KURZ : AWL1, ST 7:30 – 8:30

Teacher : Mgr. Magda Oškerová
Mail : magda.skybova@email.cz
Phone : 731528843
Book : New Headway Elementary 5th edition


4th September

Homework: NB 1.3, procvičovat si stále přítomný čas prostý.

Thank you



28th August


revise Present Simple (přítomný čas prostý) also in 3rd person singular (i v 3. osobě č.j.)

Elementary U2 AWL present simple positive.docx

Thank you

See you next week



7th August


learn the verbs and phrases from the sheet I gave you in the class.

Enjoy the lesson with Verča next week.

Thank you and see you on 28th August.


31th July


by car, then – potom, cake


please do page 3 from the document from last homework.

here is the chart – present simple

Present simple tabulka.doc

See you next week


24th July

Thank you all for coming. I think that you all did a good job in the lesson!


Vytiskněte prosím celé, ALE udělejte jen PRVNÍ stranu. Ostatní budeme dělat v hodině nebo bude na příští homework.

Z-Beginner 1.docx

Thank you



17th July


– NB (Noodle book) 1.2

– again Wh-question words

– sloveso to BE = I am

you are ……………..       = klasná i záporná věta a otázka.

Thank you




10th July

Hello everybody,

it was nice meeting you all.


Please revise again Wh- question words (when, where…….)

Student´s book  (SB) 13/6 – doplňte věty podle sebe.

Noodle book  (NB) – znovu si projeďte 1.1.

Thank you and see you next week.


 Lesson 26th June 

competition, bachelor party, fall asleep, burn, it depends, earn/make money, want to ( I want to sleep), How tall…?, short, parents, package, trousers, expensive, shirt, rabbit, ears, coat

1) We did drills: 8, 5, 3 and drill 9 extra carefully
2) Complete THIS exercise with question words

Thank you everyone for all the amazing lessons, I wish you all the best 🙂


Lesson 19th June

siblings, vegetables, library, all over the world, any, classroom, sad (výslovnost), heavy, bone, sharp, teeth, large, far, silver

1) we did drills: 8, 9, 5, 3
2) Complete THIS fill-in (7.1 beg)
3) Exercise B from the sheets from last lesson (It starts with „1. Jane’s father is very thin.“)

Thank you 🙂 see you next week


Lesson 12th June

that’s why, to walk the dog (I walk my daughter’s dog on Mondays), awesome, cottage, I am sleepy, I can’t sleep, beer brewery, I don’t have any…, pet, no cheating, upstairs, downstairs, „Do you agree?“, baker + some vocabulary is also in the answer key below

1) we did drills: 8, 9, 5, 3
2) HERE is the answer key I promised for the exercise we did in the lesson, also with translation 🙂
3) Complete THIS fill-in exercise with question words
4) we will continue with last week’s homework sheet with pronouns (point 5) ) + bring THIS sheet with pronouns and complete the first exercise

Thank you and see you again next week!


Lesson 5th June

cheer (fandit), cheers (na zdraví – při přiťuknutí), run (běžet, utíkat), hurt (bolet, zranit), knee (koleno), surgery (operace), he can’t move (nemůže se hýbat), he is like a baby (je jako mimino), damage (škoda, poškodit), fever (horečka, zvýšená teplota*), calm (klidný), foggy (mlhavo), exhibition (výstava), fog (mlha), because of (kvůli)

1) we did drills: 8, 9, 5, 3
2) HERE is a key to the last Noodles
3) we will continue with the sheet from last lesson – so bring it to the lesson
4) HERE is an excersice for WHAT and HOW questions
5) HERE is a small exercise for pronouns (choose between subject (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) and object (me, you, him, her, it, us, them) pronouns) ******
6) practice the vocabulary

Subject pronouns: 
I like swimming.
He is my good friend.
We don’t work here.
Object pronouns:
Mary likes him.
They don’t like us.
I work with him.

Thank you everyone and see you again next week!


Lesson 29th May

to be at home (být doma) – I am at home. (Jsem doma), square (náměstí), firework (ohňostroj), age (věk), almost (téměř), hobby – hobbies, watch (sledovat), look at (dívat se na), see (vidět), choice (volba, výběr), I don’t mind her/him (ona/on mi nevadí), ruler (pravítko), tall (vysoký), She isn’t short, she’s tall (není malá/nízká, je vysoká), thin (štíhlý), strong (silný), pencil (tužka), pen (pero, propiska)

KEY to Noodles from this lesson HERE

1) We did drills: 8, 9, 5, 3
2) Translate these questions:

1. Je tvoje manželka doma?
2. Co je na náměstí ve Zlíně? (na = in)
3. Jak se mají tvé děti?
4. Jaký je tvůj oblíbený film?
5. Je tvůj nejlepší kamarád vysoký a štíhlý?
6. Má Brad Pitt téměř 50?
7. Jaký herec je silný?
8. Jaký je věk tvé sestry? Je svobodná?
9. Je české pivo vždycky dobrá volba?
10. Jaká je pro tebe nejhorší práce? (nejhorší = the worst)

3) Practice the short forms of the verb to be
4) Print THIS sheet and bring it to the lesson + complete exercise C (read the text and fill in the blanks)

Thank you for a wonderful lesson and see you again next week



Lesson 22nd May

you are right / you are wrong, owner, reunion

1) we do drills: 16, 8, 10, 3, 5, 13, 14, pronouns (this drill you can download HERE)
2) Noodles HERE (3.12 beg)
3) Complete THIS exercise (na stránce jsou 2 stejné)

See you next Wednesday



Lesson 24th April

fair, hail, side dish, huge, ex-wife, rocky, instead of, weekdays, work days, guilty, spaghetti, butter, try, depend

1) drills: 16, 8, 10, 3, 5, 13, 14, pronouns
2) Noodles – 3.3 – question words
3) practice vocabulary
4) book page 32 – Vocabulary – How do you relax – exercise 1 and 2 (match the words with photos)


Lesson 17th April

stock/broth, look for, find, aunt, uncle, fairytale, wood/forest, prepare, the best, fix/repair, first-aid, kill, cat vs. cut

1) drills: 16, 8, 10, 3, 5, 13, 14, pronouns
2) Noodles – 3.2 (příslovce jako obvykle, často, někdy, nikdy se píšou před významové sloveso, pokud máme sloveso být, tak píšeme až za – for example: Do you often cry? Are you often sad? Pokud otázka začíná jak často: How often…?) ** slovíčka, které Vám nebudou jasné, můžete najít na straně 31 v učebnici
3) practice vocabulary
4) book page 32 exercise 1 and 3

Enjoy the lesson with my colleague David! See you again in few weeks.


Lesson 10th April

worse (horší), church (kostel), forget (zapomenout), mow the lawn (sekat trávník), lawnmower (sekačka)

Homework same as last week

Thank you Pavel for a very nice lesson and thank you Věrka for the delicious present!


Lesson 3rd April

smile, laugh, still, great, terrible, stay (pobyt, zůstat, pobývat), trails (trasy, stezky), satisfied, wood/forest, dumpling, blueberry, the best, clean, clear, snack, comfortable (procvičit výslovnost TADY), cozy, outside, football field, rainbow, campfire, roast, sausage, drunk, sheep, cow, under, call, nature, goat, half, pet (mazlíček, nebo hladit), bake, all over my flat (přes celý můj byt), they have their phone off (oni mají vypnutý telefon), they keep their phone on silent (mají telefon na ticho), singer

1) drills: 16, 8, 10, 3, 5, 13, 14, pronouns
2) Translate THESE questions (podívejte se na slovíčka z lekce 27th March, to vám pomůže sestavit otázky)
3) Bring THIS to the lesson + do the exercises on the second page (na první stránce máte tabulky se zájmeny a příkladovými větami, které si můžeme na lekci projet, na druhé straně cvičení. Přečtěte si vždycky zadání vždycky je tam napsané jaký druh toho zájmena máte použít – to si můžete podle tabulky odvodit. Slovíčka v zadáních, které by vám mohly dělat problém jsou tady: use (použít), subject (podmět), based (podle, založené na), parentheses (závorky), object (předmět), sentence (věta), gap (mezera))

Thank you and see you soon


Lesson 27th March

I don’t know how to relax, to do laundry, why do you think so, every other week/weekend/wednesday, look forward to, running, try


Lesson 13th + 20th March

sell, then, windy, sunny, cycling path, through, knee, broken, ticket, headache, everything sucks, I don’t take pills, painkillers, what do you do when you have a headache, reason, a few people, look for, look at, that’s why, owner

1) drills: pronouns, 16, 8, 10, 3, 5, 13, 14
2) make sentences for the pronouns we discussed in the lesson / udělejte věty na zájmena, o kterých jsme si řekli na hodině (takže: přilastňovací na konci věty: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs. Zájmena v roli předmětu: me, you, him, her, it, us, them)
3) Translate these questions: (nápověda ve slovíčkách nahoře)

1. Co děláš, když jsi unavený?
2. Co děláš, když se nudíš?
3. Co děláš, když máš kocovinu?
4. Co děláš, když jsi smutný?
5. Co děláš, když jsi nemocný?
6. Co děláš, když jsi šťastný?
7. Co děláš, když máš volný večer?

Thank you and see you next week!



Lesson 6th March

again (znovu), fireplace (krb), delicious (výborný – chuťově, delikátní), air (vzduch) – fresh air (čerstvý vzduch), hand (ruka), reward (odměna, odměnit), pretty good (docela dobrý), last (trvat) – How long does it last (jak dlouho to trvá), to be scared (mít strach, bát se), recommend (doporučit)

1) drills: 3, 10, 8, 5, 14, 13, 16, pronouns
2) no noodles – we will continue with your characters on the cards
3) EXPLAINING GRAMMAR (vysvětlování gramatiky) —- pokud Drahoš dorazí, tak dát prosím vědět 🙂

Karel – sloveso být
– klidně udělat tabulku ve všech osobách (I, you, he, she,…) a tvarech. Vysvětlit nám, jak se tvoří kladná oznamovací věta, zápor, otázka, zkrácené tvary, klidně použít nějaké příkladové věty, které se vám budou líbit. Níže jsou odkazy, ze kterých čerpat. Kdyby Vám bylo cokoliv nejasné napište mi 🙂

Pavel – přítomný čas
– napodobno jak Karel, onamovací kladná, záporná věta, otázka, krátká odpověď, zkrácené tvary, jak to funguje se třetí osobou, příkladové věty, tady níže máte materiály, kdyby něco pište 🙂

Věrka – zájména
– zase klidně udělat tabulku, říct nám jak se které tvary používají, klidně příkladové věty, níže materiály, kdyby něco nebylo jasné, tak pište 🙂


Vocab from lessons 14th Feb., 21st Feb., 28th Feb.:

difference (rozdíl), pile (hromada), branches (větve), vintage (starý, zastaralý, retro), we will see (uvidíme), look forward to (těšit se), slow down (zpomal), raffle (tombola), win (vyhrát), every day (každý den), all day (celý den), owner (majitel), you’re right (máš pravdu), you’re wrong (mýlíš se), day off (den volna), mind (mínit, myslet, mysl, + „I don’t mind“=nevadí mi to), fly (létat), plane (letadlo), sing (zpívat), there (tam), hangover (kocovina), I hope it’s sunny soon (doufám, že bude brzy slunečno), huge (obrovský), it depends (jak kdy, to záleží), spend time (trávit čas), alone (sám), far (daleko), lately (poslední dobou)

Sorry for the delay


31st January:

tired (unavený), tiring (únavný), bored (nudný), boring (znuděný), maintanance (údržba), handyman (kutil, údržbář), a handsome man (pěkný chlap), handy (šikovný, zdručný), taht’s enough! (A dost! / Stačilo!), I am bleeding (krvácím), fall (spadnout), injury (úraz), share (sdílet)

1) drills: 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 14, 6 + zájména
2) Noodles 3.1 (když si s něčím nebudete vědět rady, fráze a slovíčka tučným najdete v učebnici na straně 30)
3) Student’s book page 31 exercise 5 + complete the grammar spot

Thank you and see you soon!


24th January:

need (potřeba), borders (hranice), currency (měna), important (důležitý), overthink (přemýšlet nad něčím až moc), oversleep (zaspat), sleep like a newborn (spát jako novorozeně), to be interested in – I am interested in swimming (zajímám se o plavání), weak (slabý), sour (kyselý), bitter (hořký), smell (smrdět, vonět), it smells (smrdí to), it smells nice (voní to hezky), scent/aroma (vůně/aroma), owner (majitel), you’re right (máš pravdu), you’re wrong (mýlíš se)

Homework – same as last time so:
1) drills: 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16, + rozkaz
2) Noodles 2.12 (pokud už máme hotové, nejsem si sama jistá, jestli jsem je zadávala nebo ne, tak fill in 2.4, který je na stránce 30 -máte doplnit předložky. Kdybychom i ten už měli hotový dejte mi prosím vědět na WhatsApp)
3) Student’s book page 30 exercise 2 – complete the text with the verbs from the box and exercise 3. You don’t need to listen to it to complete it but if you want to the listening is HERE

Thank you and see you next week


17th January:

exercise, annual, ice skating, ice skating rink, pond, indoor swimming pool, every other week

1) drills: 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16, + rozkaz
2) Noodles 2.12 (pokud už máme hotové, nejsem si sama jistá, jestli jsem je zadávala nebo ne, tak fill in 2.4, který je na stránce 30 -máte doplnit předložky. Kdybychom i ten už měli hotový dejte mi prosím vědět na WhatsApp)
3) Student’s book page 30 exercise 2 – complete the text with the verbs from the box and exercise 3. You don’t need to listen to it to complete it but if you want to the listening is HERE

Thank you everyone! See you on Wednesday!


10th January

New Year’s Day/Eve, resolutions, then, loose weight, pickles, pickled, jar, put, herbs, broth/stock, cabbage, onion, garlic, oven, bake/roast, degrees, cas

No HW for next lesson – only practice vocabulary

Thank you and see you next week

HW for lesson 29/11

Na další hodině si společně opravíme testy

See you on Wednesday 🙂


HW for lesson 8/11

swimming pool, rake, leaf/leaves, mow the lawn, cemetery, true, false, decision, laundry, mistake

1) drills: 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16
2) noodles 2.11
3) student’s book page 28 – read about Natalie Portman
4) pro Karla platí stejný úkol jako minule (kladná, záporná věta a otázka na zájmena me a us)
5) learn the vocabulary
+ na hodinu donesu cvičení na make/do – tak si připomeňte, kdy které používáme

Thank you and see you again on Wednesday


HW for lesson 1/11

castle, chateau, cellar, bottle, butter, sweat, take notes, bride, groom, couple, memory, memento/keepsake, plane/airplane, eye, get, give, each other

1) drills 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 16, 14
2) Noodles (nudličky u sebe nemám, takže nevím číslo, přidám v pondělí)
3) mám pro každého zvláštní úkol. Každý bude mít dané zájméno a uděláte na ně kladnou větu, otázku a zápornou větu. Společně překontrolujeme a pak si z toho vyrobíme drilly, ať máme na čem procvičovat. Všechno v roli předmětu – tudíž I like you, you like me,… kromě těchto: mine, yours, ours – které se používájí jako přivlastňovací na konci slov. This is my book. The book is mine.
Karel – me, us
Drahoš – you (buď jako vás, nebo tě), them
Pavel – him, mine
Věrka – her, yours
Zdeněk – it, ours

Odkaz na Quizlet TADY

Také jsem vytvořila formulář, kde můžete psát věty, se kterými se můžete potkat v práci a které by pro vás mohly být užitečné umět v angličtině. Do formuláře piště jen česky. Jakmile budeme mít dostatek vět, můžeme si z nich vyrobit drill. Formulář TADY

We will write tests, if we have enough time we can do something from the book as well

Na quizlet jsem vám přidala novou sbírku slovíček vocab from our lessons 2 a máte tam takový Easter egg (velikonoční vajíčko, „a hidden surprise or extra feature that is included in something such as a computer game, a piece of software, or a film, for the person using or watching it to find and enjoy“ = skryté překvapení nebo funkce navíc, která je součástí něčeho, například počítačové hry, softwaru nebo filmu, a kterou může osoba, která ho používá nebo sleduje, najít a užít si ho.

Na hodině si ještě promluvíme o rozdílu make notes a take notes

See you soon


HW for lesson 25/10

donate blood, baggage, luggage, small vs. little, hear, let me know, solve a problem, will try, many times

1) 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 16, 14
2) learn the vocabulary – new vocab is on Quizlet
3) Complete THIS fill in (je to tam dvakrát stejně)
4) read the article on page 28 about Natalie Portman, highlight words you don’t understand and try to remember important details so you could tell us in the class

See you on Wednesday


HW for lesson 11/10

long weekend, blueberry dumplings, sleep well/sleep badly, experience, enjoy

1) drills: 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 53, 16
2) learn the vocabulary – also the hotel and restaurants vocabulary (everything on Quizlet) – we will use it for situations/conversations
3) SB page 28 exercise 2

Thank you and see you soon


HW for lesson  4/10

lookout tower, fridge, embarassing, join, I lost my key, I called 2 weeks ago, Can you help me?, I need, I want, I need to change my room, repair/fix, blocked/clogged toilet, doesn’t work, towel, electric socket, this isn’t my order/reservation

1) drills: 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 53, 15
2) practice the vocabulary – you can also practice on Quizlet (i s výslovností) – odkaz kdyžtak ještě pro ty, kterí na Quizletu nejsou TADY

přidala jsem tam i novou sbírku se slovíčky/frázemi na tematiku „hotel“ postupně můžeme přidávat, když přijdete i s novými nápady co by se nám tam mohly hodit. 
) Prepare 3 problems you may have in a restaurant (připravte si 3 problémy, které můžete mít v restauraci. Klidně česky, budeme překládat)
4) Student’s book page 27 exercise 6 (listeningy můžete najít pomocí kódu na vaší učebnici, nebo TADY je odkaz na youtube) and page 28 exercise 2

Thank you and see you again on Wednesday


HW for lesson 27/9

dead, alive, nationality (procvičit výslovnost), event, milestone birthday, male, female, the past, divorced, child vs. children, sportsman, actor, personally, surprised, TV show, all day
** He is 50 years old. / His age is 50. / He is 50.
+ all the professions and phrases from student’s book page 26 exercise 1 and 2

1) drills 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 53 + 15 (only drills with like – not would like)
2) Student’s book page 26 exercise 3
3) learn the vocabulary
4) prepare 3 problems you may have at the hotel or restaurant in Czech (připravte si 3 problémy, které můžete mít v hotelu nebo restauraci v češtině)
*budeme pracovat i mírně s novou gramatikou, kterou budeme potřebovat k tomuto tématu, proto žádné nudličky

Enjoy your weekend and see you again on Wednesday


HW for lesson 20/9


Muscles, hurt, Croatia (procvičit výslovnost), badge, fulfill, hate, in general, take photos, engaged, exactly, warehouseman, footballer


1) drills: 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 53 + 15 (only drills with like – not would like)

2) choose 1 famous person (anyone – actor, singer, sportsman, thief, scientist,…) + translate these questions

—-1) Proč je slavný?

—-2) Jak je starý?

—-3) Kde žije?

—-4) Má děti?

—-5) Je někdy v televizi?

—-6) Jaké je jeho jméno?

—-7) Jaká je jeho národnost? (Národnost = nationality)

—-8) Mluví česky?

—-9) Má spoustu peněz?

—-10) Má nějaké koníčky?

3) learn vocabulary

4) Student’s book page 26 exercise 1 and 2


Thank you and see you next week!



HW for lesson 6/9

island, Iceland, Greenland, exhausted, that’s why, so, together, by car, how often do you see each other?, foreign, look after, design, fly/flies, cut hair, stop, start, go to bed, get up, play, work, morning, evening, learn, teach, little, big, early, late, news stories

1) drills: 10, 3, 8, 5, 13, 53
2) Questions for translation: (budeme se bavit o nějakém člověku z rodiny, se kterým jste si nějak podobní – podobný=similar)
1. Máte podobnou práci?
2. Líbí se vám stejné věci?
3. Co děláte spolu?
4. Jaké jsou jeho koníčky?
5. Jak často se vidíte?
6. Je ženatý/vdaná?
7. Je mladší, nebo starší?
8. Má oblíbenou hudební kapelu? (kapela=band)
9. Kam spolu chcete jít?
10. Znáš všechny jeho/její tajemství? (tajemství=secrets)

3) practice the vocabulary
4) Student’s book page 26 exercise 3

Na této stránce se můžete podívat na shrnutí přítomného času, mezi tím je i 3. osoba jednotného čísla.

See you tomorrow



HW for lesson 30/8

Noodles 3.7 HERE

See you on Wednesday


Lesson 82                        2nd August

Sorry everyone! I forgot to upload the HW

1) drills: 10, 3, 8, 5, 13
2) Fill in: 2.3 Ele – fill the gaps with a suitable word (předložka, tázací slovíčko, pomocné sloveso, atd.)

Tomorrow – lesson with Verča
See you next week


Lesson 81                        26th July

1) drills 10, 3, 8, 5, 13
2) noodles 1.3 in your noodlebook

See you next week, V.


Lesson 80                       19th June

1) drills 10, 3, 8, 5, 13
2) fill in beg 6.6

Thank you and enjoy next 2 lessons with Verča 🙂


Lesson 79                        28th June

Sorry for the late HW, I forgot about you. 🙂

1) drills 10, 3, 8, 5, 13
2)Fill-in 3.3

See you tomorrow. Veronika

Lesson 78                       21st June

exhausting, earrings, event, catch

1) drills: 10, 3, 8, 5, 13, imperative
2) Noodles HERE (7.3 beg)
3) SB page 24 – read the article and highlight new vocabulary

Thank you and see you again next week


Lesson 76                       7th June

@ = at, . = dot, – = dash or hyphen, _ = underscore, exactly, the capital, all the time, difficult, unemployed, height

1) drills: 10, 3, 8, 5, 13, imperative
2) translate these questions: – třetí osoba on nebo ona, he/she

Otázek je více, ale nelekejte se, chci jen ať se zvyknete ptát různými způsoby, proto se otázky i opakují. Příští hodinu budeme používat information cards (tak jako tuto hodinu) ať si ještě procvičíme kladení otázek na třetí osobu. Když si otázky doma přeložíte, na hodině Vám to půjde lépe a lépe si to zapamatujete. Když si otázky nepřeložíte, půjde to hůř a půjdete sami proti sobě a budete zklamaní, že Vám to tolik nejde. Proto doporučuji HOMEWORK dělat opravdu doma.

  1. Jak se jmenuje?
  2. Jak je starý?
  3. Kdy jsou jeho narozeniny?
  4. Odkud je?   (předložka na konec)
  5. Kde bydlí?
  6. Ze kterého města je?  (předložka na konec)
  7. Ve kterém městě bydlí?   (předložka na konec)
  8. Jak je vysoký?
  9. Jaká je jeho výška?
  10. Co dělá? (za práci)
  11. Jaká je jeho práce?
  12. Jaké je jeho telefonní číslo?
  13. Jaký je jeho e-mail?
  14. Jaký má e-mail?
  15. Co rád dělá?
  16. Jaké má koníčky?
  17. Jaké je jeho oblíbené jídlo?
  18. Jaké jídlo má rád?

3) Student’s book page 23 exercise 8,9,11 (listeningy kdyžtak najdete i TADY  na youtube)

Thank you and see you again next week


Lesson 75                        31st May

look after children, sore muscles, sore throat, brunch, lard, butter, pastry, vegetables, sweets, through, all the time


Lesson 74                        24th May


storm, I have no idea, it depends, take care of something/someone, actress, film director, all over the world, ice-skating, footballer

1) drills: 10, 3, 8, 5, 13, imperative
2) Fill in 2.1 and 2.2 (page 29)
3) SB page 23 exercise 5 and 6
4) + I will bring you more information cards like we have on page 22

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 73                       17th May

such day, nature, maybe, housework, know – i jako někoho znát, 27 years ago, long time, single

1) drills: 10, 3, 8, 5, 13, imperative
2) Noodles 2.5
3) Student’s book page 22 exercise 2 – read the information about the two people and complete it with the words in the box

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 72                     3rd May

workshop, wild boar, rich, truth, forever, that’s why, early, look forward to, poor, famous (procvičte výslovnost), adventure, wolf/wolves, life/lives, leaf/leaves, walk the dog, snooker

1) we did drills: 10, 3, 8, 5, 13, imperative
2) Noodles 2.1
3) Student’s book page 21/5 and 21/1 + read the articles on page 20

I hope you had a nice weekend! See you again soon!


Lesson 71                      26th April

want + to + verb – I want to sleep, argue, great-grandmother, backpack, back home, bag

1) we did drills: 10, 3, 8, 5, 13, imperative
2) Noodles 1.11
3) SB page 20 exercise 4

Thank you and see you again next week


Lesson 70                    12th April

not yet, promise, look forward to

1) we did drills: 10, 3, 8, 5, 13, imperative
2) Fill in – 1.3 (na konci první lekce v Noodlebooku)
3) SB page 16 listening 1.14
4) do THIS exercise (fill in with do/does/is/are/am)

Thank you and see you again on 26/4



Lesson 69                   5th April

although, until, see you later, darling, anything else?, Can I have …?, of course, just, pleased to meet you, thank goodness, same to you, sleep well

1) we did drills: 10, 3, 8, 5, 13, imperative
2) Noodles 1.9
3) SB page 16 listening 1.14

Enjoy Easter! See you again next week!


Lesson 68                 29th March

1) we did drills: 10, 3, 8, 5, 13, imperative
2) Noodles 1.8
3) practice for tests

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 67                  8th March

prepare, full moon, afraid, milestone birthday, graveyard, consist of, siblings

1) we did drills: 10, 3, 8, 5, 13, imperative
2) Noodles 1.8
3) we will work with listening 1.14 on page 16 (you can find it even on youtube) and with page 17
4) SB 17 exercise 3



Lesson 66                  1st March

attend, sure

1) we did drills: 10, 3, 8, 5, 13, 51, 7, imperative
2) Noodles 1.7
3) student’s book page 15 exercise 7 + grammar spot + page 16 exercise 1

Thank you and see you again on Wednesday


Lesson 65                  22nd February

funeral, smell, spell it, I’m taken, still, remember

1) we did drills: 10, 3, 8, 5, 13, 51, 7, imperative
2) Noodles 1.6
3) SB page 14 exercise 3 and 4 + page 15 exercise 7

Thank you and see you again next week


Lesson 64                 8th February

Dear students, I am sorry for not posting the homework on time. I was sick and had all the necessary materials at work.
(Milí studenti, omlouvám se, že jsem domácí úkoly nezveřejnila včas. Byla jsem nemocná a všechny potřebné materiály jsem měla v práci.)

trail, nephew, roast, niece, whose, forget, take, wait, come in, have (dát si) – have lunch, people/person, demanding, I live in a village near a big town

1) we did drills: 10, 3, 8, 5, 13, 51, 7 + imperative
2) You will get Noodles in the lesson
3) Studen’s book page 14/15 – read Maria’s blog and complete exercise 3 and 4

Thank you and see you soon


Lesson 63                 1st February

dizzy, then, cousin, flavour, sour, slow, Dutch, shop assistant

1) we did drills: 10, 3, 8, 5, 13, 51, 7
2) Noodles 1.5
3) Studen’s book page 14/15 – read Maria’s blog and complete exercise 3 and 4

Thank you and see you again next week


Lesson 62                 25th January

Lesson 61                 18th January

politician, audience, singer, alive, politics, actress, average

1) we did drills: 10, 3, 8, 5, 13, 51, 7
2) Noodles HERE + do THIS fill in
3) Do THIS exercise (přiřaďte na správné místa) pořád stejné cvičení
4) Bring THIS – vysvětlíme si na hodině

Thank you everyone and see you again next week


Lesson 60                11th January

Sorry for posting the homework late again 🙁 

mood, lend, borrow, rent, football field, fight, smell, cousin, maternity leave

HERE is the key for Noodles from last week

1) we did drills: 10, 3, 8, 5, 13, 51, 7
2) Noodles HERE (průměrný = average)
3) same exercise as last week
4) check the vocab from last 6 lessons

Thank you and see you on Wednesday


Lesson 59                4th January

argue, argument, lose weight, guess, New Year’s Eve, calm, firework, midnight, goals

1) we did drills: 10, 3, 8, 5, 13, 51, 7
2) Noodles HERE (4.4 beg)
3) Do THIS exercise (přiřaďte na správné místa)
4) learn vocabulary from last 4-5 lessons

Thank you and see you again next week


Lesson 58                14th December

Next week is our last lesson! So only 1 task as a homework – bring a good mood!

See you next week on Wednesday for our last Christmas lesson!



Lesson 57                7th December

Lesson 56                23rd November


1) we did drills – 3, 5, 7, 13, 10, 51
2) fill in – 1.2 (page 15)
3) Student’s book page 13 exercise 4 and 5

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 55                16th November

tasty, cuisine, advice, calm, check-up

1) we did drills – 3, 5, 7, 13, 10, 51
2) Noodles – 1.5
3) napíšeme si vstupní testy

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 54                9th November

a nap, look after, look forward to, environment, friendly

1) we did drills – 3, 5, 7, 13, 10, 51
2) Noodles – 1.4
3) Student’s book page 13 exerecise 1

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 53                 2nd November

wife – wives, square, back, backpack, would you like to…, lawyer, really, company, hard-working

1) we did drills – 3, 5, 7, 13, 10, 51
2) Noodles 1.3
3) Student’s book page 13 exercise 1

Thank you and see you again next week


Lesson 52                 26th October

share, everybody, almost, finish, fog, foggy, cloud, cloudy, young, nightmares, difficult, waiter, addict, alone

– we did drills:  3, 5, 7, 13, 51, 10
– Noodles 1.1
– Student’s book page 11 exercise 3, page 12 read about Jason and complete exercise 2

Thank you and see you again next week


Lesson 51                 12th October

brother in law, located, view of, neverending story, public transport, curious

– we did drills: 3, 5, 7, 13, 51, 10
– Fill-in 1.1
– practice the pronunciation of comfortable (I hope you will look more happy than the lady next lesson)
– practice spelling
– Student’s book page 10 exercise 2

Thank you gentlemen and see you again next week! And HAPPY BIRTHDADrahoš.


Lesson 50                5th October

everything, finish, we have a lot of fun, cost, stand

HERE lepší odkaz na quizlet

– we did drills: 3, 5, 7, 13, 51, 10
– complete THIS fill-in – write is / are / do / does
finish the exercise with articles from the paper (last exercise – complete with the or nothing

Thank you everyone and see you again next week! Finally with new books and Noodlebooks


Lesson 49                21st September

errands, tournament, square, bright colours, it works/it doesn’t work (funguje to, nefunguje to), we work late (precujeme dlouho)

– we did drills: 3, 5, 7, 13, 51, 10
– translate THESE Noodles
– finish the exercise with articles from the paper

Thank you and see you again in 2 weeks! Enjoy the day off.


Lesson 48               14th September

do the ironing (udělat žehlení/žehlit)

Translate the questions from the tests – I will bring you correct translations
+ complete the rest of the exercises from the copy of WB if you still have it 🙂

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 47               7th September

older (starší)

Fill in ELE 2.3 HERE – fill in a suitable word
Complete the rest of the exercises from the paper

HERE is the link for Quizlet

Thank you and see you again on Wednesday


Lesson 46              24th August

exhausted, harvest, all the time, Swedes, speakers

Fill- in / ELE_1.2 HERE
+ I will give you copies of workbook to do in the lesson

Thank you and see you soon


Lesson 45              17th August

clouds, cloudy, walk the dog, headache, want+to+sloveso, where can I buy it? (kde si to mohu koupit), first-aid kit, dressing room/changing room, change clothes (převléct se), I am injured (jsem zraněný), I have an injury (mám zranění), aisle (ulička), look after children (starat se o děti)

Noodles 7.12
+ I will give you copies of workbook to do in the lesson

Have a nice weekend and see you next week


Lesson 44              10th August

sad, without, depend on, cash desk, the first, was born/were born, important, interests, invite, his own, church, chef

Noodles 7.11
Do exercises from paper 38 I gave you

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 43             3rd August

try on a jumper, post letters, have a coffee, buy some aspirin, railway station, café, catch a train, travel by bus/train

Noodles 7.10 HERE
+ I will bring you some exercises 🙂

See you soon – Zuzana



Homework for lesson 3/8

Student’s book page 55 exercise 2 and 3
Fill-in 7.3 HERE – Fill in the gaps with an opposite adjective of the adjectives in brackets

Enjoy the lesson with Verča and see you again in two weeks 🙂


Lesson 42                        20th July

squirrel, high and mighty = arrogant, smell (vonět, cítit, zápach), sand (písek), catch (chytit), mortgage (hypotéka), sloth (lenochod/lenost), sew (šít), equipment (vybavení), I don’t care (je mi to jedno, nezajímá mě to), stamp (známka – poštovní)

See you on Friday


Lesson 41                         13th July

shadow, last (poslední ale i trvat), cottage, deal with it, solve, whose, foreigners, meet, flavour, coffee lover

no HW 🙂 I will bring you some exercises and questions

See you next week


Lesson 40                        22nd June

best regards, from-to, pace, great-grandmother, yours sincerely

Noodles 7.9
Student’s book page 54 exercise 1

Thank you and see you next week 🙂


Lesson 39                        15th June

sunbathing, storm, worries, capital city, breed, fog, friendly, especially

Noodles 7.8
write a postcard to someone  – you can write it in Czech and we will translate it on the lesson, if you need inspiration you can look on page 53 in our book

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 38                        1st June


Student’s book page 53 exercise 2 and 3
Noodles 7.7

Thank you and see you soon


Lesson 37                        25th May

poison, event, anniversary, solve, company, agree, early

*book 52 exercise 2 and 3
*fill-in 6.5 HERE

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 36                        18th May

*Student’s book page 52 exercise 2 and 3
*Fill in 6.6 HERE

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 35                        12th May

nice, delicious, lovely, interesting, beautiful, terrible, awful, weather, mow the lawn, cut the grass

*Fill in 7.6 HERE
Studen’s book page 52 exercise 2 and 3

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 34                       4th May

freeze, meadow, field, satrict but fair, fed up with, hamster

prepare 3 conversational questions for your colleagues
*Student’s book page 51 exercise 5 – check the corredt sentence

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 33                        20th April

forgot, daily, members, neighbours, flavour, international language, how much money do you have on you

*Noodles 7.6
*Student’s book page 51 – check the correct sentence

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 32                        13th April

poster, gossip, my turn, heavy

*Noodles 7.4
*Student’s book page 51 exercise 3 and 4

Thank you, see you next week and enjoy the holidays!


Lesson 31                        6th April

look (vypadat/podívat se), I am on the fence (jsem na vážkách)

*Noodles 7.5
*Student’s book page 51 exercise 1

Thank you and see you soon


Lesson 30                      30th March

native, horseradish, mustard, weekdays

*Noodles 7.1
*Student’s book page 50 exercise 1
*Print THIS sheet and fill it in

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 29                     23rd March

reunion, asleep, spring, divorced, choose, adore

*Noodles 7.3
*Student’s book page 49 exercise 5 and 6

Thank you and see you soon


Lesson 28                     16th March

exhausted, overworked, improve, regular, I don’t know yet

*Noodles HERE
*Student book page 49 read the article and complete exercise 3 on page 48 (same as last time)

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 27                      9th March

regularly, alone, today, tomorrow

TADY shrnutí present simple, členů atd. – TADY shrnutí předložek (Části kde je PAST SIMPLE už si nevšímejte)

*Noodles 6.10
*Student book page 49 read the article and complete exercise 3 on page 48

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 26                     2nd March

dig, retired, carpenter, mole, immortal, unique

*Noodles 6.9
*Student’s book page 47 exercise 3,4 and 5 – fill in the correct preposition (doplňte správnou předložku)

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 25                     23rd February

life is not a bowl of cherries (život není legrace, život není procházka růžovým sadem)
Pokud vás zajímají další idiomy ZDE přikládám malý slovníček

*Noodles HERE
*SB page 46 exercise 1

If you have the previous progress test please bring it to the lesson (pokud máte předchozí progress test, prosím doneste si jej na lekci)

Thank you and see you next week.


Lesson 24                     16th February

It’s up to me, honest, sign up

*same as last time – prepare 5 questions for conversation – if you have more I will be happy 🙂
*get ready for the progress test

Tak doufám, že už se nám příště podaří progress testy napsat ať to máme z krku.

Thank you and see you all next week


Lesson 23                     26th January

calm, cozy, flour, feed, look forward to, feel, feeling, on scale, degree, illness, sickness

prepare at least 5 questions for your colleagues so we have something you enjoy talking about 🙂

Pokud bude na další lekci dobrá účast, napíšeme si testy, pokud ne, budeme opakovat.

Thank you and see you in 2 weeks.


Lesson 22                     19th January

half, path, midnight


Lesson 21                     12th January

New Year’s resolutions, canapes (jendohubky), New Year’s Eve, firework, appetizers, solve, deal with problems, preparation, reasonable choice, choose, I don’t feel like working today, right away (rovnou), immediately

Prepare 7 questions for your classmates this time (present)

Thank you Dane and Tondo for your work, nice to see you and see you soon in the next lesson.


Lesson 20                    15th December

do yoga, previous, bathtub, fresh air, rather, mulled wine, deal, soft gifts, fried, cutlet, pine, spruce, fir

Make 5 conversational questions for your colleagues (přítomný čas)
we will prepare for the tests after holidays

Thank you all for your hard work! It was so much fun with you. Enjoy the holidays and the time with your families and see you in the new year. All the best!


Lesson 19                     8th December

mud, I don’t care, I don’t mind, article, the rest, much coffee, musical instrument, sew, idea, usual, invite, what about

Noodles HERE

Nice to see you all! See you next week and don’t forget to bring a good mood!


Lesson 18                 1st December

fireplace, comedian, biting your fingernails, bad habit, procrastination, by the sea, artist, fills her day

Fill in 6.4 HERE
SB 45 exercise 4 – listen and fill in + do exercise 5

I had a good laugh with you today, thank you. See you next week.


Lesson 17                 24th November

how long does it take, continue, hangover, habit, chore, pet, excuse

Fill-in from last lesson. (We did different noodles in the lesson)
SB page 44 exercise 2 – read and fill in

Thank you and see you next week.


Lesson 16                10th November

right after, injured, injury, pub, snore

Fill-in 6.4 HERE
B page 44 exercise 2

Thank you and see you in two weeks!


Lesson 15                3rd November

invite, husband, cousin, later, band, around, near, in common, visit, early, see you soon, director, work late, until

Useful email phrases: HERE

Noodles 6.3
SB – page 43 exercise 4

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 14                20th October

not enough, flowerpot, corner, shelf, shelves, sofa, armchair, carpet, coffee table, mirror, living room, tea pot, soap, leave, these apples, kind, scary stories

Fill in 6.3 HERE
SB – still the same as in the previous lesson

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 13                13th October

hangman, zodiac sign, unknown, canteen, hurt (my shoulder hurts), together, visit, kind, smart, caring

Fill in 6.2 HERE
SB 42 exercise 2 (still the same)
Bring the paper I gave you (the pronouns sheet from last lesson)

Thank you and see you on Wednesday


Lesson 12                 6th October

I don’t care, van, soul, get home, skip, snooze button, walk

Noodles 6.2
Print THIS and bring it to the lesson
Study vocabulary from last 4 lessons for a small test
SB 42 exercise 2

Thank you and see you next Wednesday


Lesson 11                 29th September

back pain, backache, autumn Br.E / fall Am.E, ill, sick, nor, rent, garbage man, waste, because of, gate, concrete, foreign, dictionary, how much it is, what is the time

Noodles 6.1
SB 41 exercise 1
SB 42 exercise 2

Odkaz na stránku s články o které jsem Vám říkala TADY
Odkaz na slovník TADY

Thank you and see you next week


Lesson 10                22nd September

advice, stomach ache, you should…, cough, toothache, take a pill, towel, nose, neck, sneeze, vomit, scared, get wasted, feel, neighbour, coffee, cafe, picky, backpack, throw, my own

Noodles 5.6

Thank you for such a funny lesson! See you next week 🙂


Lesson 9                  15th September

cupboard, knife, dustbin, fridge, freezer, put, cut, pot, kettle, fork, nature, alone, I’m interested in, use, sister-in-law, edit, repair

Pleteme si: lend/borrow, teach/learn... - Help for English - Angličtina na internetu zdarma



Fill in 5.5 HERE (print)
SB page 38 exercise 1 – listening 5.13

Thank you and see you next week 🙂


Lesson 8                   8th September

except, ancestors, from abroad

Noodles 5.10
SB page 37 exercise 5

Thank you and see you next week.


Lesson 7                    1st September

education, yet, zucchini, at all, bodycare, a little, season, use, work as a… , room-mate, customer, order, both

Noodles 5.9
SB page 36 exercise 1 and 3

Dan, don’t forget to bring your test to the next lesson.

Thank you and see you next week. Have a great weekend!


Lesson 6                   25th August

autumn, fall, reliable, grocery store, describe, go for a walk, sleepy, borrow, lend, medication, painkillers, pharmacy, whole life, different

Fill in 5.3 HERE (print)
SB same as last time (35 exercise 7 and 36 exercise 1) – kopie stránek z učebnice v HW z minulého týdne

Thank you and see you next week.


Lesson 5                   18th August

baked (pečené), steamed (vařené v páře), roasted (pečené, pražené), content (spokojený), satisfied (spokojený), unsatisfied (nespokojený), wage (mzda), reliable (spolehlivý), true friend (opravdový přítel), able (schopný), waiter (číšník), waitress (číšnice), near (blízko), pub (hospoda), part-time job (brigáda)

Pronoun | Types of Pronouns with Useful Examples | Pronouns List • 7ESL | English pronouns, List of pronouns, English grammar

Noodles 5.3 HERE
B page 35 exercise 6 and 7
SB page 36 exercise 1

If you don’t have the book page 35 and 36 HERE

Thank you and see you next week!


Lesson 4                   11th August

spicy (pikantní, kořeněný), seafood (plody moře), expensive (drahý), without (bez), table tennis (stolní tenis), other (jiný, další), visit (navštívit, návštěva), flavor (příchuť), scooped ice-cream (kopečková zmrzlina), onion (cibule), tuna (tuňák), hitchhiking (stopování), cabbage (zelí), dumplings (knedlíky), pork (vepřové), pace (tempo), brewery (pivovar), prefer (preferovat, upřednostnit), almost (téměř), exciting (vzrušující), neither of them (ani jeden z nich, nikdo z nich), delicious (výborný), great, fantastic, awful (strašný)

Noodles 5.2 HERE
SB 34 exercise 1 – read about Colin Brodie
SB 34 exercise 2 – complete Colin’s answers
SB 34 exercise 4 – match verb + word/phrase

Thank you for the lesson and see you next week.


Lesson 3                   4th August

Vocabulary: swimming, skiing, food, Chinese, orange, ice cream, drinks, Coke,

Grammar: What do you like?, What _____ do you like? I like, I don’t like.

noodles 5.1 here


Lesson 2                  28th July

sun comes up (slunce vychází), breathing exercise (dechové cvičení), climbing (lezení), wife (manželka), whole day (celý den), nurse (zdravotní sestra), or (nebo), usually (obvykle), choose a question (vyberte si otázku), sometimes (někdy), travel (cestovat), travelling (cestování), options/possibilities (možnosti), floor (podlaha, patro, poschodí), currently (v současné době), once a year (jednou ročně), medic, paramedic (zdravotník), salami (salám)

Telling the Time | English for beginners, Learn english, Teaching english

Noodles 4.11 HERE
SB 33 exercise 5 – listen and fill in
SB 33 exercise 8 – listen and complete
If you don’t have the book – page 33 and 34 HERE

Next lesson with my colleague Veronika.
See you in two weeks.


Lesson 1                   21st July

it depends (záleží), Austria (Rakousko), around (okolo), each pile (každá hromádka), get up (vstát), wake up (probudit se), then (potom), breakfast (snídaně), usually (obvykle)