Wednesday 16.05 pm

Room: 5

Teacher: Mgr. Magda Oškerová (

 tel. 731528843

Student’s book: Headway Intermediate 5th edition



15th January

Hello everybody,

because we had a new student Šárka, we spent a lot of time speaking.

Vocabulary: improve, endseal – konečné těsnění, road, do ironing, documentary, reach, sweat, sweaty

Homework: please think of a good film or a book or a song you saw, read, heard last year and write at least 10 sentences about it/ them.

Thank you very much



11th December

Hello everybody,

this lesson only Verča was present – we had a nice chat:-) also checked our homework and learn some facts and vocab about Christmas.

Vocabulary: cramps – křeče, unconscious – v bezvědomí, anxious, not at all, bargain, negotiate, series, mysterious case

Homework: NB 3.1 fill in (p.43)

Wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Get some rest and see you all in January 8th.



4th December

Hello guys,

This lesson we had a look at active and passive voice (činný a trpný rod) SB 33 + SB 143

Homework: SB 33/3 -put the verbs in the Present passive……

NB 3.5

Vocabulary: belt, butcher´s, firefighter, plumber, builder, dustman, presenter, gardener, admire, on average, annual salary, pocket money, workforce, household,

See you next week.



27th November

Hello everybody,

there was only Renča P. and I in the lesson today. We missed you but we managed 🙂

We did the beige part in SB on p.33 (Who earns how much in Britain), including the listening – transcript p.131 (3.7). So please read it for new vocabulary.

Homework: NB 3.4

Vocabulary: annual salary, mortgage, spare, divide, GP – general practician, lambing, bunch, dull, constantly, twins, triplets,environment, disappear, reappear, thrilling, thrill, downside X upside, deserve, glamorous, I´m about to retire.

Thank you and see you next week.




20th November

Hello everybody,

this lesson we read the text about Gary on page 31 – learn the new vocabulary

Vocabulary: suffer from, all over the world, in the world, belong to, adore, moustache, orienteering, sparkler, fortnight

Homework: NB 3.3

Thank you for the lessson and see you next week.




13th November

Hi everybody,

this lesson we had a look at grammar on page 31 (blue chart) and page 142 – Unit 3 (3.1 -3.4). Read it through and if you have any questions, I will answer them in the class next week.

Homework: NB 3.2

Vocabulary: cheeky, spoilt, manipulative, Me neither. I don´t watch news, either. Desire, goose, goat, mass, cabbage, sauerkraut, rubber, work out, out of context


See you



6th November

Hello everybody,

we missed you, Verčo.

Homework: NB 3.1 fill in (p.43)

Vocabulary: overcowded, according to, sawmill, flexible working hours, kettle, knit + vocab from the listening (transcript p.131)

See you next week.



30th October

Hi everybody,

in this lesson we talked about jobs in SB on page 30 and did listening 3.2 – only Gary and Joan. So Renčo and Renčo, have a look at the transcript on page 131. Next lesson we are going to listen the rest of the listening (Kyle and Bonnie).

Vocabulary: pram, buggy, stroller, nephew, niece, archery, useless, appropriate / ly, sustainability, avoid, life – lives, knife – knives, wife – wives.

Homework: NB 3.1

Drills: 63, 55, 43, 17

Thank you for coming. Hope you enjoyed the lesson as much as I did.



23th October

Hello everybody,

we missed you, Olda.

Vocabulary: employee, employer, fountain, queue, drain, squirrel, cliff, village / countryside, suburbs, coast, pull out, wrinkles, hydrate, x-ray, victim

Homework: NB 2.12

Drills: 63, 55, 43, 17

Thank you, see you  next week



16th October

Hello everybody,

thanks for coming. Here is your homework:   NB 2.10 + SB 28 – notice how we indicate mistakes (Gr=grammar, Sp= spelling….)

Vocabulary: contain, attachement,argue, get on well, cloth, monetary – peněžní, envy,manners, behave, behaviour, compensation, complain, complaint, irrepleceable, immature, knit, breed

Drills: 63, 55, 43, 17

Thank you, see you next week.



9th October

Hi guys,

thank you for a lovely lesson. Verčo, get better soon 🙂


Vocabulary: resistatnt, satisfied, reliable, shade, inhabitants, earwig – škvor, campside, to have a second thought, collocation

strong coffee / muscles / words / taste/ stomach/relationship

enrich vocabulary / language/ experience

get married / down / cold/ lost / better / worse /

heavy metal / rain / tools / meal / bleeding/ heart

feel / look / seem heavy

high school / level / peak / marge /expectations /

jump / reach high

make dinner / a cake / a mistake / a promise / sure / sense

Homework: NB 2.9

Have a nice day. See you next week.




2nd October

Thank you for coming, girls. Nice meeting you, Renčo.

Vocabulary: field, approach, tense – slovesný čas, amount, invoice, I don´t think so,  personally, arrangement, appointment, participant, participate, take part, beat, toes, flawless, trace – stopa

Homework: SB 27/5 (word formation), 6 ( words that go together)

NB 2.9

Revise SB 27/ Everyday situations

Drills: 63, 55, 43, 17


Look forward to seeing you all next week.




25th September

Thank you Renčo and Verčo for coming. It was nice meeting you. Look forward to meeting Olda and Renča H.

Because I rush here from a company in Otrokovice and sometimes the traffic is bad, we agreeed with girls that we would start 5 min. later –  at 16:05. Hope you don´t mind. Thank you a lot!

Vocabulary: research, term, tense – slovesný čas, tent, sleeping bag, chef, adventure, at the seaside, it depends, compulsory X optional, hike, trek

Drills: 63, 55, 43, 17

Homework: fill-in present, past, future

revise vocab from June and also the phrases from SB p.27


Have a nice day



LESSON 26.6.

I loved teaching you and it’s been a pleasure to get to know you all.

Take care and enjoy some rest. 🙂

Vocabulary: co-worker, participant, member, sample, delivery, AC, witness, crash, bumper, handwriting, longhand, dishes, disease, mother-in-law, spit, pre-packed, pork, beef, livers, nest, crazy, hen, appointment, leave a tip, accept, pigeon, parrot, scientific proof, Fall, autumn




LESSON 19.6.

vocabulary: goat, draw (like a score in a match), to rear animals, plantain


– drills: 41, 59, 54, 56, 94


– bring a photocopy on the topic of animal rights

– p.27/ex.2

Next Wednesday is our last class of the trimester together. I hope to see you all there. I look forward to seeing you. 🙂



LESSON 12.6.

vocabulary: immortal, Greece, citizenship, trim, filling, walking distance, stuck, urgent, appointment, lovely,


– drills: 41, 59, 54, 56, 94

– noodles 2.11.

Have a nice rest of the week. 🙂





vocabulary: pacifier, captivating, complain, trait, to get along with, lizard, elbow, break up (relationship), dairy products, decade, century, borders


– drills: 41, 59, 54, 56, 94

– noodles 2.8.

Have a nice day 🙂

PS Next class will be substituted by my very nice colleague.



LESSON 29.5.

Work harder! 🙂

vocabulary: sleepy, confess, sort, pace, exhausted x excited, attempt, art, interested in, interests, pale, rainforest, flour, egg yolk, egg white, toe, boost, to be wort it, it suits you, bring up, round, period, topic, casual, ability, fireworks, firefighter, cage, cave, valve, lice, flea, bedbug, badbug, nationality, pets, pros and cons


– drills: 41, 59, 54, 56, 94

– finish the fill-in 2.2. (questions 7-12)

Take care. 🙂


PS Next class will be substituted by my very nice colleague.





LESSON 22.5.

Good job, guys 🙂

vocabulary: ceremony, dough, sloth, safe x dangerous, flower pot, sleep rough or sleeping under stars (spaní pod širákem), bow tie, pick, (dis)advantage


– drills: 41, 59, 54, 56, 94

– fill-in 2.2.

Have a nice day. 🙂




LESSON 15.5.

Nice to see you 🙂

vocabulary: glove, concomitant, steering wheel, to rate, parade, march, dorms, hall of residence, draft, run out of, to shrink, shrink away, to tie a tie, aurora, bright, useless, grumble about+ weather vocabulary: storm – stormy, fog – foggy, sunny – mostly sunny, windy, snowy, snowflake, icicle, icy, hot, cold, cool, chilly, boiling hot, gale, wind, breeze, dew, rainbow, sleet, hailstone, hail, snow, thunde, lightning, showers, drizzle, clear, bright, gloomy, mist, frosty, muggy, damp, scorching, stifling, downpour (+ It’s raining cats and dogs.) + from the listening: throughout, isolated, patch, to clear up, elsewhere, heatwave, to make way for, disappear


– drills: 41, 59, 54, 56, 94

– Hmw

– read the transcript and answer the questions 1-6 in task 2 ( highlight the correct answers in the text)

Keep calm & everything will get better. 🙂




Thank you for coming. 🙂

vocabulary: movable, concrete, cliff, shrink, reduce, verge post, tread pattern, morse code, tiler, knot, compulsory, polyglot, district/county, to tile the bathroom, perform, performance, ability, deep immersion, get stuck with a word, hunger to learn, pointing at things, turn/make a profit, adventure, remote, rock up, grasp, offended, constantly, stint, stick, get on top of, whereas, polite, appreciate, effort, endless


– drills: 41, 59, 54, 56, 94

– noodles 2.7.

– finish ex.5/p.25

Take care. 🙂



LESSON 30.4.

You are great! 🙂

vocabulary: sightseeing, breastfeeding, survey, baby’s dummy/comforter, useless, scythe, board games, Burning Witches, bonfire, seedling/young plant, carbon footprint, flat, tourist inustry, labour, sailor, extinct, yell, wheel, strange, gossip, insurace, bill (2 meanings), bright, heavy rain, go forward/backward


– drills: 41, 59, 54, 56, 94

– noodles 2.6.

Take care and see you on Tuesday. 🙂




LESSON 24.4.

What a nice lecture. Thank you for coming, Simona. 🙂

vocabulary: flat tyre, fewer, fever, sleepy, on purpose, underground, shelter, bomb, moving movie, subtitles, available, fingers crossed, bonfire, small-sausage, allround, donate, contribute, recall, spinach, herb, mint, thyme, camomile, parsley, dry, persistent cough, groom, bride, hen party, stag party, pre-wedding party, cure, addiction, addicted, toothless, aisle, attention, maid of honour, MUA (make-up artist), hairdresser, keg, owner, run out of, guide, crown, mesmerizing, achieve, pet friendly office, cauliflower, rhino, hamster, mud, stinky, sticky, manure, remove, yell, medical-check, collect, spare car parts, braces, tooth cavity


– drills: 41, 59, 54, 56, 94

– HMW adverbs (from previous class)

+ study the new vocabulary

Take care and see you on Tuesday. 🙂




LESSON 17.4.

What a nice lecture. 🙂

Vocabulary: rate, over-rate, negotiate, be able to, hide, law, keep, meet, decide, arrest, confess, crush, fear, heights, depths, skyscraper, canvas, real estate, P.E., based on a true story, temple, white lie, appearance, flat tyre, poor, reputation, it’s getting worse, drop a university, understandable, countless, struggle, keen on, willing, enrich, spark, passion



– drills: 41, 59, 54, 56 + 94

– HMW adverbs

Have a nice day. 🙂



LESSON 10.4.

Thank you for coming, Olda! That was a cool lecture. 🙂

vocabulary: coffee shop, roastery, dessert, afford, go well/ go right, refreshment, thirsty, pull, forward, backward, Venice, data protection, cocoa, struggle, scientific reasons, funeral, coffin, urn, buried in a grave, cremated, burned, rubbish, trash, dustman, (pair of) tweezers, stub/cigarette butt, volunteer, property/piece of real estate/immovable property, deal with, pack of wolves/dogs, bill (2 meanings – účet, zobák), attitude, sake of, encourage, be in favour, sick and tired, wait and see, black and white, leaps and bounds, in this age and age, few and far between, first and foremost, think long and hard


– drills: 41, 59, 54 +56

– HMW: modal verbs

Take care 🙂





It was nice to see you all. 🙂

vocabulary: resistance, resistance fighter, deal with, illness, loaf, health condition, hangover, brave, soldier, struggle, leather, assignment, feel well, get rid of, rabbit, hare, undercarriage, shelter, mortgage (take out a mortgage), force, dump, pollution, order/command, drag in, treatment, pimple, handbag, victim, proof


– drills: 41, 59, 54

– create 5 questions that include vocabulary we have learned in the last 3 months (the questions must be useful for the follow-up conversation)

Have a nice rest of the week. 🙂




LESSON 27.3.

Thank you for coming, Simona and Renata. 🙂

vocabulary: doorstep, chance, polyglot, assignment, approach, supernatural beings, contraceptive, the Middle Ages, bounce, take off, marten, workman, labourer, rock plant, unpleasant, development, outrage, reluctant, allow, sacred, outnumbers, complaint, broadcast, attempt, aware of, ruthless, shelf, boardgames, greenhouse, seeds, lamb, follow the traditions, robbed, kidnap, honest, dishonest, drink-drive, fluent level, co-workers, switch, diapers, flea, rat


– drills: 41, 59, 54

– answer the reading-related questions (from the photocopy – The sale of the human organs)

– Modal verbs – hmw

Enjoy the Easter holiday. :)





LESSON 20.3.

You’re great! Keep up the hard work! 🙂

vocabulary: German Shepherd Dog, tempting, home-made, world-famous, sun-tanned, much-loved, charming, disappointed, long-lasting, ancient, grocery, hairstyle, hairdresser, be sloppy, mad, mud, compulsory, huge, hug, seek, hens, swimwear, temptation, rip off, lathe + lathe operator/turner = soustružník, caster/pourer = slévač, blacksmith/farrier = kovář



– drills: 41, 59, 54, 22, 4

– finish the exercise (modal verbs) I gave you in today’s class

HMW – modal verbs

Have a nice day 🙂




LESSON 13.3.

What a nice class. 🙂

vocabulary: fall asleep, noon, midnight, ladder, stare, dizzy, irchy and scratchy, seagull, pitch, hug, coffin, tricky, tempting, whisper, whistle, collar, CPW (cost per wear), request, treatment, corneas, close relative, donate, donor, kneel down, pray, bite nails, blow up, clap, kicking football

TABOO TOPIC: The sale of human organs


– drills: 67, 77, 49, 41 , 22

-noodles from the previous class (adjectives)

– have a quick look at page 24 in the textbook  – ex.1

Next time, please bring the photocopies.

Next time we’ll do a new grammar – modal verbs. So you can look forward to it.  😉

See you next Wednesday.




Thank you for coming, Renata and Simona. 🙂

vocabulary: (be in) bloom, catch-caught-caught, raise, angered/annoyed, ashamed, curious, elbow, cover, follow the rules, pants, butt, jumpsuit, behaviour, expectation, coward, bobsleight, brake, brewery, keg, cast, bitter, in row, pleasure, liver sauce, meatloaf, semolina porridge (krupicová kaše), ingredients, weather forecast


– drills: 67, 77, 49, 41 + 22

-noodles from the previous class

HMW – adjectives (not  only -ed/-ing)

Have a nice day. 🙂

PS Hope to see you all next time. 🙂



LESSON 28.2.

Olda, thank you for a great conversational class. 🙂

vocabulary:force, crime, citizenship, harbour, behave, manners, fluent, christians, sweaty, development, gun licence, exceptionally, picky eater, pick-up, mud, along, wetsuit, seal, seagull, proof, prove, evidence, punishment, horse barn, loft, embarrass, ashamed, court/trial, workman/labourer, admit, accept, jewish, weird, preventive measures


– drills: 72, 67, 77, 55, 28, 49, 41

– fill-in from the previous class (adjectives -ed/-ing)

– noodles: Hmw

See you next Wednesday 🙂





LESSON 14.2.

Keep up the hard work. You’re doing great! 🙂

vocabulary: Shrovetide, forbbiden, dream, date, bed and breakfast (accommodation), dating app, love letter, long-distance relationship, reply, less, the least, recently, allowed to, afford to, cough, disgusting, vomit, medical high school, Cinderella, Super Bowl, balls, gender, altogether, astonish, attempt, simplify, among, addition, include, hangry, accidentally


– drills: 72, 67, 77, 55, 28, 49

– fill-in HMW (adjectives -ed/-ing, conncted with the drill 72)

– next time we will do ex. 1/p. 22 in the textbook

Have a nice day and see you on February 28th. 🙂





Olda, thank you for a great conversational class. 🙂

vocabulary: unforgettable, shame, death end, sustainibility, reward, estate/land, igloo, equipment, comparison, grateful, suit (slušet/padnout), guest, shy, shyness, steepness, remote, seasonal, glamping, permission, chassis/undercarriage (podvozek), raise, upbringing, avoid, mental health, horse barn


– drills: 72, 67, 77, 55, 39

– noodles 2.5.

– ex.5/p.21 in the textbook

See you on Wednesday. 🙂





LESSON 31.1.

What a nice class. 🙂

vocabulary: season, episodes, escape, water well, meatloaf, run out of, raid of the Tartars, wine tasting, nercy, sympathy, angle, lifetime buddy, keg, cask, mess, AD, consonats, priest, bishop

grammar from today’s class: AUXILIARY VERBS

here you can do an exercise to practice it once again Auxiliary verbs
+ to see if your answers are correct _ here is the Key


– drills: 72, 67, 77, 55, 62, 39

– noodles 2.4.




LESSON 24.1.

Good job, guys! 🙂

vocabulary: high/low tide, sand, deal with, cuisine, diverse, various, coastline, roof, mileage, switch on, birthday card, fries, get rid of, wardrobe, bargain, target, butcher, shy, stage fright, swap, scrooge, ATM, disappear, development


– drills: 72, 67, 77, 55, 62, 39

– noodles 2.3.

In the next lesson we will do ex 2 at the page 20 and ex. 1+2 at the 21 in the textbook

Have a nice rest of the week 🙂




LESSON 17.1.

What a great lesson, ladies! 🙂

vocabulary: celery, salary, mileage, tired x tyres, tangerine, exhausted > tired, Eden, wrinkles, whale, improve, appear, sign + migraine, chickenpox, rashes (red spots), fluid filled blisters, aches, pain, cramps, constipation, vomiting, loss of appetite, cough, sore throat, runny nose, stuffy nose, headache, tiredness, pain that throbs/pulses, nausea, sesitivity to light/sounds, difficulty hearing, discharge running out of the ear, itching around the ear

idioms: be/feel/look under the weather, be coming down with something, be out of sorts, be sick as a dog, take turn for worse

+ duckbill (ptakopysk)


– drills: 29, 72, 67, 77

– noodles 2.2.

In the next lesson we will start Unit2 in the textbook (page 20 ex. 1+2).

Take care 🙂




LESSON 10.1.

Good job, guys. It was nice to see you all after a while. 🙂

vocabulary: limb, cough, earache, wrinkles, wrist, sprained, vision board, exhausted > tired, occupation, grammar school, grades, junk food, life expectancy, centenarians, knee, thumb, appartment, gas boiler/cooker, snowfall, avalanche risk, fireworks, scale, midnight, wallet, Fairy Tales, lose/gain weight, New Year’s resolutions



– drills: 29, 72, 67, 77

– noodles 2.1.

+ review the words and translate the ones you don’t know from this document


In the next lesson we will do a role play (doctor’s appointment) and start Unit2 in the textbook.

Have a nice rest of the week :)





LESSON 6.12.

Today was the last lesson of the fall/winter trimester.

See you on Wednesday, January 10th.

Take care and have a wonderful Christmas. 🙂


vocabulary: juniper (jalovec), family living, eggnok (vaječňák), slaughter, the richiest, wage, salary, donate, donor, fur farm, mink (norek), fox, deserve, refreshments, realised, roof, entertaining

Topic for the next lesson: human body parts, diseases/illnesses (you can prepare related vocabulary)





LESSON 29.11.

One of the best sessions ever! Thank you, guys! 🙂

vocabulary: crutch (berla), threat (hrozba, výhrůžka), mulled wine, punch, afraid of, a bit of coward, flawless, boobs, breasts, subscription, weird, voracious, lungs, due to, plot


– drills: 49, 67, 96, 29

Christmas noodles

Take care 🙂




LESSON 22.11.

What a great conversation class! Thank you, Renata. 🙂

vocabulary: maintenance, misunderstanding, mathematical formula, unpeeled egg, camper van, earthquake, tent, joint, nurse, nursery (jesle), tie, floods, spider’s net, income, enemy (nepřítel) x enema (klystýr), herbs, create a breed, scholarship, childhood, strike


– drills: 49, 67, 96, 62, 29

– AMP14 – Final revision

Have a nice day. 🙂




LESSON 15.11.

Good job, Renata and Olda! 🙂


17th November:  Struggle for Fredom Day: gathered, commemorate, held on, in opposition, occupation, rapidly, turn into, oppressive communist regime, co-called, Velvet Revolution, significance, salvation, human power to reflect, meekness,

+ prolonged, extended, shore (pobřeží), public holiday, bank holiday, invite, invitation, pig slaughter, become mature (dozrát), upper body, lower body, tits, boobs, unknown, enemy, rollercoaster


– drills: 49, 67, 96, 62, 29

– noodles: 1.12

– Next time, we’ll do the listening  ex. 5+6 (page 17)  and we’ll do the reading ex. 3+5 (page 18)

Enjoy the extended weekend. 🙂




LESSON 8.11. 

Good job, guys! It was nice to see you all. 🙂

vocabulary: goose, duck, breasts, pumpkin, chisel, lantern, urn, coffin, condition, conifer, pine, bold, foreigners, occupation, chambermaid, pale, carnivore, herbivore, temptation + Taboo topic: heaven x hell, amusing, reputation, survey, conduct, various areas, politeness, willingness, cultural sensitivity, range of, unanimously, chain, tip, tippers, according to, afraid of, snobby = snobbish, rubbish, unbelievable, real feel, appreciation, polite, friendly, loud, generous, open-minded, tidy, quiet, mean, rude, unfriendly, messy, intolerant



– drills: 95, 49, 55, 67, 96, 62, 42, 28, 29

– noodles: 1.12

– Next time, we’ll quickly finish listening to ex. 2+3 and we’ll do ex. 4

+ Recall the endings of the adjectives -ed/-ing (drill 72)





LESSON 1.11.

What a nice class. 🙂

Vocabulary: to be the centre of attention (být středem pozornosti), brewery, spirits, stake/bet (sázka), preparation, replace, useless, cemetery, (Young) Pioneer camp (pionýrský tábor), cones (šišky), wreath (věnec), artificial intelligence (AI) –> I use, meal x meat, switch on/off, harsh, propose, roastery, take part in, sunbathe, increase x decrease, pitch, asylum, nude, naked, grass snake (užovka), hall of residence (internát)


– drills: 95, 49, 55, 67, 96, 62, 42, 28, 29

– noodles 1.11

– have a look at page 16  in the textbook –  be ready for listening

See you next week 🙂




LESSON 25.10.

Good job, guys! 🙂

Vocabulary: cousin, Middle East (Blízký východ), tender/gentle/mellow (něžný, jemný, mírný), responsibility, responsible, spoilt, non-dominant, confident, surroundings, cheer up, wildlife, avoide, behave nicely, good manners, breathing techniques, purpose, harm, It’s not my cup of tea., have in common, judge, go with the flow, pace, field, calm down, modest, lock, accuracy, I can’t wait any longer.


– drills: 95, 49, 55, 67, 96, 62, 42 + 28, 29 (grading of adjectives)

– What interesting happened in the world? Get ready your news (at least 1 each of you).

– have a look at page 16  in the textbook –  be ready for listening

Take care 🙂



LESSON 18.10.

Simona, thanks for a great conversation class. 🙂

Vocabulary: asylum, nursery, wealfare, beet /beetroot (červená řepa), sugar beet/sugar-beet (cukrová řepa), bedbug, rabies, Jew, religion, pork, poor, dumpster, recommend, collector, flexible hours, , shelf, tour guide, swallow, greenhouse, plant, wisdom tooth, eggplant, peppers, terrorist attack

Homework remains the same.


– drills: 95, 49, 55, 67, 96, 62, 42

– noodles: 1.10.

– have a quick look at page 16  in the textbook – highlight the new vocabulary (ex.1) & be ready for listening ex.2

See you next Wednesday. 🙂



LESSON 11.10.

You’re getting better and better. 🙂

Vocabulary: boar (kanec), fallow deer (daněk), roe deer (srnec), doe (srnka/laň), venison (srnčí), doeskin (srnčí kůže), abuse, maternity leave, addicted to, raise, grapes harvest, peak, pm, am, pack of, trail, be afraid of, news, new, flaw, curious, appearance, care about, bothers, pure, poor, chess, enter, sail, across, disguise, upbringing + I thought so 😉


– drills: 95, 29, 49, 55, 67, 72, 96, 62, 42

– noodles: 1.10.

– have a quick look at page 16  in the textbook – highlight the new vocabulary (ex.1) & be ready for listening ex.2

Have a nice rest of the week. 🙂



LESSON 4.10.

Good job, guys! 🙂

Vocabulary: fruit tree orchard, pear, pruning twigs, clumsy, CEO=chief executive officer, mess, spanked, whip, weird, scrooge, thrilling, astounding, crowded, reclusive, advantages, disadvantages, home-schooling, cut off, costume, transparent, to be in touch with, disability, be kneeling, dustman


– drills: 72, 49, 42, 40, 62, 55,

– noodles: 1.9.

– have a quick look at page 15  in the textbook – Their story – highlight the new vocabulary

See you next week. 🙂



 LESSON 27.9.

Thanks for the super fun class!

Vocabulary: crawl, gardening, lifetime, buddy, frightening, scary, amazed, worst, a head of, reliable, surgery, moody, shy, generous, reserved, personality trait, brave, chatty, grumpy, coward, kind, lucky, fortune, neat, quiet, rude, selfish, lazybones, sociable, notice, basement, cellar, fear, mountaineering, harnes, crampon, ice axe, passionate, patient


– drills: 72, 49, 42 + 40, 62, 77, 55, 67

– noodles: 1.8.

– have a quick look at page 14  in the textbook – translate the words highlighted in grey  & be ready to talk about Angulo brothers

– just for you – revision of the past tenses Mixed Past Tenses + Mixed Past Tenses Key

Take care. 🙂



LESSON 20.9.

Great job, ladies! 🙂

Vocabulary: instrumentalist, mayor, wave, think-thought, wiser, not at all


– drills: 72, 49, 42, 33

– noodles: 1.7.

– revision of the present tenses (just for you, 12 sentences, on the other side is the answer key) Mixed-Tense-Revision
I look forward to meeting you, Oldrich. In the email you have all the information about what we did today.

See you next time 🙂