KURZ : AWL10, ST 13:20-14:20
Teacher : Mgr. Magda Oškerová
Mail : magda.skybova@email.cz
Phone : 731528843
Book : New Headway pre-intermediate 5th edition
11th December
Hi guys,
thank you for the nice chat about coffee 🙂
For homework please finish reading the 2 texts in SB 14 and 15 Blind day -Kitty and Ross
Look forward to our next lesson next week.
4th December
Hello guys,
thank you all for coming.
Here is your homework: SB 12/3, 5 + answers.
See you next week.
20th November
Thank you, Ondro, for coming.
Homework: again SB 12/1 + How much/how many
See you in two weeks:-)
13th November
Hello guys,
Here is your homework: SB 12/1 – A student in Canada
Thank you
6th November
Hello guys,
Homework: again NB 1.1 but write answers to the questions + have a look at the transcript p. 129
Thank you and see you next week.
30th October
Hi everybody,
with Ondra we worked in SB p.11. But you only revise the blue grammar spot.
Homework: NB 1.1 again
See you next week.
23th October
Homework: NB 1.1 – try it and we will see 🙂
Thank you
16th October
Hi guys,
here is your homework : Halloween quiz
Thank you
9th October
Vocabulary: salmon, fussy
Homework: finish please the sheet from last lesson
Next week you will find out who the murderer is 🙂
Thank you.
2nd October
Vocabulary: sign, signature, set off, even more – ještě více, rules, flood, blood, nowadays
Homework: time – translate
See you.
25th September
Vocabulary: bet, lose (your) weight, keg of beer, rope – provaz, wide, chestnut
Homework: noodles past simple 2.docx
Looking forward to seeing you (especialy Michal :-)) next week.
18th September
Thank you, Ondra, for coming.
Homework: again HW from 4th September + revise irregular verbs
Hope to see you all next week. Ondra and I feel lonely there:-)
11th September
We missed you, Michal:-)
Homework: again HW from 4th September + revise irregular verbs (nepravidelná slovesa)
Thank you, see you next week.
4th September
Thank you, Ondra, for coming. It was a nice lesson.
A proto jsme tentokrát dělali věci, které by pro vás ostatní byly těžké. Ale i tak posílám úkol, ať nezahálíte:-)
6.1. New Headway Elementary 4th edition Unit 6 SB 48 1 Irregular verbs.pdf
Thank you
28th August
vocabulary: apply for
Homework: revise past simple, tady je přehledný popis, jak se dělá: PAST TENSE.pptx
a procvičování: Past simple questions-17.11..docx
Thank you, see you next week.
7th August
Finish the sheet I gave you in the class – 7B- regular verbs
Enjoy the lesson with Verča next week and I see you on 28th August.
31th July
must X have to, peninsula – poloostrov
please do the sheet from the lesson.
24th July
We only revised present simple. Here are some exercises. Tondo, don´t worry about exercise A) too much – it is spelling.
Here is a nice chart of the forms of present simple
Ondro, enjoy your holiday
See you next week
17th July
Thank you all for coming eventhough you were very busy at work.
present continuous or present simple.docx
See you next week
10th July:
Hello Ondra and Michal,
it was nice meeting you. I look forward to meeting Tonda next lesson 🙂
please do HW from the last lesson with Zuzka.
Thank you
26th June:
family members, waterworks, dát si – have, last/take, spend, swimsuit, it got cloudy, AC, shoe rack, well – studna, happily married, need to borrow (I need to borrow some money,…)
1) We did drills: 95, borrow x lend, adverbs, 6, 28, 29, 23
2) Translate THESE questions (ele 6.4 4th ed)
Thank you gentlemen and good luck with everything!
19th June:
Nobody was present – same homework as last time
12th June
look forward to, toaster, sandwich maker, confusing, sink – sank – sunk
1) drills: irregular verbs, adverbs, 6, 28, 29, 23, borrow x lend
2) Complete THIS exercise with irregular verbs – remember to put the verb in the past tense
– we will catch up on homework from last week
Thank you everyone for a nice lesson and see you again next week! Bon voyage Tondo! Hopefully, see you in the future.
5th June
ride a horse/bike, fall off something, fever vs. fewer, sloth, fell vs felt
1) we did drills: irregular verbs, adverbs, 6, 28, 29, 23
2) Noodles HERE (ele 7.3) – past simple/present simple/time prepositions — if you’re not sure about the prepositions HERE is an article on that
3) HERE is an exercise on irregular verbs
Thank you and see you again next week
29th May
exciting, cheat sheet, go vs. walk, armchair, recommend, through, employee, employer, injury, thanks for recommending/ for your recommendation
Links for grammar practice you can do if you want as extra work:
adverbs: grammar, exercise
there is/there are: grammar, exercise
adjetives: grammar, exercise
No homework for next time (more time for the extra work above 😀 )
22nd May
hiking, right away, manage, independent, breed, shelter
Thank you Michal for a very nice chat. More info and stuff will be added after our next lesson