Mondays 16:00-17:30, room: 1

Teacher: David Drštička (

level: New Headway Elementary 4th edition (Student’s Book)

Listening: here!

datesheet: here!


Lesson 11: 26th June

Good to see you all! Last lesson is on the 1st of July!

DRILLS: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 79, 15 + 28, 29


VOCABULARY: sidewalk (chodník), statue (socha), road (cesta), university (univerzita), dangerous (nebezpečný), plums (švestky), parking lot/car park (parkoviště), faculty (fakulta), grass (tráva), lawnmower (sekačka na trávu), tunnel (tunel)

SB: 74 – READING – read about Mexico and highlight new words

See you on the last lesson!


Lesson 10: 24th June


DRILLS: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 79, 15 + 28, 29 – new drills (comparatives + superlatives)


VOCABULARY: sleepy (ospalý), windy (větrné), sunny (slunečný), instead of cake (místo dortu), sober (střízlivý), gluten-free diet (bezlepková dieta), highest (nejvyšší), room (pokoj/místo), worship (uctívat), third world country (země třetího světa)

SB: 77/2,3 – listen and complete


Lesson 9: 17th June 

Good to see you all!


DRILLS: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 79, 15 + 28, 29 – new drills (comparatives + superlatives)


VOCABULARY: sleepy (ospalý), windy (větrné), sunny (slunečný), instead of cake (místo dortu), sober (střízlivý), gluten-free diet (bezlepková dieta), highest (nejvyšší), room (pokoj/místo), worship (uctívat), third world country (země třetího světa)

SB: 77/2,3 – listen and complete

See you! A 26.6. bude nahrazená lesson 1 z dubna od 16:00 (room 1 probably)!


Lesson 8: 10th June

Nice lesson today!


DRILLS: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 79, 15 + 28, 29 – new drills (comparatives + superlatives)


VOCABULARY: vote (volit, voličský hlas), elections (volby), female (žena), male (muž), fourth (čtvrtý), advertisment/ad (reklama), Slavic language (slovanský jazyk), dwarf (trpaslík), salary (plat), wage (mzda), apricot (meruňka), rhino (nosorožec), Rome (Řím), far – further -the furthest (daleko – dál – nejdále)

SB: 74 – READING – MUMBAI, A CITY OF EXTREMES – read about Mumbai and highlight new words

See you next week!



Lesson 7: 3rd June

Good job everyone!


DRILLS: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 79, 15 + new drills (comparatives + superlatives)


VOCABULARY: dream (sen), goal (cíl), brave (statečný), wet (vlhký), countryside (venkov, krajina), plane (letadlo), tram (tramvaj), subway, metro, underground (metro), capital city (hlavní město), athletics (atletika), throwing (házení), cozy (pohodlný), fresh (čerstvý), village (vesnice), homemade (vyrobeno doma), foreigners (cizinci), south (jih), storm (hrom), lightning (blesk), joke (vtip), tower (věž), towel (ručník)

SB: 74 – READING – HIGH-SPEED TOKYO – read about Tokyo and highlight new words

Looking forward to the next lesson!



Lesson 6: 27th May

Good to see you all!


DRILLS: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 79, 15


VOCABULARY: ankle (kotník), injured (zraněný), injury (zranění), fight (bojovat), ant (mravenec), retire (jít do důchodu), Earth (Země), ice skating (bruslení na ledě), than (než), much smaller (mnohem menší), sign (značka), phone booth (telefonní budka), suit (oblek), hat (klobouk), tie (kravata), less expensive (méně drahé/levnější)

PAPER – comparatives – exercise C (making of sentences) (papír z minulé lesson)

SB: 72/73 – London’s biggest market CAMDEN MARKET – Read and complete the text with superlatives („3. tvar přídavných jmen“ – koncovka –est nebo the most před přídavným jménem)

See you next week!


Lesson 5: 20th May

Good job! We started unit 9.


DRILLS: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 79, 15

FILL IN 9.1 – Here (comparatives – 2. stupeň přídavných jmen)

VOCABULARY: skyscraper (mrakodrap), regular (obvyklý), dry (suchý), pate (paštika), lettuce (hlávkový salát), red pepper (červená paprika), watermelon (meloun), blueberry (borůvka), capital city (hlavní město)

SB: 71/1 – comparing cities, complete the text

See you next week:)


Lesson 4: 13th May

Good job today!


DRILLS: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 79, 15


VOCABULARY: pocket (kapsa), packet (balení), goat (koza), coat (kabát), Take a seat. (Posaďte se.), seat (místo na sezení/sedadlo), raindrop (kapka deště), nuts (oříšky), milk (mléko), sloth (lenochod), shape (forma/tvar), addictive (návykové), piece (kus), Fingers crossed. (Držím palce.), washing machine (pračka), coins (mince), pay card (platební karta), debit karta (debetní karta), credit card (kreditka)


SB: page 70 – exercise 1 – Read and listen to the conversation + highlight new words

Looking forward to next week!


Lesson 3: 6th May

Good to see you Renata! We missed you Honza 🙂


DRILLS: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 79, 15


VOCABULARY: cottage (chata), At last! (Konečně!), Finally! (Konečně!), training (školení/trénink), cancer (rakovina), great deals (výhodné nabídky), sort of batteries (typ baterek), till the end (až do konce), per week (za týden – How much do you earn per week? = Kolik si vyděláš za týden?), Greece (Řecko), Greek (řecký), screwdriver (šroubovák), tape (izolepa), paper (papír), village (vesnice), hairdresser’s (kadeřnice), barber (holič), butcher (řezník), hardware shop (obchod s nářadím/železářství), stationery (papírnictví), newsagent (trafika), higher (vyšší), lower (nižší), Spaghetti Bolognese (boloňské špagety)

SB: page 69, ex. 1 – complete the conversations + ex. 5 complete the conversation

REVISION OF UNIT 8 – we will revise UNIT 8 together (some/any, much/many, food vocabulary, like/would like)

See you next week!


Lesson 2: 29th April

Well done today!


DRILLS : 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 79 + 15 (new drill – like + would like)

NOODLEBOOK: 8.5 – how much/how many 2

VOCABULARY: prepare (připravit), play (divadelní hra), theatre/theater (divadlo), day off (den volna), principal (ředitel školy), paprika (koření paprika), pepper (pepř/paprika), red pepper (červená paprika), mayonaisse/mayo (majonéza), east (východ), west (západ), south (jih), north (sever), garlic (česnek), bacon (slanina), soap (mýdlo), soup (polévka),  mug (hrnek), peanut butter (arašídové máslo), mustard (hořčice), ketchup (kečup)

SB: page 66,67 – READING – The history of the Sandwich – read the rest of the story (19th Century, 20th-21st Century + Did you know…? tabulka)
page 68 – ex. 1 – Match the words from the shopping list with the pictures.

Hope to see you all next week! 🙂



Lesson 1: 22nd April

Good job today! We missed you Yvetta 🙂


DRILLS: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 79 + 15 (new drill – like + would like)

NOODLEBOOK: 8.4 – how much/how many

VOCABULARY: go for a run (jít si zaběhat), ski course (lyžařský kurz/“lyžák“), loud (hlasitý), noisy (hlučný/hlasitý), tuna (tuňák), porridge (kaše), oatmeal (ovesná kaše), table-spoon (polévková lžíce), topping (poleva), recipe (recept), describe (popsat), stripes (proužky – striped t-shirt – pruhované tričko), at all (vůbec – „He can’t cook at all.“ = „Vůbec neumí vařit.“)

SB: page 66 – READING – The history of the Sandwich – read 1st Century BC, 6th – 16th Century and 18th Century (jen tyto tři texty) + highlight the new words and translate them.

See you next week!

Lesson 12: 8th April

It was my pleasure to teach you!

DRILLS: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 79

NOODLEBOOK: FILL IN 8.3 Download here!

VOCABULARY: hope, dulcimer, watchtower, do homework, sloth, move, schnitzel, french beans, red fruit, sparkling water, still water, tap water, order, stamp, especially, book by (someone), siblings, too much

SB: 64-65 EATING IN – ex.1 read the recipe, ex. 3 listen and fill the gaps.

David will see you next lesson!

Lesson 11: 25th March


Dear students, thank you for coming!

DRILLS: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 79



have to=must, bear garlic (medvědí česnek), chives (pažitka), instead of (namísto něčeho), Easter (Velikonoce), ginger bread (perník), in a week (za jeden týden), apricot (meruňka), bad habit (zlozvyk), side dish (příloha), dish (jídlo, pokrm), steamed peas (hrášek vařený na páře), main course (hlavní chod), fussy eater (vybíravý jedlík), kid=child, all the usual (vše obvyklé), still (pořád, stále), thin (tenký)

SB. p.64 ex. 3 – write a, an or some

Watch out! The next Monday is holiday-Easter Monday, the school is closed! We see each other on 8th April!!!

Have nice EASTER holidays!


Lesson 10: 18t March


Great work! Thank you for coming 🙂

DRILLS: 94, 95, 96, 97, 98



cell phone (mobilní telefon), disturb (rušit), movie=film, a can (plechovka), pet shop (zverimex), brave (statečný), look like (vypadat jako), every single word (každé jednotlivé slovo), earn money (vydělat peníze), obedient child (poslušné dítě), give promise to sb. (slíbit někomu), do mad (zešílet),

a carton of milk (karton. krabice mléka), a  cup of tea (šálek čaje), a bar of chocolate (tabulka čokolády), a slice of bread (krajíc chleba), a jar of honey (sklenice medu), a bowl of soup (miska polévky),

SB. p.63 ex. 1  do the listening and answer the 3 questions

You can look forward to learning new grammar 🙂



Lesson 9: 11th March


Yvi and Jan, thank you for conversation!

DRILLS: 94, 95,96,97



while (chvilka, zatímco), to be afraid of -ing (obávat se něčeho), to be born (narodit se)

SB listening 8.1. p. 62 match the food and drink with the picture

Come to start the new lecture!


Lesson 8: 4th March

Reni and Jan, thank you for coming! U7 is finished successfully!!

DRILLS: 94, 95, 96, 97



mud (bláto), grass (tráva), crash (narazit), hit (uhodit, srazit), talk to (muvit s někým), strange (zvláštní), do laundry (prát prádlo), do ironing (žehlit), self sufficient (soběstačný),

SB listening 8.1. p. 62 match the food and drink with the picture

Hope to see you all!!!



Lesson 7: 26th February

Yvi, Magdi, thank you for your hard work

Warm up: questions and answers in past simple

DRILLS: 72, 63, 94, 95, 96, 97

TEST U7: check your emails!!!


wild (divoký), brave (statečný), flu (chřipka), alarm clock (budík), switch on/off (zapnout/vypnout), puppy (štěně), gain (získat), underestimate (podceňovat), wrok mate (kolega z práce), do for living (živit se něčím),


Reni, Jene: we revised the past simple and the irregular verbs – mainly in questions and answers, conversation

Hope to see all of you!


Lesson 6: 12th February


Warm up: revise pls QUESTIONS and answers in past simple (grammar sum up on p. 146, 147!!!)

DRILLS: 25, 26, 27, 72, 63, 94, 95, 96, 97

NOODLEBOOK: 7.11 (v mailu!!!!) Marie Curie


muzzle (čumák), stranger (cizí člověk), sleepwalking (náměsíčný), patient (trpělivý), in one go (na 1 zátah), downstairs x down the stairs!!

chemist (chemik), scientist (vědec), recieve (obdržet), radioactivity (radioaktivita), element (prvek), laboratory (laboratoř), prize (ocenění), X-ray (rentgen), use (užití, použití), at that time (v té době), invent (vynalézt), discover (objevit), do research (dělat výzkum), after 5 yeras of teaching, make possible (umožnit), fear (bát se), physics (fyzika), success (úspěch),

Do not come to the lesson the next week – only4 is closed due to spring holidays!!!

Hope to see all of you on 26th February!



Lesson 5: 5th February


Great job ladies!

WARM Up: your own short story  (using the adverbs, p. 60!!!)

DRILLS: 25, 26, 27, 72, 63, 94



irregular verbs!

mime (pantomima), fan (fanoušek), excited about (vzrušený kvůli), polite (slušný), fluently (plynule), destination (destinace), mostly (většinou), according to (podle), rest (odpočinout), curly (kudrnatý), get a haircut (nechat se ostříhat), be aware of (být si vědom, mít na vědomí), once a year (jednou za rok), before (před), thief /thieves (zloděj/zloději), series (seriál), pancake (palačinka)

Listening 7.8. (tapescript on page 126!) p.60 Noises in the night, listen and write down the used adverbs


Hope to see all of you the next week!



Lesson 4: 29th January


Thank you for coming and for your hard work! You worked wonderfully!

DRILLS: 25, 26, 27, 72, 63, 94



like + verb-ing (mít rád + sloveso v ing tvaru), except (kromě), introduce myself (představit se), at that time (v té době), in those days (v těchto dnech), reason (důvod), sad (smutný), serious (vážný), take somebody seriously (brát někoho vážně), I have nothing to do. (Nemám co dělat.),

Students´book p.60 ex. 5 Telling story– complete the sentences with your own ideas

Magdi, look at the page 182 – irregular verbs


I am looking forward to seeing you the next lesson!



Lesson 3: 22nd January

Thank you for coming and for your hard work!

We will have a new collegue coming the next lesson, pls, be ready to introduce yourself!


DRILLS: 25, 26, 27, 72, 63



take photoes (fotit), alone (sám), hate (nesnášet), make a mistake (udělat chybu), have lunch/breakfast (obědvat, snídat), be born (narodit se), get on holiday, butcher (řezník), poor area (chudinská čvrť), poverty (chudoba), wealth (bohatství), sort of=kind of, cross (kříž), join (připojit), until 1964 (do roku), math (matematika), rest of his life (po zbytek svého života),


See you the next week!



Lesson 2: 15th January

Thank you for coming! It was great to see all of you!

topic: speak about one person´s life events (family member, friend) and use the time prepositions 

DRILLS: 25, 26, 27, 72, 63

NOODLEBOOK: 7.3 (time prepositions)


choice (volba, výběr), jogging (běhání), social worker(sociální pracovník), elderly people(staří lidé-senioři), sense of life (smysl života), argumentative (konfliktní), accountant, educator (vychovatel), satisfied (spokojený), make phone calls (telefonovat, udělat si tel. hovory), on time (včas), arrive at (přijet někam), term (semestr, pololetí), make up (vymyslet)

SB p. 138 ex. 2  and 135 ex.2 read the articles about Bill´s life, translate to understand


Hope to see all of you again!



Lesson 1, 8th January


Hello everybody,

Yvi and Reni, thank you for coming yesterday.

Jan, we hope to see you the next lesson!

topic: talk about your job, What did you do yesterday?


DRILLS: 17,25,26,27, 72,



annual (roční), report (zpráva), summary (shrnutí, souhrn), beletry (beletrie), enjoy (užít), during (během), driving licence (řidičský průkaz), until = till (dokud ne), be broken (zlomený/být švorc), admire (obdivovat), war (válka), soldier (voják), weapon (zbraň), old fashioned (zastaralý), theory (teorie), suitable (vhodný), century (století), event (událost)

SB. : p. 54, try to answer the 20th century quiz

Have a nice week, Hana




Dear students!

I wish you all the best, may the year 2024 is great and successful for you! 🙂

Looking  forward to seeing all of you on 8th January!




Lessson 13 (substitution lesson)


Dear students, we enjoyed the Christmas lesson – we revised the Christmas vocabulary while filling the crossword, we discuss our family habits and traditions, we shared advent atmoshpere and Christmas preparations 🙂

During the Christmas Holidays you can revise drills and Christmas vocabulary (last two lessons)

DRILLS: 17, 19, 64, 72, 93, 95, 96, 97


to like+verb-ing, lentils, habits=customs, invite family members, fast x fast (to see the golden pig:-), wish, ginger breads, ornaments/decoration, coloured lights, both, carp/salmon, belief/believe, wooden Nativity scene, New Years Day/Eve, wrap and unwrap the gifts, traditions, potatoe salads, figh/mushroom soup, fireworks, family event/party,

In the new years lesson we will start studying new unit! Unit 7!


I wish you Merry Christmas, all the best in the New Year 2024, may you stay healthy and happy 🙂

See you on 8th January !



Lesson 12: 4th December


The next lesson, at the same time the last lesson of this year, be ready to share the CHRISTMAS atmosphere…

DRILLS: 17, 64, 72, 93. 95, 96, 97


guess, saint, Christian, poor, nowadays, is known, fairy tales, Christmas bread, handy craft, desk board game, mulled wine, Nativity scene/Christmas cribs, wreath, to bake sweets, Christmas carol

Looking forward to singing the Christmas carols!:-)




Lesson 11: 27th November


Dear students, pls be ready for unit 6 revision + drills !!! Try to think about CHRISTMAS vocabulary 🙂

Yvi, we revised contiguously Irregular verbs, prepositions of place (also in, at, on), adjectives -ed x -ing, and ordinal numbers…you can do the test at home at least…


DRILLS: 17, 64, 72, 93, 95, 96, 97


Unit 6 revision, TEST:  test here



casual x formal clothing, get dressed=put something on, get undressed=take something off, ocasion, wear glasses, carry handbag, underwear, frightened, always, stay, amazed,


I am looking forward to the next lesson!




Lesson 10: 20th November


For the next lesson, do you like formal or casual clothing?

DRILLS: 17, 64, 72, 93, 95, 96, 97



pass, turn off, on time, lend x borrow, wild, dangerous, exciting, forrest/wood, It depends on…, return


Be ready for test – Lend x borrow, can, can´t/could, couldn´t, was, were/wasn´t, weren´t

Be ready for revision of IRREGULAR verbs


SB.p 55 Listening 7.2, listen and tick the things they talk about



Lesson 9: 13th November


Dear Yvi and Jan,

we revised with Renča (individual lesson again 🙂 vocabulary concerning the article The Businessmen and the fisherman (SB p. 50,51, noodlebook 6.8).

We aimed also at the IRREGULAR verbs, and past forms of the verb to BE and CAN, plus the prepositions IN, AT, ON

To all of you:

The next lesson please be ready for a similar revision – Prepositions, irregular verbs, past tense of the verb to BE and CAN, …

DRILLS: 17, 64, 72, 93, 95, 96, 97

NOODLEBOOK: 5.4 (can/could, lend/borrow)


foreign languages, reply, cannot x can´t (výslovnost), rest of the day, competition, be worried about, as well, I don ´t mind it., He changed his mind., thankful, should, would


I really wish to see all of you! We were missing you with Renča 🙂





Lesson 8: 6th November


Renča enjoyed her individual lesson 🙂

Yvi and Jan, please try to go through the vocabulary, we revised the IN, ON, AT prepositions and listened to the Businessmen and fishermen on the page 50. The next lesson we will work with the whole article again..

For the next lesson, think about AUTUMN WEATHER…

DRILLS: 13, 64, 72, 93, 95, 96, 97



All Saints´Day (1.11.), All Souls´Day (2.11.), ancestors, cemetery, light the candles, wreath, be lucky x be happy, instead of, not at all, classmate, surprised, grandchildren, thank for, each other, and so on, until, enough, rest, think about, advice, for four hours, How long did it take you to…?


SB. p. 50-51 Listening 6.11, Listen and fill in the missing words

Hope to see ALL of YOU the next lesson 🙂




Lesson 7: 30th October


You already understand the prepositions of place, be also ready to speak about All Saints´ Day. Do you celebrate this day? Do you visit any of your ancestors at the cemetery?

DRILLS: 13, 64, 72, 93, 95, 96, 97



average, ordinary, study field, earn, All Saints´Day, for the first time / for the last time, do homework/housework, tell somebody, I have nothing to do., walk by the river, humble, colonnade, countryside, nature, mountains, hiking, business trip, sightseeings/monuments, equipment, agriculture, in front of /opposite to

prepositions IN, ON, AT

SB. p.50, Listening 6.11 Listen to the first two articles, try to translate for you to understand.

Stay safe and see you next week!



Lesson 6: 23rd October

Thank you for your work, I would like you to speak about your favourite PLACES, places which you like visiting and why?

DRILLS: 13, 64, 72, 93, 95, 96, 97

NOODLEBOOK: 6.5 (Oprah)


look after, coal mine, miner, scholarship, receive, childhood, around x about, older than me, doesn´t matter, paddle, siblings, in a week, again, behaviour, in front of, between, above, behind, next to, under

Prepositions IN. AT, ON, procvičit

I believe, you can do your best!



Lesson 5: 16th October

Thank you for your hard work! For the next lesson please think about your childhood, try to describe shortly a funny story that happened to you!

DRILLS: 13, 72, 93, 95, 96, 97



harvest, chestnut, kite running, pumpkin, chop wood, plum vodka/spread, darkness, dangerous, lucky x happy, everywhere/everything/everybody, own, at 17, point (18.5 =eighteen point five), successful, disaster, accountant, story, childhood, rarely, naughty, paint a fence, part time job + describing feelings (tired, annoyed, bored, interested in, exited, suprised, worried)

SB p. 46, read the article B about Oprah´s  childhood, try to translate and think about your childhood (make up 4-5 sentences)

Hopefully to see all of you the next week!




Lesson 4: 9th October

For the next lesson, do you like AUTUMN? What can we do in autumn?

DRILLS:  93, 95,  96, 97, 72


VOCABULARY:  Please, be ready for a revision 🙂

grandparents, great-grandparents, agriculture, engineer, be retired, poor x rich, siblings, electrician, laundry service, nursery school/kindergarten, break up with sb., unclear, on time, make a mistake, many years ago, flu, lose a game/ a match, on a train, prefer sth. to sth., scratch card, during, lesson, at the bus station, spend time/money, take time, excited x exciting, tired x tiring, worried x worrying, annoyed x annoying, interested in x interesting, …and IRREGULAR VERBS

SB. p. 49 read the article about BEN WAY, fill – in the verbs in past tense and highlight unknown vocabulary

Do your best!



Lesson 3: 2nd October


You got better at speaking!

Think about the topic for the next lesson: MY PARENTS and GRANDPARENTS. Prepare 3-4 sentences about: What can you say about your parents and grandparents?

DRILLS:  26, 27, 93, 95, 97,


VOCABULARY: Can we take the test again? 🙂

living, reconstruction, move, three-bedroom flat, block of flats, floor, lift/elevator, top floor, in a good shape, large garden, person, maintenance, receive, later x letter, upstairs, noise, get lost, relatives, pass an exam, celebrate anniversary, ordinal numbers



say, see, sell, send, sing, sit, sleep, speak, spend, stand, swim, take, teach, tell, think, try, understand, wake, wear, win, write


SB:  page 52 Look at the pictures in exercise 1 and try to match the feelings to the pictures 





Lesson 2: 25th september

I hope you enjoyed last lesson! Your HW here:

DRILLS:  17, 20, 25, 95

NOODLEBOOK:  past simple regular 6.2

VOCABULARY: be ready for a small test again! 🙂

daily/ a day, walk, wood/forrest, basement, Spanish, be satisfied with, bad choice, on holiday, tools for machinery industry, at this time, play the drums, at the weekend, amazing, at noon, exercise, a slice of bread, beef, clerk, insurance, sales/business representative, customer, hours, spent time, salary/wage, machinary maintanance, make/produce, training

Irregular verbs: St. book p- 182 FLY-RUN


STUDENT BOOK:  p.53/ex. 1  –Listening 6.14 (Listen, choose and write the correct form of every ordinal number)


For Renata:

We talked about our jobs – What do you do? What is your job? Are you satisfied with your job?








Dear students of AMP9 course, welcome!

Mondays 16:00-17:30
Room: 1
Teacher: Hana Dudrová (
Book: New Headway Elementary 4th edition (Student’s Book)
Listening: here!
Datumář: here

DRILLs: info here

Videos for your grammar revision: here


HW 18th September

DRILLS: 8, 13, 17, 25

NOODLEBOOK: 5.1  (pokud zatím nemáte noodlebook, přikládám v .pdf)

VOCABULARY: both, like sports, thrilling, to share, work as a/an….., abroad, improve, than me, series/episode, each, at fortnight, smart, waste of time, poetry, play chess, on Sunday, true x false,

přineste si s sebou prosím i papír s poslední aktivitou …FIND SOMEONE WHO…, dokončili bychom ji (pokud se vám papír zatoulal, don´t worry! budu mít s sebou)

zopakujte si nepravidelná slovesa od to be – to find: SB page 182

be, become, begin, break, bring, build, buy, can, catch, choose, come, cost, cut, do, draw, drink, drive, eat, fall, feel, find


Looking forward to seeing you next week!