (okraj, perifierie), calm (klidný), a racer (závodník)

HOMEWORK FOR 10.12.2020
Drills: 17, 61, 79, 00,  70 , 29,   39   +   55
Vocabulary: p. 54-61
NB: List 7.5
SB: – p. 63, ex. 3, 4 + Grammar Spot (What is „have to“?)

Good. Have a beautiful week and see you next time! Yours, Carol


LESSON 10, 26.11.2020 (offline)
hodina neproběhla – pokračujte, prosím, v zadaných úkolech z minulého týdne
– new grammar: question tags
– practice:

HOMEWORK FOR 3.12.2020
Drills: 17, 61, 79, 00,  70 , 29,   39   +   55
Vocabulary: p. 54-61
NB: List 7.11
SB: – p. 62, ex. 1, 2
Workbook: – p. 48, ex. 6 –> HERE

See you next time! Yours, Carol


LESSON 9, 19.11.2020 (online)
we did: SB p. 61
– vocabulary: tiring (únavný), to find out (zjistit), a root (kořen), to confuse (splést, zaměňovat), to pass away (zesnout), miserable (bídný, nešťastný), to suppose (předpokládat), inviting (lákavý)
Practice: kotě, přemýšlet, v zahraničí, většina, návštěvník, loděnice, předávat se, kritický, skvostný, rozhodnutí, zůstat v kontaktu, pozemek, zdravý, nedávno, nebezpečí
– new grammar: question tags,

HOMEWORK FOR 26.11.2020
Drills: 17, 61, 79, 00,  70 , 29,   39   +   55
Vocabulary: p. 54-61
NB: List 7.11
SB: – p. 62, ex. 1, 2
Workbook: – p. 48, ex. 6 –> HERE

Thanks for this lesson, Dáša. Have a wonderful week and see you next time. Yours, Carol


LESSON 8, 12.11.2020 (online)
we did: SB p. 60, 61
– vocabulary: suspenseful (napínavý – o knize), a tension (napětí), elections (volby), no longer/anymore (už ne-), detailed (detailní), a description (popis), careful (opatrný), to forbid (zakázat)
Practice: ovlivnit, přesvědčit, zahrnovat, radost, pozadí, sbírka, téměř, alespoň, Proboha!, celou věčnost, zarezervovat, doporušit, usadit se, upřímný, zodpovědnost
– new grammar: question tags,

HOMEWORK FOR 19.11.2020
Drills: 17, 61, 79, 00,  70 , 29   +   39
Vocabulary: p. 54-61 (new words: a shipyard (loděnice), to keep in tough (zůstat v kontaktu), a kitten (kotě), fair (světlý, plavý))
NB: List 7.10
SB: – p. 61, ex. 4
– p. 61, ex. 5 (choose two conversations and complete the question tags where it is possible)
Revision: Unit 7 final test —> HERE
+ online exercise on „question tags“:

Nice, Dáša! Have a superb week and see you next time. Yours, Carol


LESSON 7, 5.11.2020 (online)
we did: SB p. 58 – reading + ex. 4
– vocabulary: desperate (beznadějný), to unpack (vybalit si), a foreground (popředí), frequently (často), a value (hodnota)
Practice: Umístěný, Téměř, Vážně, Vůdce, Sbírka, Potěšení, Vývoj,  Srdcervoucí, Hrozný, Rozčilený, Socha, Výstava, Sdílet, Pozvat, Navštívit
– online practice (from class):

HOMEWORK FOR 12.11.2020
Drills: 17, 61, 79, 00,  70 , 29   +   39
Vocabulary: p. 51-59 (new words: most (většina), a background (pozadí), vast (obrovský), a parkland (park), to wonder (přemýšlet, divit se), to impress (zapůsobit, udělat dojem), to persuade (přesvědčit), magnificent (skvostný), freqent (častý), to influence (ovlivnit), an influence (vliv), to raise money (vybrat peníze))
NB: List 7.9
SB: – p. 60, ex. 2, 3
– p. 61, ex. 2, 3

Good job! Have a marvellous week and see you next time. Yours, Carol


LESSON 6, 29.10.2020 (online)
we did: SB p. 58 – reading
– vocabulary:

AZ17 slovíčka 29.10.
– online practice (from class):

HOMEWORK FOR 5.11.2020
Drills: 17, 61, 79, 00,  70 , 29   +   39
Vocabulary: p. 51-59 (new words: to welcome (uvítat, přivítat), recently (nedávno), a film crew (filmový štáb), to inherit (zdědit), an estate (pozemek), to pass down (předávat), a generation (generace), a pleasure (potěšení, radost), a respondibility (zodpovědnost), situated/set (umístěný), nearly (téměř, skoro), to include (zahrnovat), to be worth (mít hodnotu, stát), approximately (přibližně))
NB: List 7.7
SB: – p. 59: finish the reading
– p. 58, ex. 4
– p. 60, ex. 2

Thank you, Dáša, for today’s lesson! Have an amazing week and see you next time. Yours, Carol


LESSON 5, 22.10.2020 (online)
we did: SB p. 57
– vocabulary revision:
V zahraničí                                                         Vášeň                                                                  Starověký
Historik                                                               Fotograf                                                             Víla
Bůh                                                                       Násilí                                                                    Myšlenka
Opakovat                                                           Litovat                                                                 Zamýšlet
Potěšený                                                           Krásný                                                                 Hlučný
– Vocabulary from class: to regret (litovat), to intend (zamýšlet), a tent (stan)
– online practice (from class):
Present perfect – zopakujte si s videem:

HOMEWORK FOR 29.10.2020
Drills: 17, 61, 79, 00,  70 , 29   +   39
Vocabulary: p. 50-57 (words from ex. 2 and 3 on p. 57)
NB: List 7.6 (zaměstnání – employment, zúčastnit se – take a part in)
SB: – p. 58, ex. 1
– p. 58/Language work
– p. 58/ read and translate „The 12th Duke of Devonshire“ and „The most beautiful house in England“

Nice! Have a brilliant week and see you next time. Yours, Carol


LESSON 4, 15.10.2020 (online)
New: present perfect (SB p. 55)
we did: SB p. 56/1, 2 and p. 57/1
– Vocabulary from class: a member (člen), a social network (sociální síť), so far (zatím, prozatím), to be afraid of (obávat se, bát se), a fear (strach), a restriction (omezení), necessary (nezbytný, nutný)
– online practice (from class):
Present perfect – zopakujte si s videem:

HOMEWORK FOR 22.10.2020
Drills: 17, 61, 79, 00,  70 , 29   +   39
Vocabulary: p. 49-56 (new words: abroad (zahraničí), a passion (vášeň), ancient (starodávný, starověký), at least! (alespoň, při nejmenším), a discovery (objev), a leader (vůdce), a pharaoh (faraon), Goodness! (Panebože! Panejo!), in danger (v nebezpečí)
NB: List 7.3
SB: – p. 57, ex. 2, ex. 3 – prepare your answers
– p. 57, section „vocabulary and pronunciation“, ex. 2, 3

Good online lesson! Have a spectacular week and see you next time. Yours, Carol


LESSON 3, 8.10.2020
Revision: verb patterns, present perfect
New: present perfect (SB p. 54)
– Vocabulary from class: adulthood (dospělost), maturity (vyspělost, zralost), an enemy (nepřítel), a rival (soupeř), a heel (podpatek)

HOMEWORK FOR 15.10.2020
Drills: 17, 61, 79, 00,  70 , 29   +   39
Vocabulary: p. 49-55
NB: List 7.2
SB: – p. 56, ex. 1, 2
– p. 57, ex. 1
– p. 55, ex. 3

Nice! Have a spectacular week and see you next time. Yours, Carol


LESSON 2, 1.10.2020
Revision: future tenses, synonyms/antonyms
New: present perfect (SB p. 54)
– Vocabulary from class: included (včetně), saint (svatý), I can’t stand it. (Nemůžu to snést/vydržet), board games (deskové/stolní hry), amusement park (zábavní park), to strike (udeřit, odbíjet – hodiny), steps (schody)

HOMEWORK FOR 8.10.2020
Drills: 17, 61, 79, 00,  70 , 29   +   39
Vocabulary: p. 49-55 (new words: a philosopher (filozof), a historian (historik), a correspondent (dopisovatel, zpravodaj)) + from class
NB: List 7.1
SB: – p. 55, ex. 1, 2, 3
Workbook – p. 42, ex. 1, 3 (HERE)

Good job! Have a marvellous week and see you next time. Yours, Carol


LESSON 1, 24.9.2020
Revision: present simple, past simple/continuous, future tenses, verb patterns, comparative and superlative forms of adjectives
– Vocabulary from class: to get rid of (zbavit se), a headache (bolest hlavy), to solve (vy/řešit), to avoid (vyhýbat se), during (v průběhu), delicious/tasty (lahodný, chutný), to complain about (stěžovat si), bank holiday (státní svátek), to suppy (dodat, zásobovat), to offer (navrhnout), even though (i když), although (ačkoliv), the whole (celek), to concentrate/focus on (soustředit se na), font (písmo), besides/except for (kromě), rarely (zřídka, vzácně)

HOMEWORK FOR 1.10.2020
Drills: 17, 61, 79, 00 (verb patterns – HERE),  70   +   29
Vocabulary: z hodiny
SB: – p. 54, ex. 2, 3
Workbook – p. 43, ex. 1, 2 (HERE, AUDIO-HERE)

+ dokončit cvičení na budoucí čas –> here

Welcome to the new trimester and welcome, Míša, to our group! Great first lesson! Have a wonderful week and see you next time. Yours, Carol




LESSON 16, 20.8.2020
– Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives
Synonyms and antonyms – p. 52
Suggestions: How about +Ving…? Would you like to…? Let’s…! Shall we…?
– Vocabulary from class: to apologize (omluvit se), to prolong (prodloužit), anymore (už ne), against (proti), to intervene (zakročit, zasáhnout), a regime (režim – vládní), dictatorial (diktátorský), to express (vyjádřit), useless/needless (zbytečný, nepotřebný), a greenhouse (skleník), to plant (sázet)

Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79, 00,  70   +   29
Vocabulary: p. 48-54 + 110
SB: – p. 54, ex. 2, 3
Workbook – p. 42, ex. 1, 3 (HERE)
– p. 43, ex. 1, 2 (AUDIO-HERE)

Nice! Thank you everybody for this intensive summer. It’s my pleasure to teach you and I hope we’ll meet again in our course in September (or sooner). Have a fantastic time! Yours, Carol


LESSON 15, 13.8.2020
– Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives
Synonyms and antonyms – p. 52
Suggestions: How about +Ving…? Would you like to…? Let’s…! Shall we…?
– Vocabulary from class: a sample (vzorek), mean (lakomý, zlý), up-to-date/cool (současný, moderní), fashionable (modní), old-fashioned/out-of-date/obsolete (zastaralý), a suggestion (návrh), What’s on? (Co dávají?), generous/liberal/broad-minded (velkorysý, štědrý), egoistic (sobecký), ceramics (keramika), careful/thorough (pečlivý)

HOMEWORK FOR 20.8.2020
Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79, 00,  70   +   29
Vocabulary: p. 46-53 + 110 (new words: exhibition (výstava), to feel like + V-ing (mít chuť, chtít něco dělat))
NB: List 6.10
SB: – p. 54, ex. 1
Workbook – p. 44, ex. 1, 2, 4, 5 –> HERE
Unit 6 revision – HERE
+ please revise quickly irregular verbs

Good job! Have an awesome week and see you next time! Yours, Carol

LESSON 14, 6.8.2020
– Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives
Synonyms and antonyms – p. 52
– Vocabulary from class: tonsilitis (angína), during (během, v průběhu), either…or… (buď…anebo…), honeymoon (líbánky, svatební cesta), a shirt (košile), a tour guide (průvodce), a cap (kšiltovka, čepice), to achieve (dosáhnout, docílit), the more so/let alone (natož), a dusk/dark (setmění), dumb (hovorově hloupý, pitomý), power/electricity failure // (power) blackout (výpadek proudu)

HOMEWORK FOR 13.8.2020
Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79, 00,  70   +   29
Vocabulary: p. 46-53 + 110 (new words: polite (zdvořilý), rude (drzý), naughty (neposlušný, zlobivý), kind (hodný), well-behaved (dobře vychovaný), dull (nudný, nezajímavý), suitable for (vhodný pro), pottery (keramika), a statue (socha), a god (bůh), to book (zamluvit), a booking (rezervace), a development (vývoj), to reveal (odhalit), private (soukromý), to perform (vykonat, vystupovat, učinkovat), to destroy (zničit), a fairy (víla), a murder (vražda), a violence (násilí), matinee (odpolední představení), to recommend (doporučit), heart-breaking (srdcervoucí)
NB: List 6.9
SB: – p. 53, ex. 1, 2
– p. 52, ex. 8
Workbook – p. 41, ex. 4, 5, 6, 7 –> HERE

Have a splendid week and see you next time! Yours, Carol


LESSON 13, 30.7.2020
– Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives
Relative pronouns – p. 110
Synonyms – p. 52
– Vocabulary from class: according to (podle), curly (kudrnatý), a creek/stream (potok), a tick (klíště), to stick (přisát se), to bark (štěkat), to disappear (zmizet), curious (zvědavý), to repeat (opakovat), wrong (špatný, špatně), delighted (potěšený, rád)

Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79, 00,  70   +   29
Vocabulary: p. 43-52 + 110 (new words: tiny (maličký), clever (chytrý, bystrý), annoyed (rozčilený), wealthy (zámožný), fed up (dožraný), pleased (potěšený, rád), I have enough of (mám dost…)
Synonyms: pěkný – good-looking, attractive, lovely, pretty
úžasný – amazing, awesome, brilliant, incredible, stunning, marvellous
šílený – crazy, insane, mad, nuts (hovor.)
velký – big, large, huge, enormous, giant
nový – new, current (nynější), contemporary (současný), modern, novel
starý – old, aged, ancient (starověký), elderly (postarší)
hrozný – awful, disgusting, dreadful, ugly
studený – cold, chilly, cool, icy, frosty/frigid (mrazivý)
NB: List 6.8
SB: – p. 53, ex. 1, 2

– p. 110, ex. 4 (Write a description of your hometown with at least 10 sentences. Write on a separate sheet of paper and bring to class.)
– p. 52, ex. 6, 7

Good job! Have a marvellous week and see you next time! Yours, Carol


LESSON 12, 23.7.2020
– Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives
Relative pronouns – p. 110
– Vocabulary from class: a privacy (soukromí), a dustman (popelář), an engine-driver (strojvůdce), a behaviour (chování), to realize (uvědomit si), subtle (neptraný), to follow (sledovat, následovat), to differ (lišit se), to vary (lišit se, různit se), amount of (množství), particularly (obzvláště, zejména), a rule (pravidlo), to reveal (odhalit), to avoid (vyhýbat se), rude (drzý), to consider (považovat), acceptable (přijatelný), an attempt (pokus)

HOMEWORK FOR 30.7.2020
Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79, 00,  70   +   29
Vocabulary: p. 43-51 + 110 (new words: a bank (břeh), Prime Minister (premiér), thriving (prosperující), a dozen (tucet), steel (ocel), to suffer (trpět), deserted (opuštěný), to hurry (spěchat), to inspire (inspirovat), an artist (umělec), to raise (vychovat), tough (drsný, tvrdý, obtížný)
NB: List 6.12
SB: – p. 110, ex. 4 (Write a description of your hometown with at least 10 sentences. Write on a separate sheet of paper and bring to class.)
– p. 52, ex. 3, 4, 6, 7

Thank you, Jarek, for the lesson. Have a fascinating week and see you ALL next time! Yours, Carol


LESSON 11, 16.7.2020
– Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives
– Vocabulary from class: citizenship (občanství), to suffice (stačit), picturesque (malebný), popular with (oblíbený u), accommodation (ubytování), in addition to (vedle, kromě), a thief (zloděj), occasional (občasný), a highlight (vyvrcholení, zlatý hřeb), to disappear (zmizet), camomile (heřmánek), hip (šípek – plod), nettle-rash (kopřiva)

HOMEWORK FOR 23.7.2020
Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79, 00,  70   +   29
Vocabulary: p. 43-51
NB: List 6.11
SB: – p. 52, ex. 6, 7
– p. 52, ex. 3, 4
– p. 110, ex. 3

Extra practice (voluntary):
Comparatives and superlatives:
– (lower on the page, printable version is here: HERE)
Relative pronouns:

Thank you, Jarek, for the lesson. Have a spectacular week and see you ALL next time! Yours, Carol


LESSON 10, 9.7.2020
– Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives
– Vocabulary from class: to remind (me) of (připomínat, připomenout), luxurious (luxusní), punishment (trest, potrestání), to represent (reprezentovat, představovat), to keep up with (držet krok s), hairy (vlasatý, chlupatý), facial expression (výraz ve tváři), a deed (skutek), jealous (žárlivý, závistivý), patient (trpělivý), a surgeon (chirurg)

HOMEWORK FOR 16.7.2020
Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79, 00,  70   +   29
Vocabulary: p. 43-51 (new words: a shock (šok), wonderful (báječný), to fall in love (zamilovat se), a marriage (manželství), especially (zvláště, hlavně), experience (zážitek, zkušenost), thankful (vděčný), to miss (chybět, scházet), surgery (chirurgie), medicine (medicína), a patient (pacient), a nationality (národnost), a religion (náboženství), welcoming (srdečný, laskavý, uvítací), to better (zlepšit)
NB: List 6.7
SB: – p. 52, ex. 3, 4
– p. 110, ex. 3
– p. 110, GS: 1, 2 (relative pronouns: vztažná zájmena)
– p. 110, ex. 2

Thank you, Jarek, for joining me in our lesson. Have a fantastic week and see you next time! Yours, Carol


LESSON 9, 2.7.2020
– Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives
– Vocabulary from class: long weekend (prodloužený víkend), shower (přeháňka), to be left (zbývat), be willing to (být ochotný), rarely (vzácně)

Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79, 00,  70   +   29
Vocabulary: p. 43-51 (new words: a citizen (občan), anywhere else (někde jinde), to improve (zlepšit), to be interested in (zajímat se o), herbal (bylinný), to be surrounded by (být obklopený), a foreigner (cizinec), close (blízký), to settle (usadit se), to intend to (zamýšlet, mít v plánu)
NB: List 6.6
SB: – p. 50-51, read about Luz and Mehul
– p. 110, GS: 1, 2 (relative pronouns: vztažná zájmena)
– p. 110, ex. 2

Nice! Have a fabulous week and see you next time! Yours, Carol


LESSON 8, 25.6.2020
– Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives
– Vocabulary from class: a cause (příčina), to revise (opakovat), to flatter (lichotit), adulthood (dospělost), a call/command (výzva k), appearance (vzhled)

Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79, 00,  70   +   29
Vocabulary: p. 42-50 + 109 (new words: ordinary (běžný, obyčejný), side by side (vedle sebe, bok po boku), a thought (myšlenka), to run (vést, řídit – podnik), a florist’s shop (květinářství)
!!FILL-IN 6.3 –> HERE
SB: – p. 50-51, read about Burkan and Ming
– p. 50, ex. 4

Good job! Have a fantastic week and see you next time! Yours, Carol

LESSON 7, 18.6.2020
– Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives
– Vocabulary from class: populous (lidnatý), mashed potatoes (bramborová kaše), puree (pyré, kaše), porridge (kaše), giant (obrovský), time-consuming (zabírající moc času), confess (přiznat (se)), rank among (řadit mezi), fair (světlý)

HOMEWORK FOR 25.6.2020
Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79, 00,  70   +   29
Vocabulary: p. 41-49 + 109 (new words: a designer (návrhář), interior (interiér), a financial advisor (finanční poradce), a cheese maker (výrobce sýru), Who is she like? (Jako kdo ona je?)
NB: List 6.5
SB: – p. 50, ex. 1, 2 + read about Burkan Mehmet
– p. 49, ex. 4

Good lesson! Have a wonderful week and see you next time! Yours, Carol

LESSON 6, 11.6.2020
Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives
– Vocabulary from class: to sell (prodat), a cuisine (kuchyně), an age (věk)

HOMEWORK FOR 18.6.2020
Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79, 00,  70   +   29
Vocabulary: p. 40-49 + 109
NB: List 6.3
SB: – p. 48, ex. 4 (compare the women OR the men – write)
– p. 49, ex. 2, 4

Have an excellent and calm week and see you next time! Yours, Carol

LESSON 5, 4.6.2020
– Expressions of doubt (nejistota) and certainty (jistota)
Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives
– Vocabulary from class: a beetle/a bug (brouk), spoilt (rozmazlený), a skin (slupka, kůže), patient (trpělivý), an appointment (schůzka), a loan (půjčka), an advantage (výhoda), a disadvantage (nevýhoda), a bedtime story (příběh/pohádka na dobrou noc), a sibling (sourozenec), an only child (jedináček), a farmer (farmář), enormous (enormní, obrovský), an equator (rovník)

HOMEWORK FOR 11.6.2020
Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79, 00,  70   +   29
Vocabulary: p. 40-47 + 109
NB: List 6.1
SB: – p. 48, ex. 3
– p. 49, ex. 1 (translate)

Good job! Have a fantastic week and see you next time! Yours, Carol

LESSON 4, 28.5.2020
– Expressions of doubt (nejistota) and certainty (jistota)
– New unit: What do you look like? What are you like? How are you?
– Vocabulary from class: to blink/flash (blikat), to continue (pokračovat), for a while (na chvíli), to turn down (zeslábit), a timetable/schedule (rozvrh), to fill in (doplnit, vyplnit), a possibility (možnost), to sign (podepsat), a form (formulář), pollution/contamination (znečištění), downstairs (dole), a headache (bolest hlavy), a description (popis), to compare (porovnat), to throw away (zahodit), to decide (rozhodnout), alive (naživu)

Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79, 00,  70
Vocabulary: p. 40-46 + 109
NB: List 5.10
Extra – Work Book: – p. 35, ex. 9, 10 (HERE)
SB: – p. 47, ex. 1 + 1

Nice! Have a wonderful week and see you all next time! Yours, Carol

LESSON 3, 21.5.2020
– Phrasal verbs – idiomatic (p. 44)
– Expressions of doubt (nejistota) and certainty (jistota)
– Vocabulary from class: a blind (žaluzie), a window shade (roleta), unless (pokud ne), to shine through (prosvítat), childhood (dětství), friendship (přátelství), conditions (podmínky), a team/group (kolektiv), priceless (nevyčíslitelné hodnoty), valueless/worthless (bezcenný), probably (pravděpodobně), At last! (Konečně!), a cup (šálek), a mug (velký hrnek), strict (přísný), fair (spravedlivý), to agree with (souhlasit s), a fortune (jmění), unlikely (nepravděpodobný)

HOMEWORK FOR 28.5.2020
Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79, 00,  70
Vocabulary: p. 38-45 + 109 (new words: a traffic jam (dopravní zácpa), miserable (bídný, nešťastný), of course (samozřejmě), absolutely/definitely (určitě, absolutně), might + sloveso (možná…), maybe (možná), I’m not sure (Nejsem si jistý), Anything’s possible (Vše je možné), No chance/Not a chance (Ani náhodou, Žádná šance, Vůbec ne), Definitely not (Určitě ne), I think so (Myslím si to), I don’t think so (Nemyslím si to), stressful (stresující), to afford (dovolit si finančně)
Extra – Work Book: – p. 38, ex. 15
– p. 33, ex. 2, 3
– download HERE
SB: – p. 46, ex. 1 (přeložte a přiřaďte co která otázka znamená)
– p. 46, ex. 3

Good! Have an amazing week and see you all next time! Yours, Carol

LESSON 2, 14.5.2020
– Future tense revision
– Phrasal verbs – idiomatic (p. 44)
– Vocabulary from class: a wreath (věnec), to lay down (položit), to lie down (lehnout si), to buzz (bzučet, hučet), a niece (neteř), a cousin (sestřenice, bratranec), make an effort (snažit se), an effort (snaha, úsilí), to afford (dovolit si finančně), to pay attention (dávat pozor), used to (dělával jsem, koncovka -ával u sloves = opakování děje v minulosti), less often (méně často), to argue/have an argument with (hádat se s)

HOMEWORK FOR 21.5.2020
Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79, 00,  70
Vocabulary: p. 35-44 + 109 (new words: to give up (zanechat nečeho, vzdát se), to pick up (pochytit, třeba jazyk), to take off (vzlétnout), to look up a word (vyhledat slovo), to look after (hlídat, starat se o), to run out of (spotřebovat), to fall out with (rozhádat se s, pohádat se), to get on well with (vycházet dobře s), immediate (okamžitý), to return (vrátit (se)), a decision (rozhodnutí), either…or (buď…anebo), an employee (zaměstnanec)
NB: List 5.9
SB: – p. 45, ex. 1, 2, 4
– p. 44, ex. 5 + Talking about you

Have a brilliant week and see you all next time! Yours, Carol


LESSON 1, 7.5.2020
– Future tense revision
– Phrasal verbs – literal

HOMEWORK FOR 14.5.2020
Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79,   00 + 70
Vocabulary: p. 35-44 + bank holiday (státní svátek), the beginning (začátek), salary (plat), recently/lately (poslední dobou), commonly (běžně), celebration (oslava), to celebrate (slavit), delighted (potěšený, nadšený), current (současný), currently (současně), to choose (vybrat), to decrease (snížit, zmenšit se, klesat), maximally (maximálně)
NB: List 5.8
SB: – p. 44, ex. 4, 5 + Talking about you
– p. 109, ex. 2 (read, translate, find her definite plans)

Good job in our first lesson after such a long time! I’m looking forward to seeing you next week. 🙂 Yours, Carol


Milí studenti,
jak již jistě víte, tak se teď nějakou dobu v kurzech angličtiny neuvidíme. Jelikož však nevím, jak dlouhá ta doba bude, chtěla bych vás poprosit, abyste průběžně angličtině věnovali pár chvilek alespoň při procvičování drilků. Navíc pod odkazy níže najdete online cvičení určená k zopakování gramatiky či slovní zásoby. Pokud budete chtít, neváhejte procvičovat i jinými formami či tak, jak jste zvyklí (s dětmi, formou hry, u videí, u písniček…). V případě, že byste chtěli více cvičení či nějkou zpětnou vazbu ode mě, neváhejte mě kontaktovat buď formou e-mailu (viz výše) nebo také můžete přes Facebook. Také se, prosím, nezapomeňte přihlásit do dalšího trimestru! Přeji hodně sil a pevné nervy do dalších dnů (týdnů) a věřím, že se brzy zase shledáme. Carol
Future tenses: ; ;
Verb Patterns:
Phrasal Verbs: overview: ;


LESSON 7, 12th March 2020
Verb Patterns-revision
Future tense
– reading p. 43
vocabulary from class: to stay (zůstat), surroundings (okolí), against (proti), a receipt (stvrzenka/účtenka), a prescription (recept od lékaře), to prescribe (předepsat), to describe (popsat), for a while (na chvíli), in a while (za chvíli), to drop (upustit), crumbs (drobky), to be homesick (stýskat se po domově), brave (odvážný, statečný)

HOMEWORK FOR 19.3.2020
Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79,   00 + 70
Vocabulary: p. 35-43 (new words: the worst (nejhorší), nuclear (nukleární, atomový), to occur (nastat, přihodit se), a disaster (pohroma), do my best (dělat co můžu), a villager (vesničan), to pick the mushrooms (sbírat houby), contaminated (kontaminovaný), immediately (okamžitě), to welcome (přivítat), to give a warm welcome (vřele přivítat), the only way (jediný způsob), to choose (vybrat), delighted (potěšený/rád), to check (zkontrolovat), to improve (zlepšit), to run (vést, řídit), to dream of (snít o), to offer (nabídnout)
NB: List 5.6
SB: – p. 44, ex. 1, 3
– p. 109, ex. 2 (read, translate, find her definite plans)

Nice lesson! Have a brilliant week and see you next time. Yours, Carol


HOMEWORK FOR 12.3.2020

-drills: 70,00,71

-vocabulary: 35-43

Fill in: 5.5. New Headway PreIntermediate 4th edition FILL IN Literal phrasal verbs pg 44.pdf

SB: 42/5,6

HOMEWORK FOR 27.2.2020

-drills: 79,70,00 from download

-vocabulary: p35-43

Fill in: 5.3. New Headway Intermediate 4th edition Unit 5 SB 42 to 43 Reading.pdf

SB: p. 42, ex. 4

LESSON 5, 13th February 2020
Verb Patterns-revision
Future tense 
vocabulary from class: pros and cons (klady a zápory), an advantage (výhoda), a disadvantage (nevýhoda), under control (pod kontrolou), privacy (soukromí), miserable (bídný, nešťastný, mizerný), a lawyer (právník), debts (dluhy), a waitress (číšnice), to give up (přestat, vzdát), to afford (dovolit si – finančně)

HOMEWORK FOR 13.2.2020
Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79 + 00 (drill k tisku –> HERE) + 70!
Vocabulary: p. 34-41 (new words: 20-semething (20-něco), grown-up (dospělý, vyspělý), nephew (synovec), to owe (dlužit), a reporter (zpravodaj)
NB: List 5.4
SB: – p. 42, ex. 2, 3

Enjoy your English classes and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 4, 6th February 2020
Verb Patterns-revision
Future tense 
vocabulary from class: to suggest (navrhnout), because of (kvůli), to fulfil (splnit, vyplnit), to fill (naplnit), a cruise (plavba), a celebration (oslava)

HOMEWORK FOR 13.2.2020
Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79 + 00 (drill k tisku –> HERE) + 70!
Vocabulary: p. 34-41 (new words: to apply for (zažádat o, ucházet se o), to fail (propadnout – u zkoušky), to pass (složit zkoušku), to get divorced (rozvést se), to lose (prohrát))
NB: Fill-in 5.2 —> HERE
SB: – p. 42, ex. 2
– p. 41, Listening and speaking: 3, 4, 5

Good! Have an amazing week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 3, 30th January 2020
– Past simple/Past continuous revision
– we did: Verb Patterns-revision
1) V+V-ing (like, enjoy, hate, love, look forward to, think of);
2) V+ to + V-inf (want, would like/love, hope, going to);
3) V+V-inf (will, should, must, can, could)
vocabulary from class: an iron (žehlička), to iron (žehlit), a crossroad (křižovatka), to postpone/put aside (odložit), to get used to (zvyknout si na), a school report/certificate (vysvědčení), to hurry/be in a hurry (spěchat), to look at (podívat se na), to drop by (zastavit se k někomu, zaskočit za někým), in a while (za chvíli), for a while (na chvíli), to work late (pracovat dlouho), to save for (šetřit na), to afford (dovolit si – finančně), Greece (Řecko), Lucky you! (Ty máš ale štěstí!)
– we did: Future tense ( ;

Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79 + 00 (drill k tisku –> HERE) + 70!
Vocabulary: p. 34-40
NB: List 5.3
SB: – p. 41, Listening and speaking: 3, 4, 5
– p. 41, ex. 5

Nice! Have a great week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.

LESSON 2, 23th January 2020
– Past simple/Past continuous revision
– we did: Verb Patterns-revision
1) V+V-ing (like, enjoy, hate, love, look forward to, think of);
2) V+ to + V-inf (want, would like/love, hope, going to);
3) V+V-inf (will, should, must, can, could)
– vocabulary from class: a hamster (křeček), a guinea pig (morče), a rabbit (králík), to own (vlastnit), to buy (koupit), to shop for (nakupovat), cross-country skiing (běh na lyžích), to look forward to (těšit se na), satisfied/contented (spokojený)
– we did: Future tense ( ;


HOMEWORK FOR 30.1.2020
Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79 + 00 (drill k tisku –> HERE) + 70!
Vocabulary: p. 34-40 + usual (obvyklý), enough (dost, dostatek), canteen (jídelna), side dish (příloha), break (brzda, přestávka), tasty (chutný), delicious (lahodný), decision (rozhodnutí), sportsman/athlete (sportovec), the past (minulost), high school (střední škola), childhood (dětství)
EXTRA: Practise past tenses here: (bring answers to class!)
SB: – p. 41, Listening and speaking: 3, 4
– p. 41, ex. 5

– p. 40, ex. 2, 1

Welcome, Peter! Everybody did a good job today. Have a wonderful week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 1, 16th January 2020
– Past simple/Past continuous revision
– we did: Verb Patterns-revision
1) V+V-ing (like, enjoy, hate, love, look forward to, think of);
2) V+ to + V-inf (want, would like/love, hope, going to);
3) V+V-inf (will, should, must, can, could)
– vocabulary from class: a hamster (křeček), a guinea pig (morče), a rabbit (králík), to own (vlastnit), to buy (koupit), to shop for (nakupovat), cross-country skiing (běh na lyžích), to look forward to (těšit se na), satisfied/contented (spokojený)

HOMEWORK FOR 23.1.2020
Drills: 17, 63, 61, 79 + 00 (drill k tisku –> HERE) + 70!
Vocabulary: p. 34-40 (new words: maybe (možná), to celebrate (slavit), to decide (rozhodnout se), perhaps (možná), to give sb. a ring (zavolat někomu), to order (objednat))
SB: -p. 41, ex. 5 + [Listening and speaking: 3]

– p. 40, ex. 2, 1

Good job today! Have a brilliant week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.



LESSON 12, 12.12.2019
– we did: Verb Patterns p. 38: three groups –
1) V+V-ing (like, enjoy, hate, love, look forward to, think of);
2) V+ to + V-inf (want, would like/love, hope, going to);
3) V+V-inf (will, should, must, can, could)
Future tense p. 40:
1) Definite plan: going to/present continuous
2) Indefinite/unsure: will (perhaps, maybe)
– to receive (obdržet), to obtain (získat), artificial (umělý), needles (jehličí), repeatedly (opakovaně), recycled (recyklovaný), dump (skládka), lead (olovo), rescuer (záchranář)

HOMEWORK for 16.1.2020
Drills: 17, 63, 33, 32, 26, 61, 79 + 00 (drill k tisku –> HERE) + 70
Vocabulary: p. 34-40 (new words: maybe (možná), to celebrate (slavit), to decide (rozhodnout se), perhaps (možná), to give sb. a ring (zavolat někomu), to order (objednat))
Fill-in 5.1 —> HERE
SB: -p. 41, ex. 5 + [Listening and speaking: 3]

– p. 40, ex. 2, 1

Good! Have a magical and fascinating Christmas time and see you all next year, in a new trimester! Yours, Carol

LESSON 11, 5.12.2019
– we did: Verb Patterns p. 38: three groups –
1) V+V-ing (like, enjoy, hate, love, look forward to, think of);
2) V+ to + V-inf (want, would like/love, hope, going to);
3) V+V-inf (will, should, must, can, could)

HOMEWORK for 12.12.2019
Drills: 17, 63, 33, 32, 26, 61, 79 + 00 (drill k tisku –> HERE)
Vocabulary: p. 32-39 (new words: good at (dobrý v))
NB: List 5.2
SB: – p. 40, ex. 2, 1

– p. 39, ex. 3
– p. 40, ex. 1

+ UNIT 4 revision HERE

Thanks, Jarek, for coming. Have a fantastic time and see you all next week! Yours, Carol

LESSON 10, 28.11.2019
– we did: Verb Patterns p. 38: three groups –
1) V+V-ing (like, enjoy, hate, love, look forward to, think of);
2) V+ to + V-inf (want, would like/love, hope, going to);
3) V+V-inf (will, should, must, can, could)
– new words: surrounded by (obklopený), surroundings (okolí), a fair (jarmark), foreground (popředí), background (pozadí), according to (podle, v závislosti na)

HOMEWORK for 5.12.2019
Drills: 17, 63, 33, 32, 26, 61, 79 + 00 (drill k tisku –> HERE)
Vocabulary: p. 32-39 (new words: be fed up with (mít po krk, mít plné zuby…), to study hard (pilně studovat), to apply for (zažádat o, ucházet se o), to look forward to (těšit se), to look after (hlídat, starat se o), to owe (dlužit), debt (dluh), paramedic (záchranář), retired (v důchodu), newsagent (prodavač v trafice), a day off (den volna))
NB: List 5.1
SB: – p. 39, ex. 1,  3
– p. 40, ex. 1

– p. 39/Grammar Spot: ex. 1, 2, 3

+ UNIT 4 revision HERE

Nice! Have a wonderful time and see you all next week! Yours, Carol

LESSON 9, 21.11.2019
– we did: revision and reading on p. 169
– new words: supplement (doplněk), prescribe (předepsat), nutritious (výživný), be used to (být zvyklý na), a plumber (instalatér), a craftsman (řemeslník), an artisan (řemeslník), to manage (zvládnout), on my own (sám), to worry about (obávat se), to add (přidat), to suggest (navrhnout), an exception (výjimka), dairy products (mléčné výrobky), to contribute (přispět), moderation (umírněnost), common (běžný, společný), an option (možnost, volba), necessarily (nezbytně, nutně), legume (luštěnina), incredibly (neuvěřitelně), an attitude (postoj, přístup), despite (kromě), similar (podobný), staple (hlavní, základní), exclusively (výhradně), grain (zrno, semínko), a variety (rozmanitost), recent (nedávný), a disease (nemoc), among (mezi), on average (v průměru)

HOMEWORK for 28.11.2019
Drills: 17, 63, 33, 32, 26, 61  +  79
Vocabulary: p. 30-37
NB: Fill-in 4.6 —> HERE Již si můžete v kanceláři vyzvednout nové NB (od 5. lekce). Stačí říct kód kurzu a zaplatit 200,-. 🙂
SB:  p. 39/Grammar Spot: ex. 1, 2, 3
– p. 38, ex. 1, 2, 3

+ UNIT 4 revision HERE

Thank you, Jarek, for the lesson. I hope to see you all next week! Have a great time. Yours, Carol


LESSON 8, 14.11.2019
– we did: p. 37, ex. 3 + introduction to Unit 5
– new words: fiercely (intenzivně), to add (přidat), a cause (příčina), to cause (způsobit), a crash/an accident (nehoda), to bark (štěkat), to calm down (uklidnit se), a nightmare (noční můra), a handkerchief (kapesník), to fasten your seat belt (připoutat se pásem), to look forward to (těšit se)

HOMEWORK for 21.11.2019
Drills: 17, 63, 33, 32, 26, 61  +  79
Vocabulary: p. 30-37 (new words: a request (žádost), to give sb. a lift (někoho svézt))
NB: List 4.12 (HERE) Již si můžete v kanceláři vyzvednout nové NB (od 5. lekce). Stačí říct kód kurzu a zaplatit 200,-. 🙂
SB:  p. 39/Grammar Spot: ex. 1, 2, 3

– p. 38, ex. 1, 2, 3

+ UNIT 4 revision HERE

Have a marvellous week and see you next time! Yours, Carol

LESSON 7, 7.11.2019
– we did: listening p. 36 (a piece of) + Everyday English (p. 37)
– new words: to pass the salt (podat sůl), still water (neperlivá voda), sparkling water (perlivá voda), to help yourself (obsloužit se, podat si), Would you mind +V-ing (Mohl bys…), a guest (host), washing-up (umývání nádobí)

HOMEWORK for 14.11.2019
Drills: 17, 63, 33, 32, 26, 61  +  79
Vocabulary: p. 30-37
NB: List 4.11 (HERE) Již si můžete v kanceláři vyzvednout nové NB (od 5. lekce). Stačí říct kód kurzu a zaplatit 200,-. 🙂
SB: p. 38, ex. 1, 2, 3

– p. 37, ex. 2 and 3

+ finish chapters 3+4 in Ghost story and think of a ghost story to tell in the class

Nice. Have an excellent week and see you next time! Yours, Carol

LESSON 6, 31.10.2019
– revision: tenses
– new words: allergic to (alergický na), to complain (stěžovat si), to appear (objevit se), to sleep soundly (spát tvrdě), a note (bankovka), a change (drobné), to shiver (chvět se), to snore (chrápat), a rug (předložka, rohožka), to haunt (strašit), a candle (svíčka), a pumpkin (dýně)

HOMEWORK for 7.11.2019
Drills: 17, 63, 33, 32, 26, 61  +  79
Vocabulary: p. 30-36
NB: List 4.10 HERE
SB: p. 37, ex. 2 and 3

– p. 36, ex. 3 (finish the listening) and ex. 4

+ finish chapters 3+4 in Ghost story and think of a ghost story to tell in the class

Good! Have a spectacular and Happy Halloween! See you next time! Yours, Carol

LESSON 5, 24.10.2019
– revision: tenses
– revision: adverbs/adjectives
– new words: exhausted (vyčerpaný), It’s your turn. (Jsi na řadě.), a wardrobe (šatní skříň)

HOMEWORK for 31.10.2019
Drills: 17, 63, 33, 32, 26, 61  +  79
Vocabulary: p. 30-35 + 105
NB: List: do fill-in 4.4 –> HERE
SB: – p. 34, ex. 3 (answet questions about the restaurants from the articles)
– p. 34, ex. 5
– p. 36, ex. 1, 3, 4

Have an amazing week and see you next time! Yours, Carol


LESSON 4, 17.10.2019
– revision: tenses
– revision: adverbs/adjectives
– new words: delicious/tasty (lahodný, chutný), liver (játra)

HOMEWORK for 24.10.2019
Drills: 17, 63, 33, 32, 26, 61  +  79
Vocabulary: p. 30-35 + 105 (new words: underwater (podvodní), below (pod), to mean (znamenat), a pearl (perla), cheap (levný), enough (dost, dostatek), however (nicméně), a swimmer (plavec), a scuda diver (potápěč), face-to-face (tváří v tvář), a foot->feet (chodidlo, chodidla), wet (mokrý), a turtle (želva), coral (korálový), to add (přidat, doplnit), magical (kouzelný), to guess (hádat), to last (trvat))
NB: List: 4.7 —> HERE
SB: – p. 35, read „‚s Baggers Restaurant“ + ex. 3 on p. 34

Have a fabulous week and see you soon! Yours, Carol

LESSON 3, 10.10.2019
– revision: tenses
– revision: anyone/anywhere/anything
– new words: past (minulost), mostly (převážně), sirloin (roštěná), tenderloin (svíčková), sales (výprodej)

HOMEWORK for 17.10.2019
Drills: 17, 63, 33, 32, 26, 61  +  79
Vocabulary: p. 28-34 + 105 (new words: excitement (vzrušení, rozrušení), be afraid of heights (bát se výšek), a seat belt (bezpečnostní pás), a view (výhled), the finest (nejkvalitnější), a branch (pobočka), to weigh (vážit), sunken (zapuštěný), a courage (odvaha), tiny (malinkatý), amazement (úžas), to wave (mávat), for example (například), wind (vítr), to descend (sestoupit, klesnout)
Special homework: translate the sentences in  THIS   document
SB: – p. 35, read „Ithaa Undersea Restaurant“ + ex. 3 on p. 34

Have a fantastic week and see you soon! Yours, Carol


LESSON 2, 3.10.2019
– revision: present/ past simple and continuous
– revision: much/many; any/some
– new words: autumn (podzim), to look for (hledat), to sunbath (opalovat se), demoKracy (demokracie), freedom (svoboda), creation (vytvoření),  foundation (založení), independent (nezávislý), to sneeze (kýchat), to hurry (spěchat), allergic to (alergický na), luckily (naštěstí)

HOMEWORK for 10.10.2019
Drills: 17, 63, 33, 32, 26, 61  +  79
Vocabulary: p. 28-33 + 105 + z hodiny
NB: List 4.6 + do fill-in 4.2 (it is —>   HERE)
SB: – p. 34, read „Dinner in the sky“ + ex. 3

Good job today. Have a brilliant week and see you soon. Yours, Carol


LESSON 1, 26.9.2019
– revision: present/ past simple and continuous
– revision: much/many; any/some
– new words: luggage (zavazadlo), cave (jeskyně), gorge (propast), accountant (účetní), palace/chateau (palác, zámek), monastery (klášter), underestimate (podcenit), blouse (blůza), translate (přeložit – do jazyka), grow (růst), save (šetřit peníze), hurt (ranit, zranit)

HOMEWORK for 3.10.2019
Drills: 17, 63, 33, 32, 26, 61  +  79
Vocabulary: p. 28-33 + 105 + z hodiny
NB: List 4.5  +  4.6
SB: – p. 34, ex. 1, 2

Welcome to a new timester! I’m looking forward to meeting you all in our classes. Good job in the first one! Have a great week and see you soon. Yours, Carol



LESSON 12, 27.6.2019
– Present simple, Present continuous
– Past simple, Past continuous
much/many; any/some
a/an; the
– To be right/wrong. (Mít pravdu/Mýlit se.), traffic lights (semafor), crossroad (křižovatka), to pass by (projít kolem něčeho), to notice (všimnou si), a scrap (škvarek), to drown (topit, utopit se), to sink (potopit se, klesat), a gorge (propast)

Drills: 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24, 26, 61  +  79
Vocabulary: p. 28-33 + 105
NB: List 4.5  +  4.6
SB: – p. 34, ex. 1, 2

Dear students, thank you all for another great trimester. You worked very well! If you have time, try to get a new drill, number 79. I forgot to show you in the lesson, but if you want to practise, it includes some/any/much/many, which we did last time. I wish you a wonderful summer time, have a rest and get enough energy for a new trimester! See you ALL (hopefully) in September! Yours, Carol.

LESSON 11, 20.6.2019
– Present simple, Present continuous
– Past simple, Past continuous
much/many; any/some
– an ancestor (předek), in front of (před – místně), to sprinkle (posypat), rarely (vzácně, sotva kdy), to offer (nabídnout)

HOMEWORK for 27.06.2019
Drills: 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24 + 26, 27, 61
Vocabulary: p. 28-32 + 105
NB: List 4.4
SB: – p. 33, ex. 1, 2, 3

Have an fantastic week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 10, 13.6.2019
– Present simple, Present continuous
– Past simple, Past continuous
– a bread roll (rohlík), yummy (mňami), powder (prášek), to contain (obsahovat), acceptable (přijatelný), a loaf – loaves (bochník, bochníky), rape (řepka), fat (sádlo), teaspoon (lžička), tablespoon (lžíce)

HOMEWORK for 20.06.2019
Drills: 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24 + 26, 27, 61
Vocabulary: p. 28-32 + 105
NB: List 4.3
SB: – p. 32, ex. 2
– p. 33/GS: ex. 1, 2

Have an excellent week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 9, 6.6.2019
– Present simple, Present continuous
– Past simple, Past continuous
– a cricket (cvrček), to guess (hádat), a size (velikost), to twitter (cvrlikat), smoked (uzený), to taste (chutnat, ochutnat), a flavour (příchuť), still/non-sparkling water (neperlivá voda), sparkling water (perlivá voda), ambitious (cílevědomý), a plum (švestka), a pear (hruška), a melon (meloun), to bake (péct), to boil (vařit – voda), a sour cream (kysaná smetana), wholegrain (celozrnný), migraine (migréna), gourmet (gurmán), choosy/picky/fussy (vybíravý)

HOMEWORK for 13.06.2019
Drills: 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24 + 26, 27, 61
Vocabulary: p. 26-31 + 105
NB: List 4.2
SB: – p. 31, ex. 5 (decide which items are countable and which are uncoutable)
– p. 32/Practice: 1, 2, 3, 4

Have a beautiful week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.

LESSON 8, 30.05.2019
– Present simple, Present continuous
– Past simple, Past continuous
– an exception (výjimka), a lollipop (lízátko), curious (zvědavý), weird (divný), to imagine (představit si), an imagination (představivost), Cinderella (Popelka), dill (kopr), a niece (neteř), though (sice), I didn’t care. (Bylo mi to jedno.), a dumbbell/barbell (činka), a chewing/bubble gum (žvýkačka)

HOMEWORK for 06.06.2019
Drills: 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24 + 26, 27, 61
Vocabulary: p. 25-29 + 105
NB: List 4.1
SB: – p. 31, ex. 2 and 3 (complete words from ex. 1, then check with the listening)

– p. 30, ex. 1 (reading)

+ Do the UNIT 3 test —> HERE

Thanks for the lesson! Have a wonderful week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 7, 23.05.2019
– Present simple, Present continuous
– Past simple, Past continuous
–  satisfied (spokojený), to compare (porovnat, srovnat), an exhibition (výstava), subtitles (titulky), a stand/stall/kiosk (stánek), a blanket (deka), a (flower)pot (květináč), a curtain (závěs, záclona), a vase (váza), a carpet (koberec), cosy (útulný, pohodlný), a workshop (dílna), a hairdresser (kadeřník)

HOMEWORK for 30.05.2019
Drills: 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24 + 26, 27, 61
Vocabulary: p. 25-29 + 105 (new words: the day after tomorrow (pozítří), birth (narození), date (datum))
Fill in 3.5 HERE and 3.6 HERE
SB: – p. 30, ex. 1 (reading)

– p. 29, ex. 8

+ Do the UNIT 3 test —> HERE

Have a perfect week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 6, 16.05.2019
– Present simple, Present continuous
– Past simple, Past continuous
–  early (brzy/brzký), (a) few (pár něčeho), long-distance run (běh na dlouhou trať), sea food (mořské plody), weird (divný), a queue (fronta), an evaluation (hodnocení)

HOMEWORK for 23.05.2019
Drills: 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24 + 26, 27, 61
Vocabulary: p. 25-28 + 105 (new words: to slow down (zpomalit), honest (uupřímný, čestný), still (stále, pořád), regularly (pravidelně), to knock (klepat), loudly (hlasitě), to break (rozbít), a bowl (mísa), to heat (ohřát), gently (jemně, mírně), scrambled eggs (míchaná vajíčka), almost (téměř, skoro), even (dokonce))
NB: List 3.11 + 3.12
SB: – p. 29, ex. 3
– p. 29, ex. 5, 8

You worked well today. Have a brilliant week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 5, 09.05.2019
– Present simple, Present continuous
– Past simple, Past continuous
–  a misery (bída, neštěstí), a bad luck (neštěstí), humid (dusný, vlhký), close (dusno), a soil (půda), a surface (povrch), a superstition (pověra), a heaven (ráj), a barn (stodola), to forbid/prohibit (zakázat), a permission (povolení)

HOMEWORK for 16.05.2019
Drills: 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24 + 26, 27, 61
Vocabulary: p. 25-28 + 105 (new words: be in talks (říkat se o někom), a chance (šance), dearly (vroucně, velmi moc), fluently (plynně), carefully (opatrně, důkladně), patiently (trpělivě), bravely (statečně), heavily (těžce), passionately (vášnivě))
NB: List 3.10
SB: – p. 28, ex. 5, 6
– p. 29, ex. 3

– p. 28, ex. 4

Have a great week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.

LESSON 4, 02.05.2019
– Present simple, Present continuous
– Past simple, Past continuous
–  concrete (konkrétní), a concrete (beton), unpleasant (nepříjemný), an employer (zaměstnavatel), a goal (cíl), to lose weight (zhubnout), likable (sympatický)

HOMEWORK for 09.05.2019
Drills: 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24 + 26, 27, 61
Vocabulary: p. 19-27 + 105 (new words: an attack (útok), amazed (ohromený), sympathy (soucit, lítost), to receive (obdržet), all over the world (po celém světě), enormous (obrovský), to shout (křičet), on sale (v prodeji), to confirm (potvrdit), an employee (zaměstnanec), to suspend (suspendovat, zbavit funkce), duty (služba, povinnost), on the beach (na pláži), a couple of (pár …), worldwide (světový), a fame (sláva), excited (nadšený), to take off (sundat), to put on (obléct si, nasadit si)
NB: List 3.9
SB: – p. 28, ex. 1 (underline the adverbs)
– p. 28, ex. 2, 4

– p. 27: Read article 5 and answer the questions.

Have an amazing week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 3, 25.04.2019
– Present simple, Present continuous
– Past simple, Past continuous
– předmětné věty (Who admires you? Who do you admire?)
–  an observation tower, a branch, a fairy tale, make a phone call, a bell, via, a folk hero, admire, including, cabin crew, appeared, court, pleaded not guilty, charges, criminal damage, endanger, face up

HOMEWORK for 25.04.2019
Drills: 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24 + 26, 27, 61
Vocabulary: p. 19-27 + 105
NB: List 3.8
SB: – p. 27: Read articles n. 3, 4 and 5 and answer the questions.

I hope you enjoyed the extra lesson with Hanka! She said you worked well. Have a beautiful  week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 2, 18.04.2019
– Present simple, Present continuous
– Past simple, Past continuous
–  a day off (den volna), a chute (skluzavka), Easter (Velikonoce), a fair (jarmark, pouť), a crowd (dav), a skipping rope (švihadlo), an employee (zaměstnanec), demanding (náročný), to mend (opravit, spravit), blood (krev)

HOMEWORK for 25.04.2019
Drills: 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24 + 26, 27, 61
Vocabulary: p. 19-26 + 105 (new words: to lose a cool (ztratit nervy, ztratit chladnou hlavu), emergeny (nouzový), exit (východ), a flight attendant (letuška, stevard), to have an argument (hádat se), a passenger (cestující), an incident (incident), to happen (přihodit se), to land (přistát), a runway (přistávací dráha), to stand up (postavit se), luggage (zavazadlo), to sit down (posadit se), to refuse (odmítnout), a businesswoman (podnikatelka), a case (kufr), overhead (horní), locker (skříňka), to hit (udeřit), to bleed (krvácet), to lose a temper (přestat se ovládat), furiously (zuřivě), to quit (skončit, odejít z práce), a fridge (lednice), to arrest (zatknout)
NB: List 3.7
SB: – p. 27: Read articles n. 2, 3, 4 and 5 and answer the questions.

Good job! Have a wonderful week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 1, 11.04.2019
– Present simple, Present continuous
– Past simple, Past continuous
–  a bad habit (zlozvyk), a parrot (papoušek), a keeper (chovatel), exhausted (vyčerpaný), psychological (psychologický), should (měl by), to participate (zúčastnit se)

HOMEWORK for 18.04.2019
Drills: 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24 + 26, 27, 61
Vocabulary: p. 18-25 + 105 (new words: a wallet (peněženka), an accident (nehoda), a motorway (dálnice), a headline (nadpis), a strike (stávka), a match (zápas), half-time (poločas), a thief (zloděj), cancer (rakovina), a guard (strážný), to beat (porazit), a theft (krádež), to protest (protestovat), to plant the bomb (nastražit bombu)
NB: List 3.3 + 3.4
SB: – p. 26, ex. 2 (Think about a story from the pictures.)
– p. 26-27: Read articles n.1 and n.2 (10+11 August) and answer the questions.

Welcome, Gina, to our class! 🙂 I wish you all a great week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 12, 04.04.2019
– Past simple, Past continuous
– List 3.2, listening p. 25
–  to (re)solve (vyřešit, rozluštit), to decide (rozhodnout (se)), a dought (těsto), a screen (obrazovka), to break into (vloupat se do), to escape (utéct), to suffer from (trpět něčím – nemoc), to be on strike (stávkovat), against (proti)

HOMEWORK for 11.04.2019
Drills: 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24 + 26, 27, 61
Vocabulary: p. 18-25 + 105 (new words: a wallet (peněženka), an accident (nehoda), a motorway (dálnice), a headline (nadpis), a strike (stávka), a match (zápas), half-time (poločas), a thief (zloděj), cancer (rakovina), a guard (strážný), to beat (porazit), a theft (krádež), to protest (protestovat), to plant the bomb (nastražit bombu)
NB: List 3.3
SB: – p. 26, ex. 2 (Think about a story from the pictures.)
– p. 26-27: Read articles n.1 and n.2 (10+11 August) and answer the questions.

Good job! Have a fantastic week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 11, 28.03.2019
– Past simple, Past continuous
– fill-in 3.1, SB p. 23/6, 7, 8
–  voluntarily (dobrovolně), a workshop (dílna), a claim (nárok), in contrast to (na rozdíl od), a knife (nůž), a wilderness (pustina), a lonely house (samota), a deficit (deficit)

HOMEWORK for 04.04.2019
Drills: 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24 + 26, 27, 61
Vocabulary: p. 17-23 + 105 (new words: next to (vedle), immediately (okamžitě), terrified (vyděšený), a bite (kousnutí), a gun (zbraň), to cross (přejít, překročit), tribesmen (domorodci), angry (naštvaný), a permission (dovolení), as…as (tak…jako), a jungle (džungle), a hammock (houpací síť), impossible (nemožný), a noise (rámus), loud (hlasitý), a mosquito (komár), a pill (prášek, pilulka), to fall asleep (usnout)
NB: List 3.2
SB: – p. 24, ex. 4, 5
– p. 25, ex. 2, 3, 4

Have a great week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 10, 21.03.2019
– Past simple, Past continuous
– list 3.1
–  to put on/gain weight (přibrat na váze), a guard (stráž)

HOMEWORK for 28.03.2019
Drills: 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24 + 26, 27
Vocabulary: p. 17-23 + 105 (new words: a trip (výlet), alone (sám), a companion (společník), a worker (pracovník), a guide (průvodce), dangerous (nebezpečný), hostile (nepřátelský), a tribe (kmen), an adventurer (dobrodruh))
NB: Fill-in 3.1 —–> HERE (zobrazí se po kliknutí; přeložte výrazy v rámečku a podle významu doplňte do vět)
SB: – p. 23/Grammar Spot: Přečtěte si znovu o minulém čase prostém (simple) a průběhovém (continuous). Srovnejte věty ve cv. 3. Pro více detailů zopakujte s učebnicí str. 146-147.
– p. 23, ex. 6, 7
– p. 23, ex. 8

Please revise irregular verbs (SB p. 182).

Good job! Have a beautiful week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 9, 14.03.2019
– Present simple, Present continuous
– Past simple
– conversation, everyday English (p. 21)
– list 2.10
–  shorten (zkrátit), to deserve (zasloužit si), tense (napnutý, napjatý), passing (pomíjivý), amount (částka), asleep (spící)

HOMEWORK for 21.03.2019
Drills: 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24 + 26, 27
Vocabulary: p. 16-22 + 105 (new words: to express (vyjádřit), lovely (krásný, půvabný), Nothing special. (Nic extra/Nic moc/Nic speciálního.), these days (poslední dobou), a shoe (bota), to ask (ptát se), Same to you. (To samé tobě/Tobě taky.)
NB: List 3.1
SB: – p. 23, ex. 5, 6, 7
– p. 23, ex. 8 – Complete „12 July – The day I nearly died“

– p. 22, ex. 3 (form  and answer the quetions)
Please revise irregular verbs (SB p. 182).

You worked well today. Have a fabulous week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 8, 07.03.2019
– Present simple, Present continuous
– talking about holiday, neighbours (p. 20)
– list 2.8, 2.12
–  tiredness (únava), sight (pamatáka (ve městě), zrak), to pedal (šlapat), sadness (smutek), grief (žal), to be/feel ashamed (cítit se zahanbeně, stydět se), deaf (hluchý), a fairy tale (pohádka), a pipe (dýmka)

HOMEWORK for 14.03.2019
Drills: 13, 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24
Vocabulary: p. 14-20 + 105
NB: List 2.10
SB: – p. 22, ex. 1 (Starter)
– p. 22, ex. 1, 2, 3 (form the quetions)

+ Fill in the End of Unit 2 Test —> HERE (ve cv. 3 vhodně zareagujte na dané situace/věty)

Have an excellent week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 7, 21.02.2019
– Present simple, Present continuous
– verb phrases (quiz p. 18-19), neighbours (p. 20)
– list 2.11
– to influence (ovlivnit), in a row (v řadě), to prepare (připravit), the amount (množství, obnos), to be connected to/with (být spojený s), a bond (pouto), temporary (dočasný), permanent (stálý), look smart (vypadat elegantně), to deliver (doručovat)

HOMEWORK for 07.03.2019
Drills: 13, 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24
Vocabulary: p. 14-20 + 105
NB: List 2.8 and 2.12
SB: – p. 21, ex. 1 (listen and guess which conversation is better/more friendly and why)
– p. 21, ex. 3

– p. 20, ex. 3 and 4 (listen and answer the questions in ex. 3 for Mrs Crumble and Alfie)

Have fantastic two weeks and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 6, 14.02.2019
– Present simple, Present continuous
– verb phrases (quiz p. 18-19)
– list 2.6
– tense (napjatý), briefly (stručně), exhausting (vyčerpávající), behaviour (chování)

HOMEWORK for 21.02.2019
Drills: 13, 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24
Vocabulary: p. 14-19 + 105
NB: List 2.11
SB: – p. 20, ex. 2 (Read and translate. Think about more ideas – what makes a good neighbour? How does a good neighbour behave?)
– p. 20, ex. 3 and 4 (listen and answer the questions in ex. 3 for Mrs Crumble and Alfie)

– p. 18/the quiz: translate and do the quiz for yourself

+ Document with useful phrases (from Mary): HERE

Have an excellent week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 5, 07.02.2019
– Present simple, Present continuous
– verb phrases (SB p. 17)
– list 2.5
– to deserve (zasloužit si), What’s going on/What’s up/What’s happening? (Co se děje?), lack of (nedostatek), a landscape (krajina), a sleep (spánek), at least (alespoň, minimálně), Me neither. (Já taky ne.), It’s your turn. (Jsi na řadě.)

HOMEWORK for 14.02.2019
Drills: 13, 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24
Vocabulary: p. 11-17 + 105
NB: List 2.6
SB: – p. 18/the quiz: translate and do the quiz for yourself
– p. 18, ex. 4

– p. 17, ex. 4 (Describe – write about – your ideal/perfect day)
– p. 18, ex. 2

Good job! Have a fantastic week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 4, 31.01.2019
– Present simple, Present continuous
– questions and vocabulary (fill-in 2.1)
– list 2.4
– a lorry (kamión, nákladní auto), an engine-driver (strojvůdce), even (dokonce, rovný), the fame (sláva), a boutique (obchod s oblečením), a stereotype (stereotyp), passionate (vášnivý), cleaning/tidying (uklízení), an ancestor (předek), a surgeon (chirurg), to suffice (stačit), to happen (stát se, přihodit se)

HOMEWORK for 07.02.2019
Drills: 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24
Vocabulary: p. 11-16
NB: List 2.5
SB: – p. 17, ex. 4 (Describe – write about – your ideal/perfect day)
– p. 18, ex. 2

– p. 17, ex. 1 (translate, match)
– p. 17. ex. 3
– p. 105, ex. 2

Thank you, Jarek, for the lesson. Everybody – have a wonderful week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 3, 24.01.2019
– Present simple, Present continuous
– questions (fill-in 2.2)
– list 2.2
– appropriate (vhodný), necessary (nutný), to hesitate (váhat), Don’t be silly! (Neblbni!), be scared of (mít strach z, bát se), to seem (zdát se, vypadat, připadat), It seems to me… (Připadá mi/Zdá se mi…), It’s none of your business! (To není tvoje věc!), Mind your own business! (Hleď si svého!)

HOMEWORK for 31.01.2019
Drills: 17, 27, 63, 33, 32, 24!
Vocabulary: p. 11-16
NB: List 2.4
+ fill-in 2.1 HERE
SB: – p. 17, ex. 1 (translate, match)
– p. 17. ex. 3

– p. 105, ex. 1, 2

Good job today! Have a great week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 2, 17.01.2019
– Present simple, Present continuous
– conversation, question words (fill-in1.2)
– list 3.2
– nearness/proximity (blízkost), concentrate on (soustředit se na), Focus! (Pozor! Soustřeď se!), hair-splitter/pedant (puntičkář), witness (svědek)

HOMEWORK for 24.01.2019
Drills: 63, 33, 32, 24!
Vocabulary: p. 8-15
NB: List 2.2
+ fill-in 2.2 HERE
SB: – p. 16, ex. 1, 4, 5
– p. 105, ex. 1, 2

– p. 15, ex. 5, 6

Good job today! Have a great week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 1, 10.01.2019
– Past simple, past perfect, irregular verbs
– Present simple, present continuous
– conversation
– list 2.1
– immediate (bezprostřední, přímý), cabbage (zelí), smoked meat (uzené maso)

HOMEWORK for 17.01.2019
Drills: 17, 63, 33, 32
Vocabulary: p. 8-14 (new words: ordinary (běžný, obyčejný), silver (stříbrný, stříbro), bright-red (jasně červená), lipstick (rtěnka), alone (sám), very cool (úplně super), band (kapela), energy (energie), enthusiasm (entuziasmus, nadšení), currently (v současnosti, v současné době), a lot of (hodně) + from last 2 lessons
NB: fill-in 1.2 here and 3.2 here
SB: p. 15, ex. 3, 5, 6
– p. 15, ex. 4 (make questions)

Have a wonderful week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.

LESSON 12, 12.12.2018
– ing/ed adjectives
– reading page 14 in SB
– chemistry (chemie), audience (publikum), underwear (spodní prádlo), annoy (otravovat, lézt na nervy), snow (sníh, sněžit), white (bílý), frighten (vyděsit, vystrašit), lowlands (nížina), valley (údolí), disappoint (zklamat), youngster (mládež, mladík), guest (host)

HOMEWORK for 10.01.2019
Drills: 17, 27, 33, 32, 13, 63
Vocabulary: p. 8-14 (new words: ordinary (běžný, obyčejný), silver (stříbrný, stříbro), bright-red (jasně červená), lipstick (rtěnka), alone (sám), very cool (úplně super), band (kapela), energy (energie), enthusiasm (entuziasmus, nadšení), currently (v současnosti, v současné době), a lot of (hodně) + from our lesson
NB: List 2.1
SB: p. 15, ex. 3, 5, 6
– p. 15, ex. 4 (make questions)

Dear students, thank you for the whole trimester! I enjoy our lessons and I look forward to seeing you all in January! I wish you calm and merry Christmas and a successful New Year! 🙂
Yours, Carol.



LESSON 10, 29.11.2018
– already (už), a present/gift (dárek), a frost (mráz), a hoarfrost (jinovatka), still (stále (ještě)), mostly (většinou), a reason (důvod), an impression (dojem), a show-off („vejtaha“), dude (borec, „kámo“), be a dab hand in (být frajer na), get on sb’s nerves (lézt někomu na nervy, You get on my nerves!), to annoy (štvát, jít na nervy), to iritate (štvát, iritovat), be a pain in the neck (být otravný)

HOMEWORK for 06.12.2018
Drills: 17, 27, 33, 32, 13, 63
Vocabulary: p. 8-13 + from our lesson (above)
NB: List 1.10
SB:– p. 13, ex. 2, 3

+ on your copy: p. 5, ex. 5

Good job! Have a fantastic week. See you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON9, 22.11.2018
– revision (present)
– comparatives, superlatives
– heavy traffic (hustá doprava), scream/shout (křičet, řvát), rarely (zřídka, vzácně, výjimečně), unusual (neobvyklý), backache (bolest zad), satisfied (spokojený), pond (rybník)

HOMEWORK for 27.11.2018

Drills: 17, 27, 33, 28, 32
Vocabulary: p. 8-12 + from our lesson (above)
NB: List 1.9
SB:– p. 12, ex. 4, 5
– p. 13, ex. 1 (Read and translate. Where are the people?)

– p. 12, ex. 3
+ Write 10 words from our lessons that are difficult for you. We are going to practise them in our next lesson. 🙂

Have an exciting week. See you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON8, 15.11.2018
– revision (present, past, future)
– comparatives, superlatives
– go for a trip (jet na výlet), except for/apart from/besides (kromě), quite well (docela dobře), explore ((pro)zkoumat, bádat), guard (strážce), passion (vášeň), act (hrát), excitement (vzrušení, rozrušení), award (cena)

HOMEWORK for 22.11.2018

Drills: 17, 27, 33, 28, 32
Vocabulary: p. 6-11 + from our lesson (above)
NB: List 1.8
SB: – p. 12, ex. 3

– p. 11, ex. 7, 8
– p. 12, ex. 1, 2

+ on your copy – page 5, ex. 2

Enjoy your week! See you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON7, 8.11.2018
– revision (present, past, future)
– telling the time
– department store (obchodní dům), find out (zjistit), Poor you! (Chudáčku!), corridor (chodba), that’s why (proto), backache (bolest zad), It’s a pity. (To je škoda.), floor (podlaha/patro)

HOMEWORK for 15.11.2018

Drills: 17, 27, 33, 28, 32
Vocabulary: p. 6-11 + from our lesson (above)
NB: List 1.7
SB: p. 11, ex. 7, 8
– p. 12, ex. 1, 2

+ on your copy – page 4, article 3

Have an amazing week! See you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON6, 1.11.2018
– revision (present and past tenses)
– telling the time
– collect (sbírat), appreciate (vážit si), health (zdraví), spine (páteř), ache (bolest), light up (zapálit např. svíčku)

HOMEWORK for 8.11.2018

Drills: 15, 17, 27, 33
Vocabulary: p. 6-11 + from our lesson (above)
NB: List 1.6
SB: p. 11: Read about Sally and Dominic
– p. 10, ex. 3

+ on your copy – page 4, articles 1 and 2

Good job today. Have a fantastic week. See you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON5, 18.10.2018
– revision (present and past tenses)
– telling the time
– aggrevate/wind sb. up/drive sb. crazy (vytáčet, rozčilovat), make sb. laugh (rozesmát), talk back at (odmlouvat), all over the world (po celém světě), close friend (blízký přítel), bestman (svědek, družba ženicha), to support (podporovat), immediately (okamžitě, bezprostředně), wedding (svatba), silly (hlupý, pitomý, pošetilý)

HOMEWORK for 1.11.2018

Drills: 15, 17, 27, 33
Vocabulary: p. 6-8 + from our lesson (above)
NB: List 1.4
SB: p. 11: Read about Sally – Who is she? Where did she meet Dominic? Did she like him? Will they meet again?
– p. 10, ex. 3 (Answer the questions for Sally.)

– p. 9, ex. 3
– p. 10, ex. 1

Enjoy your week and the weekend! See you next time. Yours, Carol.

LESSON 4, 18.10.2018
– revision (irregular verbs, present tenses, plans)
– questions words! (SB p. 7/Grammar spot)
– illness (nemoc), the worst (nejhorší), the greatest (nejskvělejší), speech (projev, řeč, mluva), exactly (přesně), get alarmed (splašit se)

HOMEWORK for 25.10.2018

Drills: 15, 17, 27, 33
Vocabulary: p. 6-8 + from our lesson (above)
NB: List 1.3
SB: p. 9, ex. 3
– p. 10, ex. 1

– p. 8, ex. 4, 6

Good job today! Have a fantastic week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 3, 11.10.2018
– revision, conversation (agreeing on a plan)
– sudden (náhlý), prepare (připravit (se)), to last (trvat), agree (souhlasit), exhibition (výstava), art (umění), shape (tvar), law (právo)

HOMEWORK for 18.10.2018

Drills: 15, 17, 27, 33, 39
Vocabulary: p. 6-7 (remember, borrow, excited, worry about, accident, then, hope) + from our lesson (above)
NB: List 1.2
SB: p. 8, ex. 1, 4, 6

– p. 8: Grammar Spot – ex. 3

Have an exciting week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 2, 04.10.2018
– revision, conversation (past tenses)
– in the middle of (uprostřed), grow (růst), recently/lately (v poslední době), price (cena – v obchodě), prize (cena – výhra), regularly (pravidelně), pleasure (potěšení), a lot (hodně), instrument (nástroj), kindergarden (školka), crowd (dav)

HOMEWORK for 11.10.2018

Drills: 17, 27, 33, 39
Vocabulary: p. 6 (SB) + from our lesson (above)
NB: List 1.1
SB: p. 7 –  ex. 6, 7 and Grammar Spot – ex. 3

Have a nice week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.


LESSON 1, 27.09.2018

HOMEWORK for 04.10.2018
Get the new materials. Please, write me if you want to buy the Student’s Book in our school office. I’ll pre-order them for you to be sure there is enough of them!

Drills: 33, 35, 36, 39, 55
Vocabulary: from your last two lessons with Hanka (11, 10)
NB: List 14.10 HERE
SB: p. 6, ex. 1 (Starter)
– p. 6, ex. 2 (Where do you come from?)
NEW SB p.6-7

I’m looking forward to our classes! Have a wonderful week and see you next time. Yours, Carol.



LESSON 12   28th June

My dear students,
I had a great year with you.
Have a wonderful summer and I hope to see you all in September.
Yours Hana

LESSON 11   21th June

Vocab: half board (polopenze), long distance (dlouhá vzdálenost), to book (zamluvit, zabukovat), lettuce (salát), cucumber (okurka hadovka), gherkin (okurka nakladačka), sober (střízlivý), the best way (nejlepší způsob), camera (foťák), take a test (dělat test), take it easy (nedělat si starosti, nevzrušovat se, to chce klid…), get better (uzdravit se), get home late (dostat se domů pozdě), get ready (připravit se), take a taxi (vzít si taxi), get on/get off (nastoupit/vystoupit), take a long time (trvat dlouho), get wet (zmoknout)

– practise drills 33, 35, 36, 39, 55
– study vocab from lessons 10, 11
– noodles 12.7
– book 100/5 – complete and prepare for speaking

Have a lovely week!
Hana M.

 LESSON 10   14th June

Lesson: noo 12.10, reading p. 99, grammar: get x take, p. 100/1, 2

Vocab: take off (sundat), up to our knees (až po kolena), even though (ačkoli), definite (jednoznačný), the most amazing experience (nejúžasnější zkušenost), rubbish (brak), complaint (stížnost), get away from it all (vypadnout z toho), education (vzdělání), toddlers (batolata), mix of people of all ages (směs lidí všeho věku), get on well (vycházet dobře – s někým), crowd (dav), it was brilliant (bylo to skvělé), if (jestli)

– noodles 13.12
– book 100/3, 4, 5
– study vocab from the lesson

See you!
Hana M.

LESSON 9   7th June

Vocab: covers, farmland, takes place, lasts, stages, continual, until, attended, paid £1 (for) a ticket, hundreds of, performed, such as, bands, death, in the middle of, on sale, festival-goers, performers

– drills 39, 55
– noodles 12.10
– book 100/1, 2, 3
– study vocabulary from the lesson


LESSON 8   31th May

Vocab: outside, inside, a five-hour flight, in the north, take us to the airport, it takes 20 hours, all the way, I can’t wait, cousin

– drills 39, 55
– noodles 13.9
– book 98/Some fact – read for understanding
– book 99/Some experiences – read for understanding

Hana M.

LESSON 7   24th May

Lesson: drills 39, PP, a new drill 55, fill in 12.2, grammar: a difference between past simple/present perfect – when to use them:
Past Simple: yesterday, last (month, week, year), in 2010, on 23rd May, last night, last holiday, at the weekend, when I was ten…
Present Perfect: ever, yet, never, already, just, once, twice, how many times, today

– buy and practise the new drill 55
– noodles 12.9
– book 97/1, 4
– book 96/1 – prepare for speaking
– irrugular verbs p. 182 – HAVE – SELL

Be ready for our next lesson :-).
Hana M.

LESSON 6   17th May

Vocab: get lost, repair, a play, page, to be afraid of, act, babysitter, babysittinig, ID card, take place, backpack, packing, collect money from bank

– drill 39, Present Perfect,
fill in 12.2 here – print out and fill in
– book 96/1 on the left – prepare for speaking
– book 132 – read the tapescript T 12.4 (přepis poslechu)

See you!
Hana M.

LESSON 5   10th May

Lesson: drills 33, 35, 36, 39, Present Perfect , noodles 11.10, fill in 11.6 (part 1), book 95/4, grammar: present perfect

Vocab: stripe, circle, triangle, take place, support, fence, above, below, abroad, foreign, maternity leave, give a lift (svézt), rude (hrubý, neslušný), pick up (vyzvednout)

– drill 39 + Present Perfect
– noodles 12.11
– book 95/7 + 182 – refresh irregular verbs B – G (from our last homework)
– book 96/1 on the left – preapre for speaking
– listen to T12.4 (book p. 96)
– study vocab from our lesson

Have a nice week.
Hana M.

LESSON 4   3rd May

Vocab: hate, anniversary, invite

– practise drill 39
– download and cut this drill – here – present perfect extra
– noodles 11.10
– book 95/4 – listen, don’t fill in
– book 95/7 – write the infinitive and read the grammar spot above
– book 182 – refresh irregular verbs B – G
– test: mix of tenses

See you next Thursday!
Yours Hana

LESSON 3   27th April

– buy a new drill – 39
– noodles 11.8
– book 94/1 – starter – match the flags to the countries
– book 94/1 – listen to T12.1 for understanding
– read the grammar spot p. 95

See you!
Hana M.

LESSON 2   19th April

– noo 11.7
– book p. 93/1, grammar spot
– book p. 136 – read the cities and temperatures
– study vocab from the lesson – for the test (p. 92 – weather)

Have a nice week, see you on Friday!
Hana M.

LESSON 1   12th April
Good job, everybody!

– drill 36, 35
– noodles 11.9
– book 92/2 (match the weather adjectives with the symbols in the map) – – book 92/3 (match these adjectives with words fro exercise 2)
– book 93/1 – make a list of activites
– test: vocabulary p. 91

See you on Thursday again.

Hana M.


LESSON 12   5th April

Lesson: drills 34, 35, 36, noo 11.3, 11, 4, book – Singing for their supper part 1

Vocab: survive, aim, I am looking forward to…, sneeze, be late, drop, Bless you!, get married/marry, on the top of the wall, sunny, backpack, walking stick, passers-by, put up a sign, supper, folk song, traditional, soon, decide to leave, comfortable, walk round the whole of Britain, anywhere, offer hospitality

– drill 36
– noodles 11.5
– book 90 – 91 finish the reading
– book 90/4 – answer the questions

Have lovely sunny days!
Hana M.

LESSON 11   29th March

Lesson: drills 34, 35, 36, infinitive or purpose (book p. 88/89)

Vocab: take photos, sunset, sunrise, supervolcano, fly over, take a cruise, temple, climb

– drills 35, 36
– noo 11.3 (prvních 8 vět) a noo 11.4 (věty číslo 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
– book 88/1, 3 on the left – PRACTICE
– book 90 – 91 Singing for their supper – read for understanding part It’s a sunny Saturday afternoon and Meet the singers – první odstavec.

See you next Thursday!
Hana M

LESSON 10   22th March

Lesson: grammar: going to = chystám se; to be + verb + -ing, book p. 86,87/1, 2

Vocab: weather forecast, it will be windy, play cards, naughty, talk back (to somebody), as usual, flower pot, candle, retire, get a pay rise, grow up, arrive, island, soon, in a year’s time, racing driver, ring, lie on the beach

– drill 33, something/anything, a new one – 35
– noodles 11.2
– book 87/5 – prepare for speaking + grammar spot
– 88/89 We’re off to see the world – match the places and activities (je to ta část uprostřed knihy: obrázky ze světa a k tomu cv. 1 nalevo s. 89)
– test: present continuous and present perfect

See you!
Hana M.

LESSON 9   15th March

Lesson: drills 32, 33, something (very good job!!!), noo 10.6, social expressions p. 85

Vocab: walk a dog (jít se psem na procházku), kind of /sort of (druh něčeho), shepherd (ovčák, pes), nobody/no one (nikdo), could (uměl jsem), much less (mnohem méně), + phrases p. 85

– noodles 10.8
– drill something, 33
– book 86/1 (read for understanding)
– book 87/2 (write names) + grammar spot (fill in)
– test: vocab p. 85

Have a lovely week.
Hana M.

LESSON 8   8th March

Lesson: drills 32, 33, something/anything, noo 10.4, 10.5 (polovina), book p. 83 part two

Vocab: during, the rest of, meeting, deide, till, lights out, exercise, weightlessness, affect, mucsles, bones, real, tins, packets, supply ship, spoon, float, taste, spicy food

– drill something/anything, 33
– noodles 10.6 věty 1 – 9
– book 85/1, 2
– book 86- starter

See you on Thursday :-).
Hana M.

LESSON 7 1st March
Thanks, good job everybody!

Lesson: drills 32, 33, a new drill – Something, anything, noo + speaking, book 81/1, 3, reading p. 82 . Living in Space

Vocab: thief/thieves, disaster, become – happen + highlighted vocab p. 81, 82

– print out and study drill Something, anything – download here
– noo 10.4 – věty 2 (jen první polovinu této věty), 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12
– noo 10.5 věty 1 až 6
– test: highlighted vocabulary p. 81, 82
– book p. 83 – finish the reading
– book 85/2 – match the sentences to the pictures

Have a lovely weekend.
Hana M.

LESSON6   22th February

Lesson: drills 28, 29, 33, fill in 13.4, book 81/1, 2 (something – anything…)

Vocab: puppy, hen, duck, sign, bat, swap, keep in shape, stroller, first row, guess, so intelligent, the lights are off

– drill 32, 33
– download and practice this drill
– noodles here – print out and translate
– book p. 81/1, 3 on the right
– book 82 – reading the text Living in the Space for understanding (from our last homework)

Have a lovely week.
Hana M.

LESSON 5   15th February

Lesson: drills 28, 29, 32, 33, DIRECTIONS, noodles – your own, book p. 84

Vocab: cancel, regularly, flour, a nerd, how many times, every other day, switch on/off, load / unload a dishwasher (naskládat a vyskládat myčku)

– drill 33
– fill in 13.4 here (print out, fill in)
– book 81/1, 2 (Something’s happening)
– book p. 82 – read the story Living in the Space for understanding (just page 82)
– test: vocabulary p. 84

Have a nice week, see you!
Hana M.

LESSON 4   1st February

Lesson: drills 31, 32, 33, noo 10.2, book 80/4, 84/1 – listening

Vocab: for example, work hard, washing up, dish washer, striped, quite pretty, purple, she isn’t smiling, carry, perhaps, make x do (make – tea, dinner, noise, a mistake, fun, a fool of) (do – homework, housework, washing up, sports, exercise)

– noodles 10.3 (translate and check – přeložte a zkontrolujte. Nebudou to věty do konverzace, toto je jen pro Váš tréning)
– drill 33
– write 3 – 4 questions (with MAKE x DO) for your colleagues for speaking (vytvořte 3 – 4 otázky na vazby s MAKE a DO do konverzace)
– study vocab from the lesson

Hana M.

LESSON 3  25th January

Lesson: drills 28, 29, 31, 32, a new one – 33, book 80/1, 2, 3

Vocabulary: trousers/pants (kalhoty), blouse (halenka), sweater (svetr), polo shirt (polokošile), tights (punčocháče), earrings (náušnice), ring (prstýnek), designer (návrhář), banker (bankéř), laugh (smát se), make clothes (vyrábět oblečení), head (hlava), neck (krk), shoulder (rameno), arm (paže), hand (ruka), leg (noha), foot – feet (chodidlo – chodidla)

– drill 33
– noodles 10.2
– study vocab from the lesson for the test
– book 80/4, 84/2

See you on Thursday again!
Hana M.

LESSON 2   18th January
Good job, everybody!

Lesson: drills 31, 32, noo 10.1, book p. 79

Vocab: make a phone call, trainers, look for, shining, snowing, in the picture, classmates, hiking boots, look after, bench, shopping centre /mall, tell the truth, tell lies, reply/replies, sad, cry, jeans, a shirt and tie, boots, a scarf, a coat, a hat, a dress, a suit, glasses, shorts, clothes, a skirt, a piece of clothing

– drills 32, 28, 29
– noodles here (vytisknout, přeložit)
– book 80/1 listen to T10.6 (jen si poslechněte, nic nevyplňujte)
– book p. 84/2 read vocabulary for understanding
– test: vocab from lesson 2

Have a nice week.
See you on Thursday!
Hana M.


LESSON 1   11th January
Hello everybody and welcome again :-).

Lesson: drills – mix, fill in 13.3, book p. 78/starter, 1, 2
Grammar: Present continues
I am reading now. He is reading now.
I am not reading now. He is not reading now.
Are you reading now? Is he reading now?
present continues = to be + verb + ing

Vocab: unfortunately, unemployed, I am going to do (chystám se udělat…), on the train, we are going, How’s your journey?, paper, laptop, What are you doing?, Can’t you hear?

– drill 32 (nepovinně i 31 – je jednodušší) – buy and practise
– noodles 10.1
– book 79/ grammar spot
– book 79/1, 2, 3 on the right

Have a lovely week.
Hana M.

LESSON 12   21th December

Lesson: noo 9.11, Christmas speaking, football game…

– practise drill Direction
– refresh irregular verbs p. 182
– fill in 13.3 here, print it out and fill in

I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Yours Hana

LESSON 11   14th December

Lesson: drills 15, 28, 29, directions, noo 9.10, book 77 – directions

Vocab: at the crossroads, at the roundabout, past, along, turn, how to get, continue, keep going, take, a set of traffic lights, pedestrian crossing, a traffic sign

– noo 9.11
– study vocab from lessons 9, 10, 11
– study drill Directions

Have a nice week, see you on Thursday!
Hana M.

LESSON 10   7th December

Lesson: drills 28, 29, 27, Comparatives, refreshing irregular verbs, noo 9.8, book 76/2 – finishing, directions

Vocab: go straight on (jdi rovně), turn left / right (zaboč doleva /doprava), go past (jdi kolem), go along (jdi podél), go through (jdi skrz), go over/across (jdi přes), go under (jdi pod), go down/up ther street (jdi dolů/nahoru ulicí), it’s the second (street) on your left (je to druhá ulice nalevo), path (stezka), cottage (chalupa), pond (rybník)

– download and look at this drill
– noodles 9.10
– test: vocabulary p. 76 – town and country
– p. 77 /1, 2 – projít slova v rámečku, zda rozumíte. Pokud máte CD, poslechněte si T9.12 pro porozumění.

Have a lovely week. David, I hope you will join us next week.
Hana M.

LESSON 9   30th November

Lesson: drills 28, 29, noo 9.4 + speaking, book 76/2 – talking about the town, reading: Mumbai (p. 75)

Vocab: region /rídžn/, population (obyvatelstvo), means of transport (dopravní prostředky), square (náměstí), statue (socha), office block (kancelářská budova), pavement (chodník), tawn hall (radnice), cathedral (katedrála), opposite (naproti), near (poblíž), in the middle (uprostřed), in front of (před), behind (za), local products (místní výrobky, produkty), wreath (věnec)
Reading p. 75: commercial centre (obchodní centrum), British Empire (Britské impérium), goddess (bohyně), both (oba, obojí), snack (svačina), headquarters (velitelství, centrála, ústředí), industry (průmysl), produce (vyrábět), skyscraper (mrakodrap), shopping mall (nákupní centrum), running water (tekoucí voda), electricity (elektřina), sanitation (odpoady), coast (pobřeží), sunrise (východ slunce), sunset (západ slunce), crowded (přeplněný lidmi), poverty (chudoba), experience (zkušenost), unique (jedinečný)

– study vocab from lesson 9 🙂
– noodles 9.8
– book p. 76/2 (druhá část – přiřaďte)

Yours Hana

LESSON 8   23rd November

Thanks everybody, you were great!

Vocab: I am in a good mood, I am looking forward to the weekend, important, everybody, few – fewer – the fewest, little – less – the least, than me, than mine, it is too big + reading – Tokyo

– drills 28, 29
– noo 9.4
– study vocab from lesson 8 for the test
– book 75 – Mumbai – read for understanding
– book76/2 (doplňte číslice – pouze k obrázku město – první polovina slovíček)

Have a nice week.
Yours Hana

LESSON 7   16th November

Lesson: a boardgame, drills 28, 29, Comparatives,fill in 9.2, book 73/1, 2, 3, past tense irregular + questions

Vocab: save money (spořit), temperature (teplota), cosmopolitan, actor (herec), per night (za noc), everyone knows (každý ví), spotting (zahlédnout, zpozorovat), loud (hlasitý), you’re late (jdeš pozdě), break (přestávka)

– drills 28 (29 – voluntary), Comparatives
– noodles 9.3 to your noodlebooks
– book 74/Tokyo – read for understanding
– book p. 182 – practise irregular verbs B – G for test

Yours Hana M.

LESSON 6   9th November

Lesson: drills 28, 29 (a little bit), comparative drill homemade, grammar: superlatives (3. stupeň), book p. 73 – reading

– drill 28 + comparatoive
– noodles fill in 9.2 here – print out L
– book 73/1, 2, 3 on the right
– book p. 74 – TOKYO – read for understanding

Your noodle books are ready in our office. You will need them next week. See you on Thursday.

Hana M.


LESSON 5   2nd November

Lesson: drill Comparatives (download here print out and practise), noodles 8.5 + speaking, book p. 71, grammar: as good as, not so good as

– drill Comparatives, část drilu 28 (druhý stupeň a porovnávání as big as, not so tall as apod.)
fill in 9.1 here
– book p. 73/Camden Market – read for understanding

Have anice week!
Hana M.

LESSON 4   26th October

Lesson: drills 15, 79, much/many, fill in 8.3 + speaking, a new unit 9 p. 70

Vocab: on the river (na řece), in the east (na východě), west (západě), north (severu), south (jihu), near the mountains (poblíž hor), hate (nesnášet), rabbit (králík) + book p.  70/1, 2

– for the test – vocab 70/2 (adjectives)
– noodles El 8.5 (David – print out and translate)
– write 3 questions for your colleagues using some of these words: taller, cheaper, nicer, warmer, colder, more polite, or more expensive
– book 71/3 – think about
– study grammar p. 149 ex. 9.1

LESSON 3   19 th October

Lesson: drills 26, 27, 15 + much /many

Vocab: mackerel, basil, peanut butter, bacon, ham, mustard + highlighted vocab p. 65/1, 2, 3

– drill 15
fill in 8.3 . – print out everybody and fill in
– test: vocab from the lesson
– book p. 70/2 – vocab in the box (read for understanding)
– book p. 70 – STARTER ex. 1 – think about

Have a lovey week. See you on Thursday.

Hana M.

LESSON 2   12 th October

Lesson: drills 27, 26, 15, fill in 7.1 – key here (zde si můžete si zkontrolovat řešení), grammar: some/any, much/many, book 65/3

Vocab: weekday (všední/pracovní den) + vocab p. 64, 65 (to, co jsme si zvýrazňovali)

– drill 15
– noodles 8.4 from your noodle book (David here)
– study highlighted vocabualry from p. 64, 65
– book 65/1, 2, 3

Have a nice week!
Hana M.

LESSON 1 – WELCOME!     5th October

Hello everybody, welcome to our course.

Lesson: drills 12, 25, 26, speaking, shopping, book p. 68/1

Vocabulary: exercise (cvičit), gym (tělocvična), breed (plemeno), mushroom (houba), pick mushrooms (sbírat houby), forest x wood (les), field (pole), carry (nosit), good mood (dobrá nálada), on the Internet (na internetu), butcher’s (řeznictví), bakery x baker’s (pekařství), newsagent’s (trafika), laptop (notebook) + slovíčka z učebnice 68/1

– refresh drills 12, 25, 26 (15)
fill in 7.1 here – všichni prosím vytisknout a vyplnit
– study vocab from our lesson 1
– book p. 68/2, 3
– book 65/3 – doplňte konverzaci slovy much, many, some, any

You are a great group and I am looking forward to seeing you next week!

Hana M.



Hello everybody, good job today!
There is no other „překlen“ lesson in summer so see you in September.

Hana M.

– DRILLS 26, 27, 72
fill in 13.3 here
– study irregular verbs P – W  book p. 182
study vocab from the lesson: not at all (vůbec ne), patient (trpělivý), collect /collected (sbírat), a flu (chřipka), a cold (nachlazení), a blouse (halenka), a handbag (kabelka), a purse (menší kabelka, dámská peněženka), sew (šít), make clothes (vyrábět oblečení), a napkin (ubrousek)

– drills 63, 26, 27, 72
– noodles – vytvořte své vlastní otázky s použitím sllovíček z minulé hodiny: high waves, calm, huge, ugly, alarm clock, spend money on sth, rarely/seldom, sunbathe, refreshing, arrange, lie-lay (ležet), cuisine, hike, go hiking, our own, Whose?, dolphin, adventure, experience
– book p. 182 – minulé časy (procvičujte)

See you on 22th August :-).
Hana M

HOMEWORK for 8.8.:
– drills 63, 15
– irregular verbs
– noodles: HERE (Zavzpomínejte si 😉 )
– more noodles (LIKE, WANT): HERE;
Your English wasn’t bad! I liked your conversation! See ya 😉 L.

Homework na 11.7.:
– drills 63, 15
– revise irregular verbs p. 182 B – M
– study vocab from lesson 12 – below
noodles here
– revise alphabet (abeceda) – here

Enjoy your lesson with Lucy.

Hana M.

LESSON 12   19.6.2017

Lesson: drills 63, 15, noodles 8.3, book 64/1, 2, reading p. 66 – The History of the Sandwich

Vocab: I’d like = I would like, waitress (servírka), well (studna), stamps (známky), petrol (benzín), nearly empty (téměř prázdné), post (poslat), appeared (objevil se), Earl (hrabě), gamble (hrát hazard), beef (hovězí), while (zatímco), fashionable (módní), chefs (šéfkuchaři), writer (spisovatel), introduce (představit), cookbook (kuchařská kniha), thin/thick slices (tenké/tlusté plátky), to butter (namazat máslem), mustard (hořčice), put (dát), supper (večeře), recipe (recept)

Have a nice summer, take care and see you in September – Maruško – in summer :-).

Hana M.

LESSON 11   22.6.2017

Lesson: drills 26, 27, 63 (good job!), noodles 8.2, book 53/3, 4, grammar: like x would like, a new drill 15

Vocab: main course (hlavní jídlo), fried (smažený), side dish (příloha), as a child (jako dítě), what about you (a co ty), sausage (párek), sauce (omáčka), a lot of, lots of (hodně), gooseberry (angrešt), mashed potatoes (bramborová kaše), breadcrumbs (strouhanka), eggplant (lilek), dill (kopr), flour (mouka), money on me (peníze u sebe), village (vesnice), fridge (lednička), oven (trouba)
Vocab from the book: are you ready to order, What would you like?, I would like the spaghetti, same for me, wine list, menu, just a glass of red, sparkling water, still water, tap water, both

– drill 15
– noodles 8.3
– book 64/1, 2 vlevo – Practice
– study vocab from lesson 11

Have a nice sunny week!

Hana M.

LESSON 10   15.6.2017

Lesson: drills 26, 27, 72, 63, noodles 13.3 – key here, book p. 63/1, reading The History of Sandwich – part 1

Vocab: healthy x health, herb x herbal, cows, promise, almost, the most, usual, usually, at all + vocab from the book

– practise your drills
– noodles 8.2
– p. 63/3 – read the text for understanding, 63/4 – check and correct sentences
– look at grammar spot p. 63 on the right
– reading p. 66 – part 18th century

Have a nice week.

Hana M.

LESSON 9   8.6.2017

Lesson: drills 27, 72, fill in 8.5, grammar: a-an-some-any, irregular verbs G – M

Vocab: dumpling, spinach, roll, yesterday, soup, spaghetti, crisps, chips, nuts, hard-boiled eggs, cook, bar of chocolate, lettuce, mustard

– drill 26, 63
– noodles 13.3 here, print out everybody
– book 63/1 – listen T 8.2
– p. 66 – read The History of Sandwich for understanding
– study vocab from lesson 9 for the test
– procvičování irregular verbs – zde

Have a nice weekend.

Hana M.

LESSON 8   1.6.2017

Lesson: drills 27, 72, noodles 7.9, test: fill in 7.6, grammar: countable/uncountable nouns
– Tomatoes are good.
– Tea is good.

Vocab: hurt, lazy, fussy eater, except of, porridge, maple syrup, delicious + vocab – food from p. 62

– drills 27, 72
– fill in 8.5 – print out everybody
– study vocab p. 62 for the test
– book p. 63 – study grammar spot (ten vlevo)
– book p. 64/3 – fill in

Take care.

Hana M.

LESSON 7   25.5.2017

Lesson: drills 72, 27, 63, noodles 7.4 + speaking, book 60/6, 7, book p. 61

Vocab: hear, noise, downstairs, upstairs, burglars, turn off, explain, Easter Day, New Year’s Eve, wedding day, make a cake, card, fireworks, Who is it from?, No idea., Merry Christmas, congratulation, invitation, clever

– your drills
– noodles 7.9
– test Unit 7 – here – (než si test vytisknete a vyplníte, doporučuji si projet drillky – min. čas + 63, zopakovat slovíčka a taky příslovce – přídavná jména. Na testík máte 20 minut, pokud byste nestihli, vyměňte barvu propisky a pište dál. Nezapomeňte, že v jednom úkolu je napsáno přelož a odpověz.)
– irregular verbs GIVE – MEET p. 182
– book 62/1 (think about)
– book 62/2 (match), 62/3 (fill in)

Take care.

Hana M.

LESSON 6   18.5.2017

Lesson: drills 26, 63, noodles 7.7, reading/speaking p. 57

Vocab: make breakfast, wash, brush teeth, wear, get dressed (obléci se – vhodnější než dress up), afternoon club, tolerate, breathe, arrive, accident, any more, rather, at a party, talk to, notes, use, grow up, professor, psychology, education, summer camp, at sounds great, teach Russian, it was nice to meet you

– drills 26, 63 (na rychlost!)
– noodles 7.4
– study vocab from lesson 6 for the test
– book p. 61/1, 2 – study vocab from the list
– book p. 61/3 – fill in

Take care.

Hana M.

LESSON 5   11.5.2017

Lesson: drills 25, 26, 63, fill in 13.2 – key here, reading – The Man on the Moon p. 58, p. 60/5

Vocab – lesson: detailed plan, ladder, feel homesick, keys, here, as a present, accident, a  good choice, experience, experiences
Vocab – book: lifter off, astronauts, enormous rocket, circle, 30 times, prepare for, Sea of Tranquillity, rest, on the moon, step, join, peace, giant leap, mankind, collect samples, set up, scientific equipment, put up, inscription, exploration (průzkum)

– drill 26, 63
noodles 7.7
– study vocab from lesson 5 for the test
– book p. 57/1 – think how to create answers (přemýšlejte, jak vytvořit odpovědi)
Adverbs: here – click and practise
Past Tense Irregular – practise here
Extra: Months, Days: here

– (nepovinně – zkuste si pro sebe taky nudle 7.6 – je to k článku, který jsme četli, ale nedá se na něj konverzovat tak, jak jsme zvyklí, sami si rovnou opravte, případně se v hodině zeptáte, čemu jste nerozuměli)

Have a nice week.

Hana M.

LESSON 4   4.5.2017

Lesson: drills 25, 26, 63, noodles 6.10, grammar: irregular verbs D – GET, adverbs

Vocab: exhausted, to be interested in, cut the grass, last (trvat), have a rest, bunch of flowers, name day, make a joke, neverending story, Christmas Eve, traditional

– drills 26, 63
– fill in  El 13.2 here – všichni si prosím vytiskněte, tentokrát není úkol z noodle booku. Slova nahoře v rámečku si přeložte do AJ a doplňujte do mezer. Pozor, věty jsou koncipovány jako KLADNÉ, podle toho doplňujte…

– from our last hmw: reading p. 58 – 59 (The First Man on the Moon)
– 60/5 / think about, finish the sentences

Have a nice week, take care.

Hana M.

LESSON 3   27.4.2017

Hello everybody, good job today!

Lesson: drills 25, 26, 63, fill in 7.1, book p. 59 – we finished reading about the first flight, grammar: adverbs

Vocab: tent, indoor, outdoor, have breakfast, have dinner, have lunch, invent, 19th century, at a quarter to five + highlighted vocab from the book p. 59

– drill 26, 63
– noodles 6.10
– book p. 60/1, 2, 3, 4
– book p. 58-59   read 1969 – The First Man on the Moon for understanding
– study vocab from the lesson for the test
– you can practise ordinal numbers here – click

Have a nice week.

Hana M.

LESSON 2   20.4.2017

Lesson: drills 25, 26, AMANDA – Maruško, pro Vás zde k vytisknutí, reading p. 58 – 59

Vocab: teach – taught, refresh, keep (a pet), fly – flew, pregnant, the longest journey + vocab from page 58, 59 (to, co jsme zvýrazňovali)

– drills 25, 26, 63
– fill in fill in 7.1 – všichni si vytiskněte (Maruško, je to doplňovačka na předložky časové – AT, ON, IN. Podívejte se prosím v učebnici na s. 147 odkaz 7.2. Zkuste doplnit, pokud si nebudete vědět rady, nevadí, podíváme se na to v hodině).
– study vocab p. 58, 59 for the test
– book p. 60/1, 2 – adverbs (příslovce – podíváme se, jak se tvoří a kde ve větě stojí)

Have a good week.

Hana M.

LESSON 1/13th April 2017

drill 12, 25
noodles 6.2 – for new students key– rozklikni, přelož, přines do lekce
no test this time 🙂
SB pg. 58,59 – 1909 – 1st Air Journey – přečti se slovníkem

Enjoy Easter holiday!


LESSON 12   6.4.2017

Lesson: drills 25, 26, 27, 63, 72, fill in 7.3 – key here, grammar: adverbs

Vocab: real – really, careful – carefully, slow – slowly, deep – deeply, bad – badly, fluent – fluently, beautiful – beautifully, quiet – quietly, nepravidlené: good – well, fast – fast, hard – hard, early – early

– there is not homework, just relax and you can study vocab a little bit 🙂

Have a nice week.

Hana M.

LESSON 11   30.3.2017

Lesson: drills 26, 27, 72, noodles 7.3, grammar: WH questions, time prepositions (book p. 56/1, 3, 4)

Vocab: cabbage, disco, abroad, motorway, Croatia, Mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, by bus, how much, how many, arrive

fill in 7.3 z minula (za ty popletné nudle :-), Leni, vy máte hotovo, Jarku, vy máte vytištěno, Honzo, pokud dorazíte, vytiskněte si prosím z odkazu z minulého úkolu – fill in 7.3)
– book p. 57/1 – try to say answers (A) for questions (F)
– book p. 60 – Adverbs – study grammar spot, 60/3 – match

Take care.

Hana M.

LESSON 10   23.3.2017

Lesson: drills 25, 26, 27, 72, noodles 7.2, listening 7.2 + tape script, preposition on time (AT, ON, IN).

Vocab: vacuum cleaning, colour TV, enough, all day long, pocket money, washing-up, dishwasher, eagle, adventure stories, nowadays, expensive, seaside, pleased, alive, best fun ever (slovíčka zadám posléze i do quizletu…)

– drills 72, 27
– fill in 7.3 – print out
– book 56/1 – match
– book 56/3 – fill in
– book p. 56/4 – think about questions

Take care. 

Hana M.

LESSON 9   16.3.2017

Lesson: drill 72, a new drill 27, fill in 13.1 – key here, U7 – starter (Quiz), listening 7.2 + 55/2

Vocab: Century, Velvet Revolution, catch a cold, crown, I’m sure, recommendation, yourself, movie, publish, non-stop flight, 60 years ago, land, end, naughty, drank, wore, drove, flew, took, ate

– drill 27
-noodles  El 7.2
– read the tape script 7.2 p. 125 – přečtěte si pouze pro porozumění
– p. 182 – irregular verbs D, E, F – stačí, když si je projdete, abyste věděli jejich význam

Have a nice week.

Hana M.

LESSON 8   9.3.2017

Lesson: drills 25, 26, 72, noodles + speaking, ordinal numbers (book p. 53), irregular verbs B – C p. 182

Vocab: looking forward to, at night, remember, nightmare, have nothing to do, lose the match, without, annoyed with, dangerous, wild, shocked, shocking, frightened, frightening, hear – heard, behaviour, procvičujte zde.

– drill 72
– fill in 13.1 – vytisknout, vyplnit…
– book p. 54/1 – do the Quiz
– test U6 – here – (než začnete test psát, prosím zopakujte si slovíčka lekce 6, gramatiku, minulé tvary sloves ze s. 46 – 48. Nezapomeňte, že v úkolu, kde máte překládat věty, jsou potřeba i odpovědi celou větou. Test pište bez pomoci slovníku, učebnice, počítače či sešitu.) Test přineste do příští hodiny.

Have a nice week.

Hana M.

LESSON 7   2.3.2017

Lesson: drills 25, 26, PTR, a new drill 72, noodles 6.8, fill in, book p. 52

Vocab: My best friend’s name, to know each other, law, try, beautician, electrician, reliable, you can rely on him, recommend, bad habit, news on TV, after, stay alone, for the first time, rather, runner, behaviour, nobody, exam, awful, not at all, any more, Do you agree?

– drill 72 (se slovíčky – ed, -ing, která znáte)
– noodles 6.9 (Jarku, pokud budete nít náladu, 6.9 už máte hotovo, můžete si udělat kterékoliv nudličky ze 6. lekce, které ještě nemáte, a hned si je zkontrolovat vzadu v přepisu)
– practise vocab lesson 6, 7 – here
– book 53/1 – fill in, 53/3 – study, 53/4 – practise
– you can download dates here
– book p. 182 – podívejte se na nepravidelná slovesa začínající na B, C, budeme se učit všechny tři tvary, projděte si je kvůli porozumění

Have a good week.

Hana M.

LESSON 6   23.2.2017

Lesson: Only Lenka and Jarek came… drills: 25, 26, PTR, noodles 6.7, reading The Businessman and the Fisherman, vocab – tiring, worrying… p. 52

Vocab: click here 🙂 (klikejte na kartu se slovem + šipky doleva – doprava…), more practising here, and also here. Do you like it?

– drills 25, 26, PTR, buy a new drill 72!
– noodles El 6.8 (Jarku, vy buď znova – nebo si můžete nachystat 6.9)
– book 52/3, 4 – fill in

Have a good week!

Hana M.

LESSON 5   9.2.2017

Thank you for your lesson, you are better and better every week.

Lesson: drills 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, fill in 6.1 – key here, feelings, Ben Way – past tense.

Vocab: annoyed, bored, excited, interested (in), tired, worried, dyslexic, everywhere, first, own company, at 17, entrepreneur, called

– drills 25, 26 + Past Tense Regular Drill
– noodles El 6.7
– book 49/1 (doplňte věty správným tvarem sloves)
– book 49/2 – zkuste si připravit otázky pro ostatní podle textu(stačí ústně)
– book p. 50, 51 – reading The Businessman and the Fisherman for understanding
volitelně: tady – klik – krátké video s kapkou minulého času, tapescript je v souboru pod ním… to jen tak kdyby se Vám chtělo… čistě kvůli trénování poslechu :-).

See you after the spring holiday!
PS: Ivo, mám pro vás už poněkolikáté ten test U5, je potřeba v něm ještě dopsat odpovědi, prosím připomeňte se mi na příští hodině, nebo na to zase zapomenu… díky…

Hana M.

LESSON 4   2.2.2017

Lesson: drills 21, 23, 25, a new drill 26, noodles 6.3 + speaking, grammar: past tense

Vocab: Czechs, wallet, the only child, bleed, blood, to be in hurry, dotcom, millionaire, now, make a mistake, on time, well, become – became, buy – bought, sing – sang, sell – sold, cross-country skiing, shovel the snow away 

– drills 25, 26, Past Tense Regular
– fill in 6.1 – print it out (vytisknout)
– study vocab from our last lesson
– book 49/Ben Way – profile (doplňte, přečíst pro porozumění)
– book 52/1, 2 (from our last HW)
Extra: máte-li chuť, můžete si zkusit toto cvičení – klik – dole si ho lze ihned vyhodnotit :-).

See you!

Hana M.

LESSON 3   26.1.2017

Lesson: drills 23, 25, PTR, noodles 6.1, grammar: past tense irregular, vocab 48/1

Vocab: cottage, ill, difficult, still, that, was, cell phone, smart phone, find out (found out) 

– drills 23, 25, PTR
– noodles El 6.3 
– study past tense vocab book p. 48/1 + vocab from our lessons 1 – 3
– from the last HW: listen to your CD T 6.8 (do not read the tape script)
– look at p. 52/1 – feelings, match to the pictures, fill in 52/2

See you on Thursday!

Hana M.

LESSON 2   19.1.2017

Lesson: drills 23, 25, past tense regular, noodles + speaking, Jackson – fill in, reading, noodles

Vocab: clothes, library, on Sunday, talk to, childhood, (hood = kapuce, kápě), move out, receive, boss, celebrity, steel mill, travelled, stopped, worldwide, sort, coal mine + z minula: town hall = city hall, nick name, hoover, satisfied, wood, forest, bee, decide, die, scout, enjoy, rename, went

– drill 23, 25, past tense regular
– noodles El 6.1
– book p. 48/1 – Ben’s ups and downs – irregular verbs
– book p. 48/2 – Ben Way – číst úvod
– listen to your CD T 6.8 do not read the tapescript

Have a nice week!

Hana M.

LESSON 1   12.1.2017

Hello everybody, welcome to our new term.

Lesson: true – false game, 1 minute speaking game, drills 21, 23, 25 + a new drill – past tense regular, speaking, ABC competition

– drills 21, 23, 25 + our new drill – Past Tense Regular
– noodles here – print out and translate
– worksheet (pracovní list z hodiny – doplnit slovesa, věty v záporu i otázky)
– book p. 48/1 – fill in

Have a nice week!

Hana M.

PS: Moji milí, zapomněla jsem si bohužel přepsat do sešitu slovíčka, která jsme pilovali na tabuli… pokusím se s Vaší pomocí napravit příště… Děkuji za pochopení.


LESSON 12   15.12.2016

Toto byla poslední předvánoční hodina, těším se na Vás zase v lednu.

Lesson: drills 21, 23, 25, a new one – past tense regular – stáhnout zde/download here, noodles – your own, board game – jobs, reading p.  47/C, highligh. vocab, grammar: past tense regular

Vocab: everyone, nervous, bracelet, perfume, historical, grammar school, person, act, court, defend, lawyer, burning, rescue, actress, movie/film, moved, called, renamed, all over the world, kid, real life

– no special homework 🙂
– jen si prosím před hodinou stáhněte a projděte nový drillek (viz výše v příloze), taky drillek 25, projděte slovíčka z poslední hodiny + ostatní slovíčka z unit 6, připomeňte si minulý čas…

Enjoy the Christmas!

Hana M.

LESSON 11   8.12.2016

Lesson: drills 19, 21, 23, 25, noodles 6.2, book p. 46 – reading A, B, grammar – past tense

Vocab: gingerbread, Christmas biscuits, aunt, receive, letter, move, + highlighted vocab p. 46

– drills 23, 25
– noodles el 6.5
– your 4 own noodles for past tense – use verbs: work, live, receive, move, study, start, clean, earn (čtyři vlastní nudličky – otázky v min. čase s použitím daných sloves)
– book p. 47/reading C
– book p. 47/6 – fill in, study grammar spot

Thank you and have a nice week!

Hana M.

LESSON 10   1.12.2016

Lesson: drills 19, 21, 23, 25 – the new one, noodles 5.11, speaking, jobs, grammar: past tense regular

Vocab: serious, buy, spend, Austria, goods, means of transport, grandparents, great-grandparents, rich, poor, builder, artist, astronaut, farmer, police officer, vet, nurse, fire fighter, soldier, doctor, teacher, singer, taxi driver, actor, chef, pilot, dentist

– drills 19, 21, 23, 25
– noodles El 6.2
– book p. 46/reading A, B
– book p. 48/4 – write past tense of these verbs
– refresh vocab – jobs

See you on Thursday!

Hana M.

LESSON 9   24.11.2016

Lesson: drills 19, 20, 21, 23, noodles, noodles + speaking, vocab, empty noodles – refreshing for test U5, the test U5.

– drills 19,21, 23
– noodles El 5.11
– book – p. 46 – U6 – starter (promyslet si)
– book – p. 46 – Oprah – listen, read and fill in part A

See you on Thursday.

Hana M.

Rádi bychom Vás informovali, že pokud jste s výukou v Only4 spokojeni a přejete si pokračovat ve svém kurzu angličtiny i v období LEDEN – BŘEZEN 2017, můžete se již nyní přednostně přihlásit jedním z těchto způsobů:

1. ON-LINE PŘIHLÁŠKA (po úspěšném odeslání přihlášky Vám obratem přijde potvrzení o doručení na Váš e-mail)
2. E-mailem na
3. Telefonicky nebo SMS na čísle +420 603 545 030
4. Osobně v kanceláři školy

Veškeré požadavky na změnu (skupiny/termínu/úrovně/lektora) uveďte prosím do přihlášky či konzultujte v kanceláři školy.

Takto přednostně se můžete přihlásit nejpozději do 5. prosince, kdy začínáme zařazovat nové studenty do volných míst.
Včasným přihlášením se tak vyhnete tomu, že Vaše místo v kurzu nahradíme někým novým.

Všechny kurzy budou začínat v týdnu od 9. ledna.

LESSON 8   10.11.2016

This lesson was with Lenka and Pavla.

Lesson: drills 19, 21, 22, 23, noodles 5.12, book 45/1, 4 – zdvořilé žádosti (polite requests)  44/9 – předložky (prepositions)

Vocab: raspberry, clothes, in the middle of, wheel, means of transport, have – had, post a letter, speak to you, lend me, Can I borrow?, give me a hand, request, certainly, Could you tell me the time, please?

– drills 19, 21, 22, 23
– noodles El 5.4
– there will be a U5 final test, so revise vocab unit 5, can – could, be – was/were, p. 44 – prepositions, verb + noun, noun + noun
– slíbila jsem s vámi zopakovat – probrat přivlastňovací zájmena apod., takže – úkol bude netradičně také z jiné lekce: U1 page 8 – grammar spot, p. 11 – grammar spot, + grammar reference p. 141/1.2, 1.3
– U6 – starter (prepare your answers)

Have a nice time, see you on 24th November.

Hana M.

LESSON 7   3.11.2016

Hello everybody, this lesson was with Lenka and Jan, thank you!

Lesson: drills 20, 21, 23, noodles + speaking, vocab – explanation game, book 44/9 – verb + noun

Vocab: celebrate, want (to), present, earrings, driving licence, own, twice a month, drums, wait, train, wear, look after, text message, a suit and tie, on the third floor

– drills 20, 21, 23
– noodles 5.12
– book: p. 44/9, 45/1, 4, 45/5 – vocab

Have a nice week!

Hana M.

LESSON 6   27.10.2016

Lesson: drills 21, 23, 20, noodles 5.1 (check in your Noodle book) + speaking, reading p. 43 (A Passion for Business), questions to the text (p. 42/3b), new vocab p. 44/1, explanation game

Vocab: I was born, village, poor, difficult, afford, too expensive, make money, dry-cleaning, soon, independent, proud of, practises, classical music, succeed, passionate, sentimental
bookshop, motorbike, motorway, sunglasses, living room, bus stop, handbag, railway station, car park, traffic lights, petrol station

– drills 21, 23 (20)
– noodles El 5.7
– 44/5, 9
– study new vocab

Have a nice week!

Hana M.

LESSON 5   20.10.2016

Lesson: drills 17, 21, 23, noodles, speaking, test, reading – Nicola Benedetti, SB p. 41/5 – listening

Vocab: cousin, competition; artist, success, earn lots of money, teach, we are close, together, professionally, at family occasions, at Christmas

– drills 21, 23
– noodlebook – 5.1
– reading p. 43 – Gio Bendetti
– SB p. 44/1, 5, 9

See you on Thursday.

Hana M.

LESSON 4   13.10.2016

There were only Lenka and Pavla, so we practised mainly the grammar.

Lesson: drills 21, 23, 17, noodles 5.10 – key here, test, past tense was/were, could, quick noodles, reading p. 42 (A Passion for Success), p. 43 (half of the part Nicola Benedetti)
Vocab: tube – underground, Russia, square, world-famous violinist, passion, west, near, who, also, bussinessman, important, violin, crying, hard-working, poor, if.

– drills 21, 23, 17
– noodles El 5.3 here,
– 41/5 – fill in was, were, could (doplň was, were, could)
– p. 44/9 – prepositions – doplnit do vět
– reading p. 43 – Gio Benedetti

Have a nice week, see you on Thursday! 

Hana M.

LESSON 3   6.10.2016

Hello everybody, this lesson was with Lenka and Iva, so thank you, you did so much work!

Noodlebooks available in the office. (Noodlebooky jsou pro vás nachystané v kanceláři, takže napříště už nemusíte tisknout, podle čísla vyřešíte úkol, hned si jej vzadu s klíčem zkontrolujete a do hodiny už jdete pouze s dotazy, proč je v překladu něco takto a ne jinak…)

Lesson: Drills 13, 17 (better and better), noodles and speaking, past tense (minulý čas) was /were (byl, byli), could (uměl, uměli), SB p. 40/1, 3.
– New DRILL 21 – WAS, WERE  – volitelně – je jednodušší, pokud byste měli pocit, že potřebujete procvičovat,
– DRILL 23 – povinně, je to směs WAS, WERE, COULD – prosím pořiďte si

Vocab: ill, on holiday, I phoned, until, traffic jam, exercise, exhibition, foreign languages, make music, fluently

– drills 17, (21), 23
– noodles El 5.10
– Book: 41/5, 42 – 43 – reading with dictionary – A Passion for Succes, A Passion for Music (dva sloupečky – texty, třetí zatím ne, pročíst, abyste rozuměli, vyhledat ve slovníku, co neznáte)

Have a nice week!

Hana M.


LESSON 2   29.9.2016

Lesson: drills, speaking, vocabulary, can/ can’t – listening + highlighting vocab SB p. 38, vocab 39/3.

Homework: drills 13 17, 19, noodles El 5.2 here, SB p. 40/1, 3, study grammar spot.

Thank you and see you on Thursday!

Hana M.


LESSON 1  22.9.2016

 Hello everybody, welcome to our course.

Lesson: drills 11, 12, 13, 17, noodles 4.7 – key here. A new verb CAN (Can you ski? I can ski. I can’t (cannot) ski.)

Vocab: ride a horse, ride a bike, play the recorder, play the violin, play the piano, jump high.

Homework: drills 13, 17 a 4, 6 – pokud je máte…, fill in here print and fill the first part (vytiskněte a doplňte první část – ta druhá je stejná 🙂 ). Student’s book: p. 38/1, 3 (přečtěte, pokuste se doplnit). 39 – study the blue grammar spot.

Thank you for comming, see you on Thursday!

Hana M.

PŘEKLEN 15.9.2016

Lesson: drills 13, 16, 17, 24, noodles, speaking, prepositions of time – refreshing (on, in at), days of the week, parts of the day. Alphabet – refreshing.

Homework: we will have a new student so revise personal questions. Also revise vocabulary of units 1 – 4, and – noodles here.

Thank you for comming, Lenka and Honza, I am looking forward to see Ivana next week.

Hana M.

PŘEKLEN 8.9. 2016

Lesson: drills, vocab, noodles, speaking, months – revision

Vocab: love, hate, enjoy, stomach ache, ship, plane

Homework: drills 13, 16, 17, 24, noodles – napsat 6 otázek pro ostatní studenty s využitím slovní  zásoby „čas“ (měsíce, dny v týdnu, čas). Watch this video, we will discuss it in the lesson (Kolik % mluveného textu rozumíte? Je to pro Vás dobrý způsob učení?)

Thank you for comming, have a nice week. Hana M.

PŘEKLEN 1.9.2016

lesson: drills 13, 16, 17, 24, home-made noodles, speaking, time revision

vocab: backache, last (= trvat), written by, health – healthy, hope, sew, swimsuit

homework: drills 13, 16, 17, 24. Napište otázky (noodles) pro ostatní kolegy na tato slovíčka: sometimes, always, often, August, December, half past eight.  Zopakujte  si měsíce, dny v týdnu + volitelný úkol – prac. list z hodiny – určování času.

Thank you for today and see you next week. Hana M.


PŘEKLEN 25.8. 2016

lesson: drills 17, 16, 13, 24; noodles 3.3, speaking

– drills: 17, 16, 13, 24
– naučte se nová slovíčka + napište své vlastní otázky pro vaše kolegy: go on a trip, healthy, like + -ing, what kind of books, hardly ever.

See you later!

Katerina R.


PŘEKLEN 11.8. 2016

lesson: drills 17, 16, 13, 24; noodles 2.9, Time bingo, vocabulary

– drills: 17, 16, 13, 24
– napište své vlastní otázky pro vaše kolegy a použijte tato slovíčka: an accountant, valid ID card, want to, like + -ing, a policeman

Have a great time!

PŘEKLEN 21.7. 2016

Honza, study the time! It was nice to meet you 🙂

lesson: drills 17,16, 13, 24, your own noodles, word cards, board game time flies

– drills 17,16, 13, 24
– noodles here
– vocabulary: previsous lessons + attend, funeral, do nothing, queen, the United Kingdom, get dressed, do exercise
TIME!!! + present simple

Have a lovely holiday,

PŘEKLEN 14.7. 2016

lesson: drills 17, 16, 13, 24; your questions , discussion habits, word cards

– drills 17, 16, 13, (24)
– noodles: write 12 questions on this vocabulary: strawberries, garlic, tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, zucchini, experience, stay, opposite, visitor, govern, look after
revise time telling

See you next week (our last lesson together),

– drills 17,16,13,24
– nooodles: write 12 questions on this vocabulary: grow, cyclopath, shopping list, need, behind, far, the most famous, large, pool, awful, desk, furniture, wedding, meet, towel, gift
– revise present simple

Have a nice holiday,

LESSON 12 30.6. 2016

Hello, great job today. 🙂

lesson: drills 16, 17, 7, 6, 51; noodles key here, vocabulary test p.30-37, Unit4 test

LESSON 11 23.6. 2016

Hello, we finished Unit 4, so TEST next week. And then we will play games. 🙂

lesson: drills 16,17,7,6,51; noodles key here, word cards, vocabulary test p.30-36, SB: 37/1,2,3,4,5,6

– drills 16, 17, 7, 6, 51
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.30-37
– study for the test (vocabulary, noodles, grammar)

See you next week,

LESSON 10 16.6. 2016

Hello, you were perfect today. 🙂

lesson: drills 16, 17, 7, 6, 51, noodles key here, word cards, vocabulary test p.30-35, SB: 36/1,3,5,6,7

– drills 16, 17, 7, 6, 51
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.30-36
– SB: 37/4,6 listen to the CD and complete

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 9 9.6. 2016

Hello, great job today. 🙂

lesson: drills 16, 17, 7, 6, 51; noodles key here, word cards, vocabulary test p. 30-34, SB: 35/the rest of the artcile, 34/2,4, 35/6, 35/7,8

– drills 16, 17, 7, 6, 51
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.30-35 + skyscraper
– SB: 36/1,3,6

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 8 2.6. 2016

Hello, very good job today.

lesson: drills 16, 17, 7, 6, 51; noodles key here, word cards, vocabulary test p.30 -33 II, SB: 34/1, 2,4

– drills 16, 17, 7, 6, 51
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.30-34
– SB: 35/the rest of the article – read

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 7 26.5. 2016

Hello, great job today. 🙂

lesson: drills 13, 16, 17, 7, 6; noodles key here, word cards, vocabulary test p.30-33, SB: 32/3, 3, 33/6, new grammar – this x that, these x those, new drill 51

– drills 13, 16, 17, 7, 6, 51
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.30-33 + cyclopath, tree, full of, pound
– SB: 34/article (jenom str.34)

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 6 19.5. 2016

Hello, great job with the new grammar. 🙂

lesson: drills 13, 16, 17, 7, 6, noodles key here, word cards, vocabulary test p.30, SB: 31/4, 32/1, 33/1

– drills 13, 16, 17, 7, 6
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.30-33 – new: shower, dining room (jídelna), carpet, next to, opposite, above, near, outside, on the first floor (v prvním patře), clothes shop, bench, plate, glasses, mug, towel, cup, dictionary, homework + shelf x shelves, rug, coffee table, cupboard
– SB: 32/3 (old HW)
33/3 listen to the CD and tick what she has

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 5 12.5. 2016

Great job everyone! 🙂

lesson: drills 13, 16, 17, 7, noodles key here, word cards, vocabulary test p. 27-29; SB: 30/1,1, new grammar there is/are, new drill 6

– drills 13,16,17,7,6
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.30 + dishwasher, chair, plant
– SB: 31/4 complete
32/3 complete
33/1 complete

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 4 5.5. 2016

Hello, Honza great job with the vocabulary! 🙂

lesson: drills 13, 16, 17, 7; noodles key here, word cards, vocabulary test p.27-28, SB: 29/1,2,3,

– drills 13, 16, 17, 7
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.27-29 + on foot, grow, once, twice, a mouth, late, spirits, headache
– SB: 30/1 přiřaďte
30/1 complete

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 3 28. 4. 2016

Hello, great job today, especially Lenka and Honza. 🙂

lesson: drills 13, 16, 17, 7; noodles here; word cards, vocabulary test p.27, SB: 28/questionnaire

– drills 13, 16, 17, 7
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.27-28 + tidy up (uklízet), It depends. (Záleží.)
– SB: 29/2,3 (old HW)

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 2 21. 4. 2016

Hello, good job. Honza studyt the drills.

lesson: drills 13, 16, 17, 7; noodles key here, SB: 27/article, 26/4,

– drills 13, 16, 17, 7
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.27+ ill, bake
– SB: 28/4 listen to the CD and answer
28/What do you think? answer
29/2 who says it
29/3 match with ex.2

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 1 14. 4. 2016

Hello, welcome to our course 🙂

lesson: revision of grammar, drills 0, 1, 2, 12, 13, 16, 17, to be, possessive ‚s, present simple, like

– drills 13, 16, 17, 7
– noodles here
– no vocabulary 🙂
– SB: 19/ read the article
18/1 podtrhněte, co je správné
18/2 answer
18/4 correct

See you next week,


LESSON 12 7.4. 2016

Hello, good job today.

lesson: drills 14,4,17,16; noodles key here, word cards, vocabulary test p.22-25, SB: 26/1,2

– drills 14,4,17,16
– noodles here (zkontrolujte si doma podle klíče key here)
– vocabulary: p.22-26 + cauliflower

See you next week with new students,

LESSON 11 31.3. 2016

Hello, very good today.

lesson: drills 8, 13, 14, 4, 17; noodles key here, word cards, vocabulary test p.22-24, new drill 16, SB: 25/3

– drills 14, 4, 17, 16
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.22-25
– SB: 26/1 match
26/Jamie Cullum – read with a dictionary
26/4 answer about Jamie

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 10  24.3. 2016

Hello, good job today.

lesson: drills 8, 13, 14, 4, 17; noodles key here, word cards, vocabulary test p.22-24; SB: 24/1,2

– drills 8, 13, 14, 4, 17
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.22-24 + tennis court, wake up, hardly ever, hear, once, use, midnight, befor

Have a nice holiday,


LESSON 9 17.3. 2016

Hello, perfect! 🙂

lesson: drills 8, 13, 7, 14, 4; noodles key here, word cards, vocabulary test p.22-23, SB: 24/1,4, new grammar – months, new drill 17

– drills 8,13,14,4,17
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.22-24 + plumber, repair, fall asleep, go on a trip, in the woods
– SB: 24/2 (in vocabulary) match with the pictures
24/3 listen to the CD and complete

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 8 10.3. 2016

Hello, excellent job today. 🙂

lesson: drills 8, 13, 7, 14, 4; noodles key here, word cards, vocabulary test p.22, SB: 22/2, 23/1, 4, 5

– drills 8, 13, 7, 14, 4
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.22-23 – new from the book: happy, bookstore, another, band, weekday, usually, late, nightclub, stay, all parts of the city, bed, at all (vůbec), often, never, too, eat, finish + alone, both, boss
– SB:24/1 doplňte zájmeno a spojte
24/4 write the opposite sentence

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 7 3.3. 2016

Hello, great job today. Radim, study. 😉

lesson: drills 8, 13, 7, 14, 4; noodles key here, word cards, vocabulary test p.14-21, U2 test, SB: 22/starter

– drills 8,13,7,14,4
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.-22 – days of the week, phrases from starter
– SB: 22/2 complete (old HW)
23/1 complete
23/4 write questions
23/5 listen to the CD and tick

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 6 25.2. 2016

Hi, great job today ladies. 🙂 Test Unit 2 next week.

lesson: drills 8, 13, have, 7, 14; noodles key here, word cards, vocabulary test p.14-20, SB: 21/1,2,4, new grammar – time telling, new drill 4

– 8, 13, 7, 14, 4
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.14-21 + ER, be retired, cashier, farmer, policeman
– SB: 22/complete the article about Lisa
– study for the test

Have a lovely weekend,

LESSON 5 18.2. 2016

Hello, perfect job today.

lesson: drills 8, 12, 13, have, 7, noodles key here, word cards, vocabulary test p.14-19, SB: 20/1,2,3,4, new drill 14

– drills 8, 13, have, 7, 14
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.14-20 + have a headache, laptop, riding a bike, hoover, wash up, by plane, tooth, wear, sell, chef, clothes
– SB: 21/1 write the times
21/4 listen to the CD and complete

Have a nice week,

LESSON 4 11.2. 2016

Hello, great job today. 🙂

lesson: drills 8, 12, 13, have, 7; noodles key here, word cards, vocabulary test, SB: 19/Babur, 18/1,2, game present simple

– drills 8, 12, 13, 7, have
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.14-19 + me too, mistake
– SB: 20/1 match with pictures
20/2 complete
20/3 listen to the CD and complete

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 3 28.1. 2016

Hello, you were perfect today. No lesson next week.

lesson: drills 8,12,13,have, 7; noodles key here, word cards, vocabulary test p.17, SB: 17/9, 10, 19/Babur

– drills 8, 12, 13, 7, have
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.14-19 – new: village, be lucky (mít štěstí), cost, lear, teach, bamboo, hut, outdoors, hear teacher (ředitel školy)
SB: 19/zbytek článku

Have nice two weeks,

LESSON 2 21.1. 2016

Hello, great job today.

lesson: drills 8,12,13,have; noodles key here; SB: 17/5,6,8,11, new grammar – possessive ‚s, new drill 7

– drills 7, 8, 12,13,have
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.17 + hangover, hour, pub, pie, bake, lemon, singer, chateau, snow, freezing
– SB: 17/9 listen to the CD and write verbs you hear
19/babur – přečtěte první odstavec

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 1 14.1. 2016

Hello, welcome in our new trimester. 🙂

lesson: drills 0, 8,9, have, 12,13; noodles present simple

– drills 8,12,13,have
– noodles here
– no vocabulary 🙂
– SB: 17/5,6,11

Have a lovely weekend,

LESSON 12 10.12. 2015

Hello, great job today. Merry Christmas! 🙂

lesson: drills 12, 13, have, 7,8; noodles key here; word cards, questions true – false, Christams vocabulary, Christmas bingo

– drills 12, 13, 7, have
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p. 14-16
– SB: všechny úkoly na str. 17

Have a lovely Christmas and see you next year,

LESSON 11 3.12. 2015

Hello, good job. (but more energy would be nice 🙂 ) Next lesson is the last one – we’re going to do some Christmas things.

lesson: drills 12,13,7,8,have; noodles key here; word cards, SB: 16/2,3

– drills 12,13,7, have
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.14-16 – new: ballet dancer (baletka), model (modelka), mainly (hlavně), a little (trochu), a lot (hodně), banker (bankéř), all over the world (po celém světě) + early (časně), bake (péct), gingerbread (perník)
– SB: 17/5,6 (old HW)
– write questions: early, bake, gingerbread, a lot, a little, model, all over the world, banker

See you next week,

LESSON 10 26.11. 2015

Hello, very well today!

lesson: drills 12,13,7,8, have, noodles key here; word cards, your noodles, vocabulary test p.14-15, SB: 14/4,15/5,1,2, board game

– drills 12,13,7, have
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.14-15 + go skiing
write 8 questions: go skiing, salary, desert, go to the gym, office, darling, cousin, aunt
– SB: 16/2 read
17/5 complete
17/6 match questions with answers in ex.1

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 9 19.11. 2015

Great job today!

lesson: drills 12,13,7,have, 8,9; noodles key here; word cards, vocabulary test p.6-13; board game family, 14-15/Andrew, Claudia

– drills 12, 13, 7, have
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.14-15: new from the book: engineer, come from (pocházet), coast, a day (denně), go to the gym, teach, desert, walk a dog (venčit psa) + win, then, hairdresser, to the sea (k moři), builder
– write 8 questions: engineer, come from (pocházet), coast, a day (denně), go to the gym, teach, desert, walk a dog (venčit psa) + win, then, hairdresser, to the sea (k moři), builder
– SB: 14/3 complete
15/5 complete
15/1 complete
15/2 complete

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 8 12.11. 2015

Hello, Ludmila great job today! 🙂

lesson: drills 12,13,7, have, 8,9; noodles key here; word cards, vocabulary test p.6-12, family questionnaire, 12/3,13/3

– drills 12, 13, 7, have
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.6-13 – new from the book: later, It’s time for (je čas na), darling, of course, Anything else? (Ještě něco?), WE’re just looking. (Jenom se díváme.), pleased (potěšený), office, Same to you you.(Tobě taky), See you (Uvidíme se…), Sleep well. (spi sladce) + journey, write, buy, jumper, dead
– write 8 questions on a piece of paper: words: journey, write, buy, jumper, dead, later, darling, daughter
– SB: 14-15 – read Andrew and Claudia article

See you next week,

LESSON 7 6.11. 2015

Hello again, great job, nice questions. 🙂

lesson: drills 12,13,7,have, 8,9; noodles key here; word cards, vocabulary test p.6-11, SB: 11/7, 12/1,2

– drills 12, 13, 7, have
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.6-12
– + cemetary, go for a walk, sunny, fly a kite, disgusting, autumn, spring, grapes, seafood, turtle, summer, Slovak – napište na tyto slovíčka 8 otázek na zláštní papír, ať to můžu opravit (jako byste psali nudle)
– SB: 12/3 listen to the CD and write the names
13/3 complete the conversations

Have a nice week,

LESSON 6 29.10.2015

Hello, doufám, že jste si užili supl s Hankou a že na vás byla hodná. 🙂

lesson: drills 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, have, noodles key here; word cards, vocabulary test p.6-11; SB: 10/3,4, 11/6

– drills 12, 13, 7, have
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.6-11
– SB: 12/1 complete
12/2 complete
12/3 listen to the CD and write the names
13/3 complete the conversations

See you next week,

LESSON 5 22.1. 2015

Hello, great job. Next time you have lesson with Hanka Zaoralová. See you in November. 🙂

lesson: 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, have; noodles key here; word cards, vocabulary test p.6-11; SB: 11/Analisa’s blog, 10/2

– drills 12, 13, 7, have
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.6-11; + stepfather, stepmother, do nothing, paint, a cook, foreign
– SB: 10/3, 4 (old HW)
11/6 listen to the CD and write the answers
11/7 napište přídavné jméno opačného významu
11/complete the grammar spot


LESSON 4 15.10. 2015

Hello, great job today!

lesson: drills 9, 7, 12, have, 8, 13; noodles key here; word cards competition, vocabulary test p.6-9, SB: 8/5, 9/3, 9/6, 11/DAY 1

– drills 12,have, 7, 13
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.6-11 – new from the book: tick, hear, Italy, see, other, famous, know, welcome, learn, friendly, fast, difficult, them
– SB: 11/DAY 2, DAY 3 – read
10/2 doplňte přídavnými jmény
10/3 pravda nebo lež
10/4 complete the questions

Have a fantastic weekend,

LESSON 3 8.10. 2015

Hello, well done today! Study the vocabulary, too.

lesson: drills 12, have, 8, 13, 3; noodles key here; word cards competition, vocabulary test p.6-8, SB: 8/2,3, 9/1,5, new grammar possessive ‚s, new drill 7

– drills 12,have, 7, 13
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.6-9 + view, go to school, go to work, go home
– SB: 8/5 answer
9/3 tick the correct one
9/6 napište mna samostatný kus papíru 8 vět podle vzoru v knížce
-11/DAY1 – read

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 2 1.10. 2015

Hello, great job today! Studujte drilky, ať se vám zafixují pomocné slovesa.

lesson: drills 12, have, 8, 13; noodles key here; hangman, SB: 61/,2, 7/2,3,4, 8/Rick Wilson

– drills 12, have
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.6-8 + cottage, be ill, a cold (rýma), boyfriend, divorced, retired, couple (pár), at work, at home
– SB: 8/2 complete about Rick
8/3 vytvořte 4 otázky, v každé použijte jedno z těchto sloves
9/1 complete with to be
9/5 napište pravdivé věty o vás

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 1 24.9. 2015

Hello, welcome to our course 🙂 Pokud budetemít nějaké dotazy, napište mi klidně email.

lesson: drills 0,1,2,3,9,12,52,53, noodles 5.6, grammar to be, possessive pronouns, basic questions, present simple

– drills 12, have here
– noodles here (klidněte, stáhněte, vytiskněte, přeložte a přineste)
– SB: 6/1 přečtěte
6/2 doplňte konverzaci
7/1 přečtěte si info v rámečku
7/2 doplňte info o Billovi (viz. 7/1)
7/3 doplňte info o Sabině (viz 7/1)

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 10.9. 2015

Hi, so no lesson next week and see you in the new trimestr with new students.

lesson: drills OP, DR, 13, 8, 7; noodles key here; word cards, vocabulary test p.48-55


LESSON 27.8. 2015

Hi, well done today! Radim, good job!

lesson: drills OP, DR, 13,8,7; noodles here; word cards, vocabulary test p.48-55; board game adverbs of frequency

– drills object pronouns, have, daily routines, 13
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.48-55 + blackberry, go for a walk

See you in 14 days,

LESSON 14.8. 2015

Well done, but Radim, study!

lesson: drills object pronouns, have, daily routines, 13, 5, 52, 53; noodles key here; word cards, vocabulary test p.48-54; SB: 55/2,3,4

– drills object pronouns, have, daily routines, 13
– noodles here
– vocabulary p.48-55
– zopakujte si státy, žádosti s pomocí Can…?, číslovky

See you 28.8.,

LESSON 23.7. 2015

Hi, perfect job. Pokud to nepůjde posunout i tu příští hodinu na 16.30, dám vám vědět, jinak počítejte s tímhle časem.

lesson: drills object pronouns, have, daily routines, 13; noodles key here, word cards, vocabulary test p.48-54; family members

– drills object pronouns, have, daily routines, 13
– noodles here
– vocabulary p.48-54
– SB: 55/2 listen to the CD – where is she and what does she want (old HW)
– zopakujte si sloveso be, základní otázky pro konverzaci

See you in three weeks,

LESSON 9.7. 2015

Hello, great job. See you in 14 days – next lesson is 24.7.

lesson: drills object pronouns, have, daily routines, 13; noodles key here; vocabulary test p. 48-53; SB: 53/2,3, 54/1, job game

– drills object pronouns, have, daily routines, 13
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.48-54
– SB: 55/2 listen to the CD – where is she and what does she want
55/3 complete
zopakujte si family members, alphabet

See you in 14 days,


LESSON 12 2.7. 2015

Hello, good job today. Our next lesson is next week – 9.7.

lesson: drills object pronouns, have, daily routines, 13; noodles klíč here, vocabulary test p. 48-52, SB: 53/1, game

– drills object pronouns, have, daily routines, 13
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.48-53
– SB: 53/2,3 (old HW)
54/1 match with pictures

Have a nice hot weekend,

LESSON 11 25.6. 2015

Hi, perfect job!

lesson: drills object pronouns, have, daily routines, 13; noodles klíč; vocabulary test p.48-51, SB: 51/4, 5, 52/1, 2, 3

– drills object pronouns, have, daily routines, 13
– noodles  here
– vocabulary: p.48-52
– SB: 53/1 read with a dictionary
53/2 answer the questions
53/3 napište přídavná jména ke každé kolonce

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 10 18. 6. 2015

Hello, great job today!

lesson: drills object pronouns, have, daily routines, 13; noodles klíč; vocabulary test p.48-49; SB: 50/1,2, 51/1,2

– drills object pronouns, have, daily routines, 13
– noodles here
– vocabulary p.48-51
– SB: 51/4,5 (old HW)
52/1 napište přídavné jméno
52/2 match
52/3 listen to the CD and complete the conversations

Have a wonderful weekend,

LESSON 9 11.6. 2015

Hi, good job.

lesson: drills object pronouns, have, daily routines, 13; noodles klíč, vocabulary test p. 48-49; SB: 48/3, new grammar – this x that, these x those

– drills object pronouns, have, daily routines, 13
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.48-49
– SB: 50/1 complete with this or that
51/1 complete with object pronouns
51/3 napište otázku a odpověď
51/4 match
51/5 zaškrtněte správnou odpověď

Have a wonderful weekend,

LESSON 8 4.6. 2015

Hello, great job as usual 🙂 Nezapomeňte na ty kalendáře, ať to příště naplánujeme. Tady je ještě zpráva z kanceláře:

Milí studenti, do příští hodiny si prosím promyslete termíny našich letních hodin.
Pokud vám nevyhovuje pravidelný letní režim, ale stále si chcete angličtinu zopakovat nebo dokonce rychle zlepšit doporučujeme naše intenzivní kurzy. Více informací na našich webových stránkách zde nebo v kanceláři školy.
Vaše děti se mohou též zapojit a to v dalším ročníku oblíbeného příměstského tábora s angličtinou v termínu: 17. – 21.8. 2015, více informací a přihlášky zde.


lesson: drills object pronouns, daily routines, have, 12; noodles here; vocabulary test p.48-49; SB: new grammar – wh-words – why, what, when, how, where, new drill 13, 49/5, 6, What is your favourite….? – discussion

– drills object pronouns, daily routines, have, 12, 13
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.48-49
– SB: 48/3 doplňte zájmeny – what..

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 7 28.5. 2015

Hi, excellent job today!

lesson: drills 10, 12, have, daily routines; noodles klíč; word cards, vocabulary test p.40-47; SB: 48/What’s your favourite…?, 49/Gina Marcy, new grammar – object pronouns, new drill

– drills 12, daily routines, object pronouns
– noodles here (pokud budete mít s nějakými otázkami problémy, přepokládám, že nejhorší budou 3 a 7, nic si z toho nedělejte a netrpate se tím, vyřešíme to v hodině)
– vocabulary: p.48-49
– SB: 49/5 complete with object pronouns
49/6 correct the information
49/grammar spot
test Unit 6
– object pronouns here

Have a nice weekend,

LESSSON 6 21.5. 2015

Hello, you are fantastic!

lesson: drills 10, 12, daily routines, have; noodles key; word cards, vocabulary test p.40-47; SB: 47/1,2,3,4,5

– drills 10, 12, have, daily routines
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.40-47 + ham, bacon, see the dentist, do the laundry, tidy up
– SB: no HW from the book
– test vám teda pošlu mailem v týdnu (snad už v pondělí)

Have a fantastic weekend,

LESSON 5 14.5. 2015

Hi, excellent job today!

lesson: drills 10,11,12, have; noodles klíč; word cards, vocabulary test p.40-47; SB: 46/2

– drills 10, 12, have, daily routines
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.40-47, + scrambled eggs, on weekdays, boiled eggs, fried eggs
– 47/1 poslechněte CD a napište dny v týdnu správně do kalendáře
47/2 answer
47/3 napište předložku
47/4 napište předložku
47/5 napište předložku

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 4 7. 5. 2015

Hi, great job today! Roman, is everything OK?

lesson: drills 10, 11, 12, have; noodles key; word cards, vocabulary test p.40-45; SB: 45/1, 47/1

– drills 10, 11, 12, have
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.40-47, new: go shopping, late, stay, tomorrow
– SB: 46/2 (old HW)
47/1 poslechněte CD a napište dny v týdnu správně do kalendáře
47/2 answer
47/3 napište předložku
47/4 napište předložku
47/5 napište předložku

Enjoy the long weekend,

LESSON 3 30.4. 2015

Hello, fantastic job today! 😉

lesson: drills 10, 11, 12, have; noodles here; word cards + empty noodles, vocabulary test; SB: 45/3, 4, 5, 6, 7

– drills 10, 11, 12, have
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.40-45: new: as usual (jako obvykle), know, relax (odpočívat), paint, all day, stop (přestat), That’s not true. (To není pravda), ask about (zeptat se na někoho), visit (navštívit), soon, Good idea, next, Sunday
– SB: 46/1 match
46/2 vyplňte dotazník podle pravdy 🙂
– napište 10 vět na zvláštní papír o vašem dni

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 2 23.4. 2015

Hi, great job today!

lesson: drills 10,11,12,have; noodles here; vocabulary test p.40-43; SB: 44/1,2

– drills 10,11,12, have
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.40-44, new: seaside, fill, with, walks, artist, by the sea, eggs, toast, then, to the beach, but, often, cook, invite, usually, listen to music, play the piano, phone (sloveso)
– SB: 45/3 he or she?
45/4 listen to the CD and complete
45/5 napište zápor a pravdivou větu
45/7 doplňte s pomocnými slovesy

See you on Thursday,

LESSON 1 16.4. 2015

Hi, welcome in the new trimester! And hello, Roman.

lesson: drills 10, 11, 12, 37, have; noodles here; vocabulary test: p.40-41; SB: 42/1,2, 43/4,5,6,7, new grammar – always, never, sometimes

– drills 10, 11, 12, have
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.40-43
– SB: 44/2 doplňte slovy z rámečku ve správném tvaru

See you next week,

LESSON 12 9.4. 2015

Hi, great job today! A v příštím semestru už ve 4. 🙂

lesson: drills 7,10,11,37,have; noodles klíč;  game time flies, revision How much is it?, SB: 41/1, What time….?, present simple, new drill 12

– drills 10,11,37,have, 12
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.40-41 + listening
– SB: 42/2 (old HW)
43/4 complete
43/5 napište otázky a odpovědi (je to 3. osoba)
43/6 napište zápor
43/7 doplňte

See you next trimester,

LESSON 11 2.4. 2015

Hi, great job!

lesson: drills 7,10,11,37,have; noodles here; test p. 32-38; SB: 40/1; new grammar telling the time

– drills 10, (11), have
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.40-41
– SB: 41/1 (old HW)
42/2 complete with times

Enjoy Easter,

LESSON 10 26.3. 2015

Hello, excellent job!!!

lesson: drills 7,10,11,37, have; noodles klíč; test p.32-38, SB: 39/2,3,4,5,6, new grammar How much is it? How much are these?

– drills 7,10,(11), 37, have
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.32-39
– SB: 40/1 napište časy
41/1 poslouchejte CD a zakroužkujte čas, který slyšíte

Hezký víkend,

LESSON 9 19.3. 2015

Hi, good job today!

lesson: drills 7, 10, 11, 37, have; noodles klíč; vocabulary test: p. 32-35; SB: 36/1, 2, 3, 5, 38/1

– drills 7, 10, (11), 37, have advanced
– noodles here, připravte si doplňující ptázky navíc
– vocabulary: p.32-38
– SB: 39/2 zopakujte si číslovky do 100
39/6 poslechněte CD a zaškrtněte správnou cenu

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 8 5. 3. 2015

Hello, great job today! No lesson next week!

lesson: drills 7, 10, 11, 37, have advanced; noodles klíč; test p.32-34, SB: 34/2, 4, 35/5, 6, 7

– drills 7, 10, (11), 37, have
– noodles here, napište si i doplňující otázky a připravte odpovědi
– vocabulary: p.32-35
– book: 36/1 match
36/2 napište, co jsou lidé na obrázku za národnosti
36/3 spojte stát s jazykem, kterým se tam mluví
37/5 napište, odkud ty věci jsou

Hezké volno,

LESSON 7 26.2. 2015

Hello, great job today!

lesson: drills 7, have, 10; noodles klíč; written revision fill-in 4.6; SB: 33/5,8, 34/article, new grammar past simple without s, new drill (nepovinný) 11

– drills 7, 10, 37, to have advanced
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.32-34, new: a lot, very much, sometimes, of course, come from, live, work, flat, there, waiter, also, eat, drink, French, speak, language, Spanish, want, want to be, actor
– book: 34/2 listen to the CD and complete
34/4 match
35/5 listen to the CD, kdo říká jednotlivé fráze?
35/6 complete about YOU
35/7 tick the correct sentence

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 6 19.2. 2015

Hello, excellent job!!

lesson: drills 7, 37, noodles klíč; written revision p.24-31, hangman, SB: 31/4, 32/starter, new drill 10 possessive ‚s + family, new grammar – I like…. I don’t like….. Do you like…?

– drills 7, 10, 37, to have
– noodles here (všechny osoby jsou stejné, není tam žádná nepravidelnost) + napište si odpovědi
– vocabulary: p.32-33
– book: 33/5 listen to the CD and complete
33/8 listen to the CD and write the word (napište přídavné jméno)
34/1 read the article

Have a fantastic weekend,

LESSON 5 12.2. 2015

Hello, very good job today! Dokončili jsme U4, tak nezapomeňte přinést test. Good luck 🙂

lesson: drills 5, 7, 37; noodles klíč; written revision p.24-30, SB: ,30/alphabet, 3, 6, 31/1

– drills 5, 7, 37, to have advanced
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.24-31
– SB: 31/2 answer the questions
31/4 listen and complete
32/1  (in starter)

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 4 5.2. 2015

Hello, great job today!!!

lesson: drills 5, 7, 37; noodles klíč; written revision: p.24-28; SB: 28/My friend Antonia, 3, 4, 30/alphabet

– drills 5, 7, 37
– noodles here
– vocabulary: p.24-30
– SB: the alphabet
30/3 poslouchejte CD a napište jména podle toho, jak to hláskují
30/6 co je to za zemi?
30/7 co znamenají ty zkratky?
31/1 listen to the conversations
31/2 poslechněte znovu konverzace z cvičení 1 a odpovězte na otázky

Have a nice weekend,

LESSON 3 29.1. 2015

Hello, excellent job today!

lesson: drills 3, 5, 52, 53,7, 37; noodles have/family, written revision p.24-26; book: 27/article, 2, 3, 28/1,2,3

– drills 5, 7, 37
– noodles here
– highlighted vocabulary: 24-28
– SB: 28/ My friend Antonia – read
29/3 podtrhněte správné informace
29/4 listen to the CD, napište, kdo mluví

See you next week,

LESSON 2 22.1. 2015

Hello, doufám, že jste si užili dnešní suplovanou hodinu s Alžbětou. My se uvidíme příští týden.

– drills 3, 5, 7, 52, 53, new drill 37
– noodles here
– highlighted vocabulary: 24-26
– SB: 27/2 true or false
27/3 poslouchejte CD
28/1,2, 3 doplňte správný tvar slosesa mít

Hezký víkend,

LESSON 1 15.1. 2015

excellent job today! Jaroslave, doufám, že se uvidíme na příští hodině. Těšíme se na Vás!

lesson: drills 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 52, 53; noodles 3.8; written revision p.18-23, SB: 24/ strarter, 24/ Annie Taylor, new grammar possessive ‚s, new drill 7, 25/3

– drills 3, 5, 52, 53, new drill 7
– noodles here
– highlighted vocabulary: p.24-25: pen, pencil, highlighter, class, school, table, chair, at home, at school, at work, boss, office, children, husband, high school, university, mother, daughter, sister, wife, wives, father, son, brother, husband, parents
učebnice: 25/2 odpovězte na otázky
25/4 doplňte věty podle rodokmenu nad nimi
25/6 poslouchejte na CD 5 lidí, kdo jsou, jak se jmenují?
26/1 poslouchejte CD a doplňte informace do tabulky
26/2 doplňte
26/4 doplňte s přivlastňovacími zájmeny

Have a nice week,


LESSON 12 11.12. 2014


great job today!

lesson: drills 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 52, 53; noodles klíč; slovíčka str. 18-23; end-of-unit test; Christmas vocabulary


drills 3, 5, 52, 53

noodles zde

Hezké Vánoce,


LESSON 11 4.12. 2014

Hello, great job today! A protože jsme dokončili Unit 3, napíšeme si velký testík. Nebojte se, je před Vánocema a to já jsem mírná. 😉

lesson: drills 1, 2, 3, 5, 52, 53; noodles 3.9, 3.10, 3.6, 3.5; written revision p.18-22; SB: 23/1


– drills 3, 5, 52, 53

– noodles zde

– slovíčka str.18-23

– zopakovat všechnu gramatiku, kterou jsme dělali, všechny slovíčka, všechny nudle a všechna cvičení v učebnici

Hezký víkend,



současní studenti se mohou hlásit již nyní přednostně během tohoto týdne až do 1.prosince.

Hlásit se můžete těmito způsoby:
2. Telefonicky na čísle +420 603 545 030
3. Osobně v kanceláři školy

Kurzovné se platí nejpozději do 23.prosince a to buď převodem na účet nebo hotově v kanceláři.

LESSON 10 27.11. 2014


good job today!

lesson: drills 1, 2, 3, 5, 52, 53; noodles fill-in 3.3 key; written revision p.18-21; SB: 21/5, 21/7, 22/1, 2, 3, 4


drills 0, 3, 52, 53, 5

noodles zde, zde, zde, zde

slovíčka str. 18-22

učebnice: str. 22/5 napište na zvláštní kus papíru odpovědi o nějaké existující kapele, odpovězte na otázky z cvičení ve 3. osobě

str. 23/ 1 poslechněte CD a podívejte se na obrázky

str. 23/2 doplňte rozhovory slovy z ráměčků, poslechněte a zkontrolujte

Hezký víkend,



LESSON 9 20. 11. 2014

Hello, my talented students,

good job!

lesson: drills 0, 1, 2, 3, 52, 53; noodles, written revision p. 18-20, učebnice: 19/2, 5, 20/2, 3, 21/1, 2; new drill 5


drills 0, 3, 5, 52, 53

noodles zde

highlighted vocabulary str. 18-21

učebnice: 21/1 doplňte

21/7 zaškrtněte správnou odpověď

22/1 přečtěte si článek a přeložte se slovníkem

22/2 odpovězte na otázky

22/3 opravte chybné informace ve větách a napište správně

Hezký víkend,



LESSON 8 13.11. 2014


great job!

lesson: drills 0, 1, 2, 3, 52, 53; noodles 3.1 klíč, written revision – chyby, SB: 18/2, 1, 2, 19/1, 3, 4, 20/2


– drills 0, 3, 52, 53

noodles zde

highlighted vocabulary: p. 18-20

učebnice: str. 19/2 doplňte otázky

str.19/5 doplňte otázky

str. 20/2 znovu poslechněte a snažte se doplnit vynechaná slova

str. 20/3 odpovězte na otázky celou větou

Hezký víkend,



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LESSON 7 6.11. 2014

Hello my talented students,

great job today!

lesson: drilky 0,1,2,3,52,53; nudličky 2.5 countries/to be; testík slovíčka ze str. 12-17, velký test na Unit2, v učebnici jsme začali Unit3 – na str. 18 jsme si přeložili povolání, naučili fráze What is your job? What is his job? I’m …., My job is… I’m not…, He’s not…


drills 0, 3, 52, 53

nudle zde (slova, která neznáte, zkuste najít se slovníku) 

slovíčka: str.18 + dancer, manager, waiter, waitress, actor, actress, cook, accountant

učebnice: str.18 cv. 1 doplňte povolání k obrázkům, pak poslechněte na CD a procvičujte výslovnost

str.18 cv. 2 poslouchejte a opakujte

str. 18 (He isn’t a student) cv.1 poslechněte CD a trénujte výslovnost

str. 18 (He isn’t a student) cv. 2 připravte si na zláštní papír co nejvíce záporných a kladných vět o obrázcích 1-9 (He isn’t a student, he is a teacher)

Hezký víkend,



LESSON 6 30.10 2014






Hello students,

great job today! You are so talented! A protože jsme dokončili další lekci, příští hodinu si napíšeme další velký test.

lesson: drills 0, 3, 52, 53; noodles to be+where are you from; written revision str.12-16, v učebnici 16/1, 2, 3, 4, vyvětliti jsme si to be married/single být ženatý/vdaná/svobodný; ze str. 17 jsme si vysvětlili číslovky od 11-100, frázi How old are you? kolik máš let? I am ….. Je mi……


drills 0, 3, 52, 53

noodles zde

slovíčka: str. 12-16

učebnice: str. 17/2 poslouchejte a opakujte

str.17/4 spojte

str. 17/5 zatrhněte čísla, která slyšíte

str. 17/7 podívejte se na obrázky, jak si myslíte, že jsou staří?

číslovky zde

Hezký víkend,



LESSON 5 23.10. 2014


good job today!

lesson: drills 0, 3, 52, 53; noodles countries/tobe, written revision p.12-13; SB: 13/1, 15/6,7, new vocabulary countries + cities, What city is in…? What is the capitol of…?


drills 0, 3, 52, 53

noodles zde


highlighted vocabulary: p.12-16


SB: 16/1 poslouchejte a přečtěte si článek


          16/2 dokončete věty

16/ 3 napište věty o Claudovi a Holly

16/4 poslechněte CD a doplňte konverzaci


See you next week,



LESSON 4 16.10. 2014



Hello my talented students!

Great job today!

lesson: zopakovali jsme si základní fráze, drills 0,52; nudle fill-in na slovíčka z U1, malý testík na slovíčka, pak jsme si napsali velký test na celou Unit 1, začali jsme Unit 2, naučili se slovíčka států, frázi Where are you from? + dva nové drilky 3 a 53





drilky 0, 3, 52, 53


nudle zde

slovíčka:  ze str. 12-13

učebnice: str. 13 cv. 1 doplňte věty o lidech

str. 13 grammar spot – doplnit

str. 15 cv. 6 spojte správné otázky a odpovědi

str. 15 cv. 7 zaškrtněte správnou větu


Hezký víkend,



LESSON 3 9.10. 2014




Hello my talented students!

Great job today!

lesson: (v hodině jsme udělali) zopakovali jsme základní fráze,  prošli drilek 0, 52, zkontrolovali nudličky, napsali testík na fráze a slova z minulých hodin, v učebnici doplnili, zkotrolovali a procvičili pozdravy a základní fráze na str.9, na str. 11 jsme procvičli číslovky, zahráli si bingo, procvičili jsme si množné číslo, vysvětlili jsme si fráze How many … are/is there? There are/is… Are/is there…? What’s in this picture?, naučili jsme se personal pronouns (osobní zájmena)

A protože jste šikovní a jde vám to jako po másle, dokončili jsme Unit 1 a příští hodinu si napíšeme větší (max. 20 min) test. Nebojte se, všechno důkladně procvičíme v hodině, ale učit se musíte i doma. =)




drilky 0, 52 (první se podívejte na angličtinu, řekněte do češtiny. Pak otočte drilek, podívejte se, jestli je to správně a přeložte do angličtiny a znovu zkontrolujte)

nudle zde (ke stažení klikněte na zde, vytiskněte, doplňte zbývající slova z rámečku a přineste do hodiny. POZOR na 1 stránce je to samé cvičení dvakrát!)

slovíčka: zopakujte všechny zvýrazněné slovíčka ze stran 6-11

učebnice: znovu si projděte všechna cvičení, která jsme v knížce dělali


Učte se, hezký víkend,




LESSON 2 2.10. 2014



Hello my talented students!

Great job today!

lesson: (v hodině jsme udělali) zopakovali jsme si základní fráze What’s your name?, How are you?, What is this?, prošli jsme drilek 0 se slovesem být, v testíku zopakovali fráze a slovíčka, které jsme se naučili v minulé hodině. V učebnici jsme si procvičili na str. 6 cv. 1, str. 7 cv. 1, 3, na str. 8 cv. 4, naučili jsme se pozdravy a základní fráze, číslovky od 1-10, jak se tvoří množné číslo, představili jsme si nový drilek 52 na základní fráze.






drilky 0, 52 (první se podívejte na angličtinu, řekněte do češtiny. Pak otočte drilek, podívejte se, jestli je to správně a přeložte do angličtiny a znovu zkontrolujte)

nudle ke stažení klikněte na zde (vytiskněte, přeložte do angličtiny a přineste si do hodiny) otázka č.2 je totožná s otázkou Co to je? Jen what nahradíte slovem who; klíč pro kontrolu zde (neopisovat, já to poznám 😉

slovíčka: zvýrazněná slovíčka z hodiny od str.6 po str. 8, slovička ze str. 10, číslovky, základní fráze

učebnice: str. 9 cv. 1 doplňte konverzace v rámečku

str. 9 cv. 2 dejte slova  do správného pořadí, zkontrolujte na CD

str. 11 cv. 3 doplňte číslovky, zkontrolujte na CD

str. 11 cv. 5 poslouchejte výslovnost na CD a opakujte

– procvičujte probranou gramatiku: časování slovesa být, zkrácené tvary slovesa být, základní fráze: Jak se jmenuješ? Jmenuju se… Jak se máš? Mám se dobře. Tohle je.. Je tohle? Teší mě. Co je to? Co je tohle za číslo?, osobní zájmena, pozdravy, čísla, množné číslo


Užijte si víkend! Jste moc šikovní, jen tak dál! =)





LESSON 1 25.9. 2014


Hello my talented students!

Opakování je matka moudrosti, tak pro jistotu přikládám seznam toho, co budete potřebovat ve všech hodinách:

student’s book New Headway 4th edition Beginner

permanentka na drilky

– sešit, propisku a zvýrazňovač nebo něco barevného

– CD2 (k zapůjčení v kanceláři)

– dobrou náladu do všech hodin =)



-What is your name? My name is …

– Nice to meet you.

– Is this a …? No, this is not a … What is this? This is a …

– How are you? I’m fine, thank you. And you?…

– Personal pronouns/Osobní zájmena; Verb ‚to be’/Sloveso být.


HOMEWORK for lesson 2 ( domácí úkol)

– drill 0 to be (trénujte DENNĚ aspoň 5 minut)

– učebnice: p. 6 ex. 1 – poslechněte s CD, naučte se perfektně číst

p. 7 ex. 1 – poslechněte s CD, naučte se perfektně číst

p. 7 ex. 3 – poslechněte s CD, naučte se perfektně číst

p. 8 ex. 1 – poslechněte s CD, naučte se perfektně číst

p. 8 ex. 4 – doplňte konverzaci

p. 10 ex. 1 – doplňte názvy obrázků


personal pronouns/osobní zájmena; to be/sloveso být; slovíčka ze str. 10


Užijte si víkend, pilně studujte! Jste opravdu talentovaní!
